Partial Release of Mortgage -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAM Beginning at a point which is the point of curvature of the circular curve at the southerly end of Block K, and on the westerly line of said Block K, Corrected Plat of Atlantic Heights Subdivision; thence northerly along a straight line for a distance of 137 feet, more or less, to a point which is 7.5 feet easterly of the said westerly line of Block K, measured at right angles to said westerly line of Block K at the point of curvature of the circular curve at the north- westerly corner of said Block K; thence continue along said last mentioned course produced northerly a distance of 15 feet, more or less! to its' intersection with said circular curve at the northwesterly corner of Block K; thence wes- terly and southerly along said circular curve at the north- westerly corner of Block K, a distance of 20 feet, more or less, to said point of curvature of the circular curve at BEACH 39, FLORIDA ~ certain parcel of land bounded as follovlS H Kean and 110llie Kean h:Ls if1 i f e their heirs and assigns that from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said Sanford nowledged , dO\remise release quit-claim exonerate and discharge time of the execution hereof the receipt '\vhereof is hereby ack- paid by the said Sanford H Kean and Nollie Kean his ".vife at the premises as of the sum of wife, as well in consideration of the Ten ($10.00) Dollars to them in hand Carolynne R Jennings his NOH, THEREFORE KN Oi;J YE that the said Jolm F Jennings and prem~ses from the lien and operation of said Nortgage, the premises hereinafter described being part of said mortgaged wife have req'uested the said John F Jennings and vlife to release AND vJHEREAS the said Sanford H Kean and Nollie Kean his and Mollie Kean , his ;,vif e, title in and to said premises n 01>1 being vested in Sanford H Kean Jennings and Carol~lne R Jen:q.ings his VJi fe, and the fee simple said Mortgage having been assigned to and no,,! being held by John F Hundred ($23 , 500.00) Dollars, vIi th interest as therein mentioned to secure the payment of the sum of Twenty-three Thousand and Five their heirs and assigns the premises therein particularly described and conveyed illlto Milton Braunstein and Helen Braunstein, his wife, of Dade; State of Florida in Mortgage Book 1644 Page 440, granted office of the the 1st day Clerk of t he of Circuit Court in and and for the County Hortgage dated April 1946 by Indenture recorded in the \-IHEREAS Henrietta Osborne a single vloman of KNO\" ALL }lliN BY THESE PRESENTS PARTIAL BOC;{ RELEASE OF - 861 ~~G~ - 4.99 MORTGAgE AND I FURTHER CERTIFY That the said CAROLYNNE R. JENNINGS, ImO\ffi to me to be the wife of the said JOHN F. JENNINGS, on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did aclmowledge that she made herself a party to s aid instrument for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily and i'/i thout any compulsion, con- straint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. \tJITNESS my hand ~~ of /?(9 ~ s /i-Y~ day of 1951. Ny commission OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL expires -2- N and official seal State of Florida, County , . I HEREB,y CERTIFY That on this day personally ppeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acb1owledge- ments, JOHN F. JENNINGS and CAROLYNNE R. JENNINGS, his wife, to me well Imown to be the persons described in and who executed the fore- going instrument, and ack~owledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF rlorida, County of Dado. ~ insqumen~s. fiI~ for record the. / _da~..,.i ~.,ji . / ~-,:!.-p!. and dUly recorded in~ _on Page ..2:E..tJ? File No. BB a~:::? E. B. LEATHERMAN C!;Lk.prcui t Br.:::ti:; /?J Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~d al) hands and seals this It.( day said Mortgagees ~.. I~ of S9J?t 9m13er have hereunto 1951 IN \tJIrrNESS itlHEREOF the set their of the holder thereof not hereby released therefrom or any of the rights and remedies aforesaid Hortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, pair alter or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance of the nevertheless that nothing therein contained shall in anYVli s e im- lien of said mortgage and every part thereof . , Provided al\vays assigns forever freed exonerated and discharged of and from the said Sanford H Kean and Nollie Kean with the appurtences, his vlif e their heirs and TO the northwesterly corner of said Block K; thence southerly along said westerly line of Block K a distance of 136.6 feet more or less, to the point of beginning, as said Plat is recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 14, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida . -~ HAVE AND TO HOLD the same I" ~ BOOK 861 PA6E500 .. unto the -1- OFFiCe: OF CITY ATTORNEY - Clry HALL - MIAM BEACH 39, FLORIDA Beginning at a point Hhich is the point of curvature of the circular curve at the southerly end of Block K, and on the westerly line of said Block K, Corrected Plat of Atlantic Heights Subdivision; thence northerly along, a straight line for a distance of 137 feet, more or less, to, a point which is 7.5 feet easterly of the said westerly lipe of Block K, measured at right angles to sa.id 'Vlesterly lin~ ,.of Block K at the point of curvature of the circular curve at the north- westerly corner of said Block K; thence continue along said last mentioned course produced northerly a distance of 15 feet more or less, to its inte~section with 'said circular curve at the northwesterly corner o'f Block K; thence westerly and southerly along said circular curve at the northwesterly cor- ner of Block K a distance of 20 feet, more or less to said point of curvature of the circular curve at the norfhwesterly corner of said Block K; thence southerly along said westerly line of Block K a distance of 136.6 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning as said Plat is recorded in Plat Book 9, parcel of land bounded as follows and Mollie Kean , his' wife., their heirs and assigns that certain lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said Sanford H. Kean do remise release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the of the executioi1 hereof the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said Sanfbrd H Kean and Nollie Kean his vIi f e at the time premises as of the ....sum of Ten vlife, as 1;lell (*~10.00) Dollars to them in hand paid Carolynne R Jennings his in consideration of the NOvl THEREFORE KN 014 YE that the said John F Jennings and from the lien and operation of said Hortgage premis'es hereinafter described being part of said mortgaged premises have requested the said Jo1m F Jennings and wife to release the AND HHEREAS the said Sanford H Kean and Hollie Kean his wife, Kean and Nollie Kean, his l-li f e simple title in and to said premises n Oi:l being vested in Sanford H. ( ~$8 5 ,000.00 ) Dollars vii th interest' as therein mentioned the fee described to secure the payment of the sum of Eighty-five Thousand and 1lli f e their heirs and assigns the premises therein particularly Clerk s File No U-60702 granted and conveyed unto John F Jennings Dad e , State of Florida, on the 1st day of October 1945 under office of the Clerk of the Circuit Septe~ber Court in and for the County of of Mortgage dated the 28th day of 1945, and filed in the \~JHEREAS Devon Hotel Inc a Florida corporation by Indenture KNOW ALL 1'1EN BY THESE PRESENTS PARTIAL RELEASE OF BOOK 861 HORTGAGE PAGE 497 and du:y recorded In Page__~~~ZFile No. BB..__L~2::Z~ E. S. LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court ./2 - BY~-;-~~ HALL _ MIAM BEACH 39, FLORIDA My State of Florida, County of Dade. This instrument was filej for record 1952 atL~!:~.t'~_M Book..~_~__L.on commission expires 01' Florida of ~~ my hand " and official seal at ~ ~ - ' ~ , County , State of Florida, this /'1'- day of ~tcntber, 1951. ~~c I .~- AND I FURTHER CERTIFY That the said CllliOLYNNE R. JEIWINGS knovm to me to be the wife of the said JOHN F. JENNINGS, on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said instrument for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether doweri homestead or of separate prope~ty, statutory or equitable, in and to the ands described therein, and that she executed,the said instrument freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmoi/Tledgements, JOHN F. JENNINGS and CAROLYNNE R. JENNINGS, his vlife, to me vlell knOv.Tn to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and ackno\vledged before me that they executed the same freely and volun- tarily for the purposes therein expressed. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~d al) (Seal) hands and seals this /4 day of 1951 IN \\JI TNES S \IJHEREOF the said have hereunto set their or any of t he rights and remedies of the holder thereof. maining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom the effect lien or incumbrance of' the aforesaid Mortgage on the re- nothing therein contained shall in an~~ise impair alter or diminish mortgage and every part thereof Provided a1vlays nevertheless that forever freed exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said Sanford H. Keen and lvIollie Kean, his \'life their heirs and assigns, TO HAVE Page 14, \ , t' ,'\"",\~_'jy, ....'~ I"Y l..... ~".',. '>"'_.). .,J>~j,",. Bonded Dy r\;n2i'~~S~ii;:oy,.CO~'oJ f'It/. , ....~ o. V -. v- ! ~ /' ,).., / ...... ~ ~ t::): CC .> ~ Co .:c.u.. t""'.-.1 --: 4 ~:\4. ': ex: : ~ : 1.4.. .: u.- ';. YO ^: r-... ,.. ... -""'W"J ,. '" .> ..... -1t o....~<.v .... .. ~~ '.;, ~" fI......_ ~~ "~.... '7 () r ~ ," AND TO HOLD of the Public Records of Dade County, the s arne, 1.ri th the appurtenances Florida. unto the said <I "". ... BOOK JA:. 861 PAGE 498 \ .\