Attachment II ~c I T Y OF MIAMI BEACH , :rTf HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 , - - ~ ~ , 1 , 1 , J , , , f I -: COMMISSION MEMOR-\NDUM NO. g:ro0-9~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co mission DATE: December 16, 1998 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOL TION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING A \VAIVER OF DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PVRSVA..l'T TO SECTION 142 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO STORY ADDITION AT THE SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER ENCROACHING INTO THE REQUIRED SETBACKS. RECOMMENDA TION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND At the July 15, 1998 Corrunission meeting, the Administration was directed to develop construction documents for a new Ice Rink at the Scott Rakow Youth Center with an ice surface of 65ft by 13 Oft. To accomplish this a waiver of development regulations regarding minimum setback requirements and a partial vacation of Sheridan Street would be required. The Administration is now requesting that the Mayor and members of the City Commission reconsider the direction given to the Administration at the July 15, 1998 Corrunission meeting and allow construction of an Ice Rink with an ice surface of approximately 65ft by 125ft (See Alternative No, 1, Analysis No. 10) instead of 65ft by 130 ft (See Alternative No.2, Analysis No. 7), This size would not require a partial vacation of Sheridan Street, but it would require a waiver of the development regulation regarding the minimum setback dimensions for the site. The Administration is requesting that the City Corrunission waive the development regulations regarding the minimum setback requirements pursuant to Section 142, Subsection 142-425.(d) of the Code of the City of Miami Beach which reads, in part: AGENDA ITEM K-;Cr IL-ICo-crK' DATE 1 269 (d) F ollov.ing a public hearing, the development regulations required by these land development regulations, except for the historic preserv'ation and design review processes, may be \-vaived by a five-sevenths vote of the city commission for developments pertaining to governmental owned or leased buildings, uses and sites which are wholly used b::', open and accessible to the general public, and .for convention center hotels and convention center hotel accessor::; garages and city utilized parking lots, provided they are continually used for such purposes, Nonvithstanding the above, no GU property may be used in a manner inconsistent with the comprehensive plan. In all cases involving the use of GU property by the private sector, or joint governmeneprivate use, development shall conform to all development regulations in addition to all applicable sections contained in these land development regulations and shall be re\'iewed by the planning board prior to approval by the city commission, All such private or joint government/private uses are allowed to apply for any peimittee variances, Private or joint government/private uses shall not be eligible to waive any regulations as described in this paragraph. A public hearing on such a waiver of regulations requires that a 15 day notice be given and that the notice be posted on the property', advertised in a newspaper of general circulation and mailed to all property owners within 375 feet of the site. This notification has been properly executed, AN AL YSIS j The project overall design and scope has already been thoroughly scrutinized and endorsed by the community, the Parks Advisory Board and the City' Commission, The project does not require to be submitted to the Historic Preservation Board and will be submitted to the Design Review Board at a later date. I .. The proposed setbacks will be 0'-0" both on the 28th Street side as well as the Sheridan Avenue side. The proposed setback on 28th Street follo\vs the existing setback at another portion of the site. There is a 20'-0" swale on the 28th Street side which mitigates the setback waiver. The setback on Sheridan Avenue would require a waiver of20'-0" where there is no existing swale. I J CONCLUSION ! In view of the foregoing, the Administration has concluded that the City Commission should waive development regulations pertaining to setbacks, as described above and pursuant to Section 142, Subsection 142-425.(d) of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, in order to allow for the construction of a n\<'o story addition to the Scott Rakow Youth Center which includes a new Ice Skating Rink containing an ice surface of 65 feet by 125 feet.. , I ~ Attachment --: l SRJCCIJGIKS/lGdP/JGG/ ID, JGG-F \WORK'SALL\CHA TR....:-.1)'PARK~CCOl cc I 2 270 I I I , ~ . ~ -- -- , I ( IP ~ - J , I , q - , ~ , , J I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE l\-L.\ YOR A..ND CITY COlV.fl\1]SSION OF THE CITY OF MIAI\H BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A \V AIVER OF DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, PURSUA..NT TO SECTION 142 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF lVIIAM:I BEACH, IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO STORY ADDITION AT THE SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER, SAID ADDITION ENCROACHING INTO THE REQUIRED SETBACKS. 'WHEREAS, the proposed two story addition to the Scott Rakow Youth Center has received approval from the Mayor and City Commission, the Youth Center Advisory Board, and the community; and WHEREAS, in order for the construction of the two story addition to be possible it is necessary to waive the applicable development regulations pertaining to setbacks for the Youth Center property, as set forth in Section 142 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach (the Code); and 'WHEREAS, pursuant to Subsections 142-425(d) and (e) of the Code, the Mayor and City Commissio~ may waive certain development regulations following a public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOL YED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMt'\1ISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that a request for the waiver of the development regulations pertaining to setbacks, as set forth in Section 142 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, in order to allow for the construction of a two story addition to the Scott Rakow Youth Center, is hereby approved and that the Administration is authorized to implement such waiver. PASSED and ADOPTED this _ day of ,1998. ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK APPROVED ;.s TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION JGGIF;IWORK\SALLICHA TRA1'IDIPARKSMPISCYCRES I. WPD ~1fijI./F, I~~ f Ci , Orref 271 o ALTERNATIVE *- I I ~ .. C) I ~, I 1 l ANAL YSIS NO. 10 \\\ 1ClaiW8 c ( \\ CORRADINO CITY OF MIAMI BEAQ-\ C4r.SMm1~ ..a5S _"".A~l ~ 1'\CIItlo.:ZS171l -~ s::m ~ ~ AOCJT/()(S ~ ROOVA nONS 78 272 I J J ~ ,... - - ... :- J J J- ill ill ~. I- r. l_ ~ I'~: ~~ fi-' ,,1,' I -- II , , ~ ~ - ~ ~ - , , , I I I I , ; <p 9 ALTERNATIVE =IF 2 I i 1b -,- i i i i i ~ ~ \-0 .~65' X 130' RINK ENCROACHMENT ON 3''fSEMENT RTY \INE I i i i i i I i i i i i I i I@ I I i i i i i i ,. i i i i l- i i i i I i ~----_i- I i i i i i i i i i . .L I I i i i i i i i i i o i I i i i o I i i o ANAL YSIS NO. 7 o ~ o 50' TS" 1.50' ~ 273 !r. ...;.-..-....... :>':"::h)O~ ?\-:i~:=.i-D3.c= If. eVe.r:~nf ",),.'e2:- .3.:1C physi=~ {iL- ~ess in SWi:nSU1~. The winne:- ~.il1 S:.lc=eec Lis- se::e GOr.::.:lle::, a se:1io:- vo:::al . " . . l' mUS1C ane croaGC:lS~ )OU:-:1a.1S~ fuli-:irnc Coun:v. Theie is nc e:1:::. fe:~ anc cor:- tes:.a.nts must or:iy provide .nei:- I I II I I Ii II ,/ Ii ![ r II r Ii II! f if I II l't,..;~tl~t/lbq 8 {Oi III/If CITY OF Ml~\11 BEACH 'tl~ NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING II tJl:}l~ 'l~ ~ I r>>,... ;..> C.2A..:'\' G E 0 F TD'IE r q PLEJ"SE NOTE: THIS HE.-\.RI:"iG WAS PREVIOUSLY.J..DVERTISED III I TO BE HBRD AT 2:00 P..\L i II I NOTICE 15 HEREBY give:: :ha, G ;n':Dlic he2ii::g \,,'ill be heiC b:: !ne 11/./, I \1a\'or and Cir-,' Cor::r::lssior; 0:- !!1e Or': 0,' :v1iar::i Be2C:~. Florida. " or: \.v'edneSd~:~'De;.ernoerI6.}_9~8~.:. 5:00 p.:n..;r: !he_CODmisSIOr: I' I Cha:7lDe:s. T:-:::c ~;:l:):-. C1;": r,a:; 1,00 CO:1\'e::tlon l....e:1,e: Drl':e, i :",i12mi E~ach. Ficr;c: .3:': 3S. Ie C"c::.sicie: a :-eq~es: tor a \\.al.,:e:- of !! JI!! Gt'\'t'iopm~n: ~egul_a.lioI?s reC:~.cing the minimum setback re::::..::re:ne:1~~ 0= ::S ;--.. 8 1::. to C !:. G i~. i~ orcie: ro a!Jo\\' fc~ the I cons..ucrior: o~ 2. :1\'::: s!on' aceiTio,; to tte Scan RaKO\\' Yot.;:h I~! Cel:te:- ioeatec a' 27'00 Sne:icar: ..l::e:ule. :-lial'ni Beach. Flo:ida. II: I :~L 12\"TERESn::D p,.UrrIES 2.:e ir:.,itec lO 2;Jpea:- a.i this hearing,'or De re'presenrec 0:: 2.:-: agent. 0: ,0 express thei: \iews in wming ~dc:esseci to !he C:7"- C;0IT'::'7::S5iOf!, ~io. th~ Ci<t Cier~. 17~O Convemlor: Ce:1re:- J:-;':e. ~s: :-:00:-. C,,'\' HaL ;';;':::1; !lea::h. :-JO.-:Ga. ! I 33139, This pt.:~iic ~e.:rii1g Day ::Je con:in:.led a, this ::1ee:bg 2!1C i:/ ~!1::ier s:1cn circur:1sr2.::.ces adeilion'll jeS:'li no:i:::e. wouid no, O~ II prO\ided. ~ i ! .:.J~ docu::1~f!ts pe::air:;::g to !ne ;J:oposed wa!\'e:- 0;' cieveiopmeil: I' ii regulations 2re a\'2.ii.::~je for ;:>!..:oiic i:-:s;:>ec:ior: cL..:ri:-:g :-:or:::2! f' bllsiness hours 2: rhe ?:.:oiic \\0:,:, De:;2.r::ne:1r. 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Re=e:;:~ mU3: OE f;-crTi sat71e day p Breakfast with San~ S ..... .~ c.OO II r , .... at~rcaYl u~c~m::,e! 1~, ,ow. .c..~.. ' ,--,O:7;e ea, Wit" me OIS g'JY. I .e II be COr:1Jr.g WItt: g! . . ACdltlonal informatior. availa:J'e a: u'1e Cus:omer : , , Annabelle' s Wi~h at San ~ We:::nesday, December .:.3, 8100m:' , Ccr. " m!ss Annabelle' s VV'iSh --- '- (~\ - AVENTU~ !viALL I he Gre2test Gatherir: B:s::-=Yr1e Blve. & 195 Stree: . Avent", E,oomlngcale's. i\~acv's, :..orc & Taylor, JCPenney, Sear:; , Coer. ivior...Sa:, 10 a.m.-9:30 p.n:, 5: Ex:e:'1ces r1OU!'S lil ~ne enret1arnme:1( area. \/'..' LOOk for exrendec hOItC3}