Attachment Q CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Cn"Y HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33~39 http://cLm iam i-beach, fL us COM.:YlISSION ME~IOR-\;\.-nUM ~O. q ~-O;){ TO: Mayor Neisen Kasdin and j\-lembers of the City Commission DA TE: February 18, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: REFERR-\L T THE FINANCE A:\'D CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE OF TWO GR-\NT APPLICATIONS FOR THE POTENTIAL ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR NA TUR-\L RESOURCE CONSERVA nON, OUTDOOR RECREA nON AND URBAN GREEN SPACE. ADMTNTSTRA nON RECOM!VTENDA nON: The Administration recommends the referral of this item to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for discussion and direction. BACKGROUND: The Recreation, Culture and Parks Department has received two grant application packages for the potential acquisition of additional land for natural resource conservation, outdoor recreation and urban green space. The fIrst application is a Challenge Grant from the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks (SNP) Bond Program, and the second application is froIT? the Department of Community Affairs - Florida Communities Trust's Preservation 2000 Program. The following is a brief overview of the requirements of each application. o Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Challenge Grants o A toral ofS15 million in funding is available Countywide. $7 Million is available for land acquisition, construction and development of youth recreation and services facilities; 58 million for natural areas, recreation, and open space land acquisition, o Youth recreation and services facilities for economically/socially deprived areas as described in County Ordinance 96-115 only. (See attached map). o Funding is for Capital Projects only. bond funds may not be used for program operation or maintenance, o Dollar for Dollar Cash Match - both categories. o Projects must be complete within three (3) years. o Appraisals are required prior to acquisition of property, - one (I) appraisal if 5500,000 or less - two (2) appraisals if over 5500.000 o Property may not be purchased with SNP funds until a Phase I environmental survey is complete, o Funding is granted on a reimbursement basis, o COr::lpleted grant applications must be submitted to Miami-Dade County no later than April 10, 1998. AGENDA ITEM CL/B- 2..1 8-08 15 DATE ~ II ~ . ITJ H ~ ! , - , , I I I I I I 1 CITHVIDE GRA:-iT APPLICA TIOl'tS COMMISSION ~IEMO PAGE 2 2/18/98 . Florida Communities Trust's Preservation 2000 Program . A total of approximately $50 million is available for grants to local governments. The grants may be used to acquire land for natural resource conservation, outdoor recreation, and urban green space. . Any local government whose comprehensive plan has been found in compliance or has entered into a compliance agreement or will meet these conditions by the time the Project Site is acquired may apply. . All cities with a permanent population of more than 10,000 people are required to provide some level of match. Points are awarded in the application for matches of 50% (10 points). 55% (15 points), and 60% (20 points), . A proposed Project Site does not have to be completely pristine. The program allows outdoor recreation development of the site as long as such development does not have a detrimental impact to the natural resources on the Project Site, Depending on the extent of disturbed area on a site, improvements such as picnic areas, playgrounds, fishing piers, soccer fields or ball fields may be considered appropriate for a particular Project Site. . Applications must be received by the Florida Communities Trust no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 27, 1998. No waiver of the deadline shall be allowed. ANAL YSIS: Based on the expressed interest of the Mayor and Members of the City Commission as well as the Administration, a concentrated effort to identifY alternative funding sources to acquire land that will increase our City's parks inventory has been ongoing. The Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Challenge Grants and Department of Community Affairs Florida Communities Trust's Preservation 2000 Program grant programs are two viable sources that should be further investigated. There are a number of private properties that could be considered and discussed by the Commission. CONCLUSION: The attached grant applications/guidelines should be referred to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for their discussion and recommendations. s&'12s~eb F :\CMGR\SALL ILlJPlT A \CHALLENG. CM 16 , , CHALLENGE GR~~lS GE1'I'"ERAL INFORL"lATION I. ORDmA~"N'CE A 5200 Million Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Ordinance (96-115) passed in July 1196 1. Includes funding for : Specified Grants (Cities & County) Per Capita (Cities & County) Challange Grants (Public Agencies & Not-For-Profits) B. Overview of Challenge Grants 1. $7 Mlllion for land acquisition., con5"uucrion, and development of youth recreation and services facilities 2. $8 Mlllion for natural areas, recreation, and open space land acquisition c. Youth recreation and services facilities for economically/socially deprived areas as described in Ordinance 96-115 only. (SEE MAP) D. Capital Projects Only - bond funds may not be used for program operation or maintenance IT. ~NGE GRANT REQUIREl\1ENTS A Dollar for Dollar Cash Match - both categories B. Economically/Socially deprived areas - youth grants only C. The land acquisition and/or development must vest with a Public Agency - both categones D, Must complete the project within three (3) years F. Appraisals are required prior to acquisition of property - both categories _ oile (1) appraisal if $500,000 or less _ two (2) appraisals if over $500,000 17 l , , , I , I I , I 1 I I r 1 G. Property may not be purchased with S'N"P funds until a Phase I environmental survey is completed - both categories H. An independent certified audit must be completed on an annual basis - both categories IIL OTHER A No cap on the amount an agency may request B. Cost limits - .project planning, design, and administration may not exceed! 7% of the total bond proceeds allocated to a given project C. Reimbursement basis .of funding D. Rules require use of SNP bond funds last " 18 SAFE NEiGHBORHOOD PARK BOND CHALLENGE GRANT 1=; IG/BLE AREAS :...:~,::.~: ,':."'\...;..:",, ...- t I 1 I I , It i' N~ 79;iJi S;T '. -' ,.' I ",--- .1'.r! ',.T ,..': ;i, ':,.- ..1,-- )~~' .~,)-- :1-~ fj. /f.t::-l'r.-:;'~~. : '-. -- , I t ~\'..' ---- .." H.' MIAMI BEAC I I I I 0 a.5 1 ,1.~ - . , -- I I t- I O~MCQbo~ S3.--'"'e ~ig:".:xm-~ ;;;;: II pt.JC: ./1.. 1103 II -; It I I ! . i I 87 . . 71 . 54 II i I 136 I I I I -+ N IUlCR Ra.W 1'>>." I1ffNOR ReAD :{jlHKiiHWAY L.J =mTYC1I1D 1:1 IJIS4OV.AIrrACED ~ ~9'Z7 lJI4DE~ WA1EIl , UJ(I) "'I.... t:~r::ceourn'Y_Ale~1JON~ I'tANII>>IC.AItlJRE~~ c:::w!C"~ JAMJAI('f ~ ~~1SS-7U1 19 - .J.. fl , , I I I I I I , I I , I i~' o ~ committee safe neighborhool! \H parks /\.. SAMPLE Safe Neighborhood Parks (S:NP) Bond Program Challenge Grant Grant Application Form 1 TYPE APPLICATION (Check Only One) ( ) Natural Areas & Open Space Land Acquisition (X ) . Land AcquisitionlConstruction/Development of Youth Recreation & Service Facilities II. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant (Agency Name) YRS. Inc, Joint Applicant Name (If applicable) 0" B. Contact Person Ms, I.A. Young Mailing Address III Haven Blvd. City Miami State .- . Florida Zip Code 33128 Telephone 123-4567 Fax 123-6789 Title Executive Director Co. Applicant/Joint Applicant Certification I hereby certify the information provided in this application and any attachments is true and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority zr ~ ~ on beh~ ofilie apPli=0:::lil:: Signature of Date Not Applicable Signature of Authorized Representative (Joint Applicant) Date ill. GRA.NT OVERVIEW A Grant Title (park Name) F or South Youth Park B. Park Addfess 10111 S,W 334th Street 20 Page 1 of 8 C County Commission District(s) where park is located "9 D. Brief'Grant Description Build recreational center a.T1d outdoor environmental educational area, E Funding Request (Dollar for Dollar Match is Required) I Anticipated Anticipated Anticipated Total I Funding Expenditures Expenditures Expen ditures Pro j eet Category in Year One in Year Two in Year Three Allocation Grant $ I I Requested $680,000 S250,000 S70,000 Sl,006,000 Cash Match I I Committed * 5680,000- S250,000 S70,000 S 1,000,000 TOTAL Sl,360,000 ,I 5500,000 I 5140,000 I 52,000,000 *Letter(s) of commitment for matching funds equal to the grant request must be attached. F. Grant Type (check all that apply) " ( X) 1. Development, Land (m,l1ed (a) If the applicant is a Not-For-Profit, bas a Public Agency agreed to the development on the Public Agency's propeny? (circle one) (YES) (~~ NMfE OF Pli""BLIC AGENCY. State of Florida If NO, reason they have not agreed. Have not vet contacted _State for their vnitten aooroval. Expect aoproval bv Mav 15. 1998. ( ) 2. Development, Land Leased (a) If the applicant is a Not-Far-Profit, has a Public Agency agreed to the development on the Public Agency's leased property? (circle one) (YES). (NO) NA..ME OF Pt.J13LIC AGENCY If NO, reason they have not agreed, 21 Page 2 of 8 . . . ID . . I! . . . II I(a , , . III ~ .- -- i . , . lJr ,. I I I , ~ - - - J ~ .' ~ 1 J J ( J 3. Land Acquisition (a) If the applicant IS a Not-For-Profit, has a Public Agency agreed to take title to the land? (circle one) (YES) (NO) NA.\.1E OF PUBLIC AGENCY If NO, reason they have not agreed, G. Grant Readiness 1. Master Plan Is the proposed project conSistent >Vith the Master Plan that has received alJrequired approvals andauthorizations? YES Name and Phone Number of Parks & Recreation Department personnel providing this information Mr. Tom Jones - State of Florida (123) 987-6543. 2. . Land Acquisition Beginning Date Ending Date Property Idenrification Willing Seller Detennination Appraisals ' Acquisition Method of Acquisition (e.g. eminent domain, purchase, gift). Not Apolicable 3. Development Becinning Date Ending Date Planning N/A Schematic Designs 7/98 l/99 Design Development 1/99- 3/99 COnstruction Dra"Wings 3/99 7/99 Construction 7/99 10/2001 22 Page 3 of 8 IV". Grant Details A, Cost Estimate and Expe:1cnrre Scbedt:Je fer S:-.7 gra...lt funds (round to t.':1e nearest hlli'1dred); budget on cash basis, !Fi- 98-99 /FY 99-00 EXPESSE EXPENSE I 56,800 I' 52,500 I I DESIGN*"' I 568.000 I PROJECT .A.DIv.fD\j1STRATION*"' I 512,200 I 53.800 LA.''',m/BLDG ACQTJ1SmON I I CONSTRUCTION (liSL below by I' 1 element \\-ith quantities): · Rec:-eation facility I 5462,400 · Environmental Educational .A..rea5 534,000 I 510,200 I I 557,500 I I BUDGET ITEMS ISSlJ.A..:.'\iCE OF BONDS'" PLA-""'l',a:NGU · Fencing · Gate of Trails . . . . . . I $34,000 I $2,300 5540,600 S59,800 I I 5148,900 I I I I I I I I I I I 552,400 I 535,000 I 5680,000 I 5250,000 · Consnuction Contingency (see Bbelow) Total Construction ART ALLOWA1"iCE (for !vIiami-Dade County only) FIATCRES, R:"R"1SHINGS, E Q u1P!vfE?'-;"T OTHER COSTS (list below): I I . . . . . PROJECT CO~TINGENcy"'n EXPEl't1)ITURE TOTALS 23 --.----.....--.-----.------.----------. ------ ...---- I 100-01 EXPENSE I 5700 I 510,000 I I I I 568,000 I 5900 I 516,900 I I I I I I I 510,200 I 547,000 I 5104,500 I I I I I I I I I 52,500 538,800 I 549,500 $649,900 I TOTAL S?'Il' Grant Request 5462.400 534,000 I I 5148,900 I . I I I I 518,900 570,000 5106,300 51,000,000 /% OF EXPE:.'\lSE I 1% I I I 6,8% I - 1.7% Page 4 of 8 II . II [J II II " . I . I ~ ~ I I I , , , * The cost of issuance of bonds for each year must equal 1 % of the expenditure total for that year. * * The combination of planning, design and project administration costs cannot exceed 17%, , * * * A project contingency is to compensate for actual costs being higher than budgeted. For example, even the lowest bid on a construction contract may be-higher than the amount budgeted. The project contingency may not exceed 15% of the total grant request. The amount of funds allocated for project contingency should reflect how firm the budget is at this point in time, Project ~ontingencies should be highest for projects not yet planned, and should decre4Se as a project progresses through design draVJings to construction. A project contingency is over and above the amount budgeted for a constru~tion contingency. , , I , , , B. A construction contingenCy is for unforeseen conditions encountered once a construction has begun. :The amount of funds allocated for a construction contingency should reflect the probability of unforeseen conditions. For example, renovation projects typically involve more unforeseen conditions than does new construction. H the construction contingency is less than 5% of the total construction cost estimate, explain why you think it is sufficient. Construction contingency is approximatelv 6% , , I , , I H it turns out not to be sufficient, how will the shortfall be made up? Not Applicable !" C. Identify any potential Pre-agreement Costs (eligible costs incurred prior to execution of grant agreement) Describe: Design for Recreation Center 5 Amount: 510.000 When were these costs incurred? Januarv 1998 to date D. Describe basis or justification for cost estimate: Construction contract for Recreation Center: Consultant estimates for remaining improvements. E. Are additional funds required for this project? (circle one) @~ (NO) Hyes, how much $ 10,000 , List the other anticipated sources for this ABC Foundation CDBG funding and amounts anticipated. $ 5_000 $ 5.000 S $ $ 1 24 Page 5 of 8 . E:xplain how these other sources of funding will be used to either complete or e:xpand the S~"]> bond funded grant or total project: wIll allov'" for an electronic securitv SYstem on the Recreation Center . . If any of these other sources of funding don't fuIly materialize, how will that affett the S~"]> bond funded grant or total project: ~ We ""ill reI v on onlv fencLi.!r as seeunrv for the buildin~ IJ.-J . F. Upon completion, will the work fundedpy this grant result in increased or new annual maintenance and operation .costs? Yes Upon completion, will the work funded by this grant result in increased or new annual programming c~sts? No . 25 Page 6 of 8 Who will assume the increase cost of funding? State of Florida G. Briefly describe the applicants e:xperience in Land acquisition/construction/ development. Y"RS. lnc, has been buving land and buildinQ residential housing throu!rh Cornmunitv Develooment and Homeless Trust fundinQ for over 10 Years. " H. Briefly describe the applicants experience in operating and/or maintaining programs. "YRS. Inc, has limited experience in operatin!r recreational pro!ITams. but have worked coooerativelv""1th the Citv. County and School Board in locatin!r pro!ITammin!r for housing nei!rhborhoods, , , I. What specific geographic area do you propose to serve with this projett? (SELECT AREA FRO~1 MAP) Florida Cirv I I J. What specific group of cItizens/residents do JOu expect to reach with this .project? _Nfigrant farmworkers and residents of Florida CirvlHomestead and surroundin~s unincorporated Miami-Dade Counrv " I K. Upon completion will residents of the local area where the project is located be employed by the agency? (circle one) (YES)~NOD . If YES, how many? I I I YOUTH ORIENTED APPLICANTS O~L Y I A. Briefly describe the applicants experience in working with youth. A2'encv is a construction/development companv but have worked with HUD in constructin2' vouth plavgrounds for single and multiple familv housin2' proiects, I I It Briefly describe'the applicants history of gang preventionlintervention and/or work with at-risk youth. See above statement The A~encv has also worked with cities where we have developed housin2' and open space areas for low income families, I I I C. List other grants (m:uimum fIve) the applicant has received from Public Agencies for gang preventionlintervention or work with at-risk youth. Public A2encv Name Amount of Grant Year Granted 1. ffiJD 2. 3. 4. 5. $5,000 1997 26 Page 7 of 8 NA rURAL AREAS/OPEN SPACE LA~1) ACOtlsmON APPLICANTS O~L y A. Briefly describe the appIionts e::>:penence in park and open space acquisition and/or preservation. V. Required attachments to be submitted with this grant application. A. Public Agencies 1. Letter(s) committing required match. B. Not-For-Profit Organizations 1. IRS Letter of Tn Exempt Status 2. Letter(s) committing required match 3. Certified Audit for FY 95-96 (only one copy of Audit needs to be submitted). 4. Certifiotion that the Agency is in good standing under Florida Law. VI. As a condition of the grant, the appliont agrees to execute a grant agreement and to comply with all terms and conditions of that grant agreement, the Administrative Rules of the S~"P Bond Program and the SNP Bond Ordinance. , Required attachments to be submitted prior to execution of grant agreement include but may not be limited to:; A. AD Applicants 1. Project Location Map 2. Evidence of adequate land tenure (deed, lease, etc.) 3. Any existing or proposed agreement, lease, management contract, or similar arrangement with a non-governmental entity that relates to the project or project site. 4. Site Plan, if available (optional) B. Public Agencies 1. Authorizing Resolution (sample attached) C. l'1ot - F or-Profit Organizations 1. Proof of Board Approval - Resolution or Board I\:Iinutes The Oversight Committee or its subcommittees may require additional information in support of the application. 27 Page 8 of 8 ~ I , , I I I I I I I J J I f I 1 DRAFT ADMINISTR-\ 11VE RULES FOR CHALLENGE GR-\NTS 1. BACKGROUl'i'"D These administrative rules govern the implementation of the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance No. 96-115 (the "Ordinance"). In accordance Vvith Section 5(b)(4) of the Ordinance, these rules have been prepared by the County Manager, and adopted by the Citizens' Ov:ersight Committee defined in the Ordinance (the "Committee") folloVvlng public workshops held throughout the County. 2. SCOPE These administrative rules have been prepared to address only those programs identified in the Ordinance as "Challenge Grants", as more particularly defined in Section 3(c) of the Ordinance.. Specifically omitted from these administrative rules are those governing the "Specified Projects and Per Capita Allocation Projects", whose rules were previously adopted, 3. GENER4.L :Miami - Dade County administers all programs established under the Ordinance. 0" Grant Recipients for Challenge Grant Projects are required to follow these administrative rules. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification. A~,ditional administrative rules and/or application materials may be obtained by contacting the ColIlIIlittee. All inquiries, correspondence and Grant Applications should be addressed to: Citizens' Oversight Committee Office of Safe Neighborhood Parks Mami - Dade County Suite 650 111 N. W. First Street Miami, Florida 33128 Attention: Beverly N. Mirman, D.P.A . 4. DEFINITIONS The following is a list of terms and definitions that are used in these administrative rules: "Acquisition" means the act of obtaining real property or interests and rights in real property by various legal means to serve public outdoor recreation purposes. 28 DRAFT '''Applicant'' mea.."lS a Public Agency or Not-for-Profit Orga...-u.zation which subrr..its an application for Safe Kei~hborhood Parks bond funds during an an.'1ounced Application Submission Period, "Application Submission Period" means the formaliy announc~d period of time for the submission of applications ina given Funding Cycle, "Committee" means the Citizens' Oversight ComJruttee that is appointed by the Dade County Board of County Commissioners to administer the Safe Keighborhood Parks capital improvement pro,:rarn. "County" means 1vfiarni - Dade County, Florida, "Development" means the act of physically improving an area, facility, resource or site to increase its ability or capacity to serve public recreation a.."1d consef\o'ation purposes, "Funding Cycle" means the time between the opening of an Application Submission Period and execution of a Grant Agreement by the County. "Grant" mea..."1S Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds approved for use by an Applicant for implementation of a Project pursuant to these rules. "Grant Agreement" means an executed contract benveen the County and a Grantee setting forth mutual obligations regarding a Grant. " "Grant Application" is the process described in these rules to make a formal request for Grant funds that commences upon submission by an Applicant of a Grant Application Form and ends upon declaration of ineligibility or the execution of a Grant Agreement. "Grant Application Form tt means the form attached as Exhibit A to these rule~the submission of which commences the Grant Application process. "Grantee or Grant Recipient" means a Public Agency or Not-for-Profit Organization receiving a Grant. "Match" means cash available in an amount e ual to that re the Safe lVei~hborllOod Parks bond TJrO~Tam. "N ot-for-Profit Organization" means any legally incorporated not-for-profit organization created under the laws of the State of Florida (the "State") and designated as a ta.x exempt entity by the United States Internal Revenue Sef\olce, which has among its purposes the provision of park and recreation services, gang prevention and intervention, tree-planting, or the conservation and preservation of lands for park, natural areas, scenic, historic, or open spaces. 2 29 [I . II m; . . -- ~ ~ - t J - - ~ ~ J ~ I ,l.~ I I , ~ J 1 DR4FT "Ordinance" means the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance No, 96-115. "Parks" means those areas of public land set aside for aesthetic, educational, recreational, or cultural use by the citizens of the County and the general public. "Pre-agreement Expenses" means eligible expenses identified iJ:1 Section 6(B) of these rules incurred by a Grantee for accomplishment of a Project prior to full execution of a Grant Agreement. "Project" means work which is the subject of a Grant Application. "Public Agency or Public Agencies" means an agency or agencies or administrative division or divisions of the United States government, the State of Florida, the County, or any municipality within the County, "UMSA" means Unincorporated Municipal Service Area of the County, for which the County provides municipal services. 5. FUNDlliG CYCLES; GRA..-"'T APPLICA nON SUBMISSION PERIODS A Funding Cycle shall be established by the Committee on an annual basis related to the sale of bonds, provided there are Safe Neighborhood Parks bonds remaining to be sold. Each Project determined by the Committee and the Board of County Commissioners of the County to be eligible shall be funded during one or more Funding Cycles. " Each Safe Neighborhood Parks Project is funded through a Grant. Eligible Public Agencies and Not-for-Profit Organizations must apply for these Grants. The Grants are implemented by Grant Agreements between the County and approved Applicants. Grant Applications shall be delivered on or before the last day of the announced Application Submission Period. The County shall publicize each Application Submission Period and other pertinent application information at least three (3) months prior to the deadline for submission of the Grant Application. The County may announce an additional Application Submission Period if funds remain or become available after the preceding Application Submission Period is complete. Each Application Submission Period shall be publicly announced in newspapers of general circulation in the County. A Grant must be executed within 90 days of Board of County Commissioners award of the Grant, unless approved by the Committee. . The Funding Cycle is intended to meet the :first year needs of each Project identified as eligible for award. The Applicant of each Project intended to be funded over multiple years shall identify in the initial Grant Application the anticipated duration of the Project, together with the estimated annual funding needs. . 3 30 DR4FT 6. GR~"'-T APPUCA nON A Complete Grant Application. Ao:! Applicant must submit a complete,Gr4I1t Application in order to receive a Grant. A complete Grant Application means one that meets all the requirements of the Ordinance an.d these rules aI1d is supported by proper documentation. Proper documentation indudes all documentation reasonably required by the Comminee or the County to enable determination of Project costs..and other compliance with the Ordina11ce. Such documentation shall include: (1) Completed Challenge Grant Program. Application Form i:1 the fonn attached as Exhibit A (2) Letter(s) of commitment for m.atchin~ funds eaual to the f!rant request (3) A projected completion date for the Project, (4) Project location map. (5) For Development Projects, certification of ownership by the Public Agency or evidence of land tenure sufficient to sarist}: the Comminee that the project complies Vvith the terms of the Ordinance. (6) A Public Agency shall submit a resolution, which at a minimum: (i) authorizes the execution of the Grant Agreement; (Ii) commits the Public Agency to complete the Project; (ill) as applicable, commits the Public Agency to provide operating, maintenance and programming funds upon completion of the Project, to the extent allowed by law; and (iv) proVides that the Grant shall not be used in substitution of other capital project funding. (7) A Not-for-Profit Organization shall submit a board resolution which at a minimum: (i) authorizes the execution of the Grant Agreement; (ii) commits the organization to complete the Project; (iii) as applicable, commits the organization to provide operating, maintenance and programming funds upon completion of the Project; (iv) certifies that the organization is in good s+..anding under Florida Law (with proof attached); and (v) certifies its IRS tax exempt status (with an IRS letter attached). (8) .A.n Applicant may request funding for a major Project in phases. Each phase shall constitute a distinct portion of the proposed Project. Each Applicant requesting funding for a Project in phases shall commit to completing the Project as defined in the Grant Agreement unless otherwise modified by approval of the Committee in accordance with these rules and the Ordinance. (9) If a site plan exists or is developed, it must be submined as soon as it is available. 4 31 II . . ID . . . fJ I I I I I I I , , I , I I , ~ DRAFT B. Pre-agreement Expenses. Prior to the effective date of the Grant Agreement, a recipient may incur eligible Pre-agreement Expenses and then after the effective date of the Grant Agreement pay for .those c:osts using G;raIlt funds, provided that: (1) The costs and acti....ities funded are in c,?mpliance VIlth the requirements of the Ordinance and these rules; and (2) The ~re-agreement Expenses were incurred a...'1er July 26, 1996, The incurring of Pre-agreement Expenses creates no obligation on the County to execute a Grant Agreement or otherwise satisfy those expenses: 7. CONTINGENCY AMOUNTS A. Construction Contingency. The amount. of five percent (5%) to ten percent (I 0%) of the construction contract shall beset aside as a construction contingency, to meet unforeseen site and other conditions during the course of construction. If the construction contingency included in the budget is less than five percent, the Applicant shall provide a wrinen explanation in the Grant Application of why a lesser amount is deemed to be sufficient to meet project needs. B. Project Contingency. A project contingency is an amount included in the Project budget, over and above the construction contingency, intended to compensate for actual Project costs in excess of those specifically identified in the budget. The project contingency may not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total Grant request. C. Unexpended Contingency Funds. Within ninety (90) days of the completion ofa Project, a Grantee may request authorization from the Comminee to utilize any unexpended construction contingency and/or unexpended project contingency funds. . UneXpended contingency funds may be utilized either for further improvements to the Project for which the funds were allC?cated, in a manner specifically authorized by the Comminee, or for other Projects vvithin the jurisdiction of the Grantee, in a manner specifically authorized by the Committee. Any approved use of unexpended contingency funds shall be in the form of an amendment to the Grant Agreement. Any unexpended construction contingency and/or project contingency funds not authorized by the Comminee for use for these purposes shall revert to the Committee for utilization in accordance vvith the terms of the OrdL."1ance. 8. ELIGIBILIIT REQUIREMENTS In order to be eli2:ible for award under land acquisition. construction.. development of Youth recreation and service facilities the Ordinance requires that the park. recreation and open soace acauisition and development occur in or serve areas which: "are identified as econorrllcallv and/or sociaIlv disadvantaf!ed consistent with Federal mIidelines, where at least 51 percent of residents live at or below 80 percent of the County's median income. and which possess a documented 5 32 DRAFT deficiency in recreation and ooen soace oooortunities defilled as the difference betvveen area sUDolv and area demand for facilities. DrOQT21TIS 2l"1d services, 9. ELIGIBILTIY DETERl\I:['lA TION F olloVv-ing closure of an Application Subrr.ission Period; the Cornnuttee Vvi11 review each Grant Application for funding eligibility and not~-y each Applicant of the eligibility or ineli~bilit:.; of eaci1 of its Grant Applications, The COmIrllnee may dedare a Gr~,n.t Application to be: A. Ineligible, Declaration that a Grant Application is ineligible and cannot be made eligible ~y B, C, or D below. . B. Eligible upon Adjustment. Declaration that a Gra..J.t Application is eligible upon adjustment of project scope, expenses, or requested funds, C. Eligible upon Submission of Required Documentation, Declaration that a Grant Application is eligible upon receipt of documentation missing from the Grant Application (e.g., proof of site control, resolution supporilllg the Application, cost estimate, site development plan) ",ithin a prescribed time period. An Applicant may request, in writing, that Committee staff extend the prescribed time period to submit additional application documentation for good cause. D. Conditional Eligibility. The Committee may determine that a Project is eligible for funding upon satisfaction of specified conditions. In the event that conditional approval is given, Committee staff shall verify that the conditions have been satisfied prior to disbursement of any bond funds. E. Eligible. Declaration that a Grant Application is fuIIy eIi~ble. 10. GR.A.l"tl ADMINISTR.\ nON A .. As a condition of award of a Grant the County and the Grantee shall enter into a Grant Agreement which sets for+..h the responsibilities and duties or each regarding administration of the approved Project and approved Grant, The Grant Agreement shall specify the Project's beginning and end date and shall incorporate such other terms and conditions as may be required by particular circumstances, B. conditions: Payment. Grantees are paid allocated Grant funds subject to the foIIowing (1) Cost ofIssuance of Bonds. One percent orthe value of each Grant award shall be earmarked for ~ costs incidental to the preparation, issuance and administration of the Safe Neighborhood Parks bonds. (2) Timing. Project costs eligible for reimbursement shall be incurred between the effective date of, and the Project completion date identified in, the Grant Agreement with the ~xception of Pre-agreement Expenses. 6 33 ~--_.-.- .-....... ~ -. , ,. , I I I I I I I I J DRAFT (3) Cost Limits. Project planning., design and administration (e.g" feasibility stUdies, architectural and engineering services, bidding., Gr~t administration, Project manaQement, etc.) are eligible Project costs pro"vided that bond proceeds utilized to pay for such costs do not exceed seventeen percent (17%) of the total bon,d proceeds allocated to a given Project. Where a major Project is funded in phases, this cost limit may !lot necessarily apply to each individual Project phaSe, but must aDD1v to the total allocation for the Project, ...to.. , (4) Grantees \.\.oill use their OVvTI procurement procedures which reflect applicable Federal, state and 10ca1laws ~,d regulations, (5) Grantees are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations 'of Grant supported acti"vities. Grantees must monitor Grant supported activities to assure compliance 'With the Ordinance, these rules, the Grant Agreement, and all applicable Federal, State, and local requirements. Grantees must monitor the achievement of performance goals. (6) Payments to the Grantee may be withheld at any time that the Grantee fails , to comply with Grant award conditions. Funds withheld for failure to comply with Grant award conditions but without suspension of the Grant, shall be released to the Grantee upon subsequent compliance. (7) Where Projects are funded by sources in addition to Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds, the Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds shall be disbursed last, unless otherwise required by the terms of the additional funding sources. The Committee may approve in \VJ'iting exceptions to this requirement. " (8) In general, payment shall be made on a reimbursement basis. The only provision for advance payment is as follows. Upon execution of a contract for the purchase of land or for ~oject Development, e.g., consultant services, construction, or major equipment acquisitiori, a 9rant Recipient may, upon submission of an advance payment request form substantially in the form as that attached to these rules as Exhibit B, receive an advance payment of up to 25% of the value of the Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds awarded for the subject Project. Any advance payment received by a Grantee shaIl be maintained in an interest bearing account with a separate account number. All interest earned shall be reported and at the option of the Committee, utilized as an offset against the next request for payment or repaid to the County. The Committee prefers that Grant disbursements be made quarterly. However, Grant disbursements shall be made not more often than once every month and not less often than semi-annually. For construction contracts utilizing percentage of completion as the basis of payment by the Grantee to the contractor, payments to the Grantee other than any advance payment will be based on the Grantee's actual rate of disbursement, assuming that rate of disbursement is not more often than once every month. 7 34 lJRAFT (4)- Bonus payments of any kind, (5) . Charges in excess oftne lowest responsive and responsible bid or proposal in accorda.'1ce v.ith the goverr.ing rules and procedures of the Applicant, when the law requires the Applicant to utilize competitive selection, (6) Charges for deficits or o-:erdrafts, (7) Charges incurred contrary to the policies a.TJd practices of the Applicarlt, (8) Interest expense, (9) Litigation expenses or judg:nents, except for those awards resulting from an eminent domain taking. (10) The cost of services, material or equipment obtained under ,my other program. (11) Costs of discounts not taken. (12) The cost of purchasing a non-refundable option when acquiring land F. Changes. (1) Grantees shall adjust their Project budgets to reflect actual costs and updated cost estimates and shall submit adjusted Project budgets to the Committee as requested. (2) Grantees shall obtain the prior VvTinen approval of the Comminee whenever any of the follo"ring adjustments is anticipated under the Grant award: (a) Any revision which would result in the ne->...d for additional funding for the Project. .-\5 a condition of the Committee's approval of any such change, the source of the additional funding shall be identified, (b) F or any Project involving both Acquisition and Development activities, any proposed budget transfer from Acquisition to Development or vice versa. (c) Any proposed reduction or revision of the scope or objectives of the Project (regardless of whether there is an associated budget revision requiring prior approval). -( d) Any need to extend the period of availability of funds, A request for prior approval of any budget revision will be in the same budget format the Grantee used in its Application and shall be accompanied by a narrative justification for the 11 35 " J' , , I I I I , DRAFT proposed revision.. Such request for budget revision shalL if approved, amend the Grant Agreement. G. Cost Overruns. During the execution of work on a Project, the Grantee rn.ay find that actual Project costs exceed the approved budget.' For cost overruns that \Vill require additional funding for the Project, or otheT\N'ise regu~e a budget adjustment for which prior Committee approval is required pursuant to paragraph F above, the Grantee shall: (1) pro-vjde a justification for the additional costs; (2) iden~ify available funds for the completion of the Project; and, ifnecessar}: (3) request from the Committee a reduction in the Project scope consistent \Vith the terms of the Ordinance. The Committee, in its discretion, may authorize in -writing a reduction in the scope of the Project: (i) where reduction of the scope is consistent \Vith the Ordinance; and (ii) where the reduction is justified by the Applicant; and (Ui) where the Applicant does not have sufficient funds to complete the,Project \Vith the available funds. The Committee, in its discretion, may also under those circumstances, identify other funds available under the Ordinance for the Project. 11. COMPLIANCE RESPONSffill.JTIES The following,conStitute general requirements for program compliance: A Land and facilities acquired, developed, improved or rehabilitated by Grant funds shall be dedicated and maintained in perpetuity for recreational use for the benefit of the general public except where leases are in effect. All projects shall be op~n to the public at reasonable times and shall be managed in a safe and attractive manner appropriate to public use. B. Grant funds for the purposes of development, improvement, rehabilitation or restoration shall be expended for these purposes only on lands owned by a Public Agency or on lands for which the Public Agency holds a lease or other use agreement. Such lease or other use agreement must be for an unexpired term of 25 years. The Grant Recipient may demonstrate the eligibility of the Project to the reasonable satisfaction of the Committee, through a joint ownership, use, franchise or other agreement, evidencing that the lands andlor the Project \Vill be utilized for the public benefit, consistent \Vith the terms of this Ordinance, for a term of at least 25 years in duration. The lease must not be revocable at will. C. Grantee shall maintain all financial and programmatic records, supporting documents and other records pertinent to the Grant for a period of three years from the starting date defined below. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the three year period, the records must be 12 36 DR4.FT retained until completion of the action a..'r1C resolution of all issues which a.-ise from it, or until the end of the regular three year period, whichever is later, Vr'hen Grant support is cominued or renewed at annual or other intervals, the retention pericd for the records of e2ch funding period s:ar.s on the day the Grar:itee submits to the County 'its single or last expendit'.Jre report for that period. In all other cases, the retention period sta.LS on the day the Grantee subrr..its its final expenditure report. D, Tne Commi~tee and the County,' or a..rJY of their authorized represe:u2tives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, documems, papers or other records of Grantee in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts a."1G transcripts. E. If a Grantee materially fails to comply wiLi a!1Y teml of an award, the Committee or the CountY may take one or more of the follOwing actions, as appropriate L.; the circumsta.'1ces: (1) Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correc+jon of the deficiency by the Grantee or more severe enforcement action by the County, (2) Disallow all or par'! of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance. (3) %o11y or partly suspend or terrrinate the current award for the Grantee's program. ( 4) Withhold further Gra."lt awards from the Grantee, or (5) Take other remedies that may be legally available. F. Any of the enforcement actions listed in paragraph E above, taken by the County, which are contested and unresolved between the Grantee and the County within thiny days of such action, -.viI1 result in the Committee pro\iding the Grantee -.vith an opportunity to be heard on the issue. 'Said hearing will occur within sixty days of the Committee receiving the Grantee's wrinen request. G. Costs of Grantee resulting from obligations incurred by the Grantee during 2 suspension or after tennination of an award are nO! allowable unless the County expressly authorizes them in the notice of suspension or termination or subsequently authorizes them in writing. Other Grantee costs during suspension or a..-1er termination which are necessary and not reasonably avoidable are allowable if (I) The costs result from obligations which were properly incurred by the Grantee before the effective date of suspension or termination, are not in anticipation of it, and in the case of a tennination, are noncancelable; and (2) The costs would be allowable if the award were not suspended or if the award expired normally at the end of the funding period in which the termination takes effect. 13 37 .to. ....- -............ II . . t ~ , I' , , , I , I I , I I I J DRAFT H. Inspections. Staff of the Committee or the County, or both, shall periodically inspect each Project to ensure compliance ",ith these rules, the Ordinance, and the Grant agreement. Staff shall perform an inspection of the. Project site to ensure compliance prior to release of the final Grant payment. 12. REPORTS A Grantee sha1~ submit annual performance report. Annual report shall be due 90 days after each anniversary of the execution of the Grant Agreement,vvith a final performance report due together vvith the Project Completion Certificate, substantially in the form of Exhibit F attached. The annual perfqrmance report shall.be certified by the Grantee's independent auditor at the time the auditor certifies the payment request summary (Exhibit D). B. following: Performance reports will contain, for each Grant, brief information on the (1) a comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives established for the period; (2) the reasons for failure to meet any established objective; (3) additional pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs. C. Events may occur betiN"een the scheduled performance reporting dates which have significant impact upon the Grant. In such cases the Grantee must inform the County in writing as soon as the following types of conditions become knO\Vll: (1) Problems, delays, or adverse conditions which will materially impair the ability to meet the objective of the Grant award. This disclosure must include a statement of the action taken, or contemplated to resolve the situation. (2) Favorable developments which enable meeting time schedules and objectives sooner or at less cost than anticipated or producing more beneficial results than originally planned. D. A summary progress report shall accompany each payment request. The summary progress report shall be substantially in the form of Exhibit E attached hereto, but shall be tailored to a Recipient's individual Grants. E. Grantee may be required to meet vvith the Committee to discuss the Project. 13. PROJECT CLOSE-OUT 14 38 DRAFT A \\;irhin 90 days after the expiration or teffi1jnation of the Grant, the Grantee shall submit to the Comminee a Project Completion Cenificate, B. The close-out of a Grant does not affect: (I) The County's right to disallow costs ana recover funds on the basis of a later audit or review: (2) The Grantee's obligation to return any funds due as a result oflater refunds, corrections, or other transactions; (3) Records retention responsibilities set fonh above; (4) Continuing.responsibilities set forill in the Ordina.i1ce and these rules; (5) Audit rights set forth in these rules. C. Any amounts paid to Grantee in excess of the amount to which the Grantee is finally determined to be entitled under the terms of an award constitute a debt to the County. If not paid v.-ithin a reasonable period after demand, the County may reduce the debt by: (1) -, Making an administrative offset against other requests for reimbursement; (2) Vrithholding payments otherwise due to the Grantee; or " (3) , Taking other action pro\oided by Jaw. law. Any overdue debt of the Grantee shall accrue interest at the maximum rate allowed by 14. INTERPRETATION; ADl\1J1HSTRATION These administrative rules have been promulgated under the Ordinance. In the event there exists a conflict between these rules and the provisions of the Ordinance, the Ordinance shall prevail. The Committee shall be authorized to interpret the provisions of these administrative rules, and the Committee's interpretation of any matters governed hereby shall be final. The Committee shall be authorized to amend these administrative rules, by majority vote, in accordance with its duly adopted bylaws, subject to applicable law, Staff to the Committee shall be authorized and required to administer the Safe Neighborhood Parks bond program consistent with the Ordinance and these administrative rules. 15 39 . . . [] ~ I I , ,. - I I I I I I I 1 I , I DRAFT APPLICATION CHECK LIST NATURAL AREAS/OPEN SPACE JAlIll) ACQUISmON GR4...1'IiTS PITBLIC AGENCY Dollar for Dollar Cash Match x Letters committing required match are attached x Project has identified completion date x Project location map is attached x IRS Letter of Tax Exempt Status is a~ched N/A :' Certification from State of Florida that Agency is in good standinG' , e> ., N/A Copy of one (1) certified audit for FY 95-96 is attached N/A Letter showing Public Agency has agreed to take title to the land N/A Signature{s) of Authorized Representative x Original plus fifteen (15) copies x 40 NOT-FOR-PROFIT x x x x x x x x x x DRAFT LAND ACQUISITION EV ALVA TION GUIDELLNES / - Is this project for publicly ovmed land or facilities? (Ord., Section 5(c)(3) & 5(b)(8)) - Does the project have the required ,dollar for dollarmatcb funds committed? (Adrnn Rules) - Is this a collaborative effort between a Public Agency and a Not-For-Profit agency who has experience in park and open space acquisition and preservation? (Ord., Section 5(b)(7) & 5 (c)(5)(iv)) - Does applicant provide a realistic budget and time frame? - Does applicant.exbibit the capability to successfully administer the project and the on-going operation, maintenance and program? - Does project improve recreational opportunities for minorities or disabled? " - Are or will residents be employed by the agency? (Ord., Section 5(b)(6)) 41 ,.- - -- ._-_..::=..;:---_:.::::..:...;,.;;:;...~.~-- ...;,..~;!;:.... I . II CI II III I. I I I I I I I I I , I I J DRAFT APPLICA nON CHECK LIST YOUTH ORIE1'I'TED GRANTS PUBLIC AGENCY NOT-FOR-PROFIT Dollar for Dollar Cash Match x. x Letters committing required match are attached x x Project has identified completion date x x Project location map is attached x x Occurs or serves economically and/or socially disadvantaged areas per SNP map x x IRS Letter of Tax Exempt Status is attached N/A x Certification from State of Florida that ~gency is in good standing. , N/A x Copy of one (1) certified audit for FY 95-96 is attached N/A x Letter showing Public Agency has agreed to the development N/A x Signature(s) of Authorized Representative x x Original plus fifteen (15) copies x x 42 " DRAFT I ! .- . . . . YOUTH ORIENTED GRANTS EV ALVA TION GUIDELINES _ Is this project for publicly ovroed land or facilities? (Ord., Section 5( c)(3) & 5(b )(8)) _ Does the project have the required dollar for dollar match funds committed? (Admn. Rules) _ Is this a collaborative effort benveen a Public Agency and a Not-For-Profit agency who has a demonstrated history of youth employment and training, or gang prevention and intervention programming? (Ord., Section 5(b)(7)) _ Does project improve recreational opportunities specifically for economically and/or socially disadvantaged.as descnbedin the Ordinance (95-115)? (Ord., Section 5(c)(4)) _ Is this a joint application by a Public Agency and Not-For-Profit whose focus is working with youth? (Ord., Section5(c)(5)(i)) _ Has the Not-For-Profit a demonstrated history of gang prevention and/or intervention; ability to work with at-risk youth and prior experience in such activities through grants from Public Agencies? (Ord., Section 5(c)(5)(ii)) _ Does applicaI?-t provide a realistic budget and time frame? _ Does applicant exhIbit the capability to successfully administer the project and the on-going operation, maintenance and program? (Ord., Section 5(c)(5)(rii) _ Does project improve recreational opportunities for minorities or disabled? _ Are or \Vill youth be employed by the agency? (Ord., Section 5(b)(6)) 43 J -. l I I I I I I I I I I I , J , I J J DR4FT Twenty-fiv:e percent of the value of the Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funding for a given Project shall be retained by the County until the Project is complete, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Committee. . . As a condition of reimbursement, Grantee shall complete, certify, and submit to the County payment reimbursement request forms, substantially in'the form of that attached to these rules as Exhibit C. Payment requests summarized substantially in the form attached to these rules as Exhibit D shall be sub~tted ,",1th payment reimbursement request forms and shall be certified by Grantee's independent auaitor on an annual basis. (9) Each Grantee will ensure that all contractors and consultants perform in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders. (10) Each Grant~e shall maintain an accounting system which meets generally accepted accounting principles and shall maintain all required financial records to properly account for all Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds and any supplemental funds used for the Project. The Grantee shall at all times maintain a separate accounting of all Safe Neighborhood Parks bond funds. (11) The Grantee shall be responsible for completing the Project. If the total cost of the Project exceeds the value of the Grant, then the Grantee must provide any supplemental funds required. In the event that supplemental funds are necessary for completion of a Project, as of the point in time that it is knO'WIl that supplemental funds are needed, the Grantee must demonstrate that such supplemental funds have been committed to the Project prior to and as a condition of disbursement for further disbursement of Grant funds. The requirement for a Grantee to provide siJpplemental funds may be modified, in part or whole, by the Committee, to the extent that it approves in writing any reduction to the Project scope of work in accordance with the Ordinance. Approval of any reduction in scope of work is at the sole discretion of the Committee. c. . Acquisition Projects. Guidelines and requirements for administering Acquisition Project Grants are as follows: (1) Appraisal Required. Prior to acquisition of a Project site, a Grantee must obtain an appraisal or appraisals supporting the fair market value of the land to be acquired. Pursuant to State law, if the property is $500,000 or less in appraised value, one appraisal is required. If the property exceeds $500,000 in appraised value, two appraisals are required. The appraisal shall be dated no earlier than six months prior to the closure of the Application Submission Period in which the Project Grant Application was submitted, and be prepared by an appraiser included on the list of approved appraisers maintained by the Metro-Dade General Services Administration. (2) Amount Authorized for Payment. The amount of Grant funds authorized for payment for land acquisition shall in no case exceed the Grant funds available for such purpose. In the event that the negotiated acquisition price exceeds by ten percent or greater the 8 44 I ~ i i . . f'i . III ID . . . . . - I Fa . n C . i. rr .L l1.orll.d.a ommUnl J.BS JlrUS1 Date: January 16, 1998 To: Interested Parties From: Anne Peery, Executive Director Florida Communities Trust C0~6 Subject: Grants for Land Acquisition The Florida Communities Trust ""ill open a new application cycle for the Florida Communities Trust's Preservation2000 Program on February 10, 1998, and with a deadline of5:00 p.m. on April 27, 1998. Over $50 Million is available for grants to local governments. These grants may be used to acquire land for natural resource conservation, outdoor recreation, and urban greenspace. Attached is additional information concerning the program and grant application cycle, including the following: " . Technical Assistance Bulletin 3 that provides a brief explanation of the Florida Communities Trust's Preservation 2000 Program. Notice of the opening of the cycle including the amount of funds available, eligibility requirements, and the closing date of the grant cycle. . Notice of the location and dates for the pre-application workshops to assist local governments in preparing the grant application. For a copy of the grant application form FCTfP2000-4 or for more information on the grant program, please conta~t the Florida Communities Trust at 850/922-2207 (SunCom 292-2207). DE?"JtDlENT Of COMMt::-;m Ar:....lRS . 2555 $Ht:M....R:) O....K BOl!UV^RD .~~H....ssEE. FL 32399-2100 . Su:-;COM 292-2207 . F.~ 850/921-li47 ...,. F~Ot.Io... c.o..u.u...r'!'US ~alJ$T lL~ _. '" I -- I I I I ~ r ~ ! I I I I J J J Common Questions Concerning The Florida Communities Trust Preservation 2000 Program FLORIDA CO!vWUNITIES TRUST Preservation 2000 Program Technical Assistance BulJetin: 03 - Revised 2/98 What can the FCT Preservation 2000 Program grant be used for? It can only be used to acquire land and the aSsociated cost of acquisition, such as SUIVeys and appraisals. The funds cannot be used to develop park facilities, such as buying playground equipment, developing ball fields, etc. and cannot be used to fund maintenance of park facilities. ' Who can make an application? Any local government whose comprehensive plan has been found in compliance or has entered into a compliance agreement or will meet these conditions by the time the Project Site is acquired. Is a loeal match required from the applicant? Small local governments are not required to provide a match. This includes cities with a permanent population of less than 10,000 people and counties with a permanent population of less than 75,000 people. All other local governments are required to provide some level of match. There is no reauired " level of match to be provided by the local governments. Points are awarded in the application for matches of50% (10 points), 55% (15 points), and 60% (20 points). What can be used as a local match? Cash,--money donated by a third party, a loan from the FCT, grants from state or federal agencies, grants from private organizations, land donations from a third party, land value donation by the property O'WIler, or land pre-acquired by the local government within one year of the application deadline or acquired within 180 days after the application deadline. Land being used as a match is required to be contiguous to the land sought for acquisition and must be included in the application as part of the Project Site. Except for a loan from FCT, land or funds from other programs funded through Preservation 2000 Bonds cannot be used as a source of local match, nor can the development and maintenance coSts of the Project Site. These programs include the Conservation and Recreational Lands Program (CARL), the Water Management Districts' Save Our Rivers Program, and the Division of Recreation and Parks, Division of ForestrY, and Game and Fresh...vater Fish Conunission inholding and additions programs. I 46 The following notice will appear in the February 6, 1998, edition of the Florida Administrative Week1y NOTICE OF APPLICATION PERIOD " The FLORIDA COMMUNITIES TRUST announces an application peri~d for receiving applications from local governments requeS".mg ~ding awards from the Trust's PRESERVATION 2000 PROGRt\.L\1. DEADLINE: The deadline for submitting applications shall be 5:00 p.m. on Apri127, 1998. Applications must be received by the Florida Communities Trust by the above stated deadline. No waiver of the 'deadline shall be allowed, except as set forth in Rule 9K- 4.007(2), F.A.C. Applications that do not meet the stated deadline shall not be eligible for evaluation and scoring. APPLICA TION FORMS: " Applications for funding must be made on Application Form FCT/P2000-4 (eff2/IO/98), ,fo~owin~procedures in Rul.e Chapter 9K-4, F.A.C. Copies of the rule chapter and application form v.ill be available at the pre-application workshops or may be obtained by calling the Trustat 850/922-2207 (SunCom 292-2207) or writing the Executive Director, Florida Communities Trust, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100. ADDRESS: For mail and carrier service deliveries, the delivery address is Florida Communities Trust, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Room 310, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100. For hand deliveries, the delivery location is Room 310, Sadowski Building, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL. FUNDS A V AlLABLE: Funds available for awards will derive from the Series 1998A bonds, that are expected to be sold in April 1998; interest accruals on funds deposited for investment; and any remainder funds from earlier Preservation 2000 projects that closed under budget or were terminated. As of the date ofsubmittaI of this Notice, the Trust expects that approximately S 22,000,000 ~f 1 998A bond proceeds and $ 28,600,000 from earlier Preservation 2000 projects that closed under budget or were terminated. 550,600,000 will be available for used in the eigh~ funding cycle of the Preservation 2000 Program. 47 . I r I i .... I i i i I [I II . III iii II ,. _. , - I I I I ~ r I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I , - The following notice will appear in the January 30, 1998, edition of the Florida Administrative Weeldy NOTICE OF WORKSHOPS The Florida Communities. Trust announces pre-application technical assistance workshops to which all interested persons are invited.. No advanced registration fee is required to anend these workshops. . FIRST WORKSHOP DATE AND TIME: February 11, 1998, 1 :00 p.m. - 4:00 p.rn. PLACE: Dep3rtment of Community Affairs; Sadowski Building, Kelley Training Center, Room 305, 2555 Shwnard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida (850/922-2207) SECOND WORKSHOP DATE AND TIME: February 12, 1998,9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PLACE: Chatauqua Building (on Lake DeFuniak), 96 Circle Drive, DeFuniak Springs, Florida (850/892-8500) THIRD WORKSHOP DATE AND,TIME; February 17. 1998,9:30 a.m. -12:30 P.rn. . . PLACE: Southwest Florida Water Management District, Tampa Office Boardroom, 7601 Highway 301 North, Tampa, Florida (813/985-7481) FOURTIi WORKSHOP DATE AND TIME: February 18, 1998,9:30 a.rn. - 12:30 p.m. PLACE: Senior Resources Alliance (upstairs from East Central Fl RPC) 1011 Wymore Road, Suite 207, Winter Park, Florida (407/623-1330), FIFTH WORKSHOP DATE AND TIME: Febniary 19,1998,9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PLACE: Palm Beach County Department ofEnviromnental Resources Management, 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 509, Conference Facility, West Palm Beach, Florida (561/233-2400) SIXTII WORKSHOP DATE AND TIME: February 20, 1998,9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.. PLACE: Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council, 9143 Phillips Highway, Suite 350, Jacksonville, Florida (904/363-6350) PURPOSE: The purpose oft.hese workshops is to provide information and technical assistance to local governments to assist in the preparation of applications for awards for land acquisitions under the Florida Communities Trust Preservation 2000 Program. - 48