Attachment PP - ~ c;lTY OF MIAMI BEACH , :ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 "'\Ci.miami-beach,f1.us - ~ - - - - ~ r . - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I ,} COMMISSION MEMOR~NDUM: NO. I O~ -9S TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mission DATE: February 3,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: Request for A: proval to Award a Contract to PS Florida, Inc. d/b/a Park Structures in the Estimated Amount of $436,428, Pursuant to Bid No. 19-98/00 for the Purchase of Playground Equipment and Safety Surfacing. RECOMMENDA TION A ward the contract. FUNDING $100,000 336.428 $436,428 The Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program Miami Beach General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program Total (Estimated) Funds are available in each Park's respective Work Order, as follows: 1. Stillwater Park 370.2160 7. Fairway Park 370.2155 2. Crespi Park 370.2154 8. Muss Park 370.2163 3. La Gorce Park 370.2156 9. North Shore Park 370.2158 4. Palm Island Park 370.2172 10. Lummus Park 370.2169 5. Island View Park 370.2167 11. Normandy Park 370.2157 6. Fisher Park 370.2162 BACKGROUND This Invitation to Bid was issued on December 22, 1998, with an opening date of January 12, 1999. Fifty (50) notices and seventeen (17) specifications were issued, resulting in the receipt ofrnro (2) responsive bids and five (5) no-bid responses. F.UNDING APPROVED 1)// Budget 235 AGENDA ITEM R2D 2. - 3-C1 C1_ DATE Bid No. 19-98/00 Page Two February 3,1999 BACKGROlJND( continued) This bid is for a two (2) year contract with an option to renew for one (1) year for the purchase of the follo\ving Playground Equipment and Surfacing: Description Tot Lot "A" (Diagram attached) Tot Lot "B II (Diagram attached) Tot Lot "e" (Diagram attached) Playground Surfacing, Rubber Tiles Playground Surfacing, Poured In-place Playground Surfacing, Perimeter Anti-Stumble Edge Est. Otv. 6 Each 6 Each 6 Each 7,500 Sq, Ft. 4,500 Sq. Ft. 1,500 Lin. Ft. $20 AN AL YSIS Unit Price $7,679 $14,544 $20,015 $12 $14 Total $ 46,074 $ 87,264 $120,090 S 90,000 S 63,000 $ 30.000 S436,428 Bermello-Ajamil & Partners, Inc., the City's project consultant responsible for evaluating this bid, recommends the award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, PS Florida, Inc. d/b/a Park. Structures (recommendation attached). BID TABULATION Attached. CONCLUSION This contract should be awarded to the overall lowest responsive, responsible bidder, PS Florida, Inc. d/b/a Park Structures. l?r; AI!- SR;JWJ;J),?,~MR ~~ Attachments W 236 - , - Q TABULATION PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT & SURFACING BID #19-98/00 Description _ GROUP I - 1. Tot Lot "A" 2. Tot Lot "B" 3. Tot Lot "C" _ GROUP II 4. Playground Surfacing, Rubber Tiles (Sq.Ft) - - , ~ , - - - 1 , I 5, Playground Surfacing, Poured In-place (Sq. Ft.) 7. Balance of Manufacturer's Line Items. Discount from published price lists: 8. Fixed Percentage Over Cost (after discount) for Installation of Balance of Line Items (Item #7) 9. Discount to be deducted from unit cost for orders exceeding: $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $7,500.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $30,000.00 $50,000.00 $ I 00,000,00 Leadex Corporation PS Florida, Inc. d/b/a Park Structures Completion Unit Price Time Calendar days Completion Time Calendar days 6, Playground Surfacing, Perimeter Anti- Stumble Edge (Lin. Ft.) , GROUP III 80-1 10 $16,400.00 $36,700.00 $51,900,00 45 80- I 00 80-100 45 45 60-80 $13.60 45 45-60 $14.20 45 60-80 $13.60 45 237 Unit Price $7,679.00 $14,544.00 $20,015.00 $ 12.00 $14.00 $20.00 12% 26% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 4% JAN-IE-99 MON ~:48 PM BER!,fELLO, AJM1IL b ?A?T. 30: 8S0 3727 FAX HJ. fI' StRldEllO.AJ.l..'.lll &P"'~TNeRS"/iC ..."Cot;'l'E::.1lJ~E . E~al'fEEIltINli 'L}r..l4AI~:;' I.T~'ID" ~E.'I'''' 1..""":):<;4"( ....C~I;.=TUlltE January 18, 1999 E-MaillF.:lxlU.S. M:lil l'Jr. Mike Rath City of Miami Beach Procurement Division 1700 Convention Center Drive:; :Mi3.mi Beach, Fl. 33139 RE: City of Miami Beach Park ImpIement:ttion Project FF&E Bid No. 19-98/00 B&A Project No. 9753.700 Dear :Mike, A.tter evaluating the bids submitted to the City of Miami Beach, Procurement Division for the above: mentioned project, B&A identifies ParkStructures Inc. as the a.pparent low bidder. Of the two companies that subrrutted bids. ParkStnlctures Inc. is lower on a per line item basis as requested in the bid form. Should you haye any further questions or require additional clariftcation regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to call me at (305) 860-3761. cc Michel Magloire. B&A Project fde F :\U3ERS'-RAl'MD? ARKS\/'fc2bdrcC.l'o'P.:1 2501 souTH ;lAHHOllE ORIVE . lOTK nOOR . /Jlo\MI Fl 33133 . Ja5 359 20S0 . fAX In ." 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