Attachment U - ~ITY OF MIAMI BEACH .1'( l-'ALL 1700 CONVENTiON CENT2R ORNE MIAMI 8EACH. FLORIDA 33139 nrto:\\ci.miam i-oeach.:J. us COM)rrSSIO!'o' :VI:E)IOR-\...''-Dt~I NO. Li~~ -7~ . TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and iYlembers of the City Co DATE: July 1,1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLD ON OF THE lVL~YOR Ai~'D CITY COMlVIISSION APPROVL.'iG REALLOCATION OF PARKS BOND Flii'l'DS IN THE A:."IOl.JNT OF 51,192,583 FOR Il\'IPROV'ElVIENTS IN SOUTH POINTE PARK AND \V ASHINGTON PARK TO OTHER ACTIVITIES IN THE PARKS BO~'D PROGR>\.lVI RECOMlVlEl'i1>A TION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND The Administration, at Commission direction, has attempted to maximize the effectiveness of the City's 515 million park bond issue. These limited funds must be spread City-wide in order to accomplish the necessary improvements. The Parks Bond allocated ftmding in the amount of5900,659 for South Pointe Park (partial funding) and $291,924 for Washington Park. (The Parks Master Plan program identified the need for 54,050,726 for South Pointe Park and 5466,757 for Washington Park, a total ofS4,517,483). The Administration has recommended that the balance of the improvements in South Pointe Park be funded through the tax increment financing (TIF) available to the South Pointe Redevelopment area as those ftmds become available. In the presentation before the Finance and Capital Improvements Committee on March 26, 1998 regarding the availability ofTIF' for South Pointe, S4 million was identified to fund completion of the improvements. By increasing this amount of 54,517,483, in the RDA budget for South Pointe, the City funds in the amount of51,192,583 could be freed up to be utilized in other parks in the City. \Vith regard to the shortfall in funding for Washington Park, these improvements were not included in the TIF budget. This park is located \vithin the boundaries of the South Pointe area and appropriation ofTIF for this purpose is a legitimate use ofTIF funds. AGE:"lDA ITE)I R1L_ 7-( -c;x 497 DATE , i . = ~ ? ., l . ( ; I ,~ I ~ 1\ .:1 I ;:1 I. ANAL YSTS . , Tne Administration, after analysis of the needs of the other activities in the Parks Bond program, recommends that the $1,192,583 currently allocated for South Pointe and Washingt.on Park, be reallocated to' other City parks. A companion item on the RDA agenda today recommends fully funding those improvements in the amount of$4,517,483 from TIF. This appropriation will enable additional activities to be completed in other locations with Parks Bond proceeds. It is anticipated that the TIF necessa..-y to implement the renovations in South Pointe Park and "Washington Park should be available in the next t\Vo to three years. J I The Administration presented the item to the South Pointe Advisory Board (SP AB) at its June 25, 1998 meeting. The SP AB members felt uncomfortable \Vith the reallocation of the funds until such time as the Portofino Settlement Agreement is final. The SP AB made a motion that: "they do not support the allocation of parks bonds funds from South Pointe to other areas of the community at this time." , I I I In summary, the-Administration supports the reallocation of $ 1,192,583 from South Pointe and Wasbington Park to other Citywide park needs. CONCLUSION , ~ The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the attached resolution reallocating the $1,192,583 of Parks Bond funding from South Pointe Park and Washington Park to other projects in the Parks Master Plan. J I.' roc- SIC~p~ .w/jph Att::tchment ~ T:IAGENDA \1ULO I 98\REGULAR\S?PK.ME.\1 498 -r I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ii Ii Ii: ~ Z~> ~ ;;=::;zzzzzzzz~ ~ o ~ ~ c.. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S<gc..sg<<<<<<<<~ - >-< ~ - -< ~[.Ij---O[.lj[.ljm::r::o ~ ~ 0. l:U -. ~ ~ ~ ;:;,.' ~ - ;:;,.' -'::J -. r_ .,,- ~ 0 \rItJ ~ ::l ~ _. ~ ~ (TQ ~ (TQ C'J'.l "'4 c.. 0.. ~ = ~ ~ 0.. (TQ '-< ::J Q - ~ .... .... ;:;,.' Z.,... C'J'.l ;;:0 en ~ ~ (TQ ~ ~ ~ c.. ...- - O' - ~ ~ (j -. ::;. -S ,... (TQ ~ [.Ij ..... ~_O- (j~(TQO~==;~~(j~ .,,- sa> ee -s "0 go ::l = 2. ~ ~ :J:; = - - ~ - -. ~ S' -. [.Ij 0.. en ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ CO ;;:0 t: Q. ~. (TQ cfg '-< 2: a E; 2..' ~ ~ ~ ~ l:U~.., ~o ~m::lC~~O ~ = tIJ en.. ~::l ~..c(TQ -s tIJ ~-< ~ ~ ?f a :; -= ~ 3 ::. en ~ ~ ~ =W' ..... ~ ........, \,,;wI "0 _ = ~ ~o~., c - ::..... C'J'.l~3C'J'.lo== ~ ~~ = en -< 0.. ~ ::;. = ..... ~ -. - o' ~ (1 ~ rfg ...... ::l tt f'.~ 0.. CO I ". 5. g e; ee :!. t:" @~ ~ &~ e:..t:O - -. (jQ. o c ;::;. ~ ~ rJ'j N 0 ....J \C - N - l-' - .. - 0 .. - 0 \C 0 0 N -. ~ ""' . - 0 . :!. 0 0 0 ~ - I ',- ..,:s.... ... ... -'0 .1 :.~ J