Attachment Y CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BE.4.CH, FLORIDA 33139 htt'1:\\cL miam i-beach. fl. us COiVLVllSSIONMEMOR;\NDl:MNO.d-Z ,-9 g I TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co 1ssion DATE: July 15. 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY iVL~1\IAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO RECEIVE, PROCESS AL'\TD SIGN ALL REQUIRED CONTR~CTS, AGREEl\tIEl'lTS, PURCHASE ORDERS, AJ'\TD CHANGE ORDERS RELA TED TO THE DEMOLITION DEEMED NECESSARY TO RECTIFY THE HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS IDENTIFIED AS A RESULT OF AN INSPECTION OF THE PAVILIONS, DECKING AND RAIHPS AT NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK, FROM THE LAST COMMISSION MEETING IN JULY, 1998, IJNTIL THE FIRST COMMISSION MEETING IN SEPTEMBER, 1998, SUBJECT TO RATIFICATION BY THE CITY C02YINIISSION AT ITS FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER, 1998. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND .... On June 25, 1998, a report ,"vas prepared by the City's Property Management Division that summarized a number of hazardous conditions that exist in the physical structures of North Shore Open Space Park. The report focused specifically on the raised pavilion areas, the wood deck structures, wood trellises, ramps and substructures. The report indicated that in spite of the Property Management Division's ongoing efforts to repair the structures, the continuous exposure to the elements and the highly corrosive salt vv'ater environment has caused the deterioration to continue to a point where many of the facilities are beyond repair. The report concluded \vith the recommendation that a complete structural evaluation be made by the Building Department's structural engineer of the actual conditions of the facilities. Attached is a copy of the June 25, 1998 North Shore Open Space Park report. 335 AGENDA ITEM C J C? C;f::7 DATE (-[5- 1'-.) I I -= I , I I I I f I . ,C; . . II . ttI ~-. :'<'--':',,' ,. -'",.... . r . II I I I I ~ I I I I I J 1 North Shore Open Space Park belongs to the State of Florida and is under a 25 year lease agreement with the City that expires in 2019. The agreement stipulates that the City is responsibk for the management and maintenance of all areas included in the lease. The lease further stipulates that the City \ViII obtain written approval from the State prior to making any alteration to the site. ANAL YSIS On July 2, 1998, the Chief Building Inspector of the Building Department inspected the condition of the pavilions, decks, ramps and raised wood structures in North Shore Open Space Park. It was determined that specific structures in North Shore Open Park failed the inspection and were declared unsafe structures. At the conclusion of the inspection, the facilities declared unsafe were closed to use by the public. On July 7, 1998, at the request of Brad Judd, Director of Property Management, a contractor visited North Shore Open Space Park to evaluate the facilities and provide a preliminary quote to demolish the structures deemed beyond repair. The initial quote for the demolition of the unsafe structures was $75,000. There vviIl be additional quotes from other contractors and written approval from the State obtained prior to awarding any work. Funding to pay for the demolition and removal costs \ViIl be provided from the General Fund. The City vviIl seek reimbursement from the State and/or the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Fund allocation of$2.1 million to North Shore Open Space Park for these expenses. The Administration is seeking approval to proceed with all actions necessary to demolish the structures determined to be unsafe; and will present any matter requiring ratification to the Commission at the first meeting in September. CONCLUSION Approve the attached Resolution. ~~i] 598\CONSElffiNSOSP.COM 336 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY IVIA.l~AGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO RECEIVE, PROCESS Al~D SIGN ALL REQUIRED CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS, PURCHASE ORDERS, AND CHANGE ORDERS RELA TED TO THE DEMOLITION DEEMED NECESSARY TO CORRECT ANY POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS IDENTIFIED AS A RESULT OF AN INSPECTION OF THE PAVILIONS, DECKING AND RAMPS AT NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK; SAID AUTHORIZATION FROM THE LAST COMMISSION MEETING IN JULY, 1998, UNTIL THE FIRST COMMISSION MEETING IN SEPTEMBER, 1998, SUBJECT TO R-\ TIFICA TION BY THE CITY COMMISSION AT ITS FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER, 1998. 'WHEREAS, On June 25, 1998, a report was prepared by the City's Property Management Division that summarized a number of hazardous conditions that exist in the physical structures of North Shore Open Space Park; and WHEREAS, the report focused specifically on the raised pavilion areas, the wood deck structures, wood trellises, ramps and substructures; and 'WHEREAS, the report indicated that, in spite of the Property Management Division's ongoing efforts to repair the structures, the continuous exposure to the elements and the highly corrosive salt water environment has caused the deterioration to continue to a point where many of the facilities are beyond repair; and WHEREAS, the report concluded with the recommendation that a complete structural evaluation be made by the Building Department's structural engineer to the actual conditions of the facilities; and WHEREAS, on July 2, 1998, the Chief Building Inspector of the Building Department inspected the condition of the pavilions, decks, ramps and raised wood structures in North Shore Open Space Park; and WHEREAS, it was determined that specific structures in North Shore Open Park failed the inspection and were declared potentially unsafe structures; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the inspection, the facilities declared potentially unsafe were closed to future use by the public; and WHEREAS, on July 7, 1998, at the request of the Property Management Division, a contractor visited North Shore Open Space Park to evaluate the facilities and provide a preliminary quote to demolish the structures deem beyond repair; and 337 t I i [ I I I - f . . It . . it I II I J Ii I I I I n I I r 1 t I I J I J I WHEREAS, the initial quote for the demolition of the potentially unsafe structures was estimated at $75,000, and there 'Will be additional quotes obtained prior to awarding any work; and WHEREAS, the Administration is seeking approval to proceed with all actions necessary to repair or demolish the structures determined to be potentially unsafe and report back to the Mayor and City Commission at the first meeting in September. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT nUL Y RESOL YED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to receive, process and sign all required contracts, agreements, purchase orders, and change orders related to the demolition deemed necessary to correct any potential hazardous conditions identified as a result of an inspection of the pavilions, decking and ramps at North Shore Open Space Park; said authorization from the last Commission meeting in July, 1998, until the first Commission meeting in September, 1998, subject to ratification by the City Commission at its first meeting in September, 1998. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION SRlJGIHMIKS/BJ T:\AGENDAVULI598\CONSENT\NSOSP.RES /fj~II,&/~ .....1 mey "7 ;/c/~ ~: / Date' ~ 338