Attachment S I, I T Y 0 F M I A M I 8 E A C H L., . ;TY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 J...- "'ci.miami-beach.fl.us =- - I I I , , , , I 1 , I I , , I I f: ,... l \:lr' ~~:._., . 'lo.,~.. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 308-9~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co sion ~ DATE: May 20, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLU ON OF THE l\'L~ YOR AA1) CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ACCEPTING A DONATION OF THE PURCHASE Ai"'1) INSTALLATION OF PLAYGRO{J1'lj1) EQUIPMENT FROM ADVO, INC., ESTIMATED AT S20,000, TO BE INSTALLED IN CRESPI PARK, AS PROPOSED IN THE PARKS BOND PLA:.~, Ai"'1) FURTHER APPROPRL~TING S25,000 FROM THE PARKS GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, FUJ'l1) 370, FOR THE RELATED CONCRETE WORK A.~'1) SAFETY SURFACE ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THIS PLAYGROlTh1) EQUIPMENT. ADMINTSTRA nON RECOMMENDA nON: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND: Advo, Inc., the largest publicly traded user of direct mailing in the United States, recently approached the City's Recreation, Culture and Parks Department with an offer to renovate an area of a City park in conjunction with their corporate "team building" efforts. The Advo Inc., representatives indicated their objective was to develop a one day work program and they were wiiIing to contribute approximately $20,000 in materials and supplies. The representatives remained open to recommendations as to the project's scope and location. It was jointly agreed upon that an appropriate donation would be the purchase and installation of new playground equipment for Crespi Park. The work to be accomplished is directly in accordance with the Parks Bond Plan for Crespi Park adopted by the City Commission. The City wiiI expend approximately $25,000 from the Parks General Obligation Bond, Fund 370, for the related concrete work and safety surface associated with the installation of this playground equipment, also as included in the Parks Bond Plan. ANALYSTS: This donation will further the completion of Crespi Park in accordance with the City's Parks Bond Program. It will also enhance the recreation activities for the children of the North Beach community and beautify the park. Participation in this project will also expose more than 80 of Advo Inc., top executives to Miami Beach while they are participating in the "team building" effort. 166 AGENDA ITEM C7 H DATE 5-LD-9~ CONCLUSION: The Administration recommends that the City Commission accept this generous donation of playground equipme:1t from Advo, Inc. and appropriate S25,000 from the Parks General Obligation Bond, Fund 370, for the related concrete \\iork and safety surf~ce associated with the installation of the playground equipment. ~~ ~~~~'\l" Y:09S'CO~SE~TCRES?! \lE:v1 167 I f I I 1 I I I J I I I I J I: RESOLUTION NO. 98 - ;2- 2;1 4-'=' A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIoN OF TEE CITY OF baAla BEACH, FLORIDA ACCEPTING A DONATION OF 'irm.: PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF PLAYGRomm EQt7l:PMEN!' FROM ADVO, I me:., ESTIMATED AT $20,000, TO BE INSTALLED :IN CRESPI PARX, AS; PROPOSED :IN no:: PARXS BOND PLAN, AND Ft1R!'XER APPROPR:IAT:rNG $25,000 FROM '!'HE I PARKS G~ OBLIGATION BOND, FOND 370, FOR 'l'HE RELATED CONCRETE WO:R..~ AND SAFETY SURFACE ASSOC~TED WI'I'H THE :INSTALLATION OF '1'HIS PLAYGROUND EQUIPMEN"l'. ' WHEREAS, Advo, Inc. a publicly traded corooration, and the larqest user of direc~ mail adver~ising in the Dnited itate~ approached ~he City of Miami Beach wi~h an offer to renovate an area. of a city park in conjunction with their corporate "team buildingU ef~orts; and ~, this "team building" effort will bring more than 80 of Advo's top executives from throughou~ the country to Miami: Beach to participa~e in this efforti and : WHEREAS, it was jointly agreed upon by the Advo~ Inc. representatives and the Recreation, CUlture and Parks Department tha~ cresp~Park was an appropriate location for this projecci and WB:ElU:AS, Advo, Inc. has worked with the Recreatfon, CuJ. ture and Parks Department staff to develop this project in accordance with the Parks Bond plan for Crespi parki and WHEREAS, Advo, Inc. executives along with City s~aff will renovate Crespi Park on June 9, 1998; and WBEREAS. the dollar value attribu~ed to this dona~iOD is approximately $20,000; and WHEREAS, the City Administration bas estimat~d that an additional $25,000 from ~he Parks Bond, Fund 370 needs to be' appropriated to che Crespi Park Work Order for the related concrete work and safety surface associa~ed with the installation of this playground equipmen~; and WHEREAS, said donation will enhance the recreat~ activities for the children in the North Beach community and beautify the park. NOW 'l'lIEREFORE, BE :IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND eI'l"Y COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayot. and City Commission hereby accept ~he donation of the purchase and insta+lation of playground equipment from Advo, Inc. estimated at $20,000, to be installed a~ Crespi 168 Park, as proposed in the Parks Bond Plan, and further appropriate $25,000 from t:he Parks General Obligation Bond, Fund 370, for the related concrete work and safet:y surface associated with the installat:ion of this playground equipment: . PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 1993. MAYOR KS:OD:eb F:\RCPA\SALL\KEVIN\CRESPI.RES APPROVED PS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION , [ J J , ATTEST: CITY CLERK 1. ~ J/sl<J~ City~mey Cote J " w , J - - " -- 169 - ~