Attachment H I - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH L.T.C. 130-1995 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission DATE: October 31,1995 FROM: Jose Garcioa-Pedrosa fJI City Manager [II SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT NO.2 - PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND MASTER PLAN FOR CITY PARKS Outlined below is a summary of recent activities which have occurred in the preparation of the Master Plan for miscellaneous improvements to the city's parks and recreation facilities. o The Recreation and Park Facilities Board continues to serve as the primary steering committee for this project. Members of the board have been assigned to attend each community meeting in order to listen to the residents' needs with respect to the parks that they utilize. o The Consultants attended a special meeting of the Youth Center Board on October 16, 1995, (at the request of the board). The attached list sununarizes the issues discussed at this meeting. o Status reports on the progress of the master plan will continue to be presented to the Youth Center Board and the Park and Recreation Facilities Board at their regularly scheduled monthly meetings. - . . o The schedule for th~. fIrst seri~s of commwtity meetings was advertised in the Neighbors Section of the Miami Herald on Sunday, October 15, 1995. (attached) A similar advertisement was placed in the Spanish publication, Art Deco Tropical, on October 19, 1995. (attached) Additionally, a letter and a copy of the meeting schedule was sent to presidents of 48 civic organizations per the attached listing of organizations which is maintained by the City Clerk's Office. o The fust four of these eight scheduled meetings have been completed to date. These meetings include a presentation by the consultants of existing site conditions and advantages and disadvantages that exist in the present layout of the facilities. Residents are provided the opportunity to express their concerns, needs and desires with respect to the parks which they utilize. Attendance at each of these meetings has ranged from approximately 30 to 40 people. Summary minutes for these meetings, as provided by the consultants, are attached for your information.At the conclusion of each meeting residents are asked to complete a survey form. (attached) o A questionnaire is being developed for distribution to various neighborhood schools to obtain input from the children of Miami Beach. L _ T _ C _ Status Report No. 2- Parks Master Plan o A schedule for the second series of meetings is attached. These meetings will be advertised in a similar manner as the first series of meetings. At this next round of meetings the consultants will provide conceptual designs of the parks facilities which address the issues, needs and concerns -expressed .by the residents, users, and city staff. My office will continue to keep you apprised of the progress of this master planning process for the city's parks system. KSIkm attachments 2 -" - - -r.J_W"I -":.~r;; =~'>'- ;'--=-=~'~-c:;;;:;~=.::. .:. . .=-=";::"='::'-_.'.;:; --- ._..._::'"....0;: IS", ==OO<J__._""-">-'_~ ("::r:-~ f'!I--;....~...""'C.__ ftI- E-~fIlSCJ.=~..w:; .=:'='=.~ =::c-:c.'= ct:""c. oCi:....=~~> S Zc: ....:.t.::~ui..:: ,<..t ~:::Eo o~'"= --(,;>~~"'.1~ : S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~.~ a!-:.~ ~"'O ~e ....- ~ ~ c z= g . ~ ::..: ~ "E ~ ] ~ ~.~ s u ~ ~ -; ~ -.:.5 ; ~ ".: t' ~ S..:::' t . ~ =. c - '" '" aD""::l - ... ... 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I 14.: I IS.: 16.1 1 i.1 rITY OF MIAl\fI BEACH PARKS & RECREATION BOND PROGRAi"I SITES I YOtrrn CENTER ADVISORY BOARD - I SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER ~ I I I 1. I Create Youth Golf Program by ~Iocating Par 3 starters facility &. putting green to Youth Center area. 2. 3. 4. Add new full-size ice rink . Renovate ex.isting ice rink for a new activity. such as gymnastics. Add playing field (min. size of a soccer field). Add a 20 ft x 30 ft learning pool to pool dcek. Add more shade structures to pool deck. Study the existing balconies on tbe 2nd floor and other liabilities present in the bldg. Add area for video games. Add passive play uea/ quiet zone for llomcwork and ~.:!ding activities. Add! Renovate Audio! Visual Room. Add a Multi.Purposc: room (for dmce programs, martial ar....s programs, banquets). Replace chain link fence surrounding facility with a mo~ aesthetically ple3.Sing fence system. Rework existing courts on the North side of facility to activate this underutilized space.. Enclose swimming pool to aU ow year round use. Add a computer d3ta base that tracks attendance and usage of the facility. Add space for ice rink pro shop. Add dorm rooms to new hockey rink. Resurface concrete floor in the outdoor covered area with a softer material. . i ".~"".-:c~::'tI'=_'-~ ....~.... .... ....l.. '::lJ:---"-""-"""'-"^":;;.~I"_.- c....~~.~n~~~lt~.~f:1 ~~.1: ':'~-'::.\'!~ ' . v.i.:f,..........,.,..,..,........~""",...,'liIii. . ~- .'. :".", ~:r.:.; . ... ~.. . ... .' ..~'=--~~_. .~._,_...:. _ v:r:J}'~' ~~.. _'.___"",""",,-,.,._-;;;_..#~. .~, ....:...-,n~,. ...... .. ~ ...... . '$"..'-f.. - . . ...-. .. "'~~l"\I ..- .....~~, '7.-.. ("'C" .. ,. . ..... _..~ _._,,;;;;.:;. ~-~.::l;;.~ . ..._.v_;:C]~'ll"_._'", _.-.-.:1' .,~ ...._,. ...":\'" "^"...,.~..,,,...... 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"A7.....,,-:'::';:" ."'Vo- ...~. .. '~....,-_. .t .....,....;,......" ~J. "'''''''''''''''-: ""'1E......,..",:A"('!f~... ., .....".,. ~ :..." ~...,-..'";.'xs.- .;..~ .~.~.i".~';.I'...,.~~ ani .~...... ."., ..~):"7rL~.f.t....;~.~.::.I;:.""'~~$..r;;,~:!~;,:~"'S!"r..;ffjn'J\" ~.~~~,,:...~("tTt'"...,'lt'1'~fo.CXk'> '.l..~~r..4'.V~..:.J. I I · NOTES: , MB09DOC I I I I The 3bove list of suggested improvement! was compiled during 110 AdviJory Board meeting held on October 16, 1995. Shaded areas de$ignate those item! that we:": sllO suggested in the Qrigin&! Bond Program Site list dated August 3 l. 1994. Cit'zens Action Committee c/o Jo Asmundsson 6039 Alton Road Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Mr. Murray Gold, President Civic League of Miami Beach 290 - l74th Street, Apt #2017 No. Miami Beach, Florida 33160 Ms. Irene Weisburd Flamingo Dr. Home Owners Assoc. 2995 Flamingo Drive Miami Beach, Florida'33l40 Mr. Barton Goldberg, President Forty-first Street Assoc. 301 - 41st Street Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Island Avenue Homeowners Assoc. Ms. Bea Durchslag 11 Island Avenue, Unit 1711 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 La Gorce Island Assoc., Inc. ne Tree Lane LA Gorce Island Miami Beach, Florida 33141 Mr. Warren Stamm, President La Gorce/Pine Tree Homeowners 6100 La Gorce Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Mr. Louis Bondi, President Lincoln Road Merchant,s- Assoc. . . C/O Debris 630 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Ms. Christine Burdick Lincoln Road Task Force 1045 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Henry Halam, Exec. Dir. Miami Beach Apartment Assoc. 8233 Harding Avenue ,-- 'UI1i Beach, Florida 33141 ~~. Robert Switkes, President Miami Beach Bar Assoc. 407 Lincoln Road, Penhouse S. E. Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Mitchell P. Korus Miami Beach Board of Realtors 420 Li~co1n Road, Suite 290 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 1920 Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mrs. Elayne ~eisburd Middle Beach Communi~ Assoc. 862 West 47th Street Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Mr. Denis A. Russ, Exec. Dir. Miami Beach Development Corp. 1205 Drexel Avenue, 2nd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Felipe Grazutis, President Miami Beach Jaycees 4141 North Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Mr. David Pearlson, President Miami Beach Resort Hotel Assoc. 407 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Gerald Richman Miami Beach Taxpayers Assoc. 201 S. Bisc Blvd., 10th floor Miami, Florida 33131 Mr. Michael Thompson Normandy Isle Citizens for Progress 2140 Calais Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33141 Miami Design Preservation League P.o. Bin L Miami Beach, Florida 33119 Mr. Jose Smith Normandy Shores Assoc., Inc. 887 North Shore Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33141 North Beach Development Corp. 300 - 7lst Street, Suite 415 Miami Beach, Florida 33141 Mr. Tony Gol~an, C."ai~an Ocean Drive Association 640 Ocean Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Ocean~;ashington Assoc. Mr. Don Meginley 1205 Drexel A7enue Miami Beaeh, Florida 33139 Ms. Millie Wagman Palm-Hibiscus-Star Island Proper~J ~~ers Assoc. 281 Palm Avenue, Palm Is1anc Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Edward T. Ne'..rman, Pres ice:: Park Gardens Condo. P~sociat:s 1045 - 10th Street Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mrs. Maryon Freifelder, Pres Park-view Island Assoc. 7300 Gary Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33141 Mr. Tim Barnum South Beach Business Guild Box 394 Miami Beach, Florida 33119 Mr. Charles A. Kramer, Pres. So. Florida Hotel/Motel Assoc. 9449 Collins Avenue Surfside, Florida 33154 Mr. Ted Bliss South Pointe Assoc., Inc. 121 Ocean Drive, Box 101 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Ms. Nancy Wolcott South Beach New Democrats 915 Jefferson Avenue, Apt. 3-e Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Irving Treush, Pres. Stillwater Drive Homeo'Nners Association 1241 Stillwater Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33141 South Beach Latin Chamber or Commerce 1207 Drexel Avenue, Suite 10 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. .Billy Sauls So. Pointe Towers Condo Assoc. 400 South I'ointe Drive ~ami .Beach, Florida 33139 !r. Leo Epstein Terrace View Towers, Inc. 240 Collins Avenue, Apt. 2-E Miami Beach, Florida 33139 . Mr. Malcolm Fromberg. Pres. Sunset Islands (1 & 2) Property Owners, Inc. 20801 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 505 Aventura, Florida 33180 Mr. Herbert D. Freed, President Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Property Owners Association 2288 Sunset Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Dr. Robert Cushing Venetian Is. Improvement Assoc. 327 East Rivo Alto Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Unidad c/o Podhurst, Orseck, et. ale 5 West Flagler St., Suite 800 Miami, Florida 33130 Mr. Jonathan D. Beloff Allison Is. Homeowners Assoc. 6525 Allison Road Miami Beach, Florida 33141 M.s. Ilona Wiss South Pointe Citizens .eoa1itio.rr 1350 Michigan Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Kent Harrison Robbins c/o No. Beach Investment Group 1224 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Robert M. Levy & Assoc. Palm Bay Yacht Club 780 N.E. 69th St., Suite 1703 f.ami, Florida 33138 Mr. Fausto Gomez 2350 Coral Yay Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33145 Mr. Gary Rutledge 215 South Monroe Street Suite 420 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ms. D. Hirschfield 1390 Ocean Drive Condo Assoc. 1390 Ocean Drive, Unit #104 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mr. Stanley H. Arkin Miami Beach Development Assoc. 1827 Purdy Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Ms. Dell Davis, President Mid-Golf Homeowners Assoc. 2330 Prairie Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33140 V4-w1 c..O .'-, ........."...". - - B&A e~meIlQ. Alan1l1 & i'artnvts. 111\; ""C".~llr":h,ltt' Enq:t'cc''''. iJ'3~ 1"""04 CU.QI' LUt<1CJ';' ArcrUeC":I,I(' o,,~ E.:l:.( eroward 61vd.. SlJ1t" 6:0. Fi ..~uC:.rc:~I... FkllldOl 3:1:01 (:305) 467.111;) Fa.< (305; 467'1'16 October 25, 1995 MINUTES OF MEETING TO: Kaslyn Mohammed. Special Projects Coordinator, Miami Beach Parks and RecreaJion FROM: Louisa Van Leer ~ PROJECT: Miami Beach Masterplanning of Bond Program Sites RE: Group One and Two Community Meetings The attached list of comments is a summary of the community'J response to B&A / Curtis & Roger '.1 presentations on existing conditions of parks in the Group One and Two areas listed below. In an effort to communicate, in afair mannfrT', thefeedback we reccivedfrom the commUnity, the commentary has been compiled in the order in which the comments were received. rather than on a priority base (however, for the salce of breviry, redundant comments have been edited into one listing). A prioritized list of park upgrades will be drafted in the near future, when we cem better access the community's goals through the public meetings and your input. The attached Meeting Minutes cover the following Groups: Group One (North Beach Area) Meeting Held: 10-18-95 Location: . Biscayne Elementary Parks: Fairway Parle Normandy Isle Park Stillwater Parle Crespi Parle Tatum Parle Group Two (Central Beach Area) .Meeting Hdd: 10-19-95 LocaJion: City Commission Chambers Parks: &Otl Ral<<Jw Yourh Center I Par Three Golf Course AoO~O.l: EllCllO'~O' l.C#0002& 1 Willy A. Bermel/o. AlA .AICP LuIS Aiatnll. P.E. Nelson C. t.13ltlnez. AlA AguS1in J earrer3 Bern01td N. Horov,(%. AlA BOf'lnie S. Muxc. ASIO (..)'...., (;;.0 ';'..) J....;..nl. 1..I.......t ....-.,.""., ...--.-" ...-. GROUP ONE- Community Meeting FAIRWAY PARK 1. Safety and Security issues - Park security lighting is critical towards reducing van411ism, however, community does not want ball field night game lighting. 2. Improve street parking on the East and South sides of the Park. Community suggested shifting the park fence Jine and sidewalk in S ft and adding landscape to ~ parked cars out of the thro way and improve the aesthetics of these areas. 3. Study the possibility of creating assigned parking fer apartment tenants living in the Park's vicinity. 4. Incorporate a drop-off zone for Recreation Building that can be utiliz~ by both neighborhoods. S. Add another pedestrian park entrance, for convenience, at the North East comer of the Park where the Tot Lot is located. 6. Enlarge the Recreation Building to better serve a variety of community uses. 7. Study whether the Recreation Building ne-:ds to be razed or if the existing struc~ can be renovated and upgraded. 8. Study whether or not the Tennis Courts resurfacing is a real priority. 9. Explore what can be done to curb vandalism, i.e. plant hedges in front of walls to limit area for graffiti. building surfaces should be easy to paint out or clean off graffiti, anchor trash cans to the ground wherever possible. 10. Incorporate a school bus turn-around in the vicinity of the Park. 11. Install sSc:urity ~eras to ID<;>nitor the Park. 12. Remove exiSting chain 'Jink fence and instalJ a more durable and aesthetically pleasing fence system. 13. Hire security guards to patrol Fairway Park and other parks in the area.. J4. Coordinate with Miami Beach to patrol the Park during m:reatioD activities and games. 1 S. Install hard surface in the Tot Lot in lieu of sand. 16. Install alarm system in the Recreation Building. 2 ~I';'O ~.../ ....--.....-... - -.. -...-....-.. -----,. -_. . NORMANDY PARK 1. Plant a landscape buffer next to the apartment buildings on t?e park's Northern edge. 2. Convert existing tennis eourt into a roller blade rink, as court in not well used. 3. Add a jogging / walking trail around the park with benches set up along the trail. 4. Replace existing Tot Lot. 5. Add more picnic shelters in the Park as the one, existing shelter is used heavily. 6. Remove existing cbain fink fence and insull a more durable and aestheticaJIy pleasing fence system. Also alter fencing on the Sout East comer of the Park where it impeeds access to cross walk button. 7. Add Jandscaping along Eastern edge of the Park. 8. InstaU night lighting for soccer field and swimming pool night programs. 9. Design Park landscaping to create a gateway to the community. 10. Add passive recreation areas with park benches. 11. Consider if ~curity cameras were instalJed in the Park, could they be monitored in the neighborhood Police Sub-Station. 12. Add traSh cans in the parking area on tbe East edge of the Park. 13. Consider if the Swimming Pool structure is going to be torn down and rebuilt should it be rebuilt else where in the community (at issue here is whether or not the Normandy Isle Park pool location is central to the community). 14. Consider whether several smail pools should be built through out the community, insteaoof spending bood fun<ls on oce large pool. 15. Consider in future designs whether or Dot locker rooms are a necessary component of .the swimming pool as existing locker rooms are vandalized aDd difficult to maintain. 16. Consider the long term economics of os new vs. renovated swimming pool, i.e. if a renovation will keep the pool MlMing for only another five yeus then the money may be better spent on a brand new facility. J 7. Design elements into the Park that will securcthe park facility and help reduce vandalism. 18. Install bike racles. 3 V\., I '-U ..... --.... - ~. NORMANDY, CONT'D 19. Install and maintain net at Tennis Court (perhaps court is not used due to lack of net). - 20. Add anothe: basketball court by changing the orientation of the existing court and adding some extra paving. 21. Add more ~nches to Soccer Field. 22. Beautify parking area and create boulevard atmosphere on Trouville Esplanade. 23. Organize community groups to care for the Park. STILLWATER & CRESPI PARK 1. Target the usage of Stillwater Park for young kids (11 yrs. and under) and Crespi Park for older kids (12 yrs. and up). To this end, the following comments apply. Stillwater Pule 2. Increase fence height to six feet. 3. Add a ToddJer Lot in addition to the existing Tot Lot. 4. Improve existing restroom facility and make more friendly to younger kids. S. Maintain the single access point on Hawthorne Avenue. 6. Alter the program of the existing Recreation Building to include a Day Care Center. Crespi Parle 7. Add a second basketball court. 8. Add Restroom Facilities but consider designing them to be an open air "European Style" facility. 9. Add a roller blade rink around the Park. - . . In GeaenaJ;. 10. Remove existing chain link fence and install a more durable and aesthetically pleasing :fence system. 11. Incorporate a drop-off area in the Park vicinity, perhaps on Hawthorne Avenue. 12. Incorporate benches in park that are resistant to vandalism. 13. Add water fountains in Parks. 14. Prevent access to roofs on existing and future buildings as people use roofs to hide out. 1 S. Add security lighting. 16. . Add shade trees. 4 ~t ~o ;)..1 J...-,~~, -..,... .....-....-.. -----.. TATUM PARK 1. Demolish existing Recreation BuiJdiDg and build new facility that meets communities n~ds. 2. Improve Park security by planting trees not hedges along the Park perimeter so that a clear view of facility ean be had from the street. 3. Install picnic benches in the South Western corner afthe park. GENERAL NORTH BEACH ISSUES 1. Consider adding Racquet Ball courts to one of the North Beach Parks. 2. Consider creating a new neighborhood park at the foot of the 81 st Street pedestrian bridge, where a right-of-way already exists. END OF GROUP ONE MEETING MINUTES s \..1".-1 c.o .J'..I ......-...... -....... ......-.,-...., -----.. --. GROUP TWO. Community Meeting SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER & PAR 3 GOLF COURSE 1. As agreed to last year, the Par 3 Golf Course should remain as it is, without being impinged on by the Scott Rakow Youch Center facilities. 2. Sheridan Avenue is a major artery and should not be closed off at the Youth Center becau:se traffic levels would incre3Se on surrounding streets (especially on 28th Street, Prairie Avenue and Pine Tree Drive). 3. Linking the Youth Center to the triangular plot of land across the me:t is not a good idea because odors created by the sewage pump station, located on this plot, would prevent people from utilizing this cu-ea. 4. Scott Rakow should remain as it is with no ice center expansion. 5. Large areas of the existing Youth Center are not fully used. These areas should be reworked before a building expansion is considered. "We're not using wbat we have." 6. Bond moneys should not be allotted to Beach High playing fields as the community in the immediate vicinity oftbe School is already working with Beach High officials to improve the fields. Also, what is the legality of using City of Miami Beach bond funds 00 Dade County facilities? 7. The City said it wants to assist the school in re-sodding their playing fields, not install field lights or other major improvements. The city is trying to corne up with ideas that mayor may not lead to solutions. 8. Community wants City to clean up graffiti on the Maintenance facility that backs onto the Par 3 and improve regular maintenance, but not with Bond moneys, 9. Ice PJ.n1c should be, expanded. as the program is very successful. If a new ice rink is built. attention should be paid to the philSing of the work such that Ice Rink programs would not be interrupted by construction. 10. Consider building an new Ice Rink with parking underneath. II. Consider building new Ice Rink in Flamingo Parle. 12. The present Gymnastics Program and equipment need improvement. 13. Add new Ice Rink and replace the old Rink with a Gymnastics Center. 14_ The original purpose of the Youth Center was to augment the City's existing Parks and Recreation Program with a quality indoor facility. Go back to the original pUI])ose- the Youth Center can't be everything to everyone. 15. Passive green space is important. Keep the Golf Course the way it is. 6 """'-I c.o ;;~ ......~~~~I I>.J - 11......._."..........." ....-...1.......... .....-. . YOUTH CENTER, CONT'D 16. Look at Miami Be3Ch parks as a whole before proposing changes to the Youth Center and the Par 3 Golf Course. Facilities here shouJd not duplicate those in other areas of the City. 17. The Masterplanning consultants wiU use national standards for a dem~hic study of Miami Beach to determine whether the ratio of kids to playing fields City wide is adequate. 18. A new Ice Rink won't fit in the parking lot South oftbe Youth Center. 19. Consider making the large indoor gym into an Ice Rink and transforming the existing rink into a new gym. 20. The Youth Center is paid for by Miami Be3ch residents through taxes, therefore the facility should be open to Beach residents only, Consider requiring kids to show a residency card to gain access to the Youth Center. 21. No stadium lights or additional parking on Prairie A venue or anywhere. 22. The noise leveJ is, for the most part, low in the neighborhood. If a new Ice Rink we."'e to be Q.uilt here, the noise level would incr~e with additionaJ c:lIS and people. 23. A MasterpJan for the parks requires adequate tim~ for the community to review, so that the community can digest the concepts proposed rather than have to make snap decisions in a public forum. It was recommended that Masterplan schemes be on display in a public area for several weeks before a meeting is held to discuss schemes. 24. The City of Miami Beach Commission has the fmal vote on Masterplan Concepts. 25. Install speed bumps to keep down high speed traffic. END OF GROUP TWO MEETING MINUTES The foregoing consti/JI,tes the bes.t of my recollection oj what transpired from notes, tapes and discussion. Ijany item has been omitted Or misrepresented, please contact me as soon as possible. cc: Kevin Smith! City of Miami Beach Julio Grave de Peralta! City of Miami Beach Willy Bermel/a! B&A Rai Fe7'nandezl B&A Rob Curtis/ B&A. Greg Vaday/ B&:A. Fabien Bourdon! BM Violet Fong! B&A Arturo FanjuU B&:A Aida Curtis/ Curtis &: Rogers Margie Speru:erl Bugdal Group Car/os Garcia! lINGS Projectfi/e 9554.000 LVL:1vI F:\.. .l,(jROUP\.2.DOC 7 NUV-Ul-~~ WtU ll.jl November 1, 1995 MINUTES OF MEETING TO: Kaslyn Mohammed, Special Projects Coordinator, Miami B~ach Forks and Recreation FROM: Greg Vaday PROJECT: Miami Beach Maslerplannrng of Bond Program Sues RE: Group Three and Four Commumry Meetings Ihe attached list of comments is a summary of the communiry's response to E&A / Curtis & Roger's presentations on exisnng conditions of parks in the Group Three and Four areas Jisud below. In an effon TO communicaTe, in a fair manner, the feedback we recer....ed from {he community. (he commentary has been compiled in the order in which the comments were received, rather than on a priority bast! (however. for (he sake ofbrewty. redundam comments haYe been edm:d Into one I1snng). A pnortnzed fISC of park upgrades Will bll: draji.:d In che near fU 01. rI!. wh.:n we can beller access Ihe communay's goal>- through the publiC meetings and your inpul. The atbched Meeting Minutes coyer the following Groups: Group Thru (South &adJ Area) Mating He/d:lO-24-95 LiKatWn:Po/ice Athletic uague, Flamingo Park Parks:F7amingo Park Group Four (North BeacJz Area) Muting Held: J 0-25-95 Location:Nonh Shore Teen Center Parks:North Shore Open Space North Shore I1VV-UI-;J;J "'L.li 11',",/ GROUP THREE - Community M~ting FLAMINGO PARK 1. The tennis courts need to be renovated. Will they an remain day. 2. What kind of re-surfacing system will be used for the courts. 3. Examine the tennis courts in terms of water drainage and irrigation issues. Consider using a 'Super Soaker' type of system. 4. Tennis courts need water fountains. Also consider placing seating and netting in between courts to help separate courts as they are too close together. 5. The city needs to find a location for roller hockey. There is no place for kids to play presently. 6. Will there be more than one roller hockey court built in the city. 7. Consider providing a bike path/roller blade trail around the park. 8. The field house on the west side of the park needs to have their lockers repaired. 9. Track needs to be re-surfaced. 10. Police athletic league concession needs to be more aesthetically pleasing. 11. What is an Aquatic Complex and what does it entail. Consider providing a teaching pool. 12. There are three pools in the city - Normandy. Youth Center and Flamingo. These pools need to address the needs of kids, seniors, pleasure swimmers and competitive swimmers. 13. Flamingo ParX is not designed well. It should reflect the historical character of its neighbomood that it i5 located within. Landscaping needs to be redone as well as the signage. There should be a sense of grandeur. 14. Racque.!. ball cou~ need to t;>e locked at night to prevent vandalism. 15. There is a problem with the city maintenance trucks. They drive through the park and damage the grass. 16. How will the master plan priorities be estoablished and who will decide on them. 17. The repair of the pool could use up the entire allotted budget. 18. There is no place to play roller hockey. This activity should be factored in as a program/facility priority. The design of the court should use a real hocKey surface, not just asphalt with benches and lighting. 19. Will the tot-lot be expanded. 20. The Handball association was promised that their facilities would be renovated long nUV-Ul-;1:; t'lCV 11'.JV before the passage of the bond issue. Funds have been set aside for this and will be added to the bond issue total funding. 21. What is the Friendship Comer used for. 22. City garbage trucks go through the parX to pick up garbage and tear up grass in the process. What will be done to stop this. 23. What about the issue of long-term maintenance. City allows facilities to run down. 24. Consider creating a 'dog-free' area wtlere kids could play in the grass. 25. Kevin Smith - consider closing off the pari<. at night be installing a gate system. 26. Can we design a dog parl<Jpen. A place where dogs will be allowed to run free. 27. What will be the new name of the Abel Holtz Stadium. END OF GROUP THREE MEETING MINUTES GPV:r;v. F:\... IGROLiI'3.C;OM NU~-Ul-~~ ~cv lL'~U GROUP FOUR (NORTH) - Community Meeting NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE 1. Coordinate master planning with Duany Plater-Zyberk Development Plan and Design Guidelines for North Beach Neighborhood. 2 Eliminate the fence because it is not user fiicndly. 3. If the Hispanic Community Center does not work in the coral rock house consider moving it to the park. Possible use could be an interpretive center. 4. Vita course needs work. 5. Extend the North Beach oceanfront recreational corridor to the park. 6. Treat CoItins Avenue with formal landscaping. 7. Give thought to the future use of park for activities such as rollerblading/skateboarding. 8. Move Dace County maintenance facility further into the park, possibly further north to 8Ist Street to minimize noise impacts on adjacent residential ar~a on the south. 9. Where do the park users come from? 10. Where will people park their cars? Are there enough parking spaces to accommodatl: visitors? The plan must be able to provide parking for all park users. 11. Why spend money to renovate the park when nobody uses it? 12. Vita courses in proximity of the park are not used, so why do we need to fund its improvement? 13. The park is not user-fiiendly. The vagrants that congregate in the park, the poor lighting and landscaping contribute to an atmosphere offear of going into the park. 14. Opening up the park, adding proper lighting and landscaping will greatly improve the park environment. 15. There is a need to create places where younger kids could play. Roller hockey courts should be spread throughout the city because of changing demographics. 16. Better security lighting needs to be installed. Perhaps solar lighting. 1 7. Park should be more passive. i'V' V" '"""oJ'........ .... ........ 18. Link park to the waterfront in terms of active recreational activities. 19 Use low maintenance .items in tht: des.ign of facilities. 20. .If additional funds are available, consider the creation of an artificial reef This could be linked to an interpretive center in the park. pv" U 1. ...;...; n&...v 1 J. . "'tV GROUP FOUR (NORTH) - Community M~tjl1g NORTH SHORE PARK. 1. Gate connecting basketball courts to tennis center should be closed. 2. Keep security officer at the tennis center. Add a pro shop. 3. Improvement management of the tennis center Remove rusty lockers and vagrants. 4. More clay courts like the ones at F1amingo Park ~ed to be built. Those courts work very well as they have a high level of water absorption. 5 Need more water fountains at courts. Perhaps placed between two courts. 6. Remove the open space between the coons. 7. A conflict of uses was indicated to exist between the tennis and basketball courts. A way . to mitigate this problem would be to provide a secure access to the tennis courts. 8. Provide more lighting for the tennis courts. 9. Parks needs more basketball courts. Suggestion to triple the amount. 10. . Consider putting a pool in this park. 11. Look at the Kimley-Hom North Beach Recreational Corridor plan. 12. Consider placing shuffleboard court on top of recreation center to free up space. 13. Consider turning the parking lot on the west into a village green with limited parking arrangement. 14. The park b~~s heli n~s to be covered from the elements. 15. As the cost of renovating the recreation center forms a large part of the allocated budget, will there be enough funding to cover the other improvements. 16. The youth that live in Nonh Shore don't have enough recreational opportunities. 17. The plan needs to consider the utilization of the entire park. In other words, spread services throughout the park. END OF GROUP FOUR MEETING MINUTES llVY Vi .;;;..; "L..1I 11.""'!V 'lite foregoing constitutes the best of my recollection of what transpired [rom nOles, lapes and discussion. 1/ any ilem has been omitted or misrepresented, please conlact me as soon as possible. - cc: Kevin Smirkl City of Miami Beach Julio Grave de Peralra! City of Miami Reach Wi/iy Bermel/oI B&A Rai Fernandez! B&A Rob Curtis I B&:A. LuIsa Van Leer B&:A Fahim Bourdon! BM G?V:gv. F:I... \GROt.tp4.COM' Violet Fong! B&:A Arturo Fanjull B&.A. Aida Curtis! Curtis &- Rogers Margie Spencer! Bugdal Group Carlos Garcia! HNGS Projecrfile 9554.(j(}<J 5. What mode of travel do you use to visit this park? o Walk 0 Rollerblade 0 Bicycle 0 Car 0 Other 6. Please indicate how many children or grandchildren you have that use this park? o None 0 1-2 0 3-4 0 5-6 0 7 and above 7. What are their ages? 00-3 0 4-7 08-12 013-16 0 17-21 8. What is your age? 06-18 019-25 026-35 036-45 046-55 0 56-65 0 66 and over 9. How many years have you lived in the City of Miami Beach? 00-3 0 4-6 07-9 010-15 0 16 and above 10. On the reverse side of this survey, please provide use with any additional comments you believe might help us further improve the City of Miami Beach's parks. (Optional) Name . -. PARK SURVEY . :', The City of Miami Beach IS mterested In your opinions as part of a program to improve public parks in your neighborhood. You can help us with this effort by completing this questionnaire and returning it to us. Your reply to this questionnaire will be held in confidence by the City of Miami Beach. - Name of Park. 1. What other City of Miami Beach park.s do you most frequently use? 2. How many times per month do you or your children visit this park? o 1-5 visits 0 6-10 visits 0 10 and above 3. What activities and/or programs do you or your children most frequently participate in while at this park? 4. In your opinion, which of the following programs or activities are important for this park.. Please rate each with a check below: Very Somewhat Not Important Important Important a. Playground equipment for children 0 0 0 b. Courts 0 0 0 c. Field areas 0 0 0 d. Pool 0 0 0 e. Waterfront 0 0 0 f. Beach areas 0 0 0 g. Restrooms 0 0 0 h. Recreational Buildings 0 0 0 i. Play shelters 0 0 0 j. Landscaping 0 0 0 k. Benches 0 0 0 I. Sidewalks 0 0 0 m. Lighting 0 0 0 n. Overall safety 0 0 0 o. Other (specify) 0 0 D. Address City lip PARKS DA TEn1ME PLACE Group I (north) Monday, November 13, 19956:30 p.m. Biscayne Elementary SchoorCafeteria, 800 Stillwater 77th Street Tatum Crespi Fairway Normandy Isle Group 2 (central) Thursday, November 16, 19956:30 p.m. Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall, Scott Rakow Youth Center 1700 Convention Center Drive Par Three Golf Course Group 3 (south) Monday, November 27, 1995 6:30 p.m. Flamingo Park, Police Athletic League (PAL), Flamingo 999 11 th Street Group 4 (north) Wednesday, November 29, 19957:00 p.m. North Shore Teen Center, 501 72nd Street North Shore Open Space North Shore Group 5 (south) Monday, December 4, 1995 5:30 p.m. Ocean- front Auditorium, 1001, Ocean Drive Lummus Group 6 (central) Thursday, December 7, 19956:30 p.m. North Beach Elementary School, Auditorium LaGorce 4100 Prairie A venue Fisher - Muss Pine Tree Group 7 (south) Tuesday, December 12, 19956:30 p.m. South Pointe Elementary School, Cafeteria, Washington 1050 4th Street South Shore Community Center Palm Island Island View Thursday, December 14, 19956:30 p.m. South Pointe Elementary School, Cafeteria, Group 8 (south) 1050 4th Street South Pointe PARKS MASTER PLAN COMMUNITY MEETINGS SCHEDULE