Attachment C CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. T!LEPtiONE: (305) 573-7010 (o~9Y' FAll: (305)673-7182 OFFICE OF THi CITY MANAGER fROM: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission flogerM. Cerlt~ City Manager DATE: sep. 8, 1994 TO: SUBJEcr: . USOLO'rIO. o~ 'J'JDI DyOll alii) C:Z:'n' COJDaUZOJI 0., '.rD CZ'fY o~ ~ JIDCII, ~LOIUDA, M.J.Y.T1I9 POll A 8PECIAL SI.ZC'l'IO. 'to ... ULD Oil 'fDB8DA~, IIO~ ., 1994 POll 1'U PURPOSZS 0" sUBllZftIn 'to 'l'D ILBCfOJlAH o~ 'I'd C:In OF IIDIIZ BDCK . Quza'fZOJI uu.a ~Jl 'fd Clxn or aaMX ~ 8ULL B. A1J'l'BOUdD 'fO %S80 8B11BDL OBUG'l'IOIf BOJIDS IJI A .JlDIC!%AL ~U1I'1' JIO'l'. BZC2IBDUIG $15 XILLZOIf, PADBLB ..0. UI1I.D%'1'2D AD ftU)JtD 'ftD'l'IOJI, BBDIJIG nr:mtBS'1' A'1' A un Oil D'1'U as BY a. DBTDJa-.D Jl~ '1'JDI 'lID or 'l'd PIoJl 'l'JIDBOJ', 110'1' BZCIlZDXG '1'D D%DIUK LBcaL UTE or Dft'2RB8'1' A'1' SUCK '1'DdI, ~ oo..fttJ~, 1DOV1'1'B, um uatJ:tLD ...... UD aaclUD'J!ZOJl ~:IUnE8 WI'1'1IDI UIl .AllK 8YS'RIl IX II%H% .DeB. anm:m:S'J!D'J!XOIl UCOMMJ!l1D&'1'XOH: The Administration recommends that the Kayor and city commission approve the attached Resolution calling for a special Election to be held on TUesday Moveaber 8, 1994 for the purpose of subaittinq to the electorate of the City of Klan Beach a question asking wether the city of Miami Beach Shall be authorized to issue General Obligation Bonde in a principal AmOunt not exceedinq $15 million, payable from unlilllited acS va10r.m taxation, bearing interest at a rate or rates U 1IlaY be deterained at the tillle of the sale thereof I not exceedinC} the maximUll 189&1 rate of interest at suCh tille, to construct, renovate, and rebuilcS parks and recreation facilities within the park system in Xiami Beach. OCltCltODIID: As instructed by the Xiami Beach city Co_ission at its July 27, 1994 aeeting, the Administration has further revised the list of capital Projects to be included in the proposed General Obligation Bond issue. The attached list is as a result of COJll2llents and input qathere<l trom our citizena at fifteen (15) cOJlllllunity presentationa, and various .eetings of 'the COmJaunity Affairs COJlllllittee, Finance Co_lttee, Recreation and Parks Facilities Boarel, anel Youth Center Advisory Board helel over the past ~ive months. The revised projects list renects the $15 million principal amount as directed by the City commission. 11)3 1 AGENDA R _ '1 . ~ ITfM~ DATE~ Tbe Administration in conjunction with the city Attorney's office has prepared the attached enabling legiSlation and ballot question for a Novem})er 8, 1994 special Election seeking electorate approVal tor the issuance of an amount not exceeding $15 million in General Obligation BOnds for the renovation of parks, recreational facilities and landscapinq. If adopted by the Kayor and city CoJIlIDission would be placed on the November 8, 1994 ballot. 1l1l1LT.ysI81- As reported at the July 13, 1994 Commission ...ting, the Administration has received extensive c01DDl.unity input regarding tbis issue tbrough several town .eetings as well as various advisory board .eetings and other presentations to comaunity based organizations. The conclusion drawn from this co~unity involvement process indicates that support exists for a park and recreation improveaents General Obligation Bond issue. As indicated in the attached graphic titled Funding for a $15 Killion General Bond X.aue, the issuance of these bondS would not increase the existing tax rate for debt service, the rate would decline no later than 1999, and any increase. in taxes paid to Miami Beach will be due to value changes. The average $150,000 bOlle witb a homestead exeJllption will pay no more than 2 mills (based on recent projections) for this proposed new General Obligation debt service as well as existing debt service. The millage specifically for the proposed $15 million issue over the life of the bonds ia not expected to excaed 2 .ills which equates to a max~ of $250 annually for a $150,000 assessed home with homeatead uemption. The millage is expected to be completely amortized by 2005. .n~:In~ COB8:IJmD'l'l:OIlS: It should be noted that the public involve.ant process resulted in cOllJllitmants on the part of the city that Pine Tree Park would be developed only alii a passive park and that the Par 3 Golf Course would :remain aa a facility of this natura. It is further important to understand that a companion item on this Agenda authorizes a ballot question for ~e establishment of a Trust Fund, the proceeds of which will be used to maintain and operate the upgraded park system. This fund will require .75 .ills for three years to establish a sufficient balance to allow the earnings to meet the expanded JDaintenance and proqram needs. COJICLUS:rOlh '!'he Administration recOJlllllU'lds that the Hayor and city COIIUIlis.ion approve the attached Resolution calling for a special Election to be held on Tue.day HoveBer 8, 1994 for the purpose of submittinq to the electorate ot the city ot Miami Beach a question askinq whether the City of Hiui Beach shall be authorized to issue General Obligation Bonds in a principal amount not e~ceeding $15 .Ulion, payable from unlimited ad valorem ta~ation, bearing interest at a rate or rates as may be determined at the time of the sale thereof, not exceeding the maximWl legal rate of interest at such time, to construc:t, renovate, and rebuild parks and recreation facilities within the park syatea in Miami Beach. RMC/XS/JII/jm es \wp51 \DQndrftO 101 2 RBSOLUTXON NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE KAYOR AND CITY COKKISSION OW' THE CITY OF XIAlU BBACH, FLORIDA, CAI,LIJlG FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION ~ BE HELD ON TUBSDAY, JIOVBHBBIl 8, 1994, FOR THE PURPOSB OF SUBlUTTUIG TO THE ELECTORATE OF 'l'BE C:ITY OF XUXI BEACH A QUBST:IOliJ MKIBG WBETHER THE CIn OJ' KIAJa BEACH SKALL BE AUTHORIZED '1'0 I8SUB GEDRAL OBL:IGATIOliJ BONDS IN A PRINCIPAL AJ(0UN'l' NO'!' EXCBBDING $15 HILLION, PA~LB FROM UHLIHI'1'ED AD VALORElt TAXATION, BEARING IHTBaEST l' A RATE OR RATES AS MAY 82 DETBRKI5BD AT THE TIME OF THB SALE TBKRBOJ', NOT EXCB~DING THE MAXIMUH LEGAL RATE OF DI'l'BRES'f AT SUelI TIP, ~ CONSTRUCT, RENOVAn. AND RlBUXLD PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES WITHIN THE PARK SYSTEM IN KIAMI BEACH. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY coMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: SBCTIOIi 1. In accordance with provisions of the Charter of the city of Miami Beach, Florida and the qeneral laws of the State of Florida, a special Election is hereby called and directed to be held in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, from 1:00 a,m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, 1994 for the purpose of submittinq to tbe electorate the queseion as set forth hereinafter. IJMt:Oll 2. That the appropriate and proper Dade county election officials shall conduct the said Special Election hereby called, with Dade County's certification of the results of said spacial Election being accepted by the city commission. The official returns for each precinct shall be furnished to the City Cl6rk of the city of Miami Beach as soon as the ballots from all precincts have been tabulated and results duly accepted by said appropriate Dade County Officials. 8ECTIO" 3. said voting precincts in the City of said Special Election shall be as established by the proper and appropriate Dade county Election Officials. All electors shall vote at the polling places and the voting precincts in which the ofticial reqistration bOOks 105 1 AG~~~ -R - 1:13 OATE~ -1>- Cft.j show that the said electors reside. A list of the voting precincts and the polling places therein (subject to change by the supervisor of Elections of Dade County, in accordance with the laws of Florida) is attached hereto as Exhibit ~. SBCTION L Registration of persons desirin9 to vote in the special Election shall be in accordance with the general law of the state of Florida governing voter registration. Qualified persons may register to vote at the City registration office located in the lobby of City Hall, 1700 Convention center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, each and every Wednesday until October II, 1994, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and at such other voter reqistration centers and during such times as may be provided by the Supervisor of Elections of Dade county. All questions concerning voter registration should be directed to the Dade County Elections Office, 111 Northwest 1st street, Floor 19, Miami, Florida 33130: Hailing Address: P.o. Box 012241, Miami, Florida 33101: Telephone: (305) 375-5553. BCTION 5..... Copies of the ballot question shall be made' available to the electors at the office of the city Clerk from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day, Saturdays, sundays, and holidays excepted, not later than thirty days prior to the date of said election. SEe'l'IOH 6. Not less than thirty days. notice of said special Election shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. Such publication shall be made at least once each week for four consecutive weeks next precedinq said Special Election. IIEC'l'IOlf 7. The notice of election shall be substantially in the following form: THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACa, FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL ELECTION HAS BEEN CALLED BY THE KAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 2 106 MIAMI BEACH, fLORIDA, AND WILL BE HELD IN SAID CITY FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. ON THE 8TH DA~ OF NOVEMBER, 1994, AT WHICH TIME THERE SHALL BE SUBMIT'l'ED TO THE DULY REGISTERED AND QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: $15 MILLION BONO ISSUE FOR CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION, AND REBUILDING OF PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES SHALL THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONOS IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT EXCEEOING $15 MILLION, PAYABLE FROM UNLIMITED AD VALOREM TAXATION, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE OR RATES AS MAY BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF THE SALE THEREOF, NOT EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST AT SUCH TIME, TO CONSTRUCT, RENOVATE, AND REBUILD PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES WITHIN THE PARK SYSTEM IN ~IAMI BEACH? FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS sBC'l'IOH 8. The official ballot to be used in the Special Election to be held on November 8, 1994, hereby called, shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: Q1FICTAT. BALLOT THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 8, 1994 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL ELECTION HAS BEEN CALLED Bt THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AND WILL BE HELD IN SAID CITY FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. ON THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1994, AT WHICH TIKE THERE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DULY REGISTERED AND QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAClf THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: $15 MILLION BONO ISSUE FOR CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION, AND REBUILOING OF PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES SHALL THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT EXCEEDING $15 MILLION, PAYABLE FROM UNLIMITED AD VALOREM TAXATION, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE OR RATES AS MAY BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF THE SALE THEREOF, NOT EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST AT SUCH TIME, TO CONSTRUCT, RENOVATE, AND REBUILD PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES WITHIN THE PARl< SYSTEM IN MIAMI BEACH? FOR BONDS AGAINST BONDS I1BC'r1:0B 9L Absentee voters participating in said Special Election shall 3 lC7 be entitled to cast their ballots in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the state of Florida with respect to absentee voting. SECTION 10. That the City of Miami Beach shall pay all expenses for conducting this special Election and will pay to Dade County or directly to all persons or firms, upon receipt of invoice or statement approved by the Supervisor of Elections of Dade County, Florida. SEC'l'ION 11. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , 1994. MAYOR ATTEST: (l;: \ jl::U'''\eOfNlllll.\C;OI)(,,(~a. rot") "ORM APPROVlU LEGAL DEPT. By :rev Date s.. 3 )-~\\ CITY CLERK .. 108 ...1se4 8/31/'" CI'fY 01' xuaa BUCS JUlCJtDUOJI, em.'ImtB HI) 'UU DI~ ~J:AI. can~ UHuvDDl'fS J'UI1I)ID BY JJt01'OSZD UDUI. OBLJ:~IOK BOD (J:ftIPD8 OIILY) O~lqiJl&l &1.5 xi1110B )fOIlS DI8ft:IC'lt CraM>>i Park. Security lighting Nev Recreation BuildingJ Reatroaaa/storaqe Landscapinq Resurface Basketball Court Park Slgnaqe/Site furnishings 'MDL W~irv." Park Hew ReCreation Center w/parkinq lot Piald Renovations/Irrigation Ballfield installation ~/liqht8 Park Signage/Site Furnlsbinqs Tennis Court Resurfacing Ba8ke~11 Resurfacing Landscaping ~ !.aGorae Park Playground Improve.ants/penclng Park Sipage/Stta rurnishinqa Landscaping/Irrigation 'J!OTAI. JIOnuUl4" :rale Park Tennis/BaSketball Court. Renovations Field Renovations/Irrigation security Lighting lIev Pool/Loc:Jcer Rooae/Recreation Roo. Park signaqe/Sit8 Furniahinqs IfG'D,L .an. S!lore Park Activity Center Bandahell Renovat.ions Haw Recreation centar HeW Tennis center Building Tennis Court Replacaaent Landacaping/IrrlCjJatlon Park SlgnaCJ8/Siu Fumishinqs lJOftL lIOrt:h Shore ODeD llDaae Park Recreation Pacilities Boardwalk Renovations Building Renovationa/R8StrOOll8 Maintenance Yard Renovations \'OUL $ 50,000 100,000 25,000 20,000 10.000 . 205,000 $ 225,000 275,000 10,000 60,000 20,000 15.000 , '05,000 $ 30,000 5,000 10.000 , 45,000 $ 50,000 60,000 40,000 1.,250,000 10.000 '1,410,000 $ 85,000 2,250,000 100,000 250,000 75,000 10.000 '2.770,000 $ 150,000 100,000 lZ5,OOO 40.000 . 42.5,000 1. ..-ria" .15 Killion $ 45,000 125,000 20,000 20,000 5.000 . 215.000 $ 250,000 250,000 5,000 60,000 20,000 15.000 , 100,000 $ 25,000 1,500 10.000 , 31,500 $ 50,000 70,000 . 35,000 1,250,000 5.000 '1,410,000 $ 85,000 2,300,000 100,000 250,000 75,000 5.001;) '2,815,000 $ 150,000 100,000 125,000 '75.000 . 450,000 109 Ori9iDal 815 JIil1ioll .~ill_t.r ..r~ Me" Recreation Bu11diJlq Basketi)all Court: Renovations Field Renovationa/xrrigation Land.caping security L1gh~ing Park Signage/Site Purnishings '1'ODI. $ 150,000 20,000 60,000 20,000 50,000 10.000 . 310,00D Ifatua h~. Hew Recreation Building Bas;k.t:ball court Renovations Tot-Lot Landscaping Security Lighting Park signage/site Furnishings ~ .' $ 150,000 20,000 35.000 15,000 50,000 10.000 . 280,000 II~D HAem DY8nYe!! piela.r Park ParkSignage and sit. Furnishin9S Decorative Aceees COntrol Fencing tor park peri..tar ~ $ 10,000 35.000 . 45,000 hss .ark Basketball Court Renovation Tennis CoUrt Renovation Enclo_ Buildinq 'rOT&L $ 20,000 30,000 . 75.000 . 125,000 .aotto Jtakow Yplltla Cellto.r Parking lot re-confiquration Playqro~d equipaent: Ace... control fenciftC1 aenovation of High Sc::hool Fields .Central Park" 'J'beae/Lanclsc:aping Youth Center entrance reconflguretlon I.ce JUnJt renovatlon/expanaion(Xncreased ice area. coapre."oJ:s, piping, brine SY8tea. Boards around rink to include . plexiqlasa for hockey progrus, replaceMJlt of rubber flooring) 400,000 $ 200,000 75,000 100,000 700,000 750,000 100,000 Locker rOOll renova~ione (Benchea, locker., ~ compliance, ventilation .y.t..) 50,000 Redesign and renovation or interior (both upstairs and downstairs) for better space utilization, inoludinq . painting, new carpet, etc. 65,000 Bncl~iDg th. Zaaboni storaCJ. shed, iftClude hot vater heater 45.000 Painting ext.rior 30,000 Pool illlprove.ents (Beater JaOcUfications, blanket, re.urfacing) 30.000 ~ '2,575,000 2 ...b.d '15 lIillion $ 150,000 20,000 60,000 15,000 50,000 5.000 . 300,000 $ 150,000 20,000 35,000 10,000 40,000 5.000 . 2",000 $ 5,000 25.000 , 30,000 $ 20,000 30,000 100.000 , 150,000 $ 200,000 15,000 . 75,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 900,000 50, 000 125,000 50,000 50,000 50.000 '2,171,000 1': ~1.0 . .-....- --. '-" -- . OZ'191JU1~ a8V1.ea '15 111111011 815 KU110D piD. ~r.. park Security Lighting $ 50,000 $ 25,000 Landscaping/.attve plant: S-ock 85,000 40,000 Sodding/Irriqation 75,000 60,000 Park Signage/Park Purniahinqa 5.000 2.0pO ~ . 215,OiDO . 127,000 IIrka D!yiaioD Yar4 Hazardoua ch..lcal storage and .,. $ 75,000 $ 75,000 containment building Greenhouse renovations 25,000 25,000 Installation of garage doors 70,000 70,000 security Lighting lS.OOp 15.000 'J02'Ua , 185,000 . 185,000 80UTK 1lDCB DIaDIC'!' lal... Vi.. ...~k Landacaplnq/xrrigation Park Shelter Park signage/Site Purniahinqa New ):)aak.tball court $ 35,000 $ 45,000 -0- 10,000 5,000 3,000 -o- S 40,000 . 40,000 . 18,000 JJl_lDC1O park. Tennis Court Renovationa/Replaceaent Han4ball/Racquetbal1/Basketball Court aenovations Pool Renovat.iona - conversion t.o . aquatic CQ.plex Teen center Renovations Football St.adlua Renovat.ions Friendship Corner Iaprov_ents LandacapiDCJ 'IOftL $ 225,000 190,000 1,250,000.. 100,000 -0- 50,000 75.000 'l,ltO,OOO $ 225,000 190,000 1,250,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 "0.000 '1,'55,000 w.-. ttarJr. )Jew R..trooa Buildings Autoaatic Irrigation PlayCJrOUnd Iaprovqents :Inatall additional volleyball/ beach soccer tielcla, courts Lanclacapinq, includin9 area westot dune sidewalk renovat.ions S1.qDaqe/Park Furnisbings 1fOIl'u, $ 300,000 $ 300,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 60,000 75,000 75,.000 500,000 350,000 -0- 40,000 40.000 10.000 '1,D75,OOD , tlS,OOO SOlltla Shore C~uDit., C.D~e1' Bu11dinq Renovation., paintiD9, turniahilUJs, tloorinq, f.ncinq Land8caplnq Si9Daqe/Purniahinq. 1O'f&L $ 150,000 $ 125,000 10,000 10,000 5.000 2 . 500 , 115,000 , 137,SOO 3 111 FUNDING FOR A $15 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND. ISSUE MOIlon. ~ a II Tax 20 R......... 20 . S15M11iDn Issue 15 18 115:~ 10 10 5 5 . o 1998 1988 2000 2002 2004 2008 2008 201~"." Year ~",,""'Gl2 ~. .. 113