Attachment BB 'CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~11Y HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE M/AM/BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 ~ttP:\\Ci.miami-beaCh. fl. us - I I ~ ~ ~ ~ - I 1 J , , I COMMISSION MEMOR~NDUM NO. ~.l._=~iB TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co DATE: October 7, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A ST A TU ORT AND REQUEST FOR DIRECTION ON THE PROPOSED YOUTH CENTER AT NORTH SHORE PARK. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION It is requested that the Mayor and Members of the City Commission review the status report and provide direction to the Administration as to how to proceed \^lith the proposed Youth Center at North Shore Park. BACKGROV1'/i) On May 20, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved schematic plans for the base bids and base bid budgets for each Parks Bond project, and authorized the Administration to proceed with construction documents and bid specifications for the park projects with a few exceptions. One of the exceptions was to postpone the resurfacing of the basketball courts and to identify additional funding to construct a larger recreation center (Youth Center) with a gymnasium. At the July 1, 1998 City Commission meeting, funding in the amount of $1,192,583 from South Pointe Park and Washington Avenue Park was reallocated from the $15 Million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program to other projects in the bond program. Of this allocation, $900,000 was appropriated to North Shore Park in addition to the $800,000 in the original construction budget for a Youth Center estimated to cost $2,7 million. The current funding available to construct the North Beach Youth Center is $1.7 million; thus, the project is currently short $1 million. The Mayor and members of the City Commission then requested Commissioner Jose Smith to work with the Administration over the summer to identify potential sources of funding for the additional $1 million needed to fully fund the Youth Center facility. 359 AGENDA ITEM ~ 8 L DATE~D-1-9~ ANAL YSIS As directed' by the City Commission, the Administration initiated the following actions in an effort to identify additional funding for the North Shore Park Youth Center: . Prepared and submitted a request for funding support to Miami-Dade County Commissioner Gwen Marflolis. The Administration has been workinfl closelv with Commissioner ~ ~ - Margolis' office to identify potential funding sources. Potential funding sources being evaluated include the submission of a grant request to the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program; a line item allocation directly from the County's budget; and assistance at the State level to identify potential appropriate grant sources that will assist in the completion of the !\iorth Shore Park Youth Center. . Joe Fontana, Chairman of the North Beach Task Force, sent a correspondence to Miami- Dade County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro requesting that Miami-Dade County support this project from any available county source. . A request was sent from the Administration to the State of Florida seeking financial assistance with the restoration of North Shore Open Space Park. It was the Administration's position that if funding to assist in the restoration of the park was available, a portion of the $2.1 million currently dedicated to this facility from the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program could then be reallocated to further the goal of the $2.7 million for the North Shore Park Youth Center. At this time, however the above referenced efforts to obtain additional funding have not resulted in additional funding. Further, due to the potential substantial expansion and revisions to the recreation building currently designed for North Shore Park, the Design Review Board has placed the approval of the park's design on hold until a more comprehensive plan, including a presentation of the proposed youth center, is made. Until such time as the issue of the size, design and footprint of the youth center is resolved the review/approval process for North Shore Park is on hold. The Administration is requesting the City Commission's direction on this matter and offers the follo\ving options for consideration: 1. Proceed with the design of the North Shore Park Youth Center based on the available funding of approximately $1.7 million. This allocation will provide an indoor gymnasium facility adjacent to the originally proposed facility with a construction budget of approximately $800,000. ') Proceed with the design development of North Shore Park and Youth Center, assuming the additional funding of approximately $1 million will be secured at a future date. The schematic plans could be developed to permit the addition of facilities when and iffuture funding is available. It should be noted that the projected cost to design the additional components through the schematic phase is approximately $10,800. This would be expended from the current allocation of $1.7 million. 360 I I J rJ J I I II I I II ~ ~~ II . . .fi: II ~ ~ I I W W I I I I I I I I I I , 3. Maintain a hold on the project design while continuing to seek additional funding to complete the youth center. It must again be stressed that no component of the design can proceed \Vithout the review of the Design Revie\v Board and they have requested a complete plan for the park be sho\VTI at the time of the presentation. Given the constraints by the Design Review Board this option would put the entire North Shore Park Project on hold until such time as the additional $1.0 million is identified and secured. CONCLUSION It is requested that the Mayor and Members of the City Commission review the status report and provide direction to the Administration as to how to proceed \Vith the expansion of the North Shore Park Youth Center. The Administration recommends we proceed \\lith option 2. This option would provide the City schematic designs for a full youth center including the unfunded $1 million which could be developed in phases if and when the funding becomes available. Should this option be approved by the Commission, the Administration can proceed \\lith the funded $1.7 million phase of the project. SR~/KS/1rdv T:\AGENDA \OCT0798\REGULAR\NSP.ST A 361