Attachment 31 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 http:\\cLmiami-beach.fl.us Office of the City Manager Telephone (305) 673-7010 Facsimile (305) 673-7782 MEETING NOTICE December 9, 1999 TO: General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee Members: David Dermer, Commissioner and Chairperson Jerry Libbin Margueritte Ramos-Herrera Amy Rabin John Mallah Frank Del Vecchio Victor Varela Larry Herrup Melvyn Schlesser Neil Fritz Betty Gutierrez Herb Sosa Janet Gavarrete t< Assistant City ~ger and Staff Liaison FROM: SUBJECT: MEETING NOTICE FOR GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Please be advised that a General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, January 10,2000, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Commission Chambers, Third Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. Agenda will follow. Please confirm your attendance by calling Lupita Ramos, my assistant, at 673-7000 extension 6176. Thank you. JG:Jcd c: Mayor & Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Larry Levy, First Assistant City Attorney Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Mary Greenwood, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Department Directors F:\CMGR\$ALLlLUPIT A \GOBONDSVAN I OMTG.NOT CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL http:\\cLmiami-beach.f1.us G.O. BOND PROJECT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 10,2000 CITY HALL, COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1. Swearing-In 2. Ethics Review 3. Review and acceptance of December 6, 1999 meeting minutes Report on Joint Meeting of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhoods Committee, and G.O. Bond Project Oversight Committee of December 8, 1999 Report on City Commission Meeting of December 15, 1999, acceptance of Recommendation from the Joint Meeting of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhoods Committee, and G.O. Bond Project Oversight Committee of December 8, 1999 A. B. C. 4. Presentation of Implementation Plan Recommended to the City Commission for January 12, 2000: A. Issuance of Request for Qualifications for Professional Services for the following projects: ~ Fire Station NO.2 Renovation and Expansion Public Works Operations Facility Property Management Facility Electrowave Shuttle Facility ~ Fire Station NO.4 Renovation and Expansion ~ Venetian Island Improvements Altos Del Mar Park Allison Park North Beach Recreational Corridor ~ ~ ~ 10th Street Beachfront Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters Belle Isle Park Improvements ~ Miami Beach Botanical Garden Renovation and Expansion Beach Planting Citywide Traffic Counting Citywide Signage and Environmental Graphics ~ ~ ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH :L7Y HALL 1700 CONV~NTION CE:\JT:::.q DRIVE MIAMI 3EAC:-i. FLORIDA 33139 1 ~p:\\ci. miam i-beach. fl. us ~ COl"lMISSlON ;'dE.vIOR-\SDC\I NO. q 37-79 TO: Ma:.or Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C DA TL Decem ber 15. 1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: REPORT HE NEIGHBORHOODS CO:YIMITTEE ~lEETISG ASD REPORT N THE JOINT MEETING OF THE FE';A.;';CE A'{D CITY\Y1DE PROJECTSINEIGHBORHOODS/GO BOl'iD PROJECT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 8, 1999 The meeting \vas called to order at 6: 15 pm. Attending the mee~ing were: COIT'illlissioner Smith 2.S a member of the Neighborhoods and Finance and City,-vide Projects Comminee; COITilllissioner Leibman as a member of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee; Commissioner Bower as a member of Neighborhoods Committee and Commissioner Dermer as the Chair of the GO Bond Project Oversight Comminee. Ot.!"ler members from the Oversight Committee in anendance "vere: Marguerite Ramos-Herrera, Jerrv Libbin. Larr; HerruD. Fr<ll'J;: DelVecchio. and John ?vIa!l2l:. Cir-v' "- .I. ~ ... . , '" staff and members of the general public were also in attendance. 1. BLTGA TION BOND I S"L-E Introduction: This item \vas referred by the City Commission to this joint meeting on November 17, 1999 by the Administration. The referral constitutes the Administration's recommended implementation plan for capital projects that' comprise the GO Bond Project list and authorized by the voters on November 2,1999. A brief overview of the recommended implementation plan was presented by Janet Gavarrete, City Manager's Office and Patricia Walker, Finance Department. AGENDA ITEM KI..of:\ DATE~ 415 r', In general, the recommended implementation plan is as fo11o\vs: 2.a. ~ .J. 4. 5. 1. Issue Requests for Professional Services Amend Existing Profession2.1 Services Agree:nents Authorize the Administration to Use the Undesignated Fund Balance for Commitment Authority Appropriate the Funding for Amendments to Existing Professional Se;-vice Agreements to Implement Park Projects Authorize the Administration to NeQotiate the First Phase of the Funding: PIa.'1 ~ ~ Authorize the Administration to Amend the Agree:nem with Shane W2.:ersporr Center Authorize the Administration to Commence the Nei2hborhood Meeting: Process ~ ~ b. c. 1. Request for Proposals (RFP) The follovving report summarizes the discussion and specific actions that the committee adopted on each one of these items: The following projects may be started immediately with the authorization to issue a request for proposals to select architectural/engineering / landscape architecture / surveying teams for the planning, design, and construction documents. A request for proposals for these projects \\ill be ready for the City Commission action in January 2000. ,. ~J There were questions regarding clarification as to what the RFPs are for, 8...c''1d how these particular projects \vere selected for RFP's. The Administration explained that the RFP's are for professional services that do not require any funding commitment at" this time, that the process to obtain professionals for these projects takes over four moths and that these projects for the most part have been ready for this step, but did not have funding identified. It was noted that the Collins Park project was not included on the list. Collins Park's coordination and implementation \vi11 be as part of the Cultural Campus project. Fire Station No.2 in conjunction Public \Vorks Maintenance Facilitv Description: Historic restoration and renovation of the fire station including new appa:-2.tus bays and living quarters. This is in conjunction with the renovation / expansion of the Public Works Facility, may possibly include the Property maintenance Yard if appropriate. Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. C'" 416 Fire Station No. J Description: Historic restoration aI1d renovation of the fire statior: including ne\v appar:ltus bays and living qUarters. Fire Station No.4 \vill be restored a..1d upgrJ.dd at its existing location. Discussion: Tnere were concems whether the restorJ.tion would be adequ2.te. Chief Jordan explained that the needs of the Fire Depanme:1t are for a modem fJ.cility to house modem equipment (for example, new rescue trucks \-vith heavy duty chassis are larger a..'1d require larger bay openings). These needs are to adequately se~\;e the 0:on..1 Beach areJ. for 25 yeJ.Ts. Professionals (Contracted via the RFP) wil! determine adequacy b2.sec or: the Fire Departments needs. There were concerns that the considerations that have been mace for providing on 2.D outsource basis, fire safety services to Surfside, Bay Harbor Islands, or Ba! Harbor would not delay the RFP process or the con.sultams evaluation or design \-vork. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recOI:"1..mend issuance of an RFP. PropertY Maintenance Facility Description: Property Maintenance Facility work includes: replacement of the 10,000 square- foot maintenance and warehouse facility, parking for 60 City! vehicles, 60 employee vehicles, and ADA compliance. The present facility is unsafe for \-vorkers and in need of full restoration. A preliminary feasibility study of relocation, including the location where the Public Works site is will be performed while consultants are selected. Discussion: There were concerns regarding the timing and inclusion of the relocation feasibility study with the design work. The City Administration would perform the feasibility study, and u1ere \-'liould be sufficient time during the RFP response and selection process to finalize the commitment to a site. It was noted that the Fire Station No.2 Master Plan considered the relocation of the Property Maintenance Yard to the Public Works site and found it to be infeasible. however. other uses ' '. were also being considered at the time. This possibility will be explored one more time. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recomJnend issuance of an RFP. 417 Altos del Mar Park Description: Proposed improvements consist of converting urjmproved J.:"eJ. r.ov.,; commonly k.'10\vl1 as the Altos del Mar park into a park, renovate or move historic structures, provide infrastructure and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th Street. It will require a le2se agreement \Yith the State of Florida for over 25 years. The City \"vill seek to ootain full ti~le to the property. Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. Allison Park Description: The improvement \vas proposed In response to stared cornmunity need. Improvements include full renovations, a gateway to the North Beach Recreational Corridor, and beach access. It should be awarded to the same professional team as the North Beach Recreational Corridor. Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issua.'1ce of an RFP. North Beach Recreational Corridor Description: Bicycle and pedestrian facility on the Beach right-of-way from 60t~ Street to 75'11 Street. It is to be coordinated with Allison Park imorovements. As Safe Neighborhoods . ~ funding has been identified for the Phase I components, the G.O. Bond funding \\ill be used for Phase II, the northern portion. It requires a LAP agreement \\ith FDOT prior to issuing the RFP. The LAP agreement is expected on December 15,1999. (/ Discussion: None Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. lOCh Street Auditorium Description: Historic renovation of the lOth Street Auditorium and Beach Patrol Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting, a.l1d restoration of deteriorated facilities. Discussion: It was requested that the Administration assure that the appropriate departments be involved, and that there is adequate public involvement in the design of the renovations. There was also requested that the accessibility for present and future Beach Patrol needs be incorporated, and that the City's preservationist be involved in the process. c-- One of the Committee members, asked if this \vas a discretionary project that could be removed from the list pending other preservationist concerns to remove the building from 418 L1c cc:J.ch. Othe:- corrRlirtee me~bers respor.cd \vith th::ir ir:,;;:-pret:J.tion thJ.t 3.11 of the projects on the GO Bond Project list were pIJced ate:- significant community par:icipation and that there are no discretionary projects. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recoffiIT:e=:d issuance of an RFP. Belle Isle Park Description: Project 2dded in response to comrnunity request to program Belle Isle Park to provide playground. landscape, irrigation, site furnishings, pedestria...'l, and lighting improvements. Discussion: There was concern that the community be involved in the design of the park progra..rr1. Recoffi..'11endation: Passed unanimously to recommer:d issuar:ce or an RFP. Botanical Garden Center Description: Full restoration of the Garden Center to support a new program and business plan for the park to continue to be a viable community asset. .ADA access requireme:m \.'vill be fulfilled, and structural defects in the conservatof): resolved as deemed appropriate. Discussion: There was concern that the community continues to be involved in the design, and there be community and Garden Center participation in the selection process. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. City.vide Beach Planting Description: Development of landscape design and plantings for beeches dune system on beach throughout City. Funding is also available [ann t~e Safe neighborhoods parks Bond Fund. Discussion: It was requested that the planting design should include the roping off of beach access pathways, or other means of protecting the dune systems from trespass. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of an RFP. Venetian Island Streetscape. Phase I Description: Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for Veneti2I1 Islands, including San Marino, Di Lido, Rivo Alto, and Belle Islands, and a section from Alton Road to Isl2I1d View Park. Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and a gateway treatment. Phase I improvements include island side-streets. Phase II is for the causeway. Design \.vill be based on the current Master Plan. 419 Discussion: The.:-e was concern th:lt t~e corrununiry continues to ce in\olvec: in the prcje'.::. It was also noted that the Maste.:- Plan process included comprehensive pl:blic invoive:::ent. arld that the Venetian Island residents are in full support.. Recommendation: Passed unanimously to recommend issuance of atl RFP. ACTION: The committee recommended the issuance of Requests for Proposals for the projects listed above. 2A, Amend Professional Services A~reements The City is currently engaged in agreements with several professional serY'ices firms for ongoing work in the park projects. These agreements allow the addition of profession2.1 se:-vices resulting in time savings and efficiency in implementing the projects. REG Architects REG has the follov,ing projects listed in their professional services agreement. This agreement IT"J2.Y be amended to include additional services as described belov,.' for each projec:. Crespi Park, Stillwater Park, Island View Park, Fisher Park. La Gorce Park, and Palm Island Park These parks have been completed per the original Parks Bond Prograrn. Tatum Park is currently under construction and expected to be completed in January of 2000. Addition2.l needs identified as part of the original and new process are: lighting, security or decorative fencing, sports coUrts, shade structures, and multi-purpose rooms. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in one construction project for bidding, lli"1d design, and construction documents that \vill be consistent \vith newly completed work. " 4- \.-,.... Muss and FairwaY' Parks Muss and Fairway Parks construction documents are 85% complete. Additional needs identified for these parks as part of the original and new process are: lighting, security or decorative fencing, sports coUrts, shade structures, and multi-purpose roOE1S. Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in meeting all of the needs at one time, and the projects will be bid with all needed components as one project group. Design \\'ill be consistent with newly completed work. South Shore Community Center The South Shore Community Center was originally included in the REG professional services agreement as a component of the Parks Bond Program. The City Commission reallocated the funding for this project to other park projects due to limited resources lli'1d extent of work necessary. The funding from the new GO Bond will allow for the project to move forward as originally envisioned in the Parks Bond Program. Anticipated improvements include a comprehensive renovation of the interior and exterior of the b.cility, a ne\v roof, landscaping, irrigation, signage and a playground. Bermello, Aiamil & Partners, Inc. C'~' BermelIo, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. have the following projects listed in their professional services agreement. This agreement may be amended to include additional services as desc:ibed below for each project. 420 North Shore Park/'{I)1]th Center Tne second floor of the youth center fJcility is scheduled for revie'.v at the Dece:::cer 1";', 1999 Design Review Board. Follo\ving the DRB approvJI process the 3Ichitec: prcjec:s th:2: it will tJke approximate:y 1"",'lo months to complete the constn.lctioG GoclL'"nenrs. f\.:ditior:2.1 r:ee2S identified for this pa:-k as part of the original and new process are: the secor:d fleer orthe :;outh. center, security and Sport lighting, security and decorative fe:1cing, COr:1::1lmir:; ce:::er renovations, restroom renovmions and parking lot improve:ne::ts. .~T.e:1di:1g t!-:.e Pi"ofessicr:al Services Azreement will result in meetinz a!l needs at one tiDe. c.nd :r.e Dro;e~t 'xii! te Ci.: ',';i:~ - - '. ~ all needed compOnetHs included. North Shore Open Space Park North Shore Open Space Park is currently in the preliminary sche:natic design pI:ase. P:3...:s include a ne\v nature center, new restrooms, substantial lar:dsc2.ping, i:-:-ig:::.:ion, a:-.::: si::: restoration. Tne Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond piOgr2.m Ii": tl:e 2:-:-:'CU:-.: of $1,77 5,000 funds this ph2.se of construction. A..n addi tiona! r:eed identifle::i for this 1= ::.::..: a.s Part of the ori2:inal and ne\v process is a!1 exoanded 0Jature Cente,. :;.mendi",s: ti-:e Praz"'esSiOl:2! ~ .. ~ Services A2:reement will result ir: meetinz all needs at one time. ~ ~ Lummus Park Lummus Park is currently under construction \vith Phase 1 projected to be subst2.f1.tially coeplete by December 2.3, 1999. Additional needs identified for this park as part of the original a:;c l:e\v process include additional landscaping and the widening of the sidewalks east of Ocean Dri';e. Amending the Professional SeD.:ices A2:reemem \vill result in cominuil"Y of cesiszr:. - ...... .- '- Pinetree Park Pinetree Park is clL.'Tentlv under construction and is anticinated to be suos:a..l1ti::.IIv coccI:::e CV ~ .I. '" ... '" T._..__. ::- 'l^,n(\, ',,1:_:~_._~ ...; ',; .'';:- '';- ."_ 1, ;: .\..., -'0' "'I "'MQ' D""'\' J.:...,c..c.../ OJ. -v. ,.'. r,C''-lLIUll.ll neeU.s luen.Llllea lor ull::; par.'\. as part Ol Ul" Od::;lD,," ,,",u h... process incluce added landscaping, security lighting, park fixtures and pedestrian. walkway improvements. .Amending the Professional Services Agreement will result in continuiry of design. South Pointe Park South Pointe Park is in a very preliminary schematic design/study phase. Needs for the Park are estimated to be approximately $4 to $5 million. Funding \vas insufficient form the Par:-Cs Bond and was moved to other park projects in anticipation of obtaining the full funding for t:lis park prior to proceeding with plans. \Vith sufficient funding in identified to for this par:", it is now appropriate to amend the contract reflecting the services for this activity. Park~ Maintenance Yard The Parks Maintenance Yard is currently in a preliminary schematic design ph2.se aile per:di:;g coordinating activity on the restoration of Bavshore Golf Course as well as the full fi..:r:dir:g needed for all \'lork. With funding now identified, it is approprime to amend the coru,2.C: to reflect the additional scope of work for this activity. Carr Smith Corradino Carr Smith Corradino has the following projects listed in their professional sety'ices 2.greerr:enl. HLis agreement may be amended to include those additional services as described belo\'l far each project. 421 i"'nrm:mdv Isle Park Construction docume:1ts are I OO~/o cOwple~e for improve:::e:1:s COI:5;5::::; c: 2. ::~'.'.' :cc: complex, renovation of fields, a ne'.v rec:-emion ceme:-, ba.sk:e~baIl cot:::s, a ;:c.c-:e:, h::.cs.:::.;:i::g a.'1d irrigation. A.dditior:al G. O. Bond improveme:1ts \"ill incl ude d~:ora::ive .:~::c:...-:g. 2.::.C ~ ~:..:: :,:_ purpose room. :~.rnendi.ng t.1e Professional Se:-;ices Agree:7ler:t \Vlt! resul~ I::, :::.ee.::::g a:: ::ee~~ at one time, ane. the project \viil be bid \\~L1 all of the needed coopone::ts Inc. :..::e::. Des:;:: ',\I1~ be consistent \vith \vor;.;: completed. Fbmin~() Park .... '. . Construction docWTlems are 1 00% complete for icprove:r.e:1ts cOns:5::::g c: 2. .::e'.'; ~CO, :..-:: :'~.e amendment to the consultaI1ts COnt,2.ct \\ill provide for changes to t.c'le ;<:"-:5 ,e~~ec::::g :~e additional lanes approve d by L'le COIT'.o.l'1:ission. The addition2.l pro:'ession3.i se:-;ices \''-::: e:e :~Jr the preparation of plans for the remo.ining par;" Clfe:lS that were net or:g:::2.:::: provided c'..:e to funding limitation. With funding no\v ider.tified ror the remaining ixprove:::e:::s er t:-:e ;::::.::< it is apDfooriate to amend the agreement for those 2.ctivities. .-\mendi::s: L~e Prc:-ess:c:::::: 5e:-.:::es ...... ... -- "- Agreement will result in meeting all needs 2.t one time. a.'1d the project \vill oe oi: 2.S a ;:ee: :"-.2 park improvement separmely but will be consistent in desig::1 a..-:c: 2.pFOi:.:::: c>" o:-is~-::.::l:: envisioned. Scott Rakow Youth Center Const.uction documents 75% complete for improvements consis~ing of 2. ne''v ice r:r'_< i:.:'.C building renovations, a parking lot, and landscaping. A.dditior:2.1 propose: G.O. ~cr'.ci improvements include additional classroom space a.lld second floc, interior cccii':lc2.:i:.::s. Amending the Professional Services Agreement \vill result in meeting all needs 2.: o::e ti..-:::e, :...-:d the project \vill be bid with all of the needed components included. Design \\~ll ce consis:e::: with \vork in progress. { " Discussion: During the course of discussion, maI1Y questions \vere raised regarding the proposed ~-::endr::er'.:s to the professional services agreements such as: The past performance of these firms and suitability for continuation of ",.-ork. The an:ou.n: 0: ':~es paid to each of the firms to date and possibilit). of the ability of the 1irm to h2.l-:dle :'~e 2.adi::c::::; workload. Also, concern was expressed about excluding other professionals froD being able :J provide this work. Most iInportantly, the COffi...'Tlinee requested that the Administration renegocc.:e the fees to a lower percentage. The rationale for neg:otiatinQ" lo"',:er fees is that tl:ere 2-re e:Ilc:enc:es ~ ~ that these companies \\ill realize because they are mobilized and familiar with the projecL anci ::-:::.: planning and design components are already in place in many cases. There \vas o.lso 2. discussion on the difi'erence i" fee rates a..rnong the three r::-:-.::s. I:-:e c;Eere:-.ce ::-. rates is due to there being required different specialties for each set of pro.ie:::s. Iiie f::.:es :~Jr e::.:::-: of the specialties are based on sta.'1dard rates in the industry for the respeciliYe s,ce':::2.: ties. ACTION: The Committee recommends the amendment of the contr:1cts subject to renegotiation to lO'rver fees. (~ 422 2B. .i..uthorize t e. dministr:ltioo to l'se the t:ndesiCJ'nated Fund Bal:1nce I)f the Gene;:)] Fund [or Commitment AuthIJrin' for Professional Service A~reements Description: This matter was presented by Patricia \Valker, Fino.r:ce Department, and recor....;71e:lds t::o.: Administration use up to $1,500,000 in the Undesignated Fund Bala..'1ce of the Ge:1e:-::1 Fur:d to USe for commitme:1t authority for the amendments to tl-Je professional sen'ices contr::cts descrieed 2.00':e. Actual payme:1t "vould not be from this source and it "vill not likely ce mo.ce sir.ce tte fJ..-:c:s for ::-:e first phase of funding will likely be available by the time the first charges are paste::: a;::l[".s: these additional services. Action: Passed unanimously to recommend authorization of the Administration to use up to 51,500,000 in the Undesignated Fund Balance of the General Fund to use for commitment authority for the amended contracts. 2C. A ro ri:lte Fundina for Amendments to Existina Professional, err'ice A:rreements to Implement Park Proiects. Discussion: This would authorize the Administration to appropriate the Undesignated FUll.d Balance fur:cii.:'1g fOf amendments to existing Professional Service Agreements to implement park projects. Discussion: None. Action: The Committee recommends authorization to the Administration to appropriate tbe Undesianated Fund Balance fundina for commitment authority for the amended professional ~ 0 . service contracts to implement park projects. J... Authorization to Negotiate First Phase Funding Package Discussion: This would authorize the Administration to negotiate with bond pool funds for financing to provide full funding for the first phase of the G.O. Bond Program. Based on the current estis:ite or- project fund commitment needs, this funding would be used for about two years. Curre:1cly, Ltc Gulf Breeze loan pool is has funding available at very favorable tenns. Action: The Committee recommend the Administration to negotiate the First Phase Funding Package. :L. Authorization to Amend the Agreement with the Shane "\-Vater Sport" Center Discussion: This would authorize the Administration to amend the agreement \vith the Sh:me Water Sports Center, in which the Center will advance funding of its own expanslOn and 423 improvements, and U,le City will repay the agreed costs from the G.O. Bor:d funds 1.2p to the amount listed in the G.O. Bond Project Program consistent with Bond Counsel requirements. The Shane W:lter Sports Center must foUm\! all of the requirements of using public funds for procurement of services and construction. Action: The Committ~ recommends that the Administration to amend the agreement ,vith the Shane Water Sports Center as appropriate. 5. Discussion: This would authorize the administration to commence the neighborhood meeting process to develop the scope of work. and establish priorities for the remaining project in coordination \vich the G.O. Bond Project Oversight Committee. Action: Recommends authorization to commence the neighborhood meeting process to develop the scope of work, and establish priorities for the remaining project in coordination 'With the GO Bond Oversight Committee. 2. REFERRAL OF THE HFLIPORT LOCATED O~ THE ROOT TOP (~OUTH SIDE) OF THE MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTME"l. 1I30 \V~HlNr,TON A'VEi"'I"1TE. Ai'j1) THE NOISE AFFECTING THE Sl:JRR01TNl)TNG A A. c: Discussion: The Neighborhoods Committee met on December 8, 1999, at 6:00 P.M. to discuss the use of the Police Department roof top as a helipad. Commission concerns were that the roof be used solely for safety purposes so as not to become a routine drop-off point for VIP's or other non-essential functions', and create undue noise and hardship on the abutting neighborhoods. The Committee requested that the Police Department provide criteria for any permitted uses. In addition, the Committee asked for a list of currently operating helipads in the City of Miami Beach. , The Police Department st~essed the imponance of using the Police building roof for Millennium life safety purposes. Action: The Committee recommended bringing the item back to the full Commission at its December 15, 1999 meeting, including the above referenced additional information. Vy S-&R~:ptw f: I cmgr I$alll commem099/heliport. d 15 c. 424 - , After Action December 15,1999 City of :,riami Be:oc~ R5N Commission Memorandum No. 932-99 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the i\fiar:1i Beach City Code Entitled "Administration", by Amending Article IV Entitled "Officers and EG1ployees", by .A.mending Section 2-191 Entitled "Enumeration of Organizational Units" bv Cre::.ting the Office of Elde, Affairs; Providing for ..... oJ _ ..... Codification in the City Code; Repealer; Severability, and an Effective D2..te. 2:25 p.m. Public Hearin!!. Second and Final Reading Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance. (Requested by Commissioner Simon Cruz) (First Re::.ding 12/1/99) ACTION: Public hearing held. Ordinance No. 99-3230 adopted. Motion made by Commissione, ~ '- Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Bower; ballot vote: 7-0. Christina Cuervo to handle. R6 - Commission Committee Reports R6A Commission Memorandum No. 937-99 Report on the Joint Meeting of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee, and the Neighborhoods Committee of December 8, 1999 regarding: 1) Referral of the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue; a..'1d, 2) Referral of the Heliport Located on the Roof Top (South Side) of the Miami Beach Police Department, 113 0 Washington Avenue, and the Noise Affecting the Surrounding Area. ACTION: Report given. Motion made by Commissioner Smith to accept the report; seconded by Commissioner Dermer; voice vote: 7-0. R6B Verbal Report on the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Meeting of December 9, 1999 regarding: 1) Report on the Bass Museum; and, 2) A Request that the City of Miami Beach Issue Bonds on Behalf of the Heb~ew Home for the Aged to be Used for Improvements to Their Facilities in Miami Beach and to Build a New Facility in Sunny Isles Beach. ACTION: Withdrawn. R6C Verbal Report on the Joint Meeting of Land Use and Development Committee and the Parking and Transportation Committee of December 13, 1999 of a Discussion regarding a Proposal to Alleviate Traffic on Alton Road bet\veen Dade Boulevard and 15th Street. ACTION: Deferred to the January 12th Commission meeting. Judy Hoanshelt to place on the Commission agenda. 24 CITY'OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us TO: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. '21 ~ --G b FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy % City Manager DATE: January 12,2000 SUBJECT: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Authorizing the Administration to Issue Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. AN AL YSIS On November 2, 1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach, and Fire Safety Improvements. To implement the Bond projects, the Administration requires the services of design professionals for planning, design, and preparation of the constructionlbidding documents needed to undertake the work in accordance with the project list. The Administration has drafted the attached Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit proposals from qualified consultants to proceed with the projects listed below. It is the intent of this RFQ to evaluate and recommend award of each project individually, based on project specific qualifications. Proposers are to submit separate proposals for each project and shall not be limited to one (1) project. ~ Fire Station No.2 Renovation and Expansion Public Works Operations Facility Property Management Facility Electrowave Shuttle Facility Fire Station No.4 Renovation and Expansion Venetian Island Improvements Altos Del Mar Park Allison Park North Beach Recreational Corridor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10th Street Beachfront Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters Belle Isle Park Improvements Miami Beach Botanical Garden Center Renovation and Expansion Beach Planting Citywide Traffic Counting Citywide Signage and Environmental Graphics AGENDA ITEM ~ 70 DATE 1-/2..,DO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Commission Memorandum January 12,2000 Page Two AN AL YSIS (continued) The Procurement Division coordinated meetings with the using Departments to solicit their input and approval of the scope services identified in the RFQ. On November 17, 1999, the City Commission referred the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to a joint meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committees. This referral included a recommendation for the issuance of the RFQ for the selection of design professionals for planning, design, and preparation of the constructionlbidding documents needed to undertake the work in accordance with the GO Bond Project list. On December 8, 1999, a joint meeting of the Neighborhoods Committee, Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Oversight Committee was held. The Committee unanimously recommends the issuance of the RFQ. On December 15, 1999, the City Commission accepted this report. The final RFQ was presented to the GO Bond Oversight Committee for their information on January 10, 2000. ~ (' "V LAL: G:MR Attachment RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ISSUE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 41-99/00 FOR ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT LIST. WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood; Parks and Beach; and Fire Safety Improvements; and WHEREAS, the Administration desires to contract with design professionals for planning and preparation of the construction/bidding documents needed to undertake the work outlined in the ballot questions; and WHEREAS, the Administration has drafted a Request for Qualifications for providing the said services and set a tentative date of February 3, 2000, as the deadline for receipt of qualifications; and WHEREAS, The Administration has reported the issuance of the RFQ to the GO Bond Oversight Committee at the January 10,2000 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby authorize the Administration to issue Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41- 99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural an.d Graphic Design Services for various City Projects in accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond project list. PASSED and ADOPTED this _ day of January, 2000 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK LAL/JAG/MR CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RFQ NO. 41-99/00 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT LIST A PRE-QUALIFICATION CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED FOR 10:00 AM ON FEBRUARY 1, 2000, IN THE IN THE FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM OF CITY HALL, 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. RESPONSES ARE DUE AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M. MARCH 1,2000 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DIVISION 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, THIRD FLOOR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 FAX: (305) 673-7851 RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. RFQ NO.: DATE: TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES SCOPE OF SERVICES QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT FORMAT EVALUATION/SELECTION PROCESS; CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION GENERAL PROVISIONS SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHMENTS DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO CITY 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 2 Paee 5-9 10-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30 31 32-39 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us PROCUREMENT DIVISION Telephone (305) 673-7490 Facsimile (305) 673-7851 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH RFQ NO. 41-99/00 Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Miami Beach Procurement Director, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, until 3:00 P.M. on March 1,2000 for: ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS . Fire Station No.2 Renovation and . 10th Street Beachfront Expansion AuditoriumlBeach Patrol Public Works Operations Headquarters Facility Belle Isle Park Improvements Property Management Facility . Electrowave Shuttle Facility . Fire Station No.4 Renovation and . Miami Beach Botanical Expansion Garden Renovation and Expansion . Venetian Island Improvements . Beach Planting . Altos Del Mar Park . Citywide Traffic Counting . Allison Park . Citywide Signage and North Beach Recreational Environmental Graphics Corridor At the time, date, and place above, proposals will be publicly opened. Any proposal received after the time and date specified will be returned to the proposer unopened. Proposal documents may be obtained upon request from the Procurement Division, telephone number (305) 673-7490, Bid Clerk. A Pre-Qualification Conference is scheduled for 10:00 AM on February 1,2000, in the in the First Floor Conference Room of City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 3 You are hereby advised that this RFQ is subject to the "Cone of Silence," in accordance with Ordinance 99-3164. From the time of advertising until the City Manager issues his recommendation, there is a prohibition on communication with the City's professional staff. The ordinance does not apply to oral communications at pre-bid conferences, if held, oral presentations before evaluation committees, contract discussions during any duly noticed public meeting, public presentations made to the City Commission during any duly noticed public meeting, contract negotiaions with the staff following the award of an RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or bid by the City Commission, or communications in writing at any time with any city employee, official, or member of the City Commission unless specifically prohibited. A copy of all wTitten communications must be filed with the City Clerk. Violation of these provisions by any particular bidder or proposer shall render any RFP award, RFQ award, RFLI award, or bid award to said bidder or proposer void, and said bidder or proposer shall not be considered for any RFP, RFQ, RFLI or bid for a contract for the provision of goods or services for a period of one year. The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to accept any proposal or bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach, and to waive any informality in any proposal or bid. The City of Miami Beach may reject any and all proposals or bids. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Michael A. Rath, CPPB Procurement Director RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 4 SECTION I - REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS OVERVIEW AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES: A. INTRODUCTIONIBACKGROUND On November 2, 1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (00) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach and Fire Safety Improvements. In an effort to begin the implementation of these Bond projects, the city desires to contract with design professionals in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055 for planning and the preparation of the construction/bidding documents needed to undertake the work detailed in the Scope of Work contained herein. B. RFQ TIMETABLE The anticipated schedule for this RFQ and contract approval is as follows: RFQ issued January 13,2000 Pre-qualification Conference February 1, 2000 Deadline for receipt of questions February 18, 2000 Deadline for receipt of responses March 1, 2000 at 3:00 p.rn. Eval uationlSelection process March, 13, 2000 Projected award date April 12 , 2000 Projected contract start date May 1, 2000 C. QUALIFICATION STATEMENT SUBMISSION An original and ten (10) copies of a complete response to each project must be received by Wednesday, March 1, 2000 at 3:00 p.rn. and will be opened on that day at that time. The original and all copies must be submitted to the Procurement Division in a sealed envelope or container stating on the outside, the respondent's name, address, telephone number, RFQ number, Project number, Project title, and due date. The responsibility for submitting a response to this RFQ to the Procurement Division on or before the stated time and date will be solely and strictly that of the respondent. The City will in no way be responsible for delays caused by the U.S. Post Office or caused by any other entity or by any occurrence. Responses received after the RFQ due date and time are late and will not be considered. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 5 D. PRE-QUALIFICATION CONFERENCE A Pre-Qualification Conference is scheduled for 10:00 AM on February 1, 2000, in the in the First Floor Conference Room of City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. E. CONTACT PERSON/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/ADDENDA Requests for additional information or clarifications must be made in writing to the Procurement Director no later than the date specified in the RFQ timetable. In order to expedite the receipt of questions and the issuance of clarification addenda, the proposer may submit questions via facsimile at (305) 673-7851. The City will issue replies to inquiries and any other corrections or amendments it deems necessary in written addenda issued prior to the deadline for responding to the RFQ. Respondents should not rely on representations, statements, or explanations other than those made in this RFQ or in any addendum to this RFQ. Respondents are required to acknowledge the number of addenda received as part of their responses. The respondent should verify with the Procurement Division prior to submitting a response that all addenda have been received. F. RESPONSE GUARANTY None required. G. MODIFICA TION/WITHDRA W ALS OF SUBMITTALS A respondent may submit a modified response to replace all or any portion of a previously submitted response up until the RFQ due date and time. Modifications received after the RFQ due date and time will not be considered. Responses shall be irrevocable until contract award unless withdrawn in writing prior to the RFQ due date or after the expiration of one-hundred twenty(120) days from the opening of responses. Letters of withdrawal received after the RFQ due date and before said expiration date, and letters of withdrawal received after contract award will not be considered. H. RFQ POSTPONEMENT/CANCELLATIONIREJECTION The City may, at its sole and absolute discretion, reject any and all, or parts of any and all, responses; re-advertise this RFQ; postpone or cancel, at any time, this RFQ process; or waive any irregularities in this RFQ or in the responses received as a result of this RFQ. RFQ NO.: DATE: 4 I -99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 6 I. COST INCURRED BY RESPONDENTS All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of responses to the City, or any work performed in connection therewith, shall be the sole responsibility of the respondent(s) and not be reimbursed by the City. J. VENDOR APPLICATION Prospective respondents should register with the City of Miami Beach Procurement Division; this will facilitate their receipt of future notices of solicitations when they are issued. Potential respondents may contact the Procurement Division at (305) 673-7490 to request an application. Registration requires that a business entity complete a vendor application. The following documents are required: 1. Vendor registration form 2. Commodity code listing 3. Articles of Incorporation - Copy of Certification page 4. Copy of Business or Occupational License It is the responsibility of the vendor to inform the City concerning any changes, such as new address, telephone number, and commodities or services which can be provided. K. EXCEPTIONS TO RFQ Respondents must clearly indicate any exceptions they wish to take to any of the terms in this RFQ, and outline what alternative is being offered. The City, after completing evaluations, may accept or reject the exceptions. In cases in which exceptions are rejected, the City may require the respondent to furnish the services originally described herein, or negotiate an alternative acceptable to the City. L. SUNSHINE LAW Respondents are hereby notified that all information submitted as part of a response to this RFQ will be available for public inspection after opening of responses, in compliance with Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, known as the "Government in the Sunshine Law". M. NEGOTIATIONS The City may award a contract on the basis of initial offers received, without discussion, or may require respondents to give oral presentations based on their submittals. The City reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected respondent, and if the City and the selected respondent cannot negotiate a mutually acceptable contract, the City may terminate the negotiations and begin negotiations with the next selected respondent. This RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 7 process may continue until a contract has been executed or all responses have been rejected. No respondent shall have any rights in the subject project or property or against the City arising from such negotiations. N. PROTEST PROCEDURE Respondents that are not selected may protest any recommendations for award by sending a formal protest letter to the Procurement Director, which letter must be received no later than 5 calendar days after award by the City Commission. The Procurement Director will notify the protester of the cost and time necessary for a written reply, and all costs accruing to an award challenge shall be assumed by the protester. Any protests received after 5 calendar days from contract award by the City Commission will not be considered, and the basis or bases for said protest shall be deemed to have been waived by the protester. O. RULES; REGULATIONS; LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Respondents are expected to be familiar with and comply with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations that may in any way affect the services offered, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the EEOC Uniform Guidelines, and all other EEO regulations and guidelines. Ignorance on the part of the respondent will in no way relieve it from responsibility for compliance. P. DEFAULT Failure or refusal of a respondent to execute a contract upon award by the City Commission, or untimely withdrawal of a response before such award is made and approved, may result in forfeiture of that portion of any surety required as liquidated damages to the City; where surety is not required, such failure may result in a claim for damages by the Ci1y and may be grounds for removing the respondent from the City's vendor list. Q. CONFLICT OF INTEREST All respondents must disclose with their response the name(s) of any officer, director, agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, child) who is also an employee of the City of Miami Beach. Further, all respondents must disclose the name of any City employee who owns, either directly or indirectly, an interest of ten (10%) percent or more in the respondent or any of its affiliates. R. RESPONDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY Before submitting a response, each respondent shall make all investigations and examinations necessary to ascertain all conditions and requirements affecting the full performance of the contract. Ignorance of such conditions and requirements resulting from failure to make such investigations and examinations wiII not relieve the successful respondent from any obligation to comply with every detail and with all provisions and RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 8 requirements of the contract documents, nor will it be accepted as a basis for any claim whatsoever for any monetary consideration on the part of the respondent. s. RELATION OF CITY It is the intent of the parties hereto that the successful respondent be legally considered as an independent contractor and that neither the respondent nor the respondent's employees and agents shall, under any circumstances, be considered employees or agents of the City. T. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crimes may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submi t bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, sub- contractor, or consultant under a contract with a public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Sec. 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. RFQ NO.: DATE: 4 I -99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 9 SECTION II - SCOPE OF SERVICES The City is seeking the services of Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design firms to provide professional services that may include planning, production of plans, specifications, bidding/construction documents, and construction administration/management services for the projects identified below. The selected firm(s) will be responsible for reviewing existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes and for incorporating the above data into complete construction documents including final working drawings, maintenance expenses, construction estimates, specifications, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construction of the projects. The selected firm(s) will be responsible for obtaining all Federal, State and local permits and approvals and permits necessary for the construction of the projects, and may also be required to provide consulting services to the City on various matters which do not result in drawings or specifications. The designs will be developed with the input of the City Administration, the various City Boards and Committees, as well as area residents and other interested individuals and groups. Proposers shall submit separate proposals for each project as outlined in Section I(c). Proposers shall not be limited to one (1) project. Each project will be evaluated independently. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 10 PROJECT NO.1 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be headed by an Architect/Engineer with considerable Historic, Fire Station and Public Facilities design/renovation experience and shall include a Landscape Architect and Environmental Engineer. Note: The following facilities are currently, or are being considered to be located at one (1) site. Consideration shall be given to incorporating site development alternatives contained in the report prepared by ST AlCurrie Partnership, which will be made available to the successful proposer. Priority shall be given to the renovation of Fire Station No.2. ~ Fire Station No.2 Renovation, 2300 Pinetree Drive Project Description: Historic renovation of Fire Station No.2 to house the fire and rescue administrative function, a new fire bay facility and living quarters, the renovation of the maintenance facility; access, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, landscaping and a new pump station. ~ Public Works Operations Facility, 451 Dade Blvd. Project Description: The Public Works Operations Facility currently houses four (4) divisions of the department: Water, Sewer, Storm, and Streets and Lighting. It also includes the Operations Warehouse, Storage Areas and a water pump station. The total square footage for the building facilities is +/- 19,200 square feet. The site itself consists of +/- 193,000 square feet for parking, equipment storage, materials storage and a water storage tank. The building contains administrative areas for the divisions, the warehouse and storage, and support facilities such as electrical and mechanical equipment rooms. The facilities do not have adequate meeting rooms and is not fully ADA compliant. Work to be performed under the resulting contract includes: development of a site plan, exterior and interior building modifications, renovations and minor expansion of the administrative areas for all divisions; improvements and renovation of operations control room; complete refurbishing of employee lounge, lockers and bathroom facilities; expansion of shops and warehouse facilities; site access improvements; additional site parking; paving, drainage, landscape, site lighting, signage, and expansion of yard storage areas. The replacement/relocation of the water storage tank(s) and associated water pump station is to be accomplished under a separate contract. The development of a site plan shall evaluate and incorporate the siting and other related issues of the water storage tank(s) and water pump station into the overall development plan for the site. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13,1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH II PROJECT NO.1 (continued) ~ Electrowave Shuttle Facility, 451 Dade Blvd. Project Description: This project may include conceptual planning, design and implementation of a facility to administer, house and maintain the City's electric shuttle program. This facility shall accommodate a minimum of twenty (20) buses with charging stations for a minimum of 3 sets of batteries per shuttle bus. Additional amenities may include;: three (3) bus bays, one (1) of which to be equipped with a lift, wash mechanism with water recovery system, detailing area, propane storage tank with associated pumping facilities, administration office areas, restroom facilities, warehouse storage, paving, drainage, landscaping, site lighting and signage. ~ Property Management Facility, 1245 Michigan Ave. (Flamingo Park) Project Description: Work to be performed under the resulting contract includes: Reviewing existing site and additional sites for planning, design, construction documents and construction management of a new Property Management Facility. The design will include a 14,000 square foot maintenance office and warehouse facility and 4,000 sq. ft. outdoor workspace, parking for 60 city vehicles and 60 employee vehicles, paving, drainage, landscaping, site lighting and signage. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 12 PROJECT NO.2 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be headed by an Architect/Engineer with considerable Historic Renovation and Fire Station design experience and shall include a Landscape Architect. ~ Fire Station No.4 Renovation, 6880 Indian Creek Drive Project Description: Historic renovation of Fire Station No.4, new fire bay facility with accomedations for modem Fire and EMS equipment, living quarters for a dual gender workforce, access, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, landscaping and signage. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 13 PROJECT NO.3 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should consist of an Architect, Engineer and Landscape Archi tect ~ Venetian]slands Improvements Project Project Description: Improvements to the City-owned residential roadways on the Venetian Islands (Belle Isle, Rivo Alto, DiLido and San Marino Islands). Services will include design and construction documents for select neighborhood plans by incorporating design aItematives contained in the Venetian Causeway Master Plan, prepared by Urban Resource Group. Elements identified and addressed in the Venetian Causeway Master Plan adopted by the City Commission April 15, 1998, include; bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, pedestrian lighting, landscaping, signage, intersections and underground utilities. A future phase of the project may include similar services for the Venetian Causeway which is a Miami-Dade County roadway. RFQ NO.: DATE: 4 1-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 14 PROJECT NO.4 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be headed by a Landscape Architect with park design experience and shall include an Engineer and Architect with demonstrated knowledge and experience in Historic Preservation. The project may also require the services of a person qualified by education or experience to research and interpret historical information. ~ Altos Del Mar Park Project Description: This project includes conceptual planning, design, construction documents and construction administration services for a new park on a 2-acre undeveloped tract of oceanfront land located east of Collins A venue between 76th and 77th Streets. The park site lies within the Harding Townsite/South Altos Del Mar Historic District, and is adjacent to the Altos Del Mar Historic District. The design of the park should strongly relate to its location and context, possibly adopting an overall theme of interpreting the natural history, early settlement, and urban development of the North Beach area. The park is intended to be developed primarily as passive open space; however, active recreational uses may be considered if they are compatible with the historic character of the neighborhood and supported by neighborhood residents. Within the boundaries of the park are two residential structures that are historically and architecturally significant and a recently constructed parking lot. The design services required for this park include restoration of the exterior of these buildings to their original exterior appearance, and adaptive reuse of the interior of the structures and the possible reconfiguration of the parking areas. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 15 PROJECT NO.5 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be headed by a landscape architect with extensive knowledge and experience in the use of beach plant materials and must include an environmental engineer experienced in environmental permitting. ~ Allison Park Project Description: Allison Park is a 3.04 acre parcel located at 65th Street east of Collins A venue and the west of the beach front and dune. It includes a parking lot and open sandfbeach with a comfort station and limited landscaping. This site will also serve as a focal point of the southern end of the North Beach Recreational Corridor. The improvements currently envisioned include extensive landscaping using native beach plant materials, ambient lighting, full irrigation, renovation/new construction of existing comfort station, signage, bicycle/pedestrian pathways that tie into the North Beach RecreationaI Corridor and beach, parking, site furnishings including benches, bike racks and trash receptacles, and possibly a playground. ~ North Beach Recreational Corridor Project Description: The North Beach Recreational Corridor Project, is a 15 I foot wide, on-grade, landscaped, paver stone bicycle/pedestrian trail to be built along the western edge of the sand dunes, with crossover points matching public access points at designated locations. Road-grade concrete pavers will be laid on a crushed limerock base course between concrete retention curbs. Project amenities will also include enhanced native landscaping, low profile lighting and sand/seat walls. All walls, retention curbs and other concrete structures must be designed to be frangible in 5" sections. Project lighting must be designed in accordance with the sea turtle protection requirements of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Phase I- May include final design, environmental permIttmg, preparation of constructionlbidding documents and construction administration services, pursuant to preliminary plans prepared by Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc,. for the beachfront public easement which runs parallel to Collins Avenue, from 65th Street north to 75th Street and the corridor's public access points to Collins A venue, public transit, and the beach, at Allison Park, 67th Street, 71st Street, Band Shell Park, and Ocean Terrace. Future phases of this project may include the following: Phase II - From 75th Street to the North Shore Open Space Park, for which the City has recently submitted a funding application to the TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Program; and Phase III - From 64th Street south to 53rd Street, where the corridor project would interconnect with the proposed Indian Creek Greenway; and RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 16 RFQ NO.: DATE: PROJECT NO.5 (continued) North Beach Recreational Corridor Phase IV - Which encompasses the east-west bicycle/pedestrian connectors between the beach corridor and the residential areas of North Beach. 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 17 PROJECT NO.6 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be headed by an Architect/Engineer with considerable historic preservation, acoustical and structural experience. ~ 10th Street Beachfront Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters Project Description: The historic 10th Street Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters is located at 100 I Ocean Drive, in the center of historic Lummus Park and the heart of the Art Deco District. The Beach Patrol Headquarters was originally constructed in 1935 and the 10th Street (Oceanfront) Auditorium in 1953. The improvements currently envisioned may include the restoration and expansion of the Beach Patrol Headquarter offices, restroom/lockers for both female and male lifeguards, restoration and possible expansion of the auditorium to better serve the neighboring hotels, use for special events and city recreation division programs. The program may also include new acoustical sound proofing, interior/exterior lighting, AlC, roofing, interior and exterior renovation, parking and other related items and immediate site improvements. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 18 PROJECT NO.7 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be headed by a Landscape Architect and must include a historic preservation specialist, lighting engineer and engineer experienced in stormwater management. ~ Belle Isle Park Improvements Project Description: Belle Isle Park is a 3.3 acre parcel located on the south side of the historic Venetian Causeway in a residential neighborhood. The Venetian Causeway is a National Scenic Highway and is on the National Register of Historic Sites as well as a locally designated historic site. The park is the "front yard" of a number of multi-story condominiums and is in the view corridor of residents, tourists and guests traveling the causeway daily. The improvements currently envisioned include landscaping, ambient and safety/security lighting, fully automated irrigation, pedestrian walkways/jogging paths, pedestrian access/gateway to the park, site furnishings including benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, attractive identification signage and possibly a vita course and playground. Perimeter parking, drainage and related surfaces impacting the park area will also included. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 19 PROJECT NO.8 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be made up of an Architect and Landscape Architect each with demonstrated knowledge and extensive experience in tropical botanical gardens and experienced in the design and construction of botanicallhorticultural conservatories indicative of South Florida and its related use in the 21st Century. The team should work together for correct siting of the new buildings, exterior rooms, evaluation and design of existing buildings and evaluation of interior spaces as they relate to natural lighting. ~ Miami Beach Botanical Garden Renovation, 2000 Convention Center Drive Project Description: Complete renovation of the Botanical Garden grounds, buildings, patio space and loggia areas, taking into consideration the existing master plan. Improvements are to include replacement of existing conservatory, reconfiguration of indoor and outdoor spaces, creation of a performing arts stage and seating area compatible with the botanical garden, additional botanically diverse landscaping, irrigation, pedestrian walkways, site furnishings and building improvements, including bringing all aspects of the facility into compliance with ADA requirements. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 20 PROJECT NO.9 Desired Project Team Composition: The design team should be headed by a landscape architect and must include an environmental coastal engineer experienced with native beachplant materials, coastal planting and environmental permitting. ~ Beach Planting Project Description: A City-wide coastal landscape restoration and enhancement project. The project will involve the removal of nuisance exotics and include the planting of native dune species at key areas along the City's sand dune system. Dune plantings will be designed to re-fill voids in the existing landscape, impede improper encroachments across the dunes. In those areas where the beaches are wider and more stable, a series of coconut palm clusters will also be installed. These undulating clusters of palm trees will provide beach goers with shade oases in which to stroll, rest or picnic. Because the plantings will be located in a zone impacted by storm surges which is east of the Erosion Control Line, special hurricane resistant anchoring systems must be utilized in order to hold plantings stationary in the event of a storm. Coastal Construction Permits are required from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 21 PROJECT NO.1 0 Desired Project Team Composition: Proposals for this project shall be headed by a Traffic Engineering firm. ~ Traffic Counting Project Description: Provide the City with timely traffic data collection services on an as need basis, for the use of the City Administration or its consultants in performing traffic analysis relevant to the neighborhood right-of-way improvements. These services are not to be used for private-sector development concurrency analysis, although previously collected data from these services may be used .for private-sector development concurrency analysis. Although not all of the data collection tasks listed below may be employed, the consultant must be qualified and capable of performing any of the studies listed below in a timely manner. The data collection studies may include: 24 and 72-hour weekday and weekend bi-directional traffic counts 24 and 72-hour weekday and weekend traffic classification counts, including pedestrian and bicycle modes. peak-hour turning movement counts with pedestrian crossings pedestrian studies traffic conflict studies 24-hour weekday and weekend speed surveys travel time and delay studies . origin-destination studies including district cordon counts with interviews, or license plate surveys. The consultant will supply all equipment and personnel. Where observers are needed, the consultant will supply a sufficient number of trained and equipped observers. Data will be provided no later than one week after the survey in both hard copy (paper) and electronic format suitable for data input and analysis. Paper outputs will include all raw data in IS-minute intervals and summaries including as applicable: peak periods/hours, peak period counts, and turning movement summary diagrams, Data collection methodology and the output will be consistent with all applicable Florida Department of Transportation, and Miami-Dade County standards and guidelines. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 22 PROJECT NO. 11 Desired Project Team Composition: Proposals for this project must be headed by an individual or firm with qualifications and experience in signage and environmental graphic design at a citywide scale. Architectural and engineering services must be included as necessary to carry the project through permitting, bidding and construction management. ~ Citywide Sign age and Environmental Graphics Project Description: This project includes the planning, design, construction documents and implementation of a coordinated system of signage and environmental graphics for the City of Miami Beach. It will include: (1) entrance features at the city limits; (2) wayfinding signs for public facilities, parking and tourist destinations including historic districts; and (3) neighborhood identity features. Appropriate elements of the graphic system should be consistent throughout the city in order to maintain a unified image; however, certain elements of the system should be designed to convey the unique identity and character of individual neighborhoods within the city. Designers may consider the use of signs, banners, kiosks, architectural features, lighting, landscaping, etc. Practical limitations of siting, phased construction and long-term maintenance must be integrated into the program. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 23 SECTION III - OUALIFICA TIONS STATEMENT FORMAT Separate submittals for each project are to be submitted and must contain the following documents, each fully completed, and signed as required. Submittals which do not include all required documentation, or are not submitted in the required format, or do not have the appropriate signatures on each document, may be deemed to be non-responsive. Non-responsive submittals will receive no further consideration. A. CONTENTS OF QUALIFICATION STATEMENT 1. Table of Contents The table of contents should outline in sequential order the major areas of the submittal, including enclosures. All pages must be consecutively numbered and correspond to the Table of Contents. 2. Technical Proposal Provide a narrative which addresses the scope of work, the proposed approach to the work, and any other information called for by the RFQ. 3. Qualifications of the Firm The minimum qualification requirements for this RFQ are described below. Respondents must submit the Proposer's Qualification Statement and Standard Form 254 for each Project and provide any other documentation which demonstrates their ability to satisfy all of the minimum qualification requirements. Submittals which do not contain such documentation may be deemed non-responsive. 4. Qualifications of the Individual Proiect Team Respondents must submit the Proposer's Qualification Statement and Standard Form 255 for each Project and provid,e any other documentation which demonstrates their ability to satisfy all of the minimum qualification requirements. Submittals which do not contain such documentation may be deemed non-responsive. 5. Acknowledgment of Addenda and Respondent Information Forms (Section VIII) 6. Minority Business Enterprise Certification Provide Minority Business Certification for each firm as defined in the Florida Small and Minority Business Assistance Act of 1985. 7. Any other document required by this RFQ, such as a Questionnaire or Response Guaranty . RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 24 B. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Each firm interested in responding to this Request for Qualifications must provide the following information. Submittals that do not respond completely to all requirements will be considered non- responsive and eliminated from the process. 1. Firm's Experience: Indicate the firm's number of years of experience in providing Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design. Licenses and any other pertinent information shall be submitted. 2. Project Manager's Experience: Provide a comprehensive summary of the experience and qualifications of the individual(s) who will be selected to serve as the project managers for the City. Individuals must have a minimum of five years' experience in Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural or Graphic Design services, and have served as project manager/construction manager on similar projects on a minimum of three . . prevIOUS occasIOns. 3. Previous Similar Projects: A list of a minimum often similar projects must be submitted. Information should include: * Client Name, address, phone number. * Description of work. * Year the project was completed. * Total cost of fees paid to firm. * Total cost of the construction, estimated and actual. 4. Previous/Current Projects for the City of Miami Beach: List all projects that have been completed or are currently under contract for the City of Miami Beach. Information should include: * Client Name, address, phone number. * Description of work. * Year the project was completed, if complete. * Total cost of fees paid to firm. * Total cost of the construction, estimated and actual. 5. Qualifications of Project Team: List the members of the project team. Provide a list of the personnel to be used on each project and their qualifications. A resume including education, experience, licenses and any other pertinent information shall be included for each team member, for each project, including subcontractors to be assigned to each project. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 25 SECTION IV - EVALUATION/SELECTION PROCESS The procedure for response evaluation and selection is as follows: I. Request for Qualifications issued. 2. Receipt of responses. 3. Opening and listing of all responses received. 4. A Certification Committee consisting of design professionals and City staff will review each submission for compliance with the submission requirements of the RFQ, including verifying that each submission includes all documents required. In addition, the Certification Committee will ascertain whether the provider is qualified to render the required services according to State regulations. 5. An Evaluation Committee, appointed by the City Manager, shall meet to evaluate each certified response in accordance with the requirements of this RFQ. The Committee shall select a minimum of three (3) firms for each project deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required service, unless fewer than three proposals are received, to provide brief public presentations. 6. The Evaluation Committee shall forward their recommendation to the City Manager in rank order the response or responses of which the Evaluation Committee deems to be in the best interest of the City. The Evaluation Committee shall base its recommendations on the following factors: Evaluation Criteria Firm's Experience Project Manager's Experience Previous Similar Projects Qualifications of Project Team Certified Minority Participation Total Total Points 20 Points 20 Points 25 Points 30 Points 5 Points 100 Points 7. After considering the recommendation(s) of the Evaluation Committee, the City Manager shall recommend to the City Commission in rank order the response or responses of which the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City. 8. The City Commission shall consider the City Manager's and the Evaluation Committee recommendation(s) and, if appropriate, approve the City Manager's recommendation(s). The City Commission may reject City Manager's recommendation(s) and select another response or responses. In any case, City RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 26 Commission shall select the response or responses acceptance of which the City Commission deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City Commission may also reject all responses. 9. Negotiations between the selected respondent and the City Manager shall take place to arrive at a contract. If the City Commission has so directed, the City Manager may proceed to negotiate a contract with a respondent other than the top-ranked respondent if the negotiations with the top-ranked respondent fail to produce a mutually acceptable contract within a reasonable period of time. 10. A proposed contract or contracts will then be presented to the City Commission for approval, modification and approval, or rejection. II. If and when a contract or contracts acceptable to the respective parties is approved by the City Commission, the Mayor and City Clerk sign the contract(s) after the selected respondent(s) has (or have) done so. Important Note: By submitting a response, all respondents shall be deemed to understand and agree that no property interest or legal right of any kind shall be created at any point during the aforesaid evaluation/selection process until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13,1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 27 SECTION V - GENERAL PROVISIONS A. ASSIGNMENT The successful respondent shall not enter into any sub-contract, retain consultants, or assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of this contract, or of any or all of its right, title, or interest therein, or its power to execute such contract to any person, firm, or corporation without prior written consent of the City. Any unauthorized assignment shall constitute a default by the successful respondent. B. INDEMNIFICATION The successful respondent shall be required to agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Miami Beach and its officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all actions, claims, liabilities, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, for personal, economic or bodily injury, wrongful death, loss of or damage to property, in law or in equity, which may arise or be alleged to have arisen from the negligent acts or omissions or other wrongful conduct of the successful respondent, its employees, or agents in connection with the performance of service pursuant to the resultant Contract; the successful respondent shall pay all such claims and losses and shall pay all such costs and judgments which may issue from any lawsuit arising from such claims and losses, and shall pay all costs expended by the City in the defense of such claims and losses, including appeals. C. TER1\HNATION FOR DEFAULT If through any cause within the reasonable control of the successful respondent, it shall fail to fulfill in a timely manner, or otherwise violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations material to the Agreement, the City shall thereupon have the right to terminate the services then remaining to be performed by giving written notice to the successful respondent of such termination which shall become effective upon receipt by the successful respondent of the written termination notice. In that event, the City shaIl compensate the successful respondent in accordance with the Agreement for all services performed by the respondent prior to termination, net of any costs incurred by the City as a consequence of the default. Notwithstanding the above, the successful respondent shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any creach of the Agreement by the respondent, and the City may reasonably withhold payments to the successful respondent for the purposes of set-off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from the successful respondent is determined. D. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CITY The City may, for its convenience, terminate the services then remaining to be performed at any time without cause by giving written notice to successful respondent of such termination, which shall become effective thirty (30) days following receipt by respondent of the written termination notice. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 28 In that event, all finished or unfinished documents and other materials shall be promptly delivered to the City. If the Agreement is terminated by the City as provided in this section, the City shall compensate the successful respondent in accordance with the Agreement for all services actually performed by the successful respondent and reasonable direct costs of successful respondent for assembling and delivering to City all documents. Such payments shall be the total extent of the City's liability to the successful respondent upon a termination as provided for in this section. E. PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES Each contract entered into by the City for professional services must contain a prohibition against contingent fees as follows: "The architect (or registered surveyor and mapper or professional engineer, as applicable) warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the architect (or registered surveyor and mapper, or professional engineer, as applicable) to solicit or secure this agreement and that he or she has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the architect (or registered surveyor and mapper or professional engineer, as applicable) any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this agreement." For the breach or violation of this provision, the City shall have the right to terminate the agreement without liability and, at its discretion, to deduct from the contract price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration. F. TRUTH -IN-NEGOTIATION CERTIFICATE For any lump-sum or cost-plus-a-fixed-fee professional service contract over $50,000, the City shall require the firm receiving the award to execute a truth-in-negotiation certificate stating that wage rates and other factual unit costs supporting the compensation are accurate, complete, and current at the time of contracting. Any professional service contract under which such a certificate is required must contain a provision that the original contract price and any additions thereto wiII be adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the agency determines the contract price was increased due to inaccurate, incomplete, or noncurrent wage rates and other factual unit costs. All such contract adjustments must be made within one (1) year following the end of the contract. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 29 SECTION VI - SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. INSURANCE The successful respondent(s) shall obtain, provide, and maintain during the term of the proposed Agreement the following types and amounts of insurance issued by insurers licensed to sell insurance in the State of Florida and having a B+ VI or higher rating in the latest edition of A.M. Best's Insurance Guide. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the City Manager or designee. 1. Commercial General Liability. A policy including, but not limited to, comprehensive general liability including bodily injury, personal injury, property damage in the amount of a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000. Coverage shall be provided on an occurrence basis. The City of Miami Beach must be named as additional insured on policy. 2. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions). Minimum of $500,000 per occurrence. 3. Worker's Compensation. A policy of Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance in accordance with State worker's compensation laws. Thirty (30) days' written notice of cancellation or substantial modification in insurance coverage must be given to the City by the architect/engineer and its insurance company. Evidence of such insurance shall be submitted to and approved by City prior to commencement of any work or tenancy under the proposed Agreement. F AlLURE TO PROCURE INSURANCE: The successful respondent's failure to procure or maintain the required insurance shall constitute a material breach of the proposed Agreement, giving the City the right to terminate the proposed Agreement. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 30 SECTION VII - ATTACHMENTS 1. Miami Beach Ordinance 99-6134 "Cone of Silence Ordinance" 2. Standard Form 254 3. Standard Form 255 4. Proposer's Qualification Statement RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 31 ORDINANCE NO. 99-3164 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ESTABLISHING A "CONE OF SILENCE" FOR CITY COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESSES, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION," BY AMENDING ARTICLE VII THEREOF ENTITLED "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT," BY CREATING DIVISION 4 ENTITLED "PROCUREMENT," BY CREATING SECTION 2-486 ENTITLED "CONE OF SILENCE" BY PROVIDING FOR A DEFINITION, PROCEDURES, AND PENAL TIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN THE CITY CODE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach are desirous of adopting a "Cone of Silence" procedure to protect the professional integrity of the City's competitive bidding process by shielding the City's professional staff; and WHEREAS, the policy proposed herein recognizes the importance of requiring persons or businesses who are part of the City's competitive processes to disclose all communications with the City's professional staff; and WHEREAS, communications between elected officials and the City's appointed staff during a competitive bidding process should be in writing so that it becomes a part of the public record; and WHEREAS, the proposed policy protects the rights of individuals to petition their government and their elected officials; and WHEREAS, the policy proposed herein enhances the spirit of Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: SECTION 1. Section 2-426, of Division 4 of Article VII of Chapter 2 of the Miami Beach City Code is hereby created to read as follows: Article VII. Standards of Conduct * * * Division 4. Procurement Sec. 2-486. Cone of Silence ..L Contracts for the provision of goods and services other than audit and Indcpcl'leknt Private: Sector In~peet{}r General (IPSIG) contracts. W "Cone of Silence" is hereby defined to mean a prohibition on: (a) anv communication regardin~ a particular Request for Proposal ("RFP"). Request for Oualifications ("RFO"). Request for Letters ofInterest ("RFLI"). or bid between a potential vendor. service provider. bidder. lobbyist. or consultant and the Citv's professional staff including. but not limited to. the City Manacer and his or her staff: and (b) any communication regarding a particular RFP. RFQ, RFLI. or bid between the Mayor. City Commissioners. or their respective staffs. and any member of the City's professional staff including. but not limited to. the City Manager and his or her staff. Notwithstandin~ the foregoing. the Cone of Silence shall not apply to competitive processes for the award of CDBG. HOME. SHIP and Surtax Funds administered by the Miami Beach Office of Community Development. and communications with the Citv Attorney and his or her staff. .ClD. Procedure ill A Cone of Silence shall be imposed upon each RFP. RFO. RFLI. and bid after the advertisement of said RFP. RFO, RFLI. or bid. At the time of imposition of the Cone of Silence. the City Manager or his or her designee shall provide for public notice of the Cone of Silence. The City Manager shall include in anv public solicitation for goods and services a statement disclosing the requirements of this ordinance. @ The Cone of Silence shall terminate a) at the time the City Manager makes his or her written recommendation as to selection'of a 2 particular RFP. RFQ. RFLI. or bid to the City Commission: provided. however. that if the City Commission refers the Manager's recommendation back to the City Manager or statTfor further review. the Cone of Silence shall be reimposed until such time as the Manager makes a subsequent written recommendation. or b) in the event of contracts for less than $10,000.00. when the Citv Manager executes the contract. W Exceptions. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to oral communications at pre-bid conferences, oral presentations before 3cIcctie:lM. evaluation committees. contract negotiation::! discussions during any duly noticed public meeting. public presentations made to the City Commissioners during any duly noticed public meeting. contract negotiations with City staff following the award ofan RFP. RFQ. RFLL or bid by the City Commission. or communications in writing at any time with any City employee, official or member of the City Commission. unless specifically prohibited by the applicable RFP. RFQ, RFLL or bid documents. The bidder or proposer shall file a COPy of any written communications with the Citv Clerk. The City Clerk shall make copies available to any person upon request. 2... Audit Iilld IPSIG Contracts. .@} "Cone of Silence" is hereby defined to mean a prohibition on: (a) any communications regarding a particular RFP. RFQ. RFLL or bid between a potential vendor. service provider. bidder. lobbvist or consultant and the Mayor, City Commissioners or their respective staff~, and any member of the City's professional staff including. but not limited to the Citv Manager and his or her staff. and (b) any oral communication regarding a particular RFP, RFO, RFLI. or bid between the Mayor. City Commissioners or their respecti ve staffs and any member of the City's professional staff including. but not limited to, the City Manager and his or her staff. Notwithstanding the foregoing. the Cone of Silence shaiI not apply to communications with the City Attorney and his or her staff. [Q} Except as provided in subsections 2( c) and 2( d) hereof. a Cone of Silence shall be imposed upon each RFP, RFO. RFLI. or bid for audit MdIPSIG services after the adyertisement of said RFP, RFQ, RFLI. or bid. At the time of the imposition of the Cone of Silence, the City Manager or his or her designee shall provide for the public notice of the Cone of Silence. The Cone of Silence shall terminate whcn the City Ma.nfi~cr cxeeutc~ It p1lrticulEl:1' a.udit or IPSIG contract a) at the time the City Manager makes his or her written recommendation as to the selection of a particular RFP. RFQ, RFLI. or bid to the Citv Commission: provided. however. that if the City Commission refers the Mana~er's recommendation back to the City Manager or staff for 3 further review. the Cone of Silence shall be reimposed until such time as the Manager makes a subsequent written recommendation. or b) or in the event of contracts for less than $10.000.00. when the City Manager executes the contract. W Nothing contained herein shall prohibit any bidder or proposer: (i) from making public presentations at duly noticed pre-bid conferences or herore duly noticed ::lclcction evaluation committee meetings: (ii) from engaging in contract ncgotiatiotl3 discussions during any duly noticed public meeting: (iii) from engaging in contract negotiations 'With City staff following the award of an RFP. RFQ. RFLI. or bid for audit bv the City Commission:or (iv) from communicating in writing with any Cit\! emplo\!ee or official for purposes of seeking clarification or additional information from the City or responding . to the Citv's request for clarification or additional information. subiect to the provisions of the applicable RFP. RFQ, RFLI. or bid documents. The bidder or proposer shall file a COP\! of any \\tTitten communication with the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall make copies available to the general public upon request. @ Nothing contained herein shall prohibit anv lobbyist. bidder. proposer. or other person or entity from publicly addressing the City Commissioners during anv dulv noticed public meeting regarding action on any audit er fP&fG contract. The City Manager shall include in any public solicitation for auditing or rpSIC services a statement disclosing the requirements of this ordinance. J. Violations/Penalties and Procedures. 1ft addition tG the pcnnlti(:3 provided in Section ~ An alleged violation of this Section ~ bv a particular bidder or proposer shall subiect said bidder or proposer to the same proceduresseHorth in Sections 2-457(2) and (3). shall render any RFP award. RFQ award. RFLI award. or bid award to said bidder or proposer voidttbte. and said bidder or proposer shall not be considered for anyRFP. RFO. RFLI or bid for a contract for the provision of goods or services for a period of one VeaL Any person who violates a provision of this ordinance shall be prohibited from serving on a City competitive 3dectiotl evaluation committee. In addition to any other penalty provided by law. violation of anv provision of this ordinance by a Citv emplovee shall subiect said employee to disciplinarv action up to and including dismissal. Additionallv. anv person who has personal knowledge of a violation of this ordinance shall report such violation to the State Attornev and/or mav file a complaint with the Miami-Dade County Ethics Commission. 4 SECTION 2. REPEALER. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. rfany section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 16th day of January ,1999. PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of January , 1999. ATTEST: 11 ~t PCU~ MAYOR CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION t q rr. ~l' 'Ml\,'~lkUlN.\:><l '.(.1 1~~_..~U_WI'l1 1st reading 12/16/98 2nd reading 1/6/99 5 #;J1tl}~ ('ily AHOI"MIf y rl.-(9 ~ f')T": N <.n ... o ... Vl -; > Z C > ;C C ..,., o ;C ~ N c.n A ~ ", ,< Vi l-..D _ -. c: C QJ :J ~. Co.I n "':J &. - c: ?)'~~ c;" Q 0 9.. - ~ - '" "'0 '" '" '" < -. ...... ro ~:~ Co.! 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( ) INDICA TE SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED ON THIS PROJECT APPLICANT PROPOSED CONSULTANTS Services FL State Corporate Minority Name of FL State Corporate Minority Offered License Charter Certification ConsuItan t License Charter Certifica tion PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 2 of 4 WORKLOAD FOR APPLICANT FIRM: (ONLY) Define each project the APPLICANT is handling as of the deadline for receipt of proposals (excluding portions of fees paid to Consultants). Specify number of all principles and technical staff in the tlm (excluding staff draftinglCADD operator personnel and Consultants). Projects Fees on Hold Fees Remaining TOTAL FEES $ $ TOT AL PERSONS (Principal & Technical Staft) PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 3 of 4 SPECIFIC RELATED EXPERIENCE (Projects of comparable type, size and complexitv): Project Contact Person Location Construction Completion Phase Telephone/ Cost Date Facsimile No. PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 4 of 4 KEY PERSONNEL OF PROPOSED TEAM TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT * Name Discipline of Licenserrraining City of Residence Aoolicant's Princioal(s) -in-Charl!e Professional rrechnical Staff Discioline of Licenserrraininl!: City of Residence Consultant(s) Discipline of Licenserrraining City of Residence Princioal( s )-in-Ch a rl!e Consultant(s) Discipline of Licenserrraining City of Residence Professionalrrechnical Staff * Attach additional sheets if necessary SECTION VIII - DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURl'iED TO CITY 1. Respondent Information 2. Acknowledgment of Addenda 3. Questionnaire RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~7 ..l_ RESPONDENT INFORlVIA TION Submitted by: Entity: Signature: Name (Typed): Address: City/State: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) It is understood and agreed by respondent that the City reserves the right to reject any and all responses, to make awards on all items or any items according to the best interest of the City, and to waive any irregularities in the RFQ or in the responses received as a result of the RFQ. It is also understood and agreed by the respondent that by submitting a response, respondent shall be deemed to understand and agree that no property interest or legal right of any kind shaIl be created at any point during the aforesaid evaluation/selection process until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. (Authorized Signature) (Date) (Printed Name) RFQ NO.: DATE: 4 I -99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 33 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO. 41-99/00 ACKNO\VLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA Directions: Complete Part I or Part II, whichever applies. Part I: Listed below are the dates of issue for each Addendum received in connection with this RFQ: Addendum No. I, Dated Addendum No.2, Dated Addendum No.3, Dated Addendum No.4, Dated Addendum No.5, Dated Part II: No addendum was received in connection with this RFQ. Verified with Procurement staff Name of staff Date Respondent - Name Date (Signature) RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 34 Respondent's Name: Principal Office Address: Official Representative: Individual Partnership (Circle One) Corporation If a Corporation, answer this: 'When Incorporated: In what State: If Foreien Corporation: Date of Registration with Florida Secretary of State: Name of Resident Agent: Address of Resident Agent: President's Name: Vice-President's Name: Treasurer's Name: Members of Board of Directors: RFQ NO.: DATE: 4 1-99/00 January 13, 1999 QUESTIONNAIRE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 35 Ouestionnaire (continued) If a Partnership: Date of organization: General or Limited Partnership*: Name and Address of Each Partner: NAME ADDRESS * Designate general partners in a Limited Partnership I. Number of years of relevant experience in operating similar business: 2. Have any similar agreements held by respondent for a project similar to the proposed project ever been canceled? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, give details on a separate sheet. 3. Has the respondent or any principals of the applicant organization failed to qualify as a responsible bidder, refused to enter into a contract after an award has been made, failed to complete a contract during the past five (5) years, or been' declared to be in default in any contract in the last 5 years? If yes, please explain: RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 36 Questionnaire (continued) 4. Has the respondent or any of its principals ever been declared bankrupt or reorganized under Chapter 11 or put into receivership? If yes, give date, court jurisdiction, action taken, and any other explanation deemed necessary. 5. Person or persons interested in this Qualification Form (have) (have not) been convicted by a Federal, State, County, or Municipal Court of any violation of law, other than traffic violations. To include stockholders over ten percent (10%). (Strike out inappropriate words) Explain any convictions: 6. Lawsuits (any) pending or completed involving the corporation, partnership or individuals with more than ten percent (10%) interest: A. List all pending lawsuits: B. List all judgments from lawsuits in the last five (5) years: C. List any criminal violations and/or convictions of the respondent and/or any of its principals: 7. Conflicts of Interest. The following relationships are the only potential, actual, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with this response: (If none, so state.) RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 37 Questionnaire (continued) 8. Public Disclosure. In order to determine whether the members of the Evaluation Committee for this Request for Proposals have any association or relationships which would constitute a conflict of interest, either actual or perceived, with any proposer and/or individuals and entities comprising or representing such proposer, and in an attempt to ensure full and complete disclosure regarding this contract, all Proposers are required to disclose all persons and entities who may be involved with this Proposal. This /ist shall include public relation firms. lawvers and lobbvists. The Procurement Division shall be notified in writin[! if anv person or entitv is added to this list after receipt of proposals. RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 38 Questionnaire (continued) The respondent understands that information contained in this Qlestionnaire will be relied upon by the City in awarding the proposed Agreement and such information is warranted by the respondent to be true. The undersigned respondent agrees to furnish such additional information, prior to acceptance of any proposal relating to the qualifications of the proposer, as may be required by the City Manager. The respondent further understands that the information contained in this questionnaire may be confirmed through a background investigation conducted by the Miami Beach Police Department. By submitting this questionnaire the respondent agrees to cooperate with this investigation, including but not necessarily limited to fingerprinting and providing information for credit check. WITNESSES: IF IND IVID U AL: Signature Signature Print Name Print Name WITNESSES: IF PARTNERSHIP: Signature Print Name of Firm Print Name Address Signature By: (General Partner) (Print Name) (print Name) WITNESSES: IF CORPORATION: Signature Print Name of Corporation Print Name Address By: President Attest: (CORPORA TE SEAL) Secretary RFQ NO.: DATE: 41-99/00 January 13, 1999 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 39 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. -z.q -00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Lawrence A. Levy ~/ City Manager DATE: January 12,2000 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT 'VITH REG ARCHITECTS, INC., TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR TEN (10) PARK PROJECTS AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A REVISED OVERALL FEE OF 7.5% FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RATE OF 8.0% OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIATING THE AMOUNT OF $191,252 COMPRISED OF $166,252 FOR THE ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM, AND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 FOR SURVEYING, TESTING AND OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 'WITH FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNA TED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On July 16, 1997, the City Commission approved a professional services agreement with the firm of REG Architects, Inc., for the design services, construction and bidding documents, construction observation, project administration, scheduling and cost estimating necessary for the reconstruction/renovations of Crespi, Fairway, Stillwater, Tatum, LaGorce, Fisher, Muss, Island View, South Shore Community Center, Palm Island and Washington Parks. The rate of 8% of the construction cost of each project was negotiated as a fee for the above referenced professional services. Additionally, a "not to exceed" reimbursable amount of $1 0,000 was agreed upon to be paid based on actual invoices. The professional services agreement with REG Architects, Inc., also anticipated the possibility of additional funding and included a section that permitted the addition of work to this firm. FUNDING APPROVED AGENDA ITEM DATE Cl~ 1....1'2..-0D On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds. Included in the $92 Million was 524,830,000 for Parks and Beaches. Ten (10) of the eleven (11) projects currently included in the REG Architects, Inc., are also included in the Parks and Beaches program. These include Crespi, Fairway, Stillwater, Tatum, LaGorce, Fisher, Muss, Island View, South Shore Community Center and Palm Island Parks. Washington Avenue Park in not addressed because it is fully funded from another source. The improvements proposed for these parks under the $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds include new decorative perimeter fencing, security and sports lighting, sport courts and multi-purpose recreation rooms. These improvements \vere determined as a combined result of work originally identified in the Parks Master Plan as necessary but not funded in the initial $15 million Parks Improvement Bond program and community input obtained during the recent neighborhoods meetings process held prior to the November voter approval. On November 17, 1999, the City Commission referred the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to a joint meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, the Neighborhoods Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee. This referral included a recommendation that agreements currently in effect with the three firms responsible for the professional architectural! engineering services for the parks be amended to enable the process to proceed efficiently both in terms of time and resources. Please see the attached copy of the parks improvements recommended to be included in the REG, Architects, Inc. amended agreement as they were referred to the joint meeting held on November 17, 1999. On December 8, 1999, a joint meeting of the Neighborhoods Committee, Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee was held. A presentation was made by the Administration setting forth the concept of amending the existing professional services agreements with each of the firms currently working on park projects. An extensive discussion transpired concerning the benefits of such an action, the past performance of each firm, the amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and the possibility of the firms to handle the additional workload. The final recommendation of the Committees was to amend the contracts subject to renegotiated lower fees. On December 15, 1999, the City Commission unanimously accepted this report. City staff met with representatives of REG Architects, Inc., to discuss a lower fee schedule and are pleased to report REG has agreed to adjust their percentage for their entire professional services agreement including both the work already completed, that in progress and the new work to be done. REG Architects, Inc., currently has approved projects totaling $2,451,566 in constmction and approved architectural/engineering fees of $209,863, an 8% fee. The new construction dollars recommended to be added to the REG Architects, Inc., agreement is $2,563,299 for a new grand total of$5,014,865. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage REG Architects, Inc., has agreed to an overall fee of 7.5% for their total agreement of $5,014,865. The new fee total at 7.5% is $376,115 rather than the 8% fee of $40 1,189, which equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of $25,074. Additionally, for the new work REG Architects, Inc., has requested an amount not to exceed $10,000 for reimbursables that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices and $15,000 for additional surveys and testing if needed and paid only with supporting invoices. As a point of information the result of this negotiation process was reported to the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee at its January 10, 2000 meeting. Approval of this Resolution will enable the parks projects currently underway to be proceed expeditiously in a fiscally prudent manner. JY1)iJ Lr.@KS/OM Attachment T:IAGENDA \2000\JAN 1200\CONSENT\REGAG99.MEM RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED ATTACHMENT A January 5, 1999 1 :45 p.m. BERlVIELLO, AJAMIL& PARTNERS, INC. (7.0% Fee) Park Previously Approved Previously Approved Total Const. Dollars Difference A&E Fee Const. Dollars Basic A&E fees Including GO Bond 1999 Lummus $ 840,242 $ 1,797,242 5 957,000 North Shore $3,972,181 $ 6,297,181 $2,325,000 N.Shore Open Space $1,743,000 $ 2,008,500 $ 265,500 Pinetree $ 215,569 $ 294,069 $ 78,500 Parks Maint. Yard $ 324,106 $ 839,700 $ 515,594 S. Pointe Park $ 913,034 $ 2,680,034 51,767,000 TOTAL $8,008,132 $531,235 $13,916,726 $ 5,908,594 $442,936 * TIF Funding Flamingo Jnnandy Isle ::icott Rakow Youth Ctr CARR SMITH CORRADINO (9% Fee) $2,288,075 $2,126,875 $2,852,774 $ 4,781,075* $ 2,376,875 $ 2,980,274 TOTAL *$87,000 from SNPB $7,267,724 $780,503 $10,138,224 $2,493,000* $ 250,000 $ 127,500 $ 2,870,500 $131,937 Crespi Fairway Stillwater Tatum LaGorce Fisher Muss Island View S. Shore Comm. Ctr. Palm Island Washington REG ARCHITECTS (7.5% Fee) $ 210,048 $ 891,188 $ 300,266 $ 245,683 $ 91,808 $ 92,347 $ 176,387 $ 199,747 $ 0.00 $ 244,092 $ 0.00 $ 345,048 $1,108,688 $ 444,266 $ 380,683 $ 134,308 $ 227,347 $ 241,387 $ 334,747 $1,185,000 $ 309,092 $ 304,299* TOTAL $2,451,566 *Comprised of TIF and SNPB Funding $209,863 $5,014,865 $ 135,000 $ 217,500 $ 144,000 $ 135,000 $ 42,500 $ 135,000 $ 65,000 $ 135,000 $1,185,000 $ 65,000 $ 304,299* $ 2,563,299 $166,252 PROJECTS RECOMMENDED TO BE INCLUDED IN THE AGREEMENT AMMENDMENT WITH REG ARCHITECTS. INC. PARKS and BEACHES Crespi Park Project Description: New restroom, renovate basKetball court. park furnishings, playground, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include new basketball court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Funding sources: 5210,048 from the Parks Bond; and 5150,000 from the 1999 GO Bond for a total of 5360,048. Park renovations completed on June 1999 as part of the 515 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost 5210,048. Improvements completed included new restrooms, renovation of baSKetball court, playground, park furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bend proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, baSKetball court and security lighting and a multi-purpose room. 1999 GO Bond Funding: 5150,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction July-November 2000. Estimated costs include: construction budget $135,000, AlE fees S 10,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 54,200. Stillwater Park Project Description: New recreation building, renovation of basketball court, playground, limited security lighting, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations completed on June 1999 as part of the 515 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost 5300,266. Improvements completed included a new recreation building, renovated basketball court, site furnishings, new playground, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, enhanced security lighting and court lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: 5160,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, March 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, May 2000 bidding and award of contract, Construction June-September 2000. Estimated costs include: construction budget $144,000, AlE fees of 511,500 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 54,500. Tatum Park Project Description: New building, basketball court renovations, landscaping and irrigation, limited security lighting and entry gate. 1999 GO Bond components include court and security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations to be completed in December 1999 as part of the 515 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $245,683. Improvements included a new recreation building, refurbished basketball court, landscaping, limited security lighting and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional security lighting and court lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with keG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract. construction July-November 2000. Estimated costs include: construction budget S135,000, AlE fees S 10,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,200. Fairway Park Project Description: Addition of perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Construction documents 90% complete for improvements under the S 15 Mil Parks Bond. Estimated construction cost for this phase is S791, 188. Current improvements include a new recreation building, basketball and tennis courts renovations, ball field lighting, a new playground, site furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. Additional 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional sport court and security lighting and a multi- purpose room. 1999 GO Bond Funding: S250,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction July 2000-January 2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget S217,500, AlE fees S 17,400 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $15,100. Fisher Park Project Description: Addition of enhanced security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations completed on 10/99 as part of the S15 Mil Parks Bond. Total project cost S99,347. Completed improvements include a new playground, landscaping, site furnishings, pedestrian walkways, limited security lighting and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, enhanced security lighting, a shade pavilion and parking pavers. New Bond Funding: $150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget $135,000, AlE fees $10,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration S4,200. La Gorce Project Description: Completed improvements included a new playground, security lighting, pedestrian walkways, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations completed on 6/99 as part of the S15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $91,808. Improvements completed were a new playground, landscaping, security lighting, pedestrian walkways and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, a shade pavilion, enhanced security lighting and parking pavers. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $50,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Admir.i::,~ration to amend the contract with REG Arc~itects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of c::ntract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget 542,500. AlE fees S3AOO (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration S~.1 00 Muss Park Project Description: Renovate recreation building, playground, landscape and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include additional playground equipment, perimeter aluminum picket fenc:ng. and security lighting. Status: Construction documents 90% complete for improvements under the S 15 Million Parks Bcnd. Total project cost S176,387. Current improvements consist of renovation of recreation :uilding. additional playground equipment, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improveme:1ts to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing and enhanced security lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $75,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Archi,ects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, April 2000 completion of construction doc:.Jments and specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract. construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget 565,000, AlE fees 55,200 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 54,800. South Shore Community Center Project Description: Renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, with new landscaping, irrigation, signage, and playground. Status: This project was originally included in the group of parks awarded to REG Architects but was subsequently put on hold due to lack of funding. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, new landscaping, irrigation, signage and playground. 1999 GO Bond Funding: S1,350,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, 7/00 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, 9/00 bidding and award of contract, construction 10/00 - 9/01. Estimated costs include: construction budget S1 ,200,000, AlE fees $96,000 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration S54,000. Island View Park Project Description: Playground surface, landscaping, irrigation and site furnishings. 1999 GO Bond components include security lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and shade pavilion. Status: Park renovations completed on 10/99 as part of the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $199,747. Improvements completed included playground enhancements, park furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional security lighting and a shade pavilion. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construct:ljn 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget 5135,000, AlE fees 510,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 54,200. Palm Island Project Description: Repair existing shade pavilion, new basketball court, new playground equipment, accessible routes. 1999 GO Bond components include court and securit'jlighting, and refurbishment of tennis courts. Status: Park renovations completed on 6/99 as part of the S 15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost 5244,092. Improvements completed included renovations to existing shade pavilion, new playground, new basketball court, landscaping, irrigation, park furnishings and pedestrian walkways. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include sport court lighting, additional security lighting, and refurbishment of tennis courts. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $75,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction budget 565,000, AlE fees $5,200 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 54,800. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ).., 7 -00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROl\-I: Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager DATE: January 12,2000 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE l\'IA YOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT WITH BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC.,TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SIX (6) PARK PROJECTS AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MA YOR AND CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A REVISED OVERALL FEE OF 7% FROM THE PREVIOUSL Y APPROVED RATE OF 7.2% OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIA TING THE AMOUNT OF $472,936 COMPRISED OF $442,936 FOR THE ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS AS SPECIFIED I~ THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM, AND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000 FOR SURVEYING, TESTING AND OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WITH FUNDING A V AILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNA TED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On July 16, 1997, the City Commission approved a professional services agreement with the firm of BermelIo, Ajamil & Partners for the design services, construction and bidding documents, construction observation, project administration, scheduling and cost estimating necessary for the reconstruction/renovations of South Pointe Park, North Shore Park, Lummus Park, North Shore Open Space Park, Pinetree Park and the Parks Maintenance Facility. The rate of 7.2% of the construction cost of each project was negotiated as a fee for the above referenced professional services. Additionally, a "not to exceed" reimbursable amount of $15,000 was agreed upon to be paid based on actual invoices. The professional services agreement entered into with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners also anticipated the possibility of additional funding and included a section that permitted the addition of work to this firm. AG ENDA ITEM DATE C.l P '-/2-00 On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds. Included in the $92 Million was $24,830,000 for Parks and Beaches. Six (6) projects currently under contract with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc. are included in the Parks and Beaches program. These include South Pointe Park, North Shore Park, Lummus Park, North Shore Open Space Park, Pinetree Park and the Parks Maintenance Facility. The improvements proposed for these parks under the $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds include but are not limited to the expansion of the North Beach Youth Center to include a second floor, new decorative perimeter fencing, security and sports lighting, sport courts renovations and multi-purpose recreation rooms. These improvements were determined as a combined result of work originally identified in the Parks Master Plan as necessary but not funded in the initial $15 million Parks Improvement Bond program and community input obtained during the recent neighborhoods meetings process held prior to the November 1999 voter approval. On November 17, 1999, the City Commission referred the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to ajoint meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee. This referral included a recommendation that professional services agreements currently in effect with the three firms responsible for the design, planning and construction of the parks included in the master plan be amended to enable the process to be completed. Please see the attached copy of the parks improvements recommended to be included in Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc.'s amended agreement as they were referred to the joint meeting held on November 17, 1999. On December 8, 1999, a joint meeting of the Neighborhoods Committee, Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee was held. A presentation was made by the Administration setting forth the concept of amending the existing professional services agreements with each of the firms currently working on park projects. An extensive discussion transpired concerning the benefits of such an action, the past performance of each firm, the amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and the possibility of the firms to handle the additional workload. The final recommendation of the Committees was to amend the contacts subject to renegotiation to lower fees. On December 15, 1999, the City Commission unanimously accepted this report. City staff met with representatives of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., to discuss a lower fee schedule and are pleased to report that they have agreed to adjust the percentage for their entire professional services agreement for work already completed, in progress and the new work to be done. Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., currently has approved projects totaling $8,008,132 in construction and approved architectural/engineering fees of $531 ,235, a 7.2% fee. The new construction dollars recommended to be added to the Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., agreement is $5,908,594 for a new grand total of $13,916,726. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage BermeIIo, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., AlE fee is currently 7.2% of the construction cost. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., has agreed to an overall fee of 7.0% for their total agreement. The new fee total at 7% is $974,17 I rather than the 7.2% fee of $1 ,002,004 which equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of $27,833. Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., has also agreed to continue the overall program management of the projects to their completion, at no cost to the City. This is an estimated value of approximately $20,000 per year for the next three years. Additionally, Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., has requested an amount not to exceed $15,000 for reimbursables that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices and $15,000 for additional surveys and testing, if needed and paid only with supporting invoices. As a point of information the result of this negotiation process was reported to the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee at its January 10, 2000 meeting. Approval of this Resolution will enable the parks projects currently underway to be proceed expeditiously in a fiscally prudent manner and ensure they are completed as planned. LL/J~~ nAG ENDA \2000VAN 1200\CONSENTlB&AG99.MEM RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED ATTACHlVIENT A January 5, 1999 I :45 p.m. BERL\iIELLO, AJAMIL& PARTNERS, INC. (7.0% Fee) Park Previously Approved Previously Approved Total Const. Dollars Difference A&E Fee Const. Dollars Basic A&E fees Including GO Bond 1999 Lummus $ 840,242 $ 1,797,242 S 957,000 North Shore $3,972,181 $ 6,297,181 52,325,000 N.Shore Open Space $1,743,000 $ 2,008,500 $ 265,500 Pinetree $ 215,569 $ 294,069 S 78,500 Parks Maint. Yard $ 324, I 06 S 839,700 S 515,594 S. Pointe Park $ 913,034 $ 2,680,034 SI,767,000 TOTAL $8,008,132 $531,235 $13,916,726 S 5,908,594 S442,936 * TIF Funding Flamingo . , ')rmandy Isle .;ott Rakow Youth Ctr CARR SMITH CORRADINO (9% Fee) $2,288,075 $2,126,875 $2,852,774 $ 4,781,075* $ 2,376,875 $ 2,980,274 TOTAL *$87,000 from SNPB $7,267,724 $780,503 $10,138,224 $2,493,000* S 250,000 S 127,500 $ 2,870,500 $131,937 Crespi Fairway Stillwater Tatum LaGorce Fisher Muss Island View S. Shore Comm. Ctr. Palm Island Washington REG ARCHITECTS (7.5% Fee) $ 210,048 $ 891,188 $ 300,266 $ 245,683 $ 91,808 $ 92,347 $ 176,387 $ 199,747 $ 0.00 $ 244,092 $ 0.00 $ 345,048 $1,108,688 $ 444,266 $ 380,683 $ 134,308 $ 227,347 $ 241,387 $ 334,747 $1,185,000 $ 309,092 $ 304,299* TOTAL $2,451,566 *Comprised ofTIF and SNPB Funding $209,863 $5,014,865 S 135,000 $ 217,500 S 144,000 S 135,000 S 42,500 S 135,000 S 65,000 S 135,000 SI,185,000 S 65,000 $ 304,299* 52,563,299 S166,252 PROJECTS RECOMMENDED TO BE INCLUDED IN THE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS. INC. PARKS and BEACHES North Shore Open Space Park Project Description: New Recreation/ Nature Center, new restrooms, lighting, site furnishings, landscaping and irrigation, funded by the Miami-Dade County Safe f'Jeighborhood Park Bond. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include expanded Nature Center, additional beach plantings, security lighting, fencing, and provides for expansion into Altos del Mar (see new project entitled Altos del Mar Park). Expansion includes the conversion to passive park of eleven continuous lots in Altos del Mar, renovate or move historic structures, provide infrastructure, and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th St. Status: Preliminary study/schematic design phase Proposed improvements funded by the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond include a new recreation/nature center, new restrooms, lighting, landscaping and irrigation, current construction budget $1,743,000. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include an expansion to the nature center. Recommendation: Authorize the administration to amend the contract with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $300,000 Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello, Ajamil and Partners contract, completion of designs and present to Design Review Board May 2000, complete construction documents, specifications and permitting process December 2000, bidding and award of contract January 2001, construction February-October 2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget $272,500, NE fees $19,620 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $7,880. North Shore Park and Youth Center Project Description: New recreation center, tennis courts, renovate bandshell, renovate ball fields, lighting, landscaping and irrigation, accessible playground. 1999 GO Bond components include baseball field lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and $1,000,000 for Youth Center. Status: Construction documents for first phase 90% complete. Current improvements in this phase include a new recreation building, new tennis center and tennis courts, ball field improvements, security and court lighting, landscape and irrigation and an accessible playground at an estimated project cost of $3,972,181.1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include the addition of a second floor to the Youth Center, enhanced baseball field lighting, community center renovations, restroom renovations, improved parking, Additional landscaping and decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Funding sources are: $1,350,000 from the 1999 GO Bond; $1,000,000 from the HUD Section 108 Loan; $259,000 from Barry University Grant for a total of new funding in the amount of 52,609,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B & A Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, obtain Design Review Board approval December 1999 completion of construction documents, bid specifications and permitting process January - April 2000, bidding and award of contract May-July 2000, construction of project September 2000-2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget 52,325,000, NE fees $167,400 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $1116,600. Note: Due to federal funding form the HUD and Barry University Grant, the project will be subject to Davis-Bacon wages and any other applicable guidelines. Lummus Park Project Description: Renovate restroom, re'i2\!ate serpentine sidewalk, new playground equipment, landscape, and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include additional landscaping, and widening of the sidewalks on the east side of Ocean 8rive. Status: Park currently undergoing renovations as part of the $15 Mil Parks Bond. Current improvements include enhancements to restrooms, serpentine sidewalk, site furnishings, new playgrounds, landscaping & irrigation. Total project cost $840,242. Additionally, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include additional landscaping and widening of the sidewalks east of Ocean Drive, 1999 GO Bond Funding: 51,100,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend B&A contract. 5/00 Develop schematic plans and obtain Design Review Board/Historic Preservation Board approval, June 2000- 8/00 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, 10/00 bidding and award of contract. 11/00 - 6/01 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $957,000, AlE fees $63,904 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $74,096. Pinetree Project Description: Parking lot, landscape, irrigation, pedestrian walkways. 1999 GO Bond components include security lighting, additional landscaping, and site furnishings Status: Park currently undergoing renovations as part of the 515 Mil Parks Bond. current improvements include a parking lot, landscaping, irrigation, fixtures and pedestrian walkways. Total project cost 5220,978. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include Additional landscaping, security lighting and site furnishings. New Bond Funding: 590,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermel/o and Ajamil contract, 2/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, April 2000 bidding and award of contract, 5/00 - 8/00 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $78,500, AlE fees $5,652 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $5,848. South Pointe Park Project Description: Improvements to South Pointe Park. Status: Initial planning phase to complete improvements proposed under the 515 Million Parks Bond in progress. Total project cost $913,034. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements currently under consideration include the redesign of the park entrance, selected landscaping, irrigation and reconfiguration of parking lot. Additional proposed improvements include comprehensive master plan, landscaping, irrigation, dune modifications, park furnishings, signage, pedestrian paving, new playground, enhanced security lighting and a new recreation building. New Bond Funding: 52,000,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to implement the master planning process and prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, April 2000 complete updated master planning/community input process, June 2000 Develop schematic plans and obtain Design Review Board approval, January 2001 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, April 2001 bidding and award of contract, 6/01 - 3/02 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $1,775,000, NE fees $127,800 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $97,200. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cLmiami-beach.f1.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 28> .aD TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager DATE: January 12,2000 FROM: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT 'WITH CARR SMITH CORRADINO TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THREE (3) PARK PROJECTS AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A REVISED OVERALL FEE OF 9% FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RATE OF 10% OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIATING THE AMOUNT OF $153,937 COMPRISED OF $131,937 FOR THE ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENER<\L OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM, AND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $22,000 FOR SURVEYING, TESTING AND OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES "VITH FUNDING A V AILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANAL YSIS: On July 16, 1997, the City Commission approved a professional services agreement with the firm of Carr Smith Corradino for the design services, construction and bidding documents, construction observation, project administration, scheduling and cost estimating necessary for the reconstruction/renovations of the Scott Rakow Youth Center, Flamingo Park and Normandy Isle Park. The rate of 10% of the constnrction cost of each project was negotiated as a fee for the above referenced professional services. Additionally, a "not to exceed" reimbursable amount of $15,000 was agreed upon to be paid based on actual invoices. The professional services agreement with Carr Smith Corradino also anticipated the possibility of additional funding included a section that permitted the addition of work to this firm. AGENDAITEl\I DATE C.1~ (-{'2~OO On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds. Included in the $92 Million was $24,830,000 for Parks and Beaches. The three (3) projects currently under contract with Carr Smith Corradino are included in the Parks and Beaches program. These include the Scott Rakow Youth Center, Flamingo Park and Normandy Isle Park. The improvements proposed for these parks under the $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds include but are not limited to an expanded four (4) lanes in the pool at Flamingo Park, new decorative perimeter fencing, security and sports lighting, sport courts renovations and multi-purpose recreation rooms. These improvements were determined as a combined result of work originally identified in the Parks Master Plan as necessary but not funded in the initial $15 million Parks Improvement Bond program and community input obtained during the recent neighborhoods meetings process held prior to the November 1999 voter approval. On November 17, 1999, the City Commission referred the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to a joint meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, the Neighborhood Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee. This referral included a recommendation that agreements currently in effect with the three firms responsible for the professional architectural! engineering services for the parks be amended to enable the process to proceed efficiently both in terms of time and resources. Please see the attached copy of the parks improvements recommended to be included in Carr Smith Corradino's amended agreement as they were referred to the joint meeting held on November 17, 1999. On December 8, 1999, a joint meeting of the Neighborhoods Committee, Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Project Committee was held. A presentation was made by the Administration setting forth the concept of amending the existing professional services agreements with each of the firms cumently working on park projects included in master plan. An extensive discussion transpired concerning the benefits of such an action, the past performance of each firm, the amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and the possibility of the ability of the firms to handle the additional workload. The final recommendation of the Committees was to amend the contacts subject to renegotiation to lower fees. On December 15, 1999, the City Commission unanimously accepted this report. City staff met with representatives of Carr Smith Corradino to discuss a lower fee schedule and are pleased to report they have agreed to adjust their fee percentage for their entire professional services agreement including both the work already completed, that in progress and the new work to be done. Carr Smith Corradino currently has approved projects totaling $7,267,724 in construction and approved architectural/engineering fees of $780,503, a 10% fee. The new construction dollars recommended to be added to the Carr Smith Corradino agreement is $2,870,500 for a new grand total of $10,138,224. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage Carr Smith Corradino has agreed to an overall fee of 9%for their total agreement of $1 0, 13 8,224. The new fee total at 9% is $912,440 rather than the 10% fee of $1,013,822 which equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of $101,382. Additionally, for the new work Carr Smith Corradino has requested an amount not to exceed $15,000 for reimbursables that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices and $7,000 for additional surveys and testing if needed and paid only with supporting invoices. As a point of information the result of this negotiation process was reported to the GO Bond Oversight Committee at its January 10, 2000 meeting. Approval of this Resolution will enable the parks projects currently underway to be proceed expeditiously in a fiscally prudent manner. \tvra- LUJtikS/OM T:\AGENDA \2000\JAN 1200\CONSENT\CSCAG99.MEM RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED \ ATTACHIVIENT A January 5, 1999 1 :45 p.m. BERlVIELLO, AJAMIL& PARTNERS, INC. (7.0% Fee) Park Previously Approved Previously Approved Total Const. Dollars Difference A&E Fee Const. Dollars Basic A&E fees Including GO Bond 1999 Lummus $ 840,242 $ 1,797,242 $ 957,000 North Shore $3,972,181 $ 6,297,181 $2,325,000 N.Shore Open Space $1,743,000 $ 2,008,500 $ 265,500 Pinetree $ 215,569 $ 294,069 $ 78,500 Parks Maint. Yard $ 324, I 06 $ 839,700 $ 515,594 S. Pointe Park $ 913,034 $ 2,680,034 $1,767,000 TOTAL $8,008,132 $531,235 $13,916,726 $ 5,908,594 $442,936 * TIF Funding CARR SMITH CORRADINO (9% Fee) Flamingo "mnandy Isle ..;ott Rakow Youth Ctr TOTAL *$87,000 from SNPB $2,288,075 $2,126,875 $2,852,774 $ 4,781,075* $ 2,376,875 $ 2,980,274 $2,493,000* $ 250,000 $ 127,500 $ 2,870,500 $131,937 $7,267,724 $780,503 $10,138,224 Crespi Fairway Stillwater Tatum LaGorce Fisher Muss Island View S. Shore Comm. Ctr. Palm Island Washington REG ARCHITECTS (7.5% Fee) $ 210,048 $ 891,188 $ 300,266 $ 245,683 $ 91,808 $ 92,347 $ 176,387 $ 199,747 $ 0.00 $ 244,092 $ 0.00 $ 345,048 $1,108,688 $ 444,266 $ 380,683 $ 134,308 $ 227,347 $ 241,387 $ 334,747 $1,185,000 $ 309,092 $ 304,299* $209,863 TOTAL $2,451,566 *Comprised ofTIF and SNPB Funding $5,014,865 $ 135,000 $ 217,500 $ 144,000 $ 135,000 $ 42,500 $ 135,000 $ 65,000 S 135,000 $1,185,000 $ 65,000 $ 304,299* $ 2,563,299 $166,252 PROJECTS RECOMMENDED TO BE INCLUDED IN THE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH CARR SMITH CORRADINO PARKS and BEACHES Normandy Isle Park Project Description: Addition of enhanced security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Construction documents for the $15 Million Parks Bond 95% complete Total project cost 52,126,875. Current improvements include a new pool complex, renovate field, new recreation center, basketball courts, playground enhancements, site furnishings, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional security and sports lighting if feasible. 1999 GO Bond Funding: 5300,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Carr Smith Corradino Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Carr Smith Corradino contract, February 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, April 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction May 2000-January 2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget 5250,000, NE fees $25,000 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $25,000. Scott Rakow Project Description: New ice rink, building renovation, parking lot, and landscaping. 1999 GO Bond components provide funding necessary to complete Parks Bond Fund renovations listed above. Status: Construction documents 85% complete for improvements under the $15 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $ 3,480,561. Current improvements include a new ice rink building renovations, parking lot enhancements and landscaping. 1999 GO Bond improvements include additional classroom space and second floor interior modifications. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,COO Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Carr Smith Corradino Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Carr Smith Corradino contract, 1/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, April 2000 bidding and award of contract, 5/00 - 5/01 construction of project. Estimated costs include: construction budget 5127,500, NE fees $12,750 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $9,750. Flamingo Park Project Description: New pool, playground equipment, landscaping, tennis courts renovations and signage. 1999 GO Bond components include: perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting, football field renovations, new bleachers, track resurfacing, completion of tennis court improvements. court lighting, and a new irrigation system. Renovation and buffering for compatibility of the Property Maintenance Facility in Flamingo Park is funded separately. Flamingo Park Pool - Expansion Project Description: Additional funding for construction of new pool to have 4 additional lanes. Lap pool enlargement will be approximately 28 ft. by 75ft. to be added to / coordinated with construction of new pool listed under Flamingo Park improvements, CIP # 542. Status: Construction documents 80% complete for improvements under the 515 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $2,201,075. Current improvements consist of a new pool complex, renovation of the tennis courts, landscaping and signage. Additional improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting, football field/stadium renovations, track resurfacing, completion of tennis court improvements, court lighti"g. upgrading of sports fields lighting. expansion of the pool complex, restoration of the Friendship Corner and a new irrigation system. 1999 GO Bond Funding: 52,900,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with Carr Smith Corradino Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Carr Smith Corradino contract, 2/00 obtain Design Review Board/Historic Preservation Board approval, April 2000- 7/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, 9/00 bidding and award of contract. 10/00 - 10/01 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget 52,500,000, NE fees S250,000 (10% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration S 150,000. ;:.-:: C~ H :> v 3 II I W V I IN .,j . 6 r. ~ 3" r. -;, :;- 3" :? 3" -;, "" '" '" '" '" 0 iil ~ < 3 "" a n; "0 '" "0 '" 0 ;;;- '" 3 0 0 ~. n; 0.:. ::;"' <g ;;;- ;;;- '" 3 3 '" 3 ::! ~ "" 0 ~ ~ n; 0 ~ '" 0 '" '" '" .:;f . a ~ ~ a :;- a 0 ,..., c ~ ::;"' "'" =t; 0 '" "0 0:> n; ,..., '" c '" '" c c... '" ">!, c "(1;' '" !3. :::l. a ;;<' 3 ~ m 0 !it '" )> 5' !3. '" c... "l. "0 '" :E c... So <C o' '" c '" 0.:. =- c ~ "'" 0:> '" ::;"' :::l. '" c... ~ c '< 0 '" !;!.. ~ '" 3 S- c... ;;: VI '" C 0- m <g '" "'; 0 ~. '< o' -0 ,..., '" '" ~ )> ;'l n; '" '" . c ...... '" c... '" =- --< n; () 3 c... '" 0 ~ n; c ::r 3 ~ ,..., ~ '" '" ;:;1 ;;: '" :! '" ~ c... '" VI c; ;;: 0 r- o' 0 3 "0 0 ::;"' ~ <C 0 '" '" '" 5' '" '" Cl... ~ c -0 '" Z a '" Cl... S- 3" . '" ~ c "" .::! :;; ~ '" ::j '" '" ~ '" Cl... 4 3: < VI III !3. 0 '" s.. '" c... 3: 0' 0 '" ::;"' '" '" <C '" -< (J) '" :E c 3" 3 ~ ~. '" ~ a 0 '" ~ ~ OJ o' 3 '" a '" 3 ~ \- MUNlCIPAL MOBILITY PLAN 1 9 9 C I T Y 8 E A C H rc ~ o F M I A M " --' OVERVIEW GOALS AND OF PROGRAM OBJECTIVES INT/{()IJUCTI()J\i The Mia",i /I<>,,('h MUlliri!'a' Mohility !'lan (MM!') I"~ the Cily', first "grasHools" l'1I01'1 10 "'asler plan lor the cOlIJlJlullily's tr:lIl.'ijlOftatiollllccds. Thl' MMP address the isslIl's and Ileed.s !ll[ lIlobi ily or all types, illdlldill~ Irallk,IWII.'iit. pedcstrian.'i, hicydes :lI1d other 1I0lHIlotorized vellldl'.'i. The M!v11' l'.'ilablisllt'.'i tht' City's vision for tranSI}Orl:llioll, IHakes rccornrncnd<ltiolls lilf Illccling the nct'tls ide.lIli ied (tl1e'rell-Ycar (lInn), providl'S il "Project Bank of strall'gics Ittl" iHldrl's-'iing th(' issucs, <1IHll'Slablis!les the pbllning tools r(}r guiding on-uoing d('risions fel;llrd (0 mobility. MIAMI BEACH'S TRANSPORTATION VISION The f()lIowillg visiolll'IIIl'rgt'd frolllll.lt' lvtMP's exlcllsive public iU\'olvrrnell( I'rllrcss :lIld 'null illjllll from clcrl('d and appointed olliei"ls ".I \\'ell as IlIe .11'111 olllle Cily alld oilier "gelleies, The Need I.,r Bal;lIIee, Miami Beaeh's ullique eharacler ""j rOllllllUllily lIeeds delllalld" hal:Illl'l'd nppro.ll'h to tran,'\portalion planning. It is vit:11 t"althe Cily address IlIe illlparls orlmllic rOllgeslioll 011 qualily-of-lile,lhe urh:m ellvirollment, IOur;.'mI, .uHf growth lI1:lIlagernenl through a Il1ulti.lllodal strategy ge<lfed toward r,rer!(er me :llId enjormellt of lrnllsit, pedestriHll, 1I0lHJlOtorized; and marine IraY(:, Hlodes, (\"ality ofl.ilt, ;tlld Trall"Jlllrtatioll. T 1(' transportation Ilctwork must st/pporl other e1rlll('lIls in :uldili(~11 to vrhid{'s. The ilTlpact of hig!1 Ir<lll~c.vtlhlllll'S ,llltl spl'f'di'lg 011 IH'lghhor!lOods lIlUS( hI' 1II:IIl<lgrd. lIlt, dllal conCl'I"IJS or IIl:linlOllnillg nei\:ldlorhood rh:lf'artrr while lillly utilizi!lg Ille urban Wid Illusl be ha allred by well-designed (rallle IIl:lrl:lgelJll'1I1 (Cdlll;(!t/C.'), Pn'stT\'(, ;llId Ellh;lIlCl' the Spitll', The ~tate's program forcapncity ;lIld l'OlIlplclltentary tmOie cillming should he locused un Ihe tralhr "spines', The "trunkliue" sy,telll :11\(1 rOIllI'!elllel1f:lfY Illajof (ollt'rtms /.lrovidr th(' vit<ll functions 01 (OIltle(lillg rvli<lllll Be:lrh to tIll' fr,st n the r{'pion, wl1ile providing IIurric3nc evacuation flllltes and prime rirrufation fOlltes witllill the lity, Elllph"'iz<' qualily, NIII qu""til\', \\'ll1le Miami Beach Illay lint he aillllng to havc the larl~es(.C:l\':Jri(Y <llld f~ 'I roadways in thr n'gin/l, tho,'ic rl'giollill ro:l< ways S lOlIld flu.lrll .11 (he highesllevels possihle ill terms of their Itrnction. safety, anJ operatlOlHll r1lilracll'ristics. A "Ca,,,a'" hul EIIerlive FIliI\', The Gllmillg ofnxulw:IY .'it'glllellts IlclwC'eJ} illterseftiollS cOfllhillcd with operational ill1/.JnlV('/lIcnls (0 llle inlersl'clions thcrnsl'iv{'s call fesull ill allow () Irallie lllilt is I!'ss illlCrlllitlelll, di"'collra~ing motorists frolll atl:lining hiJ{h speeds between intefsections, This "(:ISI1:1/" flow o(tr:lllic ell(Olir"1{t's rllolorisl.s to lIIove .~lTIoothly, at .<;I'('e<ls th:!t cflcour:lRe pedeslflalls alld DOli-motorized vehiclcs, with timc to vi~lJ<llfy rOIlIl{'('t willi Ihe urhan envirolllllt'llL IlllIHO\'l' (Iw fhh'I.'I/Hidt'1' FXpt'lit'lIu'. The fOlllfTlUllity should ~{'ck to improve th~' l'....pC'Tiellf(' or ils transportation Systl'II1 tlSNs, The eX\lerirllce of the driver ill millg well-designed illtcrsl'ctiollSillld fa med roadway segments fall contribute to:J lower lewl offrustratioll, ()thl'f ;l.~lwcts whirh npply to tilt' <j1l.:Ility of 1.11(' driv('r's,rxp<'ri~'IIl.'e :Ife. all~I.c;(":lp;r,I~~ :Il1~1 slr(!{'(sGIf'1/I!', and wiually pll'il_Slllg :111<1 IIllorl1la!lve ,Smll:lge. I nUlslt ridership. w)lieh ill tllrn lIIay lake vehide trips off the roadway system, Gill he ellcollralJ(' d hy improved rider amcnilies, both on "lid olflhe IrallSil vehides, Ulliqlle Need, ol'l(e,idl'III' "".I Vi,ilors, Miami neach is hccoming younger, :lIId the typical restllting hOll~ehold will dCI!l:lIld:! gr.e:Jter number ortrip.~ :1I1d 1,I:l.ve tl gre:lter willlllgness to use ,l![PTllatlve modes. In addltloll, VISitors to the city, parfkularly tbmc li.om Europe, L:!lill Alllrricil, ilnd lIliljor urhan areas of Ihe U.S., havc a grraler Icndellcy to lIse puhlic Ir:Insil. Transportation derisiOJls.shollld be mad!' .witllthe IIC'ClL'i ol"t!Je.sc groups illll1ind, as wl'll a.c; incn.'il,c;illg :ICCl'.~S lor all Sl'glllelll~ o(lh(' COllllllllllil)', including the tr:lIlsit-depelldcllt and persons with disabilities. ------------] f)I'SClUI'TION: N~!I/'(' I ~ Fix",.(' I illdiralfs Ihl' ,~('n/'ftlliud p('~/i"'Il!({lIu' (~/ 1\1iami litl/(h's rolldll'III' sJ'slolllO )'I'IIf.\' !{(JIIIIIOII', 11110 ,II/(JII'/1 is II/(, cily's flllldll'lIi ",IFillI''' 1I/(1i11"lIi' olrl'giOIlIlIlI' - illll'oll,"/! ar/fril's find (olin /0,..1'. '. HI'{T('i1I;OIl alld rvlohility, It 11;1.'1 bl'en argued lhat Miami Bt'ar!l, as all island t'Ollllllllllit)' wilh 111111lil'Ie w:l(errrollt, pnrldalld, and ('lllerlaillllu,;'1I1 Vt'llIH'S, should 1)(' viewed :IS :111 outdoor renl':llioll ;!lea, Mohilit), slratt'gies should he supportive of this "iew, hy providing:1Il inlrgrated 11('lwork of pedeslriall and 1101I-lIlOlorizetl Vt'llirll' p:ltlls and rout{.s In illll'rrollllecl and provide ;Ien'.s.') lolhe various rel'Te.ltiol1 ;lIId enterlailllllclll Willies. S"""'llfpl:lrl'. Thc City's ulliqllC Sense of\)I:ll'(, should he I'lIh:lIl('rt! through tr:lIIsporlaliolll'l:lIIlling ell1ft.s. '1'11(' Cit)' should avoid "olle size lIl.s :111" llIiligatioll plans hy neating illlp:.u'l reduction lI)e:ISllles Ihat lit the sl'edfk lle('(ls and [hnra('lelol the p:lrticlIlar urhnn ellVirOlllJlenl or neighhorhood h(:'irtl~ illlpnftrd. "llarlle"" Trall'p"ilati"ll, '1'r:11l....portalioll plallllin~ decisiOll.s slltl1lld he made ill SlIPIJort oftlte I'COIIOlllir tlevcltlpmenl alld rc(levclopl1lCllf goals or 1111:' Cllllllllullily. 01,,1 iu suppOrluf po.silive developlllellt pallerns, ~s delined IIllhe COlllprehensive PI"n, TOTAL MOIJILlTY PLAN ACTIVITIES Municipal Mobility Analysis . Public InyolvclllclIlProgram . Data Collection ,-JIld Existing Cunditions . Needs Assessmcnt Ten-Year Program . Management Plan " Projecl Bank . Financing Alternatives . Project Rating System and Policy Methudulogy Ongoing/Future Imlllementation Activities . Alllomaled Concurrcncy Managelllent Syslem (CMS)'!: . I'rogmlll of rlllerrel.led Projects (1'1/') 'k \-I-illure 1il.\Js I/ot included ill I", MMI' .. , :1 t~~~ k,\",~Nl !11ij~:;'11 ".'.~;'l\ f.~~ .' ':'/)e-~-~.J ~~~)4fi~'" 8\""u'" i!I:1;'~:~~ : " , f:f~'i~~:i r.~:"I:':":J"~ b{-"~;\l f:~~.~~ i~':? l";.,n,: """"] rt~~;,:jj 0. ~ ~ ....--. FUTURE SERVICE LEVEL OF PROJECTIONS .' ;'j\ ,.;, EXISTING AND PROJECTED ROADWAY PERFORMANCE Traffic conditiolls Were analyzed through a Illethodology H'COIllIlll'lIdt.'d illlhe I !J~H edition oflhe lIi~hll'(~)' ('aporil)' i\Ja!l/1/11 (lICM). The IICM <'slahli.shed I he lel'el 0/ serl'irr (I.OS) cOllcrpl ",0;; Ihe tool to lIlr;JSlIrC tr:lfllc (ollgrsliol1. Ll'\'rI or serviu' is a lTIeasure ort!lr qtlality of' lr;lllir flow. Thi.s ronr<'flt Ilf\r~ I1Ira!;;urr.<; Ihal rharaCIl'rizc (1)('1':11;011011 cOllditions within a Irallir strC':JIn ;IJl(lllwir perception hy Il1otorisls alld p:JSSl'lIgC'/'.'i. TIIl'de.llcripliolls of illllividunllL'\'r1s ofser\'ire characterize llll'se conditions in (rfms of .Ciuch f:lctOr.<; as slwcd find '.ravelljlllf', frecdom to mancuver, (rafJie illlClTlIpliollS, :lIld r01lJlor! ;IIHf COIlVClliclI('('. As show II ill li:~"rf' 2, which illdicates hltme roadw;J)' capacilies willi prograllllllcd irlJprovl'III('llls, 'hl' l('vcL" of sl'rvirl' /WVl' (,('('11 gl'lI('r;l/iZt'd to lltr(>('r;ltt'~oril's:, "t\{ (ap;Jdty", "Sullidclll ell/)Jdly". and "U/I(!er.Capadty'. "Ullder-Capadty" rt'pr(,s{,lIl.~ lie I)('sl nper.1ling nllHlltiolls, rharactnizrd by frec flow, unillterrupted cOllditiolls with .small d,elay,'l. "At.Capal'ily" ran illcltu!e the wor.'ll OlllT<ltillg l'Ollditiom, ollcll cllarartl'rizl'd I))' Ill>tlvYl'llIlgrstioll with 11Igh delays. III North Be;u'l1 ,IH' f(lllowillg roadway .w'gmrrlls ;nul illlefSt'rtiollS ;lI'e pl>r1orllllllg or ;lrl' pro.il'rtl.'d 10 pn(i>rlfl helow the Cily'.o;; adopted levc.:1 of.o;;ervirl' .'llarH/anl (I.<)S I )J: Indian ('Il't'k I hin' hc'tWt'I'1I li:~ SIrt'el antl71 'stlTtl Indiall Cn'ek Drivt' alIi:! Stll'l'l Illdiall Cn'l'k I lri\'t'/I litkl'm t\\'{'1II1l' al 71 ~lrl'l'I III "'Iilltllt' Beac'll till' fill/clI\'illg I"Il;ulway ,<;t'grllt'Ilt... "Iltl illltTwrtitlll." are I'l.'dOrllllllg or are projecl('d (0 perforlll helow tlw City's adopted lev('1 or servit'e slalldard: Ahfllll!oad l'l'lw('l'nl )adt Boull'var,c,' allt! fdiddgall/\wll\l(, Ahcm !toad "dlrt't'll ,II SI'l't'1 alld lI.l Sln'('I 41 'slrl'('IIlf'lwt(,/t I\Itolll~oad and Indian CnTk J lliw (i] 's1!"ct'l 1l(>lw('l'llt\lltlll Hoad ;uul'ndiall Cn'ek Urivt, Altolll{uad at 'I] Stl ('t'I ,II Slrel't alllldian l'rt'('k I >rive III .sooth Hr:lrllthe fi1llowillg roat!w;lY segments and illlt'r,<;ct'litllL'i are \)t:r!orllllllg or ;Ire projected to "nfonll hrlow lht' City's ;ldoptcd leve 01 st'rvlre sttllldard: ^!lolll{oad helwcclI S :-llrt't'l alld Dade I\oull'\'altl . On'all Dri\'l' hl'hvt'l'I1:) Stn'el alld I~ :-lln'l'l . f\' 'Iload al :,Sln'tl . I Road OIl 17 'sIred F(~lIrf 2 illdirala Ih''1iilllft- (JOymr) 1I'I,tls o[.It'fl'ia pmjttled jilf Ih,- tily's IIIlIjor /OlIdll'lIY.I. I " ~~:, .... r". LEGEND Fulllre Level orServire !'rojl'Clio", . AI Caparily ,. Sul!irienl Caparily . Und,'r Capacily I..~. .'.t',; ~ ' <l :;: :;: COMMUNITY ISSUES PUBLIC MEETINGS All e)(lt<lll~livL' .'writ,.,; or puhlir 1TIC'l'tillgS was held 10 explain the initial findings of the data ro/leclioll e(f()rl alld I(~ reccive input on trallsportation issues aflerling all seglJlt'nLs 01 the collllllunity. . CUllllllUllily Worbhop ill Nllnh Miami . COlTllllunity Workshop in Middle nearh . COllllllllllily WorkshoJl ill Suuth 1I(';lch . City Wide Wurbhop . MOlllldy Mt'('lillg~ ~~'ilh Ihe MMI' Slt'l'rillg Conllllill('c (fllllll'ml'd of residf'IIIS, City Sldff, and repH'H'ntalives or Irall.~porlalioll-rt'Jillt.'d agt'nrit.s frollllht' COllllly and Slall' It'vl'b). . Workshop sessiolls wilh Ihl' Cily\ Traml'orlalioll and P<lrking COllllllilft'(' Workshop s('ssiol1 wilh 111(' Cily's PlalJllillR Hoard Workshp 5('5.<;i1111'\ wilh 111l' Cif)' ('tlIl1liliS_SIIIIl TRANSPORTATION ISSUES The issues which eJllt'rw'd from the existing conditions analysis ;lI"e Sllllllllilrizl'd in F~~JIfl' 3. \Vhilc the 11111 rl'pnrlti('s specific issues to .o;;~)(.>rinc nrr:lS, the following :Ire illllong the most important lran.o;;portalioll issues City-wide, f{oad\\'il)' S)'Sll'lll Net'ds: cOllgestloll in both intl'rscctions alld roadway link!';. N(.'igldlOdltlod Illtp;ltl.\: spet'ding alld cUI-through lraffle; impacts of roadw:!)'s (IHli~l'. visual) 011 r('~idelllial art'as. S('IISl' or Piau': Ileed for hllldscaping, IJl':lu{ilkatioll, gn{eways. ~:"ely: of pedl'slriilllS ;lIltl hnlll IIlotorized :1I1t! 11OIHllOlorizetl vehide lISer.li. Ilunicall(, I':"antal rOil ;llld hlll'lgl't1C)' ^tn'~~ TI;I11-\j(: f<lrk of COIIIll'l'lioJls h('!\\'('(-'lIll1od(.s, lark 01 paswllgl'r amenilies. Norlh Beach I. Desire for Community Shullle Servile 5. Bemh A((ess 2. Vehiwlor/Pedestrion Conllids/Collins/Ilording 3. Lmk of Communily Cohesion 4. Biswyne Elemenlory Sofely Operationol Comerns 6. Speeding/Normondy Drivel71 Streel 7. ConQeslion/Collins Ave "diddle Beach B. SO'" 'Collins Soulh of 63 Slreel 10. CL _slion from 63 Slreello 71 Slreet J 2. Undlll Ulilizolion of Indion Creek 13. Speeding/Sofely/47 Slreel 15. Spceding/Pedeslrion/Vehiwlor Confli(l Lmk of Slreet51ope/41 Slreel 19. Speeding/Allon Rood 14. Congeslion/Mounl Sinoi Areo 16. Congeslion/41 Slreel V Speeding/Pine Tree/Lo Gorce II. Pine Tree Sped\Jlng/ Trofflc '''',"sion lB. Praire Avenue/SpeedinglTraffi( Intrusion lU. Troffic InlfUsion/North Bny Drive South Beach 21. Poor Pedeslrion/Oridge Connedion/Dode Ooulevord/Collins Avenue 33. Bemh A((ess/Wolk 34. No Regionol lronsil Connedion n No Sense of Plme/Dode Boulevord 15. No Conne(livilylDode Boulevord ond 17 Streel 17. No Londsmpe/Porking Idenlily/Woshinglon Avenue 35. lmk of Pedes Irion Amenilies 23. Congeslion/Alion Rood ond North Boy Drive 24. Congeslion/Allon Rood ond J 7 Slreel 26. Cangellion/!6 Slreel 28. Lock of Pedeslriun Conncdions/Congeslion Collilll Corridor 2V. Congeslion/A1lon Rood 31. Congeslion/Allon Ruod/Mm Aurthor Cuulewoy J/. Neighborhoud Inlrusion/Speeding ---~---~-~----~- ] [)ESCIUI'TION: F/:~lIrl' 3 ... ~,,," LEGEND Community I.'.",es . COllgestion .Inlrusion . (onlllc(lIlg Fnvllonmenl _I.ark of Allernative 'I'ransit 1'vlodcs ...,. Arr., Wide Im,,'s r(~lln-' 3 indica/fs (hi' r/lllgl' l~l is.\/{('.I' which 11'('((' idfl1liji{'d ""r;/lX (/if!,IIMic iln',,/i'I'lIlf/l{/,roXI"iIIIl. I n. ~ ~ ..---~. ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION As showlI ill F;"II,.t '" Ihl' City's ro.:H/\\'ay Iletwork hall bet'lI divided illln four sl'l'arale r:lI{'gorit,S, :IS follows: 1. I{egillll;d :1I1t'l'ials IJfovidl' COlllll'diollS l()f fl'\:iollallraflic hol II acroll" lhl' City alII III poinl.'i lllllhl' Illaill!:lIH . :l.COllllllllllil)' ;ll'lnials provide rOllllcl'tiolls bet\\'(,(,ll major Olrl('rials and ('(lUcctor slrl'{'l..... T Colll'ctor .strcets (01111('(1 Ill{,ill .str('('ls 10 Ihe arlrrialllcl\\'ork. .1. \'0(';11 '.;In'l'l.'i COllllect Ill'ighborhoods to 111(' larger roadw<1Y Iletwork. PROPOSED CHANGES TO ROADWAY CLASSIFICATIONS These ro;Hlw:lY das.sif'iraliolls deflrll' the rtlllclion and general rapacity or (,<l1'h roadw:IY. The da'l.'iifirarioll 01":1 givell roadway is illlport:llI! illlhal it dm'.1I lIIuch 10 define the policy offhe City ;lIld other jurisdictions or :lgrllrir,'i loward thc roadway. It is rrmnllllt'IHIl'd that Ihl' hlllcliolJal rlassilkatioll.'> Itlr s('vcr,1I ro;ldw:JY St'glllt'llt'i he ;1I11('lIdt'd In lH'tte~ r('/]rr! thl'ir ;!cll/;lIItIlIClioll alld IrafJie rh<1r:lf!erhlirs. The lollowillf{ (ahle slllllln;uizes till' rrcorlllllClltled ;I111(>IHllllellts 10 tl~e City s hll\rlion:ll dassificalion syslelll and the r;i1ioll;l!e lor r<1(11 proposed ch<1llge. Roadway Segment Current Propoled Reason for Change (Ia~sififalio ctmiflriltloll IndlanCrcrklJrl\'eSt.to Colleclor Artcrial Existing & ProJcclrd 715tStreet Strel'! Road\\'ay ,.olumc;funct!on Dad!' BInI. from Ba)' Road Colleclor Aflrrlal fxisling & Project II' to Pine Tn'l' Orl\.e Sln'PI Roadway \'olulTIe;funclloll 2.1rd Slreet fron Dade Bird. I.ocal Aflcrlal Exhllng& Projected to Collins Avc. Slreet Roadway \'Olurnl';function J71h SIred from Alton Itoad Collertur Arlerial ExhUng & Proj('cted 10 Dade Blvd. Street Roadway VOIUfllC;fullctlon Wa~"lngtonA\'cl\lJ('frorn I.oral ('ol/eclor Existing & Projerh'd Bisca}'ne Street to 5th Me, Street Slreel ,'olurne;funclion Collins ^\'e. from 15th 51. to Arterial Collcclor Parallrlfacilily SlhS!. nlladway Slreet communllyc!lararter JSlhsl. from Alton Road!o Collector I.oeal l'\l'Jghborhoodlfaffic Wa\hingtoll I\ve. S!n'('! Slrrtl managl'lTlrl1!; communill'lt rhararter 16th Sl. from Alton llo;lCllo I.ucal Collector \'of~:~ ~.~~~ ~'I~fllU~~ I~o~d ("olllmA\"c. Strret Strcrt lr~ Wl'st An. from fllh 51. 10 l.oral Collcctor Exlsllng & ProlITlrd 171h Slrrrt Street \"olumc;fum!ion r'- --.., The seglllruL'i 1I0ll'd orJlIlliall Crcek Driv('. Dade Bou!ev,tnL 23nl Street 171h Street, 16th Street <1lltl Washillglon Avcllue. have in mm' a runctioll mHI volulIle oftrnllic whidl exccrd their currcnt d:lSS".~,llinns as local or collector streets, alld therefore require red:lssiliration il.'i colleclor or <1rlcria! farililips. The S~glll(,llt or Cnllillll. Avenuc listt'd i.'i beillg H'COIJIIllClHlcd for :1 function:" c1:tssirit.'atioll tllnt is lower lhan its currrllt st:ltIlS. "his i.s dlle 10 Ihe I:trllh,1I e"elllhollgh Collills is rllrrelltly de"ilied a.'i.1I1 <1rtcri:Jllor it'i cnlire lellgth. \Vil.'ihillgtOIl Avcllue i.'i dfedively Ihe higher c:lp:tdly roadw:IY south of 15111 Slr(>~1. Collins Avenue.'i illlporl;lIlCe inlhis loralioll is similar 10 that 01 ()rt':lIl Drive: both. are historically signilknllt slreels in which :1 nrtain tllllOtlllt 01 congestion is lolt'f'<1tcd. !lIld holh /;trililic.'i shuuld rCIlI:lirl :II :111 ,,\~propriate sCille. The f('dassilkatiol1 01 Collim A"t'ntlc is rcllcclive o this spedal ~latlls. Likewise. tile seglllent of ]5th 'strcet is rl'rOlIlIlll'llded l(lf redassilicaliOll to <1 rUllctiollalstatlls lower 111:111 its current reclassification. The rrr!:J.'isiJlratioll fellerls the rt'sidt'nli;t1 dwr:lrtl'f 01'1;'111 Slrl'l'1. DESCHII'TION: Fi 'IIII' tj I:igllf"t, ,I iudhllt('J tht' fJr/lfJtJ.I'/,tf (/fI.\SUi"((/lioIH (~ltlt/' city's roadll'a)' nt/wor/.:. '~ :" , t. ~ i" LEGEND IllloedlVay C1essiliralioll . !legiollal Arlnial . COlllmunil)' Arlt'rial II Collerlor U'I,i~',1 "- " " ,...--' TOOLS FOR IMPACT ANALYSIS AND MITI-GATION ^lItOlllfllt'd ('OI1t'llrrl.'lIry rdall;lg('lllflll ;))'SI(,1I1 All illlportant ilnplt'llll'lItaliolllool ol'tl1(' h..tMP i... the Autolll:ll<'d COllrurrrlit'y Mall;lgl'lllt'1l1 S)'~lt'llI ((,""'-1S), The Ctv1S lI.';(~S data IrOllllh(' Mfvll' to pl'Ovid(' a growth 1I1allagl'lllt'1l1 tool for the City. Prim tu 1111' is.''IJ:lIIrt.' 01 II t!('\,('!OjlIJlClII order and t!pvelO/lIJH.'1I1 perlllit, the nlllu.Jrr(,II~'Y IlltllJ:lJ'('lJlt'lll S!,Sll'l1Il1l~I."1 ('IlSUTe t lat the :Idopt('d I(,vcl 01 .<;l'rVIn' .'il;llJ(brd."l required lor road.Ii, potable Wall'r, s:lIlitary .s(,\\'I'T, .\uJid \\',I.\ll', drainil!,(', rt'uratioll, and III:1SS lrall'd!, ifappfir:lhl(') will br III:lintailll'd. hH' eMS \\'Ol~ld <;('I"\'(' as ;111 rJl{'ctiv(' "n'alil)' ('heck" as '0 the f\lrrell! .state of the Cily's tr:HlsIJort;lliolll';lf':lrity. As wilh lIlt' fOIICtlrrl'llc)' ,~yst.{'rn l'I'H.f'lJlly ill plnce, an npp'ic~I"1 "t1,~ sl'ver;d opliom to rectify any of tilt' (h'fJrirrlril's Iha! tllf'ir projl'CIIIWY ha\'e, These option.:; Illay illdut!r, hill arc !lot /imilN! 10: ^, P<l)'IlI(>llt ofinq1itrllt'I'\ II. COlltrihuting to 11ll' ClpiLd illlfllll\'l'ltH'IlIS l'olfn, C. ^pJ'~';d llit, COllfunellcy rvLllJ:Jgt'IIIPlI{ ASS{',~slllellt thnHlgh tilt: ofllq,,1 :11111(':11\ I''-(\\'I'S\. I), Srr;1/1Iht> prllpost'~1 plOjl'rl 1'lllin'.lv. E. Do I Ie 1l1;lnd;llClI)' llllpl 0\'l'1tll'lIIs lor COl1nIlH'IH"Y l\lallag('I!l('1l1 (dt'\'t'lllllt'r) I-'. Pro\'ide to I 11(' <.'ity \11I1l1' 1.1'1ll' or I r;ldl'-nfl(i.l'" 1;11\(1, prop('rty, :lIl1('lIilil.'s,elr.) (;. Scdt' 11;1\'1, (Ill I Ill' \ilt' or iIJI('Il\ily 011111' !,wj('et ;llld rrsuhlllitlllr rt'vie\\", The Purfl(}\{' n/'thi.<; dilil~l'llt't' ('II()rt is 10 11 a \'1' ill plan>:1 rl'li;dlil' fOllrtnn'IH'Y tl addllg :llll 1I101lilOlillg ,<;\,,<;[('111 Ihall'IISIIH'," tlu' ('ily's nllflpliallfr wilh the cst;lhlislll'd Il'\'cls of .'il.'n'ice, ;I~ ~rH'cili('d in III" lOlllpr"''''",iv" Pia" alld III" MMP. N('il:' "",rlloo" Tr:dlir ~lal"'I~I''''''lIt ~y'l('r" ~Ylll1e tIll.' Te1l1.t'arl'lall dot's 1II:1kt' StllllC specilir H'WIIlflll'1l1IatiollS for IH'ighhorhond tralJir r:drnillg, it i~ rccogrlizcd IlwI there are ll1any' ou(~t;llIdillg i.'islI,l's with tlallie calming tll:l( either ('xislnow or will rlllergp ill the fU(IlI"I'. For (hi.. rraSOIl, th(' plan includes" Nt'ighbodlOod Tlalf;~' f\1allagt'I1Il'1l1 Systelll that eSlahlish('s;1 procpss and rritl'ria lor the l'{lllsideratioll :llld design ortrallic l.alll1ing stralegies, Tra",il Villag", The Tell-Year JlI;1I1 also calls for the stlld)' :lIld possiblr crf'atioll of ollr or IIHln' Transportatioll C(~Ilt"urrellry J\'lall:l~el1l(,fll Area~ CI '\.'), or "lrar"'l villag"'" 'IC~I^'/Ir:"L,il village, allo\\' III" 1IIliqll(> rh,Hader Orare;Is, :mrh as .south Beach, 10 h(' recogl1izl>d, prf 'rd,:llId l'lIh:llIH'd Ihroul;h ;liperial p1;lIlnillg proC('dtlfl'S. III 1':1. ldilr, ('stabli..llITlClll (l a transit village would allow IransportCltioll conrurn'IIrY 10 II(~ 1II:llJ:lged 011;11} :J.re;Hvide basis, ralher lhall 011111(' h;lsi.:; orindividllal roadway ,l;l'gl!lellls. AlolIg with this lh'xihilit)' i.. tlH' I"cquirelllrl1lllllder 'slale law 11I;1( aH:-a- s!'('filie c:lpital irllproVl'IIH'llts alld servire /11allS he :Jdopled :lIld illlplel1ll'llted. It is important that trallsit ,.i Iagt"~ have oJ>liom for allrnlalive Illo(h.s oflra\'d, indudirlg tmnsil, sillee tIle OPI}()rlllllilie.~ f()r Ill(' t'xp:IIl,'l:ion ofro:Jdw:J)'s illlhese ,Ir('as is, ;lllhe llIos!,lillliled. '.11 ;l(ldilioll,llle de\1('!(lprw,>1l1 oftrallsit I:lfililil's nil I art :J.~ lIlitig.1liOlI lor 1l('W dl'\!eI(lllllll>lIt. I/oweyrr, premiulTl Ir;1IJsil service fan ('llfUl/rage lite ( evcloplllelll 01 higher drllsilil'S, For this re<1S0n, I he tI.'~l' (il tr:lI1.\i( a... a ll1ilig;lliollIIlC:!,SIIrl' inlr;1llsil vill;lgl's should br COllsidrrrd card'lIlly illl'uhlir polity derisions. F(~IIrt'.') illdicf/lts '''./1I1.\l'(lTI(/[ioIl/IJl{I~.'.\'i.\' /,O1/('.\' olld 11offl1tial 'f'rllllsill'ill(/SI',\'. ~ .T^Z j' I , ,Poll'llljal'lra",,, VilLr);,', _Puhlir Trami! , ~~~" ...... .~ .~ ,...------ CL :< :< u,~ }I. 'f I ~"ll h ~.~ v ~..~ 'r ~;: hi~ l'UI!lJII/I'I\IIIII"IIIilIII," I"llll dl',1 ilH I 11'111'" ,,] I" (lj," I" 11;\\ (' '"llll'II',l ,llll'l!] Iii., 1\11\ 1]1 'I' 1("1 "'11'" ',111111' t II" ". II ,ltl'l H IIl.ilt"11 II. ..,\, I :q),III[\ Illqllll\ltlll'tll 1'1<111'1 I', H''.llllllllln Illt'Ilt'I't1lu III \,,,,'1 \ t' :tltll \111'1)("1 Illl';l1 kJ ,;d :lll,! I C 011.,( 1111 Illl \\'l." L ,II /Ill' ( it '", \111 II tJl11jl'l I'. 1"11\ rd,. I,.. "111111"1111111', III 111\' 1II:IIIILllld, lr;dlil II:I\('I'''II!: 11l1' i\I.IOd, .1I1111IlJllil'dlll" n:l\ ll:tlillll, Tlh'\\'I'Illjl"t'I', 11111111;111.\' IIIIII'IHI' 1111' (:q';1\ II_I' Id 1I1l1"IWI li.ill'. ,till I 111,hlll':I.\' lilll,,- ), I I" 1111, It l,tll.llt, 4"1111'111 1'11'/1 c r', I ("'IJlltHI III rill' IIITt! III 11111 ',l::lf,' !Ill' 1111jf.11 I', U/ll!;llhl':I.\' ill'l '.11 h nrl Iwi}:ld '11I11I!C lih, 1\111h' :11 !lit. ~:I!lIt. IHIll' J'll" hllll.l~ /111 :Irt dlj(I,'rll ""( ,1\II:d HIIII'" olll:dlii l:\.illl~ql irll~ tIll' IIILt! .'.i'll',(' ~d Id,Il'I' 11I,lr .d',ll I'I' :111 iIJlI'OII:IIII hllll lillll III tlll'\i' Illlljlll" (Itllld,'1 ~'ldl:IIHIIIII'11l Illlljl'II', HId\, ('11Llilll:illlI I :dllllll!~.Il('')lI(ili\ :1!iIHI, :lfld 111111 Illill,i! illq'lll\'t'Ult'llls 11111:1111\ l'I'I'Lllillll" " ( 'Qlllllllllih' ,"it',Llill;dltIH\' l'I,ljl'( I., rnl'<lllil !Il l,lll' Illlj':lll\ 1111111' 1l1;ld\\d\, \)",11'111 orllll'l;JrI'lll h')1111." Illl'\I'IIIOJ('1 I'> ;11111 hI I ,dllll'l lli\'I'll Il:dlll 1)111 1,1 IIl'H,ldl()llllHhl\ III IiI 111\1 IHII:I!'t' 1111 111111111'11 II :llIil IJIIIIII\,II 111,((11\ ,'Ii' 11'1 Illdll'lIi,d 11111. 1\111\11111':'1111 'II, (II 1),lIfill!~ 11,11111 II', :1;;\IIH';HIIIl ~llii)lllll,I_\';d"l) III' illljlllll:ltll (Il,d'. 1"1 (,'IIIHIIl/IIII' '''I'.I,llll:rJiJlJlr Illlliil I'. J , '.\ 1,1 1'1 III I l\ I' 1\ I .,d I' /' I , 'i {' I !', II" ( 'll J : I)~., I L III '.11 "';,11 ~(.. 'I'l'( In I I j:1I 1 :ldllll\, \\.11111.1\1", llf 1111'11'.\'101 lj,ln 10,0I'1Ii/",1 I'l,llll ('" ,"n,'I, ;1" l)ilYI ]", ;IIJd,.L;lIill)' I/Il''.i' I'IlJj"11'. :Iilll Illd Illdl' In LIL,. JI'I)" lilt 111l' I '),hlll';I\' 11,'1\\.1( I., l>ill :r!,,(! II' 111'11':1"1' Ill,' rllllJlrlitl, ld ..lJ I nidi'III', :ltHI \ i'.ilul', II11 illl,:',11 till ,d,", 1II,lI rl'irrllll (I' I Ill' 11I1i'lIII' 111:11,1l11'lldl\li:llllil:l'.lil, 111111111-1 1,11:111,,\, llw I 1l1l1/1'1I1',Ullld lIlt, 1l,1;llil(' ill'l';11 Lion' Id ,I. 1'1\ I'll 1'1l1)I'l l. .1 111.1111, :Uh 1111111,1 h:11 I' 11('1'11 d,,\ ,'Il]lll'd I Lrllll' 1) '1111' 1'1111'1 i,l, II Iii, II \\1'11' d, 1111.111 ilfllllt\' 1'1111\14 \\"11.,,11<)\1'. ,llld IIIi' \ Illlqlll'lllll"'1 I' Id,ltI, :11111\" III illl'll'. III II(' 1,111,.1 :1111111 Ill)'. t.1 Illl' I .lilli'\ (d illl' I illlllllllllil,\ Pinier! ('~tlllp;lli~;1I11 1\1:,1111.\ Ilu",rnllql,1l ;\1111 ',nll'IIlI" IlIli'lHkd 10 plnl'I".I':1 Irlt'III"d 1111 1111' 110,dll:lllll" Iltlljl:UI""11 .111,1 "I'I,.{ IflHlld lll"!l'( I', 11:1',l'll (Ill II". I I ill'l i,1. ') IH' ':1 OIIiII~ '.1 ',It III I', :1'. I,dloll '. . .\ I)llli,', I IILII Ilrlh' 111,'d', (II 1',1', ,J I,I 1I1.1I,f" I' hlil\ll',llilll'):1 ,1',il ,'II II ill'llllll 1")',1\ "II (1\(1 III'HII', . 1\ JlIlI)' {, I IlLII !\,llll.dl'" 111"Lt-, ('I 11,1'. ,I 1]IIJ.I.'I,i11,1\' 1,1', "I:ddl' Ii 1,IIIIJII',llllllll ,I ,\',1\ '-II I 1111'1 [1111 I.. ,1',1\ III "III' 1'1)1111 . ,\ jJl"J"I,1 II,,!! ,1"''',11111 IIIL" I "I 11.1', ,III 11101,1\ 'Il,dd" Ill'I\<ll :11'ldl(:r1dl,' '1'!:IIIIIII',ll/\!I".j,I'f\'III'lllllI'lll\,l'I'.I'II/l'JIIIHl[II!',. 1'1'1 ''',i'lll. d 11\' 1111' '," III ",] 1II,ltI\lllillll,l,tllllll'llllll"l:IIIII,II\1 ,lilli' t'\'\:I(llll"'"\1'>11 1111.1 1111'1 :'I!I\'lltl,,\\I'1111111< ,( 1,.1111111,\', 1'11'1"(' 111.1\ ',I 1"llllllIlllll\ t,lll!'ll[lt", ',11'1, Ill,-I.twllll',1 If',I',III'lIlilil'II1I1'I'i,11111 t 'II ill'.! ,111'1', :11111 ,Ii (t.dlll 111Iill,II"'11','!\'.II, 11l.1\ "IH I 1111', III I Ill' '11,111"11111,1111\ \\I,j, 11I"I,d!l, 1\1'" Illl 1.IIIotll',IIi!(II,I,III"'\Illllkl ,1\1'11'111\\ ',1"11'1111:( !II 'II' , I 111,1', 111\" '1111'.111.'1,,1,1,. 111"111 III II 11',',11 lli'hl (:11111 \ " I I II I I I I I " I, I, ~ I l' 1 , I I ,I!,' ~ ',!I I'" I II' I <I I , I 1 I ~. 1 I! II I I 'I ' 111 I 1 r I rt\ II , L,il, , '( 'III , ,j !L, ,i, 'It 1'1 "" 1111 llllt!t, :\ITI'IU'!.\TI"'!''; I Ill' l'lllil 11 I.tlio)', ',\,',11-111 i" illl.ll.!..!l,1 ,rll,,\\ 1111'1, l.di\\, III" il., "I Illlll"1 I', I,i' In' t1111l1',1I1 dill .ri,llII 1..111 Iii i'dlll/,llh'll ,1Ihllllll,lllt!~ I,ll... I'. I Ill' lolllll\ill): llllullllg :dll'llld(lll~ ,II,' :11111'11)' (ll""i IltlIII11i,dl.\' :l\':riLII.h, 1111 1111'1'11'11'1 I II:JIlL Iltl'ln I', III ,lddlliLlll, HI', It'l'lllllHlt''HII'd Ihat 1111' I 'Ollt'1I1lt'fln r\1.In;Il'I'llI"111 "'.",!.'III\ IItjli;~:llinlll"n\'i',itlll; III' 1~I':Il{'d llH\';Il,lllltl<lill)~'III('I"111,..II\,11l1. l'IIJ:'I;llllldlllkfll'!;III'lll1llljl-II': ',1 Ill' li'.l '111'lI'j('II" indlllkd illllw 11111)"',1 B,IIr!, 11111'.11", ,II \ .11'11"11 11111l:! ""II1/',I:III111IIrIII'lld:111'd I'flllnl',' (111.1', l"oj 1':11111'1"11'1 I III 111., j'IIlI.'11 ILuIL, Ihe 1111' wdl /llt-.t/III' luudtrw '.,HIIII"" I., ,1, Illd 111"."JH'llli('ll.!:tlij,n',ltll'lIi'1'.1t 111""/1" 11'ltJ(llt-1 ',"I'I'd,llll"",l:j)I"J1", I', '1111., Ilill H'~ldl iH:1I1 rllll'll'ltll'IILdi,lll1 ,d,illlll.d 111111111" r I!II' IH!'/I ',l.llld:lld<i III ~ Ill' I II \'\ ILIlI'opllll.lllt III I" 10111. (11',111, III ,,/ I h, I'll' \'.111 LII rliLIII' IlllllIJIt'II:llllltlllfllll' III ('1"""'111'1 Ill'" 1\ 111111 (III' l III '" { ;ljllLd IIJlPlll\'l'lIll'lIl PIaI,1 U II'J, :1'. \ITII ;1', 1111' J LIIL"IILlI 1.1l1'1I1 fllljlllll'I'lIh'ltl PIllI~I:rIIl" (J'll\) ,dlJI!' ~d:lIt, ,lllllllllllll\ klil" 1'('11 \1';III'I.Ull:ill;lIltili!'.\Il\'lll.lli\'I" .-\ 11:llli:r1 11,1 ~dllldl'llli:t1'lill:lIlljll!~ illl,'ln:ni\'i'"1,11 11111<1,11;' (Ill' It'l llltltlll'nt!:llillll\ III llll' '1I'n.\I':11 1'1.111 I'. 11II'I Id"11 1,,1.,\\ 0,1,11<- Illkllll,lll.rl I 1)\ .II 'I 1I11('lll Illllll !Jill I"'H 1 III ,',1.111' I II lid.. 'd,lIl' '["..III"llIlI t.i1i"H I 11',lIh ,1111_1:'1',1 11111,1 ',.1. I 1111,111,11 \11111l;li,II,llillll (f 1.\ 111111.1" I I" I I, 'J I, ,II lilt 'II(I!I II h 'I ,I ',r: II, '11.11 I I " I )',1 ~ IIJ I, I I L III I II f, " I'" ':'1 .r It ,\lr,lllllll,I,L,.( Illllll\ ! fl'II,lIll1l1 111 "II'lrI,111 \\"11" r.llll:',IIII'11 1'1.111', I." Ill",I)"I'ltl'lll \1'1'("1,11 (I'II',I!, IIII]'! I 1\ 1 1.1 IJ II 1;I,ldl 1',lrl,ill,:',',\",11'11I Illl'j'I,II"tli,IIl,llld 1:11 \', k '\;111 1\ 1'1)1: 1,1111 fl..rida 1;1'('..11 \\';1\,', :llld I'Llil \lqlll,ll;"ll 11I\l,~:I;!11I Illif .,1.11:1'1 h':llill11:r11 h'\\,ltllllll('lll ,\',"l',l;II11 1'1'1":'1.1111 ill: 11,\1" j'!.lli'IILrllll'(ILlli"ll.d Tl:lrI',lllll,litl,l', 1'lll,I:I,l!lll ',;1: III') I lltlll III \ ;,,'\,11\\':11'\;11111 'I',:lil" f,I'Jlll!.' ItlLtlld nll'i,I'':llillll,rI PI',II111 (lI,'!lll \\,rl'I\\,I\". :\,.',i',!;HIII'I'lllgI:1lI1 '':11)'1 i,d \\',Iklll':ll' 1"";"11 ,1'lll!:I:IIH (,';\\'1'1') ';I','cj;r!I;('llllilI1i',llltl', ",;: i!:L::;il.~ildJ:l' .' ,.1; , 1". .. , q",,1 :i~'r,};I:I)'hJ,,~:-I.JiJ;.thl:~!(~J:-1 "~UI"I . !', .,: :::,~:~:~::~:'::~~~'UI~;;~~~I.'\:r ' t '~)I~ ...-. PROPOSED GOALS AND OBJECTIVES PROJECT TEN-YEAR PLAN '1'11(' Tl'll-Y{'ar 1'/;111 :uldn'<;'w'i III<' Ir;ll1SpOrlalioll isstl~'i :1Ilt! II('l'ds of the ('it\' fl\'l'f the Ilt'xl It'll years. The plan makes ,sperillf fl'(,OIllIl1t'II~bliom lilf lrallic,lrallsit, pl'drSlrian, :111(1 nOIl-molmi7t.d vrhicles 011 a rasl'-hy-rase ha\is. Ilo\\'('vrr, 110 CitX"widt. pl<lll would he fapahle or addre.ssing ('Yn)' lIIohilily-rel:urd issue, espedally thos(' issucs dl1aling wilh prohh'lns internal to l1eighhorllOods, For this r(':1\;OI1, Ih(' spl'dlk H'rolllllll'llCl:llioIlS :lre illlglTH'nlt'd ill the 'j'l'n-Y!'ar l'lall hy 111:lllagf'IIH'IIII()ols 10 ,Hldrrss ills!!!'s :Jlllll!')' ('m('rgc ill the fillure. Th(' !'wjerl I\""k The lillklllg ofpossil,lt. slr.~l('gi('.s 10 IIH-'lransporf;lliOlI j,s.slles racing Ih(-' City has H'slIlll't1 ill a IIsl III projc'l'l.lI rl'fl'rn't! fo a.1i fill' "Pl"Oj('('( B:lllk". Fill'h isslI{' prl'\'iollsl)' di.o.;ur!<i'wtl h:ls a mITe,"pOIHlillg \,rojl'{"l orjlrojrcl.<; :IS i1 1"('.o.;pOl 1 0.;('. 'flit. I'roj('('l H:IIl/, projel'ts an' irl( iC,II{'d ill '/):rtrr fl. Norlh Be;,cI, A1lcrnolivc Modc f'roicels I. Cnmmuniry S/1\Jllle [__rom ion 8. tlorlh Bcmh Worcdronl ^C(eH Improve men Is 10. Norlh Beneh Wnlk Corridor Enhamemenls Projccls J Hording Ave. Enhomemenls 6 71 SI./ Normandy Dr. Corridor EnJIOIHemenls 'J. Collim ^ve. Improvemenh/ReOulotion PrO{Jrom Copncify Improvemcnt f'roieels 1 SellOol (;rrularion lmprovementi 5 Indinn (reek Or./ 71 SI./ Dickens Inlemclion ("pnriIY Improvcmenf'i I. Indian (reek CnpO(tly Improvemenls Community SlIsloinnhilily f'mice!s '! '~orlh Bead, Neighhorhood Calming I ~Ireelscope Improvements Middk' Beach ^"erna!ive Mode f'roieels 15. Middle Ben,h Beorhwnlk lB. Community Shu"le E__ponsion 10 Middle Beneh Inl"nendnl fmilily 75 Indian (reek Mulli-Purpole Troll Corridor Enhnncemenls Projecls 11 Cnllim ^" Renlignmenl II ^lron Rd. Enhoncemenl. 11 ^lron Rd/41 Sl. Inler",lion Col",ing lJ 41 II. SleelHnpe '/4. Mlnn R~. Enhonremenl~ ',1 (ollim ^venue/Gmnd Boulevord :\llddle B(:illl! -opacity Improvcment ProjccIs , I. 63 II./Indinn Creek Cnpmily Improvemenl' 19 43 II./^,Ion Rd.lnl"",'ion Cnpncily Improvemenl. 'l1.lndinncfeek Drive 41 SI. InlerUlclion (npocily Impfovemenls Community Sustainobilily Projecls II Lo Gorce/Pine Tree Neighborhood Cnhning 10 47 II. Trof/j, Calming lofely Improvemenl. II Neighborhnod Calming Projerl SOIlI h I\p,lCh ^"ernolivc Mode f'raicels :19 [os,.WeIITHlmil Corridor 40' Soulh Beoch Inlcrmodol Fadlily 41. loulh Demh Wlllk Corridor Enhanccmenls Proicels to DmJe Blvd.! 13 St, Intersection Reconfi!)urnlion 1/. Dllde Blvd/Medinn Enhom'""nll Inl,"erlinn n Venelinn (ouseway Improvemcnls nnd Enhnnrcmenh J! 16 II. Enhnnce",enl./Dperollonllllmprovemenl. J6. loulh Bemh Dne.Wny Poill/Pedellcion Con flirt. JI WOlhinglon Me. Eohoncemenll/^ngl'd Porking ConcepllCnpocilY Copacitv Improvemcnt Projc<fS 19. ^llon Rd/Dode Blvd. Inlen"lion Improvem'nI\ 30. Dode Blvd/II 11./lVell ^ve. Inlellertinn Reconligllrnlion & Connerlion 31. 1711./ ^"on Rd. Inlonerllon Improvemenl' J.I. ^"on Rd. Copmily Improvemenl. 38. 51h SI. MInD Rd. Inlerseclion Improvemenls 41 Ocenn Dfive OpefOlionallmprnvernenls Commonity Sustoinobilily f'mice!s ill Sunset Or. of 20 51. & Allon Rd. 0/10 ~I. Inlersection Reronfigurolion/lmprovemenfs '. I', Ilillo,;e tleigllllorllOoll (nlminu IlroOfom amllnlruslOn Poltry I: South Point/SflCclscope/Pedesrrion ^um Prngrnm D I ,SC 'l(/l;';'l) N :-Fi<~';;/;I,~{;~7 i/;;I'~T7i7i;; { L 11".,1 ,,<) U.. ~.i". 11. ," ,~ -' ~\ , :;\ .~~'I'. /: ~.~~~t..~ ~:'i BANK "'lit..... ++ .+ .. .. .... .r.:..~'~....~.-~.,... \~.>.;;::.~ ~'" '\. ...o, ,,- LEGEND i, ~ ~ . . ,," ,,+ +" .. + + 4lll + . . . . ...--' -- . . ,"I r, "'r ') ,f' "1 II. :>: :>: P A ('; f-' , z (J) >- 0<( 0 ...J ::J 0... I- ~ >. (f) ~.. I- " - 0) z c~ ..J 0 - I -'I ro - "I >- u u!! 0 I- U:: < I <( <(Ii ::E --r: w W11 I- ~ m m!' <--. :2: I' Z J 0) W :::J ~I! V) ~ ~ < <" LLj -I: w :> ~ ~i ...J ~ I' e.. 0 lL(i 01' ~ ~ 'I ~! -I' I Ui' ! . AU pJJ l:dJJd I , I I I , I I I I I , I , I I I i ! I ~ I: ~ II ~ II ~ i /1 <( I i u: 1, Ct: I 0 I u I , ?: ! i ~ 1 ~ 01 ~ = 01 01 - > ""' o ~ z - o <( 0- u: Z u: '0 o <n U _, E = '" = ,...-' '10 ~. ,,~, ~\~"~j :~::'I';-J~!ld) , I ~-~. "",1 ii, i ":'f.l'l,:r,: ~-" \ :,;. : ;-~ !;, \'" u · 'iii, !. .' ,'!~ i !lib \ i "'I' !. JI 11",.;/ ~ : V1:I, "I", I, I' W '11,., 'i t&l \1, '4k;;. '1M ill' :::~l; ~ i~1 .i ;.;, 'll, ":"'1'" I;;'~.' ,~,1!, s: ~j' ,~r I '~' ~; LU,,' 11 I; ~I:,):' ( i~,' Iii. . '~'pll t~II'"H PI!i"1ii, :~ "',I) ~,: "iJ~',~ ';;!~I,' 1," " ~~61' :\t~:[ I I 'f: ;~--~;j 4:1 ,r~~ ~ 11;1 '~I ,a. i,; ...,J 'i; '( i. .1" ; ,~. ".' :', " ':" "'",, I '. '" ~ . .. , o. ,., ,. 'n "I '1' i ~ fg I ~ I.,\! ct6 '-'~-'--~~--,- '''. , 'I', '.11 "" ''''.,;/ 'ao ... , '"'~~"O 'e' "', "...."" ,"u ,." -'-'- . "". 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