012-2000 LTC
hltp:\\ci.m iami-beach. fl. us
L.T.C. No.
January 26, 2000
TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City Commission
FROM: Lawrence Levy \ ~
City Manager ~\'
On December 15,1999, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 99-23412 approving a short
term Lease Agreement with Yachting Promotions, Inc. (YPI) to lease the City-owned property
known as the 46th Street out-lots directly across the street from the parking facility located on 46th
Street and Collins Avenue and just north of the Eden Roc Hotel. YPl's request is for approximately
600 feet along the Seawall on Indian Creek to place floating docks for the purpose of docking and
mooring yachts and other vessels for the 2000 Yacht Brokerage Show which encompasses the dates
from January 27, 2000, through February 27, 2000, as more specifically listed below:
Dock Set-up ................................. January 27 through February 6, 2000
Move-in of Boats .......................... February 11, through February 16,2000
Show Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. February 17, through February 21, 2000
Move-out ................................ February 22, through February 24, 2000
Break-down.............................. February 21, through February 27, 2000
On December 16, 1992, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 92-20683 authorizing the
Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a revocable permit to YPI for the use of the subject out-lots.
On September 22, 1993, the City Commission adopted Resolution 93-20902 authorizing the Mayor
and the City Clerk to execute a three year revocable permit for the 1994, 1995, and 1996 show dates.
In 1997, 1998, and 1999, the YPI requested and the Administration recommended that permission
be granted for the respective show dates. The City Commission concurred in each case and adopted
Resolutions No. 97-22258, 98-22644, and 98-22956, respectively approving same. The schedule
on the following page details the fees paid to the City by YPI from 1994 through the present.
Show Year Fee
1994 ............................................................ $10,200.00
1995 ............................................................ $10,710.00
1996 ............................................................ $11,245.50
1997 ............................................................ $18,309.00
1998 ............................................................ $20,140.00
1999 ............................................................ $22,154.00
2000 ......................... (proposed)......................... $24,369.00
The request by YPI for use of the premises during the 2000 dates specified above does not conflict
with the terms of the City's Agreement with the Miami International Boat Show as long as the boats
being displayed are not new (i.e., that they are used and pre-owned). At the conclusion of the 1999
Show, the Administration met to review both the positive and negative aspects of that Show and to
provide recommendations for the 2000 Show. YPI committed to, and recently reaffirmed in a
January 19,2000, meeting with the Administration, to abide by the following recommendations:
. To submit a letter stating that all of the vessels to be displayed in the area for which the
permit is requested are used (i.e. pre-owned), no later than January 28, 2000, and prior to the
City's issuance of the permit.
. To submit a list of hull numbers, no later than January 28, 2000, for all vessels which will
be displayed during the show in the area for which the permit is requested, prior to the arrival
of any vessels.
. To use and maintain the existing restroom facilities on the 46th Street Parking Lot for the
shows patrons from February 17, 2000 through February 21, 2000, in addition to the portable
units ("crowd pleasers"), which may have been approved.
. To provide on premise off-duty police officers as recommended by the Miami Beach Police
Department and pursuant to the terms of the Lease Agreement as follows:
1/27-2/6 2/4-2/16 2/17-2/21 2/22-2/23 2/24-2/27
POLICE 2 3 officers & 8 officers 6 officers 2 officers
DEPT. I supervisor I supervisor I Supervisor
(Straight Shifts)
MARINE I om 1 boat 2 otT/1 boat 1 Off/ Day I: I Off/I Boat
PATROL 40m2 boat 1 boat 6 Off/3 Boats
& Other Days:
BOATS 2 om I Boat
3 Off/ 2 Boat
FIRE I Insp 1 Insp Ilnsp Ilnsp
* 1 Officer will patrol they show area from 2/17/2000 - 2/19/2000 evenmgs
. To lease private property at the former St. Francis Hospital site from which to unload,
launch, and load the floating docks that will be used, thereby eliminating the need to
obstruct the sidewalk on Collins Avenue with a crane.
. To refrain from parking any vehicles on the west side of Collins Avenue, except during
loading and unloading of dock construction materials and those providing support materials
on a continuous basis.
. Has provided a Performance Bond or Cashiers Check in the amount of$5,000 as security for
faithful performance of, and conformance to, the provisions of the Lease Agreement.
. To restore all out-lots within the show's boundaries within one (1) week oflast move-out
. To provide a shuttle service for the show's patrons which will include buses which run every
15 minutes, and begin said service one hour before, and end one hour after the International
Boat Show's hours of operation. Parking at lots which service the shuttle will be $10.
. To meet with Parking Department on January 21,2000 to coordinate shuttle bus operations.
. To provide electronic signs which will inform the public of bridge openings during the
move-in and move-out dates, and provide parking information during the show dates:
one on the 6400 block of Indian Creek Drive for south bound traffic.
two at key roadway intersections (including the 41st Street area), pursuant to the
Planning Board's Order, and as determined by the City.
one at a location to be determined by the City.
. To arrange and pay for the Miami Beach Marine Patrol and Indian Creek Marine Patrol to
provide patrol boats and staff during the set-up/move-in, show, and move-out/break-down
days to monitor the rowing club and other marine traffic as it moves through the channel.
. To meet with the Parking Department and coordinate phase-in, and contract for the use of,
no more than 39 parking spaces, along with the required placards to accommodate uses listed
One Office Trailer 21' wide by 55' long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 spaces
One Office Trailer 21' wide by 55' long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 spaces
One Restroom Trailer 21' wide by 55' long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 spaces
Four 8 yard, or One 20/30 yard dumpster ............................ 6 spaces
Four Service Vehicles(Vans/Pick-up Trucks) ......................... 4 spaces
Two Motor Homes (Office & Security) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 spaces
. To provide the following insurance coverage as approved by the Office of Risk Management,
no later than January 28,2000:
Commercial General Liability, including contractual liability, in the amount of
$1,000,000 per occurrence
Workers' Compensation coverage including United States Longshoremen and
Harborworker's and Jones Act coverage.
. Subject to U.S. Coast Guard approval, operation of the 63rd Street bridge will be restricted
from its normal on demand opening schedule. During "set-up" and "breakdown" periods the
bridge shall open on signal, except that between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM, and
between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM, the openings shall be limited to one per hour.
. The Lessee has agreed to conform and abide by the conditions imposed by the Planning
Board on September 28, 1999, pursuant to the Amended and Restated Conditional Use
Permit, File No.1416, and by the recommendations made by the Marine Authority on July
13, 1999 (Exhibits 1 and 2, respectively). More specifically the Marine Authority further
recommended the following:
. In addition to any other existing clean-up requirement, any trash and/or debris found on
the western shore of the Indian Creek waterway (up to the high tide line) between the
Shows southern and northern boundaries, shall be removed and properly disposed by
. YPI shall provide and maintain double flashing lights (2 per piling) on key pilings, in
good operating condition at all times that the pilings are in place.
. YPI shall maintain a channel width in accordance with the Marine Authority's previous
years recommendations.
. Provide a schedule of departure and arrival times for each boat slip prior to move-in and
Furthermore, Yachting Promotion, Inc. has received approval and/or positive recommendations
from, the following authorities:
Miami Beach Planning Board
Miami Beach Marine Authority
Miami-Dade County D.E.R.M
Army Corps of Engineers
Miami-Dade County Commission
Florida D.E.P.
and is pending final approvals, which must be obtained prior to the issuance of a Building Permit
from the City, from the following authorities:
Florida D.O.T. ................................ (expected prior to 1/28/2000)
U.S. Coast Guard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (expected prior to 1/28/2000)
The approval granted by the City Commission for the 2000 Yacht Brokerage Show provides the City
an opportunity to continue enhancing its international reputation as a showcase for watercraft, by
hosting this pre-owned boat show which supplements the Miami Beach International Boat Show.
Additionally, the lease will result in revenues to the City of Twenty-four Thousand Three Hundred
Sixty-nine Dollars ($24,369) for the use of the premises for a thirty-two (32) day period. The
necessary plans, insurance, local, state and federal regulatory approvals, permits and licenses
required for the operation will be provided by YPI prior to the issuance of building permits for