Attachment T CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 htto:\\ci.miami-beach. f1.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 3/&-9% TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: May 20, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: REPORT ON JOINT MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS/NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEE OF MAY 8, 1998 A Joint Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects/Neighborhoods Committee was held Friday, May 8, 1998, in the Commission Chambers. Commissioner Simon Cruz, Chairman of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. Commissioner Nancy Liebman, Commissioner Jose Smith, and Finance Director Patricia Walker were in attendance. City staff in attendance included, Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager; Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager; Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager; Lawrence Levy, First Assistant City Attorney; Julio Grave de Peralta, Public Works Director; Kevin Smith, Recreation, Culture and Parks Director; Jose Cruz, Sr. Management Analyst; Kaslyn Mohamed, Special Projects Coordinator; Judy Ford, Procurement Director; John de Pazos, Construction Manager; Jorge Chartrand, Construction Manager; Ruth Rahmani, Civil Engineer I; Sugar Firte/, Recreation Assistant Director; Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator; -Michel Magloire, Construction Manager; and 'Michael Alvarez, Street & Streetlig hting Supervisor. Others in attendance included: Dan Shepherd, Mary Silberman, Jon Goldman, Armando Perez, Russell Barnes, Rick Olson, Jack Richardson, Stuart Reed, Jo Asmundsson, Erik Bojnansky, Joe Fontana, Laine Unger, Aida Curtis, Rai Fernandez, Eddie Lamas, Carlos Lima, Linda Felton, Ronald Felton, Charles Bergwin, Lisa Bergwin, Michelle Cameron, Melchio Baltazar. AGENDA ITEM K00 5 ---20-0; g DATE 1 313 I I ~ 1 I I I I m I I i I -- - - J II ~ - II . -- q II ~ IJ , , , , I I I I I I , 1. Update and Review of $59 Million Water and Sewer Bonds issue for the City's Infrastructure Program Julio Grave de Peralta, Public Works Director, addressed the Board. He stated that this item was referred to this committee for discussion at the March 26th Commission meeting. Three questions were asked at that time: 1) how much work has been completed to date; 2) how much money is outstanding; and 3) what is the arbitrage position. To date, $23.5 million has been spent, $8 million encumbered, and about $25 million is available. By July, the total amount available for the work will have been committed, with the exception of approx $1.5 million. He then introduced representatives of Camp Dresser & McKee, Kimley Horn, Advocates, CH2M Hill. Armando Perez, from Camp Dresser & McKee, addressed the committee. He stated that there are three key areas of work: 1) wastewater infiltration inflow; 2) water and wastewater lines, water and wastewater pump stations and water storage tanks; and 3) the stormwater master plan implementation. Russell Barnes, of Kimley-Horn, next addressed the committee. The overall intent of the sanitary sewer lining program was to stop ground water infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. As a result of the lining to date, of about 50% of the sanitary sewer lines, there has been a reduction of approximately 4.5 million gallons per day of infiltration throughout the City. In addition, he advised that 80% of the sanitary manholes have been reconstructed (1900 of2300 manholes). They are currently requesting authorization for the next 25,000 linear feet, and the final portion of work is planned to be completed under the second phase of the bond issue. Mr. Barnes further stated that the highest areas of infiltration were completed first to maximize the savings to the City. The approximate reduction of cost from the elimination of 4.5 million gallons from the system, equates to about $2.7 million per year. Mr. Perez stated that the remaining half of the total $59 million bond issue will be obligated by July 1 st on two projects: pump station upgrades of the water and sewer pump stations, and replacement of the water tanks on 75th street. Jon Goldman, of COM, stated that the water tanks at 75th street are currently steel tanks that were installed in the early 1950's. They will be demolished and replaced with two 2.4 million gallon pre-stressed concrete tanks. Commissioner Liebman requested that Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager, coordinate these components into the Capital Improvement Program workshop. 2 314 - -._~ Rick Olson, of CH2M Hill, stated that they assisted the City staff with the preparation of a stormwater ordinance and also an establishment of an independent stormwater utility in 1997. The Stormwater utility is funded by a user fee of $2.50 per ERU, which is levied to every resident within Miami Beach. The fund generates about $2 - $3 million a year that is used for maintenance of the stormwater system, some street sweeping activities, and compliance with MPDES permit issued to Dade County and Miami Beach in 1996. He further stated that they are currently completing rate studies and preparing an engineer's report and feasibility study to support an initial bond offering. Trish Walker, Finance Director, advised the Committee that a second bond issue is planned to complete the program. She also stated that from an arbitrage perspective, the interest that can be earned on the proceeds of these bonds is restricted to the amount of interest that is paid on the bonds. To date, approximately $6.5 million of interest has been earned of which $108,000 is considered to be excess interest which must be rebated to the federal government. In regard to the issuance of a second bond offering, we are required to demonstrate debt service coverage of 110% for both the bonds outstanding and the proposed bonds for twelve months prior to the time we issue. This will be evaluated during the current budget process and a recommendation will be made regarding the level of rates for both water and sewer services. JOINT MEETING 11. Presentation of Proposed Improvements to the City Parks and Recreation Facilities Per the $15 Million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bonds Program and the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program. Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager, introduced the next item. She stated that the purpose of today's meeting was to present for the Parks Master Plan, a schematic design, preliminary costs for the parks, and obtain final approval to proceed with construction documents in accordance with the schematic plans. In 1996, the City Commission adopted the City of Miami Beach Park Master Plan bond program and authorized the administration to proceed with the implementation of that program. The City has since retained the architectural and engineering services of three consultant firms who are: Bermello, Ajamil (B&A); REG Architects; and Carr Smith Corradino. Schematic designs for the parks facilities Master Plan were adopted in 1996, preliminary cost estimates and a draft construction schedule have now been completed and distributed for review. Community meetings have already been held in the north and south areas as instructed by the Commission, as well as, the Parks Advisory Board and Youth Advisory Board. Comments received, at those meetings, were included with the package of materials for this meeting. '" ~ 315 t: ~ i - a I I I [ I I I a I J J J , ,. - It - - I , I ~ I I I I J I J , Kevin Smith, Recreation, Culture and Parks Director, introduced Rai Fernandez of Bermello & Ajamil, to present schematic designs of the three parks: Lummus, North Shore, and Pine Tree. Work on South Pointe Park is currently being deferred until such time as a determination is made regarding funding from RDA-South Pointe. The design for North Shore Open Space Park, which is fully funded under the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bonds, is being deferred until there is a resolution regarding the Altos del Mar site. Aida Curtis, of Curtis & Rogers, addressed the committee next. As part of the master planning process the community indicated a desire to develop Lummus Park as a front line to the Deco District on Ocean Drive from 5th Street to 14th Lane. The project will include restoring the coconut canopy, an irrigation system for the park (which is now in place), accessible connections to the beach at 7th Street, 10th Street, and 13th Street, and new or renovated restroom areas. Ms. Curtis stated that the base bid for Lummus Park totals $835,742. There are alternates for additional coconut palms, landscape lighting, and renovation of a sand soccer and volleyball court that total $130,212. Ms. Gavarrete recommended that they proceed on the construction documents for the base bid, wait until the bids are received, see what savings can be derived, and then come back for direction regarding the use of the savings, if any. Mr. Fernandez explained the recommendation for work to be done at the Recreation Center in North Shore Park. Three tennis courts will be eliminated, the remaining courts will be converted into hydro courts, the tot lot will be relocated, an additional baseball/soccer field will be added and two existing structures will be removed to provide a larger community center, shuffle board courts, tennis center, practice courts, and a maintenance facility. The community center could potentially be expanded if the basketball courts were relocated. Upon review of the schematic designs, and discussion Commissioner Smith moved to go with the base bid on the North Shore subject to deleting the area of the existing basketball courts for future consideration of their location and the ability to expand the community center. Commissioner Liebman seconded. Kevin Smith responded to a question regarding the pools to be built within the plan. He stated that of the two pools (excluding the Youth Center) at Normandy and Flamingo, Flamingo was in the worst condition and needed to be reconstructed totally. When the County Safety Neighborhood Parks Bonds Funds became available, there was $1 million allocated for pools. The opportunity was taken to build a new pool at Normandy rather than invest money in something that may last only 10 years. There was concern raised about the type of pools that were being constructed at the two parks. Commissioner Liebman requested that this issue be resolved before they come before the May 20th Commission meeting. 4 316 A discussion was held regarding the size of the ice rink at the Youth Center. The configuration of the proposed ice rink is 65' x 110' with a support area. Ms. Gavarrete responded that the community has continued to raise concerns regarding the dimension of the ice rink. The architects have designed a rink that reflects overall consensus, based on what the commission adopted in 1996. Commissioner Smith made a motion to go ahead with the complete base bid program for all parks as proposed, with the exception of a deferral of the basketball courts for North Shore Park, and resolution of the pool issue at Normandy before the May 20th Commission meeting, and to authorize the administration to proceed with the construction documents. Seconded by Commissioner Liebman. Meeting was adjourned at 7:_10 p.m. SR/jg~CP F:\FI~WIN60\1998\FINCOMM\050898.REP 5 317 ;1 I I I I r I I I I I I - It II . -