Attachment MM II CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I1TY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139. l)Ilc:\\cLm iam i-beach.f1. us I I I I I I I I I I I I J I r I ;"1'..., . ;:'.~.,....:..~ ~::>, - COMMISSION MEMOR.\1"1DUM NO. A. g - 9CJ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: January 6,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: REPORT OF THE FIl -C & CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 22, 1998. A meeting of the Finance and Cityvvide Projects Committee was held Tuesday, December 22, 1998, in the City Manager's Large Conference Room. Vice Mayor Simon Cruz, Chairman of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 2: 1 0 PM. Commissioner Jose Smith, Commissioner Susan Gottlieb and Commissioner David Dermer, and Mayor Neisen Kasdin were in attendance. City staff in attendance included, Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager; Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager; Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager; Rormie Singer, Executive Assistant to' the City Manager; Patricia Walker, Finance Director; Georgina Echert, Assistant Finance Director; Lawrence A. Levy, First Assistant City Attorney; Raul Aguila, City Attorney's Office; Jose Cruz, Budget Officer; Jose Damien, Asset Manager; Max Sklar, CMB Mayor's Office; Kevin Smith, Director Parks & Recreation; Russell Shreeve, CMB C\EDD; Marla Dumas, CMB C/EDD; John Toledo, Public Works. Others in attendance were: Percy Aguila, Joe Fontana, Dan Williams, Stu Blumberg, Donald Shockey, A.C. Weinstein, Bill Talbert, Count L. F. M. de W. Rosenthal.e Meyerbeer Chudzikiewics Chodkiewicz. 1. Discussion of the Proposed InterlocaI Agreement with the Greater Miami Visitors and Convention Bureau (Bureau). Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli presented this item and explained the changes in the proposed agreement as compared to the previous agreement and further explained the comments offered by Commissioners and the Bureau. The issues discussed were as follows: I - the possibility of establishing a cap on Resort tax to be paid to the Bureau during the contract period; 2 - the commitment for Pow- Wow on Miami Beach to be maintained in the agreement; AGENDA ITEM RloD I-to-'ll 223 DATE 224 Page 2 Report of the Finance & Citywide Projects Meeting - December 22, 1998 3 - a discussion of the established reseryes of the Bureau if Miami Beach does not go forvvard \vith a contract; 4 - a review of the Bureau's travel budget; 5 - consideration of joint marketing efforts: and 6 _ a request for the Bureau to contribute $125,000 to the Police Athletic League (PAL) building fund. The Committee agreed that the cornminnent for PO\v- \VO\V would remain in the agreement: that the City \vould provide funding at the leyel of their contribution to the preyious Pow- WO\V and that the Bureau would commit to insuring that the scope of the event would be at the level of the previous PO\v- Wow. Further, it was agreed that a cap of S4,500,000 would be placed on payments of Resort tax to the Bureau during the term of the proposed contract. It was stated that the other items should be considered during the negotiation of the next agreement and that this was not the forum for a discussion of the funding of the P Ai building. ACTION: The Committee unanimously passed a motion to recommend this item to the full Commission as amended. 2. Alaska Parcel. Christina Cuervo This item was presented by Christina Cuerv'o. A discussion regarding funding sources was held. Trish Walker advised that the RDA or the City \,vould have to borrow the funds to acquire the land. ACTION: The Committee unanimously passed a motion to forward this item to the full Commission with a recommendation not to exercise the option to purchase the Alaska Parcel. 3. The Creation of Section 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporations. Trish WalkerlLawrence Lev): Trish Walker presented this item. It was discussed that there were a number of opportunities \vithin the City where the establishment of Section 50 I (c)3 corporations would provide assurance to the public of the deductibility of their donations. Commissioner Gottlieb expressed concern about establishing a number of not- for-profit corporations and the City's responsibility for them. Trish Walker recommended that the item be deferred and that the groups that were desirous of the establishment of these organizations come forward with additional information. ACTION: The Committee agreed to defer this item until additional information was available. J] 11 I I I I J I t , I I I I I I I I Page 3 Report of the Finance & Citywide Projects Meeting - December 22, 1998 4. Status Report and Proposed Improvements Planned for North Shore Open Space Park as recommended in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond Program Sites. Janet GavarreteIKevin Smith Ibis item was presented by Kevin Smith. He discussed the various options for North Shore Open Space Park. ACTION: The Committee unanimously passed a motion to forward this item to the full Commission with the following recommendations: 1 - that the City should move forward to acquire o\Vnership of the park and the west side parking areas; 2 - that the City should pursue Option 2 for the improvement of the park; and 3 - that a workshop should be held with the North Beach Development Corporation (NBDC) and others to pursue other solutions to substantially reduce the operating deficit. 5. Status Report of City-Owned Properties. Christina Cuervo/Joe Damien This item was presented by Christina Cuervo. A report on the properties owned by the City was discussed. Additionally, recommendations for strategies to reduce the cost to the City and provide space for its operations were discussed. Further, the Committee discussed the proposed lease for the property on 5th Street acquired as a result of the Portofino settlement. The Committee expressed concern regarding the estimated $100,000 cost of the build-out of the space and the future operating costs of the space. It was recommended that these issues be brought to the full Commission for review and discussion. ACTION: The Committee deferred action on request No. I; Item No. II was referred to the full Commission for a policy direction; and the Committee recomInended request No. III. (See attached Exhibit A) The meeting adjourned at 4:45pm. SR/P~/OdP 225 EXHIBIT A RECOMMENDA TION Based on the City's existing space needs and the directive to effectively utilize existing resources, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission endorse the proposed recommended relocation alternatives which encompass the follovving: (I) Action requested: Endorsement of the following relocation recommendations USER DEPARTMENJ S.F. OCCUPIED RELOCATION SITE REJ\'T SAVINGS TIME FRA.,\-IE Fire Department Administration ]585 Historic City Hall (7th FI) $0 ASAP Fire Prevention Bureau 2449 Historic City Hall (1st FI) - south $0 ASAP Employees and Elected Officials Pension 1500 City Hall (1st FI) $58.575 ASAP Arts/Culture/Entertainment Office 1500 1) 555 - 17th Street. . . ..... . SO ASAP 2) Historic City Hall (4th or 8th SO June of2000 FI) ............... ....... Parking Administration 1585 Historic City Hall (4th or 8th FI) S103,296 June of2000 Parking Operations 2300 Historic City Hall (1 st FI) - north As Above June of2000 Electrowave Park-N-Ride Cancel S161.250 Dec. 14, 1998 TOTAL $323,121 (II) Action Requested: Policy direction on the future use of the City-owned property located at 555-17th Street, which currently houses the following: USER DEPARTMENT SQUARE FEET ANNUAL LEASE TERt\1 OCCUPIED RENT EXPIRES Concert Association of 4375 S.F. Month - to-Month Florida $ I 4, 875/yr. Performing Arts Network 3424 S.F. $1 March 1999 (PAN) Florida Dance Association 1023 S.F. $1 May 1999 I Miami Beach Employees 1635 S.F. $0 No Lease Federal Credit Union 226 Q 11 II ~ , , 1 I' I I I I I' I f I f Page 2 EXHIBIT A ,(cont'd) (III) Action Requested: Approval of the following recommendations ""ith regard to pending litigation/eviction of certain tenants located at Historic City Hall: Frankel and Associates' lease on the 7th and 8th Floor expired and they failed to exercise their 2nd renewal option. Frankel filed an action for declaratory relief against the City. A settlement proposal was reached that requires that Frankel relinquish and vacate the 7th Floor and retain use of the 8th floor space until June of 2000 Recommendation: Approve the proposed settlement. Affordable Landmark's of the 4th Floor expired. A proposed settlement provides that Affordable retain use of the 4th floor space until June of2000 Recommendation: Approve and offer terms consistent with Frankel's proposed settlement · University of Florida's School of Architecture lease of the 3rd Floor expired. No eviction or renegotiation of the lease has been pursued. Recommendation: Remain as month-to-month tenants 227