Attachment D CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE Of TME CITV MANAGER TELEPHONE: (:lO5) 613-7010 fAX: (305) 673-7182 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. &2Jo-fj{ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City CommissiOn Roger M. Carlton (\ . (), J --- City Manager ~ DATE: Sep. 8, 1994 FROM: SUBJECT: .a UBOIoftI:OJl OF 'fBB DYOa AIm C:I'tY CODI81IOK 01' 'fD c:zn 0.. XI:H:I BDc:K1 n.oJlI:DaI c:JU.LDIG l'Oa .a 8PZCLU. 1lI.BC'1'IOJl '10 BZ BBLD OJl TUB8DAY I XOVBIIBBR ., 199 4 70. TBB PUJUlO8B OJ' 8UBJu:T'fDICJ TO 'rD BLZcroa.aD OJ' 'l'BB CI'l'Y OF KI.aJa BBACa .a Qt1BSTIOJr HKnfG __"4"_Jt 'l'JIB exn 0.. JU:dI: .DCJI 8DLIo u: .aU'lBOJll:ZlID 'to u:vr ~ .aD v.aLOBZII TAX OF TJDlBJ:-oUU'lBJtS 0.. A ULL J'OR A HUOD ITO'.r 'fO BZCDD 3 ~ 70R 'I'D PURP08B 0.. :J'OHDI:JlG .ax ~ TJDl DICOD :J'aOK WJaCJl 8DLI. .. V8J:D FOR 'fBB ~ OF .un UD Bn-aJlDBD ItBCUAfiOJl ~R.IXS .I~. 'lD CI'.l'Y aD nZc:K 8DLL ~ DPLaCB allY GBDDI. J'tJ)IJ) unonn'fIO. Nil .UJ: AJI]) UCltD'fIOJI PUaP08B8. aDXJ:lr:IS'l'UT:IO. UCOMMBlmAT:IOlll The AdDinistration recommends that the Xayor and City Commission approve the attached Resolution calling for a Special Election to be held on TUesday November 8, 1994 for the purpose of submitting to the electorate of the City of XiAmi Beach a question askinq whether the City of Miami Beach shall be authorized to levy an ad valor.. tax of three-quarters of a lIlill for a period not to exceed thr.. (3) years for the purpose of fundinq an endoWllent the income from whiCh shall be used for the JDaintenance of parks and recreation programs within the city and which .hall not supplant any general fund funding for parks and recreation purposes. BACKGROUIm : As instructed by the Kia.i Beach City commission at its July 27, 1994 meeting. the AdlIliniatration has requested assistance fro. the city Attorney's office in preparinq enabling leqislation and bal.l.ot question tor a November 8, 1994 specia1 Election seeking electorate approval for le1ry of an ad valorem tax of three-quarters of a mill for a period not to exceed three (3) years for the purpose of fundinq an endo'Wlllent the incoM at which shall be used for the maintenance ot parka and recreation programs within the city and which shall be in addition to and not replace the existinq General Fund allocation for parkS and recreation purposes. The city Attorney's office has drafted the attached Resolution, and if adopted by the Mayor and city Commission would be placed on the Novelllber 8, 1994 ballot. 1.14 1 AGEND~ -1 c.. ITeM , - LO/!Q .d !O:Z! 66. 8! qa~ DATE q-~- q</ VSZl-~L9-SO~:x~~ ~~3lJ AIIJ HJe38 I~IW ~Y8:rS: As reported at the July 13, 1994 Co_ission meeting, the Administration has received extensive community input: re<jarding this issue through several town meetings as well as various advisory board me.tinge and other presentations to cOII11Ilunity based organizations. This community involv~ent process indicates that support exists ~or the levy ot an ad valor.. tax of thr.e-quarters of a .ill for a period not to exceed three (3) years tor the purpose of funding an endo_ent. The income from the interest generated rrom this endowment shall be used for the malntenanceot parka and expanded recreation programs within the city. The tax revenue collected would establish an estimated endowment ot $12 million, which would be established as a trust fund. It 1s projected that, based on a conaervative 7' annual return on investment, the interest would generate approxi.ately $850,000 addi tional revenue annually to be added to the Recreation and Parks budget for increased recreation proqraa personnel as well a8 park JIIOIintenance staff. A8 indicated by the attached graphic titled Endowment Funding for parks, the incre<lse for a resid.nt with a ho.. assessed at a value of $150,000 with a hom.stead exemption would pay $93.75 for the first year of the three year period. The subsequent two years would be based on the bomeowner's annual property appraisal. This special tax would be for the three year period and would then cease. It is also important to clearly understand this increasQd revenue tor the Recreation and Parks Department would b. in add.ition to their annual qen.ral fund budqet, and in no way would it be utilized to replace their annual operational budget. This is also stated as a condition incorporated into the ballot question. ~CL'08:rO.3 The AdJlinistration recoaends that the Mayor and city COlIUIlission approve the attached ReSOlution calling for a Special Election to be held on Tuesday NoveJlber 8, 1994 for the purpose of sUbllitting to the electorate ot the city ot xi&Jlli Beach a question asking whether the City of xi..i Beach shall be authorized to levy an ad valoraa tax at three-quarters of a lIill for a periOd not to exceed three (3) years for the purpose of tundinc;J an endOWllent the incolle from wbich shall be used for the maintenance of parks and expanded recreation programs within the city and which ahall not supplant any general tund fundinq for parka and. recreation purposes. RMC/KS/J1I/jm c:: \"IlO 1 \ tur_ 115 2 LO/(;O"d ~:<:I 66. 8I qaj ~L-~9-%:xej >Rl31J AlIJ HJt:l38 lloi::fIW RESOLtJTXON NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMKISSION OF TO CITY OF !llAH:I BEACH. FLORJ:DA, CALLINO FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOvmlBr:R 8, 1994, FOR TBB PURPOSB OF SUBHITTING TO THE ELECTORATE OF THE CITY OF HIAKI.B2ACH A QUESTION CONCERNING WHETHER THE CITY OF KlAHI BEACH SHALL BE AUTKORIZBD TO LEVY AN AD VALQRE)( TAX OF THREE-QUARTERS OF A HILL FOR ~ PERIOD BOT TO EXCEED 3 YEARS FOR THB PURPOSE oF FUNDING AN ENDOWMENT TU I:NCOKl!: FROM WH%CB S~L BE USED FOR THE ~tNTEKANCE OF PARltS AND dCREATION PROGRAMS WITKIN ~ CITY, DICK INCOHE SHALL NOT BE USED TO REPLACE ANY GENERAL J'lJND I'tJNDING FOR PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMHISSIO~ OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH: SECTION 1. In accordance with provisions of the Charter of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and the general laws of the state of Florida, a Special Election is hereby called and directed to be held in the City of Miami 13each, Florida, tram 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on TuesdaY', November 8, 1994 for the purpose of submitting to the electorate the question as set forth hereinafter. IJ.m:TION 2 L That the appropriate and proper Dade County election officials shall conduct the said special Election hereby called, with Dade county's certification of the results of said Special Election being accepted by tne City commission. The official returns for each precinct shall be furnished to the City Clerk of the city of Miami Beach as soon as the ballots from all precincts have been tabulated and results duly accepted by said appropriate Dade county Officials. I)!lC'l'YOlll 3. Said voting precincts in the City of said Speci~l Election shall be as established by the proper and appropriate Dade County Election Officials. All electors shall vote at the polling places and the voting precincts in which the official registration books show that the said electors reside. A list of the voting precincts 116 1 AGENDA 0 'I /'I ITE" ~ - ,- \...-. OATE Cf-1-Q<,{ l7S<:L-~l9-SOf:xP.:l m1J AlD HJt:Ga IWl::lllol lo/m.d 20:lt 66. 8t Qa.:! and the polling place$ therein (subject to change by the Supervisor of Elections of Dade county, in accordance with the laws of Florida) is attached hereto as Exhibit A. ~:IO. 4. Registration of persons desiring to vote in the Special Election shall be in accordance with the general law of the state of Florida governing voter registration. Qualified persons may register to vote at the City registration office located in the lobby of city Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, each and every wednesday until October 11, 1994, between the hours of 9:00 a.m.. and 4:30 p.m., and at such other voter registration centers and during such times as may be provided by the Supervisor of Elections of Dade county. All questions concerning voter registration should be directed to the Dade county Elections Office, 111 Northwest 1st street, Floor 19, Miami, Florida 33130; Mailing Address: P.O. Box 012241, Miami, Florida 33101; Telephone: (305) 375-5553. DEC'UO. s. A copy of the ballot question shall be made available to the electors at the office of tne city Clerk from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted, not later than thirty days prior to the date of said election. ,BCTIO. 45 L Not less than thirty days' notice of said Special Election shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida. Such publication shall be made at least once each week for four consecutive weeks next preceding said special Election. 8I!:CTrO. 7. The notice of election shall be substantially in the following forme THE CITY OF MIAHI BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL ELECTION HAS BEEN CALLED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AND WILL BE HELD IN SAID CITY FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. ON THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2 117 LO/t70"d ~O:lt 66. st qdj t>SU-~L9-so~:xej )I~lJ AID HJ\:GEl 11-13114 1994, AT WHICH TIME THERE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DULY REGISTERED AND QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: 1'.AX LEVY TO CRF.I\.TE ENDOWMENT FTJNO WITH :INC:OME USED TO ~INTATN PARKS AND RECRF.ATTON PROGRAMS. SHALL THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BE AUTHORIZED TO IEVY AN AD VALOREM TAX OF THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILL FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 3 YEARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING AN ENDOWMENT THE INCOME FROM WHIcH SHALL BE USED FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS WITHIN THE CITY, WHICH INCOME SHALL NOT BE USED TO REPLACE ANY GENERAL FUND FUNDING FOR PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES? YES NO 88C'1':IOK 8. The official ballot to be used in the special Election to be held on November 8, 1994, hereby called, shall be in substantially the followinq form, to-wit: pFFICTAI. BALI.oT THE CITY OF !'fIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECrAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 8, 1994 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL ELECTION HAS BEEN CALLED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'MIAMI BEACH, FWRlDA, AND WILL BE HELD IN SAID CITY FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 1:00 P.M. ON TH! 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1994, AT WHICH TIME THERE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DULY REGISTERED AND QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: ~AX I.EVY TO CREATE F.NDOWMENT FUND WITH INcoME USED TO MAINTAIN PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS. SHALL THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BE AUTHORIZED TO LEVY AN AD VALOREM TAX OF THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILL FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 3 YEARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING AN ENDOWMENT THE INCOME FROM WHICH SHALL BE USED FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS WITHIN THE CITY, WHICH INCOME SHALL NOT BE USED TO REPLACE ANY GENERAL FUND FUNDING FOR PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES? 'lES NO !lKC'l'YON 9. Absentee voters participating in said Special Election shall be entitled to cast their ballots in accordance with the provisions 3 1)8 lO/9Q.d ~O:~l 66. at qaj t7Sll-~l9-~: xt'j )t~3lJ AlIJ I-Otf.38 IWl:lIW of the laws of the state of Florida with respect to absentee voting. pCTION 10. That the City ot Miami Beach shall pay all e"'Penses for conducting this special Election and will pay to Dade County or directly to all persons or firlDs, upon receipt of invoice or statement approved by the supervisor of Elections of Dade County, Florida. SECTION 11. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its paSS8CJe. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , 1994. MAYOR ATTEST: ('C: \j..n\cQOUlti~s\.,r.dOWll'l:.rllJ:tfl ..ORM APPROVllJ LEGAL DEPT. By s,^") ~, ~ 1-<\ '-f Date CITY CLERK 4 119 LO/SO"d ~O:G! 66. s! qaj t'SU-fL9-~:~j >Rl31J ,uIJ HJH3!! lloi:lIW ENDOWMENT FUNDING FOR PARKS THREE QUARTE~ OF A MILL FOR THREE YEARS . 120 lO/LO.d ~O:Zt 66. 8t qaj t'SU~9-~:xt'j )RIm ,un HJI:J3li IWl:JIW