Attachment 30 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH :LTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 1ttp:\\ci. m iam i-beach. fl. us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. q 37-'19 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mmission ; DATE: December 15, 1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: REPORT HE NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEE MEETING AND REPORT N THE JOINT MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTSINEIGHBORHOODS/GO BOND PROJECT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 8, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm. Attending the meeting were: Commissioner Smith as a member of the Neighborhoods and Finance and Citywide Projects Committee; Commissioner Leibman as a member of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee; Commissioner Bower as a member of Neighborhoods Committee and Commissioner Dermer as the Chair of the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee. Other members from the Oversight Committee in attendance were: Marguerite Ramos-Herrera, Jerry Libbin, Larry Herrup, Frank DelVecchio, and John Mallah. City staff and members of the general public were also in attendance. 1. REFERRAL OF THE $92 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE Introduction: This item was referred by the City Commission to this joint meeting on November 17, 1999 by the Administration. The referral constitutes the Administration's recommended implementation plan for capital projects that' comprise the GO Bond Project list and authorized by the voters on November 2, 1999. A brief overview of the recommended implementation plan was presented by Janet Gavarrete, City Manager's Office and Patricia Walker, Finance Department. AGENDA ITEM Rl.oPt DATE~ 415 I'~" ( In general, the recommended implementation plan is as follows: 1. Issue Requests for Professional Services 2.a. Amend Existing Professional Services Agreements b. Authorize the Administration to Use the Undesignated Fund Balance for Commitment Authority c. Appropriate the Funding for Amendments to Existing Professional Service Agreements to Implement Park Projects 3. Authorize the Administration to Negotiate the First Phase of the Funding Plan 4. Authorize the Administration to Amend the Agreement with Shane Watersport Center 5. Authorize the Administration to Commence the Neighborhood Meeting Process 1. Request for Proposals (RFP) The following report summarizes the discussion and specific actions that the committee adopted on each one of these items: The following projects may be started immediately with the authorization to issue a request for proposals to select architectural/engineering / landscape architecture / surveying teams for the planning, design, and construction documents. A request for proposals for these projects will be ready for the City Commission action in January 2000. f~ There were questions regarding clarification as to what the RFPs are for, and how these particular projects were selected for RFP's. The Administration explained that the RFP's are for professional services that do not require any funding commitment at this time, that the process to obtain professionals for these projects takes over four moths and that these projects for the most part have been ready for this step, but did not have funding identified. It was noted that the Collins Park project was not included on the list. Collins Park's coordination and implementation will be as part of the Cultural Campus project. Fire Station No.2 in conjunction Public Works Maintenance Facility Description: Historic restoration and renovation of the fire station including new apparatus bays and living quarters. This is in conjunction with the renovation / expansion of the Public Works Facility, may possibly include the Property maintenance Yard if appropriate. Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. C':."\\.' .. " 416 Fire Station No.4 Description: Historic restoration and renovation of the fire station including new apparatus bays and living quarters. Fire Station No.4 will be restored and upgraded at its existing location. Discussion: There were concerns whether the restoration would be adequate. Chief Jordan explained that the needs of the Fire Department are for a modern facility to house modern equipment (for example, new rescue trucks with heavy duty chassis are larger and require larger bay openings). These needs are to adequately serve the North Beach area for 25 years. Professionals (contracted via the RFP) will determine adequacy based on the Fire Departments needs. There were concerns that the considerations that have been made for providing on an outsource basis, fire safety services to Surfs ide, Bay Harbor Islands, or Bal Harbor would not delay the RFP process or the consultants evaluation or design work. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. Property Maintenance Facility Description: Property Maintenance Facility work includes: replacement of the 10,000 square- foot maintenance and warehouse facility, parking for 60 City vehicles, 60 employee vehicles, and ADA compliance. The present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration. A preliminary feasibility study of relocation, including the location where the Public Works site is will be performed while consultants are selected. Discussion: There were concerns regarding the timing and inclusion of the relocation feasibility study with the design work. The City Administration would perform the feasibility study, and there would be sufficient time during the RFP response and selection process to finalize the commitment to a site. It was noted that the Fire Station No.2 Master Plan considered the relocation of the Property Maintenance Yard to the Public Works site, and found it to be infeasible, however, other uses were also being considered at the time. This possibility will be explored one more time. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. 417 Altos del Mar Park Description: Proposed improvements consist of converting unimproved area now commonly knO'Ml as the Altos del Mar park into a park, renovate or move historic structures, provide infrastructure and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th Street. It will require a lease agreement with the State of Florida for over 25 years. The City will seek to obtain full title to the property. Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. Allison Park Description: The improvement was proposed in response to stated community need. Improvements include full renovations, a gateway to the North Beach Recreational Corridor, and beach access. It should be awarded to the same professional team as the North Beach Recreational Corridor. Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. ( - North Beach Recreational Corridor Description: Bicycle and pedestrian facility on the Beach right-of-way from 60th Street to 75th Street. It is to be coordinated with Allison Park improvements. As Safe Neighborhoods funding has been identified for the Phase I components, the G.O. Bond funding will be used for Phase II, the northern portion. It requires a LAP agreement with FDOT prior to issuing the RFP. The LAP agreement is expected on December 15, 1999. Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. 10th Street Auditorium Description: Historic renovation of the 10th Street Auditorium and Beach Patrol Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting, and restoration of deteriorated facilities. Discussion: It was requested that the Administration assure that the appropriate departments be involved, and that there is adequate public involvement in the design of the renovations. There was also requested that the accessibility for present and future Beach Patrol needs be incorporated, and that the City's preservationist be involved in the process. C'''''.'. :,' \ ,I.} One of the Committee members, asked if this was a discretionary project that could be removed from the list pending other preservationist concerns to remove the building from 418 the beach. Other committee members responded with their interpretation that all of the projects on the GO Bond Project list were placed after significant community participation and that there are no discretionary projects. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. Belle Isle Park Description: Project added in response to community request to program Belle Isle Park to provide playground, landscape, irrigation, site furnishings, pedestrian, and lighting improvements. Discussion: There was concern that the community be involved in the design of the park program. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance ofan RFP. Botanical Garden Center Description: Full restoration of the Garden Center to support a new program and business plan for the park to continue to be a viable community asset. ADA access requirements will be fulfilled, and structural defects in the conservatory resolved as deemed appropriate. Discussion: There was concern that the community continues to be involved in the design, and there be community and Garden Center participation in the selection process. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. Citywide Beach Planting Description: Development of landscape design and plantings for beaches dune system on beach throughout City. Funding is also available form the Safe neighborhoods parks Bond Fund. Discussion: It was requested that the planting design should include the roping off of beach access pathways, or other means of protecting the dune systems from trespass. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. Venctian Island Streetscape. Phase I Description: Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for Venetian Islands, including San Marino, Di Lido, Rivo Alto, and Belle Islands, and a section from Alton Road to Island View Park. Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and a gateway treatment. Phase I improvements include island side-streets. Phase II is for the causeway. Design will be based on the current Master Plan. 419 Discussion: There was concern that the community continues to be involved in the project. It was also noted that the Master Plan process included comprehensive public involvement, and that the Venetian Island residents are in full support.. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. ACTION: The committee recommended the issuance of Requests for Proposals for the projects listed above. 2A. Amend Professional Services Agreements The City is currently engaged in agreements with several professional services firms for ongoing work in the park projects. These agreements allow the addition of professional services resulting in time savings and efficiency in implementing the projects. REG Architects REG has the following projects listed in their professional services agreement. This agreement may be amended to include additional services as described below for each project. Crespi Park. Stillwater Park. Island View Park. Fisher Park. La Gorce Park, and Palm Island Park These parks have been completed per the original Parks Bond Program. Tatum Park is currently under construction and expected to be completed in January of 2000. Additional needs identified as part of the original and new process are: lighting, security or decorative fencing, sports courts, shade structures, and multi-purpose rooms. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in one construction project for bidding, and design, and construction documents that will be consistent with newly completed work. i " ,..: Muss and Fainvay Parks Muss and Fairway Parks construction documents are 85% complete. Additional needs identified for these parks as part of the original and new process are: lighting, security or decorative fencing, sports courts, shade structures, and multi-purpose rooms. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in meeting all of the needs at one time, and the projects will be bid with all needed components as one project group. Design will be consistent with newly completed work. South Shore Community Center The South Shore Community Center was originally included in the REG professional services agreement as a component of the Parks Bond Program. The City Commission reallocated the funding for this project to other park projects due to limited resources and extent of work necessary. The funding from the new GO Bond will allow for the project to move forward as originally envisioned in the Parks Bond Program. Anticipated improvements include a comprehensive renovation of the interior and exterior of the facility, a new roof, landscaping, irrigation, signage and a playground. Bermello. Ajamil & Partners. Inc. (;":",'): Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. have the following projects listed in their professional services agreement. This agreement may be amended to include additional services as described below for each project. 420 North Shore ParkIYouth Center The second floor of the youth center facility is scheduled f:)f review at the December 14, 1999 Design Review Board. Following the DRB approval process the architect projects that it will take approximately two months to complete the construction documents. Additional needs identified for this park as part of the original and new process are: the second floor of the youth center, security and sport lighting, security and decorative fencing, community center renovations, restroom renovations and parking lot improvements. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in meeting all needs at one time, and the project will be bid with all needed components included. North Shore Open Space Park North Shore Open Space Park is currently in the preliminary schematic design phase. Plans include a new nature center, new restrooms, substantial landscaping, irrigation, and site restoration. The Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond program in the amount of $1,775,000 funds this phase of construction. An additional need identified for this park as part of the original and new process is an expanded Nature Center. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in meeting all needs at one time. Lummus Park Lummus Park is currently under construction with Phase 1 projected to be substantially complete by December 23, 1999. Additional needs identified for this park as part of the original and new process include additional landscaping and the widening of the sidewalks east of Ocean Drive. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in continuity of design. Pinetree Park Pinetree Park is currently under construction and is anticipated to be substantially complete by January of 2000. Additional needs identified for this park as part of the original and new process include added landscaping, security lighting, park fixtures and pedestrian walkway improvements. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in continuity of design. South Pointe Park South Pointe Park is in a very preliminary schematic design/study phase. Needs for the Park are estimated to be approximately $4 to $5 million. Funding was insufficient form the Parks Bond and was moved to other park projects in anticipation of obtaining the full funding for this park prior to proceeding with plans. With sufficient funding in identified to for this park, it is now appropriate to amend the contract reflecting the services for this activity. Parks Maintenance Yard The Parks Maintenance Yard is currently in a preliminary schematic design phase and pending coordinating activity on the restoration of Bayshore Golf Course as well as the full funding needed for all work. With funding now identified, it is appropriate to amend the contract to reflect the additional scope of work for this activity. Carr Smith Corradino Carr Smith Corradino has the following projects listed in their professional services agreement. This agreement may be amended to include those additional services as described below for each project. 421 Normandv Isle Park Construction documents are 100% complete for improvements consisting of a new pool complex, renovation of fields, a new recreation center, basketball courts, a tot-lot, landscaping and irrigation. Additional G.O. Bond improvements will include decorative fencing and a multi- purpose room. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in meeting all needs at one time, and the project will be bid with all of the needed components included. Design will be consistent with work completed. Flamingo Park Construction documents are 100% complete for improvements consisting of a new pool and the amendment to the consultants contract will provide for changes to the plans reflecting the additional lanes approve d by the Commission. The additional professional services will be for the preparation of plans for the remaining park areas that were not originally provided due to funding limitation. With funding now identified for the remaining improvements of the park it is appropriate to amend the agreement for those activities. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in meeting all needs at one time, and the project will be bid as a pool and park improvement separately but will be consistent in design and approach as originally envisioned. Scott Rakow Youth Center Construction documents 75% complete for improvements consisting of a new ice rink and building renovations, a parking lot, and landscaping. Additional proposed G.O. Bond improvements include additional classroom space and second floor interior modifications. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in meeting all needs at one time, and the project will be bid with all of the needed components included. Design will be consistent t, with work in progress. Discussion: During the course of discussion, many questions were raised regarding the proposed amendments to the professional services agreements such as: The past performance of these firms and suitability for continuation of work. The amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and possibility of the ability of the firm to handle the additional workload. Also, concern was expressed about excluding other professionals from being able to provide this work. Most iInportantIy, the Committee requested that the Administration renegotiate the fees to a lower percentage. The rationale for negotiating lower fees is that there are efficiencies that these companies will realize because they are mobilized and familiar with the project, and that planning and design components are already in place in many cases. There was also a discussion on the difference in fee rates among the three firms. The difference in rates is due to there being required different specialties for each set of projects. The rates for each of the specialties are based on standard rates in the industry for the respective specialties. ACTION: The Committee recommends the amendment of the contracts subject to renegotiation to lower fees. l~ 422 2B. Authorize the Administration to Use the Undesignated Fund Balance of the General Fund for Commitment Authority for Professional Service Agreements Description: This matter was presented by Patricia Walker, Finance Department, and recommends that Administration use up to $1,500,000 in the Undesignated Fund Balance of the General Fund to use for commitment authority for the amendments to the professional services contracts described above. Actual payment would not be from this source and it will not likely be made since the funds for the first phase of funding will likely be available by the time the first charges are posted against these additional services. Action: Passed unanimously to recommend authorization of the Administration to use up to $1,500,000 in the Undesignated Fund Balance of the General Fund to use for commitment authority for the amended contracts. 2C. Appropriate Funding for Amendments to Existing Professional Service Agreements to Implement Park Projects. Discussion: This would authorize the Administration to appropriate the Undesignated Fund Balance funding for amendments to existing Professional Service Agreements to implement park projects. Discussion: None. Action: The Committee recommends authorization to the Administration to appropriate the Undesignated Fund Balance funding for commitment authority for the amended professional service contracts to implement park projects. 1.. Authorization to Negotiate First Phase Funding Package Discussion: This would authorize the Administration to negotiate with bond pool funds for financing to provide full funding for the first phase of the G. O. Bond Program. Based on the current estimate of project fund commitment needs, this funding would be used for about two years. Currently, the Gulf Breeze loan pool is has funding available at very favorable terms. Action: The Committee recommend the Administration to negotiate the First Phase Funding Package. ~ Authorization to Amend the Agreement with the Shane Water Sports Center Discussion: This would authorize the Administration to amend the agreement with the Shane Water Sports Center, in which the Center will advance funding of its own expansion and 423 " improvements, and the City will repay the agreed costs from the G.O. Bond funds up to the amount listed in the G.O. Bond Project Program consistent with Bond Counsel requirements. The Shane W:1ter Sports Center must follow all of the requirements of using public funds for procurement of services and construction. Action: The Committee recommends that the Administration to amend the agreement with the Shane Water Sports Center as appropriate. 5.... Authorize the Administration to Commence the Neighborhood Meeting Process to Develop the Scope of Work. and Establish Priorities for the Remaining Project in Coordination with the G.O. Bond Project Oversight Committee Discussion: This would authorize the administration to commence the neighborhood meeting process to develop the scope of work, and establish priorities for the remaining project in coordination with the G.O. Bond Project Oversight Committee. Action: Recommends authorization to commence the neighborhood meeting process to develop the scope of work, and establish priorities for the remaining project in coordination with the GO Bond Oversight Committee. 2. REFERRAL OF THE HELIPORT LOCATED ON THE ROOT TOP (SOUTH SIDE) OF THE MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT. 1130 WASHINGTON A VENUE. AND THE NOISE AFFECTING THE SURROUNDING AREA. t\ Discussion: The Neighborhoods Committee met on December 8, 1999, at 6:00 P.M. to discuss the use of the Police Department roof top as a helipad. Commission concerns were that the roof be used solely for safety purposes so as not to become a routine drop-off point for VIP's or other non-essential functionS, and create undue noise and hardship on the abutting neighborhoods. The Committee requested that the Police Department provide criteria for any pen:iJ.itted uses. In addition, the Committee asked for a list of currently operating helipads in the City of Miami Beach. The Police Department st~essed the importance of using the Police building roof for Millennium life safety purposes. Action: The Committee recommended bringing the item back to the full Commission at its December 15, 1999 meeting, including the above referenced additional information. sJk~:Ptw f: / cmgr /$all/ commem099 /heliport. d 15 t... 424 After Action December 15, 1999 City of Miami Beach R5N Commission Memorandum No, 932-99 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Miami Beach City Code Entitled "Administration", by Amending Article IV Entitled "Officers and Employees", by Amending Section 2-191 Entitled "Enumeration of Organizational Units" by Creating the Office of Elder Affairs; Providing for Codification in the City Code; Repealer; Severability, and an Effective Date. 2:25 p.m. Public Hearing:. Second and Final Reading: Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance. (Requested by Commissioner Simon Cruz) (First Reading 12/1/99) ACTION: Public hearing held. Ordinance No. 99-3230 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Bower; ballot vote: 7-0. Christina Cuervo to handle. R6 - Commission Committee Rellorts R6A Commission Memorandum No. 937-99 Report on the Joint Meeting of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee, and the Neighborhoods Committee of December 8,1999 regarding: 1) Referral of the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue; and, 2) Referral of the Heliport Located on the Roof Top (South Side) of the Miami Beach Police Department, 1130 Washington Avenue, and the Noise Affecting the Surrounding Area. ACTION: Report given. Motion made by Commissioner Smith to accept the report; seconded by Commissioner Dermer; voice vote: 7-0. R6B Verbal Report on the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Meeting of December 9, 1999 regarding: 1) Report on the Bass Museum; and, 2) A Request that the City of Miami Beach Issue Bonds on Behalf of the Hebrew Home for the Aged to be Used for Improvements to Their Facilities in Miami Beach and to Build a'New Facility in Sunny Isles Beach. ACTION: Withdrawn. R6C Verbal Report on the Joint Meeting of Land Use and Development Committee and the Parking and Transportation Committee of December 13, 1999 of a Discussion regarding a Proposal to Alleviate Traffic on Alton Road between Dade Boulevard and 15th Street. ACTION: Deferred to the January 12th Commission meeting. Judy Hoanshelt to place on the Commission agenda. 24