Attachment NN I CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I ::;1Tt' HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 lttp:\\cLmiami-beach. fl. us ~ I J I - I I J , n t l I , f 1 - COMMISSION MEMORAt~DUM NO. "( ~ ~ t1l TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: January 20,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE l\JAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF lVllAlVn BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY M.~NAGER OR IDS DESIGl'l"EE TO MOVE FORWARD TO ACQulRE THE O\VNERSHIP OF NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AND THE "VEST SIDE PARKING AREAS; IMPLEMENT THE $2.1 MILLION IN IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PARKAS ADOPTED IN THE CITY OF lVIIAlVII BEACH PARKS MASTER PLAN (FUNDING TO COME FROM THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD P ARKS BOND PROGRAl'\1); AND TO WORK WITH THE COMMUNITY TO PURSUE SOLUTIONS TO REDUCE THE OPERATING DEFICIT OF THE PARK. ADMINISTRA TION RECOM1\1E~1)A TION: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND: On December 2, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved a referral to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee to discuss a status report and proposed improvements planned for North Shore Open Space Park as recommended in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond Program Sites. The item was included on the December 10, 1998, meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee agenda but was deferred at that time. Attached is a copy of information provided to the Committee. On December 22, 1998, the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee again convened at which time the status report and proposed improvements planned for North Shore Open Space Park as recommended in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond Program Sites item was presented by the Administration and discussed by the Committee Members. 253 AGENDA ITEM K 1 G. DATE_J-'2-0-Ql ANAL YSIS: Following the discussion of the report and proposed improvements planned, the members of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee una.rlimously passed a motion to fonvard this item to the full COrruhission with the follov.ing recommendations: 1. that the City should move fOffi"ard to acquire the ov.ners]1jp of the park and the \vest side parking areas; and 2. that the City should pursue Option 2 for the improvements of the park: and 3. that a workshop should be held v.ith the North Beach Development Corporation (NDBC) and others to pursue other solutions to substantially reduce the operating deficit. These recommendations were included in the January 6, 1999 Commission agenda item R6D. Attached is a copy of this item for your review. CONCLUSION: Approve the attached Resolution. S~b T:\AGENDA \ 1999VAN2099IREGULAR\NSOSPOPT.MEM 254 I. I. - I l I 1 I - , I ~ - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR A..1'Io'"D CITY COMI\USSION OF THE CITY OF .ML4.lVll BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR illS DESIGNEE TO MOVE FORWARD TO ACQUIRE THE O\VNERSHIP OF NORm SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AA'"D THE WEST SIDE PARKING AREAS; IMPLE.MENT THE S2.1 MILLION IN IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PARK AS ADOPTED IN" THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PARKS MASTER PLAN (FUNDING TO CO.ME FROM THE MIAMI-DADE COlTNTY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BO~J) PROGRAM); AND TO WORK WITH THE COMMUNITY TO PURSUE SOLUTIONS TO REDUCE THE OPER4TIN"G DEFICIT OF THE PARK. '\VHEREAS, on July 27, 1994, the City Commission approved a Lease Agreement for the North Shore State Recreation Area with the State of Florida, conveying the North Shore Open Space Park, Altos Del Mar properties and related parking lots back to the City; and WHEREAS, on June 19, 1996, the City Commission adopted the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond Program Sites and authorized the Administration to proceed with implementing the design of the facilities including improvements to North Shore Open Space Park; and '\VHEREAS, Miami-Dade County's Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond has allocated $2.1 million for the improvements proposed for North Shore Open Space Park, in accordance with the recommendations of the approved Parks Master Plan; and WImREAS, on December 16, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission authorized the Administration to submit a r~quest to Miami-Dade County for the $2.1 million for the proposed improvements for North Shore Open Space Park; and WHEREAS, at the December 22, 1998, Finance and Citywide Projects Meeting, the Committee unanimously passed a motion that recommended the City proceed with acquiring back North Shore Open Space Park and implementing the $2.1 million of improvements as proposed in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond Program Sites. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby authorize the City Manager or his designee to move forward to acquire the ownership of the North Shore Open Space Park and the west side parking areas; implement the $2.1 Million in improvements to the park as adopted in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master plan (funding to come from the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond program); and to work with the community to pursue solutions to reduce the operating deficit of the park. PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day of January, 1999. A TrEST: A.DPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE Be FOR EXECUTION MAYOR CITY CLERK 1f~ {//'I'1d1l1l i A!tomey 255 ~ TY OF MIAMI BEACH :ALL 17CO CCNV:NTIOJ'J CEN I.::R DRN: .\11A,\1f 2:.';C:-:. ;=~CR!CA 33'1.2.9 i.r:-:iamf...beac...,~fLus COi\&.rrSSIO:'''lYlIIYlOR~';DL?.r ~-o. 802 ,q 8 TO: Mayor Neise:J. O. Kasd.i..il a::.d Me::lbers of the City Co~-:ission D...:\ TE: Dece:::ce: 2:- 1998 FRay!: Se:-gio Rodriguez City Ma:.J.age:- STJBJE CT: A RETE :ll TO THE m-_4.:'-i-CE A:.'I1) CITY"1YIDE PROJECTS COlY.Gllll.KE - STATUS REPORT A..ND PROPOSED .GIPRO\i""E::Y1El'llS PL4.:Y"-I""ED FOR r-;ORTB SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AS RECOlY.GfE~",])ED IN TEE CITY OF 1YlI.A..!yll BEACH PA...tU(S 1YL~STER PL4.:'i OF BON"']) PROGR';':'Yl SITES. Tne Ad.mi..'"listration respectfully reques-...s that an item cor:;.ceming the cu..-rent s-..zr.lS and proposed improvements of the North Shore Open Space Park be refe:red to the next scbeduled Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for discussion_ SR: JG.:}4:eb T:\AGENDA \DEC0298\CONSENT"'..'iSOSPRE' .fv!E\! AGE1'iDA ITEM c~c 12-2-g8 2:j6 DATE II . I ~ .. -, I I I I I - l , 1 I - ~ t 1 - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach, Ft.. 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beac.'1.fl.us OFT=ICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Telephone 6p-7010 Facsimile 67:?-nS2 MEMORo\:~DUM DA TE: December 9, 1998 TO: Commissioner Simon Cruz, Committee Chairman Commissioner Jose Smith Commissioner Susan Gottlieb Patricia Walker, Finance Director and Staff Coordinator FROM: StJBJECT: This shall serve as vvTitten notice that a Special meeting of the Finance and City\\;ide Projects Committee has been scheduled for December 10, 1998, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Manager's Large Conference Room. The agenda is as follows: OLD BUSINESS 1. Report on the Bass Museum Expansion and Renovation Project (On-going) Ma)'Ta Diaz-ButtacavoliJDiane Camber ~'"EW BVSI~'"ESS 2. Discussion on the Proposed Interlocal Agreement vvith the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. Mayra Diaz-ButtacavoIi 3. The Creation of Section 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Corporations. Irish Walker/LavvTence Levy 4. Alaska Parcel. Christina Cuervo 5. Status Report of City-OlNIled Properties. Christina Cuervo/Joe Damien SRJPDW/odp ~\ "~"1N60\J 998",,"COMMlI21 '98." ~D 257 Page 2 Special - Fina."1ce & City....vide Projects COID.:.-:uttee December 10, 1998 6. S:atus Report and Proposed Improvements Planned for Noru1 Shore Open Space Park as recommended in the Cit)( ofMia....ni Beach Parks Master Plan ofBoGd Prograrn Sites. Janet Gavarette c: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant Ci:y Manager Christina W. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/Labor Relations Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Richard Barreto, Police Chief Luis Garcia Jr., Fire Chief Julio Grave de Peralta, Director of Public Works Dean Grandin, Deputy Director of Development, Design and Historic Preservation Kevin Smith, Recreation, Culture and Parks Director Jacqueline Gonzalez, Parking Director Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney Phi] Azan, Building Director Diane Camber, Bass Museum Executive Director AI Childress, Code Compliance Director Robert Parcher, City Clerk Judy Ford, Procurement Division Director Debbie Turner, First Assistant City Attorney Max Sklar, Office of the Mayor & Commission Lawrence Levy, First Assistant City Attorney Larry Herrup, Chairman Budget Advisory Committee Donald Shockey, North Beach Development Elayne Weisburd, Middle Beach Association Inc. Amelia Johnson, Transportation Coordinator Lynn Bernstein, Middle Beach Director (DDHP) Miami Beach Art Deco Miami Beach Neighbors 258 I I - - - - - - - I , g , , I , t J i -:.. NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK FINA.!'{CE A.';1) CITImDE COwIMITTEE REPORT DECEi\1BER 10,1998 PREPARED BY: KEvTh SMITH - RECREATION CULTtJRE & PARKS DEPARTwlENT 1. INTRODUCTION The follo\'Ving is information \'Vith regards to the current status of the NorJI Shore Open Space Park. Also included, is an explanation of the different options available to the City in regards to o\VI1ersmp of the Park. Tne information provided should serve to assist \Vith assessing the best option for the City. II. BACKGRO{Jl',1) In 1994, the City of Miami Beach was involved in ~discUssions \Vith the State of Florida regarding the conveyance of the North Shore Open SP~C~-Pafk b.ick to the City. In addition to assurn.ing the maintenance and operations of the Park, the City was also in negotiations with the Board of Trustees for the Internal Trust Fund of the State of Florida for the purchase of certain State-owned lands within the Altos Del Mar Subdivision. \Vhilenegotiating the exact terms of the conveyance of the North Shore Open Space and the purchase of the State- owned Altos Del Mar lots, both parties agreed to an interim Lease Agreement for North Shore Open Space Park that addressed the aforementioned issues. This Lease Agreement was approved by the City COmmission 'on JulY-27,-J 994, for a term of nventy :five (25) years . ... .' .. .. - - "j" .... '-.,...-....,. .' ,". '.','" ,"'" commencing on July 1, 1994, \Vith the ability-of eithe?party-tocancel \-Vith a minimum n.velve (12) month notice (see Attachment A). ._ ID. CURRENT STATUS OF PARK Since the City assumed management of the Park a full time staff of five city employees has conducted maintenance and daily operations \Vithin the Park. Additionally, three fully staffed life guard stations have been established on the beach immediately adjacent to the Park and the Nature Center has operated programs in the Park. -,According to the records maintained by the ParkslLandscaping Division, current park users are estimated to be between 30,000-36,000 per year of which about 15% are seasonal users. On June 25, 1998, a report was prepared by the City's Property Management Division that Summarized a number ofb.azardous conditions that exist in the physical structures of North Shore Open Space Park. The report focused specifically on the raised pavilion areas, the wood deck structures, wood trellises, ramps and substructure. The report indicated that, in spite of the Property Management Division's ongoing efforts to repair the Structures, the continuous exposure to the elements and the highly corrosive salt water environment has caused the deterioration to continue to a point where many of the facilities are beyond repair. The report concluded with the recommendation that a complete structural evaluation be made by the City of Miami Beach Building Department's Structural Engineer to the actual conditions of the facilities. Attached is a copy of the June 25, ] 998, North Shore Open Space Park report (see Attachment B). 259 <0':: On July 2, 1998, tb.e C[ljer b..s~ec~or of L.~e C1::" or Mi2....-::i Be2.ch BuilCi.z:g De;J2.:"_-::e~: ir:spec!e-i t.~e concition of the pa',ilio!"'.5. cecks, r::l..-nps 2!:C r21se-i \VOOC SL:""c.lctu:es i!! l<cru.~ Shore Or;e:1 Space Pa:k.. I~ w~:l.S c~~e::L.iI:~c: ~:'2: s~e::i.r:c sr:-~cr:=es i:: t!:c P2:K f.:1ilc:::. t..~;: l''''s''''e'''';o''' ""'c' v'e~o C."'....l.,,_o,..; ""'s.."f".,. s....,.c...,,-os ~,.:...,. co1..c1,,<::o1.. 0: .:.... i""<:~"""'l'O'" tb.e ~J. 1-' _IOOJ. .......;.;..;.. ,-y...... __.1.............._ 1..0..4.... ~_ c....;._ ............_. ...... ~....... ... .L_.l. ... .l U.."- ....L_~'-_... ......~..... : :"cl'li,;"'s C:.,.",la:-o"'; """"",,r.,. ""e-o clos"''''; '0 F....,.,..o ""0 :",. ';..,.,. D,.'Cl'l'C (._.,.~ ~"..,c:"~~~r C) . .1._ ......._'- .........1. __ l",.O,,;..L-:1c.-...."- vv ..._ ... .....__... ...._..__ :..-..:>_ l..'~" 1....:...._.. (-. . .,)...._.. ...._ ...__...__........ ......._....... .' . IV. . OPTIOi''-S Cie; le"c:es or 01.'.7:5 the Park 'ion 1 C r:" asSillTIes ov.ne:ship oftb.e Park or hold.s along-te::::1 lease frO!:1 t.~e St.J.te 2.:ld rr:amf":",,<; the c:;..--:re::.t s--carus <"''' k.U:.g no c2pir.al iwprove:::e::rs to t.1e P2r"k. Tnis \-votJd require ::0 c:::.pi:.;:1 mvest:nent and tb.e annual maime::.ance/ope::a::!on budge! \-,,"ould re::::::!ai.Il to be approx.:!TI2.teIy S452,500 per yea:". Tne Cir:" generates approxi.l::.arely 5-+:3,500 m tor21 revenues Iror::J. the operations or the Park. The North Shore Nature Center- presently is available for group field trips a..'1dJor parJes. At present, in-house pre-school, after-school & SUlTh.'11e: camp prog:aI"'-5, and va.-ious Dade Counr:" public and private schools t.ake field trips to t....le Center. Due to the small size orme building, ody ?,"OtlpS of 30-40 childre.:J. can be accommodated and are very limited to t.l.e type of hands on activities the City can offer. During Tne Cir:/s ei~;"t week summer camp progra..-n, any of the City's recre~tion facilities have betviee.:J. 100-400, participants. Due to limited staff and trarlSpor...ation, it is very difficult to schedule a group of only 30 to visit t.~e Nature Center. Tnerefore, some of our par.icipants do not get to experience the Nature Center. 'If this option is chosen the 52.1 ~Mi1 available from the. lYfiami. pade County Safe Nei2:hborhood Parks Bond would be available to redistribute to other varAS within the City. - . ~., .... 41 Redistribution of these funds would have to be approved by the Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond Oversight Committee. t Dorion 2 The City would go forth with the .$2.1 Mil in:?-pz:ovements proposed in the adopted City of Miami Beach Parks Master- Plan. Tnese improvements'.'would includeuanew recreation/nature center, restroom renovations, new shade pavilions, pedestrian plazas, full renovation of the boardwalk, accessible route to park elements, new gated park entries, security lighting, vita course replacement, park signage, landscaping, irrigation, restoration of the Collins Avenue fence and renovation of the south parking lor.(Ar12chment D). A larger nature center/recreation facility as proposed in the Parks M:::.ster Plan would allow the City to offer a full size a.:.i:er-school arId sumrner carnp program that te:::.ches e:l"'vironmental and ecological concepts as well as having space to offer sports and games for t.1e participants. Tne City would be able to facilitate lager groups, thus providing an opportunity for more children to enjoy the NaMe Center. Dade County schools (public and . private) ""ill be able to plan size appropriate field trips since most trips are needed for an entire gnde level (approximately 120 children). 260 -- ~ II II 11 -- - - I - I I , I I .Ji I , It is not cost effective for a school to charter a bus for one class (approximately 30 chiiclren). .. This expanded facility would require additional staffmg which would mc:rease the City's maintenance/operations CO~i.Sto increase to about .5520,500 per year. .Total es-illz1ated revenues from the Park operations are estimated to increase to .563,000 pe:- year. ,. State 'O\VT1S the Par! If the City chooses to return the management of the Park to the State without making any capital improvements Nfr. Percy Mallison, Director of the Division of Land Managemem Services of the Florida Department ofEmironmenral Protection has expressed that the State would have to search to fInd a manager, have the State's Parks & Recreation Depa:"tmem manage it or place on the surplus registrar. .- I I j I 261 A TTACHl'VIEr--;T A LEASE AGREEIVIENT FOR THE NORTH SHORE RECREATION AREA .- 262 I I - - , - II I - , . I m. , I I I I I ~'" !I~L CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OF~JCE OF' THE CITY "'ANACE.R TELEPHONE, PQS) In.7.,. Fl.I, P.Sl ").7712 "" COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ,~~&....qv TO: Mayor Seymour Gelb4lr ard ~:~' 0 'n'; ./l""7 CiryMana~ July 27,1994 DATE: FROM: ." RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY a SUB../ECT: kIAXI BEACl[ AND 'I'll!: STATE or FLORIDA FORTH!: NOR'I'lI SHOM STATE RECREATION AREA. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Mayor and city Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Lease Agree:!ent between the city of Miami Beac~ and the State of Florida tor lease of the North Shore Recreation Area, which includes North Shore Open Space Park and certain State-owned properties within the Altos Oel Mar Subdivision. Clariflcations to the agreement are being negotiated with the state and the agenda contains a draft agreement. The final agreement will be delivered to the City COllllllission in a supplemental agenda package. BACJtGROtTNOl The City of Miami Beach has been involved in discussions with the State of Florida regarding the conveyance of North Shore Open Space Park back to the City. In addition to assuming the maintenance and operations of the Park, the City has been in negotiations with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Trust Fund of the state of Florida for the purchase of certain State-owned properties within the Altos Del Mar Subdivision in the City of Miami Beach. While negotiating the exact terms of the conveyance of North Shore Open Space Park and the purchase of the State-owned Altos Del Mar lots, both parties have agreed to an interim Lease Agreement which addresses both of the aforementioned issues. Additionally, as'directed by the City commission at its February 16, 1994 meeting, the Legal Department is preparing ballot language for the October 4, 1994 special election, seeking electorate approval concerning whether the City of Miami Beach may offer tor lease for a period o! five (5) years or lonqer the twenty two (22) Altos Del Mar lots and related parking areas, said lease to occur after the proposed City purchase of the properties from the State. These twenty two (22) lots will be offered as single family development sites on an individual basis or a unified development process. If approved by the voters, the City will be permitted to lease its property in the subject locale. This process will enhance the North Beach area through the establishment of an upscale single family community on the Altos Del Mar site. A design concept, such as the one proposed by Laurie Swedroe, would establish the Altos Del Mar site as one of the premiere single family residential historic districts in the Southeast United States. 1 AGENDA ITEM P-l-~ l-Ll-q~ 263 OATE 2 It would also create a revenue stream [or the operation of Horth Shore Open Space Park through the developcent of a trust fund establish=d froc the balance of the revenue re~aining fro~ the sale of the. Altos Del Mar properties after the purchase debt is paid. Key cooponents of this lease agree~ent include: ,. A te!"":l of t....enty fIve (25) years c:::=enclng on July 1, 1994, .....i-eh the ability of either party to cancel with a =inicu: t.elve (12) conth notice, ,. Areas leased inclUde the Harth Shore Open Space Park and the related parking lots west of the park on Collins Avenue, and the Altos Del Mar properties. ~* The City viII be responsible [or the =anage~ent and maintenance of all areas included in the lease. ,. This lease lI"ill be ter:ninated when and if the City co:pletes the purchase of the Al tos Del Mar properties [ollo....ing the authorization of the voters of Miami Beach to do so. A....i\L YSrS; The St.:lte ot Florida, in anticipation of the City at Miami Beach assu::Iing the maintenance and operation at North Shore Open Space Park, hal] removed all State personnel tram the Park. In order tor the Park to remain' operational, City ot Mia!:!i Beach Parks Division elllployees have been placed in the Park, and a security ti~ has been contracted to patrol the Park and entorce existing Park rules and regulations. The Lease Agreement betveen the City and the State legitimizes the City's presence in the Park and assures a s:ooth t~ansition from the State to the City: . CONCLUSION: The Administration recoDl1llends that the Mayor and Ci ty Clerk be authorized to execute the proposed Lease Agreement betveen the State ot Florida and the City at Mia!:!i Beach tor lease of the North Shore State Recreation Area, which includes North Shore Open Space Park and The State-owned properties vithin the Altos Del Mar Subdivision. RMC/KS/AR C: \IIPS I \ISCSPc::Jf .1l(1I 264 II ~ , , - - - - - RESOLUTION NO. 94-21232 A RESOLUTION OF THE MA VOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, flORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MA VOR AND CITY ClERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT OnWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTE'RNAl IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AS LESSOR, ANa THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AS lESSEE, FOR LEASE OF THE NORTH SHORE RECREATION AREA, WHICH INCLUDES THE NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AND CERTAIN STATE OWNED PROPERTIES WITHIN THE ALTOS DEl MAR SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the City has been involved in negotiations with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Trust Fund of the State of Florida (the State) for the purchase of certain State owned properties within the Altos Del Mar Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the City has also had continuing discussions with the Slate regarding the conveyance from lhe Slate 10 lhe Cily of lhe North Shore Open Space Park; and WHEREAS, pursuanllo lhe aforestated negotialions, in the inlerim, the parties have ~egotialed the attached lease Agreement, which addresses nol only a lease of lhe North Shore Open Space Park bur also of certain Slale owned properties located within the Allos Del Mar , Subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF I ;~~~ Z.~ . CITY CLERK , o I I I .,:..;..... ~~...( .~~. - THE CITY OF MIA.\.tJ BEACH, flORIDA, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execule the allached lease Agreement between the Board of Truslees of the Inlernal Improvement TI1.ISI Fund of lhe Stale of Florida, as lessor, and lhe City of Miami Beach, as lessee, for lease of lhe North Shore Recreation Area, which includes lhe North Shore Open Space Park and certain State owned properties within the AlIos Del Mar Subdivision. PASSED and ADOPTED this A TrEST: By ,,^,("m"':IRI^dskl,<...ho,~.'~S(7.2 2 .941 Data 265 \ , 'age 1 of 17 _ease No. 4042 266 OAL3101 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IM?ROV~ENT TRUST F~riD OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA LEASE AGRE:::MENT. NORTH SHORE RECREATION ~qEA Lease No. 4042 THIS LEASE AGREE.~ENT, made and entered into this c?Jd day of ~ 19y';! bet;;een the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTE"Fm.a.L IM?ROVE:!ENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE." hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR", and the CITY OF MI~'H BEACH, WHEREAS, LESSOR and LESSEE have had ongoing discussions concerning the transfer of the fee title to the leased premises (defined belo~) to LESSEE; and desire that the leased premises continue to be operated as a h~EREAS, ~hile those negotiations are ongoing, the parties park; and WrlEREAS, the parties have agreed upon an interi~ basis, ,SSOR shall' lease the leased premises to LESSEE upon the terms and conditions set forth herein ~ith the understanding that the parties shall continue to negotiate a transfer of the fee interest of the leases premises to LESSEE; THEREFORE, for and in consideration of mutual Covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, LESSOR does hereby lease to and conditions: with the improvements thereon, and subject to the follo~ing terms said LESSEE the lands described in paragraph 2 below, together 1. DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY: LESSOR'S responsibilities and Obligations herein shall be exercised by the Division of State Lands, Department of Environmental Protection. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES: The property subject to this lease, is situated in the County of Dade, State of Florida and is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "leased premises". - I , t...enty TERM: The term of this lease shall be for a period of five (25) years com;nencing on t15df"# e:'3,/.f?~ and o~ 4'~ Ci':{ ":tJI9, unless sooner terminated pursuant provisions of this lease_ Not withstanding any other J. ending to the provision of this lease to the contrary, either party shall have the option to ~~nc~~ this lease provided such party provides the ~ other part~ at least t...elve (12) months written notice prior to cancellation. - - - - - 4. PURPOSE: The LESSEE shall manage the leased premises only for the establishment and operation of a city park, along with other related uses necessary for the accomplishment of this purpos~.as designated in the Management Plan required by paragraph 8 of this lease. 5. OUIET ENJOYMENT AND RIGHT OF USE: LESSEE shall have the right of ingress and egress to, from and upon the leased premises for all purposes necessary to the full quiet enjoyment by said LESSEE of the rights conveyed herein. 6. UNAUTHORIZED USE: LESSEE shall, through its agents .and employees, prevent the unauthorized use of the leased premises or ~ any use thereof not in conformance with this lease. 7. ASSIGNMENT: This lease shall not be assigned in Whole I m I I J or in part without the prior written consent of LESSOR. Any assignment made either in whole or in part without the prior written consent of LESSOR shall be .void and without legal effect. 8. MANAGEMENT PLAN: LESSEE shall prepare and SUbmit a Manasement Plan for the leased premises, in .accordance with Chapters 18-2 and 18-4, Florida Administrative Code, within 12 months of the effective date of this lease. The Management Plan shall be submitted to LESSOR for approval through the Division of State Lands. The leased premises shall not be developed or physically altered in any way other than what is necessary for security and maintenance of the 'leased premises without the prior I written approval of LESSOR until the Management Plan is approved.. LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with an opportunity to participate in - all phases of preparing and developing the Management Plan for the leased premises. The Management Plan shall be SUbmitted to Page 2 of 17 Lease No. 4042 267 268 LESSOR in draft for~ for revie~ and Co~ents within ten months of the effecti~e date of this lease. LESSEE shall give LESSOR reasonable notice of the a~?llcation fer and receipt of any state, federal or local permits as well as any public hearings or ~eetings relating to the developc~nt or use of t~e leased premises. LE~SEE _~'all not proceed with develo~rnent of said leased pre~lses including, but not limited to, funding, permit application, design or building contracts, until the Hanagement Plan required herein has been submitted and approved. Any financial commitments made by LESSEE which are not in compliance with the terms of this lease shall be done at LESSEE'S own risk. The M~~agement Plan shall e~phasize the original management concept as approved by LESSOR on the effective date of this lease which established the primary public purpose for which the leased premises are to be managed. The approved Management Plan shall provide the basic guidance for all management activities and shall be reviewed jointly by LESSEE and LESSOR at least every five (5) years_ LESSEE shall not use or alter the leased premises except as provided for in the approved Management Plan without the prior written approval of LESSOR. The Management In prepared under this lease shall identify management strategies for exotic species, if present. The introduction of exotic species is prohibited, except when specifically authorized by the approved Management Plan. 9. EASEMENTS: All easements including, but not limited to, utility easements are expressly prohibited without the prior written approval of LESSOR. Any easement not approved in writing by LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 10. SUBLEASES: This agreement is for the purposes spec~fied herein and subleases of any nature are prohi~it~~, without the ~rior written approval of LESSOR. Any sublease not approved in writing by LESSOR shall be void and without legal effect. 11. RIGHT OF INSPECTION: LESSOR or its duly authorized agents, representatives or employees shall have the right at any 'age J of 17 .ease No. 4042 - I _. Q - , , I i and all times to inspect the leased premises and the ~orks and operations of LESSEE in any matter pertaining to this lease. 12. PLACE~ENT AND REMOVAL OF IHPROV~~ENTS: All buildings, structures, improvements, and signs shall be constructed at the . expense of LESSEE in accordance with plans prepared by professional d~sig~ers and shall require the prior written approval of LESSOR as to purpose, location and design. Further, no trees, other than non-native species, shall be removed or major land alterations done without the prior written approval of LESSOR. Removable equipment and removable improvements placed on the leased premises by LESSEE which do not become a permanent part o:_~he leased premises will remain the property of LESSEE and may be removed by LESSEE upon termination of this lease. 13. INDEMNIFICATION: LESSEE shall indemnity and hold LESSOR harmless trom any and all claims that may ever be brought against the LESSOR arising from an act committed or omitted or act of negligence of the LESSEE. Subject to the limitations of Section 768.28, Florida Sta~utes, the LESSEE shall indemnify and hold LESSOR harmless from any and all claims and demands in connection f with any acts ~nd injury or damage whatsoever caused to any person or property arising directly or indirectly, from the 1 J I 'j. -..,....... "'.,~:: -==.:....- LESSEE'S rental of the herein described premises, or arising from any act or omission of the LESSEE or its servants, agents, concessionaires, employees or contractors and from and against any and all costs, expenses and liabilities in (including without limitation, any attorney's fees for trial and appellate proceedings) incurred in connection with such claim or proceeding brought thereon. 14. LIABILITY: Each party is responsible for all personal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of ~hat party and the officers, employees and agents thereof. Nothing herein shall be construed as an indemnity or a waver of sovereign immunity enjoyed by any party hereto, as provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, or any other law providing limitations on claims. Page 4 of 17 Lease No. 4042 269 270 15. PAYMENT OF" TAXES AND ASSESSHENTS: LESSEE shall assume full responsibility fo~ and shall pay all liabilities that acc~ue to the leased premises or to the i~provemen:s thereon, including any and all ad valorem taxes and drainage and special assess~ents or taxes of eve~y kind and all mechanic's or materialman's lietis ~hich may be hereafter lawfully assessed and levied against the leased pre=ises. 16. ~O WAIVER OF" BREACH: The failu~e of LESSOR to insist in anyone or more instances upon strict perfor~ance of anyone or more of the covenants, ter~s and conditions of this lease shall not be construed as a waiver of such covenants, terms o~ condit~ons, but the same shall continue in full force and effect, and no waiver of LESSOR of any of the previsions hereof shall in any even~ be deemed to have been made unless the waiver is set fort'.1 in writing, signed by LESSOR. 17. TIME: Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this lease. 18. NON OISCR!MINATIOrl: LESSEE shall not discriminate against any individual because of that individual's race, color, ~ligion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status with respect to any activity occurring within the leased premises or upon lands adjacent to and used as an adjunct of the leased pre::1ises. 19. UTILITY FEES: LESSEE shall be responsible f9r the payment of all charges for the furnishing of gas, electricity, water and other public utilities to the leased premises and for having all utilities turned off when the leased premises are surrendered. 20. MINERAL RIGHTS: This lease does not cover petroleum or petroleum products or minerals and does not give the right to LESSEE to ~rill for or develop the same, and LESSOR specifically reserves the right to lease the leased premises for purpose of exploring and recove~ing oil and minerals by whatever means appropriate; provided, however, that LESSEE named herein shall be fully compensated for any and all damages that might result to Page 5 of 17 Lea~e No. 4042 I - , ~ I , I I I r the leasehold interest of said LESSEE by reason of such exploration and recovery operations. 21. RIGHT OF AUDIT: LESSEE shall make available to LESSOR all financial and other records relating to this lease, and LESSOR shall have the right to either audit such records at any ,~ reasonable time o~-require the submittal of an annual independent audit by a Certified Public Accountant during the term of this lease. This right shall be continuous until this lease expires or is terminated. This lease may be terminated by LESSOR should LESSEE fail to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters or other materials made or received in conjunction with this lease, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. ~ 22. CONDITION OF PREMISES: LESSOR assumes no liability or obligation to LESSEE with reference to the condition of the leased premises. The leased premises herein are leased by LESSOR to LESSEE in an "as is" condition, with LESSOR assuming no responsibility for _t~e care, repair, maintenance or improvement of the leased premises for the benefit of LESSEE. 2J. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: LESSEE agrees that this lease is contingent upon and subject to LESSEE obtaining all applicable I permits and complying with all applicable permits, regulations, ordinances, rules, and laws of the State of Florida or the United ! states or of any political subdivision or agency of either. 24. NOTICE: All notices given under this lease shall be in I writing and shall be served by certified mail inClUding, but not limited to, notice of any violation served pursuant to 25J.04, i Florida Statutes, to the last address of the party to whom notice is .to be given, as designated by such party in writing. LESSOR J I J' and LESSEE hereby designate their address as follows: LESSOR: Department of Environmental Protection Division ot State Lands Bureau of Land Management Services J900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32J99 City of Miami Beach ~700 Convention Center Orive Miami Beach, Florida JJ1J9 Attention: Director Parks and Recreation LESSEE: Page 6 of 17 Lease No. 4042 271 25. B?E.~.CH OF COVEHANTS. TE?_"!S. OR CO~IDITrONS: Should City Attorney 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 LESSEE breach any of the covenants, terms, or conditions of this lease, LESSOR shall give written notice to LESSEE to remedy such breach within'six~y (60) days of such notice. In the event LESSEE fails to remedy the breach to the satisfaction of LESSOR within sixty (60) days of receipt of written notice, LESSOR may either te~inate this lease and recover fro~ LESSEE all damages LESSOR may incur by reason of the breach including, but not limited to, the cost of recovering the leased premises and attorneys' fees or maintain this lease in full force and effect and exercise all rights and remedies herein conferred upon LESSOR. 26. OAl'.AGE TO THE PREMISES: (A) LESSEE shall not do, or suffer to be done, in, on or upon the leased premises or as affecting said leased premises or adjacent properties, any act which may result ~n damage or depreciation of value to the leased premises or adjacent properties, or any part thereof. (B) Lessee shall not ~enerate, store, produce, place, treat, release or discharge any contaminants, pollutants or pollution, including, but not llmited to, hazardous or toxic substances, Chemicals or other aqents on, into, or from the leased pre~ises or any adjacent lands or waters in any manner not permitted by law. For the purposes of this lease, "hazardous substances" shall mean and include those elements or compounds defined in 42 USC Section 9601 or which are contained in the list of hazardous substances adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the list of toxic pollutants designated by the United States Congress or the EPA or defined by any other federal, state or local statute, lov, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, order or decree regulating, relating to, or imposing liability or standards of conduct concerning any hazardous, toxic or dangerous waste, substance, material, pollutant or contaminant. "Pollutants" and "pollution~ shall mean those products or ~ubstances defined in Florida statutes, Chapter 376 and Chapter Page 7 of 17 Lease No. 4042 272 - , - , , , q I - I , 403 and the rules promulgated thereunder, all as amended or updated from time to time. In the event of LESSEE's failure to. comply with this paragraph, LESSEE shall, at its sole cost and expense, promptly COmmence and diligently pursue any legally reqt~ired closure, investigation, assessment, cleanup, decontamination, r~mediation, restoration and monitoring of (1) the leased premises, and (2) all off-site ground and surface waters and lands affected by LESSEE's such failure to comply, as may be necessary to bring the leased premises and affected off- site waters and lands into full compliance with all applicable federal, state or local statutes, laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regula~lons, orders and decrees, and to restore the damaged property to the condition existing immediately prior to the occurrence which caused the damage. LESSEE's obligations set forth in this paragraph shall survive the termination or expiration of this lease. This paragraph shall not be construed as a limitation upon LESSEE's obligations regarding indemnification an~ payment of costs and fees as set forth in Paragraph 14 of this lease, nor upon any other obligations or responsibilities of LESSEE as set forth herein. Nothing herein shall relieve LESSEE of any responsibility or liability prescribed by law for fines, penalties and damages levied by governmental agencies, and the cost of cleaning up any D contamination caused directly or indirectly by LESSEE's activities or facilities. Upon discovery of a release of a I hazardous substance or pollutant, or any other violation of local, state or federal law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, J order or decree relating to the generation, storage, production, placement, treatment, release or discharge of any contaminant, ! LESSEE shall report such violation to all applicable governmental agencies having juriSdiction, and to LESSOR, all within the J , 1 reporting period of the applicable agency. LESSEE shall not be held resposible for any contamination determined to be in existance prior to commencement of this lease. Page 8 of 17 Lease No. 4042 273 274 27. SUR..::1.ENOER OF' PREMISES: Upon ter::ination cr expiration of this lease, LESSEE shall surrender the leased pre~ises to LESSOR. In the event no further use of the leased premises or any part tpereof is needed, LESSEE shall give written notification to LESSOR and the Bureau of Land Hanage~ent S~rvices, Divi&ion-of State Lands, Depart~ent of Environ~ental Protection, 3900 Co~~on.ealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 at least six (6) months prior to the release of any or all of the leased premises. Notification shall include a legal desc~iption, this lease nu~ber, and an explanation of the release. The release shall only be valid if approved by LESSOR throug~ the execution of a release of lease instrunent .ith the sane formality as this lease. Upon release of all or any part of the leased pre~ises or upon termination or expiration of this lease, all improvements, including both physical structures and modifications to the leased premises shall become the property of LESSOR, unless LESSOR gives written notice to LESSEE to remove any or all such imp~~vements at the expense of LESSEE. The decision to retain any improvements upon termination or ,iration of .this lease shall be at LESSOR'S sole discretion. Prior to surrender of all or any part of the leased premises a representative of the Division of State Lands shall perform an on-site inspection and the keys to any building on the leased pre~ises shall be turned over to the Division. If the improvements, do not meet all conditions as set forth in paragraphs 19 and 35 herein, LESSEE shall pay all costs necessary to meet the prescribed conditions. 28. BEST HANAGEMEHT PP~CTrCES: LESSEE shall implement applicable Best Management Practices for all activities conducted under this lease in compliance .ith paragraph 18-2.004(1) (d), Florida Administrative Code, .hich have been selected, developed, or approved by LESSOR or other land managing agencies for the \ prot"ction and enhancement of the leased premises. 29. PROHIBITIONS AGAINST LIENS OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCES: Fee title to the leased premises is held by LESSOR. LESSEE shall not jc permit anything to be done ~hich purports to create a lien ?age 9 of 17 :'ease No. 4042 . - II q I , , I ~ , I m J I or encumbrance of any nature against the real property contained in the leased premises including, but not limited to, mortgages or construction liens against the leased premises or against any interest of LESSOR therein. 30. PARTI~L INVALIDITY: If any te~, covenant, condition ~~ or provision ef thIS lease shall be ruled by a court of competent jurisdiction, to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect and shall ~n no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. J 1. ARCHAEOLOGIC~L AND HISTORIC SITES: Execution of this lease in no way affects any of the parties' obligations pursuant to Chapter 267, Florida Statutes. The collection of artifacts dr the disturbance of archaeological and historic sites on state- owned lands is prohibited unless prior authorization has been obtained from the Department of state, Division of Historical Resources. The Management Plan prepared pursuant to Chapters 18-2 and 18-4, Florida Administr&tive Code, shall be reviewed by the Division of Hi~t~rical Resources to insure that adequate measures have been planned to locate, identify, protect and preserve the archaeological and historic sites and properties on the leased premises. 32. SOVEREIGNTY SUBMERGED LANDS: This Lease does not authorize the use of any lands located waterJard of the mean or ordinary high water line of any lake, river, stream, creek, bay, estuary, or other water body or the waters or the air space thereabove. 33. DUPLICATE ORIGINALS: This lease is executed in duplicate originals each of which shall be considered an original for all purposes. 34. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING: This lease sets forth the entire understanding between tb~ parties and shall only be amended with the prior written approval of LESSOR. 35. MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: LESSEE shall maintain the real property contained within the leased premises and any improvements located thereon, in a state of good condition, working order and repair including, but not limited to, keeping Page 10 of 17 Lease No. 4042 275 "LESSOR" the leased ~~emises free of trash or litte~, maintaining all planned improvements as set forth in the approved Mar.age~ent ~lan, meeting all building and safety codes in the location situated and maintaining any and all existing roads, canals, ditches, culverts, risers and the like in as good condition as the same may be, on-the effective date of this lease. 36. GOVE~~ING'LAW: This lease shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida. 37. SECTION C)'PTIONS: Articles, subsections and other captions contained in this lease are for reference purposes only and are in no way intended to describe, interpret, define or li=it the scope, extent or intent of this lease or any provisions thereof. 38. AD~INISTRATIVE FEE: LESSEE shall pay LESSOR an annual ad~inistrative fee of $300.00. The initial annual ad~inistrative fee shall be payable within 30 days from the date'of execution of this lease agreement and shall'be prorated based on the number of months or fraction ~h_ereof remaining in the fiscal year of execution. For purposes of this lease agreement, the fiscal year ~22 be the period extending from July 1 to June 30. Each annual payment thereafter shall be due and payable on July I of each subsequent year. IN WITNESS wliEREOF, the parties have caused this lease to be executed on the day and year first above written. BOARD OF TRUSTEES IMPROV~~ENT TRUST STATE OF FLORIDA CHIEF, BUR MANAG~~ENT SERVICES, DIVISION OF STATE LANDS, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION B ?age 11 of 17 :"ease No. 4042 276 - I I - Q , , w , " I m I I I I f L '~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The for ing instrument ~~~cknowledged before me this ' cl..Z:: day of U. v.-:;r- 19L::::t.., by Daniel T. Crabb, as Chief Bureau of Lan Ma gement Services, DiV~~! State Lands, 4eparEm~nVironmental Protection, who i lare personally known to m~or ~ho has produced as '"derrt:J.tJ.catJ.on. . 'L <: ~~~. of Florida LEIGH O'SHIE\.DS .::- (SEAL) Notary Name Co=ission Number: C C /(j d 6/h.. Nal",.., pu&rrc. SIGh of florlda My Commission Expi~~61..milSian hpi.... AI"'~ 11. lnl .......,.. '....1*., ,...._____ . . ( SEAL) M"'-Jw "LESSEE" STATE OF F'"l-Or<,tI>rJ COUNTY OF D A-:P~ (SEAL) Commission Number: CC //o~33 My Commission Expires: NOTAIlT PClILlC. sun OF" FLORIDA.. MY COAlAlISSIOI'/ EXPIRES: J.D' II. UU. .Ol<l)[ll TIlaU Il0Td' ru.uc ""IlE.....~ Page 12 of 17 Lease No. 4042 fORM APPROVELl ) lEGAL DEPT. By _JCy J- - 3 . fy Date 277 278 E;C~I3!T u)...t Pa~cel 1 Lo~ 6, Block 7, AL7CS DEL ~~~ NO.1, a S~~ivisior., recorded in Pla~ BooK'J1, ~t Page 40, of ~he Public Reco~ds 0: Dace County, Flo=ida. Lot 6 contains contains rs,oo' t~:, :c=e c= less, .O~ 0.J57 acres, ~ore or less. Le~ 6 is bounced-as follo~s: Sounded on ~~e Ner~h ~y the Nor~he=ly line of Let 6; bounded on the South by the Southerly line e: Lot 6, also being the Nertherly line 0: 76th Street (fe~erly Beugainvillia Street); bounded on the ~est by the Lasterly line 0: Atlantic way (fo~erly Arriso way); bounded on ~~e Eas~ by the E=osicn Cont~ol Line of the A~lan~ic Ocean, as said line is recorded in Plat Book 105, at Page 62, 0: the Public Records 0: Dade Ceunty, Florida. Subjec~ ~o ma~te=s sho~n on a ce~~ain su~vey p~e~a=ec by Z~~~elle-~hi~~ak2~, Inc., unde= Orde= #77179-a8, da~ed JU~e 7, :'988. )'.ND ?2-:'"C~' 2 -,:::::'5 1 tr..rough 5, Block 10 and Lots 1 through 5, Block 7, All 10 ~ots as shown on the corrected plat of ~L70S DEL MAP. NO.1, a s~division recorded in Plat Book J1 at page 40 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; also that part of Atlantic Way (:o~e=ly Airoso Way) described in Official Record Book 68JO at page ~Ol of the Public Records of Dade Co~~~y, Florida. The Kor~'erly Boundary of that part of Atlantic ~ay being the S:lUtherly Bou..-,dary of 77th S~ree':. (Fo::-:lerly Cle::latis Street); The S~utherly Eoundary of ~'at part of Atlantic ~ay being tbe ~Y.tension Easterly of the Southerly Bounda--y of Lot 5, Block 10 ross Atlantic Way to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 5, Block all of t~~ above referenced subdivision. Tne above described prope~y (Parcel 2) bou..-,ded as follows: Bounded on the Nor~' by the Southerly line of 77~, Street (Fo~erly Cle::latis Street); Bounded on the South by the Southerly l~'e of Lot 5, Block 10 and it's extension Easterly and the Southerly line of'Lot 5, Block i, as both Lo':.s are sho.~ on the ab~ve referenced subdivision. Bo~~ded on the East by the Erosion Control Line, recorded in Plat Boor. 105 at page 62 of the Public Records of Dade County, Flcrida. Bounded on the West by the Easterly line of Collins Avenue, as said Avenue is shown on the above referenced Record Plat. . . The above described land contains lis,71J ft:. ::lore or less, or 2.725 acres, ::lore or less. Subject to matters sho.~ on a certain su--vey prepared by Z~Jelle ~'"'hit::'a.ke= I Inc. I under orde:,.: No. 77127-88 cia-:.eci Ap::-il l2, 1933.. AND Parcel 3 D ' No. 29142 7(.1 ~;.{ 31T 1/ -L.L OF..lL I LotG 5 and 6, Block 6 ct ALTOS D~L MAR NO. 1 Plat Book 31, Page 40, of ~he Public.Records ~f Dade County, rl~rida, together with all riparian or l~ttoral r~ghts appurtaining thereto, if any. 70gether with all right, title and interest, if any, in that -tain strip of land f/k/a Airoso Way n/k/a Atlantic Way. I All the above described parcels subject to conditions, restrictions and licita~ions of record. 'I . )er' No. 291~2 7'-' l- .~ .4 Ll!- OF-1Z- 279 280 r;C-!'::3IT ";.." ?arc~l It, Blocks ~9 a~d 20, Ccrrected Plat of ALTOS D~L ~~~ NO. ~, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book J1, at Page 40, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. AND ?ar-::el B Block 17, Corrected Plat of ALTOS D~L P~. NO.1, according to the -lat thereof recorded i~ Plat Book 31, at Page 40, Pu~lic Records ~f Dade County, Florida, together ~ith, Blocks 14 and 15, ALTOS DEL PJ~q SUBDIVISION NO.2, Plat Book 4, at Page 162, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. AND Par'~ Blocks 1, 2, J, 4, 1J, 14, 15 and 16, ALTOS DEL P~ NO.1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Beok J~, at Page 40, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with, Blocks 2, J, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, ALTOS DEL MAR SUBDIVISION NO.2, Plat Book 4, Page 152, Public Records of Dade County, Florida and all that portion of Streets 80th, Slst, 82nd, 8Jrd, S4th, 85~ and 86th, bounded on the Westerly side by a line 30.00 feet Easterly o~ the center line of Collins Avenue and on the Easterlv side b;unded by the Bulkhead Line established by. the City of ~ Mia;ni Beach, and together ~ith that pc~ion of Atlantic Way bounded on the No~~ by a line 25.00 feet Southerly of the center line of 87t.'l Street and bounded on the South by a line 25..00 feet Northerly of the center line of 79th Street. AND :,a:-cel D Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block IJ, ALTOS DEL ~~, SOODIVISION NO.2, according to the pla~ thereof recorded in Pla~ Book 4, a~ Page 162, Public Records of Dade Co~,ty, Florida. A.'ID Parcel E That por~ion of land bounded on ~he Nor--h by a line 25.00 feet South of the center line of 87th Street projected Easterly; bounded on the South by a line 25.00 feet North of the center line o~ 79~ Stree~ projected Easterly; bounded on the East .by the Erosion Control Line and on the Wes~ bounded by the Bulkhead Line. ~stablishment of Erosion Con~ol Line and Bulkhead Line as per data shown in Plat.Book 105, at Page 62, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. AND Parcel r That porti.on of 80th Street bounded on the Westerly side by a line ~0.00 feet Easterly of the center line of a certain 20.00. foot alley. adjacent and parallel to.the Westerly line of Blocks ~9 and 20, corrected plat of ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1, Plat Book 3~, Page 40 and bounded on the Easterly by a line 30.00 feet Wes~erly of the center line of Collins Avenue. Deed No. 29143 NO. 70 7"...( EXHIBIT _.4 PAG~OF-2- - ,. - Q , I , , ij ~ t I I I J f ". .Parcel F (continueo) That portion of Streets BJrd and 84th bounded on the West by a line 10.00 ~eet East o~ the center line of a 20.00 toot alley' adjacent and parallel to the Westerly line of Block 17, corrected plat of ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1, Plat BOOK 31, Page 40 and BlocKs 14 and 1S, ALTOS DEL MAR, SUBDIVISION NO.2, Plat Book 4, Page 162 and bounded on the Easterly by a line 30.00 feet Westerly of the center line of Collins Avenue. That portion of 86th Street bounded on the West by a line 10.00 feet Easterly of the center line of a 20.00 toot alley adjacent to the Westerl~ liRe of Block 13, ALTOS DEL MAR, SUBDIVISION NO. 2, Plat Book 4, Page 162 and on the East bounded by a line 30.00 feet West of the center line of Collins Avenue. Subject to: Rights-ot-way, easements and covenants and agree~ents of record, it any no~ exist, affecting the above described premises, but any such interests that may have been td~inated are not hereby reimposed. \ . Deed No. 2910 1.( dJ 'I Z. /I OF -'i- NO. EXHIBIT PAGE: / , 281 282 EXHIBIT "A" P~~cel 1 Lots 2 and 4, Block 5, Lots 2 and J, Block 6, a~d Lots 1 and 2, Block 1~, ALTOS DEL ~~ NO.1, as recorded in Plat Book J1 at page 40, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being in section 2, Township 53 South, Range 42 East. AND Pa~cel ;2 Lot 5, Block 5; and Lots 1 and 2, Bleck 12 ef ALTOS DE~ ~~~ NO. 1, Plat Book 31, Page 40, of the Public Re:ords of Dade County, Florida, together ~ith all. riparian or littoral rights appurtaining thereto, if any. Together with all right, title and interest, if any, in that certain strip of land f/k/a Airoso Way njk/a Atlantic Way. All the above described parcels subject to conditions, restrictions and li~itations of record. "'~ed No. 29144 Nu. ?'OC/l- EXHIBIT Ii PAGE' /7 OF...L2.- " I J - q , I I I ~ , I, I I I I I I I:: ... ATTACHMENTB CITY OF ML4.MI BEACH PARKS lYIASTER PLA.N" , ,~ . .\ .'. -:::~ .1-" Co.", -:-"~:';' 283 ~~ - _... -,:'1' -., ,__r-- . ,:.~ .,;:. ,,:~'- . .- " --'{' ~)- ....-.-. ;~r~i. ~:~. ..". ....,.- ..., ...; .-::0 - ~ ~ ~ ,'. ;', r -.'- ,.. '- . -..! ,. -, -. -----.. -~ry , , I ~ -, lit ~, . . . -- . -. }'":, .. , ." - ,~ . .. . ....' - City o~ Miami Beach -Parks Mas;~r .P!~.r,':,:~~~i}~r..'~.=:~.,~~ .,.,..0", ,;....,...,' _8 . .~"...'-' :..~ ~ . of Bond Progra~ Sites ~:'.;.'., :..' ';{{i~%;;;~: ~... Executive, s~~iri'arYl:~.:i.-;;~~;.:. ~ , ;;:,~:;;~W:f~~~'~\," "" ..; .;. . . - . VoJume J "" '. 1;' . -, 284 ... I , II ~ - I -- - q { -.' B W. I , , I t ATTACHMENTB - . PARKS :M..4STER PLAN OF BOND PROGRAM SITES EXECUTIVE SUMlVIARY FOR NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK 285 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) j ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ ) } I ) } ~ 1 } J y Nor:h Shore Open Space Par."\, at 3~.61 acres, 'is the largest park on Miami Eeach anc a highly treasured natural resource. Tne Master Plan piaces great emphasis cn preserving and enhar.cing the coastal dune system, native vegetation and Dade County Sea Turtle Hatchery Program. A new interpretive/recreaticnal center is propcsed to strengthen and reinforce the success of this ecucationaJ program ~:jnd other nature related activities. Ne'N native vegetation plantings are proposed between the back dune and coastal hammock areas, linkir.g the wo habitats, creating a stronger dune community. North Shore Open . Space Park is Miami. .Beach's environmental treasure and the passive park of the NortJl District. , J JI In addition to the natural beauty of the ParK, North Shore Open Space has a distinct urban presence. The Par" spans eight city blocks between 79th Street to the City Limits at 87th Street along Collins Avenue, the major north-south artery in t,e North District. Tne Master Plan seeks to strengthen the role of the Par" within the North Seach Neighborhood by examining the context surrounding the ParK and the Development Plans already in place for the Oistrict zO ; As part of the Master Planning process the "Oevelopment Plan and Design Guidelines for the North Beach Neighborhood"(1994) and the "Area One - ParKing Studies Proposal for the North Beach Neighborhood" (1995), prepared by the urban planning firm Ouany, Plater-Zyberk, were studied and several key recommendations incorporated into the ParK design. The existing on-street metered parking in the vicinity will be augmented with the addition of a parking Jot in the 87th Street right-of-way at the Northern Park boundary and the renovation of the Southern parking lot off of 79th Street. Tne existing fence that defines the public edge of the Park along Collins Avenue will be cleaned, painted and landscaped to soften it's appearance and three new entrance gate and sign age features added at cross- street terminuses. Selective dearing of exotic vegetation will open view conidcrs from the sidewalks and roadway to the beach, creating a visual link from land to sea, and providing a much needed sense of openness and security. A network of we!J-lit and defined pathways including an upgraded boardwalk system, invites users to explore the unique, natural surroundings. 286 I ) ) } I ) ) - ) } ) I ) ) ) - ) ) } I ) ) ) 8: I; ) I: ) I' \ I, I J f lC -=- - -:::::::= -BOND FUND BUDGET - $ 401,400.00 (/ = Bond Funded Items) Buildings MASTER PLAN ELEMENTS ./ New Recreaaon/Nature Center ./ Restroom Renovaaons (3) New Shade Pavilions Renovare Existing Shade Pavilions ---....----------- --..----...--.....---......-....--..............-----............-........-........--.......--.....- Pedestrian )?aving ----- Site Lighting ./ Plaza at Rec./Nature Center ./ Renovate Boardwalk (partial) Renovate Boardwalk (full) Accessible Route to Park E!ements New Gated Parr< Entries (3) -----... ..------ Security Lighting Playgrounds Vita Course Replacement SignagelFurn Landscape Irrigation Fencing ./ Park Sign age Park Furnishings w c:::w OC,) :I:~ rnrn :I:z """w ~Q.. ~o ./ Landscape (selective cfearing) New Landscape Irrigation ./ Clean & Paint Fence - Collins Ave. Parkin91Civil)> ./ Reconfigure Maintenance Yard .. '.. . . '., . . ~..: ' :. Renovate South Parking Lot t ota! Cost . . Budget.. Surplus I (Deficit) $ 1,797,850.80 qBONDFUND $ 450,166.80 S 401,400.00 ($48~766.80) S 401,400.00 I ($1,396,450.80) Notes: All costs indude 10% for mobilization and general conditions and 10% for unforeseen conditions. -rhe Bond Fund Budget has been adjusted to retlec Bond processing fees. Master Plan fees and AlE fees for design and construcion. A budget for ac::essible playground surfacing has been added to eac., parK, where applicable. NCPE~wPF 5IC:lt36 - IlD 287 ) ) ) ) J ) ) ) ) j ) ) j ) ) ) ) J } ) } ) ) ) , :. rt;.J: Ii '--:;;: 'i .,--... ~'!' "'::":':o:..o.::.~:.:=~ ;~ -. ..:..c.:~ (~~ =:-:.. e:<'~~ ~-..=..~.:.N ~~~~:~~~~~~~ ,---....~~ ;':~~-'G. 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I I - U I I n I I , I .~ - ~ - - ~ ~ 1 ATTACHMENT C PARKS 1\1A..STER PLAN OF BO~l) PROGRAM SITES VOLUl\1E ill DEVELOPMENT A-i'ID IMPLEl\1ENTATION PLAN FOR INDIVIDUAL PARKS NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK 291 SECTION PAGE - VOLUME I1l - TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 IMPLEMENTATION PLANS Park Lecatien Plan ..................... 1.1 Exjs~jng Conditions/Site Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Conce;:;t Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Master Plan Concept Refinement .......... 1.5 Master Plan Site Drawing ................ 1.7 Bond Plan Site Drawing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 Recreation/Nature Center Plan & Prograr;o; ... 1.9 Shade Pavilion Plan & Program. . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 2.0 COST ESTIMATES Master Plan Eiements & Sudget Overview ... 2.1 Site, Building and Signage - Detailed Estimate 2.2 3.0 EXISTING CONDITION SURVEYS Site, Building, MEP, Signage & Souncary . . . . 3.1 4.0 INVENTORY AND ACTION . Site and Building Components ............ 4.1 292 I I I I . - ~ :~ ;(C~ I ~ . '" sa-at c.;1:' .l....M. -= - U,J ~>- < ga:l ffi "O~ ~..e...i<W ~ OA'fT~ ;<:;l 9(;;<!' c:=< F).~A'f ~ ~"DY ISLE .j~1 4: EB PARK LOCATION PLAN err ~ _ ae.oOt .....TI!Jt ~ 1'0. ""..~ . aClII!ArJCOO 5000C ~<tCC;lIA" s.TI!S o ".. v~ tI2 ... ,- , - Sf.OMfU.". ~ . "A.CTllfa c;.JmI .. ..x:ua ~ ~ 293 tn -. u: __w -U Q<: ei;fu :=z I~W 'C:::c.. 00 Z EJ ~~ ~ ;~. ---;~%~:'\...... :' -----: a! L..-;::::-~!! !:; t "-\ ~: t:,;i i'li ~-- " " .,1 I~:I '"-.. ., ';.1'1 -(, '.:'" \ ~ j!: I.,.;.,~ \ \\ _....... ~ ,:..r '\ ~ ..- 0 = ~ ~ ;, C ~;: S '-:..p-r--.. ::!..- ---,~'~ \ .) i .,~~ ~---i ~o;.. \ ~~_.......x-~~~ ...;.~-...."-'~ ~....;.-: " ):--. _.::.;;:........ ~_....:.. ~.; 0 -' -; If' /7::."0 I> (j ! .-: :. )1 /0 'I ,1 'I I i ~ ?'- -; oil ~ t'l r;.-;\.'-..l1J ( ~., ~-_ ~,," / ~t) i . ",--~f"J '-,~ I -( 'I I ( ...., "" ~ ;; \ II ~/" iif- C.iI : t;:,: ~ (' I . ;> S ......:- '.!!-:.. 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I I . ~~.....:.....l'.~- l/'-t"7C>-; w~'_:;&:1 ~::"'~-Z- ~=r I': I i' , ~~r:=:Z--'~4 ~..:-e :z UJ c:' -( au j =~ l.I en C/) I :::z ~w \l -c- Oo Z \l ~.7'-': :f::::::~"'S ~.~,....;. ~~,""""7";,~ ~A'T-j~~""- :-::"'7) i ;: I, I ~: \ , \ I , \ I \ ) , }/ I \ ' \ / ! ) ~:...~-...E v ~ ~~C:-~- ~:..-.,,~ = -( ...l ~..-./.::.. ~~~~,;.. ~11:.~ j I \ -,;) I: I \ \ , \ (II ! J (; ~~ II \ , ' I) I \ ( n I- -< ~~ ~...... -~c.~~ -....-:"~J:.-i A.'C.~)l J",!.MI )ioc:~!~ - ~ ,_ _ /l'Iof"4C~;' .,.,;..,wlt. ... J'4.~~ C-":,I(';,:: . "cr::r.:::'I ;H'':'IC;:C ~~ll''''' I IJ - CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT I - Before arrivir.g at the final Master Plan, several altemat;v~s were explored to deterTi1ine the best site plan c::nfiguration for each park program developed. Tne alternatives were developed with input frem the City of Miami Beach administration, staff, advisory boards and the community. 1- I~ I~ VViiile none of the concepts sketc..,es shown here represent the exact layout used in the final . Master Plan, the plans do contain many elements that were incorporated into the final plan. Q~ The most important feature of this park is that it is the only remaining natural beach with native plant communities. I: I- Concept 1 . J Tne existing structures, including boardwalks, will be renovated and remain in their present location. Because of community concerns for security, vegetation which obscures the view of these structures would be thinned. Thinning is to be accomplished first by removal of exotics and then selective thinning to retain the large~1 sea grape planting. On' site parking will occur in the R.O.W. of 87th Street to the north and in the existing parking lot at the south end of the site. The community is of two minds regarding the existing fence along Collins Avenue. Some feel that it is .unfriendly. and others feel that it provides security, or the illusion of security. This alternative retains the fence but moves it east so that it is less visible from Collins Avenue. In the north area of the park, add new native vegetation plantings to replace or narrow the existing unpaved service road located between the back dune and coastal hammock areas. The middle section can remain open for beach sports. A new nature center is constructed at the south end of the park. I w . I I - - ~ . I 295 !-'e.""''''~~ kM ,'<...~."""'" ~"'-'C.J<,.;~ Me/'I'e- P"~ =-r t-'::>H ,,~~ Concept 1 )frr,~ ) ~ !~ ~ I~ -~ \~ ~ -=) ( \" ...: ~ J~ ~\ {~ .ij J .~ i \.~ ~ \ )Jii :r ~} ( ; ~IU~ ) ~ } ~!~ : ~ t \~ I a. ~ -:::::::= I I fLU I' C::::~I 0< I =c... ! en I : ~~I I C::::~I 10- : zO, I I : I ~......I'ClI')oA.((.. _, liP-<-""'" ~~~ 7,.l... V"-......,.~...... F"'C- ~~ ~e. El<I~.u", ~ tca_-!'CLl ~~ ~ ~;. ~e. :7"~ P'".-.-r ~rrf ~'";~ ~.-:.. EI i~ I~ ) I" ' , :i I~ ( ~ I ~I~ 1 !~ \1 ~"!-7'~~ .,~( ~/: )i?/' ~!:: I . I: ........:.Y .. . ) ( (% I i~ 1 I~) I; ~'.:/ =-L~ \ UC;' :; I:/. I :( ~!;..::: ~\ : ./'/ :~ "l IY( ~I!; \lJ ~i ! " ~ --L? I; i I /:{ ) i~ ~I;~ . ~ I :;;: I Concept :2 This aj:=:~a::'I= re;=iaces ail t:-:e exis:i:":; . .. 'r"''' '.'11'."- "'-'.'1 s"-'c.' 'r-s 'C,,-""'''' -, '"-", Sl.:-~c...~.__......I.J.IIIC:. .~,,_ ......= l ,-a..._~c::~.l..,_ East e~;e Ci t~e ex:s~!ng sea gja~e ~ja::t!r~g. T:-:is [";'";al<es ti'-:e s,r,x:ures acjace:.t t:: t~e teach anc ciear of vese!a:ien (sec:..:r.tj) en three s:ces. A clear fine ef sight is createc tet'Neen Cellins Avenue (sec:..:rity) ar.c the ciLS!e:s ef struc::..:res en the teach. The enly en site parking prov:ced is the .,.,...,--. w......... - . 5--~,~ ...:':":'-:..- existing let at t~e sowth end cf the par:<:. !'"' f~il'":"""'7:a-' Tne exis:ing ~aimenanee yai:: S.'""ia!! ce s\:reened fiem view. The CciJins Ave!iue fence remains. As in the previeus alternative, in the ncr:h area of the part<, add new native vegeta:ien plamings to reslace or narrow the exis:ing unpaved ser.;ice read located !::e:ween the ~--- back dune and ccastal hammock areas. T'1e ............~. e-.-::3 middle section can remain cpen for teac.~ .'-~ ~-;.;r-~ ~cz sports. A new nature center is constructed at the souti! end or the part<. Concept 2 296 . ~ .....:::...:.;./ ,...~..........,._..::.. I ;:;;:.~~;.. ~~. Q< ' -- C. ! ....:E..~...;N~ ~~'......:lIi (J.) en 1 IJI'C-.....,a.o- ....-=...~-....!iir.... I ' Z [;i ~.....~ ~w',., c::: c. . 10- i zO I ~....<:/~i I c...>-~y!. -:r,;,..~ ~ r-~~~:-:'f' : ~ .. .~......~..:%.Z ~~ . ~. ...... III ~,. .~ till I. ~ III 11* .d" . ~'l: I II . ;j -1 II I (1 -- I MASTER PLAN CONCEPT REFINEMENT I Following .the Goncept Development precess is the refine'menf of iceas and cor.firmation of par.<: elements that leads to a final Master Plan. Tne Master Plan concepts were retined through a consensus building precess with City of Miami Beach administration, staff, advisory boards and the community. After consensus is achieved on the Master Plan, the plan elements are pricrr-Jzed by need and budget allowance to become the Bond Plan. I I Preserve and enhance the coastal dune system, native vegetation and Dade County Sea Turtle Hatchery Program. Iww I C:::" , 0 '-' 1-'- I .... c:: Cl)CI) I =z , P- W Ic:::~ 00 ,Z I L-J I Q. Below are listed the Master Plan cor.cepts anc issues that shaped the final plan: I J Add new native vegetation pfantings to replace or narrow the existing unpaved service road located between the back dune and coastal hammock areas. Tne new plantings will help link the two habitats and create a stronger dune community. , f . Selectively clear exotic vegetation to open view corridors from the' sidewalks and roadway to the beach, creating a visual link from land to sea, and providing a much needed sense of openness and security. ~ . Build a new natureJrecreation center. The new building will be similar to other new recreation buildings proposed as part of the Master Plan, having a covered open air space and an air conditioned classroom. Public restrooms through out the pari< will be renovated. Upgrade the existing boardwalk system. The existing fence that defines the public edge of the Pari< along Collins Avenue will be cleaned, painted and landScaped to soften it's appearance and three new entrance gate and BJ' 297 298 -- s;~na~e features acced at C;-CSS-5~J-eet te:mim.:ses. d ' I . It'.' 8-" c::: ~ ,'... . A c ?- r;Cir:<;n~ Q, rn L:"1e I,r. ,""ice, n~, ,t-Ci- way at the Ncrei.em Pai'<< tcur.car; anc renovate ef the SCL.:them park;n~ let eff cf 79th Street. Tnis parking acc:iticn is in keeping with the "De'lelc;;r.:ent Pian and Design Guidelines for the Nerth Beach Neighbcr7icedn (1994) arld the "r.re2 Or.e - ParKing Studies Frcposai fer t"ie Ncren Beac:. Neighborhccdn (1995). prepared by the L.:rban planning firm Duany, Flater-Zyber.><:. II II II I.. -':.1:, ~.~': .......r .--~ ,,. =~'~':"'"'OG ~.~=.:.;.. q.,;;;;g.:.......~ , ~~~~ ~:-.:=;:~ - .:.---= "':"'--:!:'-l':' -.-:-~ i ~ ~ I' I ...~.;.; -.......~ =S'... I. . ~ '.;.I~~ - .~ -oc~~ O'C'oIC I I J ...t::'I:J~~ =.:"'t:"':~ I L~ 'U~ C~ ~;~ ~IC m =~~~ ~..,.,. I ""'-:J.... l:;e-n~ I J e)(",,~~.,~~ Q,S.-.w..T , 'e!3'':''~ ~!...=c;t.....s..-.:......-O ~~...~ I J MASTER PLAN "",...- .,,. g.c; ,. . I::: !~ 'IN '.' J . t i. ::. J t. I .J "1'ar :-: .t . :-:-~ :::1 :-: , '.'J ::J. C1TT OF ..... lEACH M..:HER P\.AH_C; FOR I'A~J(3 .. RECilt:.. rlC* ~ I'~c;il'" SITE. 299 ....i;':..; o.:.;:::ac:.'G '_=- ~: ~~ r-::."lt =~' ~~~ ~'""I:lC'... '_'4 ~'!l':"'''-G ::-J'ool; ~j><::' CI!:~:"'=-...:.~o. , ~ -:;:1=-~='J'1.J!. ~~ y'~~ ~ ~!..!'~-~~.~ c;3I~~'C .....sc.c.....:"'.GJroI ~.:.~:Jt'"~~~~~, ~:..~~ '~~ .ac..::z~ ':":;; ~..... <. ~~::~ =-.:~ ':"c ~ ......,.l~ ~,~ ~c ~c:...;..c.. ...,...~,:",~ ' ~-..-:" :; ~...-:x. =-J'o€. ~-."",! - E..:.QJroG . ..,co--:--/" c-= =::.c_..: ~-=-....;.:-:oc -.&;:, .......<.~~ -~~~ ...~., __ .-c ...... ~ '''''''''''Gr ~.. _. :.:.<:~':''''G .~~~ . a.-.::..::.qa ""-f:'.:J ....v:JtG ~C~ ="";:...l..lCG ':'~ ~A:;5: -- =~ V1S!.U ~ ~~ ~:: :se=-- c- -=-....3"'" eE..:..:::J =-..c;..E"':: ;.;>.e ( ~~i~~GJ'o' (~ ~ ~:;uc i ~ ~i::; ~~ ~ ~-~~ -.:'.......J,C..I ~< ..-.:~ ..:r.c.:::=~J ~,~::"tJlo&E~ ~ e-......c:! !:l<!~""<> =-- I ! -e:l ~~ ~~ . ~......o ~~~"""'.JrrC:.~~~~04 ~:: .~~ ~ v:C:U ~ $~~O~ ...~ T I'..,..g ~:"ER ; I .._~'" ..,. - i:;;""VC~~"""" 1... . ~. - 4-~ I , ...-~ ...~ l E)C~~:Jo<j, ~~ ~ \ \ ...-::::''n~'!''1 ,,~''''':''I:.......rr~ ..oe-~ :.......,.loG ..~':"..GJIooI,~"':" IIOa'ffi '8 a- sa' 'IDO" 2DQ" -- I... ' ~~O. .IoJ"Ml. 'I'UTlIl!" c..r:a . ltOlOUI ;:.!ES;ll ~ (1 ~ u.: c::UJ aU -<( ...,.. , ,,.. - I .." 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LaC4~.s rl.s4r .sx!~t.!"$ ::I" Int"..4rlG.s :ddrd ,,,clllt.:f- 1"'" '.t. . =~:::!a'.sa "ir-c--r'!c::H~I~.sa 'p"~ ::lith ,;~ 'p4:::S fer d~ c::r.4rr drld 2 refr!::~"~a-,. Sh::::\.lfd ,..av~ gaad vIa/brill:; af "II .!rea.. . =~c!C&ed "rr-~dlt.I~c!Ld 'pd~. . =~:::!a&<Sd "rr-c--r'!dlt.lQf'l<Sd ap"c:.s wit..": "c:::s:t, t.c C"..:t.daar c:av","sd pi":; "rs.d. . =n<:faa..::l "rt'-~.c::irt.l~cSd ap"c::.a. ,,=sea:bl. fram mwlt.l-porpa.c5 raam. ~avrds '~"9s &i-"c5lvs.. . =r.:::laae:::i n~ "rr-c:::~It.I~e:::l 'p.s=. "c:c:::.eeelblc5 ,rem =Vc5l'eC pl"~ "r~". ~av!de a~.!9s 5h5/Ve6. . I Nndlc:.sp a=sulblc taller.. .t..511 wit.'" !4v.!t.ar;:;.. Il.Z'fr..ar. 1 J"v"tcr::l- Msc::r.anic::..5ll!:f VS'lt.il"t.~ and ICYvell"sC . 1 r-.a"dlc::..5C7 "c:::..sa.r!:::I.. t.cll~ ,t..5!' wrt.n l"v.!~... I t"arJ~ at."'!, I I"";""t.ar':t- M~.anc:!"ll!:f VS'lt114t..sd "I!d 1C;;,wS"':td.. . ~avrds ut.!Ijt,,~ airJc. rr.~ r"a. "nd v"lf. M.sd-..Sr.c:!.s 11!:f v~lIdt."a. 5>.4. ..f. a~ af. l~af. 25> a1. II~ a.'. ~c. If. J"nr~'. Cla.~ 12 .S. TotM Nt eftdo..d uee Cavell"cSd p14~ Ar:S.5 Tot.. Nt ..... TotM graa .... 1,475 L'. 1.231 s.,. 2.707 L1. 2.'S. LI. . lr:c:!l.:C_ sxt...rcr C:::!:'::::-.Jl,,~!OI'1 'p"c&. Nc~:s: L"~aut. aul.;lnsa "II msc:.....a"Ic:.sl ~ulpnSPlt. ,. racftap :rl0Uf'!tac:1. cm~tI StCf'4gs R:n l""iult"l-purpaac5 .~em St.C1"'dgs Raem 5tCf'dgS Cia,st Me'l" R.eat..-'aem U.'cmSl'l' 5 ~ t..-'cem RECREA TION/NA TURE CENTER fI' r 1fI' w~ ~ lev ~ .&..I..... . .....,...,... CI.Ol1""._-~ CI'T'I' 011 _ ....". ....~ ~ '0. ~.... A ac:....nDlI _ ,,"0_ r.u 301 ro ~ ~L.U aU =~ C/j ct:J =z r-L.:..: c::: c.. ! 00 j Z I I I liD r_ - " --- --- --- --- ---I -HADE PAVILION , 0fIl1U,w Il!.&Qf ....rn ",","-,,,,, 'UIU , .oE~U""".I01C) "'Q~ ~ ~ l' r ~ -- I ... fS ,.-1 -.-1 I 0-' I i ~~",J I j~;!O~~"''J F~-S'L~ t /. ~ ~ s./ ".4' )~ /l ~~{ iN' '2i~~~ , .~~ . I J I '\. J i /.: I II111 ~I I / ESl '~ ,=~~~_ or J ~! f . 1"-..--<;, / ! I I Ie U\" ..i ,I /~;~, ; I , ~ '. :- -/ ' "'"IiI! ~..I ! I rj. ~n/ /~ // _:; ! I ,II ~ i ~J ~i ii U .),0 -" i i I ~;b::'-~~~ J Iii i . ' ! I I !...,/! i ! ' I~-----_..!/_----_!c] r I __- ! L___--1-- ) Pc....... !..:.:a i<;.;.;~~ --- Program DescrIptIons COve-~a o,r::::en ~,r::::dC~ 4c,,= ~.r. 5-.!!de P~vfl:o~ (H45~e- Pldn (:.~) Ccr:c.-e~~ Sldb Fcc:.prir.t 5~ ~J'_ . P!dC~ ir: r:iSh/::i Vi5ible lcc~~;=~. ,=:-cvic~ C~~ ~~"~r;c~, c!e~rlCJ derined =~ Od:..l-w4!(..;,5 4~d Vr~.:J5_ ~oVld~ i-.dr.dlC~F ~~'~5~i'oI'; ro~~~ 4r.d e1:'-dr.ce_ ..III-.r...;). ".lAC. 6 ~."nc,.. C~~ .. "'ex.... CIESI~ .r...aa 302 I I tn -- I I .SOND FUND BUDGET - S 401,400.00 ((. = Bond Funded Items} MASTER PLAN ELEMENTS I / New Recrearicn/Nature Center I Buildings / Restroom Renovations (3) New Shade Pavilions Renovate Existing Shace Pavilions ..- - ..---..-----.....-...-..-...-..--..-....--......-......... Pedestrian / Plaza at Rec./Nature Center .F-aving / Renovate Boardwalk (paroai) Re!1ovate Boardwalk (full) Accessible Route to Par.o( Eieme!1ts New Gated Park Entries (3) .......------ ....--...------...-..-.---.............-........-..-..----........-. Site Lighting Security Lighting ...--..--..--- .---------......-.....------..-----...- Playgrounds Vita Course Re;:Jacement .-..----...--- ...-----..-------.--.....--..-......-........................... Signage!Furn / Park Signage Par'I( Furnishings .- ..-..--..-----------.......---....-.........--....-.. Lanc:scape / Landscape (selective clearing) New Landscape ......--- ------------------....---.. Irrigation Irrigation .. - ...-------...--- Fencing / Clean & Paint Fence - Collins Ave. ------- -..--..... Parking/Civil / Reconfigure Maintenance Yard Renovate South Parking Lot MASTER PLAN BOND FUND T otaJ Cost $ 1,797,850.80 $ 450,166.80 Budget S 401,400.00 S 401,400.00 Surplus I ($1,396,450.80) ($48,766.80) (Deficit) UJUj 6(.) =$1 '" - I .." CJ') , =z! ~w I C::c..1 00' Z i ! i I m I I J , l Notes: All costs in dude 10% for mobilization and general conditions and 10% for unforeseen conditions. "The Bond Fund Budget h;u Oeen adiusted to refled Bond ;lrocessing fees. Master Plan fees and AlE fees for design and construc:ion. A budget for a=ssible playground surfacing has beer: added to eac.'l park. where applicable. NOP!:S-'"2. WPF &0$ . lED 303 , I l I ~ , I t t ( ( ( ( '" w t= '" o 2 o CD 2 o i= ~ c: () w c: Q 2 < W '" C,) 2 < < a. a.. (/) er -0 Z uLL.. 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PJrk 1 J As a :-;::..,,:~ =~ ~ h.::.z2-j n,),iSc:l!ior: r.ct:ce ~b",i:.c:i to t~is office. I had Proper:y MJ.nC1ge~ent staF.".. . ......... t,,~ -I; d.....1 d fNr ,.-~ S~ ......010 {'"._-,1I ....1"'\..4' . ~. -;.. c...... ~.....""....~_..... ._..._.J:,.:......_ !'~>P\;~' (..1.: pav. .on, ..",)( an . r..mp an~as c . O. .1. nt)......... r-:;-- :::::- ,,', - ~ ~." ..... ..~....... .;;.....;;. .... ."....;;.. "," '.' repcrtd to this Division Prop~~y Ma:;:tg~mt=r.t sti:lff obse~cd and reported the follD\,,'ing exis,;ng conditions: I A number of d~ck ;lrc;::s have s~!t!cd causin~ localized procruding of de::k boards th~t r.i3y ;:::.~s'e :,i:,,'pil'lg ha.zJrds Attempts to repair these are:lS h<lve been to roo ;1YJi: dl.:e to t:.<; "'rucrurai woed SUb$CI~'C"'!:' :.~;..;,,~.';-;~~ ,-.__:,.,,~ :"....,~~--' :...,.,........,; ,I,.. ..;.,iiirv to hold ;1 -,,:1 0- $C~-"'''''' ..,... -. .... _ \_....---;;;;t- _, ..._......:: ._...._'- ....__/._.,..-J _._,,_ ~_ '_", .. .....' I.. to secure the deck bOJrd.s. J I 2. Numerous areas of the wood deck subst;"Uc~ure are rotted <1nd mi~:,;ng due to cr<lcking and splirti:;g of th~ wo~)d caused by ccrros;o0 and sweiling of rh~ir stt:d ;::,[Jchmcnt hJ.rd"O!;.:r~ (nuts & bolts) . .> Numerous strl.lc,iJral s.ee! boles hay,: corroded to ch~ point of local failure due to extrem~ corrosloo. .; Nur.:erc~s ar::as of wood decking have reJched the end of their U$eflJllit~ du:: tv dry ror and th~ir inJbiiity to support [he deck lo~cs th~y w~;e origill:l!!Y dl:signc:d (~~; . ':. :::.;::-:~;:~ ofrhe built-in wood bench a!"e~~S hav~ S9r:~ and mis~i~g wood ~.~a:; ,;,a, c~nn(H b~ d d. b . . ... - I . .,. h If 'r ft::r'lace ue to tll~ support $U srruc~~re D~lJ1g !"~~~~'.1 :::;.:: ;:;,:: :;;;'/;;',; :;:~ ;:::::;:~~.' !~ ..~.~- :~~!, or screws for attachmt:nt 6 Struc!ura! wood coil.:1i1ns suppor.irig wood trellises. adj::lcC=IH CO ;1 pavtlIOr:. 3re rull~;j <lnd have lost a substJIlEi:tl ponton or their ability to ac~q\.~:;:dy s;.;~;:;:)~ !!~~ '....o::ight of the:: wood tieHises. 327 ., ?,::..;;::e;v:.!5 1:5":-:: po[~s a::;:; r;:<:',,;;~: acjo.:e:-" (.J t::~ C~:::..;: are::s J.:-e C2,;::;d~:j a::" r:1;33:::~ . f' I" - pC:::Or:3 c !t:~ ~gnt r:x:'Urcs. i'v::s.;;::..i ;::.:'.,:;:- ;:<::'::~ :=::.:: ~,:;:,>:-::,: "''''''2 . :~:: ":"::=~=::::":; .....:.;: .. ."~ -'.' ....." -~~....... ..........- .~ :::..__:,; .:::;:::: ;:;::,; ;;.;.::::::::::::: -:::=:F::::::':: ::;:;I:\.~,;;~.5 ~::c: W'j:-;;-:E~ '..v::=:--:: --' ...\".;'" :::a::-::3.~::~:.: t;, :1-:e S:o.:.e o.::c.; ;J.,:= bCj"o:".c t::'': ;;,.)~.::;;:;iE:/ c;; re~=::" ?:J~';:~f >f.v:;::.g''::;:~;"': :'0\;(:::';;:> ~ r ::.; ;:-,;,;::;. ~~:--;:~ ;~:J:-::i'"~ . -., ~ ---- 1..,...... loA. '- ~'.,. ..... ~ .I.J'~.I'J r:~ l.:~;(-~ :'...-'~ to..:' :~~:~..~::;~..l~\ ~;~~) l~'::~:,::.;:,S i;; ,::t: ?;;.::,. .H_",V~''':':~. :::~ C:;;'::::_':::~: c~:~:-::::~<;c:;: Gft::c: :.::~ ;1:'.(. s,.~~:~l;:::~;'':: ,~~;: :;'':',:.::::: :;;.... fJuir:: e;: .......::.1l ,:,:-u,;;::': :7:;;:n,~:::.:r".:::: ::::;: ;c:;:::.::' 1: s:louid b~ :;O[~~ tr::l: ,l:~ ;l;-e-..:S s;;~:::~E::.:::: ::'2 ::)(:.:l:~:: :=':::J::'::;:;;; "., ..- :-.::;.'.:; :,:,,::0:;,, -,:. ~ --.- t".~ '.I€~S Gf' ~:<;::,-~s:.Jre (0 a h:S!"!:! cc;-:-,")Sl'.'-;: S:':: .....::~:- c:-,'.r;;"";)"r:-:::r:C w:-:ic:: r.::s or.:::" $;:;'.:::: ,;-> '~i:':;::~:::: [:~'::' ,:::.~:;: t.,~'d;:.,"'..;l:2:~:C ~}..;<; 5::;';::'~;:"C ::: ~dj::;C':: ~C ::-:''; ::c:-;::;.;.; cde:e;-::::.;: e~~::::>:-f~::::: SC~;::: ==:G~~'::::' (:,,;...~tC~~ e~.J:rCz:.:71e::l l~ [::) r.1y r'::'"":l::::rr::=r:d:::o;; t:-",~ a c~\.:pk~-:: s,;-~c;'.;(3.1 ~'I2.1u;;.::cr: be mJde ::::' tn:: Bt..::idi::g D~;::r.;-;;~::t ':; s:~c:'..:ra.1 c:;.si~c~:- cr fu:1ds b~ =(~c:.!I::ccr2~ ('.:: ie:::.:~ li-.c s>::-:-.r:<.:=:s cf;;. s:I'J::,;.;rd c:!=.:;:::::~:- :0 "::jrr:~;k :: ;,~;::::-: ;:,-;: '.~'::.::. ::::<:;:::: ~:-::::;-,::j !);: ~~:~'.::: C',: ::,:::.:~ ,::~:::- or r~;::::l::c rhe ~r:,:r:: .,\loe;.; C:~::;.:. 1::1:,(.):-;1::. ;1::;'; ptl "diG;' a:e:.s a;.c to I;~':;":~ <l Jd:'::-,7ii;:::: ;::,,-: pre:se:1. a b,':J.d to rhe pu/:;iic .' ~;..C .. ....... "-"- ----...-.-- . . .... ..... .." '-.... . .'- .-" ,. ~.." .....'" . -- .-'"'" ~ -. .,....I~~:. "';;'\"..:: r:;.'.. \1' ~s~.,""-'._.~I ~r: ,...--,. -."..,.... r;"~ A,I. "J..' -.-d L :..... D- I' c.,.,..,. .... """""'1.1 .../;::-: ,;l:3:: c:-ow": -'l"........,'-'-- C . \v<:~:"'~.;.~;, ;)<'_" ,,::, .I.~'" 0: ..IY ,.... Jv"r ...'1. .v "I.. . (..,-,),."..... ,. d~:l: this CV:l!t;;:Zrvn b..: m;:dC::;.l$ :;:.:oc:;:S pt.)$::;i(;:~ Tb:; wG;;lc ;;.!!,)..,.;,' f.:" fi':::'c; :';c'~)'. ;:;.:;",J,":::- '::'.'::'.::''': .. ".:.>:~::.::-; i.' __ "'~ ~_ ?-:-.:~,.:~::: ,.,~ :;::: $.:i:'~:i of :i:~ p-.:biic w::c us~ tbe f;:,d~l;~$ ! have Jct;lcl1ed photQgrJph:. of (b~ COt:c:tiQrls nct~d for yc~r reVIew If yOU have anv addIriooai <1U(:s,ioils or CQr:1...::n~:> or WOt;ic.! like a m;;c~;;:;"_' :: ::;;;;.::..;:;:: '."- J J . _ ,~~~ ::::: ;-.::: h:$:t;!i~ to C:l:J ....:: ~: 7G}0 ! wiiI ;7.~ke m:'sdr' aV:li!~b!:: a: y:.:n;, CC!lVl.:li;;;:;Ct: v l...... ''lJ~ ~.'. HAJ cc. K::vin Smith Director. R::-:;-e:atiot1. Cll[:ur~. ;;:le Pad.:.s ht:f "",t,,,,"..:r-- ".~ 328 ~ . II . ~ - - r:;, lJft - - ~ l ~ - , , I n I I a , ~ \ MEMORANDUM To: janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager From: PhHip Azan, Building Director/Official Re: 79th Street/Collins Avenue Pavilion 1, 2, 3, Including Wood Decks Date: July~, 1998 An inspection was performed regarding the above referenced in conjunction with a report received from Brad A Judd, Director of Property Management dated June 25, 1998. The following are our findings; The 2 x 6 wood decking shows evidence of termite infestation and dry rot. The board have warped due to weather conditions throughout previous years, causing severe tripping hazards. There is further evidence showing in several areas, throughout the wood deck that holes (deterioration) -have occurred and there are numerous soft spots which at any given time a person using the facility might step through. The nails have deteriorated to a point where the nails have backed-out of the wood stringers and there is no way to secure this to ensure safety due to the deterioration of the wood. The steel bolts have deteriorated to a point of total failure. The benches have split and missing wood and cannot be replaced due to the structure being severely deteriorated and any attachment will not hold. The structural columns supporting the wood trelJises, have rotted and show to be inadequate and present a hazardous unsafe condition. There is exposed wiring from the light poles which at this time are not operational due to corrosion. The railings show deterioration and they are extremely loose and are unable to be used for any support. These pavilion structures and the wood deck has been placarded accordingly. 329 ~ITY OF M lAM I BEACH fiT( r'ALL 1700 CONVENTiON CcNTE::: DRIVE MIAMI BE.J..C:-1. FLOR:OA 33~3S .}.' ",::.mlaml-ceac:,.fLus , - , I I , , , 1 I I I I r J , ~ "", - COi\<LvtISSION l\-!I:.Y1OR..-\.. 'iDCl\-! ~O. ?- g .J}S TO: . . Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Membe:-s of the City Commission DATE: January 6, 1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: REPORT OF THE FIl' 'C & CITY\'\1DE PROJECTS COMWTTEE l\-IEETING HELD ON DECEl'rIBER 22, 1998. A meeting of the Finance and Ciryv.ide Projects Committee wc.s held Tuesday, Decembe: 22, 1998, in the City Manager's Large Conference Room. Vice Mayor Simon Cruz, Chairman of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 2: 1 0 PM. Commissioner Jose Smith, Commissioner Susan Gottlieb and Commissioner David Dermer, and Mayor Neisen Kasdin were in attendance. City staff in attendance included, Sergio Rodriguez., City Manager; Mayra Diaz-Bunacavoli, Assistant City Manager, Christina Cuerv'o, Assistant City Manager; Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to' the City Manager; Patricia Walker, Finance Director; Georgina Echert, Assistant Finance Drrector; LaVlTence A. Levy, First AssiS".aDt City Attorney; Raul Aguila, City Attorney's Office; Jose Cruz., Budget Officer, Jose Damien, Asset Manager; Max Sklar, CMB Mayor's Office; Kevin Smith, Director Parks & Recreation; Russell Shreeve, CNffi C\EDD; Marla Dumas, CMB C/EDD; John Toledo, Public Works. Others in attendance were: Percy Aguila, Joe Fontana, Dan Williams, Sru Blumberg, Donald Shockey, AC. Weinstein, Bill Talbert, COWlt L F. M. de W. Rosenthal.e Meyerbeer Chudzikiewics Chodkiewicz. 1. Discussion of the Proposed lnterlocal Agreement with the Greater Miami Visitors and Convention Bureau (Bureau). Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli presented this item and explained the changes in the proposed agreement as compared to the previous agreement and further explained the comments offered by Commissioners and the Bureau. The issues discussed \vere as follows: 1 _ the possibility of establishing a cap on Resort tax to be paid to the Bureau during the contract period; 2 _ the commitment for Pow- W O\v on Miami Beach 10 be maintained in the agreement; R~b AGENDA ITEM 223 330 DATE ---1- L,- 99 . ! ~ . . ~ . . . . ~ . . ~ . . . I - ~ , ~I 11ft! - , , - Q I I .' J I I I , I f I , Page 2 Report of the Finance & Citywide Projects Meeting - December 22, 1998 ~ ~ - a discussion of the established reserves of the Bureau if Miami Beac;,p does not go fOr\l,:ard v.-ith a contract; a review of the Bureau's travel budget; consideration of joint marketing efforts; and a request for the Bureau to contribute $ I 25,000 to the Police Athletic League (PAL) building fund. 4- 5. 6- The Committee agreed that the commitment for Pow- Wow would remain in the agreement; that the City would provide funding at the level of their contribution to the previous Pow- Wo\.vand that the Bureau would commit to insuring that the scope of the event would be at the level of the previous Pow-Wow. FurJ:1er, it was agreed that a cap of$4,SOO,OOO would be placed on payments of Res on tax to the Bureau during the tean of the proposed contract It was stated that the other items should be considered during the negotiation of the next agreement and that this was not the forum for a discussion of the funding of the PAL building. ACTION: The Committee unanimously passed a motion to recommend this item to the full COmmission as amended. 2. Alaska Parcel. Christina Cuervo This item was presented by Christina Cuervo. A discussion regarding :funding sources was held. Trish Walker advised that the RDA or the City would have to borrow the funds to acquire the land. ACTION: The Committee unanimously passed a motion to forward this item to the full COmmission with a recommendation not to exercise the option to purchase the Alaska Parcel. 3. The Creation of Section 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporations. TTish WaIker/Lawrence Levy T rish Walker presented this item. It was discussed that there were a number of opportunities v.-ithin the City where the establishment of Section SOl(c)3 corporations would provide assurance to the public of the deductibility of their donations. COmmissioner Gottlieb expressed concern about establishing a number of not-for-profit corporations and the City's responsibility for them. Trish Walker recommended that the item be deferred and that the groups that were desirous of the establishment of these organizations come forward with additional infonnation. ACTION: The Committee agreed to defer this item until additional infonnation was available. 224 331 . 1 . I I 'I n , I , I I I I I I I 1 Page 3 Report of the Finance & Citj"'\Vide Projects Meeting - December 22, 1998 4. Status Report and Proposed Improvements Planned for North Shore Open Space Park as recommended in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond ~rogram Sites. Janet Gavarrete/Kevin Smith " ~ Tnis item was presented by Kevin Smit..1., He discussed the various options for North Shore Open Space Park. ACTION: The Committee unani.rnously passed a motion to fOD-vard this item to the full Commission with the follOwing recommendations: 1 _ that the City should move forward to acquire ovmership of the park and the west side parking areas; 2 _ that the City should pursue Option 2 for the improvement of the park; and 3 _ that a workshop should be held 'With the North Beach Development Corporation (N"BDC) and others to pursue other solutions to substantially reduce the operating deficit. 5. Status Report of City-Owned Properties. Christina Cuervo/Joe Damien This item was presented by Christina Cuervo. A report on the properties owned by the City was discussed. Additionally, recommendations for strategies to reduce the cost to the City and provide space for its operations were discussed. Further, the Committee discussed the proposed lease for the property on 5th Street acquired as a result of the Portofino settlement. The Committee expressed concern regarding the estimated $100,000 cost of the build-out of the space and the future operating costs of the space. It was recommended that these issues be brought to the full Commission for review and discussion. ACTION: The Committee deferred action on request No. I; Item No. II was referred to the full Commission for a policy direction; and the Committee recorninended request No. III. (See attached Exhibit A) The meeting adjourned at 4:45pm. SR/P~/odp {. ~ . . . ~ II II fj II II II - ~ II , ~ II I - I if. ~ · X CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (; / m:ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 1- ~ttc:\\ci.miami-beach,f1. us -- , ' I -- I , ID - I j J , g - ~ I ..J ~ 1 , COMMISSION MEMORAl'H>UM NO. 8'7- gq TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: January 20,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TR~SMITTAL OF A REQUEST TO TIIE STATE DEPARThIENT OF E:N\1IRONMENTAL PROTECTION (DEP), DIVISION OF STATE LA1~S, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT TO TERMINATE THE LEASE AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE NORTH SHORE RECREATION AREA, WInCH INCLUDES NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK; THE 'VEST PARKING LOT PROPERTIES Ai,,!) ALTOS DEL MAR LOTS; FURTHER REQUESTING THAT THE STATE TRANSFER FULL DEED A1~ TITLE TO THE CITY OF MIA1VlI BEACH FOR NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AND THE 'WEST PARKING LOT PROPERTIES A1~ PURSUE THE SALE OF 22 STATE OWNED LOTS IN ALTOS DEL MAR FOR SINGLE FAiWL Y RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (IllSTORIC DISTRICT) WITH APPROPRIATE PRORATION OF SALE PROCEEDS WITH THE CITY RECOMMENDA TION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND On July 27, 1994, the City Commission approved a lease agreement with the State of Florida for the North Shore Recreation Area which includes the North Shore Open Space Park and west parking lot parcels and certain State owned properties within the Altos del Mar Subdivision. The issues leading up to and subsequent to the lease of said property have been resolved and the City Administration is desirous of moving forward in implementing certain recommendations and actions contained in the Parks Master Plan; the Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Report, 1994 for North Beach; and the Historic Designation of the Altos del Mar area. The request to terminate the lease for the North Shore Recreation area is the proper action to start the process of obtaining title to the Park and west lots as well as the sale of the single family lots in Altos del Mar. This information was obtained by staff at a meeting with the Department of Environmental Protection officials on January 7, 1999. AGENDA ITEM Rl~ /-;).D-<19 333 DATE AN AL YSIS The City has been granted $2.1 million dollars to improve North Shere Open Space Park from the Dade County Safe Neighborhoods Bond Program. In December 1998, the City Commission authorized the Administration to apply for said grants. In order to qualify for said grant funds the County requires the City to Own the property or have a clear 25 year lease on the subject property. The Finance and Cityvvide Committee discussed this matter and reported their recommendations to the City Commission on January 6, 1999. The City Commission requested that the matter be brought back as a single item at today's meeting. Said item deals 'With the Financ~ Committee's recommendation to request the transfer of ownership of the park and 6 blocks west of Collins from the State to the City and for the City to proceed to accept the $2.1 million from Dade County Safe Neighborhood Park Bonds Fund. The west parking lots have been proposed to be developed for residential use. 'ibe proceeds from the sale of those properties have been designated to be used for infrastructure improvements per the North Beach 1994 Plan by DuanylPlater-Zyberk as modified and updated. Regarding the single family lots in the Altos del Mar area, neither the State nor the City are proceeding to acquire the balance of the properties (over the 22 presently titled in the State). The single family lots were the subject of a referral for a comprehensive plan amendment. Since the original plans for the purchase of all such properties failed, it is proper to terminate the lease agreement, and for the State to pursue the sale of the State o\.VTIed lots for development as single family housing per the Altos del Mar Historic District Plan. CONCLUSION Adopt the Resolution. /: S~:lrdv T:\AGENDA \ I 999VAN2099\REGULARINOW, WPD 334 q iJ II , , , [I I I r I I I J J 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE TRANSMITTAL OF A REQuEsT TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (DEP), DIVISION OF STATE LANDS, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT TO TERJ.'\1INA TE THE LEASE AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE NORTH SHORE RECREATION AREA, WHICH INCLUDES NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK; THE WEST PARKING LOT PROPERTIES AND AL TOS DEL MAR LOTS; FURTHER REQUESTING THAT THE STATE TRANSFER FULL DEED AND TITLE TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AND THE 'WEST PARKING LOT PROPERTIES AND PURSUE THE SALE OF 22 STATE OWNED LOTS IN ALTOS DEL MAR FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (lllSTORIC DISTRICT) WITH APPROPRIATE PRORATION OF SALE PROCEEDS WITH THE CITY WHEREAS, on Ju1y 27, 1994, the Mayor and City Commission approved a lease agreement with the State of Florida for the North Shore Recreation Area which includes the North Shore Open Space Park and west parking lot parcels and certain State ovmed properties within the Altos del Mar Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the issues leading up to and subsequent to the lease of said property have been resolved and the City Administration is desirous of moving forward in implementing certain recommendations and actions contained in the Parks Master Plan; the Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk Report, of 1994 for North Beach; and the Historic Designation of the Altos del Mar area; and WHEREAS, the City has been granted $2.1 million dollars to improve North Shore Open Space Park from the Dade County Safe Neighborhoods Bond Program; and WHEREAS, in December 1998, the Mayor and City Commission authorized the Administration to apply for said grants, wherein in order to qualify for said grant funds the County requires the City to ovm the property or have a clear 25 year lease on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Finance and Citywide Committee discussed this matter and reported their recommendations to the Mayor and City Commission on January 6, 1999; and WHEREAS,. the Mayor and City Commission requested that the matter be brought back as a single item at today's meeting. Said item deals with the Finance Committee's recommendation to request the transfer of ovmership of the park and 6 blocks west of Collins from the of the State to the City and for the City to proceed to accept the $2.1 million from Dade County Safe Neighborhood Park Bonds Fund; and WHEREAS, the west parking lots have been proposed to be developed for residential use. !he proceeds from the sale of those properties have been designated to be used for infrastructure unprovements per the North Beach 1994 Plan by Duany/Plater-Zyberk as modified and updated; and 335 WHEREAS, regarding the single family units in the Altos del Mar area, neither the State nor the City are proceeding to acquire the balance of the properties (over the 22 presently titled in the State). Since the original plans for the purchase of all such properties has been abandoned it is proper to terminate the lease agreement and for the State to pursue the sale of the State owned lots for development as single family housing per the Altos del Mar Historic District Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOL VED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, approve the transmittal of a request to the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Division of State Land, Bureau of Land Management to terminate the lease agreement concerning the North Shore Recreation Area, which includes North Shore Open Space Park; the west parking lot properties and Altos del Mar Lots; further requesting that the State transfer full deed and title to the City of Miami Beach for North Shore Open Space Park and the west parking lot properties and pursue the sale of 22 State owned lots in Altos del Mar for single family residential development (historic district) with appropriate proration of sale proceeds with the City. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK NOW,RES APPROVED pS TO FORM & LA.NGUAGE & FOREXECU110N 11{~ tjl,19' t)o;& 336 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( J e !