Attachment I
L.T.C. 14 ?-l 99'j
Honorable Mayor and Members
. of the City Commission
DATE: December 14,1995
Jose Garcia-Pedrosa h
City Manager jf Jf
Outlined below is an update of recent activities which have occurred in the preparation of the master plan
for the city's park system.
o The fIrst series of eight scheduled public meetings to obtain input from the community has been
completed. Attached (page 3) are the summary comments from these meetings as well as a
summary of the issues raised at these meetings arranged by topic. (page 30)
o Results and analysis of the survey completed by those persons who attended the community
meetings are included in this report. (page 32)
o The consultants attended a second meeting of the Youth Center Advisory Board on November 2,
1995 to obtain additional input for improvements to the Youth Center.
o Survey forms along with a letter from the city were distributed to the attached list of schools on
Miami Beach in order to obtain a sampling of information from the children who use our parks.
(page 36)
o Administrative staff met with representatives of the North Beach Development Corporation on
November 7, 1995 to obtain their comments with respect to improvements to parks in the north
beach area. (page 39)
o Administrative staffhave also attended meetings of the South Pointe Advisory Council to inform
the members of the progress of the master plan preparation. Addiitionally, a meeting with the
advisory council's sub-committee on parks is scheduled on December 5, 1995 to further discusss
future plans for South Pointe Park.
o On November 15, 1995 a special meeting of the Recreation and Parks Facilities Board was held,
(at the board's request), following the conclusion of the first series of community meetings at
which the consultants presented the information gathered at these meetings. At this meeting the
board provided their input ori the park renovations based on the comments of the community and
each member's vision for the city's park system. This board continues to serve as the primary
steering committee for this master planning process and members of the board will attend each
. meeting during the second series of public meetings.
Status Report No.3
Parks Master Plan
Page 2
o The schedule for the second series of public meetings is being revised in order to provide the
consultants with adequate time to address all of the issues and concerns with respect to the larger
parks, i.e. Flamingo Park, North Shore Park, North Shore Open Space Park, South Pointe Park and
the Youth Center. This revised schedule will be advertised in a similar manner as previous meeting
You will continue to receive bi-weekly reports of the progress of this master planning process for our city's
park system.
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October 25, 1995
TO: Kaslyn Mohammed. Special Projects Coordinator,
Miami Beach Parks and RecreaJion
FROl'tl: Louisa VanLeer ~
PROJECT: Miami Beach Masterplanning of Bond Program Sites
RE: Group One and Two Community Meetings
The aJtached list of commmlS is a summary of the community 's re~ponse to B&A / Curtis &
Roger's presentations on e:z:isling conditions of parks in the Group One and Two areas listed be/ow.
In an effort to communicate, in afair manner, thefeedback we recaivedfrom the commllnity. the
commentary has been compiled in the order in which the comments were received. rather than on a
priority hase (however,for the sake of brevity, redundant comments have been edited into one listing).
A prioritized lisr of park upgrades will he drafted in the near future. when we can better acc~ss the
community's goals through the publi~ meetings and your input.
The attached Meeting Minutes cover the following Groups:
Group One (North Beach Area)
Meeting Held: 10-18-95
Location: . Biscayne Elementary
Parks: Fairway Park
Normandy Isle Park
Stillwater Park
Crespi Park
Tatum Park
Group Two (Central Beach Area)
Meeting Held: 10-19-95
Local;o~ City Commission Chambers
Parks: S~ott Rakow Youth Center /
Par Three Golf Course
LCg~gg2" .
Willy A. Bermel/c. AlA Aiel"
LUIs Ajamlt; P.E.
NltIscn C. M3rtlnez.. AlA
Agustin J Barrer3
8ern:ml N. tiOfQVllZ. AlA
BOl'lnle S MUJic. ASIO
GROUP ONE. Community Meeting
1. Safety and Security issues - Park security lighting is critical towards reducing
vandalism, howcver, community does not want ball field night game lighting.
2. Improve street parking on the East and South sides of the Park. Community suggested
shifting the park fence line and sidewalk in 5 ft and adding landsc<lpe to get parked
cars out of the thru way and improvc the a~sthetics of these areas.
3. Study the possibility of creating assigned parking for apartment tenants Ii in th~
Park's vicinity.
4. Incorporate a drop-off zone for Recreation Buil~ing that can be utilized by ooth
S. Add another pedestrian park entrance, for convenience, at the North East corner of the
Park where the Tot Lot is located.
6. Enlarge the Recreation Building to better serve a variety of conununity uses.
7. Study whether the Recreation Building needs to be razed or if the ex.isting structure
can be renovated and upgraded.
8. Study whether or not the Tennis Courts resurfacing is a real priority.
9. Explore what can be done to curb vandalism. i.e. piant hedges in front of walls to limit
area for graffiti. building surfaces should be easy to paint out or clean off graffiti,
anchor trash cans to the ground wherever possible
10. Incorporate a school bus turn-around in the vicinity of the Park.
11. Install security cameras to monitor the Park.
12. Remove existing chain link fence and install a more durable and aestheticall: pleasing
fence system.
13. Hire security guards to patrol Fairway Park and other parks in the area.
14. Coordinate with Miami Beach to patrol the Park during recreation activities ilnd
t 5. Install hard surface in the Tot Lot in lieu of sand.
16. Install alarm system in the Recreation Building.
1. Plant a landscape buffer next to the apartment buildings on the park's Northern edge.
2. Convert exi~ing tennis court into a roller blade rink, as court in not we)] used
3. Add a jogging I walking trail around the park with btmch~s set up along the trail.
4. Replace existing Tot Lot.
5. Add mOTe picnic shelters in the Park as the one, existing shelter is used heavily.
6. Remove existing chain link fence and insull a more durable and aesthetically pleasing
fence system. Also alter fencing on the Sout East comer of the Park where it impeeds
access to cross walk button.
7. Add landscaping along Eastern edge of the Park.
8. InstaU night lighting for soccer field and swimming pool night programs.
9. Design Park landscaping to create a gateway to the community.
10. Add passive recreation areas with park benches.
11. Consider if security cameras were installed in the Park, could they be monitor~d in the
neighborhood Police Sub-Station.
12. Add traSh cans in the parking area on the East edge of the Park.
13. Consider if the Swimming Pool structure is going to be tom down and rebuilt should it
be rebuilt else where in the community (at issue here is whether or not the Normandy
Isle Park pool location is central to the community).
14. Consider whether several small pools should be built through out the community,
instead of spending bond funds on one large pool.
IS. Consider in future designs whether or not locker rooms are a necessary component of
the swimming pool as existing locker rooms are vandalized and difficult to maintain.
16. Consider the long term economics of a new vs. renovated swimming pool, i.e. If a
renovation will keep the pool running for only another five years then the money may
be better spent on a brand new facility.
17. Design elements into the Park that will secure the park facility and help reduce
18. Install bike racks.
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Install and maintain net at Tennis Court (perhaps court is not used due to lack of net).
Add another basketball court by changing the orientation of the existing court and
adding some extra paving.
Add more benches to Soccer Field.
Beautify parking area and create bou1eyard atmosphere on Trouville Esplan:1ce.
Organize community groups to care for the Park.
1. Target the usage of Stillwater Park for yo ling kids (11 jTS. and under) and Crespi Park
for older kids (12 yrs. and up). To this end, the following comments apply.
Stillwater Park: .
2. Increase fence height to six feet.
3. Add a Toddler Lot in addition to the existing Tot Lot.
4. Improve existing restroom fadlity and make mon: friendly to younger kids.
5. Maintain the single access point on Hawthorne A venue.
6. Alter the program of the existing Recreation Building to include a Day Care Center.
Crespi Park:
7. Add a second basketball court.
8. Add Restroom Facilities but consider designing them to be an open air "European
Style" facility.
9. Add a roller blade rink around the Park.
In General:
10. Remove existing chain link fence and install a more durable and aesthetically pleasing
:fence system.
1 I . Incorporate a drop-off area in the Park vicinity, perhaps on Hawthorne A venue.
12. Incorporate benches in park that are resistant to vandalism.
13. Add water fountains in Parks.
14. Prevent access to roofs on existing and future buildmgs as people use roofs to hide out.
IS. Add security lighting.
16. Add shade trees.
1. Demolish existing Recreation Building and build new facility that meets communities
2. Improve Park security by planting trees not hedges along the Park perimeter so that a
clear view of facility can be had from the street.
J. Install picnic benches in the South Western corner of the park.
1. Consider adding Racquet Ball courts to one of the North Beach Parks.
., Consider creating a new neighborhood park at the foot of the 81 st Street pedestrian
bridge, where a right-of-way already exists.
GROUP TWO - Communit)" Meeting
1. As agreed to last year, the Par 3 Golf Course should remain as it is, without being
impinged on by the Scott Rakow Youth Center facilities.
2. Sheridan Avenue is a major artery and should not be closed off at the Youth Center
because traffic levels would increase on surrounding streets (especially on 28th Street,
Prairie Avenue and Pine Tree Driye).
3. Linking the Youth Center to the triangular plot of land across the street is not a good
idea because odors created by the sewage pump station, located on this plot, would
prevent people from utilizing this area.
4. Scott Rakow should remain as it is with no ice center expansion.
5. Large areas of the existing Youth Center are not fully used. These areas shO'Jld b~
reworked before a building expansion is considered. "We"re not using what we have."
6. Bond moneys should not be allotted to Beach High playing fields as the communit)' in
the immediate vicinity of the School is already working with Beach High officials to
improve the fields. Also, what is the legality of using City of Miami Beach bond
funds on Dade County facilities?
7. The Cit)' said it wants to assist the school in re-sodding their playing fields. not install
field lights or other major improvements. The city is trying to come up with ideas that
mayor may not lead to solutions.
8. Community wants City to clean up graffiti on the Maintenance facility that ba;ks onto
the Par 3 and improve regular maintenance, but not with Bond moneys.
9. Ice Rink should be expanded as the program is very successful. If a new ice rink is
built, attention should be paid to the phasing of the work such that Ice Rink programs
would not be interrupted by construction.
10. Consider building an new Ice Rink with parking underneath.
1 L Consider building new Ice Rink in Flamingo Park.
12. The present Gymnastics Program and equipment need improvement.
13. Add new Ice Rink and replace the old Rink with a Gymnastics Center.
14. The original purpose of the Youth Center was to augment the City's existing Parks and
Recreation Program with a quality indoor facility. Go back to the original purpose -
the Youth Center can't be everything to everyone.
IS. Passive green space is important. Keep the Golf Course the way it is.
16. Look at Miami Beach parks as a whole before proposing changes to the Youth Center
and the Par 3 Golf Course. Facilities here should 110t duplicate those in other areas of
the City. .
17. The Masterplanning consultants will use national standards for a demographic study of
Miami Beach to determine whether the ratio of kids to playing fields City wide is
18. A new Ice Rink won't fit in the parking lot South of the Youth Center.
19. Consider making the large indoor gym into an Ice Rink and transforming the existing
rink into a new gym.
20. The Youth Center is paid for by Miami Beach residents through taxes, therefore the
facility should be open to Beach residents only. Consider requiring kids to show a
residency card to gain access to the Youth Center.
21. No stadium lights or additional parking on Prairie Avenue or anywhere.
22. The noise level is, for the most part, low in the neighborhood. If a new Ice Rink were
to be built here, the noise level would increase with additional cars and people.
23. A Masterplan for the parks requires adequate time for the community to review, so
that the community can digest the concepts proposed rather than have to make snap
decisions in a public forum. It was recommended that Masterplan schemes be on
display in a public area for several weeks before a meeting is held to discuss schemes.
24. The City of Miami Beach Commission has the fmal vote on Masterplan Concepts.
25. Install speed bumps to keep down high speed traffic.
Theforegoing constitutes the best of my recollection of what transpiredfrom notes. tapes and
discussion. If any irem has been omitted or misrepresented, please contacr me as soon as possible.
Kevin Smith! City of Miami Beach
Julio Grave de Peralta! Cil)! of Miami Beach
Will)' Ber",eIlol B&A
Rai Femandezl B&A
Rob Curtisl B&A
Greg Vaday/ B&A
Fabien Bourdon! B&A
Violer Fong/ B&A
Arturo Fanjull B&A.
Aida Curtis I Curtis & Rogers
l.largie Spencerl Bugdal Group
Carlos Garcia! lINGS
Projectfi/e 9554.000
L VL:lvI f:\... \GROUPl-2.DOC
I'lJ ~ "".. ......... 11_.... ... ...
November 1, 1995
Kas/yn Mohammed, Special Projects Coordinator,
},{iami Beach Parks and Recreation
Greg Vaday
Miami Baach MasuupLannmg of Bond Program Sues
Group Three and Four CommunIty Meetings
The attached list of comments is a summary o/the community s response to B&A / Cures &
Roger's presenranons on msnng (;onaitions ofparh in the Group Three and Four areas l1sfl!d below. In
an efJorr to commUnicate, m a fair manner, the feedback we receIved from (he communI/)'. [he commentar)
has been compiled In fhe order in which the comments were recezved. rather than on Q priority hw,'/!
(however. for [he sake ofbrn7!Y. redundant comments have been edIted tnto om: hSllngJ. A pnor:r.zed fIst
of park upgrades w:ll bit drafied In the near future. when we c:an beller aCCes'\ lhc community S 60(1[\'
through the publlc meetings and your mpu{.
Tn:: ilttlched Meeting Minutes cover the following Groups:
Group Three (South Beach Area)
Meding Held: I 0-24-95
Loeation:Po/Zee Athletzc Lt:ague. Flammgo Park
Parks:F1amingo Park
Group Four (North Beach Area)
Meeting Held: 10-25-95
Location:North Shore Teen Center
PtUks:North Shore Open Space
North Shore
GROUP THREE - Community Meeting
1. The tennis courts need to be renovated. Will they all remain clay.
2. What kind of re-surlacing system will be used for the courts.
3. ExaminE! thE! tE!nnis courts in terms of water drainage and inigation issues. Consider
using a 'Super Soaker' type of system.
4. Tennis courts need water fountains. Also consider placing seating and nettrng in
between courts to help separate courts as they are too close together.
5. The city needs to find a location for roller hockey. There is no place for kids to play
6. Will there be more than one roller hockey court built in the city.
7. Consider providing a bike path/roller blade trail around the park..
8. The field house on the west side of the park needs to have their lockers repaired.
9. Track needs to be re-surlaced.
10. Police athletic league concession needs to be more aesthetically pleasing.
11. What is an Aquatic Complex and what does it entail. Consider providing a teaching pool.
12. There are three pools in the city - Normandy, Youth Center and Flamingo. These pools
need to address the needs of kids, seniors, pleasure swimmers and competitive
13. Flamingo Park is not designed well. It should renect the histoncat character of its
neighborhood that it is located within. Landscaping needs to be redone as well as the
signage. There should be a sense of grandeur.
14. Racquet ball courts need to be locked at night to prevent vandalism.
15. There is a problem with the city maintenance trucks. They drive through the park and
damage the grass.
16. How will the master plan priorities be established and who will decide on them.
17. The repair of the pool could use up the entire allotted budget.
18. There is no place to play roller hockey. This activity should be factored in as a
program/facility priority. The design of the court should use a real hockey surface, not
just asphalt with benches and lighting.
19. Will the tot-lot be expanded.
20. The HandbaU association was promisE!d that their facilities would be renovated long
!lV' v. """" 'I~""" '" '" -.....
before the passage of the bond issue. Funds have been set aside for this and will be
added to the bond issue total funding.
21. What is the Friendship Comer used for.
22. City garbage trucks go through theparl< to pick up garbage and tear up grass in the
process. What will be done to stop this.
23. What about the issue of long-term maintenance. City allows facilities to run down.
24. Consider creating a 'dog-free' area where kids could play in the grass.
25. Kevin Smith - consider closing off the park at night be installing a gate system.
26. Can we design a dog park/pen. A place where dogs will be allowed to run free.
27. What will be the new name of the Abel Holtz Stadium.
GPV:ll". r:\.. . ICiROUPJ,COM
11VI ""'. -- ..-... .. --
GROUP FOUR (NORTH) - Community Meeting
1. Coordinate'master planning with Duany Plater-Zyberk Development Plan and Design
Guidelines for North Beach Neighborhood,
2. Eliminate the fence because it is not user friendly.
3. If the Hispanic Community Center does not work in the coral rock house consider moving
it to the park. Possible use could be an interpretive center.
4. Vita course needs work.
5. Extend the North Beaeh oceanfront recreational corridor to the park.
6. Treat Collins Avenue with fonnallandscaping.
7. Give thought to the future use of park for activities such as rollerbladinglskateboarding.
8. Move Dade County maintenance facility further into the park, possibly further north to
81st Street to lI1inimi7e noise impacts on adjacent residential area on the south.
9. Where do the park users come from?
10. Wbere will people park their cars? Are there enough parking spaces to accommodat~
visitors? The plan must be able to provide parking for all park users.
11. Why spend money to renovate the park when nobody uses it?
12. Vita courses in proximity oftbe park are not used, so why do we need to fund its
13. The park is not user-fiiendly. The vagrants that congregate in the park, the poor lighting
and landscaping contribute to an atmosphere of fear of going into the park.
14. Opening up the park, adding proper lighting and landscaping will greatly improve the park
15. There is a need to create places where younger kids could play. Roller hockey courts
should be spread throughout the city because of changing demographics.
16. Better security lighting needs to be installed. Perhaps solar lighting.
17. Park should be more paSsive.
I1V' "-J'" "".... 11_..... ... ...-
18. Link park to the waterfront in terms of active recreational activities.
19 Use low maintenance items in tht: design of facilities.
20. If additional funds are available, consider the creation of an artificial reef This could be
linked to an interpretive center in the park..
~lV" V~ ...,... ",-.l.I .. .....
GROUP FOUR (NORTH) - Community Meeting
1. Gate connecting basketball courts to tennis center should be closed.
2. Keep security officer at the tennis center, Add a pro shop.
3. Improvement management of the tennis center. Remove rusty lockers and vagrants
4. More clay courts like the ones at Flamingo Park need to be built. Those courts ;.'\jork very
well as they have a high level of water absorption.
5 Need more water fountains at courts. Perhaps placed between two COU1'"t5
6. Remove the open space between the couns.
7 A conflict of uses was indicated to exist between the tennis and basketball courts A way
to mitigate this problem would be to provide a secure access tn the tennis courts
8. Provide more lighting for the tennis courts,
9. Parks needs more basketball courts. Suggestion to triple the amount.
10. Consider putting a pool in this park.
11. Look at the Kimley-Hom North Beach Recreational Corridor plan,
12. Consider placing shuffleboard court on top of recreation center to free up space.
13, Consider turning the parking lot on th~ west into a village green with limited parking
14. The park bands heIl needs to be covered from the elements.
15. As the cost of renovating the recreation center forms a large part of the allocated budget,
will there be enough funding to cover the other improvements.
16. The youth that live in Nonh Shore don't have enough recreational opportunities.
17. The plan needs to consider the utilization of the entire park. In other words, spread
services throughout the park.
NOV-07-95 rUE 13:59
? 02 .
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oermE;l;c, Aja:n~ ! Pi!!tOler.l. :nc.
November 7,1995
TO: Kaslyn Special Projects Coordinator,
Miami 'Beach Par.lcs and Recr~tion
FROM: Greg Vaday
PROJECl'; Miami Beach MasteIpWming of Bond Program SiteS
RE: Group Five an4 Six Community Meetings
The attached list of comments is a summary of the community's response to B&A / Curtis &
Roger's presentUions on existing conditions ofparb in the Group Five and Si;t areas listed below. In an
effort to coIIlII1lIIlicale, in a fair mmner. the feedback we received from the community, the commentary
bas been compiled in the order In which tile comml"nrc; were received., rather than on a priority base
(however, for tho sake of brevity, rcdUDdant comments ba~ been edited into one Hsting).
The attached Meeti~ Minutes cover the following Groups:
Group Five (South Beach Area)
Meeting HeId: 1~30-95
1..oc:ation:Occan Front Auditorium
Parks: Lummus
Group Six (Central Beach Area)
Meeting Held: 1 1-2-95
Location:North Beach Elementary School
Parks: La Gorce
Pine Tree
Wl~ly ~ ~C~Iu, AlA A1C~
NolaO:'\ C. ~5:tir.C. AlA
J\Q~n J. 3a::-er'S
aornard II:. Horov!:z. A:A
ao."::li~ s. M~xQ. AS:~
NOV-09-95 THU 13:55
:-. Uc
Summary of Public Comments
Group 5 {South} Public Meeting
L.UMMUS PARK - October 30,1995
1. Will the entire sidewalk be repaved? The sidewalk is broken up in places making it
difficult to roller blade.
2. Rollerbladers take over the sidewalk - Should there be a separate lane for different
types of traffic.
3.. Move playgrounds into shaded areas outside of the boardwalk. The an:a left over can
be used for art exhibitions.
4. Roller blade area on sidewalk should be sandblasted.
5. Add additional fitness equipment into the park.
6. Need to make the park 'world-cIass' for the world class destination that Miami Beach
is. Look at providing artist space, sculpture.
7. Keep the bmrf~.ape design simple because the city bas a rich architeeturall:mdscape.
Important to use cocomIt palms in landscaping plans. Don't need to use flower beds.
8. Space between the sidewalk and beach wall should be passive. Active uses should be
encouraied on the beach side of the wall.
9. Lighting for the walkway is important.
10. Palm trees are an important landscape item. But young palms can be destroyed by
hurricanes so new planted palms should have at least ten feet of clear rrunk.
11. Consider placing spotlights in the palm trees like in the 50's.
12. The 9th Street shelter has become a haven for vagrants and criminal activities.
Benches and canopy strUcnIres should be removed to discourage loitering.
13. Keep the park design simple. It should be maintenance free. Above all the design
should be simple and tasteful.
14. Additional showers along the wan are needed.
1.5. Will there be a hard surface connection between the beach and the sidewalk.
NOV-09-95 THU 13:56
f!. Ud
16. Consider turniDg showers toward beach and away from Ocean Drive.
17. - City shOuld main11fin palms and sea grapes to prevent them from being lost in a
lnurican.e. .
18. Bicycle racks would be more readily used if they were made to look more interesting.
Perhaps a.rtists could develop a bike rack design.
19. More trash receptacles are needed.
20.. If the boardwalk is extended where will it go.
21. Will there be a uniformity of trash cans throughout the parks. Will smart cans b~
22. Restroom p.dlities should be world class to show off this great public space.
23. An irrigation s,)'~ is a key componen!. The Ocean Drive Association has developed
a set of plans which they have provided to the landscape architect.
NOV-09-95 THU 13:56
.-. u'-:
Summary of Public Comments
Group 6 (Central) Public Meeting
LA GORCE - November 2, 1995
1. This park is in terrible shape. It lost a huge tree from Hurricane .A..ndrew. Equipment
is rusted and the sand is flea-infested.
2. Sand fleas are a constant year-round problem.
3. Is there funding to provide for trees lost during the hurricane.
4. How were funds allocated to the park system.
S. A design for new park equipment was presented by the ncighoorhood association.
6. Provide park equipII1ent for a range of ages.
7. What is the cost of new signage. Could it be eliminated as a project option.
. 8. Security lighting is needed.
9. A covered shelter is needed.
10. Equipment at this park bas deteriorated. The City has permitted this condition to
11. More manpower is needed to m~inr~in the park the way it should be maimained. For
example, the grass is never cut on time.
12. A water fountain is needed.
13 , Water fountains are unsanitary and should not be provided.
NOV-09-95 THU 13:57
t'. U::J
. 1. - Will play area be resurfaced.
2. Tot lot needs to be cleaned and refurbished.
3 _ Lighting for basketball and tennis cOUrtS is essential.
4. Basketball net:tmg is Deeded.
5.. More security lighting, especially around the shelter is needed.
6. Discussion of whether or DOt to enclose the shelter. Some wanted it to be a closed
structure others didn't.
7. Community uses the shelter intensively for birthday parties. If it was enclosed it would
be bard to m2mtJ1m
8. Visibility within the strUCture would also be reduced if it was enclosed.
9. An alternative to enclosiI12 the shelter would be to provide more covered space. More
kids could use it for their smm:ner programs.
10.. Muss Park needs more shade.
11. Park needs to have a pay phone (dial out only).
NOV-09-95 THU 13:57
.-, lJo
1. People who drive to Fisher Park come mostly from La Gorce.
2. Discussion of eliminating the water fountain altogether because it was felt to be
unsanitary. Alternatively, the water fountain could be made higher to sene the older
.l::i.ds only or a soda machine could be provided.
3. The sandlot is infested with ants and worms. It does not need to be as big as ir is.
4_. Need to provide equipment for a range of ages.
5. New park benches and more swings are needed.
6. Why should the park perimeter be fenced. Only the tot lot needs fencing.
7. Park needs a self-latching gate.
8, Provide proper edge on hardsurface tot lot.
9. Consider phasing the various park improvements to accomodate the present and future
recreational needs of kids of all ages.
10, More shade De""..ds to be provided. Especially over the tot-lot.
11. Security lighting is also needed.
12. No fence around the park is needed. Just keep park as an open field.
13. The bond funds will not be enough to pay for all improvements.
14. Dogs that run free in the park amI are not cleaned up after pose a health problem for
the neighborhoods' kids. The dogs need to be controlled.
15. Extermination program should be able to eliminate the anrs in the sandbox.
16, Future notices for coJDIIIUIJity meetings should be posted at the parks.
NOV-09-95 THU 13:58
p, 07
1. Walkways should be resurfaced to provide adequate surface for rollerblading.
2. Keep site furnTc:hi~s to a minim~ to prevents vagrants from using the park.
3. Consider providiDg landscaping around the canine trai.ning area to soften its impact.
4. Wall on the south side of me park that separtes the park from neighborhood homes is
deteriorated. It shon1d be improved.
5.. The mangrove area in the park has become a trash. repository. Whose jurisdiction is it
to clean this area. No one agency has provided a straight answer as to responsibility.
6. Need more security lighting.
7. Provide llInd~ at the southern edge of the park:.
8, The park should remain a passive park.
9. More field space is needed to provide kids an opportUnity to play soccer,etc.
10. The park is poorly ma;nrn;ned and under-utiH,..ed and needs work.
11. The park can be enn~nr-.ed by developing a trail system and improving the landscaping.
12. Consider providing a boWrlcal preserve. Perhaps have an interpretive trail.
!be foregoing constitutes the best of my recollection of what transpired from notes, tapes and
cllscussion. If any Jtem bas been omitted or misrepresented. please contact me as soon as possible.
Kevin Smithl City of MimU Beach
Julio Grave de peralta! City of Miami Beach
Willy Bermellol B&:A
1W Fern:mdczl B&A
Arrrj Kimball B&A
Rob CUrtis! B&A
LuIsa Van Leer B&.A
:Fabien BomdonI B&.A
Violet Fong! B&A
Arturo FanjuII B&A
Aida CUrtis/ Curtis & Rogers
Margie Spencerl Bugdal Group
Carlos Garcia! HNGS
Project tne 9554.000
4 .
NOV-09-95 THU 13:58
.~ 0 UC'
Summary ofPabIic Comments
Group 7 (South) Public Meeting
PALM ISLA'ID - Noycmber 6.1995
1. Not all of the lighting at the park is working. Lighting is dim. The existing lighting
should be brighter and security lighting should be ltdccl.
2. People would be willing to use the park at night if lighting were improved. In particular,
the tennis and basketball courts' usag~ would increase if court lighting was added..
3. Shade trees should be added.
4. Consider adding another picnic: pavillion.
5. :Maintenance of the park is key. The grass needs to be mow~d and the red ants need to be
6. More garbage cans and benches need to be provided.
NOV-09-95 THU 13:59
:-'. U~
1. Lighting is inadequate. Security lighting is needed.
2. Fence around the park perimeter doesn't relate to the planters. The fence is functional but
consider re-designing planters to improve the aesthetic.
3. Community center building is rather bleak.
4. Area around the park at 6th Street is udergoing significant change through revitalization.
Key questions to address in the master plan is to consider who will be using the facilities
in the future and what will the park be used for. It will be important to coordinate the
phasing of park irnprovem~ with neighborhood revitali:zation efforts.
5. M3k:e sure that lighting improvements are carefully considered. Much light for example,
spills over into nearby apartments. 'There needs to be a way to directly control where
light is directed to avoid this problem.
6. Will the proposed signage be uniform throughout the park system. People want to be
able to identify City of Miami Beach Parks.
NOV-09-95 THU 13:59
.- I llJ
1. The design of the proposed shelter for this park should be different from generic picnic
shelters. It should be different architecturally. The design should be exotic or tropical
and should reflect the park)s gmeway location on the Venetian 0mse~"3Y.
2. Park lacks shade. Shade trees need to be added.
3. Planting is difficult because a concrete slab lies under the park at a ~pth of about one
4. Place benches where they are needed rather than randomly.
5. Add swings,
6. Adapt the two tot lots for different age groups - Use one for toddlers and one for the tots.
7. Remove the existing chain link fence around the tot lot Consider provi~ a more
pleasing fence such as a white picket low enough to eD2ble an unobStrUcted view of the
NOV-09-95 THU 14:00
r, 11
1, _ The "Courts" condominium project WIll add new housing to the area. Green spnce will
be needed to support this new growth-
2. It would be great to play tennis at night.
NOV-16-95 THU 12:09
2. 07
Summary of Public Comments
Group 8 (South) Public Meeting
South Pointe - November 9, 1995
1_ How will the condition of the picnic tables in the park be improved. YVhet is
envisioned? Pavilions are in poor shape and the homeless use the park.
2. New playground equipment envisioned for the park. should not be the same cofor
as in Ocean Park. Orange colored equipment there is unattractive.
-3. The development of condominiums adjacent to the park will make this a
community park. Consider intrOducing tennis courts for the future nearby
4. What is the equestrian area used for.
5. Will tne South Pointe Park Charrette findings be incorporated into the master
plan - especially recommendations to keep park in its natural state with passive
recreational opportunities.
6. What is the status of resident park director for South Points Park. Will helshe
only manage South Pointe.
7. It makes sense to include the management of Ocean Beach Park in the scope of
duties of the park manager oversaaing South Pointe Park. Tnere i~ a logical
connsction between the two parks.
8. Promenade needs assigned lanes for biking. walking <and roBarelading. How will
this tie-in with the restaurant.
9. Is the equestrian area still being used. The caretaker acts as a deterrent to
crime in the park.
10. Will the park be oriented towards active or passive recreation.
11" The picnic area could be used if it were properly maintained. Alternatively, if the
picnic area was eliminated the space could be used for active recreation
programs for kids.
12. N't active recreational program for kids could have an ocean-interaction focus
. and teach environmental sensitivity.
Page 1
NOV-1S-95 THU 12:09
p, 08
13. Who will maintain the park and the new facilities over the long-term.
14. Park design should consider the treatment of the park restaurant end its parking
needs. .
15. The pier and the picnic huts help to make the park a regional destination.
16. Maintaining the passiveness of the park is important As the area south of 5th
Street becomes more heavily populated. these Mure households could readily
access the park.
j 7, More parking for South Point is needed for non-residential users.
18. PassIve recreational activities such as concerts and festivals, ie. the Farmers'
Garden and the New World Symphony could be well-suited at this park.
1$. Will police participate In the re-deslgn of the par'j(S. Above all, don't create
opportunities for crime.
20. Consider all parks in South Pointe as a whole (one recreational, one for tots,
one passive).
21. Make park more community oriented rather than regional in nature.
22. Emphasize the naturalness of tha park. Is there a way to enhance pic."ic
opportunities while reducing the homelessness problems at the same time.
Don't resort to drastic solutions such as eliminating the shelters to try to rid pari<
of homeless persons. Try to address both issues simultaneously.
23. Park design should keep strudures to a minimum as they are difficult to
24. Provide a connection to Ocean Drive and Lummus Park through the introduction
of a path system. As more people (bikers, roIlerbladers, pedestrians) come into
the park the comfort level will increase and the homeless people may leave.
25. The city needs to maintain its parks.
26. Look into the exIsting lighting equipment at the pari<. The light is extremely
27. Consider eliminating the pier because it is an eyesore.
Page 2
NDV-16-95 THU 12:10
P. 09
The foregoing constitutes the best or my recollection of what transpired from notes, tClpes and
discussion. If any item has been omitted or misrepresented, please contact me as soon as
Kevin Smith! City of Miami Beach
Julio Grave de Peralta! City of Miami
Willy Bermello/ B&A
Rai Femandezl 8&A
Amy Kimb~lI 8&A
Rob Curtis/ 8&A
Luisa Van Leer 8&A
Fabien Bourdon! 8&A
Violet Fang} 8&A
Arturo FanjuV B&A
Aida Curtis! Curtis &. Rogers
Margie Spencerl Bllgdal Group
Canes Garda! HNGS
Project file 9554.000
GPV:!1\'. F:\... \QROUP8.COM
Page 3
Miami Beach Parks Master Planning of Bond Program Sites
Summary of Public Comments
Arranged by Topic
Safety and Security
. Provide security lighting throughout the park system.
. Ensure adequate lighting is provided.
. Carefully consider lighting design to ensure that light is directed only to where it is
. Install night lighting for field sports and night programs.
. Keep the landscape design simple because the city has a rich architectural landscape.
. Parks need to become more 'user-friendly'
. Improve the aesthetic appeal of the parks by augmented landscaping. This includes:
. planting more shade trees
. planting landscape buffers where they are needed
. opening up the park to ensure clear views of facilities for users.
. Enhance connection of parks to their communities. Flamingo Park for example, needs to
reflect the historical character of its community. A sense of grandeur needs to be created.
. Enhance the City of Miami Beach park system identity by creating a uniform signage
program and improved entry gate design.
. Master Plan should recommend appropriate fence design to address issues of security and
. Park maintenance is key.
. Bring the park system into compliance with local, state and federal standards.
. Consider the long-term perspective when designing new park facilities or renovating
existing facilities. Will the facility stand the test of time?
. Use low maintenance ite~ in the design of facilities.
. .Equipment in many of the parks is deteriorated. The city needs to provide the manpower
to maintain the park the way it should be maintained.
2601 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE. 10TH flOOR. MIAMI FL 33133.3058592050. FAX 305 8599638
AACooom . E80001JO' . lC0000211
General Park Design
. Keep the park design simple and maintenance free. Above all the design should be
simple and tasteful.
Park Improvements
. Provide par~ system-wide furnishings such as trash receptacles, benches and \vater
. Improve the existing restrooms facilities. For example, in Stillwater Park, make the
restroom more user friendly to younger children.
Existing and Projected User Needs
. Kids need places where they can engage in active sports. A facility for roller hockey
needs to be sited somewhere within the park system.
. Where recreation buildings are slated for expansion they need to serve a variety of
community uses.
. Park facilities need to address the recreational needs of different user groups. The
swimming pools (Normandy Isle, Flamingo and Youth Center) for example, need to be
designed to meet the needs of kids, seniors, pleasure swimmers and competitive
Master Planning of Miscellaneous Improvements at Various Parks and Recreation Bond
Program Sites
Community Meetings Survey - Preliminary Results
To enhance the opportunity for public participation in the architectural design process for the
various bond program sites throughout the city, a survey was developed and administered by
B&A. The survey was designed to gauge the extent of problems and opportunities at individual
park sites and to detennine recreation demand at each park. The survey was administered to all
public participants that attended the first round of parks masterplan community meetings between
the period of October 18, 1995 and November 9, 1995. Residents were asked a series of
questions regarding the types of activities they typically participate in, what mode of
transportation they use to access the parks and how important park resources and facilities are to
The preliminary analysis results are illustrated in the attached three charts. The survey results
discussed below reflect public comments on the bond program sites as a whole rather than an .
individual park or park district.. A total of 116 surveys were completed.
General Observations
I. Participants were asked to indicate activities and programs that they or their children most
frequently participate in. Preliminary results are illustrated in the chart entitled, "Most
Popular Park Activities - All Bond Program Sites and indicate that Tot LotIPlayground
activities was the single most popular park activity. among residents and their children.
Walking, tennis, and roller skating and biking round out the top five recreational activities.
The activities with the least participation were bowling, soccer, roller hockey, fishing and
2. Public meeting participants were asked to rate a list of fourteen park resources in terms of
how important these resources are for the park that they most frequent. The preliminary
results are illustrated in the chart entitled, "Issues Rated Most Important - All Bond
Program Sites." The analysis indicates that overall safety is ranked as the most important
issue that needs to be dealt with. In terms of architectural design issues, landscaping,
lighting, restrooms and playground equipment for children were ranked as the second,
third, fourth and fifth most important park resources. Participants rated waterfront
features, beach areas and pool facilities as the least important park features. Presumably,
the ready access to the beachfront may account for these features' low ranking.
3. The last graphic illustrates the most popular mode of transportation that residents use to
access the park system. The analysis indicates that the majority of participants (40%)
prefer to walk to their neighborhood or district parks. Public transportation (multi-modal)
and using a car to travel to the park was indicated by one quarter and one approximately
one sixth of participants. The least-used mode of transportation was rollerblading and
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Sister Winifred Chopak
3700:N. Meridian Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Richard Lynn
8625 Byron Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33141
Arlene Ortenzo
1050 - 4th Street
Miami Beach, FL 33139
David Halberg
4100 Prairie Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Grace Nebb
1420 Washington Ave.
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Students #: 300
Phone: 534-4616
Fax: 538-3203
Students #: 300
Phone: 866-1471
Fax: 866-3175
Students #: 600
Phone: 531-5437
Fax: 532-6096
Students #: 1,000
Phone: 531-7666
Fax: 674-8425
Students #: 950
Phone: 531-0419
Fax: 534-3925
c,'f'"or Oil .......... aEAC"
PHONE: (305) 673-7730
FAX: (305) 673-7074
November 6, 1995
David Halberg, Principal
North Beach Elementary School
4100 Prairie Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Dear Mr. Halberg:
In conjunction with the $15 million general obligation bond that was approved by the citizens of
Miami Beach last November, the firm ofBermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc. has been engaged to
prepare a comprehensive parks and recreation master plan. This master plan will enable the city to
develop and improve our parks system to provide for the current as well as future needs of all of the
users of our parks.
A primary focus throughout this planning process is to address the needs of the children of our
community. In order to better understand the needs, desires and recreational interests of the children
of Miami Beach, it is requested that a survey (sample copy attached) be distributed to the students.
Mr. Greg Vaday, with Bermello Ajamil, will be contacting you directly to discuss the distribution
of this survey.
This survey is a very important step in the preparation of this master plan. We believe that input
from the children of Miami Beach is valuable in helping us to plan not only for the current needs
of our parks but to develop a parks system that will serve our needs through the 21 st century.
Your assistance in this effort is greatly appreciated and should you have any questions, please call
Kaslyn Mohamed at 673-7700.
SinCerelY,; I _
/~~~_ .J-
Kev~irector {;I
cc: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager
NOV-06-95 MON 13:58
P. 02
The City 01 Miami Be4ch is interuted in your opinions is pari of a program to imprlJIII! public p<<tlct in YOllr neighborhood.
Yau can help us with ibis effort bV C6mpleUng fhi~ !JlfVey ond rrillr";"! it .to yoqr tC4fher. Th~nks tor 10ur help!
1. Ho~ l1l~ny time~ p'er week do vou 51) to II park V1d/ or youth center in Miami Be:ch?
01"2 times 0 3-4 times. 05 or more time~
2. When you S" to the pmok, what types of attivifies do YOIJ Db? < Ple/j~ circle all fhat apply>
RoDer ~ockey
T ann;'
Racquet/Hand Ball
" V ollspall
Table Sames
Use PlaygrGun~ Eqllipment < ewing., cr.m~er.s, .slides, ete. >
Play Outdoor Games and Ran Around < Hide.and-Go-Seek, Tag, etc.)
Swimming in tI pODl
Ice Skating
Ride ~ Bicyele
Jogging Trail
Art! and Cr2'h
3. What other IcUvftla would you Uke to be able to participate in at City of Miami Be2ch p#rb?"
4. What types of ways do you leel fhe City of MiamI Beach CDu/d improve the parb "in your "area?
How GO Vou ututllly gat to the p4,*1
o W ~'k 0 Rollerolade
o Blt:yele 0 Someone Drives 'foil
o Other
6. What Is roar IIge?
06-7 0 8-9 Oto-11 012-13 0 14-15 016.17 D1B ond ovar
7. 00 VOG five on Maim; Beach? 0 Yas 0 No
1. Name of roUr School
~pfioMI> Whal Intersection do fOG D1e aear? < for eXmJ~let Collins tad S3rd. Streef)
Meeting 11f7/95 Re: Parks Master Plan - North Beach Development C?rporation
In attendance: Ronnie Singer, NBDC
John Beloff, NBDC
Laurie Swedroe, NBDC
Ron-Colletta, NBDC
Kevin Smith, CMB
Kaslyn Mohamed, CMB
Summary of Comments (Revised 11/13/95)
o Master Plan should be all inclusive and should be a plan for the present as well as the future
o Additional pool in North Beach area - North Shore Park
o Create separate entrance to tennis courts at North Shore Park
o Link the band shell to North Shore Park -e.g paved walkway across Collins, Harding
o Recommend use of parking lot on 72nd Street between Collins and Harding across from band shell .
as open green space (village green, campus) with link to band shell and North Shore Park
o Create section for seniors at band shell, more shuffle board courts, possible addition of a second
floor to the community center on the east side of Collins
o Create an entrance way to North Shore Open Space Park with a drop off; consider use of coral rock
house as an educational/interpretive center
o Improve conditions around Dade County maintenance facility at North Shore Open Space Park to
minimjze its presence including look and noise factors; consider berming, hedging area; relocation
of existing maintenance facility to the mid-section of the park