Attachment J CITY OF MIAMI BEACH L.T.C. 2-1996 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members . of the City Commission DATE: January 4, 1996 FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa ~ Citv Mana2:er - - I' I i Ii STATUS REPORT NO.4 - PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PARKS MASTER PLAN SUBJECT: Outlined below is an update of recent activities which have occurred in the preparation of the master plan for the city's park system. o A series of meetings have been held between the consultants and the city manager and assistant city managers to discuss the recommended improvements to individual parks. o Results of a survey distributed to schools on Miami Beach are attached. (page 4) Specifically, children in grades three, seven and ten were selected to complete the survey in order to obtain a representative sample of the range of school-aged park users. o Staff from the Recreation Division were invited to attend a workshop session with the consultants on November 28, 1995 in order to understand the master planning process and to provide input with respect to the needs of the various park facilities and programs. o On December 13, 1995, the consultants and administrative staff met \vith a representative" from firm of Duany, Plater-Zyberk to discuss the proposed plan for North Beach and the implications with respect to parks in that area. A similar discussion ensued for South Pointe Park. o The consultants and administrative staff visited the tennis center at David Park in Hollywood to observe the layout, court surfaces etc. of this facility. o On December 14, 1995, the consultants presented their alternative proposals for South Pointe Park to the members of the South Pointe Advisory Council. The council subsequently endorsed the proposed master plan for the park. o On January 3. 1996 the consultants presented the proposed improvements for the Scott Rakow Youth Center to the chairman of the Youth Center Advisory Board. o On January 4, 1996 the consultants attended the monthly meeting of the Youth Center Advisory Board and presented the proposed improvements for the facility to the members of the Board. Status Report No.4 Parks Master Plan Page 2 o The Recreation and Parks Facilities Board continues to serve as the primary steering committee for this master planning process. Members of.the board have been ass~gned to sub-committees, and each sub-committee is responsible for attending the community meetings in the north, central or south region -of Miami Beach. o There are four community meetings scheduled during the month of January at which proposals for the major parks, i.e. Flamingo Park, North Shore Park, North Shore Open Space Park, South Pointe Park and the Youth Center will be presented. This meeting schedule (attached page 49) has been advertised in the December 17. 1995 edition of the :\eighbors Section of the ?\liami Herald and the December 21, 1995 issue of the Spanish publication. Art Deco. Additionally, the attached letter (page 50) and meeting schedule was distributed to the all of the organizations contained in the City . Clerk's listing of civic organizations. . o Administrative staff continues to provide updates of the progress of the master plan at the regularly scheduled meetings of various boards and committees and civic organizations, including the Recreation and Parks Facilities Board, Youth Center Advisory Board, South Pointe Advisory Council and North Beach Development Corporation. You will continue to receive bi-weekly reports of the progress of this master planning process for our city's park system. KS:KM attachments e.;; ::r . ~ ~: I BERMELLO.AJAMll &PARTNERS./NC ARCHITECTURE . ~ENGINEERING . PLANNING' INTERIOR DESIGN' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Memorandum To: Kaslyn Mohamed, Special Projects Coordinator, Miami Beach Parks and Recreation From: Greg Vaday Project: Miami Beach Masterplanning of Bond Program Sites Date: December 28, 1995 Subject: Preliminary Childrens' Survey Analysis The attached report and graphics indicate our preliminary analysis of surveys distributed to selected school-aged children in the City of Miami Beach over the period of November 8, 1995 to November 15, 1995. End of Memo. GV/gv cc: Rob Curtis File no. 9554.000 3 2601 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE' 10TH FLOOR. MIAMI FL 33133.3058592050. FAX 305 8599638 UCO::1I1. E8000!30' . LcaOOOll1 Master Planning of Miscellaneous Improvements at Variou!! Parks and Recreation Bond Program Sites Children's Survey - Preliminary Results Introduction This report presents the preliminary findings of our analysis of a survey administered to selected school-aged children in the City of Miami Beach. As part of the Miami Beach park master plarming effort, this survey is designed to gauge the extent of problems and opportunities at individual park sites and to determine recreation demand. Additionally, the park survey also served as a means to enhance public participation in the design process. This park survey is the second in a series of two surveys administered to park users. The first survey was administered to all public participants that attended a series of public meetings held between October 18, 1995 and November 9, 1995. A total of 116 surveys were completed, returned and analyzed. The second surveyor the children's survey which is the subject of this report, was developed and administered to a stratified random sample of school-aged children. A total of297 surveys were completed, returned and analyzed. As a primary user of programs and facilities at city parks, the input of school-aged children was felt to be a critical component in the design process. The second survey was developed and administered to solicit their comments on how the parks could be improved to meet their needs and to determine the range of recreational activities in which children participate. Methodology The survey was distributed to all of the public and private elementary, middle and high schools located in the City of Miami Beach over the period of November 8, 1995, to November 15, 1995. Thirteen schools were initially contacted and twelve agreed to participate in the survey (see Attaclunent 1 List of Participating Schools). Children in three respective age categories were selected to obtain a representative sample of the range of school-aged park users and to obtain the data in a timely manner,. Specifically, children in grades three, seven and ten were targeted to provide feedback as they represent an appropriate range of park users. One class at random in each of the twelve schools was selected to receive the surveys. Approximately 400 surveys were distributed and 297 surveys were completed, returned and analyzed. The City of Miami Beach divides the city into three distinct park districts: north, central and south. The survey results were tabulated and analyzed on this basis. Overall survey results for the entire park planning area are also presented. Survey respondents were asked seven questions which sought to determine the frequency of park usage, the types of activities most children engage in, suggestions on how to improve the parks, and general demographic information. The key findings are organized around the survey questions. The next section presents the key findings of the sur\;ey. December 28, 1995 Page 1 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis ~ Overall Survey Results The following section presents overall survey results for all 297 respondents to the original survey. The survey results are presented for each of the survey's seven questions below. Accompanying graphies for the overall survey results are appended to this document as Attachment 2. Question 1: Park Usage This question asked respondents to indicate how frequently they use the park system on a weekly basis. . The majority of park users (63%) indicated that they use the parks one to two times per week. Approximately eighteen percent and twelve percent of respondents frequent parks between three to four and five or more times a week respectively. Question 2: Park Activities This question sought to detennine what childrens' favorite park activities were. . The majority of respondents (55%) indicated that basketball was their favorite activity. Rollerblading was also selected by a majority (52%) of respondents as their most popular activity. Individual pursuits such as bicycle riding, swimming in a pool, and ice skating rounded out the top five favorite activities. The least favorite park activities were swimming in the ocean, roller hockey, jogging, racquet ball and golf Question 3: Other Activities Cited This open-ended question asked respondents to indicate other activities not specifically listed in Question Two in which they would be interested. . Organized after school activities ranked as the number one activity that children preferred. The activities comprising this category include dancing, singing, parties and reading. This finding, however, may not be representative of the school-aged population because the bulk of the responses came from one school, Treasure Island Elementary School. Other Activities, which comprise a host of organized and unorganized activities such as bowling, frisbee, go-carts and jump rope, is the second most popular activity cited. Gymnastics, concerts and intramural sports are the third, fourth and fifth most popular other activities. December 28, 1995 Page 2 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis ......- !) Question 4: Park Improvement Suggestions This open-ended question prompted children to think of ways that the parks in their area could be improved. The responses ranged from physical improvements to providing more progranuning and facilities for new activities such as ice skatinglrollerblading. . By far, the most prominent park improvement suggestion was to keep the parks clean. Children were particularly cognizant of litter on the ground and specifically noted that parks needed to have more garbage cans and littering enforcement provisions. Typical responses were: "1brow away trash into the cans not on the ground" and "They should be cleaner". . The second most important issue children cited was their need to feel safe and secure while they were at the park. Typical responses were: "You can have more adults", "Have more protection", and, "Get rid of the bums". . Children were also aware that park equipment needed to be upgraded in some cases or needed to be provided where it was lacking. . Of almost equal importance was the need for parks to improve their appearance, enhance the landscaping, and provide snack bar and vending machine facilities. Typical responses were: "Cleaning up, snack bar, more trees", "Paint over the graffiti and clean up the parks". Question 5: Mode of Travel to Park This question asked children to indicate how they got to their local park. . The three most p'opular means of travel were: 1. Being Driven (29%) 2. Walking (23%) 3. Multi-modal (22%) Question 6: Age Distribution This question asked children to indicate their age. . The age distribution for the overall survey is illustrated in graphic entitled, "Respondents Age Distribution -- All Schools." December 28, 1995 Page 3 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis ro 1 Question 7: Place of Residence In this question, children were asked to indicate whether they resided in Miami Beach. . The majority of children (78%) indicated that they lived in the City of :Miami Beach. Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis December 28, 1995 Page 4 North Park District This section presents the survey findings for the northern park district of the City of Miami Beach. Accompanying graphics for the north district survey results are appended to this document as Attachment 3. Question 1: Park Usage This question asked respondents to indicate how frequently they use the park system on a weekly basis. . The majority of park users (56%) indicated that they use the parks one to two times per week. Approximately nineteen percent and sixteen percent frequent parks between three to four and five or more times, respectively. Question 2: Park Activities This question sought to determine what childrens' favorite park activities were. . The majority of respondents (60%) indicated that using playground equipment was their favorite activity. Rollerblading was also selected by a majority (56%) of respondents as their most popular activity. Basketball, bike riding and playing outdoor games rounded out the top five favorite activities. The least favorite park activities were swimming in the ocean, roller hockey, jogging, golf and racquet ball. Question 3: Other Activities Cited This open-ended question asked respondents to indicate other activities not specifically listed in Question Two in which they would be interested. . Organized After School Activities ranked as the number one activity that children would like to be involved in. The second most popular activity that kids would like to participate in is gymnastics. Intramural sports and basebalVfootball were tied for the third most popular activity. Question 4: Park Improvement Suggestions This open-ended question prompted children to think of ways that the parks in their area could be improved. . North Park district children felt that the parks in their area needed to be kept clean. December 28, 1995 Page 5 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis g . The second most important issue children cited was their need to feel safe and secure while they were at the park. . Children indicated that the provision of more instructors would be helpful. A typical response was: "More adults to help". . Of almost equal importance was the need for parks to improve their appearance and enhance the landscaping. Question 5: Mode of Travel to .Park This question asked children to indicate how they got to their local park. . The three most popular means of travel were: 1. Being Driven (34%) 2. Walking (32%) 3. Multi-modal (13 %) Question 6: Age Distribution This question asked children to indicate their age. . The age distribution for the north park district respondents is illustrated in graphic entitled, "Age Distribution - North Park District Schools." Question 7: Place of Residence In this question, children were asked to indicate whether they resided in Miami Beach. . The majority of children (81 %) indicated that they lived on the Beach. December 28, 1995 Page 6 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis Cf Central Park District This section presents the survey findings for the central park district of the City of Miami Beach. Accompanying graphics for the north district survey results are appended to this document as Attachment 4. Question 1: J!ark Usage This question asked respondents to indicate how frequently they use the park system on a weekly basis. . The majority of park users (68%) indicated that they use the parks one to two times per week. Approximately seventeen percent and nine percent frequent parks between three to four and five or more times, respectively. Question 2: Park Activities This question sought to determine what childrens' favorite park activities were. . The majority of respondents (61 %) indicated that playing basketball was their favorite activity. Swimming in a pool was also rated by a majority (55%) of kids as the second most popular activity. Rollerblading was the third most popular activity selected by a majority (51 %) as well. Bike riding and volleyball rounded out the top five favorite activities. The least favorite park activities were jogging, roller hockey, playing outdoor garnes, golf and racquet ball. Question 3: Other Activities Cited This open-ended question asked respondents to indicate other activities not specifically listed in Question Two in which they would be interested. . Other Activities such as frisbee, bowling and playing catch were ranked as the number one activity that children participate in. The second most popular activity was concerts/movies. Kids in one school in particular, Nautilus Middle School wanted the opportunity to watch free movies and play video games. Organized After School Activities and Roller Hockey/Skate Boarding were selected as the third and fourth ~ost popular additional activities. December 28, 1995 Page 7 :Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis to Question 4: Park Improvement Suggestions This open-ended question prompted children to think of ways that the parks in their area could be improved. . Central Park district children felt that the parks in their area needed to be kept dean. . The second most important issue children cited was their need to feel safe and secure while they were at the park. . The third most important improvement suggestion that children made was for the parks to provide snack bar and vending machine facilities. The vast majority of kids that made this suggestion came from North Beach Elementary School. . Of almost equal importance was the need to improve the existing facilities in the district. Providing better basketball courts was a typical response. Question 5: Mode of Travel to Park This question asked children to indicate how they got to their local park. . The three most popular means of travel were: 1. Multi-modal (29%) 2. Being Driven (26%) 3. Walking (19%) Question 6: Age Distribution This question asked children to indicate their age. . The age distribution for the central park district respondents is illustrated in graphic entitled, "Age Distribution - Central Park District Schools." Question 7: Place of Residence In this question, children were asked to indicate whether they resided in Miami Beach. Children were asked to indicate whether they resided in Miami Beach. . The majority of children (75%) indicated that they lived on the Beach. December 28, 1995 Page 8 Miami Beach Paries Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis II South Park District This section presents the survey findings for the southern park district of the City of Miami Beach. Accompanying graphics for the north district survey results are appended to this document as Attaclunent 5. Question 1: Park Usage This question asked respondents to indicate how frequently they use the park system on a weekly basis. . The majority of park users (53%) indicated that they use the parks one to two times per week. Approximately twenty two percent and sixteen percent frequent parks between three to four and five or more times, respectively. Question 2: Park Activities This question sought to detennine what childrens' favorite park activities were. . The majority of respondents in this district (63%) indicated preferred swimming in a pool to any other activity. Ice skating was ranked as the second most popular park activity followed by rollerblading, bicycle riding and tennis. The least favorite park activities were racquet ball, roller hockey, golf and using playground equipment. Question 3: Other Activities Cited This open-ended question asked respondents to indicate other activities not specifically listed in Question Two in which they would be interested. . . Unusual Other Activities such as having a kissing booth and playing in snow were selected as other activities that kids would like to participate in. Baseball/football and gymnastics were selected as the second most popular other activities. Question 4: Park Improvement Suggestions This open-ended question prompted children to think of ways that the parks in their area could be improved. . South Park district children like all of the other park district children expressed a strong desire to see their parks cleaned up. December 28, 1995 Page 9 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis 12 . Children in this district ranked the second most important improvement as the provision of an ice skating rink. . The third most important improvement suggestions were to improve the equipment and provide snack bar and vending facilities. Question 5: Mode of Travel to Park This question asked children to indicate how they got to their local park. . The three most popular means of travel were: 1. Being Driven (25%) 1. Rollerblading (25%) 2. Walking (16%) 2. Bicycling (16%) Question 6: Age Distribution This question asked children to indicate their age. . The age distribution for the south park district respondents is illustrated in graphic entitled, "Age Distribution -- South Park District Schools." Question 7: Place o(Residence In this question, children were asked t.o indicate whether they resided in Miami Beach. Children were asked to indicate whether they resided in Miami Beach. . The majority of children (81 %) indicated that they lived on the Beach. December 28, 1995 Page 10 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis \3 END OF PRELIMINARY SURVEY ANALYSIS cc: Kevin Smith! City of Miami Beach Julio Grave de Peralta! City of Miami Beach Willy Bennello! B&A Rai F emandezl B&A Amy Kimball B&A Rob Curtis! B&A Louisa Van Leer B&A Fabien Bourdon! B&A Violet Fong! B&A Arturo Fanjull B&A Aida Curtis! Curtis & Rogers Margie Spencer! Bugdal Group Carlos Garcia! HNGS Project file 9554.000 Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Preliminary Children's Survey Analysis IY December 28, 1995 Page 11 ATTACHMENT! LIST OF PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS 15 List or Participating Schools 1. St. Patrick Catholic School 2. St. Joseph Catholic School 3. South Pointe Elementary School 4. North Beach Elementary School 5. Biscayne Elementary School 6: Treasure Island Elementary School 7. Nautilus Middle School 8. Miami Beach Senior High School 9. Greater Miami Hebrew Academy Elementary School 10. Greater Miami Hebrew Academy High School 11. Lehrman Day School 12. Mesivta High School Ib ATTACHMENT 2 SURVEY GRAPffiCS - ALL SCHOOLS ,1 rn - 0 0 ! s:- O C III en 8 - - <( ~ (1) (1) ~ ~ (1) a. Q) C) ~ rn :J ~ ~ ~ a. 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Q) 0 c: ~2' ~ E J ~~ :c Q) () 0 ~ II > .I .. :::E 0 01 '"" - II CD ~ 0.. ="0 c: lila: '1:l ~ iii a.. Q. I! ~ a. ~ a:; "2' ~ ~ E ~'i :::::l E 0..:0: :;:. 01 ~ ...1/) c: II) 0.. ~ ~ ii 0 .. a- ll! a: :; i" I/) .. .. ~ ! ~ 0 ~ 0: 0: lUaWaAOJdwl t-j6' ... '" 3: "'<fl ~tO o Z i;j "'Sit .1 ~ '"" ~ :E - Cl) > C'O .... l- I+- o en Q) "'C o 2 ~ o ~ '" '" > C5~ C1JN C o '" E o en - o o .r. (.) (J) ...., U .i: +" rJ) .- C ~ .... C'O 0. .r. +" ::;j o (J) ~tf!. "'to ~~ en ~ .... C'O a.. o otJ L-f~ - 0 0 .J:: (.) en otJ (.) .- ... otJ In .- C ~ .... C'O ::if. 0. Ot"") .... .r:. otJ ::;j 0 0) if. en cSi c 0 .- +J ::;j .0 .i: +J In .- 0 CJ) C) < ~'1 - 0 0 .J:: (.) (J) ...., (.) .i: +" rJ) .- 0 ~ .... ra Q. .r:. +J ::J 0 en Q; .J:: 3: ~oli! (.) <(0") C'O 0 z Q) m .- E ra :2E I+- 0 ...., c Q) "'C .- rJ) Q) ~ I C 0 Z :t:J c Q) "'C .- en Cl) ~ '1g " MB SUNDAY. DECEMBER 17.1995. THE HERALD' 2S r PARKS MASTER PLAN COMMUNITY MEETING SCHEDULE MAJOR PARKS to - All persons interested in the renovations and future use of the City of Miami Beach's major parks & recreation facilities are invited and encouraged to attend the following meetings: j:2i=__~g=2i"H~7'~""";;. . PARKS DATElTIME PLACE Flamingo Monday, January 8, 1996 Police Athletic League (PAL), 6:30 p.m. Aamingo Park. 999 11th StreBt South Pointe Thursday, January 11, 1996 South Pointe 8ementary School 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria, 1050 4th Street North Shore Open Space Wednesday. January 17, 1996 North Shore Teen Center North Shore 6:30 p.m. 501 72nd Street . Scott Rakow youth Center Thursday, January 18, 1996 City Hall, Par Three Golf Course 6:30 p.m. 1700 Convention Center Drive First Roar Conference Room - yq lO Cf"" OIJ' ...1.... 8EAC'" - CITY HAll 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 PHONE: (305) 673-7730 FAX: p.oSl 673-7074 December 14, 1995 RE: COMlltfUNITY ~fEETINGS - PARKS MASTER PLAN FOR MAJOR PARKS Dear Association President: Please fmd attached a revised community meeting schedule to review the proposed renovations for our major parks facilities. These meetings, which will be held in January, will focus on the plans for improving Flamingo Park, South Pointe Park, Nortlt Shore, Park Nortlt Shore Open Space Park and tlte Scott Rakow Youth Center. The use of these facilities is not limited to a specific geographic - area. Since these facilities are utilized by residents throughout Miami Beach it is important to us that you participate in planning for the future use of these parks. Once again, please inform the members of your association, as well as your neighbors, of these upcoming meetings. Please check the Neighbors Section of the Miami Herald to confirm these meeting dates and places or call 673-7700. Thank you again for your commitment to the City of Miami Beach's parks system and your contribution to our community's improved quality oflife. We look forward to seeing you in January. Happy Holidays to you and your family! Sincerely, ~~~rr r V Recreation, Culture and Parks Department Ik.m cc: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa, City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Sugar Firtel, Assistant Director of Recreation Kaslyn Mohamed, Special Projects Coordinator 50 P ARKS MASTER PLAN REVISED COMMUNITY MEETING SCHEDULE PARKS DATErnME PLACE Flamingo Monday, January 8, 1996 Police Athletic League (PAL), 6:30 p.m. Flamingo Park, 999 11 th Street South Pointe Thursday, January 11, 1996 SOllth Pointe Elementary School . 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria, 1050 4th Street North Shore Open Space Wednesday, January 17, 1996 Xorth Shore Teen Center North Shore 6:30 p.m. 501 72nd Street Scott Rakow Youth Center Thursday, January 18, 1996 City Hall, Par Three Golf Course 6:30 p.m. 1700 Convention Center Drive First Floor Conference Room 51