Attachment LL 1 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH lTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 I :p:\\cLmiami-beach.f1.us I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 1 I .. "0;' " r COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 83l-CJ'd TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C DATE: December 16, 1998 FROM: SUBJECT: A RESO TION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAlW BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE NORTH BEACH QUALITY OF LIFE (FY 96/97) REPROGR~1\1MING OF FUNDS FROM PARKING IMPROVEMENTS TO FA1RW A Y PARK IN THE AMOUNT OF 543,000, TO THE NORTH BEACH MARKETING PLA."N' INITIALLY FUNDED FOR $7,000, PROVIDED THAT THOSE FUNDS ARE REPLACED IN THE 1997-1998 QUALITY OF LIFE FUNDING ALLOCA TIONS. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND On May 7, 1997, the City Commission approved the North Beach Development Corporation (NBDC) annual allocation of Resort Tax (1/3 of 112%) to be used as Quality of Life funds to improve the North Beach community. As was done in the previous year, $350,000 worth of projects was prioritized through a series of community meetings. That itemized list of projects is attached. ANALYSIS As with any proposed budget, line items are adjusted as real numbers replace estimates, and timelines for proposed projects change. At issue are two particular line items within the budget. Line item number 19 allocates $50,000 for parking improvements at Fairway Park in accordance with the park renovation portion of the Park Master Plan. Line 15 addresses development of marketing material for North Beach ($7,000). In August the Administration received a request from NBDC to transfer $43,000 funds approved for Fairway Park parking improvements, to increase the initial set aside of$7,000 for marketing. NBDC wanted to create a $50,000 marketing campaign for the North Beach community. The committee was advised that the park renovations were over one year away, and it was agreed that those funds would be replaced from the unallocated, but available AGENDA ITEM ~ I t="' I :;1- l~-q 8 105 DATE 1997 -1998 Quality of Life funds. The consensus of the North Beach Quality of Life Committee is that the North Beach community is suffering from a negative identit)r <!?d a marketing campaign touting the "new North Beach" will be extremely beneficial. NBDC interviewed over a dozen firms and hired marketing experts to design a newsletter, create a new logo, banners, brochure, photography, video, etc. Those materials are now being produced. CONCLUSION Adopt the Resolution accepting the line item adjustments to the NBDC 1996-1997 Quality of Life budget as aforementioned. The reprogramming of funds has clear tourism and economic development benefits. SR~:PW f: \cmgr\$all\commem9 8\nbdc.qol 106 I I I I I I I I I I I [J I J II II II 1- J- ~... i I I I I I ] I I r I J I I I I J I I RESOLUTION IN LEGAL - TO BE SUBMITTED 107