Ad 334 HPB Special MasterStanduP fory°ur rightS, and Watch Action Line stand right behind-you.
d' Master Will ~hold a-hearing on Tuesday, ~
~ Hail, 1700 Convention. Center
filed by.. Micky .Biss'and USA
H ist(~ric. Pl:eServati°n~ Boa~rd *rendered July 28, 2005, 'regarding File N°.-
135 Ocean Drive, granting the applicant, Villa Luisai L.L.C., a reviSiSn tO the
*for a preViously' issued' Certificate of Appropriateness to dbtnolish, alter,~ and modify
three (3) exiStii!g-r~sidential;st~uctures; and construct ~, new 7-story multifamily residential structure,
SPeCifi~,ally'a. re.~ision of'the condition reqUiring the 'full renovatiOn ~)f~the existing-structures, Prior to
· the issuar~ce *ofa Building.Permit for'the proposed new structures. The appeal Shall be based on the
record of thehearing be~re the Historic Pr6servation BOard, shall not be a de novo hearing, and no
*new, additiOnal testimony shall be taken. ~' .~: ~ ~ . · . : ~. i
The aPPeal requesti and* ~1i ~dments Pertaining toFile No. 16331 including all proceedings ~fore
the _Historic Preser';,ation Board, are* available for public inspection during, normal business hours in
the~pffices of the Planning'Department, 2nd Floor, City Hall. Inquiries regarding File No.1633 may
~be -~i;~ed to the Plannir~g D~)artment at (305)- 673-7550.' Inquiries regarding the appeal' hearin{i
~maY?§~ directed to th® clerk of ~h® Special Master at (305) 673-7181 .-.'" : .'. ~ '~: i ~:
Pursuant to~ section 286~0105; Fla~ Stat., the City herebY advises that: If ~, person decides to .aPPea
any decision made by the Special Master With-respect to any matter considered at this hearing, such
pe'rs~ ~Will:.needto ehsuret'hat a Verbatim record'of the proceedings, is made, which recordincludes
'{he16~imonY and evidence upon which th® aPPeal is to be based.. This notice.dpes not conFitute
con~hf.~ .~ 't~e City for the intr~dUctionor admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant eViclence,
no~.~' authorize ch~.llenges or appeals'not otherwise allowed by laW. . ' ' -~
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Service). ~ ' ' ~ '
(Ad #334)