Attachment EE '~'TY OF MIAMI BEACH . ~~1,,~('(,:('~"I~"'('" <;;/1'- "-'- I"':l~ e..~,~' e:ee~- I i J 1 I f J I f J CO:MMISSION ME:MORANDUM NO. ( lo '2.. -9 'g TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: November 18, 1998 Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez 4.. ~ City Manager ~ Request for Approval to Award a Purchase Order to Lango Equipment Service, Inc., in the Amount of $41,820, Pursuant to Miami Dade County Contract No. 2715-1-97-1 for Demolition Service to Remove Select Wood Park Structures, (decks, handrails, stairs, and wall\.'"Ways), at North Shore Open Space Park. FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDA nON Approve the award. BID AMOUNT AND FUNDING $41,820 Funds are available from the City's General Fund Account Number 011.9322.000312, The City anticipates seeking reimbursement for this General Fund expenditure in January of 1999 from the State and/or the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Fund allocation of $2.1 million to North Shore Open Space Park to reimburse the General Fund for these expenses, BACKGROUND On June 25, 1998, a report was prepared by the City's Property Management Division that summarized a number of hazardous conditions that exist in the physical structures of North Shore Open Space Park. The report focused specifically on the raised pavilion areas, the wood deck structures, wood trellises, ramps and substructures. The report indicated that, in spite of the Property Management Division's ongoing efforts to repair the structures, the continuous exposure to the elements and the highly corrosive salt water environment has caused the deterioration to continue to a point where many of the facilities are beyond repair. On July 2, 1998, the Chief Building Inspector of the Building Department inspected the condition of the pavilions, decks, ramps and raised wood structures in North Shore Open Space Park. It was determined that specific structures in North Shore Open Park failed the inspection and were declared unsafe structures. F.UNDING APP OVED AGENDA ITEM C, '2 b DATE-LI-l~-'1 ~ 5 Page Two November 18, 1998 BACKGROUND (Continued) At the conclusion of the inspection, the facilities declared unsafe were closed to use by the public. North Shore Open Space Park belongs to the State of Florida and is under a 25 year lease agreement with the City that expires in 2019, The agreement stipulates that the City is responsible for the management and maintenance of all areas included in the lease and for obtaining written approval prior to making any alterations to the site. The City has obtained written approval from the State, as stipulated in the lease. Upon completion of the demolition, the City will assign a work order to M.C. Harry Architects, (the rotational architect retained for ADA projects) to provide the necessary construction documents and drawings to rehabilitate the remaining restrooms and pavilions to be accessible as required by the ADA. Any renovations made to these facilities will be incorporated in any future design to reconstruct the park. A request for quotation with a site visitation requirement was issued October 12, 1998 to the two (2) Mami Dade County contract vendors, Lango Equipment Service Inc" and Demolition Masters, Inc., with a opening date of October 16,1998. 1 I TABULATION Total Cost J Lango Equipment Service Inc., $41,820.00 Demolition Masters, Inc., $48,865.00 n CONCLUSION I The City Commission should approve the award of a purchase order to Lango Equipment Service, Inc., pursuant to the Mami Dade County Bid No.2715-1I97-1. ~ ;.y~ SR~J:~:JMF:c'd fI I I a - I -- I / 6 I