Attachment B CITY OF MIAMI BEACr-l CITY HALL 1700 CONVEIHION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLOHIDA 33139 OFFICE OF TilE CITY MANAGER COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO.J:5~,C;.</(/ TELEPHONE: (305) 673.7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 TO: FROM: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission Roger M_ carlto~ I (\ ^ /' City Manager ~ DATE: July 13, 1994 SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT REGARDING THE PARKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE AND THE MAINTENANCE/OPERATION TRUST FUND. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission review and analyze the enclosed information in reference to a proposed general obligation bond issue for parks and recreation improvements and the maintenance/operation trust fund, and to provide direction to the Administration concerning the proposal. BACKGROUND As instructed by the City Commission, the Administration has prepared a comprehensive presentation which explains the proposed parks and recreation enhancement program. The computer graphic presentation (please see Attachment A) addresses the following topics: * Population projections and changing demographics for 1980-2010. * Projected cost and time lines related to the issuance of bonds in amounts of $20, $25 or $30 million dollars. * The effect of the bond issue on property taxes for the average residential property owner. * Property tax rates for all taxing jurisdictions throughout Dade County for the period of 1978-1994. * A thirty two (32) year analysis of the Parks and Recreation Department's operating budget and authorized personnel listing, which reflects the steady decline in resources available until the last two (2) fiscal years. * Overv iew of how a trust fund could be establ ished through the assessment of a ran~e of ~ to one additional mill for a period of two (2) to four (4) years to establish a fund for increased recreatioh and parks personnel and general facilities maintenance necessary to support the capital improvements. The fund is proposed to be non- supplantihg, which means that the interest on the fund could not be used to reduce existing expenditures. * A comprehensive master plan for the next ten Yl?ars listing potential improvements for consideration. '. r- 1 AGENDA ITEM /) C_' --\- \ -\ -- C \' . ,- '-'J , '") ("\, I. SUlli~RY OF PRESENTATION NARRATIVE . In addition to the attached set of computerized graphics, the Administration team explained the various components of this issue. The following is a summarization of the key points that were stressed, * Based on 1990 statistics, the U.S. Bureau of Census, Metro-Dade County Planning Department and the City of Miami Beach Department of Development, Design and Historic Preservation are projecting very significant changes in the population of Miami Beach. In 1980 the median age of our citizens was 65.3 years with less than 28% of the total 96,298 residents under the age of 44 years. Conversely, in 1995 it is projected that the median age will be 46.5 years with approximately 45% of all residents under the age of 44 years old. It is also projected that by the year 2010, more than 52% of all residents will be under the age of 44 years old. This demographic projection stresses the need for advanced planning to ensure our recreation and parks system is responsive and capable of meeting the active and passive recreational needs of our citizens in the future. * The City of Miami Beach has a current General Obligation debt of approximately $10 million per year. This equates to 2.3 mills annually per home owner on the assessed value of their property. As the debt service continues to be paid, at the current rate, the City will be free of this debt by the year 2003. It should also be noted that the 2.3 mills will begin declining gradually in 1995, accelerate in 1998, balloon slightly in 2002, and retire in 2003. . For purposes of the presentation, three (3) levels of bond funding were discussed, $20, $25 and $30 million. In each case the projected millage rate did not exceed 2.3 mills, while projected tax revenues continued to increase. In the $20 million plan, the first $10 million would be issued in 1996 and the second $10 million in 1997. The $20 million bond would be retired no later than 2006. In the $25 million option, the first $10 million would again be issued in 1996, $15 million issued in 1997, and the debt retired in 2008. In the $30 million option, the first $10 million would again be issued in 1996 with the second and third $10 million being issued in 1997 and 1998. In this case, all debt service would be retired by the year 2010. It was clearly stressed that in all cases the tax rate for debt service would not be increased due to the bond issue, the rate would decline no later than 1999, and any increases in taxes paid to Miami Beach will be due to value changes. This represents that the average $150,000 home will pay no more than 2 mills (based on recent projections) for this debt service which currently equates to $250 million annually. * The proposed special m~llage for the establishment of an endowment for recreation and parks personnel and facility maintenance was also explained. The basic premise was that there must be a plan and a revenue source that will ensure the personnel and funding for the upkeep of the new/improved facilities is assured. 2 ~r '\:.. :J The second scenario would seek approval for ~ of one mill for three (3) years, and the third option, \ mill for a four (4) year period. Each would generate approximately $850,000 in revenue to be added to the Recreation and Parks Department budget. . Again, there was a three (3) option scenario presented. The first suggested a separate one (1) mill tax be levied for a two (2) year period and then be eliminated. This would cost the average homeowner approximately $125 per year or $250 in total. The tax revenue collected would establish an estimated endowment of $11 million, which would be established as a trust fund. It was then projected that, based on a conservative 7% annual return on investment, the interest would generate approximately $850,000 additional revenue to be added to the Recreation and Parks budget for increased recreation program personnel as well as park maintenance staff. It was made very clear that this special tax would be for a predetermined number of years and would then cease. It was also clearly understood this increased revenue for the Recreation and Parks Department would be in addition to their annual general fund budget, and in no way would it be utilized to supplant their annual operational budget. It was also stated that this condition would be incorporated into the ballot question. The finalization of the establishment of the endowment is currently under review by both the City Attorney and our bond counsel. Following their review, the ballot question will be prepared and presented for Commission consideration at the J'uly 27, 1994 Commission meeting, should the Administration be so directed. * The actual need for the City to issue general obligation bonds rather than fund these improvements from the annual operational budget was also discussed. It was explained, as an example, that the 1994 budget appropriation for the Recreation, Culture and Parks Department included approximately $1.1 million for capital improvements. This revenue was to be allocated from various one-time revenue sources including Resort Taxes and the TOPA arbitration settlement. However, due to this issue not yet being settled, the actual funding available for capital improvements was $650,000. Assuming the City could actually identify the minimum of $650,000 per year for additional improvements, it would take no less than thirty (30) years to accomplish the $20 million plan, 38 years for the $25 million plan and 46 years for the $30 million plan. Based on current estimates, it is anticipated that the total parks improvements plan could be completed in five (5) to seven (7) years if funded through a bond issue. It was also stressed that although the growth in the property values is strong, it is difficult to accurately project any fluctuations in the growth or down turns in the economy. Additionally, increased costs to the City for such items as labor'contracts, capital equipment, and other unforseen expend~ tures must be considered. . It is not reasonable to expect that these improvements could be planned for, adequately funded and complete in an acceptable time line if they were to be funded from any other method than a general obligation bond. 3 1';. :",,l' /1 II. PUBLIC NOTICE OF CITYWIDE MEETINGS To ensure the citizens of Miami Beach were well informed of the Town Meetings scheduled, the following steps were taken: Notices (Please see Attachment B) * Miami Herald Neighbors, June 16 & 26, 1994. * Miami Art Deco Newspaper, July 1, 1994. Information Articles Other * Miami Herald-Neighbors, June 19 and July 3, 1994. * Letters of invitation and a complete schedule of Town Meetings were mailed on June 17, 1994 to the Chairperson of 41 Miami Beach civic organizations, currently listed with the City Clerk's Office. * Provided 2,760 date specific flyers to various homeowner association chairpersons requesting their membership attend the meetings in their geographic areas. * Mailed 450 date specific notices to homeowner groups who provided mailing labels. III. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS SCHEDULE The following is a listing of meetings conducted by the Administration throughout the community specifically intended to inform the citizens of the proposed bond program as well as gain their comments, input and responses to the proposal. Date May 10, 1994 May 13, 1994 June 6, 1994 June 16, 1994 June 20, 1994 June 21, 1994 June 23, 1994 June 27, 1994 June 29, 1994 June 30, 1994 July 6, 1994 July 7, 1994 July 7, 1994 July 11, 1994 July 12, 1994 GrouP/Location Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce/Board of Governors Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, Parks SUb-Committee North Beach Development Corporation Board Meeting Miami Beach Tax Payers Association City wide meeting, Miami Heart Institute North City wide meeting, Commission Chambers City wide meeting, Commission Chambers City wide meeting, Biscayne Community School City wide meeting, Commission Chambers City wide meeting, Police (main) Station Recreation Centers and Parks Facilities Board City wide meeting, Police (main) Station Youth Center Advisory Board Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, Parks Sub Committee Miami Beach Chambrr of Commerce, Board of Governors ' Total Estimated Attendance 4 Estimated Attendance 31 10 35 40 50 9 8 30 60 2 8 43 8 3 30 367 r:.: - '.- C:' ~ IV. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS * The vast majority of citizens in attendance agreed with the need to renovate the City of Miami Beach Parks System. * There is a definite need to increase funding for personnel in both the Parks Maintenance Division and Recreation Division to return the Parks System to the high quality level it was in years past. * There were comments related to the City's ability to adequately maintain the new capital improvement without the addition of personnel. * The possible conversion of the Par 3 Golf Course to multipurpose ball fields was discussed at several of the meetings. It was stated clearly by the vast majority of individuals discussing this issue that the Par 3 Course remain unchanged. The need for the Par 3 property to be maintained in the City's open space land bank was also stressed. There were also speakers who felt there is a definite need for a ball field at the Scott Rakow Youth Center and that perhaps there could be a field for youth (15 years and younger) located on the southeast section of the Youth Center property. However, it may b!,! necessary to utilize a small section of the Par 3 immediately adj acent to the Youth Center property to complete the field layout. The Administration does not support the use of the Par 3 for any purpose other than its current role and will work with the Dade County School Board to develop a Master Plan for the entire area should the Bond Issue'be approved and the funds made available. * It was stated for the record that the Youth Center Advisory Board voted on July 7, 1994, against any field expansion that would in anyway effect the Par 3 Golf Course. * There was strong neighborhood opinion that pine Tree Park remain passive in nature, with the only improvements being landscaping and lighting. The Administration supports this concept. * Some of the attendees questioned the need of a bond issue and why not other sources of funding. It was explained that there is no guaranteed source from the general fund to support projects of this magnitude on an annual basis. V. ADDITIONAL PROJECTS AND OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE CITIZENS INCLUDE: * Expanded bike path routes throughout the City of Miami Beach in accordance with the Bikeways Master Plan. * Landscaping for Collins Park in conjunction with the Bass Museum project. * A 50 meter pool for Normandy Isle Park. * Hedian landscaping for Allison and Palm/Hibiscus Islands. * The renovation/expansion of the boardwalk/broadwalk to include:the full length of the City. * Additional park security for the boardwalk and other parks. 5 G * The construction of a new multi-purpose Youth/Community Center for North Shore Park. * The Urban Forestry Program should include the residential areas and utilize various varieties of palms and shade trees. * The addition of lighting on the Par 3 Golf Course to enable night play. * Concerns that all renovated facilities be handicapped accessible. * Utilization of neighborhood groups to raise funds for design of unique facilities, which the City cannot fund with the bond issue. (South Pointe). * Attendants in City's restrooms, particularly Lummus Park. * Batting cages at Flamingo Park. * Community Gardens at Washington Park. * Concerns about existing shortages of staff. * Concerns about City's obligation toward renovating golf course(s) buildings, why not the lessee (American Golf, Inc.) . CONCLUSION In summary, the community inv'olvement process leads to the conclusion that there would be support for a parks and recreation General Obligation bond issue including the establishment of a trust fund for maintenance and recreational programs. The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission review and analyze the enclosed information in reference to a proposed general obligation bond issue for parks and recreation improvements and the maintenance/operation trust fund, and to provide direction to the Administration relative to the proposal in general and the scheduling of an election at one of the three (3) elections in the Fall of 1994. RC/KS/ls c: \liPS! \DA T A \BONDREPO. CM 6 ~- \7 7 ATTACHMENT A , A !::. 8 -----------~~---_._-----_.._--- PROPOSED PARI(S BOND ISSlIE COMMUNITY MEETING TO SOLICIT NEIGHBORHOOD GOALS TO DEVELOP CITYvVIDE COMPREHENSIVE PARKS MASTER PLAN POPlILATION PROJECTIONS & DEMOGH.API-IICSt980 - 20t 0 Population 120,000 100,000 . 075+ fJ 65 - 74 [] 45 - 64 o 25 - 44 Gl 15 - 24 00- 14 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year --------~~._--- - _._--_.~-_...__.~---_._- :r - u POPULATION PROJECTIONS AND DEMOGRAPI-IICSI980 - 2010 Population 60,000 II1II 25 - 44 815-24 o 0 - 14 50.000 . 40,000 . 30,000 - 20,000 10.000, 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year POPLILATION PROJECTIONS AND DEMOGRAPI-IICS 1980 - 2010 Population 80,000 20,000 UI 75+ Cl 65 - 74 045 - 64 60,000 40,000 o 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year --"-..---..- -_._._---.__._--~.. - ---.-.-.------.---.---.. " 10 FUNDING FOR A $20 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE Millions 25 25 II Existing 20 . 20 Deb.! 15 . 15 10 . 10 5 . 5 o 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year FIINDING FOR A $20 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSIIE Millions 25 25 mTIl Tax L2d Revenue 20 _ Existing IlllH1lI Debt 15 10 10 5 5 o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Year Constant Millage Rate or 2 Mills 11 -_._._~._-_._._- -----. FUNDING FOR A $20 MILLION GENEH.AL OBLIGATION BOND ISSlIE Millions 25 25 20 Tax Revenue $10 Million Issue 15 11 Existing Debt 10 10 5 5 o o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2000 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate ot 2 mills - - -- -.-------------__.__4_. FUNDING FOR A $20 MILLION GENEH.AL OBLIGATION BOND ISSlIE Millions 25 25 10 Tax Revenue $10 Million Issue 15 fP2l.... ii $10 Million L.B:J Issue 10 _ Existing _Debt 5 5 o o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate ot 2 Mills 1~ -'-..-------~_.._------______u__ __,_ FUNDING FOR A $25 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSlIE Mil/ions 25 25 15 Tax Revenue 20 _ Existing -Debt 15 10 10 5 5 o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Year Constant Millage Rate of 2 Mills ----------- .. -~_._---_.- -.---------- .._---_...~---- FlINDING FOR A $25 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION nOND ISSUE Millions 25 25 10 Tax 20 Revenue [lill]] ~S~~J~illion 15 II Existing Debt 20 - 10 5 5 o o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 200G 2008 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate of 2 Mills ,t': . l:J FUNDING FOR A $25 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE Millions 25 5 25 15 II ~~~enue 20 II fs~~~illion 15 f%0l. j $10 Million lilliliJ Issue 10 .. Existing -Debt 20 10 5 o o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate of 2 Mills FUNDING FOR A $30 MILLION GENEH.AL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE Millions 25 25 Tax 20 - Revenue . Existing Debt 15 - 15 10 10 5 5 o 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 200B 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate of 2 Mills 11 ~--_.._---------_._---~- --- FlINDING FOR A $30 MILLION GENERAL OllLIGATION llOND ISSUE Millions 25 25 Tax 20 - 20 Revenue $10 Million Issue 15 15 II Existing Debt 10 10 5 5 0 0 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate of 2 mills FUNDING FOR A $30 MILLION GENERAL OllLIGATION llOND ISSlIE Millions 25 25 20 Tax Revenue $10 Million Issue 15 f7l.?? $10 Million lllJ Issue 10 III Existing Debt 20 10 5 5 o o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate of 2 Mills -----_._--_._------_..~-----_._._-_._----~----~-~-_.- 15 _1 FUNDING FOR A $30 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE Millions 25 5 25 15 II ~a:venlle 20 II fs~~~illion 15 II fs~~~illion 10 III fs~~~jllion _ Existing _Debt 20 10 5 o o 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Year Constant Millage Rate of 2 mills EFFECT OF BOND ISSlIE ON PROPERTY TAXES FOR TI-IE AVERAGE PROPERTY OWNER tij The tax rate for Debt Service will not be increased due to the bond issue. tij The tax rate for Debt S.ervice will decrease no later than 1999. I tij Any increase in taxes paid to Miami Beach will be:due to value changes. il Averag~ $150,000 home will pay no mOI"e than the current 2 Mills for debt service which currently ;tmounts to $250 annually. !': lG --------._----~-- - PROPERTY TAX RATES ALL TAXING JURISDICTIONS Millage Rate 35 30 - 25 - IIIIIUIU 15 10 - 5 - o 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 Year From 1990 10 1994 Miami Beach has declined Irom 43% 10 33% of Ihe lolallax bill .__.----~------~-- PARKS AND RECREATION OPERATING lllIDGET Millions 8 7 6 5 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 Year IBm Other Ltill.f Districts . Dade Counly ~i@' Dade z.z,'~ Schools _Miami Beach III ~~[I~::lon fTITI Parks L2J Maintenance "---- '---- ----- ----- ~--~_._-----_._-~- -._----. -- ----.-------------- ~: .: 1'7 PAIlI(S AND RECIlEATION OPERATING BUDGET ON A CONSTANT DOLLAR BASIS Millions 3 2 2.5 1.5 . 1 - 0.5 - o 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 Year 1962 = 100 . ~'6[~::ion RWl Parks W8.J Maintenance PARKS AND RECH.EATION DEPARTMENT AUTI-IORIZED PEIlSONNEL Personnel 400 200 100 ~~~~~~~~~ o 1 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 Year R ~'6[I~::lon r0l Parks L2J Maintenance ----------------------.------------------------- ------~- :-ro, lt3 - ENDOWMENT FUNDING FOR PARI(S ONE MILL EXTRA LEVY FOR TWO YEARS o 1995 Millions 6 5 6 I7'0l Amount Iilifj Collected I] f~~~~"JIns 3 2 ENDOWMENT FUNDING FOR PARI(S TI-IREE QlIARTERSOF A MILL FOR TI-IREE YEARS MIllions 6 5 4 3 2 P995 4 3 2 1996 1997 1998 Year 1999 1996 1997 1998 Year 1999 ----~--- 6 G"0I Amount 5 L.illJ Collected Earnings Thereon 4 3 2 ~.... 1~) -~-_.~---_._.~--- ENDOWMENT FUNDING FOR PARI(S ONE I-IALF MILL EXTRA LEVY FOR FOUR YEAH.S Millions 6 6 5 /JJ7J Amount 5 IiliLl Collecled II] i~~~~~~s 4 4 3 3 2 2 P99S 1996 1997 1998 Year 1999 PARI(S DEPARTMENT BUDGET EFFECT OF ENDOWMENT FlINDING ON PROJECTED BUDGET 10 8 . Recreation fEill Endowment _ Recreation - BUdget I11III Maintenance - Endowment - r-7l Maintenance L.J BUdgel 2 - 1 _ 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 20 -----~----.. ---- --- - ~ --------.-.- -.-------.----. -.------ PARI(S COMPREI-IENSIVE MASTER PLAN POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS LIST ~ - STILLWATER PARK New Recreation Building and Field Renovations . . Zl TATUM PARK New Recreation Building, Lighting and Field and Court Renovations CRESPI PARK New Restrooms, Lighting, Landscaping and Court Renovations "',), ) "'-"", NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK I3uilding/ Restroom / I30ardwalk Renovations, Landscaping ------ NORTH SHORE PARK New Recreation/ Activity I3uilding, New Tennis Center, Tennis Court Replacement, Landscaping ~:J -----~---------------_..._--- "-... - .------.---. -- ---- - -----------.-. ----- FAIRWAY PARK New Recreation I3uilding, Field Renovations, I3allnelJ Lighting, Tennis & I3asketball Court Resurfacing, Park1l1 Improvements NORMANDY SHORES GOLF CO U RSE Renovate I3uilding, Landscaping :'." .2'1 ------ ------------------ ------------ --. NORMANDY ISLE PARK Field Renovations, New Pool & Locker Rooms, Lighting LaGORCE PARK Playground Improvements, Fencing, Landscaping r: ')r- .. "",J BRITTANY BAY PARK Improvement Contract to be Awarded at 7/13/94 City Commission meeting, Public/Private Landscaping ALLISON ISLAND Landscaping Improvements to Median Areas f - ZG FISHER PARK Site Furnishings, Fencing, Landscaping POLO PARK Improvements Provided by Dade Schools as Part of School Rehabilitation Project . . '.. 'f::- 27 MUSS PARK I3asketball and Tennis Court Renovations, Enclose I3l1i1ding PINE TREE PARK Landscaping, Lighting . . '.. zn BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Renovate Clubhollse YOUTH CENTER 2~J Comprehensive Renovations inclllding Ice Rink Refrigeration, I-Iockey I30ards and Flooring, Locker Rooms, Redesign Use of Interior Space, Pool Renovations, Landscaping ..--- -- --..----..------- PAR THREE GOLF COURSE Maintain as Golf Course, Add Additional Landscaping ---~_.-.__.~ --~----._-~-..._---------- ....-----.------.- ------ 30 HIGH SCHOOL PLAYING FIELDS Work with Dade Schools to Renovate and Utilize Fields as Pa,"k when not in Use by School PARKS MAINTENANCE YARD I3uild Chemical Storage I3uilding, Renovate Greenhouse ISLAND VIEW PARK Landscaping, Site Furnishings -------------- _..-._~---.._.- .- ------....------- 'f'- 31 GARDEN CENTER New auditorium & ~:::~::a~Oa~ie::landsca\ \ , ~\) BELLE ISLE PARK Renovate Irrigation System, Site Furnishings, LandSca,\, 0 --------~~._-------_. ~r ,. rlr> V'V LUMMUS PARK New Restroom I3uildings, ~~~!~:.~~:~:~~~Tent\ \ , =c-'\......... 0.... ~u WASHINGTON PARK Building Renovations, Playground ImprOVemen\ \ , ~\) ". ~ . 3:1 ._--_._----._------._----~._-_._~-~----- ---.----------- ---- FLAMINGO PARK Tennis/ Handball / Pool ::i~~~l:i::~:::=::~nte\ \ , Landscaping, Football Stadium Renovations ~.<.o.... ~u OCEANFRONT AUDITORIUM Renovate and Expand I3uilding, Landscaping ,.~.....~.. ;;:::. ::.;'<,' .:..; ,.- ','," ... <.:.:..........::c.............................'.<.........:.:..... -"":: -:":',-.: '" .,'-- "". . ~\) 3.1 _._~--. . ._----~_.--_._---_.._..._- ------.-- SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER Renovate I3uilding, Landscaping ,..~......~... "', ..... ',",' .'.,', ,,'.'.. ..... .','., ':';',",' ',.,-c. ....,.' .,.....,. .... ':',- -',',',' ....... "." ','.'" '," :<:;: .-:.:::-: ";':;: .".,.. .'..... .... <.......................... >.............................i...:........ ."" ",','," ....... ,', ...... ,'". .., .... ... ..... '.'," ..... .;". ",'" ....,. .... .... ,. ="'. 0..... ~v SOUTH POINTE PARK Redesign Entrance and Trame Flows, Pie, Renovations, ", :~~~:::n~q~I:::~i:~ent, ~,\ Area, Landscaping ~\) 35 ._-~._--_.~---------~--------- PALM ISLAND PARK Resurface Court, New Playground Equipment, Landscape Medians ~"~.,.,...~.,. .. -',',"-" ..... ':",":' ',',"," ',',"," ... .,.... .... .....-, ".-:.;-:- ......... -:.:'.'.:....,........"'.,............,...,.,..,."'..,......'.....:::......". ..... "," ..... o-C'_ ._....,.. ',"',' c,;",, """,', ....... "",' '.... -... .'.... .... ...... ,.. ... ',' ....,. ....... ',','," ..... ..,'.-, -..... :..... ;.'.... ,',:.. ....-.. ,......., :..... .". ,..., ','" ...'. ....'. '-.... .., . -. " ~.>0.. ~\J I30ARDWALK Repair / Replace Worn/Damaged Sections, and j ! . . '.. \\~\\ Q ~ ~\j ~~ ~ :J(; ---'-- _. ----.-------------.--------------..--- Create Broadwalk North from 46 St. to 87 St. ~lld South from 21 St. to SOli th Pointc %~\\ CD ~\6 ~~ ~ I3ROADWALK EXPANSION .---------------.. - - --------.------..-----.-- -._- ----.---- \\~\\ CD ~\j <<:3~ ~....)... ~ J'7 I3EACH LANDSCAPING Landscape Area From West of Dune to San<hvall Length of I3each PLAYGROUND SAFETY SURFACING Install Safety Surface in Playground Areas Citywide \\~\\ CD ~~ "'<:loe ~..> ~ I3ICYCLE PATH NETWORK Citywide System of I3ikcways inclllding Recreational and Commllter Routes . . '.. ~~\1 C) ~ ~'CJ ~~ <C] !" :Jf-i CITYWIDE LANDSCAPING/ URI3AN FORESTRY PROGRAM In Cooperation with the Private Sector Plant lip to 500,000 Palm and OUler Trees on Miami neach CITYWIDE LANDSCAPING/ URI3AN FORESTRY PROGRAM In Cooperation with the Private Sector Plant up to 500,000 Palm and Other Trees on Miami I3each ~~~ CD ~..~..'.."...."...'."." .... 0\...... . \.) "'=:\~ ~ %~\\ ~ C'7~_ Q.?~..'........... \0\.'........ ~\J) "-4'<1 :j~) ill :J a. < iii' ::; -0 ru X OJ ru a.~ Vl s:: ru S' iD :J ru :J o ro ci' oJ ~ .., Vl -; ro ::T CD ro (,j g Vl ro -0 OJ X (,,) UJ o ru c'< ... Vl Vl ::T ro 0 ... <1> G) ~ lJ 5' ro -I CD <1> -0 III X 0' c 5- o ro :J ~ ~ c Vl Vl -0 ~ :r.- .'1 tn. :r ~ -0 OJ X ?;; tn. o :J Vl ru ::J C1. r: Y5 ~ 3 o OJ ro 5- -0 '< OJ X (;) Z o 0 ::;;3 OOJ o :J C 0. <n'< ru Ul ::T ~ ro Vl -n OJ ~. 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() '" .., '" () :r "" '" :r 3 ~ :r 0.0. ::I :r 3 :r Q 2- :i' '" t;" :l: :l: -n Vi -0 C C/l 10 :i' c Vi :J '" '" Q Qj I 0 :J =r c' 0 0 tS Ul ii) 0 :J ;;;:;;;: :J to' 5' ~'Q 3 ~ 0 -0 0. ........ ct> 0. :r -0 :J ~ -0 ct> (f) (f) Cii oct> '" '" :J () ~ -0 -n ~ -0 x- X- ~ '" ~ ro' -0 ct> '" '0 0: '" :J ~ 5' x- ~ ~ (f) 10 3:1; 1Cl:J '" 0. =-. en o &l ::1'0 5' ea ........ llo:OZ ratm '0 5 :l: () < 0 x-"'.., ct> _ ;~ o -0 o 0 3 Q. (/l (/l "Tl:OZ ![~~ 0.0 '" < 0 0 ........"'.., 0 0 0- ~ ~ ~ g ~ ;:l ~ ~ ~ '" 6 6 6 m m m ~ ~ ~ C/l--O -0 -0 -0 ",3- -'0 '" :0 :0 :0 m..,,< 0 0 0 ':<010 < < < < .., C/lmO m m m c 35 :!: :!: :!: ~ct>o. m m m ~ ~ ~ o ~ ct> en C/l C/l C/l en -n(f) c: "" 3 ct> (ii' :r 5' ea en r <3' ;r 5' ea "T' ct> ::l () 5. 10 'l~j -LJ 3 '" 'C .., .., x- ~ 5 ct>1Cl 3'::::j ct> .., ::I ll> _=1; Ul 0' ATTACHMENT B I. 4G THE MIAMI HERALD NEIGHBORS- JUNE 16,1994 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ro NOTICE OF TOWN MEETINGS ~ The City of. Miami Beach has scheduled a series of public meetings to discuss plans to Issue general obligation bonds to pay for Park and Recreation facility Improvements, as well as establish funds for operational maintenance of our park system. The City Is seeking citizen Input and comments related to improvements throughout the City's Parks system. This Includes but Is not limited to parks, the boardwalk, beautification of roadways and beach Improvements. All meetings are open to the public, and citizens are encouraged to attend. The meetings will be held at various sites throughout the city. All will begin at 7 p.m. June 20 Miami Heart Institute North (formerty SI. Francis) Auditorium 250 W. 63rd Street. (parking In rear) . June 21 City Hall . . Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor 1700 Convention Center Drive June 23 City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive June 27 Biscayne Community School Cafeteria 800 77th SI. (Parking on 75th Street) June 29 City Hall Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor 1700 Convention Center Drive June 30 City of Miami Beach Police Station Community Room 1100 WaShington Ave. July T City of Miami Beach Police Station Community RoomÕ1100 Washington Ave. .. "'-".- ;..>,. ,'" ... ...--.... .........-....... . . '. 1'7 I .'. -....:.... ..- . . .--... ....~._---_..._....._-_.;-___.:. '6' ..._._._._._......._.,.. .... 20 THE HER D. UNDA Y JUNE 26 1994 . MIl CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF TOWN MEETINGS ~ The City of Miami Beach has schedul8d a series of public meetings to discuss plans to issue general obligation bonds to pay fbr. Parl< and Recreation facility Improvements. as well as establish funds for operational maintenance Of our part< system. The City Is seeking citizen Input and comments related to Improvements throughout the CIty's Parks system. This Includes but Is not limited to par1(s, the boardwalk, beautification of roadways and beach Improvements. All meetings are open to the public, and citizens are encouraged to attend. 1he meetings will be held at various sites throughout the city. All will begin at 7 p.m. June 27 Blscayne Community School Cafeteria 800 nth St. (Par1dng on 75th street) June 29 City Hall Commission Chambers. 3rd Roar 1700 Convention Center Drive June 30 City of MJamlBeach Police Station Community Room 1100 Washington Ave. July 7 City of Miami Beach Police Station . Community Room. 1100 Washington Ave. , . '4 18 THE HIAHI BEACH ART DECO. .JULY I, 1994' )l~l~~.;:: . cl\";'" ,'. . I ;.';:"/t;.':'I~~':,,!I\;I..:.~'''!I.la.11~\1', "~ri': 'lL}e().~. i.'I, ;;' ;..;:" .,.,,,,; ! ...":.,,..... '.; II "!~ ;~"'''1.(.lt'~'''1<~~f\!t~.'; ..', .!~ ~!lI",!W t\\\l:~ il;",u' . i ':. .;:!ll. ", '0' ... . .: ... I..,,~ l :"1' ''i';?lf;'''~~~'I~~~~.Ij.h:. ..:~: '~'il~r:h ~:::~:~..;::. ~.:; 1[1'.1 ";:;IIVI:\:,.. '~'~. ,. ""\f~I~'-'! ,~::I:;IJ'. :: ~.'~~:f~i;~ '1'l:urJflll''''.'"' I . .'; .: , " -J ~t)I., '/11 .ut!:~ a.~lto:ll~';;~''''.. .... ,.~, .t'h. ll.'~,,~~. '~, '..' .j,',,:JI'\ JoJ~rJhlC(.J',1 ~ .'-,.'.' ',". I' _,":" . , o;:.h 1.:.1lh'~;'I" . i .:.' ", j ",., . . . t' .~....,.; . I . ... j'" '. Ylemes I..-Co de .JlJllo lie 1994 . fuUlcm:Il>lllernaml - 4ilo~. !lliUrnero 6:J ,:,;', . --._---------..............................~................................. --...---------------ro.--_. . ..,., ;. '~::.-::,~,~tr;:~'l~<:~.:-. ,...:~.... CIUQ/tQ,QEMIAMI BE~CH..:;~111~ AVISO DE REUNIONCOMUNITARIA . '; La Chiliad de Miami Beuh hapnipuiuldo un. mmi6npdbU- ca """ el objclD de CUscWli 101 pI..... cli emlsl6n de banDs de obligllcl6n ame...1 con ell-"VJl6lilD de pagu el mejoranUenlo en Iu insLIIllclones do parquet Y recracidn, ul ccrno pua esublecer fondo. pus gUlD. de mantmimiatlO do nuestro sistemi de parqUet. La Ciwbd .,Ii ..licitando IUlerendu y comenlarios del pdbUco relaciomdos con lu mejoru de todo el .istema de parqUet de la Ciudad.. !!aID incluye, pen> no .e Umiu a 10. parqUet. el pueo enublado a \a orilla del mu. anbellecimienlO de lu calles y. mejorunienlO de lu playu. .Esta reuni6n esllri abieru aI p6bUco y II exhorta alados lot residaues a uislir. La reunl6nc:omalZlri alu 7:00p.m. en eI liluienu lugu y feeM:. ~::-,t. c. .:~ ". '" " '! .- Julio 7 Deputameato de PoUcla de MIami Bacb . Sal6a Comuallliio (Commualty Room) llOO WublDgtoa "waae, MiamI Bacb. . Pua mu inConnaci6n. pur favor. IIame aI DeplltlmenlD do Recreaci6n. Cullura y Parquci a1673-mO ' '.': , . 1~ THE MIAMI nERALD NEIGHBORS- JUNE 19, 1994 .... :.;.':'10: :....~ ':-, . .~. . . ... -" . -~.,-....'.... -....... ---. ..- ." :,~~j~~..~~:~fCN~~:, ~. '"F.~c~e.~tIOn~fiUld.!ng ,. :;:' J.,.,' - - ' ~: The'cUy-of Miami Bench will hav~ seven town meetings .to dis- cuss: parks and recreation "fund- ,ing beginning at 7 p.m. Monday at Miami Heart Institute North. 2~O ~.,63r~. SL. ~:., ..,.. . i-T.he c.iiy wants to hear from residents about using general obligation bonds to improve parks, beaches and the board- walk, and to beautify roadways. Kevin Smith, director of recre. ation, culture and parks for the city, said the recreation' system has needed an overhaul for a long time. ....'.:. . ... .... ' , : Herei"S'i .scheduleof the meet- ings; all start at 7.p.m.: . . ,MODUY: Miami Heart Insti- tute North, 250 W. 63rd St.. auditorium. .: . " ,pTuesday: Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention . Center Dr., commission chambers, third floor. ..., .Thursday: Miami .Beach City Hall, . second floorcdnference room. '. . June.27: Biscayne Community School, 800 17th St., cafeteria. June 29: Miami Beach Cit\' Hall, commission chambers. . June 30: Miami Beach Police Station, 1100. Washington Avc.. community mom. - July 7: Miami Beach Policc Station, community room, 50 THE MIAMI HERALD ~EIGHBORS- JULY 3. 1994 .--. -.-.......:- ~'-':"'" ~ -. ..-._._..:.~ .- - -. .........- -..-.... "" r --- - . . "_ JlayeyoUr say -: -; fu. " "diD. ". on. . n g : f9f. c~tv parks .........u.. ...~J' ". . ,",,'j".~.~".." .. . . . ,"" . ; the city of Mi.am"i Beach ~ill . h~Ye..,tb~ last of seven town meet- " in~" to discuss parks .and recre. , atlon funding at 7 p.m. Thursday . in tbe.community room at the Miami Beach Police Depart- . ment. 1100 Washington Ave. " The city wants to" hear from " residents" about using general obligation . bonds to improve parks.. beaches and the board- : walk. a~d to beautify the road- ~ w~~~,. " . . '. 51 ., , , lJE: ~- tr....D ~ ~ ,,\ ~~) 3" " .\ .'v- AT C I ,I. / . NiEETIN~>OF,~CCt''I1:.i!SSiDH f- 2>Ji7>~ J -G-- ) - ~ \6) \c;Clj ~ MIAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION, INC. GUARDIANS OF GOOD GOVERNlVIENT c'? -- -', ,-,< ~,.;(-~ . . ., -::- Please reply co: --- '. Gerald F. Richman, President --J ::') "- Miami Beach Taxpayers Association J - - --,- 135 Palm Avenue r:-,} .=-) - Miami Beach, Florida 33 I 39 J lily \ : .. \.' 1994 Hon. Roger Cariton, City Nanager City Hall - 1 700 Convention Center Drive City of Miami Beach Miami Beach,' Ftorida 331 40 Re: Miami Beach Taxpayers Association Dear Mr. Carlton: You have requested that the Miami Beach Taxpayers Association provide to you its position with regard to the proposed Parks and Recreation Bond issue. Inasmuch as we do not have scheduled meetings of the Association after the month of June, we had the matter taken up at a special meeting of the Board of Directors so that you would have the information prior to the end of July. After extensive discussion the Board passed the following resolution: The TaxpayerfAssociation supports the revitalization project for Lincoln Road only if more than 50% of the cost of said project is paid for by the propertY owners who will benefit from revitalization. The Taxpayers Association opposes a re'/itaHzation project that provides for half or mere of the revenues to come from the City of Miami Beach. The Board authorized Warren Stamm to appear on behalf of the Association to present both of the aforesaid resolutions. Please let me know if you require any further information or action on the part of the Miami Beach Taxpayers Association. Sincerely yours, Dictated but not read Gerald F. Richman President GFR/pam 1Z-~:J MINUfES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF TIlE rvnAMI BEACH TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION of July 6, 1994 at the residence of the President Gerald F. Richman The meeting which was duly noticed was called to order at approximately 7:15 p.m. Present in attendance at the meeting were the President Gerald F. Richman, Vice President Perry Fabian, Treasurer, Karen Solomon, Raymond Fisch, Met Richard, Warren StarnIl\ Gwen Richman, Mmette Benson, and Victor Diaz. The President v.ith the consent of the Board added Victor Diaz as a member of the Board of Directors to. fiJl an existing vacancy. The President began the meeting by reporting that the Mayor of Miami Beach had requested that a committee be appointed on behalf of the Association to investigate and render an independent opinion with regard to allegations of bias and discrimination on the part of the City of Miami Beach. The Chainnan with the consent of the Board appointed the following persons on the Bias Investigation Committee: (l) Warren Stamm, Chair, (2) :Minette Benson, Vice Chair; (3) Bernie Wall; (4) Terry Jonas; (5) Casey O'Hara; (6) David Farber; (7) Gwen Richman; (8) Victor Diaz; (9) (Subject to her consent) Joe Asmundsson. The Board then had an extensive discussion on the Parks and Recreation Bond issue. On motion made and duly seconded, the Board resolved as follows: The Association favored a bond issue for Parks and Recreation purposes in principal provided that any such bond issue contain provisions within the bond issue for adequate money for maintenance of the Parks and Recreation areas in the fonn of a restricted trust fund, and further providing that "Where user fees are charged for the facilities, the fees charged for non- residents who are not tourists staying on Miami Beach shaH be greater than the fees paid by Mami Beach residents and tourists staying on Miami Beach. This latter requirement is in recognition of the fact that locaI residents are contributing toward the tax base to support the Parks and Recreation areas whereas non-residents and those "Who are not staying on Miami Beach as tourists do not provide such support. That support for a bond issue for Parks and Recreation is further conditioned upon the City obIigating itseIf to enforce existing and any future user fees, and on the affmnative representation by the City Manager on behalf of himself and the City Commission that there are no other bond issues contemplated or pIanned in the foreseeable future. In stating this support, the Taxpayers Association does so reluctantly because of its concern about prior fiscal irresponsibility that has resulted, among other things, in the neglect of Parks and Recreation services, and in further recognition by the Taxpayers Association of the need for these facilities in our community which has an increasingly younger population. The Board then discussed the current proposal for the revitalization project on Lincoln Road. After discussion and on motion duly made and seconded the Board resolved as follows: The Taxpayers Association supports the revitalization project tor Lincoln Road only if more than 50% of the cost of said project is paid for by the propmy O\lmers who will benefit from revital ization. The Taxpayers Association opposes a revitalization project that provides for half or more of the revenues to come from the City of Miami Beach. The Board authorized Warren Stamm to appear on behalf of the Association to present both of the aforesaid resolutions. The Treasurer reported that there was in excess of $1,600.00 in our bank account. The Vice President Perry Fabian \vas asked to seek to obtain the services of an executive secretary for the Association. The Pre.sident reported that in August there would be a mailing to attempt to seek a \vider recruitment of members for the Association and to increase the Association's membership and dues base. There bemg no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, j;) GeraId F. Richman. President