Attachment M CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 3L.L:,-~ TO: Mayor Seymour ~Iber and Members of the City Commission DATE: June 19, 1996 FROM: .Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager RESOLt1TION ADOPT IMPROVEMENTS TO G THE GENERAL OBLIGATION ,BOND MASTER PLAN FOR CITY'S PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES SUBJECT: ADMINITSTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the City_Commission discuss the outstanding issues regarding the recommended improvements and adopt the General Obligation Bond Master Plan. BACKGROUND: At a special election conducted on November 8, 1994, the citizens of Miami Beach approved a $15 million General Obligation Bond to fund improvements to the city's parks system. On July 12, 1995, following the issuance of a Request for Letters of Interest and a selection process, the City Commission authorized execution of an agreement with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc. to provide architectural and other related professional services required for the master planning of the city's parks system. Since August of 1995, the consultants have conducted 16 community meetings; attended 12 meetings with boards and committees, 38 with administration and staff and 4 meetings with the mayor and commission to obtain input to this master planning process. At a City commission Workshop held on March 14, 1996, the administration was directed to conduct a city-wide parks tour with the commission and also to schedule three additional public meetings with the commission and the community. ANALYSIS: The status of the master plan recommendations as well as those outstanding issues and recommendations by the administration, Recreation Centers and Parks Facilities Board, Youth Center Advisory 'Board and B&A/CUrtis & Rogers, are outlined below. AGENDA ITEM ~W DATE~ Commission Mcmorandwn. I\IIle 19. 1996 Par!cs Master Plans Page 2 I. The following Master Plan and Bond Referendum Site Plans prepared by B&A/ curtis & Rogers have been reviewed and accepted by the Recreation Center and Parks Facilities Board and the administration. There are no further outstanding issues to be resolved regarding the following parks: Stillwater Crespi Tatum Fairway La Gorce Fisher Muss Pine Tree Island view Washington Palm Island Normandy Isle Flamingo Lummus Parks Maintenance Division Yard South Shore Community Center II. Outstanding issues requiring further direction and resolution are as follows: A. NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE 1.. Issue: Removal of existina fence along Collins Avenue Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Parks Facilities Board The fence should remain along Collins Avenue, but efforts should be made to improve its appearance while maintaining the safety and security features of the fence which are an important element for this park. o BeA/Curtis & Rogers The fence along Collins Avenue should remain in place. In order to approve the aesthetic quality of the fence, it should be painted and additional low planting material should be placed along the fence to visually soften the harsh fence line. o Administration Concur with the above recommendations of the Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board and Bermello, Ajamil to retain the fence. However, this should be conditional if in the future the Duany Plater-Zyberk plan is implemented the fence should be removed. 2. Issue: Relocation of loa cabin and nursery operations to the ~ark. Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Parks Facilities Board None Ccaunission Memorandum - June 19, 1996 Parlcs Master Plans Page 3 o B&A/CUrtis - Rogers Further studies need to be made on the structural integrity.o~ the log cabin to properly evaluate whether this structure can be rel~cated to North Shore Open Space Park. In addition, the Parks Department should verify that this establishment can continue to operate, once it is relocated on to park's ground. o Administration Concurs with the recommendation of Bermello, Ajamil. Coordination and communication with the Community Development Division to determine the feasibility of relocating this facility and is to ensure that the program can continue to operate, which is a requirement of the CDBG funding used to construct facility. 3. Issue: Basketball Comolex - Tennis comolex Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board Concurs with Bermello, Ajamil's recommendation o B&A/CUrtis _ Rogers Given the location of this park and its proximity to the water, it is recommended that neither a Basketball or Tennis Complex be located on this parcel of land. The introduction of these activities may destroy the natural beauty (attractiveness) and environmental qualities of this site. In addition, to have a properly functioning Basketball or Tennis Complex, night lighting would be necessary, "and this may adversely impact the Sea Turtle habitat. o Administration Concurs with Bermello, Ajamil's recommendation 4. Issue: On-site Darkina Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board Eliminate proposed parking at the north end of the park o B&A/CUrtis _ Rogers Eliminate all parking currently on park land; provide parking off site at the north end of the park at 87th Street. o Administration Concurs with B~'S recommendation. Additionally, if the lots to the west are developed, the City must work closely with the planners, Commission Memorandum. June 19, 1996 Parks Master Plans Page 4 Duany, Plater-Zyberk, Group to ensure that adequate parking is provided. B. NORTH SHORE PARK 1. ISSUE: Tennis Courts - 15 vs.12 Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board Concurs with B&A's recommendation o BeA and Curtis c Rogers Provide for removal of large sea grape tree and add one court to provide a total of twelve (12) courts. Reconstruct all courts as hydro courts. o Administration Concurs with B&A's recommendations 2. Issue: Additional Basketball Courts Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board Given the need for basketball courts, the board proposes that at least four (4) additional courts be provided in the north beach area. One of the existing parking lots on the west side of Collins Avenue should be converted to accommodate the additional basketball courts. o BeA/CUrtis c Rogers Given the need for additional basketball courts, B&A proposed as part of the Master Plan that the existing Parking Lot site between Harding and Collins Avenue, be used for (6) six additional basketball courts. A second study proposed, the use of the site directly north of Dickens Avenue for basketball courts. It is our recommendation that neither one of these sites be used for additional basketball courts, and that, as part of the Master Plan, (2) two ~dditional basketball courts be located at Normandy Isle Park, (1) additional basketball court at Crespi Park and (1) additional basketball court at Fairway Park in lieu of the hand- ball courts. o Administration Concurs with the Board's recommendation for additional basketball courts. Also concurs with B&A's recommendation for locating additional courts within the parks in the north beach area. Commission Memor.andum - JIUIC 19, 1996 Paries Master Plans Page S C. SOOTH POINTB PARK J.. :Issue: Additional Parkina Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board No additional parking should be provided in South Pointe Park. However, more of the existing parking should be available to park users. o BCA/CUrtis & Rogers An increase of (72) seventy-two parking spaces, is recommended which would provide a total of 292 parking spaces in the park. o Administration Concurs with B & A's recommendation. Additionally, re-striping of the lots is recommended which will provide an increase of approximately 20 parking spaces for a total of 312 spaces within the park. 2. :Issue: Removal of the existing Boardwalk along the east edge of the JLi.n... Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park FaciJ.ities Board None o BaA/Curtis & Rogers It is recommended that the Boardwalk be removed since this is crucial to the development of a cohesive dune system and will also allow for ocean viewing at the east termination of the park site. o Administration Concurs with B&A's recommendation. The removal of the boardwalk is contained as part of the master plan and will not be done as part of the bond program improvements. 3. :Issue: Demolition of Maintenance Facili~ and Band Shell Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board None Commission Memorandum - I\DIC 19. 1996 Parks Master Plans Page 6 o B&A/CUrtis << Rogers Demolition of these structures is recommended in order to develop a unified park o Administration Concurs with E & A's recommendation 4. :Issue: Scott Rakow Youth Center - :Ice Rink Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board Implement, as part of the Master Plan, a variation of the proposed Alternate 3, which relocates the ice rink to the northeast section of the site; and reconfigures the proposed ice rink to include expansion and encroachment onto the required set backs in order to accommodate the best functional alternative. o Youth Center Advisory Board Implement Alternate 3, as recommended by the Recreation Centers and Parks Facilities Board (see recommendation above), only make it slightly larger, squaring off the rink. The additional expense of between $600,000 and $700,000 should come from any available funds. o B&A and Curtis << Rogers Alternate 1 is recommended, which proposes to renovate and expand the existing rink in its present location from 3,865 square feet to 7,210 square feet, thereby increasing the ice surface by 87 percent. o Administration Concurs with B&A's recommendation. This plan should be amended to include bleachers to accommodate spectators. 5. Issue: Eliminate existina narkin~ lot on site and convert to field ~ Recommendations: o Recreation Centers and Park Facilities Board None o Youth Center Advisory Board Although the Board felt there is a definite need for a field at the Youth Center there was no formal motion passed related to this issue. Conunission Memorandum - June 19. 1996 Paries Master Plans Page 7 o B~ and CUrtis & Rogers It is that the existing parking lot along Pine Tree Drive be relocated as proposed in the Bond Referendum Site Plan and Master Plan. This additional area can be used for field play once the parking is removed. However, it is imperative that proper barriers be constructed along Pine Tree Drive to minimize any oncoming vehicular traffic from driving onto the site. o Administration Concurs with B&A's recommendation to relocate parking. It is further recommended that the proposed on-street parking be implemented prior to demolition of the existing lot to ensure that this new parking meets the needs of the users. CONCLUSION: The City Commission should accept the attached resolution adopting the Master plan for miscellaneous improvements to the city'S parks system and authorize the Administration to initiate the process of selecting architects to begin the design phase of the project. MDB:KCS#~ F: \RCPA \$ALL \MOHAMED\MASTERPL. MEM RESOLtJ'TION NO. 96-22030 A RBSOLtJ'TION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMI~SION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE MASTBR PLAN FOR MISCBLLANBOUS IHPROVRMBN"l'S TO PARKS AND RBCREATION BOND PROORAH SITBS; ADOPTING ALTBRNATB 3 FOR THB SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTBR ICE RINX, SUBJBc.-r TO IDBN"l'IP'YING THB SOURCB OF l"ONDING; INSTRUc.-rING THB ADK:t:NISTRATION TO MEET WITH METRO DADB COUNTY TRANSPORTATION TO DETBRMINE THB PERMANEN'l' CLOSURE OF SHERIDAN AVENUE, TO BB USBD FOR ADDITIONAL FIELD SPACB FOR THB YOUTH CBNTBR; AND AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO INITIATE THE PROCESS TO SBLBc.-r ARCHITEc.-rS TO BEGIN THE DESIGN PHASB OF THB PROJBc.-r. WHEREAS, at a Special Election conducted on November 8, 1994, the of Miami Beach approved a $15 million General Obligation Bond improvements to the City's parks system; and citizens to fund WHEREAS, on July 12, 1995, following the issuance of a Request for Letters of Interest and a selection process, the Mayor and City Commission authorized execution of an Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc. (Consultant) to provide architectural and other related professional services required for the Master Planning of the City'S parks system; and WHEREAS, since August of 1995, the Consultant has conducted a total of seventy-four (74) meetings with the community, City boards and committees, City Administration and staff, and the Mayor and City Commission in order to obtain input into the Master Planning process; and WHBREAS, Master Plan. the Mayor and City Commission will consider adoption of the WHEREAS, the Scott Rakow ice rink will be renovated in accordance with Alternate 3 of the Master Plan, subject to identifying the source of funding; and the Administration is to meet with Metro Dade County Transportation to discuss the permanent closure of Sheridan Avenue to add more field space to the Youth Center. NOW THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THB HAYOR AND CITY COMKISSION OF THB CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and adopt the attached City of Miami Beach General Obligation Bond Master Plan for improvements to the City's parks and recreation facilities, using Alternate 3 for the Scott Rakow ice rink, subject to identifying the source of funding; instruct the Administration to meet with Metro Dade County Transportation to discuss the permanent closure of Sheridan Avenue to add more field space to the Youth Center; and authorize the Administration to initiate the process of selecting architects to begin the design phase of the project. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 19th day of ATTEST: R oCw-r p~~ CITY CLERK p, \ReFA \SALL\MOIIAMIlD\MAPLIlll. OD i..- '\ '"'f fr APPRr',' ..- , I L,r-\l'" . \U. CU LEGA~ By ~ - Date7/' py-C'