Attachment 28 Proposed G_O. Bond Projects Neighborhood Improvements $57,915,000 Parks and Beaches Improvements $24,830,000 Firo Safety Improvoments $9,720,0(\0 North Shore /I Pork View Is'o"d Ncighhorilooo SI,""'s',of'" \. :~ M I. ill~ ffi .. ""M"~~,-~,'n, ,.,,'f_ rr'I'~"'."""",T';. I ,\",'_.r",,,, 1 ;1" ''1, q.q' r" ., I'",t".".,,, 10,.,.",." ~~~~~~~~l~f~~~~~~:,-~~:~~~~;~n~ ~~, _...., Collins Park . ~~---..- w~n.:v...tY', I.lQhh'll. L:'IW'~r:'tI'l~, ... "rl'.f1'~""l~. ..... . The Garden Center B\I~tj"'9 R""<,,'i'l1iQ"CI, '" AI)^ C()rr'pl",,,-=~ Crespi Park L ~.!...../rr'HI,r"r"""I'<l.~,!'QI'~"'rl :\. (..-...... ..---..! North Shore Park II Youth Center -_ Stillwater Park ""'''''''1 ~ ['<7"1;"<1 ..~'_.- ~ll!w 1'0',111 r-.."I(', I 'qhl"'ll.'\ r"l'r"Hj Fairway Park . ..'~ ,-,,- La Gorce Park Uqht,nq ,'!. r"nr,"9 Shane Watersports Cp.nter Em:'!"::! ~"'..~Iir'q F:lc~rtil"s, T,~i,,;nQ r",,'!<li!''1. ~ <::i'" I""'m",,,,"n"" Brittany Boy Park C:"'''''':'lll'qht>r>g AIIi.on Park r'Ml"",i~~ .'1, P''''''.V'''y'",'n ""'Of !,,7', Sf IIl'r'(T,....""',,!~ ~" '.' !"..,~'" r,.,fl., ""r"c-t<; Ip PI' Fisher Park liq"i'Tr>",\r..-,,'l ---- Inrlirm Cre~k nreenway I ",,,!r"'I""'.''''1 \'1"",-,.",,1.. , ,-'''~, r'"" Plnetree Park llghtWtg, AddItcn,tlllndt("Pinog, Furni!lh"'Q" Mus. Park NI!W PbtYIJIO\l~d F.quip, Ugl1ll'lll, Ff"rlcinq Is'and VIew Park Sh;tdePav;\~oo, Ughtl"Q.1l. r"l'.rino nr'b Isle C: :~Ie ~ i Stmet ;~I-Enrf' ;~_ t~nd_ i':~~Jlf\ ;; PC<I~< ~- 'rian '~-, Improw..o jnUmtll; Sea" Rakow Youth Center ~_~"~'lI"""fn:",q,!,'1()"~~___"",=_~_=-~.-- Vrmctian Causeway Master Plan ~::i:~.:~.'.,~~~;~\ -~IJ=:1L,"",..,~, ~~:~~~~?k1 ~,~:,,\ (;CIJ~ R""(l'.<1!:"~~ --\., <:1->:1'1" POl'. ,II'"". I qI]T'''(I r",,~'"~.I'''''l,1t''''' - Wl"~t Av, Neighborhood Improv(,nl",nts ~ ~"'~"~r'"' r:>'~r'-'" r'''<!""",", ,., T '1"f~ c:"...."" 10"[", "..,'....... \ ~ Lummus Park & Beachfront Auditorlum..._" Worll!'n Oct';1r' Dr Sid~N;li~, LBnd'KAri"Q, R"'Il!"...,~", flIIM"'''tlm , ~,~I_,~ - I'" '..... , Palm 's'ond '\ , \ Pork _ ,_ " .9.""0,--,,,,,,, \- ',~ "_tQhlmg,'\r""<:'I1Q '......./--' \. ~~:(~ ~~~,~~,;.,.~:~i~~~:'j~~~"rovem~n~~, . ',< -,,' ~ .7' South Shore Community Center '- P.."O'/~'" r '1,..,,~v, t 1,..", ,,1~'rll''''''N! ,\ l :'I~11r,'''p''''" I inGoln Rrl:ld r!:lnl;nQ0 r;,rk Npiqhhorhood Imrrovem(!nt~ q''''''~''r'' n" ro~o'~"" ", .'. 1,.,f' 1.>'~"0>1'''''''''''o,~"',, South Point.. PorK 1'- '. i'/j ;~/. !~! ---- ----... -~ ~ - M~ridhll ^Vf'nllf" .~ .. r'(t"'!1!:j')n ~tr...'"'to:'r:'1r'" ',rr'''",'''''''''''''i : 1 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROJECT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE DECEMBER 6, 1999 MEETING MINUTES 1, New members were sworn in by the City Clerk, 2, Staff working on the GO Bond Projects were introduced to the Board, Monthly meetings were established as the first Monday of each month at 6 pm to be held at City Hall. Meetings will be aired on the City's cable channel. Staff described a number of handout items distributed to the Board with information about the board membership, the ordinance establishing the board, maps, etc, 3, Staff described the history of the GO Bond from May 1998 to November 2, 1999, 4. Staff Described the three major categories covering all projects, Those three categories being 1) projects that can be awarded to architectural teams for final planning, design and construction documents; 2) projects that can be awarded to architectural teams by way of amendments to existing contracts; and 3) projects that will need to have a scope of work defined, cost and timetable identified, with community input. 5, Proposed financing options were briefly described by the Administration, A more detailed plan of action will be presented at the January meeting, 6, The Oversight Board had a number of remarks and recommendations to information that they would like to have reported/produced such as an organizational chart, a list of projects, consultants, hard and soft costs, agendas and minutes of each meeting and regular status reports on the Web, Staff advised that the information requested would be provided /implement in January, JAG/jg F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPITA\GOBONDS\AFTERACT\AA 120599,WPD CITY OF MIAMI BEACH City Manager's Office Interoffice Memorandum m To: Commissioner Simon Cruz, Chairperson Commissioner Nancy Liebman Commissioner Jose Smith Commissioner Matti Bower Commissioner Luis Garcia Date: December 7, 1999 From: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager Subject: Joint Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee/General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee/Neighborhoods Committee A meeting of the above joint committee is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8, 1999, 6:00 P.M., in the City Commission Chambers. The agenda follows: 1. Referral of the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue .--.- 2. Referral of the the Helipo~d on the rooftop (south side) of the Miami Beach Police .e:~:~.--l130. Washington Avenue, and the noise affecting the surroun~_~ jV<..f {ZC:~ /Jlt:6 SR:ptw c: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Assistant City Managers Finance Director Members of the Finance & Citywide Projects Committee Members of the GO Bond Oversight Committee Members of the Neighborhoods Committee ~ f:/cmgr/$all/ronnie/neighbor/meeting.128 REFERRAL OF THE $92 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE TO A JOINT MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEE. Agenda Item C Y C- Date It - if - <<9 C) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 htlp:\\cLm jam i-beach.f1. us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~'l.O -99 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City DATE: November 17,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager I SUBJECT: REFERRA OF THE $92 MILLION GENER'-\L OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE TO A JOINT MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S COMMITTEE ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION Referral to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and Neighborhood's Committee. ANAL YSIS Introduction On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds: $57,915,000 for Neighborhood Improvements $24,830,000 for Parks and Beaches $ 9,720,000 for Fire Safety A list of projects under each category was developed with input by the community in a series of public workshops held in August of 1999. The project list (see Attachment"A") was approved by the City Commission on September 17, 1999 in support of the Resolution Nos. 99-2399, 99-2330, 99-230 I, describing the ballot language for each question. Each of the ballot questions included a list of projects of similar or like type of improvements clearly dealing in general with neighborhood improvements, parks and beaches and facilities such as the fire stations, per advise of the City's Bond Counsel. This report describes specific implementation actions for each of the projects on the list. Upon adoption, in principle, of an implementation plan by the City Commission, the Administration will present a resolution to the City Commission adopting an amendment to the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and appropriate amendments to existing professional services agreements and other implementation proposals. AGENDA ITEM~ DATE 11- \ ,-Cf7 77 The adopted CIP is a six-year plan for public improvements and capital expenditures by the City. A capital improvement is defmed as capital or "in-kind" expenditure of $25,000 or more, resulting in the acquisitions, improvement, or addition to fixed assets in the form of land, buildings or improvements more or less permanent in character, and durable equipment with a life expectancy of at least five years. Recommended Implementation Plan The following list summarizes projects under several implementation strategies. A detailed description of each project, its funding status, recommendation and timetable has been added to each of the projects in Attachment "B". 1) Issue Request for Proposal for Professional Services These projects may be started immediately with the authorization to issue request for proposals to select architectural/engineering/landscape architecture/surveying teams for the planning, design and construction documents. These projects are projected to be completed in years 2000, 2001, and 2002. A request for proposals for these projects can be ready for City Commission action in December, 1999 as a companion item to the acceptance of the recommendations of this report as amended by the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and Neighborhoods Committee. - Fire Station No.2 (in conjunction with Public Works Operations Facility) - Fire Station No.4 - Public Works Operations Facility (in conjunction with Fire Station No.2) - Property Maintenance Facility - Altos Del Mar Park - Allison Park (in conjunction with the North Beach Recreational Corridor) - North Beach Recreational Corridor - 10th Street Auditorium/Beach Patrol - Belle Isle Park - Botanical Garden Center - Beach Planting 2) Amend Professional Services Afreements The City is currently engaged in agreements with several professional services firms for ongoing work. These agreements allow the addition of professional services, as the park master planning process has been completed This action allows for time savings and efficiency in implementing the projects. These projects are estimated to be completed in years 2000, 2001, and 2002. Amendments to existing contracts can be placed on the city Commission agenda of December, 1999, as a companion item to the acceptance of the recommendations of this report as amended of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and Neighborhoods Committee. - Crespi Park - Stillwater Park - Tatum Park - North Shore Open Space Park - North Shore Park and Youth Center - Normandy Shore Golf Course Clubhouse/Community Center - Fairway Park - Normandy Isle Park "10 - Fisher Park - La Gorce Park - Parks Maintenance Facility - Muss Park - Pine tree Park - Scott Rakow Youth Center - Venetian Causeway Islands Streetscape/Traffic Calming - Venetian Causeway - Washington and Third Street Public Plaza - South Shore Community Center - Flamingo Park - flamingo Pool - Lummus Park - Island View Park - Palm Island Park - South Pointe Park - Collins Park 3) Amend Afreements The Shane Watersports Center was developed pursuant to an agreement with the non-profit organization that allows for the planning, design and construction of the facility. An amendment to the agreement, extending its life allowing the proposed expansion to take place under their responsibility per the City's approval, is the most expeditious vehicle to accomplish the proposed expansion of this center. - Shane Waterports Cepter 4) In-Hollse The Public Works Operations Division and Property Maintenance can implement these two projects. These improvements can be started immediately. - Brittany Bay Park - Lincoln Road Improvements 5) Five Year Implementation These projects require neighborhood input, coordination with underground work and establishment of priorities. Planning can start in December 1999 to develop a scope of work and timetable for implementation. This task is estimated to take six months and be completed by May of 2000. Adoption of the implementation plan is projected in June of 2000 for the next five years as part of the CIP. The majority of the Oversight Committee's work will most likely be focused on these projects. - Biscayne Point Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements - Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Normandy Isle and Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - Normandy Drivel7l St. Corridor Enhancements 79 - Alton Road Enhancements - La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements - La Gorce Island Enhancement - Fire Apparatus - Facilities Roof Assessment and Repairs- Indian Creek Greenway, 23rd to 54th Street - Street Ends and Landscape Pedestrian Improvements, 25th to 43rd Street - Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming - Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming - Lake Pancoast Streetscape - Sunset Islands Enhancement - 40th Street Streetscape - Alton Road and 20th Street and Sunset Drive Configuration/Improvements - Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements - Star, Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement - West AvenuelBay Road Neighborhood Improvements - Meridian A venue Extension Streetscape - City-wide Shoreline/Seawall Rehabilitation Program - ADA Beach Access - ADA Citywide Renovations 6) Schedule at a Glance This section outlines the schedule to address the initial implementation phase of the GO Bond program. November 17,1999 November 29,1999 December 1, 1999 December 5, 1999 December 8, 1999 December 14, 1999 December, 1999 to January, 2000 Referral to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and Neighborhoods ~ommittee Adoption of ordinance establishing an Oversight Committee City-wide meeting to obtain nominations for the Oversight Board Appointments to Oversight Committee First Meeting of Oversight Committee and creation of three subcommittees to assist the Oversight Committee in establishing procedures and review of projects Joint meeting of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhood Committee and Oversight Committee City Commission meeting adopting recommendations of above; issuance of RFP's; contract amendments; and appropriations. Initiate the project development program with the Oversight Committee establishment of three district subcommittees Rn January to March 2000 Neighborhood meetings March to May 2000 Oversight Committee revie\vs projects and recommends five year implementation program June 2000 Adoption of CIP by the City Commission Project Administration The City Manager's Office will provide direct coordination and be accountable for the implementation of the projects. The Public Works Department has been reorganized to include a new Division of Project Management and Construction Administration in order to address the CIP. The City Manager's Office will have a direct relationship with the Oversight Committee, and will be responsible for project management of the planning, design and construction documents, as well as construction administration, up to project closeout. Upon individual project closeout, a full five year maintenance and operations plan will be developed for each of the facilities in order to insure that the proper resources are in place to meet those needs as part of the annual operation budget of the City. Starting with FY 99-00, new positions will be established to coordinate and manage the workload. It is estimated that seven positions to handle the planning and management of consultants for the preparation of design and construction documents will be sufficient for the work described in year 2000. Clerical support and financial tracking will be provided by three other newly established positions for a total of ten. These positions are proposed to initially be contract employees that remain with the City for the duration of the projects. Additionally, the Administration will continue to explore methods of project implementation such as Construction Management at Risk, and consolidation of similar projects for implementation. Also, the Administration will address changes in the procurement process to insure that professional services and construction contracts are awarded to companies possessing a strong track record and ability to deliver the projects in a timely fashion and within budget. Funding The project and all related costs will ultimately be financed through the issuance of one or more series of General Obligation Bonds. The timing of the issuance of these series will be determined based on the timetable established for the implementation of the projects and their integration with other bond issues for Water and Sewer Improvements and Stormwater Improvements. Interim financing will be needed to establish the project team and to initiate the projects on a fast track basis. Such financing may be obtained from one of the Florida municipal loan pools on a short term basis and will be reimbursed at the time the General Obligation Bonds are issued. Oversight Committee The recommendation for establishment of an Oversight Committee was made during the community meetings held by the Administration. The general public was desirous of continuing their involvement and insuring that projects would be implemented in accordance with the project list. 81 In anticipation of the passage of the bonds. the Commission adopted on first reading an ordinance establishing an Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee is expected to have subcommittees with representation form each of the neighborhoods to facilitate the development of a scope of work for the projects. The interest expressed by residents in this process was specifically directed to neighborhood improvements. A related item on today's agenda is the second reading of an ordinance establishing the Oversight Committee. The proposed makeup of the eleven member committee: is six members from the community; one member from the Planning Board; one member from Budget Advisory Committee; one member from the Parking and Transportation Committee, one member from the Chamber of Commerce; and member from the City Commission. Appointments are to be made by the City Commission. The Administration has scheduled a public meeting on November 29, 1999 to receive recommendations for nominations to the City Commission for the first meeting in December. This action is consistent with the expressed desire of the community. The Administration recommends referral of the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to a Joint Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhood's Committee. SR/JAG/lr T:\AGENDA \ 1999\NOV I 799\REGULAR\REFERRAL WPD ~..., ATTACHMENT A North Beach Neighborhood Improvements Biscayne Point Area Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting. bike facilities, landscaping and Imgation, and increased on-street parking concepts $4,150,000 North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring. sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting. bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on.street parking concepts Area includes all areas north of 63rd Street. and east of Indian Creek and Tatum Waterway This area includes Park View Island $4,150,000 Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements Improve traffic clfculation, pedestrian safety along 77th St in front of Biscayne Elementary School (Municipal MObilty Plan Project #4) $36,250 Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting. bike facilities. landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street par1<.lng concepts Includes all areas of Normandy Island north of the canal $3,400,000 Normandy Isle & Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements. street pavement, lighting, bike facilities. landscaping and irrigation. and increased on-street parking cO'l.cepts Includes all areas of Normandy Island south of the canal, including the Normandy Sud neighbortlood $4,150,000 Normandy Dr./71st St. Corridor Enhancements Provide increased landscaping and pedestrian amenities along Normandy Dr & 71st St Continuation of eXisting streetscape west from Rue Notre Dame to City Limit (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #6) $293,000 North Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Crespi Park New restroom, renovate basketball courts, lot lot, landscape, and irrigation Proposed GO Bond components Include new basketball court, court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $,50,000 Stillwater Park New recreation building and basketball courts, limited security lighting, landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting. and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $160,000 Tatum Park Building renovations, playground. landscape & irrigation, limited security lighting & entry gate Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $150,000 North Shore Open Space Park New Recreation I Nature Center, renovate restrooms, lighting. landscape & irrigation. funded by CIP Proposed GO Bond components include expanded Nature Center, additional beach plantings, security lighting and fencing. and provides for expansion into Ailos del Mar Expansion includes conversion to passive park of eleven contiguous lots in Ailos del Mar. renovate or move historic structures. provide infrastructure, and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th St $3,200,000 North Shore Park & Youth Center New recreation center, tennis courts. renovate bandshell, lighting, landscape & irrigation, accessible playground Proposed GO Bond components include baseball field lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and $1.000.000 for Youth Center $1,350,000 Shane Waters ports Center Expansion of the Shane Watersports Center to provide meeting rooms, appropriate facilities for training, and related sile improvements Addition will include the construction of a second story on to existing building $300,000 Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse I Community Center Phase II Renovation and restoration of golf course and club house Proposed GO Bond component to provide additional resources per community request for clubhouse renovations and development of community center facilities for the neighborhood residents $750,000 Fairway Park Building. basketball and tennis courts renovation, lighting, playground, landscape Proposed GO Bond components include perimeter aluminum picket fencing $250,000 Normandy Isle Park Renovate pool and fields. new recreational center, basketball courts, security lighting. tot lot landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $300,000 Middle Beach Neighborhood Improvements Alton Road Enhancements Operational improvements to mrtigate traffic impact along Anon Road Traffic calming improvements may include: landscaping and irrigation, lighting improvments, pavement restoration / improvments, curb & guner improvements, roadway markings. slgnage, signal improvments, bicycle facilities, and/or traffic calming structures such as rondos Funding includes planning process Capital cost identified by Municipal Mobility Plan (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #14 & #24)) La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Area-wide street improvements on City-owned roads (except Alton. LaGorce, Pinetree) Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #14 Complements the MDC DPW Traffic Calming project wrth additional landscape, lighting. irrigation. and s,gnage Complements Alton Road Enhancements La Gorce Island Enhancement Traffic enhancements. landscaping, slgnage, lighting, and park improvements on LaGorce Island Indian Creek Greenway (24th to 54th Street) Streetscape alng Collins and Indian Creek Drive: landscape, street furniture, irrigation, lighting to create a linear pedestrian park and bikeway along Indian Creek from 23rd St & Lake Pancoast to 54th St Connects Collins Canal Bikeway and North Shore Beachwalk (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #15 & #44) Partial funding to start Completion requires control and/or use of shoreline properties in private ownership, and FOOT participation Street Ends Landscape and Pedestrian Improvements, 25th to 43rd Street Improvements to improve pedestrian comfort and enjoyment for beach access at street ends (25th to 43rd Sts) Eighteen street ends are included at approximately $200,000 each for pedestrian facilities, streetscape restorations. lighting. and signage Addrtional funding provide for the location of secure, accessible restroom and shower facilities where needed Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #17) Funding includes traffic calming planning. structures and monitoring. sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilrties. landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal MObility Plan Project Bank. requires coordination with Projects #17, #18, and #24) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities. landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts Lake Pancoast Streetscape Slreetscape, roadway, curb & gutter, storm drain, landscape, irrigation Runoff debris and Collins side as part of seawalls and greenway (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination wrth Project #18) , Sunset Islands Enhancement Traffic enhancements. landscaping, sign age lighting, and park improvements on Sunset Islands 40th Street Streetscape Slreetscape, roadway, drainage, sidewalk. curb& gutter, landscape along 40th Street from Chase Avenue to Pinetree Drive Project complements Orchard Park improvments, and provides needed buffenng between residential neighborhhood and the back of commercial uses along the 41 st Street business district (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #18) Alton Road & 20th Street & Sunset Drive Reconfiguration I Improvements Reconfigure intersections to increase capacrty and reduce cut-through traffic to North 6ay Road This project mitigates traffic impacts to the North Bay Road residential communrty from 20th Street to the Chase Avenue intersection (Municipal Mobility Plan #28, reqUires coordiantion with Project #24) $819,000 $200,000 $200,000 $300,000 $4,300,000 $5,150,000 $3,400,000 $900,000 $200,000 $500,000 $75,000 Middle Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Fisher Park Shade pavillion, restroom, tot lot, security lighting, landscape, decorative fencing Proposed GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $150,000 La Gorce Park New tot lot, secur;ty lighting, landscape & Irngation Proposed GO Bond components include secunty lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $50,000 Brittany Bay Park General lighting per the Parks Master Plan $10,000 Allison Park Renovations. gateway, and beach access Project added by community request Specific components to be further defined $170,000 Muss Park Renovate recreational building, SpMS courts, court lighting, tot lot, landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components include replacement playground equipment, irrigation, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting, and court lighting $75,000 Pinetree Park ~ Parking lot, landscape, irrigation, pedestrian walkways Proposed GO Bond components include seurity lighting, add;tional landscaping, and site furnishings $90,000 Scott Rakow Youth Center New ice rink, building renovation. parking lot, and landscaping Proposed GO Bond components provide funding necessary to complete Parks Bond Fund renovations listed above $150,000 South Beach Neighborhood Improvements Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements Area-wide street improvement (Municipal Mobility Plan Project # 33. and #35, requires coordination wrth Project #37) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation. and increased on-street parking concepts Capilal costs based on rlght.of-way related projects proposed through the Flamingo Neighbomood Charrette in 1997 West Avenue !Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank. requires coordination With Projects #33. and #35) Funding includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements. street pavement, lighting. bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase I-Venetian Islands Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for Venetian Islands. including San Marina. Di Lido, Rivo Alto. and Belle Islands, and a section from Alton Road to Island View Park Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting. landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment Phase 1 improvements include island sidestreets (Not listed in Munrcipal Mobility Plan Project Bank. requires coordination wrth MMP Project #32) Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase II-Causeway Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for the Venelian Causeway. from the Dade Boulevard intersection to the City Line Includes sidewalk, curb and gutler, lighting. landscaping. traffic control device improvements. and gateway treatment Phase 2 improvements are for the causeway only (Municipal Mobility Plan #32. requires coordination wrth MMP Project #30) Star, Palm, Hibiscus Isla~ds Enhancement Traffic enhancements, landscaping. sign age lighting. and park improvements to Star. Palm, and Hibiscus Islands Lincoln Road Improvements Improvements to Lincoln Road to upgrade lighting. pools, fountains, and other amenities for the pu,",oses of replacing malfunctioning and/or unservicable equipment wrth equipment that can provide for b,etter maintenance and perlol111ance Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape Streetscape, landscape, lighting, for reopening of Meridian Avenue from 1 st Street to 2nd Street Not covered under RDA funding (Coordinate wrth Municipal Mobility Plan Project #42) Washington and Third Street Public Plaza Provide aesthetic improvements at the pump station location to integrate wrth a public plaza improvement at intersection of Washington Avenue, Third Street. and Euclid Avenue $7,400,000 $1,800,000 $3.844.150 $1.827,000 $600,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 South Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements 10th Street Auditorium I Beachfront Aud. (Beach Patrol Hqrts) Renovate 10th St Auditorium I Beach Patrol Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting. and restoration of deterrorated facilnles $690,000 South Shore Community Center Renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, with new landscaping, irrrgatlon, sign age. and playground $1,350,000 Flamingo Park New pool, renovate all sports facilities, tot lot, landscape. and signage Proposed GO 20nd components include: perimeter aluminum picket fencing, securrty lighting, football field renovations, new bleachers, track resurfacing, completion of tenniS court Improvements, court lighting. new shade pavlllion, and a new irrigation system Renovation and bufferrng for compatibllny of the Property Maintenance Facility in Flamingo Park is funded separately $2,500,000 Flamingo Park Pool - Expansion Addnional funding for construction of new pool to have 4 additional lanes Lap pool enlargement will be approximately 28 ft by 75ft to be added to I coordinated with construction of new pool listed under Flamingo Park improvements, CIP # 542 $400,000 Lummus Park Renovate restroom. renovate serpentine sidewalk, new playground equipment, landscape. & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components include additional landscaping. and widening of the sidewalks on the east side of Ocean Drive $1,100,000 Island View Park Playground surface, landscape & irrigation Proposed GO Bond components include securrty lighting, perimeter aluminum pickel fencing. and shade pavillion ~ $150,000 Palm Island Park Repair existing shade pavillion, new basketball courts, new playground equipment, accessible routes, Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and refurbishment of tennis courts $75,000 Belle Isle Park Improvements Proposed GO Bond funding to provide playground, landscape. irrigation, site furnishings, pedestrian. and lighting improvements $600,000 South Pointe Park Improvements Improvements to South Pointe Park $2,000,000 Collins Park Construct park improvrnents: walkways. lighting, landscape, amenity, etc $1,800,000 Garden Center Renovation Renovations to building and ADA compliance $1,500,000 City-Wide Neighborhood Improvements Shoreline I Seawall Rehabilitation Program Replace and repair deteriorated City-owned seawalls For, bulkhead seawalls with drainage outfalls, deteriorated outfall to be repaired and bottom In immediate vicinity dredged to remove siitation and restore runoff efficiency This component including approximatey 350 outfalls for $3 S-million is a stormwater runoff function, and is to be funded by water and sewer revenue sources Seawalls without ouffalls include Collins Canal. Indian Creek, Lake Pancoast. Parkview Island, and street ends throughout the City, except in South Poinle RDA (RDA funds allocated for South Pointe seawall restoration Other seawalls are vertical bulkheads at approximately $800 I linear It or living seawalls at approximately $100 I linear It Many of these seawall sections are coordinated with other projects and Will be incorporated Into their cpaltal costs. including bikeway I greenway projects along Collins Canal and Indian Creek (S2-m"'ion) $4,800,000 Related Maintenance Facilites Related Maintenance Facilities Restoration - Neighborhoods Shares: 65% of Property Maintenance Facility renovation ($1.402,375) which maintains City structures and street property, 72% of Public Works Facility renovation ($2,280.024) which maintains public rights of way, and 72% of Parks Maintenance Facility renovation ($432.170) which maintains landscaping in public rights of way Property Maintenance Faclity includes: replacement of 10.000 sq It maintenance and warehouse faCility. parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles. ADA compliance Present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration Public Works renovation includes: renovation of 20,000 sq It facility, 5,000 sq It expansion, ADA compliance. access road, environmental remediation. paving. drainage, lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse. security lighting, screening tandscape, and new employee lot Funded amount from 72% share of Parks Maintenance Facility Funding ($432,170) $3,682,399 ~ City-Wide Parks and Beaches Improvements Beach Planting Development of landscape design and plantings for beaches dune system on beach throughout City $1,000,000 North Beach Recreational Corridor Bicycle and pedestrian facilrty on Beach ROW from 60th Street to 75th Street To be coordianted with Allison Park improvements $500,000 ADA Beach Access Wheelchair accessible over-dune access. with decked, railed, lookout point, wi shade trees. and addrtional parking space, made out of bar grading in the sand -srew anchored below grade wrth large deck area at seaside with rails (similar to 5th Street) $225,000 ADA City-Wide Renovations Renovate City-owned facilities to improve safe access to persons wrth disabiJrties $1,000,000 Related Maintenance Facilities Restoration - Parks Shares: 25% of Property Maintenance Facility renovation ($539.250) which maintains Crty structures and street property, 22% of Public Works Facility renovation ($696,674) which maintains public rights of way, and 22% of Parks Maintenance Facilrty renovation ($211,343) which maintains landscaping in public rights of way Property Maintenance Facilty includes: replacement of 10,000 sq ft maintenance and warehouse facility. parking for 40 City vehicles. 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance Present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration Public Works renovation includes: renovation of 20,000 sq ft facility. 5,000 sq ft expansion. ADA compliance. access road, environmental remediation, paving. drainage. lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, secUl"ity lighting, screening landscape, and new employee lot $1,447,267 Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan Provide lor comprehensive rool surveys 01 large lacilrties rool needs plus replacment and repair This is 80% 01 the Roof Repair Plan 10% is Incorporated into the Public Works Facility, and 10% into the Property Maintenance Facility $700,000 Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment Fire Apparatus Replacement Replacement of 5 fire/rescue vehicles (2 ladder trucks. 3 pumpers) $2,700,000 Fire Station #2 Renovation 2300 Pinetree Drive Full historic restoration, renovation, new apparatus bays and living quarters $4,686,449 Fire Station #4 Renovation 6880 Indian Creek Drive Historic restoration and renovation, including new apparatus bays and living quarters $1,925,525 Related Maintenance Facilities Restoration - Fire Safety Ten-percent (10%) share of Property Maintenance Facimy renovation ($215.750). which provides maintenance services to fire and rescue facilities Property Maintenance Facilty (#574) Includes: replacement of 10.000 sq It maintenance and warehouse facility, parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles. ADA compliance Present facilrty is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration $215,750 ATTACHMENT B GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM LIST NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Biscayne Point Area Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (implements Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Status: Funding sources are: $4,150,000 from the GO Bond; $300,00 from Section 108 Loans in the CDBG area only; and $100,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $4,500,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, and the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department to receive input, define specific streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amell.ding the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. North Shore & Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (implements Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Area includes all areas north of 63rd Street, and east of Indian Creek and Tatum Waterway. This area includes Park View Island. Status: Funding sources are: $4,150,000 from the GO Bond; $400,000 from Section 108 Loans in the COBG area only; and $100,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $4,650,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation where applicable to receive input, define specific streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements Project Description: Improve traffic circulation, pedestrian safety along 77th Sreet in front of Biscayne Elementary School. (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #4) Status: Funding sources are: $36,250 from the GO Bond; and a $36,250 match from Miami-Dade County Public Schools, for a total of $72,500, as identified in the Municipal Mobility Plan. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department, to receive input, define specific traffic and safety improvement components, and determine schaduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (implements Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Includes all areas of Normandy Island north of the canal. Status: Funding sources are: $3,400,000 from the GO Bond; $100,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $3,500,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, and sanitary sewer and utility lines. F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, and the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department to receive input, define specific streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Normandy Isle and Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (implements Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Includes all areas of Normandy Island south of the canal, including the Normandy Sud neighborhood. Status: Funding sources are: $4,150,000 from the GO Bond; $300,00 from Section 108 Loans in the CDBG area only; and $100,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $4,550,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation where applicable to receive input, define specific streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Normandy Drive I 71 st Street Corridor Enhancements Project Description: Provide increased landscaping and pedestrian amenities along Normandy Drive and 71st Street. This is a continuation of the existing streetscape west from Rue Notre Dame to the City Limit (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #6) Status: Funding sources are: $293,000 from the GO Bond; and $1,172,000 as F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD 80% matching funds through the Florida Department of Transportation for a total of $1,465,000 via the City application to the MPO grant process. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation to receive input, define specific streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Alton Road Enhancements Project Description: Operational improvements to mitigate traffic impacts along Alton Road. Traffic calming improvements may include: landscaping and irrigation, lighting improvements, pavement restoration and improvements, curb and gutter improvements, roadway markings, signage, signal improvements, bicycle facilities, and/or traffic calming structures such as roundabouts. Funding includes planning, design, construction, and monitoring. Total capital cost identified by Municipal Mobility Plan. (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #14 and #24) Status: Funding sources are: $819,000 from the GO Bond; and $3,276,000 as 80% matching funds through the Florida Department of Trasnportation via the City application to the MPO grant process, for a total of $4,095,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation to receive input, define specific traffic calming measures, streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A\CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements Project Description:Area-wide street improvements on City-owned road, except Alton Road, and LaGorce I Pinetree Traffic Calming which are separately funded. To be coordinated with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #14 and Alton Road Enhancements. Complements the Miami-Dade County Traffic Calming project with additional landscape, lighting, irrigation, and signage. Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping, and irrigation. Status: Funding sources are: $200,000 from the GO Bond; $300,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $500,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation to receive input, define specific traffic calming measures, streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. ~ La Gorce Island Enha'ncement Project Description: Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements on LaGorce Island. Area-wide street improvement (implements Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, for sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, landscaping, and irrigation. Status: The funding sources is $200,000 from the GO Bond; for a total of $200,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, and the Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittee, to receive input, define specific streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Indian Creek Greenway, 23rd to 54th Street Project Description: Streetscape along Collins and Indian Creek Drive: landscape, street furniture, irrigation, lighting to create a linear pedestrian park and bikeway along Indian Creek from 23rd Sreet and Lake Pancoast to 54th Street. Connects the Collins Canal Bikeway with the North Shore Recreational Corridor bicycle and pedestrian ways. (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #15 and #44). Status: Partial funding. Funding sources are: $300,000 from GO Bond. Completion requires participation from the Florida Department of Transportation via the MPO grant process, and mechanism for the use of shoreline property rights. There are sources of funding through the Forever Florida Rivers and Trails Program, the South Florida Water Management Department's program, MPO's North Dade Greenway, and TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Program. Recommendation: Complete National Park Service Grant process and prepare grant application for MPO for planning and design and preliminary phasing of the project. Use $300,000 as matching funding. Pursue all other funding sources and opportunities. Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee for presentation of the Indian Creek Greenway Master Plan. Timetable: Prepare and submit grant application to MPO as described above in November of 2000. Pursue any and all other funding sources as described above. Street Ends Landscape and Pedestrian Improvements, 25th to 43rd Street Project Description: Improvements to improve pedestrian facilities, and beach access at street ends from 25th Street to 43rd Street. Eighteen street ends are included at approximately $200,000 each for pedestrian facilities, streetscape restorations, lighting, and signage, and secure, and $700,000 for accessible restroom and shower facilities where appropriate. Status: The funding source is $4,300,000 from the GO Bond for a total of $4,300,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation to receive input, define specific streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (implements Municipal Mobility Plan Project #17). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Includes all areas of of the Nautilus Neighborhood, generally south of Surprise Lake, west of Indian Creek, and north of 41 st Street. Improvements to Alton Road are included as part of the Alton Road Enhancements Project. Status: Funding sources are: $5,150,000 from the GO Bond; and $100,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $5,250,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation where applicable to receive input, define specific traffic calming and streetscape im~rovement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape & Traffic Calming Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Projects #17, #18, and #24). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. The Bayshore Neighborhood is generally south of 41 st Street, west of Indian Creek, and north of Collins Canal. This project includes all of these areas, except for the Lake Pancoast Area, and the Sunset Islands which are improved by separate projects. Improvements to Alton Road are included in the Alton Road Enhancements Project, and improvements to 40th Street are included in the 40th Street Streetscape. F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD Status: Funding sources are: $3,400,000 from the GO Bond; and $100,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $3,500,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation where applicable to receive input, define specific traffic calming and streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. lake Pancoast Streetscape Project Description: Area-wide streetscape improvement. (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #18). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Runoff debris and the Collins side is part of seawall, Street Ends, and Indian Creek Greenway projects. Status: The fUlilding source is $900,000 from the GO Bond for a total of $900,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, waste, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, and the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department to receive input, define specific traffic calming and streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Sunset Islands Enhancement Project Description: Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting, and park improvements on LaGorce Island. Area-wide street improvement (Not listed F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #18). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, for sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, landscaping, and irrigation. Status: The funding source is $200,000 from the GO Bond; for a total of $200,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with ,storm, waste, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, the Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittee, and the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department to receive input, define specific traffic calming and streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. 40th Street Streetscape Project Description: Streetscape, roadway, drainage, sidewalk, curbs gutter, landscape along 40th Street from Chase Avenue to Pinetree Drive. Project complements Orchard Park improvements, and provides needed buffering between residential neighborhood and the back of commercial uses along the 41 st Street business district". (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #18) Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Status: The funding source is $500,000 from the GO Bond for a total of $500,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, waste, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, and the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department to receive input, define specific traffic calming and streetscape improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Alton Road and 20th Street and Sunset Drive Reconfiguration I Improvements Project Description: Reconfigure intersections to increase capacity and reduce cut-through traffic to North Bay Road. This project is included in the Municipal Mobility Plan to partially mitigate traffic impacts to the lower North Bay Road residential community from 20th Street to the Chase Avenue intersection. (Municipal Mobility Plan #28, requires coordination with Project #24) Status: Funding sources are: $75,000 from the GO Bond; and $300,000 in 80% matching funds from the Florida Department of Transportation via the MPO grant process for a total of $375,000. The MPO/FDOT funding will apply only to Alton Road. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation to receive input, define specific improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #33, and #35, requires coordination with Project #37). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts proposed through the Flamingo Neighborhood Charrette in 1997. Status: Funding sources are: $7,400,000 from the GO Bond; and $100,000 from gas tax funds for a total of $7,500,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, waste, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A\CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation where applicable to receive input, define specific improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. West Avenue I Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements Project Description: Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Projects #33, and #35). Project work includes: planning, design, construction, and monitoring for traffic calming, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Status: Funding sources are: $1,800,000 from the GO Bond; $100,000 from gas tax funds; and $300,000 from developer contributions from the Grand Flamingo and Parkshore for a total of $2,200,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, waste, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Com(T1ittee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation where applicable to receive input, define specific improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase I - Venetian Islands Project Description: Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for Venetian Islands, including San Marino, Di Lido, Rivo Alto, and Belle Islands, and a section from Alton Road to Island View Park. Project work includes: planning, design, construction for sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment. Phase I improvements include the island sidestreets with additional improvments to Belle Isle Circle. Phase II includes the causeway. (Not listed in F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with MMP Project #32) Status: Funding sources are: $3,844,150 from the GO Bond; $247,000 from Water and Sewer Enterprise funds; $4,000,000 from proposed Water and Sewer Bonds; and $5,00,000 from Storm Water Bonds for a total of $13,091,150. Expenses against his account amount to $101,000 for the Venetian Islands Master Plan by the Urban Resource Group I Kimley Horn & Associates team. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Urban Resource Group I Kimley Horn & Associates in the amount of approximately $1,965,000 to initiate preparation of construction documents for the islands in accordance with the Master Plan. Timetable: By January 2000 amend the existing contract, and initiate the preparation of construction documents for the islands. Completion of all construction documents and permits is estimated to be done by November, 2000. Bidding and award of construction contract is expected to be complete by April, 2001. Construction time is estimated to be 18 months from the issuance of a Notice to Proceed, but needs to be coordinated with the Phase II work for maintenance of traffic. Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase" - Causeway Project Description: Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for the Venetian Causeway, from the Dade Boulevard intersection to the City Line. Project work includes: plan(1ing, design, construction for sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment. Phase II includes the causeway. Phase I improvements include the island sidestreets. (Municipal Mobility Plan #32, requires coordination with MMP Project #30) Status: Funding sources are: $1,827,000 from the GO Bond; $967,460 from proposed Water and Sewer Bonds; $3,600,000 from proposed Road Impact Fees; $1,000,000 from proposed MPO grant funding; $1,830,510 from Miami-Dade County Public Works; and $650,000 from ISTEA funds for a total of $9,874,970. Expenses against his account amount to $130,000 for the survey work by the Urban Resource Group / Kimley Horn & Associates team. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Urban Resource Group / Kimley Horn & Associates in the amount of approximately $1,485,000 to initiate preparation of construction documents for the islands in accordance with the Master Plan. Timetable: By January 2000 amend the existing contract, and initiate the F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A\CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD preparation of construction documents for the islands. Completion of all construction documents and permits is estimated to be done by November, 2000. Bidding and award of construction contract is expected to be complete by April, 2001. Construction time is estimated to be 18 months from the issuance of a Notice to Proceed, coordinated with the Phase I work for maintenance of traffic. Star, Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement Project Description: Traffic enhancements, landscaping, si9nage, lighting, and park improvements onStar, Palm, and Hibiscus Islands. Area-wide street improvements are not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank. Project work includes: planning, design, construction, for sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, landscaping, and irrigation. Status: The funding source is $600,000 from the GO Bond; for a total of $600,000. Additional water and sewer bond funds may be used for coordinated underground improvements associated with storm, waste, water, sanitary sewer, and utility lines. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation where applicable to receive input, define specific improvement components, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2.000. Adopt neighborhood plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended CIP. Lincoln Road Improvements Project Description: Improvements to Lincoln Road to upgrade lighting, pools, fountains, and other amenities for the purposes of replacing malfunctioning and/or unserviceable equipment with equipment that can provide for better maintenance and performance. Status: The funding source is $300,000 from the GO Bond; for a total of $300,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to develop an implementation plan to address the Road's lighting, fountain, and amenity needs with input from Lincoln Road interests. Authorize the Administration to present the plan to the Oversight Committee to receive input, and determine scheduling priorities. Timetable: Develop and present the implementation plan by January 2000. Initiate F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A\CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD implementation by March 2000 through the City's Property Maintenance Division. Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape Project Description: Streetscape, landscape, and lighting, for reopening of Meridian Avenue from 1 st Street to 2nd Street. Not included as part of the South Pointe Streetscape. (Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #42) Status: The funding source is $200,000 from the GO Bond; for a total of $200,00. Project needs to be coordinated with the South Pointe Streetscape. Pending final negotiation with developer to deed right-of-way. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, and the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department to receive input, define specific improvement components, and add the Meridian Avenue Streetscape to the South Pointe Streetscape program. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Add to the South Pointe Streetscape program plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. Implementation can not be completed until Phase 2 of the Cobb Project is complete, estimated at approximately 3 years. Washington and Third Street Public Plaza Project Descrip~ion: Provide aesthetic improvements at the pump station location to integrate with a public plaza improvement at intersection of Washington Avenue, Third Street, and Euclid Avenue. Status: The funding source is $100,000 from the GO Bond; for a total of $100,00. Project can be implemented immediately in conjunction with the South Pointe Streetscape. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, and Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees to receive input, define specific improvement components, and add to the South Pointe Streetscape program. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Add to the South Pointe Streetscape program plans and citywide priorities for the five year plan amending the CIP in May of 2000. In June 2000, initiate implemention actions pursuant to the amended Souuth Pointe Streetscape program. F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD City-Wide Shoreline I Seawall Rehabilitation Program Project Description: Restoration of the City's waterways through replacement of deteriorated seawalls, stabiliozation of eroded shorelines, drainage outfall rehabilitation, and channel dredging. Elements of this program will be combined witf the Indian Creek Greenway, the Collins Canal Revitalization Project, and other capital improvement projects to provide quality of life enhancements. Status: The funding sources are: $4,800,000 from the GO Bond; $3,500,000 from Stormwater Bond revenues, $1,400,000 from ISTEA grant revenues, and future revenues from FOOT and the MPO grant process for a total of $9,700,00. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct meetings with the Oversight Committee, Neighborhood Capital Project subcommittees, the Miami- Dade County Public Works Department, and the Florida Department of Transportation to receive input, and define project priorities. Timetable: Hold meetings from January to March 2000. Determine priorities from March to April 2000. Program elements are in various stages of design and engineering. RFPs for the initial phases of implementation will be issued in early 2000. Initial construction is anticipated to begin in the fall of 2000 with program completion expected by June, 2002. F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A \CIP99\NEIGHGOB. WPD PARKS and BEACHES Crespi Park Project Description: New restroom, renovate basketball court, park furnishings, playground, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include new basketball court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Funding sources: $210,048 from the Parks Bond; and $150,000 from the 1999 GO Bond for a total of $360,048. Park renovations completed on June 1999 as part of the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $210,048. Improvements completed included new restrooms, renovation of basketball court, playground, park furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, basketball court and security lighting and a multi-purpose room. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction July-November 2000. Estimated costs include: construction budget $135,000, AlE fees $10,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,200. Stillwater Park Project Description: New recreation building, renovation of basketball court, playground, limited security lighting, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations completed on June 1999 as part of the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $~00,266. Improvements completed included a new recreation building, renovated basketball court, site furnishings, new playground, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, enhanced security lighting and court lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $160,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPITA\CIP99\PARKSGOB. WPD Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, March :2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, May 2000 bidding and award of contract, Construction June-September 2000. Estimated costs include: construction budget $144,000, AlE fees of $11 ,500 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,500. Tatum Park Project Description: New building, basketball court renovations, landscaping and irrigation, limited security lighting and entry gate. 1999 GO Bond components include court and security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations to be completed in December 1999 as part of the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $245,683. Improvements included a new recreation building, refurbished basketball court, landscaping, limited security lighting and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional security lighting and court lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction July-November 2000. Estimated costs include: construction budget $135,000, AlE fees $10,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,200. North Shore Open Space Park Project Description: New Recreation/ Nature Center, new restrooms, lighting, site furnishings, landscaping and irrigation, funded by the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Park Bond. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include expanded Nature Center, additional beach plantings, security lighting, fencing, and provides for expansion into Altos del Mar (see new project entitled Altos del Mar Park). Expansion includes the conversion to passive park of eleven continuous lots in Altos del Mar, renovate or move historic structures, provide infrastructure, and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th St. Status: Preliminary study/schematic design phase. Proposed improvements funded by the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond include a new recreation/nature center, new restrooms, lighting, landscaping and irrigation, current construction budget $1,743,000. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include F :\CM G R\$ALL\L UPITA \CIP99\P ARKS GOB . WPD an expansion to the nature center. Recommendation: Authorize the administration to amend the contract with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $300,000 Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello, Ajamil and Partners contract, completion of designs and present to Design Review Board May 2000, complete construction documents, specifications and permitting process December 2000, bidding and award of contract January 2001, construction February-October 2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget $272,500, NE fees $19,620 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration S7,880. Altos Del Mar Park Project Description: Planning and development of a new city park. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include the conversion of the 11 consecutive lots in Altos del Mar into a park, renovate or move historic structures, provide infrastructure and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th Street. Status: Funding sources are $2,900,000 from the 1999 GO Bond. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to issue an RFP for professional services in connection with the planning, design and construction documents for a new city park as described above. Timetable: January 2000 issue an RFP for professional services, March 2000 review and recommend ranking of firm(s) to Commission for approval, April-August 2000 develop master plan, September 2000 complete final design, Design Review Board approval November 2000, complete construction documents and specifications and permitting process April 2001, bidding and award of contract July 2001, construction September 2001-2002. Estimated costs include: construction budget $2,320,000, estimated NE fees $232,000 (10% of construction budget); estimated cost of permitting; testing and administration $348,000. North Shore Park and Youth Center Project Description: New recreation center, tennis courts, renovate bandshell, renovate ball fields, lighting, landscaping and irrigation, accessible playground. 1999 GO Bond components include baseball field lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and $1,000,000 for Youth Center. F :\CMGRSALL\LUPIT A\CIP99\P ARKSGOB.WPD Status: Construction documents for first phase 90% complete. Current improvements in this phase include a new recreation building, new tennis center and tennis courts, ball field improvements, security and court lighting, landscape and irrigation and an accessible playground at an estimated project cost of $3,972,181. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include the addition of a second floor to the Youth Center, enhanced baseball field lighting, community center renovations, restroom renovations, improved parking, Additional landscaping and decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Funding sources are: $1,350,000 from the 1999 GO Bond; $1,000,000 from the HUD Section 108 Loan; $259,000 from Barry University Grant for a total of new funding in the amount of $2,609,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B & A Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, obtain Design Review Board approval December 1999 completion of construction documents, bid specifications and permitting process January - April 2000, bidding and award of contract May-July 2000, construction of project September 2000-2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget $2,325,000, AlE fees $167,400 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $1116,600. Note: Due to federal funding form the HUD and Barry University Grant, the project will be subject to Davis-Bacon wages and any other applicable guidelines. Shane Watersports Center Project Description: Expansion of the Shane Watersports Center to provide meeting rooms, appropriate facilities for training, and related site improvements. Status: Funding sources are $300,000 from the GO Bond. Recommendation: Request a detailed program description and budget for the proposed improvements from the Shane Watersports Center. Upon adoption of a program and budget by the City Commission, amend the agreement with the Watersport Center providing funding in the amount of $300,000 to them on a reimbursable basis for the expansion of the center pursuant to the adopted plan and budget. Timetable: January 2000, authorize the Administration to request a full program and budget as described above from the Watersport Center; April 2000 adopt master plan; June 2000 approve amendments to the lease agreement awarding funds on a reimbursable basis in accordance with adopted plans. F :\CMGR\$ALL \LUPITA \CIP99\P ARKSGOB. \VPD Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse/Community Center Project Description: The current clubhouse at the Normandy Shores Golf Course is a charming example of the Southern Plantation Style Architecture that was prevalent during the 1940's in South Florida. The clubhouse has fallen into disrepair and is in need of renovation. In conjunction with the overall restoration/renovations of the City's golf courses the Administration issued an RFP for professional services and REG, Architects was selected to conduct a pre-design and cost study for the renovation of the Normandy Shores clubhouse. The study was conducted and approved by the City Commission in early 1999. The findings of this study indicated that the complete restoration of the facilities and related landscaping was necessary. It was also stated that the probable cost of construction for this work was approximately $1,500,000. Status: At a recent Commission meeting authorization was given to the Administration to proceed with the proposed plans for the restoration/renovations of the City's golf courses and clubhouses. Included in the authorization was a budget estimate of $750,000 for the Normandy Shores Clubhouse. During the public meeting for this General Obligation Bond it was requested by the community that an additional $750,000 be included for the Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse to ensure the facilities were restored fully. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $750,000. Recommendation: Authorize the administration to amend the contract with REG Architects, Inc., to develop a services agreement for the planning and design of the restoration of the Normandy Shores Clubhouse to comply with the scope of work as described above. Timetable: The schedule for this project will be coordinated with the overall restoration/renovation plan developed for the comprehensive restoration/renovations of the City's Golf Courses. Estimated costs include: construction budget $650,000, AlE fees $45,500 (7% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $54,500. Fairway Park Project Description: Addition of perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Construction documents 90% complete for improvements under the $15 Mil Parks Bond. Estimated construction cost for this phase is $791,188. Current improvements include a new recreation building, basketball and tennis courts F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD renovations, ball field lighting, a new playground, site furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. Additional 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional sport court and security lighting and a multi-purpose room. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $250,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction July 2000-January 2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget $217,500, NE fees $17,400 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $15,100. Normandy Isle Park Project Description: Addition of enhenced security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Construction documents for the $15 Million Parks Bond 95% complete Total project cost $2,126,875. Current improvements include a new pool complex, renovate field, new recreation center, basketball courts, playground enhancements, site furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional security and sports lighting if feasible. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $300,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Carr Smith Corradino Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Carr Smith Corradino contract, February 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, April 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction May 2000-January 2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget $250,000, NE fees $25,000 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $25,000. Fisher Park Project Description: Addition of enhenced security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. F :\CMGR\$ALL \L UPIT A\CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD Status: Park renovations completed on 10/99 as part of the $15 Mil Parks Bond. Total project cost $99,347. Completed improvements include a new playground, landscaping, site furnishings, pedestrian walkways, limited security lighting and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, enhanced security lighting, a shade pavilion and parking pavers. New Bond Funding: $150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget $135,000, AlE fees $10,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,200. La Gorce Project Description: Completed improvements included a new playground, security lighting, pedestrian walkways, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations completed on 6/99 as part of the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $91,808. Improvements completed were a new playground, ~ landscaping, security lighting, pedestrian walkways and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, a shade pavilion, enhanced security lighting and parking pavers. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $50,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications a.nd permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget $42,500, AlE fees $3,400 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,100. Brittany Bay Park Project Description: General park lighting improvements to fulfill the Parks Master F :\CMGR\$ALL \L UPIT A\CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD Plan. Status: New project. Study phase. Proposed improvement to include enhanced security lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $10,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to complete project using the Public Works Department. Timetable: December 1999 initiate planning, 3/00 purchase and install lighting. Estimated construction budget is $9,000 and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $1,000. Allison Park Project Description: Renovations, gateway, and beach access improvements in response to community needs. Status: New project. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include landscaping, irrigation, park furnishings, gateway and beach access. Project added by community request specific components to be further defined. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $170,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to issue an RFP for professional services in conjunction with the Recreational Corridor. ~ Timetable: January 2000 issue RFP; April 2000 award contract to A&E firm; December 2000 bidding and award project. Estimated costs include: construction budget $145,000, AlE fees $10,875 (7.5% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $14,125. Muss Park Project Description: Renovate recreation building, playground, landscape and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include additional playground equipment, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and security lighting. Status: Construction documents 90% complete for improvements under the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $176,387. Current improvements consist of renovation of recreation building, additional playground equipment, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing and enhanced security lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $75,000 F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPITA \CIP99\P ARKSGOB. \VPD Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget $65,000, AlE fees $5,200 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,800. Pinetree Project Description: Parking lot, landscape, irrigation, pedestrian walkways. 1999 GO Bond components include security lighting, additional landscaping, and site furnishings Status: Park currently undergoing renovations as part of the $15 Mil Parks Bond. current improvements include a parking lot, landscaping, irrigation, fixtures and pedestrian walkways. Total project cost $220,978. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include Additional landscaping, security lighting and site furnishings. New Bond Funding: $90,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, 2/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, April 2000 bidding and award of contract, 5/00 - 8/00 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $78,500, AlE fees $5,652 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $5,848. Scott Rakow Project Description: New ice rink, building renovation, parking lot, and landscaping. 1999 GO Bond components provide funding necessary to complete Parks Bond Fund renovations listed above. Status: Construction documents 85% complete for improvements under the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $ 3,480,561. Current improvements include a new ice rink building renovations, parking lot enhancements and landscaping. 1999 GO Bond improvements include additional classroom space and second floor interior modifications. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,000 F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A \CIP99\PARKSGOB. WPD Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Carr Smith Corradino Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Carr Smith Corradino contract, 1/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, April 2000 bidding and award of contract, 5/00 - 5/01 construction of project. Estimated costs include: construction budget $127,500, AlE fees $12,750 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $9,750. 10th Street Auditorium/Beachfront Aud. (Beach Patrol Hqtrs) Project Description: Renovate 10th St Auditorium I Beach Patrol Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting, and restoration of deteriorated facilities. Status: New project. Improvements to include renovation of the 10th Street Auditoriuml Beach Patrol Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting and restoration of deteriorated facilities. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $690,000 Recommendation: Authorize the administration to issue an RFP for the planning and design of the project. Timetable: December 1999- 5/00 RFP processl Architect selection process. 7/00-11/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, 12/00...., 1101 bidding and award of contract, 2/01- 7/01 construction of project. Estimated costs include: construction budget $600,000, AlE fees $60,000 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $30,000. South Shore Community Center Project Description: Renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, with new landscaping, irrigation, signage, and playground. Status: This project was originally included in the group of parks awarded to REG Architects but was subsequently put on hold due to lack of funding. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, new landscaping, irrigation, signage and playground. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $1,350,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPITA\CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, 7/00 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, 9/00 bidding and award of contract, construction 10/00 - 9/01. Estimated costs include: construction budget $1,200,000, AlE fees $96,000 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $54,000. Flamingo Park Project Description: New pool, playground equipment, landscaping, tennis courts renovations and signage. 1999 GO Bond components include: perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting, football field renovations, new bleachers, track resurfacing, completion of tennis court improvements, court lighting, and a new irrigation system. Renovation and buffering for compatibility of the Property Maintenance Facility in Flamingo Park is funded separately. Flamingo Park Pool - Expansion Project Description: Additional funding for construction of new pool to have 4 additional lanes. Lap pool enlargement will be approximately 28 ft. by 75ft. to be added to / coordinated with construction of new pool listed under Flamingo Park improvements, CIP # 542. Status: Construction documents 80% complete for improvements under the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $2,201,075. Current improvements consist of a new pool complex, renovation of the tennis courts, landscaping and signage. Additional improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting, football field/stadium renovations, track resurfacing, completion of tennis court improvements, court lighting, upgrading of sports fields lighting, expansion of the pool complex, restoration of the Friendship Corner and a new irrigation system. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $2,900,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Carr Smith Corradino Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Carr Smith Corradino contract, 2/00 obtain Design Review Board/Historic Preservation Board approval, April 2000- 7/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, 9/00 bidding and award of contract, 10/00 - 10/01 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $2,500,000, AlE fees $250,000 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $150,000. Lummus Park F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A\CIP99\PARKSGOB. WPD Project Description: Renovate restroom, renovate serpentine sidewalk, new playground equipment, landscape, and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include additional landscaping, and widening of the sidewalks on the east side of Ocean Drive. Status: Park currently undergoing renovations as part of the $15 Mil Parks Bond. Current improvements include enhancements to restrooms, serpentine sidewalk, site furnishings, new playgrounds, landscaping & irrigation. Total project cost $840,242. Additionally, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include additional landscaping and widening of the sidewalks east of Ocean Drive, 1999 GO Bond Funding: $1,100,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend B&A contract, 5/00 Develop schematic plans and obtain Design Review Board/Historic Preservation Board approval, June 2000- 8/00 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, 10/00 bidding and award of contract, 11/00 - 6/01 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $957,000, AlE fees $68,904 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $74,096. Island View Park ~ Project Description:Playground surface, landscaping, irrigation and site furnishings. 1999 GO Bond components include security lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and shade pavilion. Status: Park renovations completed on 10/99 as part of the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $199,747. Improvements completed included playground enhancements, park furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional security lighting and a shade pavilion. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: F :\CMGR\$ALL \L UPITA\CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD construction budget $135,000, AlE fees $10,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,200. Palm Island Project Description: Repair existing shade pavilion, new basketball court, new playground equipment, accessible routes. 1999 GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and refurbishment of tennis courts. Status: Park renovations completed on 6/99 as part of the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $244,092. Improvements completed included renovations to existing shade pavilion, new playground, new basketball court, landscaping, irrigation, park furnishings and pedestrian walkways. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include sport court lighting, additional security lighting, and refurbishment of tennis courts. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $75,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget $65,000, AlE fees $5,200 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,800. Belle Isle Park Improvements Project Description: 1999 GO Bond funding to provide playground, landscape, irrigation, site furnishings, pedestrian walkways, and lighting improvements $600,000 Status: New project. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include new playground, landscaping, irrigation, site furnishings, pedestrian walkways and lighting improvements. Recommendation: Authorize the administration to issue an RFP for the design of the project as described above. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $600,000 Timetable: 1/00 issue an RFP for professional AlE services, 3/00 review and recommend ranking of firm(s) to Commission for approval, April 2000 - June 2000 develop comprehensive plan, 10/00 complete construction documents & bid specifications and permitting process, 12/00 bidding and award of contract, 2/01- 7/01 construction . Estimated costs include: construction budget $515,000, F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A\CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD estimated AlE fees $51,500 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $33,500. South Pointe Park Project Description: Improvements to South Pointe Park. Status: Initial planning phase to complete improvements proposed under the $15 Million Parks Bond in progress. Total project cost $913,034. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements currently under consideration include the redesign of the park entrance, selected landscaping, irrigation and reconfiguration of parking lot. Additional proposed improvements include comprehensive master plan, landscaping, irrigation, dune modifications, park furnishings, signage, pedestrian paving, new playground, enhanced security lighting and a new recreation building. New Bond Funding: $2,000,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to implement the master planning process and prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, April 2000 complete updated master planning/community input process, June 2000 Develop schematic plans and obtain Design Review Board approval, January 2001 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, April 2001 bidding and award of contract, 6/01 - 3/02 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $1,775,000, AlE fees $127,800 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $97,200. Collins Park Project Description: Construct park improvements, including: walkways, lighting, landscape, and amenities, as a major component of the City's Cultural Campus. Status: Funding source is $1,800,000 from the GO Bond Recommendation: Appropriate funds, and authorize Stern and Associates to prepare final design and construction documents for Colins Park. Timetable: December 1999, appropriate funds, and amend the contract. Work to begin in 2000 in coordination with the Cultural Campus program. Miami Beach Botanical Garden Center Renovation Project Description: Complete restoration and renovation of The Garden Center F :\CMGR\$ALL \LUPITA \CIP99\PARKSGOB. WPD buildings and grounds, including bringing facility into compliance with ADA requirements. Status: Preliminary master plan has been completed. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include a new conservatory, landscaping, irrigation, pedestrian walkways, site furnishings and building improvements. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $1,500,000. Recommendation: Authorize the administration to issue an RFP for the design of the project as described above. Timetable: December 1999- May 2000 RFP process/ Architect selection process, September 2000 develop schematic plans and obtain Design Review Board approval, November 2000 -April 2001 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, June 2001 bidding and award of contract, July 2001- March 2002 construction of project. Estimated costs include: construction budget $1,275,000, AlE fees $127,500 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $97,500. Beach Planting Project Description: City-wide beach and dune planting to enhance dunes with native vegetation to inhibit encroachments across dune. Includes enhancement of at-grade dune crossings, and shade c1uters at appropriate locations. Status: Preliminary study/planning phase. Proposed planting of native beach materials including palms, sea grapes and other dune vegetation citywide. Current funding for the project is $800,000 from the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program. New Bond Funding: $1,000,000. Recommendation: Authorize the administration to issue an RFP for the planning and design of the project as described above. Timetable: December 1999- May 2001 RFP process/ Architect selection process, November 2000 - April 2001 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, June 2001 bidding and award of contract, July 2001- December 2001 construction of project. Estimated costs include: construction budget $1,600,000, AlE fees $112,000 (7% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $88,000. North Beach Recreational Corridor Project Description: Bicycle and pedestrian facility on Beach ROW from 60th F:\CMGR\$ALL \LlJPITA\CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD Street to 75th Street. This segment is Phase 1. Phase 2 is the segment from 75th Street to the City Limit, and Phase 3 is from 75th Street south. Status: Project funding includes: $500,000 from GO Bond funds; $1,000,000 from the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program funds; $841,000 from ISTEA Transportation Enhancement Program funds; and $250,000 from HUD Economic Development Initiative Program funds for a total of $2,591,000. The Phase 1 segment is ready for final design and construction. Recommendation:Authorize the administration to issue an RFP for the planning and design of thePhase 1 project. Timetable: January 2000, issue RFP; in April 2000 award contract to AlE firm; by December 2000 bid project construction. ADA Beach Access Project Description: Wheelchair accessible access accross dunes includes: decked and railed lookout point with shade trees, and additional parking space. Status: Funding includes $225,000 from the GO Bond, for a total of $225,000. Recommendation: Will be coordinated with other capital improvements along beaches. Authorize the administration to issue an RFP for the planning and design of the project as described above. Timetable: January 2000, issue RFP; in April 2000 award contract to AlE firm; by December 2000 bid project construction. ADA City-Wide Renovations Project Description: Renovate City-owned facilities to improve safe access to persons with disabilities. Status: The program will be a continuation fo the already established City-wide facilities ADA Compliance Improvement Program. City staff will continue to conduct and prepare detailed ADA surveys on City-owned facilities and buildings to determine the ones that need to be improved. GO Bond funding provides $1,000,000 to continue ongoing effort funded at $570,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to continue on-going survey effort, and implementation through in-house staff or contractor rotation list. F:\CMGR\$ALL\LUPIT A\CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD Timetable: Continuation of current program includes as yet unidentified projects. By June 2000, finish survey work, and continue implementation. F:\CMGR\$ALL \LUPIT A \CIP99\P ARKSGOB. WPD FIRE AND RELATED MAINTENANCE FACiliTIES Fire Apparatus Replacement Project Description: Replacement of 5 fire/rescue vehicles (2 ladder trucks, 3 pumpers) Status: Funding sources: $2,700,000 from the GO Bond for the purchase of Fire apparatus equipment in year 2001, 2002 and 2003. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to pursue the purchase of the fire apparatus proposed as part of the CIP. Timetable: Place orders with due time for delivery as required. Fire Station #2 Renovation 2300 Pinetree Drive Project Description: Full historic restoration, renovation, new apparatus bays and living quarters. Status: Funding sources are: $4,686,449 from the GO Bond; $494,176 from the Interlocal Agreement for a total of $5,180,625. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to issue an RFP for professional seNices in connection with the preparation of design and construction documents for the historic renovation of Fire Station # 2 to house the fire and rescue , administrative function, the preparation of plans for a new fire bay facility and living quarters, the renovation of the maintenance facility; access, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, landscaping and a new pump station. Timetable: January 2000 issue RFP; April 2000 award contract to AlE team; December 2000 DRB/HP Board approval; September 2001 bid; November 2001 bid project. Fire Station #4 Renovation 6880 Indian Creek Drive Project Description: Historic restoration and renovation, including new apparatus bays and living quarters. Status: Fully funded at $2,475,525. Funding sources are: $1,925,525 from the GO Bond; CDBG 97/98 for $328,800 and CDBG 98/99 for $221,200 totaling $550,000 from CDBG for a total of $2,475,525. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to issue a Request for Qualifications for architectural, engineering, sUNeying and landscape seNices for the preparation of plans and construction documents for the historic renovation of Fire Station 4, and addition of fire bays facility with living quarters, and associated site improvements. Timetable: January 2000 issue RFP; April 2000 award contract to AlE team; October 2000 DRB/HP approval February 2001 bid project. Public Works Operations Facility Project Description: Status: Funding source: $3,166,700 from the GO Bond. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to issue an RFP for professional services in connection with the preparation of design and construction documents for the renovation of a 40,000 sq. ft. facility, provision of a new 5,000 sq. ft. expansion, ADA compliance, access road environmental remediation, paving, drainage, lighting, parking and fueling of city vehicles. The Administration is recommending that this contract be awarded to a single team in conjunction with Fire Station NO.2. Both facilities would benefit from being developed by one team of professionals and be bid out as one contract to obtain greater efficiency with timing, and funding. Timetable: January 2000 issue RFP; April 2000 award contract to AlE team; December 2000 DRB/HP Board approval; September 2001 bid; November 2001 bid project. ~ Property Maintenance Facility Project Description: Replacement of 10,000 sq. ft. maintenance and warehouse facility including a 4,000 sq. ft. outdoor workspace, parking for 60 city vehicles and 60 employee vehicles. Status: Funding source is $2,157,000 from the GO Bond for a total of $2,157,000. Recommendation: Relocation options. Pending outcome, issue RFP for planning/development and construction documents for said facility. Timetable: Issue RFP and possibly commence evaluation of possible alternative site. April 2000, confirm location of facility and proceed accordingly. Parks Maintenance Facilities Project Description: The current Parks Maintenance Division building, greenhouse and related facilities are in an extremely deteriorated condition and in need of restoration or replacement. As part of the City's initial $15 Million Parks Improvements General Obligation Bond program scope of services awarded to Bermello, Ajamil and Partners a comprehensive analysis was conducted to determine the appropriate course of action. Based on the findings of Bermello, Ajamil and Partners it was recommended that the current building, greenhouse, and storage facilities be demolished and replaced with new ones that comply with existing codes, safety standards and building regulations. It was recommended that a new 10,000 sq. ft. building be constructed to replace the old 12,500 sq. ft. facility. Additionally, the nursery, chemical storage facility and greenhouse could be rebuilt to be more efficient and secure. Finally, the yard storage/parking area would be reconfigured to better use the available area and ensure all vehicles are parked within the Parks compound, thus eliminating the need to park employee vehicles on the Bayshore Golf Course. Status: Funding source: $960,650 from the G.O. Bond; $324,106 in the City's $15 million Parks Improvement General Obligation Bond program. At a recent Commission meeting authorization was given to the Administration to proceed with the proposed plans for the restoration/renovations of the City's golf courses and clubhouses. The reconstruction and consolidation of the Park Maintenance yard was a key element of the Bayshore Golf Course restoration. The reconstruction of the Parks Maintenance Division yard must be completed in coordination with the renovation of the Bayshore Golf Course. ~ Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners to prepare plans and specifications to complete the project as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello, Ajamil and Partners contract, May 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, the remaining program schedule with be in conjunction with the time line developed for the Bayshore Golf Course renovations. Estimated costs include: construction budget $840,000, AlE fees $60,480 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $60,170. Facilities Roof Repair Plan Project Description: Provide for comprehensive roof surveys of large facilities roof needs plus replacement and repair. Status: Funding source is $700,000 from the GO Bond. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to conduct roof assessment of city facilities and develop a five year plan of repairs as needed. 4 Timetable: Complete a roof assessment plan by end of year 2000. ~ ~~~ a '- ~~ '- \ (' ~ 0 '\~~ ( \J "" 0 ~ -< " ~ ~ I rI\ . \,'- ~ N) " ~ ~. Eo- ~ :s ()o Eo- ~ t1- 'C ('I' ',,--..... ..... Eo- .~ ~ Eo- ~ I \' \)J \ ~ ..... I b \ ~ , ~ '~.... 0 ~ (") "') u ~ ~ 0 -I rJ). Eo- U U E-- ~~::t: 0'\ ~~e,:, 0'\ ~~ 0'\ OEo-..... - rJ). 0 ~ 0 \,J ~Eo-rJ). ~ ~ rt - ~ 0 r2J ~.....~ ~ ~ ~ '.::J>-- I ~~~ ~ Q:l Z ~ roo ' ~ r :l- i Q~> ~ ~ 0 H- I \ r. I ~oo Q:l tV\ ~ I "- ~ .~ == \ r-... <V) ;><uQ ~ M (1\ S ~ ~ -0 K"', Eo-QZ ~~u h- i' '-0 \" .- .....00 ~~Z ~ .., I .3 ~ uoQ:l QgO '-0 ~;Z >=,~Ci.j , ~ 8 v) \[\ < rJ). ,B ~) uoEo- Q ..... ~. ZQ:l< rJ). ~ <::t:e,:, ~ ~ ze,:,..... Z 0 ....._..J Q ~~Q:l U ~ZO ~ o ..J ~ e,:, ~ Z ..... ~ E-- Z ~ ~ ~ e,:, ~ Q Eo- Z ~ Z < ~ - 0 -< ~ z ,..... ...s ill ~ o .....J