Partial Release of Mortgage 7-9-35 Wm.W.Muir 8ao~ 357 FAGE 424 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNQrv AIL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That. WHEREAS. FWITNGO ADDrrION', INC... a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, by mortgage deed dated June 20, 1935 and recorded in Mortgage Book ~~ at page ./5.6 of the public records of Da.de County, Florida.. granted and conveyed unto THE MIAMI BEACH IMPRCWEMENr COMPANY, a corpor- ation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Flori- da, and its assigns, certain premises situated in Dade County, Florida, therein particularly desc~ibed, to secure the payment ot the sum of Fifty Two Thousand Five Htmdred Dollars ($52,500.) with interest and other charges, as therein mentioned; And WHEREAS, the said Flamingo Addition, Inc _, has requested said The Miami Beach Improvement CompaIV to release the premises hereinafter described (being part ot said mortgaged premises) from the lien and operation of said mortgage: NON THEREFORE, said The Miami Beaoh Improvement Com- pany, in cons ideration of the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid by the said Flamingo Addition, Inc., at the time ot the exeoution hereof, the receipt where- of is hereby aoknowledged, does hereby remise, release, quit olaim, exonerate, and disoharge, from the lien, operation and effect of said mortgage, tmto the said Flamingo Addition, Inc., its successors and assigns, all the following desoribed land (being part of said mortgaged premises), to-wit: Lot numbered Seven (7) in Block numbered Four (4) of FLAMOOO TERRACE A DDITI ON) according to the plat thereof recorded in plat book 34 at page 68 of the public records of Dade- County, Florida; 'e 8IJU~ ~~57 PAGE425 To Have and To Hold the same, together with the appurtenanoes, unto the said Flamingo Addition, Ene., its successors and as- signs forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien ot said mortgage and every part thereof; provided however, that nothing herein contained shall in any way impair, alter, or diminish the operation, effect, lien and encumbrance of said mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises not hereby expressly re- leased therefrom., or any of the rights and remedies of the holder at said mort gage. IN WITNESS WHERE<F, the said Mortgagee has oaused these presents to be executed in its name on its behalf, by its officials thereunto duly authorized, and its corporate seal to be hereunto a\~ u, J'/i,~' If( . . ~ ~ ./". """":~",':';'., I /;1 fixed, this 7' - day ot July. A.D., 1935. ~ 'Z I 4 i ' ' .~ ,:" ~ ~ ~~~ ~ fe' 11~ l.J9 ~ THE MIAMI BEACH DlPROVElIEllT ~... .. I..Ji, 51 Y"'" if " Signed,sealed and deli~red in the presence of: By: ~ ~::=<L-_~~~"'~"" Attest:hlt~A~) STATE OF FLeE. IDA ) ) SS COtmTy <F DADE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this ~Cid day of' JULY, A.D., 1935, before me personally appeared THOS. J. AN- COA.ST and EVELYN ELLIS, President and Assistant Secretary, respective- ly, of' THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVE:MENT COMPANY, a oorporation organized . and existing under the laws of' the State of Florida, to me well known and known to me to be the persons who signed the f'oreiP ing instru- ment as suoh offioers and severally acknowledged the exeoution there- ot to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the offioial seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS I'lf9' signature and official seal at :Mi8JIl.i Beach, in the County of Dade and State of Florida, the day and year last aforesaid. ...".,(?t/~.ilOBlllission expires: No~~~~ t!! l>\/,''(f:V/'.tI;' I() "if)$ :;;:'~..>~?JH\"...-.:.,..". ~ <9.:jf ", .,.-< .-....::: 'C/' ....-. .... t ...'/ *,;,: .~'r'i~~~\ ~ ~ State of Florida County otOad~t This in~rument: wa~lVed for record thec?!.:tliav o~ _ lS9~/...1_alll\1' .nd duly r''Cord~J in f\o, ok{J~J~Z-~ ....__.._.n page_/f_.Pl,_If--_.hle No..LIl ~L-1 E. B. LEATHERMAN. <;ler~rcuit C7rt: i 'y ._'2J.'::.7f'14.~D. C. -2-