Attachment W IeITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 tlp:\\cLmiam i-beach. fLus I - I I I I I I r , ~ g I ~ ~ ~. , , I COMMISSION l\tIEMOR~NDUM NO. 507-<1 g TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mmission DATE: July 15. 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez " City Manager ~ SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR A.ND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIA1\1I BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF 513,980,915, COMPRISED OF 513,835,915 FROM THE 515 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION PARKS IMPROVEMENTS BOND PROGRAM A~1) 5145,000 FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LIEN ON THE RIVIERA APARTMENTS, LOCATED AT 163, 173, 193 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE; ESTABLISHING THE NECESSARY WORK ORDERS; AND Al\1ENDING THE CURRENT ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENTS WITH BERMELLO, AJAl\tIIL & PARTNERS, BY $24,523; CARR SMITH CORRADINO, BY 5237,955; AND REG ARCHITECTS, INC., BY $1,863; ALL TO DESIGN ADDITIONAL PROGRAl\1 COMPONENTS BASED ON SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING AS APPROVED IN THE BASE BID SCHEMATIC PLANS AT THE MAY 20, 1998 CITY COMMISSION MEETING. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND On June 19, 1996, the City Commission adopted the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Bond Program and authorized the Administration to proceed with the implementation of said program. The City has since: · retained architectural and engineering services; · completed schematic design plans for park facilities pursuant to the Master Plan: · prepared preliminary cost estimates; · developed a draft construction schedule; and · obtained Commission approval to proceed with the designs and construction documents. AGENDA ITEM K lfS DATE.:J -15 -98' I On May 20, 1998, the Mayor and Ciry Commission approved the schematic plans for the base bids, base bid budgets for .each project and authorized the administration to proceed with the designs and bid specifications for the projects. I I On July I, 1998, the Mayor and Ciry Coromissi on approved the reallocation of $1,192583 from the $15 million General Obligation Parks Bond Improvements Program, and the allocation of $245,000 in additional funds fora total of $1,437,583 to proj ects within the Parks Bond Program as follows: S 947.073 Funding of the Base Bid Improvements Program Sports/Ball Field Lighting at Fair"vay Park (includes AJE fees and contingency) Redesign and Expand the North Shore Park Recreation Center (includes AJE fees and contingency) $ 340,510 $ 150,000 TOTAL: 51,437,583 AN AL YSlS The following is a summary of previously approved and appropriated allocations and the balance to be appropriated into work orders from the $15 million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program: Parks Master Plan Boardwalk Project Anticipated Bond Handling Fees Crespi Park Playground Total Previously Appropriated: $ 433,085 $ 446,000 $ 260,000 $ 25.000 . 5 1,164,085 Balance of GOB funds to be Appropriated: Riviera Apartments Lien Settlement: 513,835,915 S 145.000 These funds must be appropriated to ensure the $15 million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program progresses as planned. TOT AL TO BE APPROPRlA TED: $13,980,915 Based on the approval of the Ciry Commission on May 20, 1998, the contracts for the three architectural firms responsible for preparing the designs, working drawings and bid specifications for the various programs should be amended as delineated in the attached table (see AttaChment A). Amendments to the project architects' contracts, due to the identification of additional funds to further the Parks Master Plan, were anticipated and stipulated in the approved agreements, and authorized by Resolution 97-22479, adopted on July 16, 1997. CONCLUSION Adopt the Resolution. ~~JAlJUL 1598\REGULAR\GO-SNP3.MEM 513 -- ~ iJ - - ~ ~ Q - ~ ~ ~ I , ! , ~ , I , RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR A..~D CITY COMlYIISSION OF THE CITY OF lVllA.MI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,980,915, COMPRISED OF $13,835,915 FROM THE $15 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION PARKS IMPROVEMENTS BOND PROGRAM AND $145,000 FROM THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LIEN ON THE RIVIERA APARTlVIENTS, LOCATED AT 163, 173, 193 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE; ESTABLISHING THE NECESSARY WORK ORDERS; AND AMENDING THE CURRENT ARCHITECTUR<\L AGREEMENTS \VITH BER..lYIELLO, AJAlYIIL & PARTNERS, BY S24,523; CARR SMITH CORR<\DINO, BY $237,955; AND REG ARCHITECTS, INC., BY $1,863; ALL TO DESIGN ADDITIONAL PROGRAM COMPONENTS BASED ON SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING AS APPROVED IN THE BASE BID SCHEMATIC PLANS AT THE MAY 20, 1998 CITY COMMISSION MEETING. \VHEREAS, on June 19, 1996, the Mayor and City Commission adopted the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan Bond Program and authorized the Administration to proceed with the implementation of said Program; and WHEREAS, the City has since retained architectural and engineering services, completed schematic design plans for park facilities pursuant to the Master Plan, prepared preliminary cost estimates, developed a draft construction schedule, and obtained City Commission approval to proceed with construction documents; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved the schematic plans for the base bids and base bid budgets for each parks project, and authorized the Administration to proceed with the designs and bid specifications for the projects; and WHEREAS, a total of $13,980,915, comprised of $13,835,915 from the City's General Obligation Parks Improvement Bond Program and $145,000 from the settlement of the lien on the Riviera Apartments, is to be appropriated and established into work orders; and WHE,REAS, based on the approval given by the Mayor and City Commission on May 20, 1998, and the City Commission's approved reallocation and distribution of funds at its July 1, 1998 meeting, the contracts for the three architectural firms responsible for preparing the designs, working drawings and bid specifications for the parks (Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, by $24,523; CarT Smith Corradino, by $237,955; and REG Architects, Inc., by $1,863) need to be amended to complete the identified new work. 514 ..;....,;- . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR A1~D CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1\'l1A1\1I BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein authorize the appropriation of funds, in the amount $13,980,915, comprised of $13,835,915 from the $15 million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program and $145,000 from the settlement of the lien on the Riviera ApaItments, located at 163, 173, 193 South Shore Drive; establishing the necessary work orders and increasing the current Architectural Agreements v.ith Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, by $24,523; Carr Smith Carradino, by $237,955; and REG Architects, Inc., by $1,863; all to design additional program components based on supplemental funding as approved in the Base Bid Schematic Plans at the May 20, 1998 City Commission meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 1998. MA. YOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK SR/JGnA/eb F:\RCf;%SALL \KEVIN\COMMISSI\GO-SNP3 .RES APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~I!!::!~ ~ 515 I I I J J I I I ( t r , I I I I .1 )y; .r.'i:~ .;~:t: ,}~; .',IV - I ~ , I I I I I I I 1 , , I , , , .," - ,~~--- .,f~~{'~::>," _ ,. .. ATIACHMENTA Bermello, AjamiI & Partners, Inc. (7.2% Fee) Original Bond Revised Schematic ~ Allocation Approved Allocation Difference A&E Fee $888,236.00 $835,742.00 ($52,494.00) $2,401,086.00 $3,979,032.00 $1,577,946.00 $455,167.00 $0.00 ($455,167.00) $181,687.00 $193,279.00 $11,592.00 $165,020.00 $324,406.00 $159,386.00 $900,659.00 $0.00 ($900,659.00) $4,991,855.00 $5,332,459.00 5340,604.00 $24.523 Carr Smith Corradino (10% Fee) IFlamingo $1,787,240.00 $2,177,688.00 $390,448.00 Normandy Isle $1,127,993.00 $2,147,501.00 $1,019,508.00 Scott Rakow Youth ent $1,904,100.00 $2,873,693.00 $969,593.00 rOT AL: $4,819,333.00 $7,198,882.00 $2.379,549.00 5237,955 REG Architects (8% Fee) $195,127.00 $187,237.0 ($7,890.00) $628,65 I .00 $899,03~.00j $270,382.00 $325,860.00 $339,344.00 $13,484.00 $267,379.00 $239,683.00 ($27,696.00) $72,588.00 $66,390.oq ($6,198.00) $80,490.00 $89,520.00 $9,030.00 $167,933.00 $176,512.00 $8,579.00 $147,487.00 $197,947.00 $50,460.00 $122,650.00 $0.00 ($122,650.00) $184,398.00 $209,940.00 $25,542.00 $291,924.00 $102,173.00 ($189,751.00) $2,484,487.00 $2,507,779.00 $23.292.00 $1.863 ... Washington Park work has been completed through the design/development phase. REG has been 35% of the contractually established rate for thi!i park. The value of $102,173 represents 35% of the $291,924 allocated to the park for construction. The AlE fee paid is reflected accordingly in the calculation. 516