Attachment O _ I,;;;;r //, II. r: --4. 1,-. /7 2f{.~ (.;<-1)&\;-""'" /-- ~/~<!,<-<-<..-L~L-~~ t1 / .(; ,(.<k. . b-r t!.z-r)(.J'tJ..~.J.Ln-:. ' l.~ flY OF MIAMI BEACH . C '\ - .-. . - --- '"'<:>,\ - ~ .. .,- . -, -, . ..,-.-c .~. L' · 7;'0 C.CN It=N : JCN C::::'-I I :::."'( u, " /::: "lI....,V!! _:::ACH. ,... _0 r-: ,0,... _.;,.;_ !TY;,r"_oo- t~. ". _iar:.i-::eacr..f1.uS .~:\,'C:..'.' . ~ ------ .;; == COMMISSION ME~IOR..-\"'-"Dl:;M ~O. 5) ~ -~ J TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and DATE: Jul:-- 16,1997 Members of the City Commission Jose GarCia_pedTosaj1 City Manager A RESOLUTION O! l\-L\ YOR A..'-"D CITY COl\-DfISSION OF THE CITY OF MlA:}IJ BEACH.FLORlDA,APPROVING.-\..'-"D AUTHORlZl';"G THE MAYOR AJ.'-"D CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEl\-f.ENTS WITIf THE FIR.'\JS OF BE&."I:ELLO, AJAMIL & PARTh'LRS, INC., CARR SMITIf ASSOCHTES, Al'-"D REG ARCHITECTS, L'ic.. PURSUANT TO RFLI ~l:rM:BER 11-96/97 TO PROVIDE P1WFESSIONAL ARCHITECTu"'R.AIJENGI:i.'-'LERING SERVICES FOR THE PARKS A1'-"D RECREATION l\'L\STER PLAi.'I' DESIGN. FROM: SUBJECT: ADMI.!'ITSTRA TION RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROmm: On November 8, 1994 the citizens of Miami Beach approved the issuance of $15 rI'JIIion in general obligation bonds for park improvements. A Master Plan was prepared by Bermello. Ajamil & Partners, Inc. in cooperation with the City Commission, the Administrat,ion, Recreational Facilities and Parks Advisory Board., the Youth Center Advisory Board, and the community. The Master Plan addresses the needs of twenty parks of various sizes, and improvements for the Boardwalk and bikeways. The City of Miami Beach issued RFLI Number I 1-96/97 seeking the professional services of an architectural/engineering firm or firms to provide design services, construction and bidding documents, construction observation, project administration, scheduling, and cost estimating for this project Important aspects considered were standardization of furnishings, materials and equipment; assisting the City in pre-purchasing many typical items in order to minimize facilities' operational disruptions. One-hundred ninety-on; notices and thirty-nine specification packages were mailed. and the RFP was advertised in the Daily Business Review and Internet, resulting in responses from the following SLX firms: Bermello; Ajamil & Partners, Inc. Carr Smith Associates Gambach-Sklar, Inc, Giller & Giller, Inc. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc, REG Architects, Inc, Oral presentations were he3.rd bv a Evaluation Committee on Janua..rv 16 1997, Some of the kev factors which we,e co~s~~ered during the evaluation' process were past experience in d~si~ and engineering of p~ks and recreational facll1tIes, the current and projected workloads of the [urns, design sensiti"ity to the Miami Beach area, and the qualifications and experience of the firm's staff members, AGE~1>A ITEM c..,p 7-1L,-'17 401 DATE COMMISSION MEMO PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTGR..UJENGJ?\fEERL"'iG SERVICES .TULY 16,1997 PAGE 2 The Evaluation Committee voted u;lar.i."Ilously to split this project into three groups of sites, and tC' recomme;ld contract ne:zotiations with the three too-ranked [ums ofBermello, Ajamil & Pan.'1e:-s. Carr Smith Associates, and REG Architects. Th~ Committee further re;omme:1ded the' work scope related to the program scheduling and bulk purchasing of furnishings, fixtures and equipment be awarded to a single frrm. rne Evaluation Committee's recol!'.rnendations we:-e then fonvarded to the City Manager who analyzed them, and ulti.'7late!y made his recommendations to the City Commission, The Cornmission approved a request to accept the rar.kings of the proposals received and authorized the Admi.'1istration to enter into negotiations with the three top ranked frrms, as recommended by the City Manager. ANAL YSIS: On going contract negotiations were conducted with the recom,nended firms, Following are the agreed upon salient points of each contract GROD""P A - BER.'VfELLO, AJAMll, & PARTNERS. INe. This group of sites consists of Lummus Park, North Shore Park, Nor-Jr Shore Open Space Park, South Pointe Park, Pine Tree Park, the Parks Maintenance Facility, and the Bikeways, with an estimated construction cost of $4,886,855, Most of these parks are considered regional, with multiple facilities and visitors from outside their neighborhoods, and all require considerable landscaping design. FINAL SERVICE COMPOl'IENT ORIGINAL NEGOIT4.TED NOTES SUBMISSION FEE Basic Services $ 516,363 $ 352,392 (Includes 12 Community Meetings) (10.56%) (7.2%) Program Management & Coordination $ 120,825 $ 72.125 1 of Scheduling , Furnishing, Fixtures and Equipment $ 37,200 $ 10,000 2 Specifications Development Surveying $ 78,000 ~o,ooo ) 3 I i .~/ Environmental Permitting $ 49,912 $,25,000 3 ~ Reimbursables Not Stated ~ I~'oo0 .. ;) Grand Total: $802,300 $504,517 Notes: I, Bermello. Ajamil & Partners, Inc, \vill be responsible for the overall coordination and monitoring of all architectural firms working on the entire bond project. Its responsibilities will include but not be limited to the tracking of project schedules, budgeting, and program development. 2, All firms will be responsible for making their recommendations for standardized items such as lighting, playground equipment, park tables, benches, trash receptacles, signage, drinking fountains, etc, Following the City's selections of each type of item. Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. will be responsible for the development of bid specifications for each selected item. 3, This is a "Not to Exceed Amount" to be paid based on invoices submitted by the architect 402 I I 4 I I ~ I II I .~.. II .~ .., " , J , f " , f;. p i~ ;.:. i I: i: I I: l, r~;. i=. ~. I~ .. -- COMMISSION MEMO PROFESSIONAL ARCHlTECTURAl.JENGIN'EERING SERVICES .T(;'"LY 16, 1997 PAGE 3 :..:, . -- .-.-- . . '-- .... . . .. ~ ..' ." GROUP B - CARR SMITH ASSOCIA TIS This group of sit~ consists of the Scott Rakow Youth Center, Flamingo Park, and Normandy Park, ""ith an estimated construction cost of $4,993.181. Each of these sites will require specialized consultant services for the proposed work on the swimming pools and ice rink facility. Carr Smith Associates, a multi-disciplinary architectural, engineering, planning and construction consulting firm, has teamed with the following sub-consultants: Rosenberg Design Group for landscape architecture and irrigation. Fraga Engineers for mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering, Kehler Engineers, Inc. as pool specialists, Stansson Studio. Inc. for urban signage and str~tscape, E.R Bromlell and Associates for surveying, and CES for construction cost estimating services. The firm of Fraga Engineers has provided consulting services at the Miami Arena for the Panthers' ice rink and is currently serving as consultant for the new arena ice rink being built in Broward County, FINAL ORIGINAL 1'lL GOTIA TED NOTES SERVICE COMPONENT SUBMISSION FEE Biisic Services o' $ 701,996 $499,318 (Includes 12 Community Meetings) (14.0%) (10.0%) Program Management & Coordination $ 299,929 $ -0- 1 of Scheduling Furnishing, Fixnires and Equipment Not Clearly $ -0- 1 Specifications Development Stated NlA Surveying $ 13,500 $ 13 ,500 2 ..' -- .. Environmental p~tting rresting $ 8,250 $ 8,250 2 Reimbursables .~ $ 30,000 $ 15,000 2 , Grand Total: $1,053,675 $536,068 , ' - Notes: 1. Recommend award of this service component to Bennello, Ajamil & Partners, fuc. 2. This is a "Not to Exceed Amount" to be paid based on invoices submitted by the architect 403 PROFESSIONAL ARCIDTECTUR-\.L'ENGL\1EER11'lG SERv1CES JULY 16,1997 PAGE.., . ._-.... .....-...-4'..."" GROtl"P C - REG ARQIITECTS.lN'c. This group of sites consists mostly of the smalle:- ne:ghborhood parks _ Stillwater, Tatum, Crespi, Fairway, La Gorce, Fishe:-, Muss, Island View, Palm Island, South Shore Commtmiry Cente:-, and Washington Park, with an estimated construction cost of $2.6 million. REG Archlte:::ts, Inc. has provided archit~tural services for more than 10 parks and recreation facilities valued at Over $20 million since 1988. They have submitted a proposal with the following sub-consultants: Urban Resource Group for urban planning, Streetscape, and landscape architecture services, and CRA. Clarke, Inc. for structural engineering support Th;, "",,', p'" _1..- experience ""1_ ="'S prnonnd for the West lupi", Comm<mity Cen[",. Riverbend Park, Carlin Park, Jupiter Beach Pavilions, Northwood Community Cente:-, the Amphitheater and Town Center for City of West Palm Beach, Vedado Park Community Center, Mar-A-Lago Club Tennis & Spa Facilities, Lake Charleston Park, and many other proje:::ts 'v'vith facilities similar to those proposed in the neighborhood parks of Mami Beach. Notes: 1. Recommend award of this service component to Bermello, Ajami1 & Partners, Inc. 2. Tills is a "Not to Exceed Amount" to be paid based on invoices submitted by the architect. f r FINAL ORIGINAL NEGOTIATED FEE NOTES SERVICE CO~IPONEl'Il SUB;\-IISSION Basic Services $251,441 $208,000 (Includes 12 Community Meetings) (9,7%) (8,0%) Program Management & Coordination $231,400 $ -0- 1 of Scheduling N/A Furnishing, FL"<tUres and Equipment S 44,000 $ -0- 1 Specifications Development N/A Surveying Not Clearly $ 16,500 2 Stated Environmental Permitting ffesting N/A N/A Reimbursables $ 16,640 S 10,000 2 Grand T oeal: 5543,481 $234,500 I I I 404 In addition <o.n stand..-d ""hi[e'''''''l '<>Vi"" [0 be provided '" ,upulated, =h 1inn h", 'greed <0 _ge, fee at the ""'bfuh'd p=en"g, rat'S for "'Y wed: that ""'y be addd <0 thcir ,xi"'",g """<=[ due to the identification of ,dditioo,l fund,. Such funding ""'Y ",elude the Dade County Safe Neighbo,hood, Pori<, Bond. Federal or S"" _". or any other source secured by the City of Miami Beach. CONCLUSION: Approve the Resolution. 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