Attachment V !~'TY OF MIAMI BEACH aT'( HAL!.. 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 pP;\\Ci.miami-beaCh.t1.US I I I , ' I I I I r I ~ - ~ I L. I ~ t J - COl\'IMISSION MEMOR-\NDUM NO. 522 ~9 ~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co ission DATE: July 15, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A REQUEST FOR DIRECTION FOR THE RESOLUTION OF THE PENDING ISSUE RELATED TO THE PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS TO BE COMPLETED AT THE SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER ICE RINK. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION: It is requested that the Mayor and Members of the City Commission review the status report and provide direction to the Administration as to how to proceed \.Vith the Scott Rakow Youth Center Ice Rink. BACKGROUND On May 20, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved schematic plans for the base bids and base bid budgets for each Parks Bond project, and authorized the Administration to proceed with construction documents and bid specifications for the aforementioned projects with some exceptions. One of these was pending on further study of the options for the size and configuration of the Scott Rakow Youth Center Ice Rink; holding meetings \vith the community for input; and determining its final size and cost. ANAL YSIS As directed by the City Commission, the Administration reviewed this issue as follows: Issue Determine the final size and cost of the Scott Rakow Youth Center Ice Rink. Findings Throughout the Master Plarming and Schematic Development phases of the parks improvements program, it has been the Administration's objective to comply with the Commission's directive to build as large an ice rink as resources would permit. During the data collection phase of the Parks Master Plan, numerous meetings were held with the community to determine priorities for the Scott Rakow Youth Center. Two issues clearly stood out as priorities. They were the need for a play field, and a larger and more efficient ice rink complex with support facilities and a spectator area. 722 AGENDA ITEM 'I- <6A ~ DATE (-15- 9 . As a direct result of the ice rink discussions, the consultants studied several options for a new ice rink and developed concepts. These concepts included: 1. Expanding the existing ice rink without encroaching on the Par 3 Golf Course. 2. Enclose the existing multi-purpose coun area and convert to new ice rink. 3. Build a new ice rink complex at the northern end of the youth center facility. 4. Expand the existing ice rink to create a rectangular ice surface, doubling the existing ice area, and provide for spectator bleachers. This alternative required an encroachment into the Par 3 Go If Course of approximatel y 46' beyond the demising line created by the wall of the pool area. At the May 8, 1998, joint meeting of the Finance/Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhoods Committee, the Parks General Obligation Bond Improvemettts prograln was discussed. At the conclusion of the meeting, it was the joint recommendation of the committees that the program be forwarded to the Commission, as proposed in the base bid. This package included the ice rink as proposed in the northeast comer of the facility , with an ice surface of approximatel Y 7,165 sf. designed in a configuration 0 f approximately 65ft. wide by 110ft. long. The exi sting ice surface now at the youth center is approximately 3,865 sf. The additional 3,300 sf. is an increase of 46% of ice surface over the existing surface. Prior to the May 20, 1998 directive from the Commission to determine the fInal size and cost of the Scott Rakow Youth Center Ice Rink, the Administrati on instrUcted the proj ect architects, Carr Smith Corradino, to again analyze the site to determine what other solutions may be available. Based on their study, seven additional alternatives were developed. (Please see Attachment A for the Alternatives). When analyzed, twO of the seven 'vvere further studied. . Analysis No.6 proposed an ice surface of 65' x ISO', required a variance of 42'.4" projecting 21'.0" beyond the properly line and approximately 5'-6' from the street edge, eliminated all interior seating and increased the cost of the ice rink by approximately $238,000 for a total estimated cost of$I,893,500 including constrUction costs and architectural!engineering fees. . Analysis No.7 proposed an ice surface of 65' x 130', required a variance of26'.6" projecting 5'.1" beyond the properly line and approximately 20'.0" from the street edge, and the elimination of all interior seating. The cost would be approximately the same as the schematic designed concept, for a total estimated cost of S 1,655,500. The proposed plan for the 65' x 110' rink wo ul d require a 21'.4" variance but would remain wi thiD the current property line and funding is in place. On June 29, 1998, a public meeting was held in City Hall to present the original schematic as well as the tWO alternatives. There were approximately 40 citizens in attendance, comprised primarily of individuals interested in expanding the ice rink and residents of the area interested in ensuring the proposed facility did not impact their neighborhood negatively. At the meeting, the consultants fIrst presented the 65' x 110' concept as included in the schematic plans. The other alternatives were then presented, followed by an extensive question and answer period. AnalysiS No.6 was deemed unacceptable to the neighborhood and as too intrusive; and Analysis No.7 was not acceptable to the residents even though it was less invasive. The meeting concluded with no absolute recommendation being made as to the size of the ice rink. 723 II ,r;- ~ ,II [I ',~ ,~ :- t' ~ I ;',,:~ I If. Recommended Solution(s): An ice rink v.rith an ice sheet size of 65' x 110' was recommended in the Park Master plan and Bond Fund program. The same schematic plan was presented and approved at the May 8, 1998, joint meeting of the Finance/City\\-ide Projects Committee and the Neighborhoods Committees. It was also presented at the May 20, 1998 Commission meeting. Input from several of the neighborhood residents who would be impacted by the construction of the new ice rink appeared to indicate that any rink exceeding 65' x 110' would not be acceptable and be met \\-ith substantial opposition. Based on the comprehensive evaluation process conducted throughout the Master Plan development and subsequent schematic development phase of the program and the extensive community input, it is recommended the 65' x 110' option, as proposed in the schematic plan, be approved. It must be again stated that this recommended option is vvithin budget and proposed funding and at this point appears to be acceptable to the impacted neighborhood residents. 11 , I ~ ~ ~ ~, I -' CONCLUSION: It is requested that the Mayor and Members of the City Commission review the status report and provide direction to the Administration as to how to proceed vvith the Scott Rakow Youth Center Ice Rink. sJG~/eb , T :\AGENDA VUL 1598\REGULAR\ 1 RAKO WIC. WPD t ! ,: - - J J , v ,i 724 ". ATTACHMENT A .1 I I SCOTT RAKO\V YOUTH CENTER ICE RINK .~ ~ . Schematic Plan for the Scott Rakmv Youth Center As Presented at the 5/20 Commission lYleeting. . . ,. . . Seven (7) Options for Ice Rink Size/Location Prepared By Carr Smith Corradino Including Cost Estimates and Impact. II r::--; . . j ~ 725 ~ i r.:, ~; ~'.. ,Ii ~ ::J o ~ ~ 0, ,Vi ro ~ ~ Co) -- :... ~ en .- Q - ~ :... ....... ,... - C) u ~ Cl) ~ ~ Cl) u "0 -- ~ C) en c: ~ I en ....... C C) ,... c C) ;> o :..c 0.-2 ~ --" :: ~~o "'0 ~ V) C) ~ t> ~ ~ ~ 0. c:) 0 oZU :... ~ . . -- -- o o ~ c:) V) o E- - ..... c.... :::: .~ 0 ...... .- - --' =:l ~ ~ 5 o c :::: .r--- ...... c:) 0 l-. .5 ~ .~ 53 ~tl.OC~~~ C .S .S; 5 ~ .<C:) :..., :-"- --' - ~ ~ 5 UJ ~.....o~~o 2c:lCc:)~o c.o.;2 ~ ,~ z c.... ::: 0 c-::: "*-f '-'" ...... .~:::: ~ .......0 c:) ~ /::D en 0 ~ u - .5 'x E- :::: a 2 c... UJ "'Us CI'J 0.- c:) (l) ~ l-. c: ...... 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(.) c: <D C) c: ~ c: 8 ~:s 00 Nt- Scott Rakow Youth Center Observations on 3 schemes: prep~red by Carr Smith Corradino Schematic Design Phase Scheme as presented on 5/20/98 Analysis No.6 Analysis No. 7 Ice Related Estimated Cost $1,655,500.00 Setbacks Sheridan Avenue Setbacks 28th Street 21 '4 " Variance Required (Project v'Yithin Property Line) ITa" Variance Required (Project 3'0" from Property Line) $1,835,500.00 42'4" Variance Required 20'0" Variance Required (Project 21 '0" beyond (Project on Property Line and Property Line and evacuation of 3'0" easement approx. 5'0" from street required) edge) $1,695,500.00 26'6" Variance Required 20'0" Variance Required (Project 5'1" beyond (project on Property Line and Property Line and evacuation of 3'0" easement approx. 20'0" from street required) edge) 739 ~ I - r- i "'"'" - II rI