v December 7, 2005 CMDECEMBER 7 2005 COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS ~~. genda ime certain ~upplemental Materials _1~/Speaker's list I~nvocator memo [] Presentations &Awards list [] Addendum ID Second Addendum [] Notice of closed executive ~ .session _fteraction ~onsent-Originals manila folder EF, Regular-Originals I~ Redevelopment Agency Agenda materials [] Handouts folder ~[D~ob/byist Log (See Handouts Folder) ~blic Hearing Notice Ads ID/Log of Proceedings electronically recorded notes gdrOpe files ~ of ~ Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) inal Contents list to City Clerk F:\CLER\$ALL~LILLY~CONTENTS. FLD~2005\ 113005cm..doc DECEMBER 7 2005 COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS 1genda ime certain upplemental Materials peaker's list nvocator memo I-1 Presentations & Awards list !-I Addendum !-1 Second Addendum I-'1 Notice of closed executive I-I .session _~_ fteraction ~onsent-Originals manila folder E]~ Regular-Originals I~ Redevelopment Agency Agenda materials I-I Handouts folder .[[~ob/byist Log (See Handouts Folder) ~blic Hearing Notice Ads [D/Log of Proceedings electronically recorded notes drope files t of ~ Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) ~'Original Contents list to City Clerk FOLDER PREPARED F:\CLER\$ALL\LILLY~CONTENTS. FLDk2005\ 113005 cm.. doc