DD-4-4 Indenture
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~i]o/1()41 PAGflj39
considerat ion of the sum of ten dollars and other good and valu-
able cons iderat ion to it in hand paid by said The Miami Beach Dn-
provemant CompanYI the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgedl does
hereby grantl bargain, sell, assign. transfer I set over and deliver
unto said The Miami Beach Improvement Company, its successors and
assigns forever, all the right. title" interest, claim and demand
whioh said Flamingo Addition, Inc. has in a.nd to said Lot Seven(7)
in Block Fbur (4) of said Flamingo Terrace Addition, including all
the reversionary rights of said Flamingo Addition, Ino., its suo-
cessors and assigns, in a.nd to said land by virtue of said oondition;
To have and to hold the same unto said The Miami Beach Im-
'0 ~'tl provement Company. its sucoessors and assigns forever.
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~ .::: v I IN wr.rNESS WHEREOF, said FLAMINGO ADDITION, mC.1 has
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....., Q" I 0::: ~ .caused these presents to be executed in its name, for and on its
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· ~ ~ ~~. half bw its officials thereunto duly authorized, and its corpor-
~ ~ ~ :N' -, ~te seal to be hereunto at:rixed, the day and year first abav~j,~t~~"
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U ,~~ i Signed, sealed and delivered '~"';>"\lI~
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~:S i .-itJ. /tg';f.:U~i/ ~ By: t)>")...... j
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~ ~ Attest: A~'t. 'te~;"':"'''\\
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day of July, A.D., 1935, before me personally appeared R. A. JOHNSON
and R. N. BROIN,President and Assistant Seoretary, respectively, ot
FLAMINGO ADDITION,INC., a corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State ot Florida, to me known to be the ~ rsons who
signed the foregoing instrument as such offieers, and severally ac-
knowledge the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such
officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they
affixed thereto the official seal of said oorporation and that the
said instrument 1s the act and deed of said corporation.
WITNESS my signature and offioial seal a t Miami Beaoh, in
dIU!/ _ . the County of Dade and State ot Florida, the day and year last atore-
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this
~-9-39 Wm.W.Muir
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8oo~1641 PAGE538
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THIS INDENTURE, Made this 9 day of July, A.D.,
1935, between FLAMINGO ADDITION, INC., a oorporation organized
and existing under the laws of the state of Florida, party of the
first prart, and THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPAEY, a oorpor-
ation organized and existing under the la.ws of the state of
Florida, party of the second pa.rt; WITNESSETH:
WHEREAS, said Flamingo Addition, Inc., conveyed to the
CITY OF MIAJII BEACH, a municipal corporation of Florida, by deed
dated July 9 , 1935, and filed for record simultaneously here-
with in the publio records of Dade County, Florida (wherein said
City of Miami Beach is sometimes designated ttparty of the seoond
part", and said Flamingo Addition, Inc.,is sometimes 'designated
"party of the first part"), the following described land situ-
ated in the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, to-wit:
Lot numbered Seven (7) in Block numbered Four (4) of Flamingo Ter-
race Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in plat book
~ at page 68 of the public records of Dade County, Florida,
subject however to the following condition, among others, contained
in said deed: "This conveyance is made upon condition that
in the event a bridge is not constructed by said party of the second
part extending from said Lot Seven (7) in an easterly direction
over the waterway adjauning said Lot Seven (7) on the east, within
five (5) years from the date hereof, then this conveyance shall
be null and void and of no further force or effect and the title
to said premises hereby conveyed shall inmediately revert to the said
party of the first part, its successors and assigns, and the said
party of the second part shall execute and deliver to said party of
the first part, its suocessors and assigns, all such instruments in
due form of law as may be necessary to effectually vest the title
to said la~~ in said party of the first part, its successors and
assigns" ;
Nmf THEREFOP~I said Flamingo Addition. Inc.. for and in