Attachment Z :- ;;;';;:~:\~~III( '~I Ce~11 el>< I '1><1"e ~AI h ~11 ~e"~ fl'.2f><IOh ~~. ~\1 !ffilml !l .i. TV OF MIAMI BEACH ..L'1 ~ .1 ':;,"" -( COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. c..{-(o5-9~ ( :, ~.l , I ! i SUBJECT: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: July 15, 1998 Members of the City Commission Sergio Rodriguez /~ # City Manager ~ Request for Retroactive Approval to Award Purchase Orders to Park Structures, Inc. and Cushiondeck International, for a Combined Amount of $19,140.47, pursuant to Volusia County Bid No. 97-B-139 for the Purchase and Installation of Kidsafe Play Tiles and State of Florida Snaps Agreement #805738 for the Purchase and Installation of Playground Poured-in-Place Safety Surfacing at Crespi Park. , i ,'; I ~: ; TO: FROM: . ., jl 'I ;0\ ,I :i \, ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Approve the award. .() o .3 :3 BID AMOUNT AND FUNDING: $19,140.47 Funding is available from the Parks and Recreation General Obligation Bond Issue 370, Account Number 370.2154.069358. c o .~ ~ a a BACKGROlJN]): The total cost includes all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to install 1,411 square feet of Model KS50 Kidsafe Play Tiles and 674 square feet of Model #2000 all color poured-in-place 2" thick safety surfacing at Crespi Park, located at 7801 Crespi Blvd. The ftmding for this project was approved at the May 20, 1998 Commission meeting, per Resolution No. 98-22746. This work has already been performed in order to "fast track" the installation of playground equipment that was donated to the City by the ADVO Corporation, so that the playground would be available for the summer. . i b '0 ~ I ( .COST BREAKDOWN: Parks Structure, Inc. (Volusia County Bid No. 97-B-139) -15% $ 9,820.56 $ 1,040.00 $ 2,116.50 - 1,629.09 1,411 Sq.l Ft. Model KS50 KidSafe Play Tiles 20 Gal. Model KSA Epoxy Adhesive Delivery & Installation Less V olusia County Discount 15% $ 6.95/SfF $ 52.00/Gal. $11,347.97 FUNDING APPROVED (hi) Management and Budget 2 AGENDAITEM (~2A DATE1-\5-9& Crespi Park Surfacing Page Two July 15, 1998 BACKGROUND: (Continued) Cushiondeck International (Snaps Agreement #805738) 674 Sq.Ft. Model #2000 All Color poured in place 2" thick Freight Installation $ 6.75/SfF $ 4,549.50 $ 1,895.00 $ 1,348.00 $ 7,792.50 Total Cost $19,140.47 CONCLUSION: Retroactive approval should be granted for this purchase from Park Structures, Inc. and Cushiondeck International, which was necessary in order to provide a safe playing environment for childien at Crespi Park. SJ}~JF:Cd File Reference No. 82-97/98 3 i I I I I I I I I I I