Attachment P ;ITY OF MIAMI BEACH TY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 iami-beach.f1.us COMMIS~ION MEMORA..."iDUM NO. 3D- 9 'i TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: January 21, 1998 Members of the City Commission Sergio ROdrigLlez Citv Manager A RESOLUTI N THE MAYOR Al'l"D CITY COMlvlISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE SUBiVllSSION OF FOUR GR.\.NT APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING IN A TOTAL AMOUNT OF 55,166,000, FROM THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BO~"D PROGR;\M FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENOVATING SEVERAL PARKS Al'ffi RECREATION FACILITIES WITHIN THE l\IIA1\1I BEACH PARK SYSTEM; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR A;'W CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED TO SAID APPLICATIONS; ESTABLISHING THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BOND PROGRA..M RENOVATION PROJECT WORK ORDER; AND FURTHER APPROPRIATING THE GRANT FUNDING INTO THE WORK ORDER FROM: SUBJECT: ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND: In June of 1995, the County, in conjunction with representatives of the Trust for Public Lands, initiated a survey to evaluate current and future recreation and parks needs of its residents. The survey disclosed the existence of a shortfall of over $1 billion in capital for basic repair and renovation of aging parks, development of new and underdeveloped facilities, and acquisition of land to meet open space deficiencies. In response to the survey, the City of Miami Beach reported a need for approximately $29 million in capital. (See attached list submitted.) The results of the survey were evaluated by the Citizens Advisory Council, a volunteer group formed by the Trust for Public Lands. The Citizens Advisory Council recommendations for funding were incorporated in the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance prepared and submitted to the Board of County Commissioners. Of the $29 million in funds requested by the City ofMiarni Beach, the Citizens Advisory Council recommended a total allocation of$7,316,000. (See attached listing as recommended.) AGENDA ITEM ClA l-tJ..\-9~ DATE "..' . ''';''- 27 '.',..,. ~ ~~~~~'.', (';;'~:':"'-' ~~'~^; The County Commission passed the Safe Neighborhood Parks Act of 1996 on July 16, 1996, authorizing a genera1-obligation bond measure to seek the approval of the voters of the County to sell up to $200 million bonds for purchase of land for future park sites, construction of new parks, and restoration of existing facilities throughout the County. The Ordinance also established a Citizen's Oversight Committee comprised of thirteen (13) members, one residing in each of the thirteen (13) County Commission districts. The Citizen's Oversight Committee was fonned to oversee the disbursement of the proceeds from the sale of said bonds. Based on the recommendations resulting from the Safe Neighborhood Parks Act of 1996, the City of Miami Beach will receive the following allocations: PARK PROJECT * Per Capita Funds * Beach and Boardwalk * North Shore Open Space Park * PAL Resource Center Flamingo Park * Swimming Pool Renovations PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF WORK PROPOSED AJ.'\10~1(S) Discretionary local park and recreation needs. S 941,000 Reconstruct beachfront boardwalks and initiate shoreline restoration. $3,000,000 Reconstruct park facilities, including boardwalk, decking and other shoreline features. $2,100,000 Reconstruct Miami Beach PAL facilities including athletic and community meeting facilities. $ 225,000 Renovate/reconstruct existing three City pools at the Rakow Youth Center, Flamingo Park and Normandy Isle Park. Sl,OOO,OOO Following the passage of the Safe Neighborhood Parks Act of 1996, the Citizen's Oversight Committee worked with community representatives and local Park and Recreation professionals to develop the guidelines for application and project implementation. ANALYSIS: The City of Miami Beach submitted applications to the Citizen's Oversight Committee for the following projects: GR4NT TITLE 1. Beach & Boardwalks 2. New Swimming Pool - Flamingo Park 3. P .A.L. Resource Center Flamingo Park 4. S. Rakow Ice Skating Rink YEAR ONE FUNDING (FY 97/98) TOTAL GR~NT 1,185,000 3,000,000 457,000 225,000 1,000,000 225,000 117,600 941,000 28 [J II I I I I I I rI I I I I I , ,I t' ..:; l' L .~~~ ----- J J I I I I I I I - I t. The application for this grant was received by the City's Recreation, Culture and Parks Department after the July 17, 1997, Commission agenda deadline and was due to be submitted to the County on July 31, 1997. Specific wording of this Resolution, as required by Miami-Dade County, was only recently made available. The City will submit the remaining application for North Shore Open Space Park when the pending Altos del Mar issues are resolved. CONCLUSION: The Administration recommends that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution ratifying the submission of four grant applications for funding in a total amount of $5, 166,000 from the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all necessary documents related to said applications, establishing the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program Renovation Project Work Order and appropriating the grant funding into the work order. s~"*,,om/eb F:\RCP A ISALL \K.EV11'<'\SN1'BGRNT, COM 29 .u LI CITY OF IYIlAJ."VII BEACH, . PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR DADE COlj'~TY PARKS, RECREATION, BE.~CHES II A~1) CULTURAL FACILITIES IYfEASlTRE OF 1996 BEACH RESTORA TIONI BOARD'V ALK I BROAD'V ALK ENHANCEI'trENTS Funding Request: $10 lVlilIion The beaches of Miami Beach, world renowned for their beauty, are utilized by thousands of Dade County citizens, tourists and guests on a daily basis. According to statistics provided by the City of Miami Beach Patrol over 7.5 million visitors used the City's beach in 1995. This is an incredible statistic considering the entire surface of this beach is only 7.5 miles long. The every increasing popularity of this beach has ta.'<en its toll over the years and it is now time for its restoration. In 1995 the City of Miami Beach, with the cooperation and participation of Dade County Parks Department, Rotel Owners, beach concessionaires, DER.M: and other interested organizations and individuals fonnulated a Beach Master Planning Committee. This committee was charged 'with the monumental task of identifying all the elements of the existing beach experience that the tourist, resident, or day guest encounters in a typical visit to the beach. It was also the committee's task to analyze what components should be added, removed or modified to enhance this experience and to ultimately make Miami Beach a "World Class Beach." Based on the extensive ~tudy and evaluation conducted by this working committee it was determined that the beach needed extensive restorations in areas. These included but not limited to landscaping, restroomsl concession stands, street ends, parking lots, boardwalk:! broadwalk enhancements and extensions, new lifeguard stands, beach maintenance equipment and dune renorishiment and replanting. To this end the City of Miami Beach received the approval from the City Commission to issue a Request for Proposals for professional master planning services. This RFP is in the development process and will be issued soon. The beach is currently operated by.the City of Miami Beach and the area east of the dune is maintained by Dade County's Beach Maintenance Division. If this project is funded, it will be administered by the City of Miami Beach with the oversight and guidance of the established Beach Master Planning Committee, chaired by Commissioner David Pearlson. Considering the beach is Dade County's most popular tourist attraction, generates extensive tourism tax dollars and is the our most valuable resource is very important that this project be funded if this measure is approved by the voters. 30 - I I I I I I I I I I J I :J , ~ I J I I J I I I I ~ I I I.: ~ J..... :rc.~. cITY OF :MJA~n BEACH GOLF COTJRSES RESTOR.\. TION Funding Request: Bayshore Golf Course $3.5 million Normandy Shores Golf Course $3.5 million Par 3 golf Course $2.0 million The City of Miami Beach currently owns three golf courses. Bayshore (118.51 acres) and Normandy Shores (126 acr~s) courses are 18 holes and the Par 3 (25 acres) is a 9-hole facility. The courses have significant regional impact, providing recreational opportUnities for thousands of Miami Beach and Dade County residents and tourists on a year round basis. These enhanced facilities will offer Dade County residents a first class recreational experience and generate additional revenues by increasing the tourist base coming to Mianu Beach specifically to play golf or by extending their stay to play golf. All three facilities are presently in need of extensive renovation and restoration in areas including but not limited to the clubhouse, fairways, tees, greens, sand traps, cart paths, irrigation systems and' landscaping. Based on preliminary discussions with various golf course professionals the amounts requested are realistic. In an effort to obtain the future vision of what the City's golf courses should be the City Commission appointed a "Golf Visioning Committee" comprised of a Member of the City Commission, golf players who use the courses, golf professionals, Miami Beach residents, Golf . Advisory Board members, and Administration representatives. This group will serve as a steering committee. should the project be funded. COLLINS PARK! BASS l\1USEUM GARDENS BEAUTITICA nON PROJECT Funding Request: $2-? million The City of Miami Beach's Bass Museum is presently undergoing an expansion and renovation. The existing 16,000 square foot facility, constructed in 1930 will be renovated and a new addition of 24,900 square feet constructed for a total interior surface space of approximately 40,000 square feet. It is estimated the cost of this enhancement will be $8 million dollars. The original proposed design, developed by the world renowned architect Arata Isozaki, included an expansive garden complete with sculptures, majestic Royal Palms, reflecting pools and shade trees. This plan would extend from what is now the front of the Bass Museum through Collins Park and ultimately end at the ocean. Due to the cost of construction and the availability of funding for this landscape program, this component has been delayed. This project if funded would greatly enhance the cultural experience of the museum guest, and offer a respite area to enjoy the open air and beauty of a magnificent park. The City of Miami Beach has appointed an oversight committee for the construction of the Bass Museum. This committee is comprised of professionals in the fields of construction, museums, finance and other related experiences. If the program is funded this committee and the Bass 31 Museum Board Qf Trustees will be responsible for the administration of this project. NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK Funding Request: $ 3 million This 34-acre park, located. on Collins A venue and the ocean between 79th and 87th streets is one of the last remaining undeveloped beach front! dune areas in Dade County. Facilities in the park include an extensive boardwalk! deck system that travels throughout the beach front, covered picnic shelters, grills, restrooms and concession facilities, mature landscaping, small nature center and Dade County Turde Hatchery. Additional recreational facilities include a playground, beach volleyball courtS, a guarded swim area, and Dade County's Beach Maintenance Division. The park is used by thousands of beach goers annually. The park has a significant regional impact on the open space in Dade County, serving as a primary weekend recreational destination for Dade County residents, and tourists. Due to the severe impact of the ocean environment the facilities including the boardwalk, buildings and decking are in need of extensive reconstruction. North Shore Open Space Park is operated by the Recreation, Culture and Parks Department. If funded a comprehensive -renovation of the park would be administered through this Department with the guidance of the City Commission, rpe Administration and the Recreational Facilities and Parks Advisory Board. SWThfMING POOLS RENOVATIONS! NEW CONSTRUCTION Funding Request: $4.5. Million The City of Miami Beach is completing a comprehensive Parks Master Plan for twenty-two (22) parks and recreation sites. The goal of this master plan is to provide a "total picture" of what the City's parks system should be to meet the recreational needs of our residents and visitors well into the future. The master plan architects, based on input and comments'from residents at sixteen (16) community meetings have developed a comprehensive listing of parks and recreation facilities and programs the citizens would want included in their revised parks system. The first phase of this master plan will soon be complete, and it is clear the recreational facilities requested by our residents far exceed the resources presently available to provide the optimum facilities. One recreational facility residents have requested consistently is a new swimming pool in their neighborhood. The City currently has three (3) pools. These are located at Normandy Isle, the Scott Rakow Youth Center, and Flamingo Park. These pools are extensively utilized year round by all segments of the citizenry, from youths to senior citizens. It has been determined by the master planners that the pool at the Youth Center is in good 32 CI . II [J . II . - I I - II J , - - J I J .~ .-:.. J J I I I I I I I I J I I. condition, but the ones at Normandy Isle Park and Flamingo par,l.;: should be demolished and new ones built in their place. The community has also requested that an additional new pool be constructed at North Shore Park. The City of Miami Beach is requesting $1.5 million dollars for each of three pools to pay f~r the cost of such construction. This project would be administered under the guidance of the City Commission, this Administration, the Recreation, Culture and Parks Depanment and the Recreational Facilities an~ Parks Advisory Board. 33 --- I ~I '~I ~I ~I ~I I - -- - - r/. ~I ~I ~I rl -I tj :;;:0 r': .... -, :: =41 ~, S n ~ 2 - ;::::;1 ~I = - . ..... = r': :;;:0 ~ -' - = c - .... - - :'1 Ir- r. -, > -- - (':. C ~ - r. -. >- - n -, ~ - - - - (J cr. - >- .- ,... r. - ~ ("; A r. c:r. - :::: r. 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A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR A.1'Iffi CITY CO:MJ.VllSSION OF THE CITY OF MIA.MI BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE SUBMISSION OF FOUR GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING IN A TOTAL A.l\10UNT OF $5,166,000, FROM THE MlAJ."ll-DADE COUNTY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BOND PROGRAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENOVATING SE"VERU PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES WITHIN' THE MIAMI BEACH PARK SYSTEM; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR A.1W CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED TO SAID APPLICATIONS; ESTABLISIDNG THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BO~J) PROGRAM RENOVATION PROJECT WORK ORDER; AND FlJRTHER APPROPRIATING THE GR.\NT FUNDING INTO THE WORK ORDER. WHEREAS, the Citizens of Miami-Dade County have authorized the issuance of general obligation bonds (the "Bonds") for the purpose of financing capital improvement programs for certain parks, beaches, natural areas and recreation facilities; and WHEREAS, to implement and give effect to the bond program, Miami- Dade County, Florida enacted Ordinance 96-115, the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance (the "Ordinance"); and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to improve the quality of life, to benefit property values, to promote prevention of juvenile crime by providing positive recreation opportunities, and to improve the recreation facilities of youth, adult, and senior citizens in this community through the improvement of our parks and natural areas; and WHEREAS, in order to foster those important values, the following projects have been identified for reimbursement pursuant to the terms of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the Ordinance, the passage of this Resolution and the acts contemplated by this Resolution are conditions to obtaining a grant; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach ("City") made applications for the grant monies for the projects listed in Section I below subject to all terms and conditions of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, these grant applications were received by the City's Recreation, Culture and Parks Department after the July 17, 1997 Commission agenda deadline and were due and submitted to Miami-Dade County on July 3 I, 1997; and WHEREAS, the conditions as required by Miami-Dade County for receipt of grant monies were only recently made available to the Recreation, Culture and Parks Department, therefore requiring this after the fact authorization by the City for the submittal of the subject grant applications. 35 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOL YEn BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COlVlMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City hereby authorizes the City Manager or his designee to make application for grants for the projects and in the amounts listed below, and in connection with such application to execute such grant agreements and other contracts and documents, subject to approval of the City and its Legal Department, to expend Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds received for the purposes described in the funding request, to execute any necessary amendments to the grant application and contracts, and take such other acts as may be necessary accomplish the intent of this Resolution. Application shall be made with respect to each of the following projects (the "Projects") in the amounts set forth below: GRANT TITLE YEAR ONE F1JNDING (FY 97/98) TOTAL GRANT 1. 2. Beach & Boardwalks New Swimming Pool- Flamingo Park P .A.L. Resource Center Flamingo Park S. Rakow Ice Skating Rink 1,185,000 3,000,000 457,000 1,000,000 3. 225,000 I 17,600 225,000 941,000 4. Section 2. The City of Miami Beach shall complete each of the Projects in accordance with the terms of the grant agreement, the Ordinance, and the administrative rules authorized by the Miami-Dade County Citizens' Oversight Committee (the "Committee") to implement the Ordinance. If the total cost of a Project exceeds the value allocated in the grant, then the City of Miami Beach will provide any supplemental funds required to complete the Project. In the event that supplemental funds are necessary for completion of a Project, as of the point in time that it is known that such supplemental funds are needed, the City of Miami Beach will demonstrate that such supplemental funds have been committed to the Project prior to and as a condition of disbursement of future disbursement of grant funds. The requirement for the City of Miami Beach to provide any supplemental funds required to complete the Project may, at the sole discretion of the Committee, be modified in whole or part by a reduction in scope of work consistent with the Ordinance. Section 3. The City of Miami Beach recognizes and directs that any beach, park, or other public facility acquired, developed, rehabilitated or restored with bond funds, including the Projects, shall be open and accessible to the public without discrimination as to race, color, gender, age, religion, belief, residence, natural origin, marital status, or disability. Section 4. To the extent allowed by law and its adopted budget, the City of Miami Beach shall commit any and all funds which may be required to operate, maintain, and provide programming at each park project upon its completion. Section 5. No substitution in capital project funding by the City of Miami Beach shall occur as a result of the grant for which the City is applying. 36 . I i 'I I I I I I I II Ii ,~, II "'1 II , , I Section 6. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute all necessary documents related to the grant applications. I Section 7. The Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Project Work Order is hereby established for the purpose of renovating several parks and recreation facilities within the Miami Beach Parks System, and the funds received are appropriated into the work order. I PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , 1998. I I MAYOR ATTEST: I - CITY CLERK F:\RCP A \SALL \KEVIJo.<'\SNB2.RES APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION - V1(p)- :1 , , , - , ~ , , 37