Quit Claim Deed F-- -- - r \ -" I (>'" (Seal) of hand_~__ and seaL_~ the day and year first above written, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parL_1ftS of the first part ha_y.em hereunto set___the_1r______ and behoof of the said partY._____ of the second part, la w or equity, to the successors 1t_~__________m_______.mefigc and aSSIgns forever, soever of the said part__:!._~!J of the first part, either 1h only proper use, benefit .:: ~ .. , ~ , " , .. ..... ~~ unto belonging or _!?~EJ:_~!?-J~&___~t___~___pg_~J:lt__'!!_h_!~h__J_~__J!_m__.RQJJ)t___Qf___~J.l~J[~_tJ~.~_e___Qf__________ the circula.r curve at the southerly end of Block K, and _Qrl__tha__~e.ftte.rlS_--line---Di:.--aaid--Blo-Ck--14---cnrr-ec-'ted--l?1.a-t--of--------- A t Ian tic Height 8 SUQdi vi s1 on; then ce nQ:r: t he r-l y along a -st.r~.ight----l1ne---t.Q.-!!--a---dl-s-t-a.nc-6--0-f----13!l----f-ea-t-)---mo-pe---oIL--le-aa-)---------- ~, to a point which is 7.5-feet easterly of the said westerly ~.--;~~--~----------11_ne---o.;_:f---B-l-oek-..=.--K,----mera_s~-~~ --B:..b-ri:gl:t~---al!gl-e-s---to---s-a-:t~--L~_-e-f!~er1:y:- ., line of Block K at lthe point of curvature of the circu.lar ;-~,,----cu-rve_--_at_--the_---nurthw-est_el~-y--c-on"1 f:rr--n-r---g-a1d---Bl-C)(}K---Kr--tn--€t1-ce----- ;; cant inue a long said \,last nienti oned co urse prod uced northe rly ,~---------a:---a.-l-~rt-ance---6r--Io--re-e-f~----nf6re -7-or---Tes-s-;----to---rE-s---riifer-s-ec-tI-oji------- ~---~~-~~-~-~---~~-~~~----~!-!:Q-~.:!~-~---<?-~~y~.,--~t-__~h.~__X~Q_Ith_~~Jtt~J:?lx__~_Q~n~Jt~Qf:.._____~__ ~ Block K; thence westerly and southerly along said err~~rar ~ , ~,~ "M[{'!i;"; ;_,-___~7_c..~_y~___~.t____th.e__J1Q_r.tl1w_e.st_erly:__cQmer___o.f.--~.o-ck--K,---8J---di~.t.a'nc.e------- ! ,f.~~~}!. ~ . of 20 feet, mo re or Ie s s, to said point of eu rva.t_u;1;eA qf - q1~K ~-'-------the---c-1-r_c_ul.a~---CU-I!.v.e---at--the-- -no--rt--hw.est-e-rl-~--_e__o-rne__F--G-I'_--s::a-i4 ----- ------- -~. i ' J, - .__-r.r-,N'.r.r.roMA :Bloc.k K; tlence southerly alo~ said westerly lfrne ~of :-~---------------Sl-eek---K--a--d_!s-te.-n ee---o-:f---l3-&. -6---fe-et-j---mol~_e_--_or--_les-s---t-~--=tm--------------- : point of beginning,' as s aid PIa t is recorded in PIe. t Book ~7:'---------'-----:.-9-,----Page---:t4---of---the----Puulrc.---ReC-(5rdS---(rf--Da-de---C()11nt-y-;---F-lori-~~~-~---- . . In anYWIse TO HAVE AND TO HOLD appertaining, and the same, together all the estate with all right, and singular title in terest the \ appurtenances and claim what- there- 'I ~t? Dade State o f _____~_~Q~~J:_ d to-wit mg described lotnn plece_,-__ or parceLm of land, situate, lying and being m all 'right, ~ ,"" . . '\ .... ~ { to :'.the. follo~- :# ,," .. the C~UIlty~ of-.... \ '''\ title, interest, claim and demand which the parL!~_~_ of the first part ha__Y~__ in and '\ ~ ,~t unto the said parL__Y__ of the second part and____J~_~________________~W ~~cf ~~;~ns forever, the ::. ha____y~ remised released and quit-claimed and by these presen ts do________ remIse, release ancf quit-claiI!l "'\ \ " t in hand paid by the said parL-X____ of the second part the receipt whereof IS hereby acknowledged ".. , of ~_~___-<.$_!Q_~_QgJ___RQ_~~_R~___~_m___Q.t.J!~~___gQQ;1-----~~___.Y!!1-,~_J.?J_~__J~QJ1~L1g~_:m~, ---- ....--. .. -- WITNESSETH I That h -'d ieS--f t e sal parL_______ 0 the first part, - -~---_-.......-_- ~---- for and in consideration of the sum ~ ~, second part. ~ of the County oL__________JD_aae__ ____________:-_______and S ta te oL________F1Q~laa__________________, parL_Y___ of the ,. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH a _m@JJ~1 ~~_l__~_QJ:~t?QI'_~.tJ_Qn ___ ______________________________________'-______________________~--------,.------ _ -l.~ __, #-. __________c_QQ~__________________________an d S ta te of _____________IJ.l.1b.Q1.$______________, parLJ~~t~ of the first part, and of the Coun~y of A, D, wqin 1Jubruturr. 1 9Ji5~__, ....:"\ between________~_~_J_~_~___~A_~E_:L__~J.1~1___HA_~KLLZ.AB_EL_,___hi_5.__.w.1f_e_I-____________________ I Made th is____________4t_h_______,_____------------ day 0 f ____Be_p t ember ,--- QUIT-CLAIM DEED ~~. I 70\ ------ .~ J aqoKaM6, E!f~77' f 11/D 1 70 -. -==~ --;;-:--=.. ~------.~-------~ ..:.:::..:..:..~-~::.~-=----'::::;;; ;.,;;; - -- --. -- - ------- --- ------------. ,-.- - \ ~-~ ~-~ ....---. i:-':>' ~r..-"'!~ ....... .-< .,- ~J ~, ?6 ::~ II'\- ':I 0-:::' ? ;~ ..,,-- r- ~ 2': -- o ...... \C , ~l tJ o :;!j o ;..> --"' to 0'\ r.., -:"' rn a -~ .".-. ';'-'~ -- ~ -........ . 'J .' fi~ ,. '-.,. 1;.,' a Co. . t CI . ~.~ ~ r' e' ; .~l;...'" ",:.'1,1 IA '^""'~'\i~ -""} . .~, ~,. ~,--,.~. '... '; l~ '..,1> ' ~: ~}-; I,.) , ;-t \\.\:. ;\. , ~' ~1 '; ~ 0 ,.. t C'\.'" ~; \ " F z, ", . '~ "$\ f ~~ lrr '" -;.. ' \ :CL \ ..1 I ~\ ,,, t t \ ;.;.,..0, .~ ,,~ .." V"1 OJ '1., ....', N ,. \~ \..~"~' .'I_'~ ~to r:~' '.t:Itl1 ~ ~~'~~~ 0 ,~ c::tl .r;~~ a [ I ~ ,3. ~ t!~ ~ s' e ll) ~ ~ A ll..;j t..;, 0 ";i;..! C r ~ 'l:i ?: : i ~: E1 ! t:: ........ I ~t~tpi 11 t"-:~"~ ~ ! ~! i~~ 1 ~: Ii ~ : OQ 'i (';) I I I 1 0.: i ~: : ~n' ! - : (';)' I I"t I ="" : . I. ~ (';) 0.. >-1'\ o I"t I"t (';) n o I"t 0.. o i - \0 N r-~'- o llJ t"t (';) p.. / f Q H 8 t-< o .I-tj ~ H :x> ~ H tJj ~ Q ::rl ~ o I I I I I I I I I I !~ i>< :N ::t> !tJj :trj it-i !Sl' :::$ p. == J-Ie H;) CD 'TJ I"t o a ~, .$\>! ::; ...... "--l ........ (", . .., \;, ag ~l:c ~ ~ ...... ~ a ~ s II"' ~ ~ ty I ~ ......- ~ ~ ~ yl ~ ..J ---==-: ~, 1 ~J .. r said County and Statet \ 1" i ~.. f ., I J. " G l . .".' ~'''''''''' 1 j.:..,... '. t"'" ,'" .' '. ,v ..#,,- '1::... 4 .........."'t>.__.. ". (\.. ";-" r/"\\ 0 T'J f) "\Y\ " ~ It.' /-'.. ~ ~/:J~,",,-l ::- ,~ lJ {)IVI t ~onfnrisfion ~ .. '- ,It;. ..... ........:1 ~;-. r ... ...~ .... '-I .. ! . c..... ..,.... '"' 'l.,t;'{O; , 0 .............. --,~ ,\ ~~I' O'~ t' "( "" \.... /fll U 'I ." IllI1IIWaHt.' 't~~ '-'*L~ \ -*; -. . , II I] expires________S_ep.:t.ember__19_______ ----t day OL~eP-tem.ber~ ~--m~~~~~~~~___~~~~~_,~L.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~___~~~~ . Illinois Notary Publict State' of ~~ ~---, 1954. --- this--____________Ath________________ A,D, 19~_Ql.:___, IN WITNESS WHEREOFt I hereunto set my' hand and official sealt at__C_b1_C_~Ko ----------------------- , said acknowledgementft_ to be the individuaLS__ described in and who executed the said_____.De_e.d_________ the foregoing____D~_e.d___________, AND I FUR THER CERTIFY tha t I know the said person_S_ making to me person all y known, this the . day ---------y-----______ack now ledged before me tha t-----tJ~y._____________execu ted MAX W. ZA~Jlt_J~.IH1~JIA.ZE.L__Z_.AB.EL,- --hi.s..___wif_e~------------------------------------------_______________ ------------------ ----------- ---- u I t an officer Illinois J ~t duly qualifie~ and acting, HEREBY CERTIFY th a t ____________ __ ________ __________________________________________ authorized ,-,- -iJ[..;;;~ ~ - ---- - ---.-.-.-.- --- "'~ ;~I ... '. BOOKi~54tD PA5f07B - - - -' - STATE OF________________~;!._!!!!~~_ ! COUNTY OF________~___CQ,Q~___ to take acknowledgements of deeds according --- ~ -----. ----..----- -.-.-- -----. ~- to the laws of the S ta te of ....--.- -~ -.-...- ~ -.... ~~ -~ ,. -.. ---------- - ---------- " ~ l --/ c/J h~ ~~-m-;~~~1f~:?J~=: (Seal) of hand~t_ and seaL~_ the day and year first above written, set__tl1e_:tr______ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parL1_~~ of 'the first part haye___ hereun to and behoof of the said pal'ty______ of the second part, or equity, to the only proper it successors --------------~------------~~ and assigns forever. I fI soever of the said parL1~J~1 of the first part, either In law use, benefit un to belonging or TO HAVE AND TO HOLD In an YWlse appertaining, the same, and together all the estate, with all right, and singular title. in terest the appurtenances and claim what- there- forever, all the_right, \ ~ol. \ . _ I _ 'lr in and .J~;~t~e"'-;:fO'ftmv-,... .2 ~) ~_1"!~..,\ being in .the -~Cdunty: of \.... r;... .... ..i ~~~ .#::~~ . -'""!~' ..'.-"""..... ~ r"" ' .::: !"- State to-WIt: -;.~;. _ ,-_ '; '_ """ '"'" ~ L --~-l-~~-Hl~~-c~~v~--ff~-tiie-!l~-~~~li~h~E:~ii~\?lp1!-B~~ci-~~~-k1~~-~*~~:.~;\":'. -__yL~Htt_~r_ly.--l;tn~--_Qf____~_~1Q___:eJ~L~~___:K,___ -aQ-~~_~_~t_~g__J~l~J~___Q_f__A_~_J:?:_Q._t!Q_~__'~~_____ Heights Subdi vision; thence northerly along a stra.ight line ---.fnr--A---di.s_tanC_6-__n-f__13!L__:f_ee_t.-I-__.nlO r_6__o-.r___le-B_ s_,___t.o____a__p_Qlnt___~hi_ ch________ is 7.5 feet easterly of the said westerly line of Block K, ---m------me-a-8Ul?-e(l---.at---p-i-gh-t--.a~-l-es---t-O--s-aid---w-as-t ~-~l:y_--~ine---of----Bl-OCk---K---------- 1 at the pointof-curve:tur~e-or -too -clrcultfr- curveat 't-he-i1orth- - I'~ ----\V-es-t-e-rl--y---co-r-n-e~--o-f---s-a-ld---B-l_o-ek---*;_- --t-he~ne-e---eent-i:nue---a.-l-eflg---s-a-i4------ iIl~' ..I---~~;-~--~~~~~~~-~;~~-t-~~~:-~i~~~~~~~~1-~~~~~-~~~-~;d~~~;:~:rr~-~u, ;~~:~t , the northwesterl y corner of Block K; thence westerl y and . . . ~r:--~~U1r::~~y~a-I~,~-:~-;~:-~T~~u~~- r~~~ve:~;-:t~~---~~~~liW~-~~~~i~---C~:~ r ,II. ":"--------------------------=-.J-------------------_______--------------:-- ------------,_______________ _ -1 . ' p ;\~f:'9-i of curvature of the clrcula r curve at the---hortj)w-es-fEir;lY---c-om-e,r ~.~~..-~~.~~-~~~t~~~~~fcf3::-~~:~{:--~*~~o:ai~s~~i-~~t~--;~i~/f. -------------of:--beg-!nni-ng-,---a-s----sai4--.f-l-a-t---is----r-aGO-pded--i-n--El-at--Bo-Q:Jc--:9,,--_-Eags______ 14 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ~ ~ .....~ ./' ~ I I Ir '- ......., Dade Flori da mg described 10L___, plece____ or parceL___ of land, situate, lying and title. interest, claim and demand which the part_i~_~ of the first part ha__Y_~_ "\ 00: unto the said part_Y-____ of the second part these do________ successors and___tb_e_ir.____________~ and assigns ~ . I I ha_Y8.__ remised released and quit-claimed. and by presents remIse, release and quit-claim in hand paid by of In- ___~~-~---t~lLlQ-!J~QJ---~-Qt-~AB~S---~-rrl---9-~h~~---g9-Qg___~~____!~_!_~~_~~_~ the said part_y_____ of the second part, the receipt whereof IS consideration. of- the sum ti ons cons idera/l)G1~, hereby acknqwledged II -WITNESSETH: Tha t-the- said- parL_ 1ftS of -the -first~-part.,-for- and second part, of -----_____________________g_~~_~__9J~___~~_~~_~___~~g~_~___~_ _!!!~!?__~~3:_J?~!__Q_~ry~_~_~_~_~_~'_ , , County oL__:-_____D~_g _and State oL________EJ._Q!~~_g~___________________. the parL_.Y.___ of the -----____.P.~Q.______________________________and State of ______~~Q_~~_~l part_!~~_ of the first part, and ( - - -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---__ ----_ -____ _______ __ _ _ __ ______ __ 0 f the County of A, D, mqta 1Ju~ruturr, 19Zn~1. between---_____LQn_~DALE___J?_~___~R~_~___~~_(~tJ~~Q!tQ~JIX___~_!________~_,____hJ~___~J_!:_~ , Made this________________3_~_!:___ ____________day of / r QUIT-CLAIM DEED -,--- -.. , . ~ -to';' .---- --- - I ~ D r -~---=:.._-- - oc... W-"'... '70 i - - . ' ,\ 8, 'IOe~eO 0fJ e '\ XXX \ \\\ -\1 . If \ ''', '\ ". \' \ \. ..----. -'----- ,.. ;- -~ f'" ~"\.":t o'r- -i.rr 'o!':t b~ rn ?~ o-&. 9~ ......, r- ~ ...... \L:) ~ o "... 'c:P ?S -, m bJ -r r: - ,- ...- '"'f"' C ;c ;C rn o o '==' o ev Bel aj'l ill tl II \ \ \. I ' I~ !, (. I 'J' tJ J.~ '-J \ '. NotC'I"Y Public, State of Florida at L,fqO, :\.\~,,~,~lI:,,:lI;tI;/'f' My commissionl expires Oct. 3, 1952 .............' -;;,;r .... t l''J At 10'~ , Ju~,.1!I D~ 6mtricn ~~r'nt C9A Ilf bl. Xi $' ~ ~ '.l?~<.:-Q{hnHsSlon expues '=' "" ,,,,- '" "" ~..~ .:::;,/ '.... .;" To ~ __ 1'/ "" ,"!"\ t".,. ~ " ::; 5 tt '"' L ~ ~ ~. ~ -:: :.r.' { .,.. -; = ::~..~~. ~ .: :: ,.. :1>" t}or> ~~ .. t. .. ~.cl':. va \v:""J~ ~ .J"\ Q_ L ~ L~ :: ...,' t ..:' ~ .... ~ 0- ... ../' ~ ::- "". ~,.. "~_l>v...~,.... y ,~ ", r-I '" ....... "'I! "-0 fl' Q 1~ \\ .....',.... It i I ff H 1 \\', \ \ \ ,,-\ lJ1 -p:l ......1" ~ ~ g c~ <5;'.:F ,~ :~:. 's.' f,":~ ~ 2. -::> ,-: ~~\. I 2:,.. Co., f,' ..: ' 'p.. :\\ .,~' J . t:1 ; ::l 't ~ ~ . , ;:'!' \ ~i :, i :.~ t ~,~ i ~,\ \ e . ~ 0- ~ ., ...,.. "'Q rrt OJ ...(') t11 ~, ,.,; ,.~ -:""~ ,'- ;:r. 0 ~ (J.l 1 '::; ~~ r.... i:2 ....J,IO 00,'::' !~. ~ ~ ct I~' 0 .:t :. (,J Jot ~ i ~~ ~ i.,:) ~ 0... =' I ~ .t-.(..... ...... : '" ~ ~ !",j ~.... 0" ~ltl;- 0 '-II it..... 0 :rei8 ~r ....- I 4..~J. ......: I1l , , 0.. :~~......~ I;;: : ~l .. : ii! I;'. l I ' (l ! i '1 : .. l ~i .: 0.1 v !. cf6 ;,: r-> t' ~ '\ I I.... : -:>'Y. : ".If I n ! - I ~ ' Jot I X'" : . I :n ~ 0... "'"t\ 0, Jot I-t (';l n o Jot 0... o o Po) f"'1' ~ r I-' \0 r - Q H t-3 r< o I-:Ij ~ ~ !s: H ~ Q ~ 192______, ..., o , , !t-f :0 !~ iC/} ltj I)> it'i !trj !to i. j~ il;tj !~ iz iSX' !s, !:a :I-Ie :t-+;, !<D ! "1'1 Jot o a '~ ::; ..... . ... . a .... ~ ...... a ~ ~ ~ t:Y' ::d ~ (Xl ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~~ ::d = o ~ ~ ~ ~'j ~ r;) " ~ I \- State of Florida at Large, said County and State, I hereunto set th is _____________2_Cl__=-____________ A. D, 19 x51___. sai d___D.e_ed___________ ----------~~-~~--~, > I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, my hand and official seal, at said acknow ledgemen LS_ to be the individua1.S__ described in and who executed the the foregoing____P.~~_d_m______, AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that I know the said person__S_ making to me person all y known, this day _____~_~~_Y.:____mack now ledged before me tha t-------_~!!~y.__~_______execu ted Florida, DOROTHY duly qualified B. and GREEN, HEREBY CERTIFY his wife, acting, thaL_______~Q!{~J2~~:~LJ?_!_ GREEN and I an officer authorized to take acknowledgements of deeds according to the laws of the State of COUNTY OF---________J?~p.- ST A TE OF --------r~_(2_B.._!J2__/!! -~- _ --:"r.-..- I -~... ... ,... .,...... .~ II ~ .