Agreement ./ J. THIS AGREEMENT made and ent ered int 0 this 540 e-- day of ~ ' 1951, by and between SANFORD H. KEAN am MOLLIE KEAN, his wife, hereinafter referred as parties of the first part, and LONSDALE B. GREEN and DOROTHY B. GREEN, his wife, and MAX W. ZABEL and HAZEL ZABEL, his wife, hereinafter referred to as parties of the second plrt, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the CITY. WIT N E SSE T H: 1. WHEREAS, the parties of the first part are the owners in fee of certain lands' situate, lying and being in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, of which the following parcel is a part, to wi t:- Beginning at a point which is the point of' curvature of the circular curve at the southerly end of Block K, and on the westerly 11ne of said Block K, corrected plat of Atlantic Heights :subdivision; thence northerly along a straight line~ for a distance of 137 feet, more or less, to a point which is 7.5 feet easterly of the said westerly line of Block K, measured at right angles to said westerly line of Block K at the point of curvature of the circular curve at the northwesterly corner of said Block Kj thence continue along said last mentioned course pro- duced northerly a distance ofl5 feet, more or less, to its intersection with said ciroular curve at the northwesterly corner of Block Kj thence-"westerlyand southerly along said circular curve 'at the northwesterly corner of Block K, a distance of 20 feet, more or less, to said point of curvature of the circular curve at the northwesterly c orner of said Block Kj ,thence southerly along said westerly line of Block K a distance of 136.6 feet, more or less to the point of beg inning, as s aid PIa t '1s recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 14 of the Public Records of Dada County, Florida; said parcel being hereinafter referred to as PARCEL A. 2. WHEREAS, the parties of the second part are the lessees of sai d Ian ds , ihcluding saId PARCEL A, by and unier a certain ninety-nine (99) year lease, of record among the Public Records of Dade County" Florida. , OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAM -3- BEACH 39, FLORIDA contemplated hereby, and to pay to the parties of the second part the parties of the second part in connection with the transaction second part rendered by the said attorneys to the on account parties of the fi l'st part and of the to pay the , sum of $50.00, of the services of $50.00, and to W.F . Esslinger, as attorney for parties 5 Coopersmith, It as agreed attorney for parties of the first part, the sum Is that the City shall pay to Diana Drive year leas e the hereinabove referred to. adjacent to lands embraced Vii thin the ninety-nine (99) sidewalk or curbing improvements to be constructed in Indian Creek of the first part or the parties of the second part for the paving I partie s that the eit y sha 11 make no assessment against the pa rti es 4. It is agreed and covenant ed by and between the of said PARCEL A PARCEL B as a pOl.tion of the mortgaged premises, for and in lieu ments which may be requested by such mortgagees to include said parties of the e va nt , second' part agree to execute all necessary instru- the n, in tha t the parties of the firs t part and the release PARCEL A from the lien and year encumbrance of shall such mortgages I the subject matter of the said ninety-nine 99 ) lease and all exis tlng mortgages on the real estate which constitutes second part agree tha t in the event that the mortgagees of any 3. The partie s of the first part and. the parties of the B as a portion of the premises to include said demised and leased therein ninety-nine 99) year lease will be made PARCEL first part and the parties of the second part that the said 2. It is further covenanted between the parties of the purcr-Jase price by, reason of this agreement~ part too t there sha 11 be no abatement of or reduction in the tween the par.ties of the s~cond part and the paI~ti es of the first -- ~. year lease hereinabove referred to, the parties of the second pa. rt by vi rtue of it is covenanted by and be- the ninety-nine 99) -' ..- ~ - . . the further sum of Twenty ($20.00) Dollars to defray the expense of removing sprinkler heads, the removal of which is necessitated by the alienation by. the parties of the first part and the par- ties of the second part of said PARCEL A. 6. ,Thi s a greement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors, heirs and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands ani seals, and the City has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its duly authorized officers and its cor- porate seal to ~ be affixed, a ttested by the City Clerk of the City Qf Miami Beach, Florida, as of the day am year first above wri tten. sealed and delivered ~?~~~._{SEAL) gresence of:- ,/ ~ . - --~ Jw~)~L/}/~SEAL) 1 . . J'~/J7A~ ~ /0 -~GC.- ~~' !..SEAL) j/ I . ANFORD H. KE N and 11 Li.. - ,_ :OLLIE KEAN 1I~ is. ~ (3~ (SEAL) ) I ~ i (SEAL) ..- \~~, ~ NSDA i B. G EEN and R OTHY B. GREEN". ( SEAL) ~~-- Q ::10 Mti;~ (f'G · ~. ZABEL~ AZEL ZABEL Mayor - j4 - '- ; OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY H~LL - MIAMI BEACH official seal B. t \ day Of~ ,.....'"' ~ '~ .. f: . . ....; ~ .1 ~ . JI 'lI.-' ,......."'tL...I I ~~.v ..a.a..J..t. ...: i ... ; ~~ ~."/+ , ,l <-:/./ ~"M~ "69Il1.mission € 114. 't. ,-ft.',.. _ _ _. ." ::E ..' '';' -' NotO'~' PubHci, S(ate of Florid!! : I. '): c.. My--co..m!J1i~slOn, expires Oct. ~ ,,1.... ~~a,,~ 4o.y 'M ,j_ ,.. . ~ ri...... ~ \.,. \.. ..:.. - ....... . ~.. '<~: ::.,..,. " - J'~t i" ;' ~ ~ .. 39, FLORIDA , Beach, A D. Miami Dade County, Flori da , thi s 3<J 60(. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he11eunto set my ba. m. and expressed. before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein who execut ad the foregoing agreement, and they acknowledged ~ his wif e , to me well known to be the persons described in and take a~knowl edgment s , LONSDALE B GREEN and Dffi OTHY B GREEN, before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and day personally appeared I HEREBY CERTIFY tha t on this COffi\JTY OF DADE STATE OF FLORIDA IN, I~e ~ ;, official seal Miami ,. ~ ..'~ ~.J -:-;; I · 1- () >>-4 / _.::{ ~,~ .:'.~ day of v - J~ ' A. ~.:'-, :My., ""c,ommis si on e~ ires:- __ " i:. ROTARY ..u~...fi: .. ,,'\. .". . .,. My Oommission Expirea Jlnuery ~~, lM~ ) ) SSe hand .. s and they executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. the foregoing agreement , am they acknowledged before me that to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed take acknowledgments, beforeme, SANFORD H. an officer duly authorized to KEAN and day personally appeared administer oaths and MOLLIE BEAN, his w if e, <~ -- COUNTY STATE I HEREBY CERTIFY ) ) ss . . that on this - STATE OF PLCf{I~ ) COUNTY OF~ SS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this clay personally appeared before me, en officer duly authorized to adm1'nister oaths and take acknowledgments, MAX W. ZABEL and HAZEL ZABEL, his wif e , to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed. the foregoing agreement, end they acknowledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNES~ I ~he~ s~and officia121 at -II- II cr 1, {;lade Cg~ 'IqOl'lJa:, thi s t/- -xl.. _da-y of ~,A. D. 1951. '-@ . La si on expires: - .< · ~ Notary PUbLic, stat f- Iq /q~ ~ Rll"\]')i dEl a l.-b.L ge I r OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA ~-" 11