Indenture DD 4-4 J ['.1 ,~ ~4f); . _ ~)t:tl PAGE ;_J:, ,~J ~ .~ ...... '!HIS ItmIN'l'tJRII t Kade this ~ dar of JulY, A. D., 1936, between YLAlINGO ADDITION, !fC., a oorporation organized and exiating under the law8 of the Stat. of Florida, party of the firs't part, and the OITY' OF mAllI BmACH, a DIW1ioipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, party of the aecond part. WIT N I S SIT H: -----.------- 'l'hat the sald party of the first part, for and in eonsidera- tion of the sum of !en Dollars to it in hand paid by the sa1d party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the performance by said party of the second part of the covenants hereinafter contained, hal granted, bargained and sold t.o the said party of the second part, its successors and asSign8, forever, subject to the conditions herein- after 8et forth, all the following deacribed land situated in the City of lfiami :Beach, Dade Oounty, Florida, to-wit: Lot nUllbered. Seven (7) in :!lock numb8red7our (4) of FLAMINGO TlRRACI ADDITION, .ccordin~ to the plat thereof recorte4 in plat book 34 , at page 68 t of the publiC reoords of Dade County, Florida; subject totaxe8 and m.unicipal liens .and assessments /sub8equent to the year 1934, and subJeot to municipal zoairlg ordinances; And the said party of the first part doe. hereby fully warrant , the title to said land, and will defend ~ 8ame agaiast the lawful claw of all persons whomsoever; /'!. !his oonveyance is m.ade upon condition that in the even__ a bridge is not con.tracte4 by said party of the ..cond part extending from said Lot Seven (7) in an easterly direction over the waterway adjoining said. Lot Seven (7) on the e.8t, wi thin five (5) years from the date hereof, then this oon- veyance shall be null and. void amot no further force or effect and the 1;1 tIe to 8ald premises hereby oonveyed shall immediately revert to the said party of the first part, 1t8 sucoes8ors and assigns, and the said party ot the lecond part shall execute and deliver to said party of the first part, its .. Sf~:Ot:l (j41 PAGE 541~ sUCOessors and assigns, all such instrument. in due form of law as may be necessary to effectually velt the title to 8aid land in said party of the first part, Its BUCCesaors and assignl; In the event said bridge shall be constructed within the time here- Inabove set forth, then the tItle to the above described property shall vest in and become the absolute property of the party of the second part, and the part,. of the firat pert shall execute and deliver to the said party of the second part. its sueceslors and assigns, all such instruments in due for.m of law. 81 may be neeesaary to effectually vest the title to laid land in the said party of the lecond part, its successors and aS8igns. .r'-~ /' Said party of the second part hereby covenants and agrees with said party of the first part, its successors and assigns, that it will duly paY' and disoharge all State, County snd Kunicipal taxes, liens and asaessments, levied &gainst said pr.-ises for the years 1935 to 1940. both inClusive; and that said party of the second part will save said party of the first part. its successors and assigns, and all parties now ani here- after owning land wi thin said Flamingo. Terrace Addition, free and harmless from ~ and all aS8es~t. or costs in connection with the construction of said bridge, the approaohes thereto, and any paving, construction, or other work done by said party of the .cond part upon the premises hereby conveyed. IN WI_55 WHIIRIOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be executed in it, name. for and on its behalf, by its offioials thereunto duly authorized and its Corporate seal to be hereunto fPiiliill/I//// ~..~ (;~ -to /// ." '..J::,'",.y;;,:.: 'i% '" '4 \>..;p-=- v~.. 1l'1).. ~~ r.,' t;) ..~ ': ..~ ~,..",.:::. ~ '. -.J ..~ .. g;: ::: . '... r.) _ V : 0 ~ FLAMDlGO ADDI'l'I(If t D1~.~~,~. ()) {;:.l.l !c~~ ~. 0\ ~.):- ()~ ,.: -~' ....... ., J ....' '" (,t ,.. .. L ," -'7J .........~ -;. .\\ II V , j '. . \ \ ~', ,J ~~1.~\1 ! ! 1 affi~dt the day and year first abo~ written. Signed, 8ealed and delivered in the presence ofe I . .l. -f-t- .. (1;(,,~t;{i"~,..:""-> Ai~ R.."1-\.. ~ .I'"t..l1"\-A ~ . Asat. S.cretar.r. -~ 30Or: .1641 PAGE542 OOmITY or DJDI ) : ) ss. S'1'1'1 OF FLORIDA I HlRlBY C1IB.!IFY that on thi......:l..d,q of Julr t .A.. D. 1936, before _ personally appeared R. A. JOHN"SON and R. N. BRO., Pre.iden t and. .lasistant Seoreta17. reap.ctiY.ly t of pL.1'Mm~O ADDITION, mo., a corporation orgent.ed and existing under the law8 of the State of Florida, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument a8 such officerst and 88yerallJ aCknowledged the execution thereto to be their tree act and deed a8 such officers, for the use8 and purposes therein mentionedl and that they affixed thereto the official .eal of 8aid oor- poration and that the sa14 in8trument i8 the act and deed of sa14 cor- poration- 'IIT.SS rq signature and offioial seal at lIiam1 Beach, in the County of Dade and State of Florid., the day and year la8t afore- said. ~a~ NOTAR! PUBLIC, Stat. of Florida at Large. Ky Commis.ion expir.s: ~/~ /~Yf 0: ~.. ~.~~;;:;<-- ... ,.,A':.::. :>~ \~~ . . v,.>' :....), jt:;..;.::~._. \<~~,\. ~ ~ /~/j , . "~':V.>f ..... t.... '(;l .-':,.... ,,,/;..,,. ........ )} <,,-. 'il;,,. LAP ,'~>' ',: Ii,' . State of Florida Count, of Dade, ~h' .i~m~t~sftledfon.cotdth..?id.Y of _ _.. 19 '2,arj !_lr:.ffi and....duly fl.-'Corded in 'Boo ~ _ ~o __ __ __ ___.n P.ge::?_~(L F.le No:'7!:;2. /...1 EZfB. l .ATHE~RMAN. l k"~'. t # B _ __t.:t~ _ . . c.