Master Index
February 4, 2000
As of December 31,1999
1. January - March, 1994, the City Administration and the Recreational Facilities and
Parks Advisory Board begin discussions to initiate a Parks Improvements General
Obligation Bond Program to substantially renovate and restore the City's Park
April 20, 1994, the City Commission approved a referral to a joint meeting of the
Finance and Capital Improvements Committees for discussion on the issuance of
General Obligation Bonds not to Exceed $40,000,000 for Parks Improvements to be
placed on the November, 1994 Ballot. (See Attachment A, Agenda Item R8G).
3. July 13, 1994, a Status Report regarding the Parks General Obligation Bond Issue and
the Maintenance/Operation Trust Fund was presented to the City Commission. The
report delineated the on-going community meetings conducted by the Administration
to present the components of the proposed Parks Bond including the costs to the
residents, impact on the tax rates and an overview of how a trust fund to support the
maintenance of the renovated parks could be established. This presentation was
conducted using a computer generated presentation that addressed demographics,
graphics demonstrating the bond's impact on the existing debt and a history of the
Parks and Recreation General Fund budget for the past 30 years. (See Attachment
B, Agenda Item R8J).
4. September 8, 1994, the City Commission approved Resolution 94-21284 calling for a
special election to be held on November 8, 1994, for the Purpose of Seeking the Approval
of the Electorate to issue General Obligation Bonds in a Principal Amount not to exceed $15
Million to Construct, Renovate and Rebuild Parks and Recreation Facilities within the City's
Park System. (See Attachment C, Agenda Item R7B).
5. September 8, 1994, the City Commission approved a Resolution calling for a Special
Election to be held on November 8, 1994, for the Purpose of Submitting to the Electorate a
Question Concerning Whether the City Shall be Authorized to Levy an Ad Valorem Tax of
Three-Quarters of a Mill for a Period not to Exceed 3 Years for the Purpose of Funding An
Endowment the Income from which Shall be Used for the Maintenance of Parks and
Recreation Programs Within the City, Which Shall Not Be Used to Replace Any General
Fund Funding for Parks and Recreation Purposes, (See Attachment D, Agenda Item R7C).
November 8, 1994, the citizens of Miami Beach approved the issuance of $15
Million in General Obligation Bonds for park improvements. At the time ofthe voter
approval, it was projected that the parks would be completed by December of 1999.
7. January 4, 1995, a Report on the Recreation, Culture and Parks Department's
proposed plan for the implementation of the $15.0 Million General Obligation Bond
Project was submitted to the City Commission. (See Attachment E, Agenda Item
8. March 3,1995, a notice of Request for Letters ofInterest (RFLI) was issued to 101
architectural firms seeking professional services for the Master Planning of
miscellaneous improvements at various sites included in the City's Parks and
Recreation Bond Program. As a result, 39 specifications were mailed, resulting in
five (5) responses at the bid opening on March 30, 1995.
9. May 8, 1995, all five (5) firms were invited to make oral presentations before a
selection committee which ultimately recommended Bermello, Ajamil & Partners,
Inc. On May 17, 1995, the City Commission authorized the Administration to enter
into negotiations for award of contract with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc.
July 12, 1995, the City Commission approved an agreement with Bermello, Ajamil
& Partners, Inc. to complete the Parks Master Plan. The agreement between the City
and Consultant, dated August 23, 1995, required the Master Plan to be completed
within a 26-week period, conduct a maximum of 18 community meetings and finish
by February 20, 1996. (See Attachment F, Agenda Item R7F).
11. October 3, 1995, a Status Report was sent to the City Commission via LTC 120-1995
setting forth the proposed schedule that would be followed by the Master Plan
architects, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., in meeting with the community and
developing the Parks Master Plan documents. (See Attachment G).
12. October 31, 1995, a Status Report was sent to the City Commission via LTC 130-
1995 providing a summary of activities that had occurred in the month of October.
Activities included meetings with the various boards, scheduling and implementing
the first series of community meetings and the development of a questionnaire to be
distributed to the various neighborhood schools to obtain input from the children of
Miami Beach. (See Attachment H).
13. December 14, 1995, Status Report sent to the City Commission via LTC 142-1995
reporting the results of various community meetings, Board meetings and general on-
going efforts to gain input from the community to develop the Master Plan and Parks
Bond Programs. (See Attachment I.)
14. January 4, 1996, Status Report to the City Commission via LTC 2-1996, reported on-
going community meetings, meetings with various City Boards and results of an
interest survey distributed to schools on Miami Beach. (See Attachment J.)
15. February 20, 1996, Status Report to the City Commission via LTC 21-1996, reported
on the continued meetings with the community, various City Boards including the
Mayor's Barrier Free Environment Committee, city staff and City Commission
members. (See Attachment K.)
16. June 5, 1996, the City Commission approved an amendment to the agreement with
Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. to complete the Parks Master Plan increasing the
work order by $13,845. The basis for the request was the fact that the original
agreement provided for eighteen (18) community meeting and the plan to be complete
by February 20, 1996. However, at the time of the amendment, June 5, 1996, the
architects were still being requested to hold additional community meetings and had
in fact conducted sixteen (16) community meetings, attended twelve (12) meetings
with Board and Committees, thirty-eight (38) meetings with the Administration and
four (4) meetings with the Mayor and City Commission. (See Attachment L -
Resolution No. 96-21996.)
June 19, 1996, the Mayor and City Commission adopted the General Obligation
Master Plan for Improvements to the City's Parks and Recreation Facilities. (See
Attachment M - Agenda Item R7A.)
18, October 14, 1996, the City issued RFLI Number 11-96/97 seeking professional
services of an architectural firm or firms to provide design services, construction and
bidding documents, construction observation, scheduling and cost estimating for the
Parks Master Plan. One hundred ninety one notices and thirty-nine specification
packages were mailed resulting in six firms responding. On December 16, 1996 a
Selection Committee met to review the submitting firms qualifications and on
January 16,1997, the Selection Committee heard oral presentation by all submitting
19. February 5, 1997, the City Commission accepted the Ranking of Proposals and
Authorized the Administration to Enter into Negotiations for Contracts with the Three
Top Ranked Firms ofBermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., Carr Smith Associates, and
REG Architects, Inc. to provide design services, construction and bidding documents,
construction observation, scheduling and cost estimating for the Parks Master Plan.
(See Attachment N, Agenda Item C2E).
July 16, 1997, the Commission approved a resolution approving and authorizing the
execution of agreements with the firms of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., Carr
Smith Associates, and REG Architects, Inc. to provide professional
architectural/engineering services for the Parks Master Plan. (See Attachment 0,
Agenda Item C7P).
21. July, 1997 - January, 1998, the three (3) selected architectural firms began the
designs of the various projects and submitted preliminary design development
January 21, 1998, the City Commission ratified the submission of four (4) grant
applications, in a total amount of $5,166,000, from the Miami-Dade County Safe
Neighborhood Parks Bond Program for the purpose of further improving parks as
designated in the Parks Master Plan. (See Attachment P, Agenda Item C7A).
23. February 18, 1998, the City Commission approved a referral to the Finance and
Citywide Projects Committee of two (2) Grant Applications for the Potential
Acquisition of Land for Natural Resource Conservation, Outdoor Recreation and
Urban Green Space. (See Attachment Q, Agenda Item C4B).
24. March 4, 1998, the City Commission adopted a Resolution authorizing the City
Manager to Submit a Grant Application for the Construction and Development of
Youth Recreation and Services Facilities to the Miami-Dade County Safe
Neighborhood Parks Bond Program in the amount of $1,273,000. The City was
ultimately awarded $100,000 to purchase new playground equipment. (See
Attachment R, Agenda Item R7H).
25. May 20,1998, the City Commission approved a Resolution Accepting a Donation of
the Purchase and Installation of Playground Equipment From ADVO, Inc., Estimated
at $20,000, to be installed at Crespi Park, as proposed in the Parks Master Plan. (See
Attachment S, Agenda Item C7H).
May 20, 1998, the City Commission accepted the Report of the Joint Meeting of the
Finance and Citywide Projects! Neighborhoods Committees of May 8, 1998,
including the approval of the schematic designs and base bids estimates for the parks
projects in the $15 Million General Obligation Parks Improvements Program and the
Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program with the exception of
the Scott Rakow Youth Center ice rink, the basketball courts for North Shore Park
and resolution of the pool issue (size and depth) at Normandy Isle Park. The Report
stated that if the comprehensive schedule is implemented immediately, it is
anticipated the majority of the projects will be near completion by December of 1999.
(See Attachment T, Agenda Item R6D).
May 25, 1998, Carr Smith Corradino submitted the required documents to the
Planning Department to begin the design review process for the Flamingo Park and
Normandy Park projects. The projects were scheduled for the July 14, 1998, Design
Review Board meeting.
28. May 25, 1998, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. submitted the required documents
to the Planning Department to begin the design review process for the North Shore
Park and Lummus Park projects. The projects were scheduled for the July 14, 1998,
meeting of the Design Review Board and the Historic Preservation Board (only
Flamingo Park required HP review).
29. July 1, 1998, the City Commission approved a Resolution Authorizing the
Reallocation of Parks Bond Funds in the Amount of$I,192,583 for Improvements in
South Pointe Park and Washington Park to Other Activities in the Parks Bond
Program. (See Attachment U, Agenda Item R7L).
30. July 15, 1998, a Request for Direction for Resolution of the Pending Issue Related
to the Project Improvements to be Completed at the Scott Rakow Youth Center Ice
Rink was presented to the City Commission. The City Commission ultimately
directed the Administration to construct a rink with an ice surface of 65' X 130'.
(See Attachment V, Agenda Item R8A).
31. July 15, 1998, the City Commission approved a Resolution Appropriating Funds, in
the amount of $13,835,915 from the $15 Million General Obligation Parks
Improvements Bond and $145,000 from the Settlement of the Lien on the Riviera
Apartments; Amending the Current Architectural Agreements with the three (3) firms
to complete the additional work. (See Attachment W, Agenda Item R7B).
32, July 15,1998, the City Commission approved a Resolution Establishing an Adopt-A-
Park Program Account for the North Shore Park Youth Center. (See Attachment X,
Agenda Item C7N).
33. July 15, 1998, the City Commission approved a Resolution Authorizing the City
Manager to sign all Contracts, Agreements and Purchase Orders Deemed Necessary
to Rectify the Hazardous Conditions Identified as a Result of an Inspection of the
Pavilions, Decking and Ramps at North Shore Open Space over the summer
Commission break. (See Attachment Y, Agenda Item C7Q).
34. July 15, 1998, the City Commission approved a Resolution Retroactively Approving
Purchase Orders to Park Structures, Inc. and Cushiondeck International, for a
combined amount of$19,147.47 for playground equipment and safety surfacing at
Crespi Park installed in conjunction with the donation from ADVO accepted by the
City Commission on May 20,1998. (See Attachment Z, Agenda Item C2A).
35. September 15,1998, Normandy Isle Park project is approved by the Design Review
Board and was given notice to proceed.
36. September 23, 1998, the Chairman and Members of the Miami Beach
Redevelopment Agency adopted a Resolution Authorizing the Administration to
Proceed with the Design and Implementation of Physical Improvements in the South
Pointe Redevelopment Area and Appropriating the Necessary Funds to Accomplish
Them From Available Tax Increment Funds. Included in this approval was $900,659
for South Pointe Park and $291,924 for W ashington Avenue Park that was previously
reallocated from the appropriation dedicated to each of the parks within the $15
million General Obligation Parks Bond Program and allocated to the North Shore
Park Youth Center on July 1, 1998, per Agenda Item R7L. (See Attachment AA,
Agenda Item 3C- Redevelopment Agency.)
October 7, 1998, the City Commission reviewed a Status Report and Request for
Direction on the Proposed Youth Center at North Shore Park. At the time the City
Commission directed the Administration to proceed with Option II, which assumes
the total construction cost of the Youth Center to be $2.7 million and a set of
schematics should be developed for presentation to the Design Review Board for
consideration, but that the actual construction drawing should be developed for a $1.7
Million project. The recommendation also assumes that the Mayor's North Shore
Youth Center's Ad Hoc Committee will fund raise the additional $1,000,000
necessary to construct the $2.7 million Youth Center facility. (See Attachment BB,
Agenda Item R8C.)
38. October 13, 1998, after presenting revisions as requested by the DRB/HP Boards at
the 7/14 and 9115 meetings, the Flamingo Park project was given approval by the joint
Boards and authorization to proceed.
39. November 2,1998, a Status Report on Parks Improvement Bond Program and Parks
Bond Project - Progress Summary were sent to the City Commission via LTC No.
154-1998. (See Attachment CC)
November 4,1998, the City Commission Approved an Award to Zurqui Construction
Services, Inc. In the Amount of$5,66,891, Pursuant to Bid No. 108-97/98 for Miami
Beach Park Improvements, Group "A" Parks: Stillwater, Crespi, La Gorce and Palm
Island Parks. (See Attachment DD, Agenda Item R2B.)
41. November 10, 1998, Lummus Park project received approval to proceed with all
components of the park plan as presented with the exception of demolishing and
constructing a new restroom at 14th Street. This was granted after making
presentations at the 7/14 and 9/15 DRB meetings, revisions to the plans as requested
by the DRB and hosting a community meeting to again present the park design. The
DRB directed the City's architects to redesign the plan to show a renovation to the
existing facility and return when it was ready to proceed. The City ultimately decided
to postpone action on this component of the program and has advised the Planning
Department to withdraw from consideration by the Design Review Board. A new
application for the restroom renovation will be submitted sometime in the future.
42. November 18, 1998, the City Commission Approved a Purchase Order to Largo
Equipment Services, Inc., in the Amount of $41,820, Pursuant to Miami-Dade
County Contract No. 2715-1-97-1 for Demolition Services to Remove Select Wood
Park Structures, (decks, handrails, stairs, and walkways), at North Shore Open Space
Park. This is in response to the City Commission action of July 15, 1998 as stipulated
in Attachment W. (See Attachment EE, Agenda Item C2B).
November 18, 1998, the City Commission approved a Resolution Setting a Public
Hearing to Consider A Waiver of Development Regulations, Pursuant to Section 142
of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, in Order to Allow the Construction of A two-
Story Addition at the Scott Rakow Youth Center Encroaching Into the Required
Setbacks. (See Attachment FF, Agenda Item C7F).
44. December 2, 1998, the City Commission Approved a Referral to the Finance and
Citywide Projects Committee - Status Report and Proposed Improvements Planned
for North Shore Open Space Park as Recommended in the Miami Beach Parks Master
Plan of Bond Program Sites. (See Attachment GG, Agenda Item C4C).
45. December 2, 1998, the City Commission Authorized the Rejection of All Bids
Received, Pursuant to Bid No. 104-97/01, to Furnish and Install Park Equipment.
(See Attachment HH, Agenda Item C2D).
December 16, 1998, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Requesting A
Waiver of Development Regulations Pursuant to Section 142 ofthe Code of the City
of Miami Beach in Order to Allow the Construction of a Two Story Addition at the
Scott Rakow Youth Center Encroaching Into the Required Setbacks, This was the
follow up action in response to the November 18, 1998 request to set the Public
Hearing Agenda Item C7F. At the meeting, the City Commission ultimately approved
the construction of an ice rink approximately 125'-0 by 65'-0 and construction up to
the City's property line. (See Attachment II, Agenda Item R7G).
47. December 16,1998, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Authorizing the
City Manager to Submit A Grant Application for Funding In A Total Amount of
$2,100,000 from Miami-Dade County's Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program for
the Purpose of Renovating North Shore Open Space Park, Establishing the Work
Order and Appropriating the Grant Funding In the Work Order. (See Attachment JJ,
Agenda Item R7H).
48. December 16, 1998, a Verbal Report, including a Status Report and Proposed
Improvements Planned for North Shore Open Space Park as Recommended in the
City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond Program Sites was scheduled for
discussion, however the item was not reached. (See Attachment KK, Agenda Item
49. December 16, 1998, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Authorizing the
Reprogramming of North Beach Quality of Life Funds from the Parking
Improvements to Fairway Park in the Amount of $43,000 to the North Beach
Marketing Plan Initially Funded for $7,000, Providing That Those Funds Are
Replaced In The 1997-1998 Quality Of Life Funding Allocations. (See Attachment
LL, Agenda Item C7F).
50. January 6, 1999, the City Commission accepted the Finance & Citywide Projects
Committee Report ofthe meeting held on December 22, 1998. Included, was a Status
Report and Proposed Improvements Planned for North Shore Open Space Park as
recommended in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan of Bond Program Sites.
The specific item was not reached but it was requested by the Commission that the
item be placed on the January 20, 1999 City Commission Agenda as a separate issue.
(See Attachment MM, Agenda Item R6D).
January 20, 1999, the City Commission approved a Resolution Authorizing the City
Manager To Move Forward To Acquire the Ownership of North Shore Open Space
Park and the Westside Parking Areas; Implement the $2.1 million In Improvements
to the Park as Adopted in the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan (Funding to
Come From the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program); and
to work with the Community to Pursue Solutions to Reduce the Operating Deficit of
the Park. (See Attachment NN, Agenda Item R7E).
52. January 20, 1999, the City Commission Approved an Award of Contract to
Sportmaster in the Estimated Amount of$118,807.80, Pursuant to Bid No. 16-98/01
for the Purchase of Park Equipment. This was a follow up action to the City
Commission's Rejection of All Bids Received, Pursuant to Bid No. 104-97/01, to
Furnish and Install Park Equipment on December 2, 1998, Agenda Item C2D,
Please see item No, 45 for cross reference. (See Attachment 00, Agenda Item
53. January 25,1999, Bennello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. submitted the revised plans for
North Shore Park to the Planning Department to continue the design review process
that was initiated at the July 14, 1998 DRB meeting. At the 7/14/98 meeting, the
issue of the possible expansion of the Youth Center was discussed. The Board would
not permit the project to proceed until the schematics showed the complete option of
the envisioned Center and this direction was not given until the October 7, 1998 City
Commission meeting. (Please refer to Point 37 for additional support.) The
anticipated date of presentation to the Design Review Board was March 9, 1999.
However, due to the significant change in the scope of the project, it has been
determined that a new application for review must be submitted for the North Shore
Park project and it will now tentatively be scheduled for the April, 1999 Design
Review Board.
54. February 3, 1999, the City Commission Approved the Award of a Contract to PS
Florida, Inc. d/b/a Park Structures in the Estimated Amount of$436,428, Pursuant to
Bid No. 19-98/00 for the Purchase of Playground Equipment and Safety Surfacing.
(See Attachment PP, Agenda Item R2D).
55. February 17, 1999, the City Commission Approved the Award of a Contract to
Signing America, in the Estimated Amount of$23,928, Pursuant to Bid No. 20-98/00
for the Purchase of Parks Signage. (See Attachment QQ, Agenda Item C2B).
56. February 17, 1999, the City Commission did not Adopt a Resolution Authorizing an
Amendment to the Current Architectural Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil &
Partners, in the Amount of$136,300 to Provide Architectural/Engineering Services
for the North Shore Open Space Park Design, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master
Plan and Approved by the Mayor and Commission. The Commission directed the
Administration to renegotiate the fee and not to execute the contract until the State
transmits the deed to the properties to the City. Item was deferred to March 3, 1999
Commission Meeting. (See Attachment RR, Agenda Item C7I).
57. February 19, 1999, a Quarterly Status Report on Parks Improvement Bond Program
and Parks Bond Project - Progress Summary were sent to the City Commission via
LTC. (See Attachment SS).
58. March 3, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Authorizing and
Amendment to the Current Architectural Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil &
Partners, in the amount of$136,300 to Provide ArchitecturallEngineering Services for
the North Shore Open Space Design, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and
Approved by the Mayor and City Commission. (See Attachment TT, Agenda item
59. March 17, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Request to Rescind Award of the
Contract to Signing America in the estimated Annual Amount of $23,928, Pursuant
to Bid No. 20-98/00 for the Purchase of Park Signage, and to Approve a Contract to
AMF AK, Inc. in the Estimated Annual Amount of $45,656.88. (Signing America
notified the Procurement Division that they made an error in the submission of their
bid, therefore, will not enter into a contract with the City.) (See Attachment
UU, Agenda item C2E).
60. April 14, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Request to Award a Contract to
Regosa Engineering, Inc. in the Amount of $377,700, Pursuant to Bid No, 38-98/99
for Miami Beach Park Improvements, Group "B", Tatum Park, Fisher Park and Island
View Park. (See Attachment VV, item C2H).
61. April 28, 1999, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Authorizing the City
Manager, or His Designee, to Submit an Application to the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a Section 108 Loan, in the Amount of
$4,000,000, and an Economic Development Initiative Grant, in the Amount of
$1,000,000, for Street Improvements on Normandy Isle and Public Facilities
Improvements for the North Shore Youth Center; Authorizing the Mayor and City
Clerk to Execute Any and All Agreements Related to the Loan and the Grant, if
Awarded; and Appropriating Said Loan and Grant Funds, If Awarded. (See
Attachment WW, item R7C).
62. May 26, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Supporting a Partnership
with Barry University and the Miami Beach Housing Authority for a Grant from the
U,S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Hispanic Servicing Institutions
Assisting Communities in Order to Fund a Youth Center Proposed for North Beach
Area, A grant for $400,000 was awarded, of which, 65% of the funding must support
a "bricks and mortar" building program for North Shore Youth Center. (See
Attachment XX, item R7I).
63. May 26, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Approving and
Authorizing the City Manager to Issue a Certificate of Consistency with the City's
Consolidated Plan to Barry University School of Social Work Academy for Better
Communities to Utilize Grant Funds Provided Directly by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development Through the Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting
Communities Grant Program, To Provide Construction Funds and Funding for
Recreational Services for the North Beach Youth Center. (See Attachment YY, item
64. June 9, 1999, the City Commission Deferred a Request for Approval to Award a
Contract Pursuant to Bid No. 63-98/99 for Rehabilitation of Pinetree Park. (See
Attachment ZZ, item C2B).
65. June 23,1999, the City Commission Approved the Award of Contract to Vila & Son
Landscaping Corp. In the amount of$220,977.75, Pursuant to Bid. No. 63-98/99 for
the Rehabilitation of Pinetree Park. (See Attachment AAA, item C2C).
66. July 7, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Directing the
Administration to Maintain the Section 108 Loan Application Approved Pursuant to
Resolution No. 99-23147, to Apply to Public Improvements in the North Beach
Target Areas of the City of Miami Beach. (See Attachment BBB, item R7E).
67. July 7,1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Appropriating Funds, in
the amount of $960,961, Generated as Interest Earnings from the $15 Million General
Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program for the Period of October 1997 Thru
January 1999; Said Appropriation to Fully Fund the Cost of the Base Bid Projects and
Budget Estimates Approved by the Commission on May 20, 1998, which Included the
Projected Interest to be Earned. (See Attachment CCC, item R7I).
68. July 7,1999, the City Commission Approved Resolution Amendment No.2 to the
Agreement with Carr Smith Corradino, Dated July 16, 1997 in the Amount of
$74,977, for the Provision of Additional Services not Included in the Original Scope
of Work, Including Several Schematic Designs for the Approval of the Scott Rakow
Youth Center Ice Rink (At Least 17 Different Schemes and Cost Estimates and a
Scale Model for Presentations), Plan Revisions and Redesigns Requested by the
Design Review Board to Gain Board Approval for Flamingo Park, Normandy Isle
Park, and the Scott Rakow Youth Center; and Additional Costs for Surveying; and
Further Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Amendment
No.2 to the Agreement with REG Architects, Inc. Dated July 16, 1997, in the Amount
of$6,512.40, for Additional Services Necessary to Accomplish the Designs and Plans
for the Group "A" Parks. (Stillwater, Crespi, La Gorce, Palm Island, Tatum, Island
View, Fisher, Fairway, Washington and Muss Parks) (See Attachment DDD, item
69. July 21, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Motion to stop the installation of
basketball court at Island View Park, to turn the area into a grassy area and to
reinstall the children's playground. (See Attachment EEE, item R9H).
70. September 14,1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Authorizing the
City Manager to Submit 2 Grant Applications, for $100,000 Per Application, to the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks,
for the Purpose of Funding a Portion of the Renovations of the Ball Fields and the
Tennis Courts at North Shore Park, and the Tennis Courts at Flamingo Park, to be
Matched with $100,000 from the Funding for Each Application, as Recommended in
the Approved $15 Million General Obligation Bond Program to Renovate and
Rebuild Parks and Recreation Facilities within the Parks System in Miami Beach;
Further Appropriating the Grants, if Awarded by the City, in the Work Orders for the
North Shore Park and Flamingo Park General Obligation Bond Program Renovation
Projects; and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary
Documents Related to the Applications. (See Attachment FFF, item C7Q).
71. September 14, 1999, the City Manager requested that discussion of renovations of
the swimming pools at Flamingo and Normandy Parks be postponed to the September
22, 1999 Commission Meeting; and that estimates of additional costs and
recommendations be presented for Commission approval. (This item was heard in
conjunction with R9J).
72. September 14, 1999, a status report of Flamingo and Normandy Isle Pools and
Request for Potential Modifications. (See Attachment GGG, item R9Jl).
73. September 22,1999, the City Commission Approved and Awarded a contract to Vila
& Son Landscaping Corp. in the amount of $390,045.70, Pursuant to Bid No. 102-
98/99 for the rehabilitation of Lummus Park. (See Attachment HHH, item C2E).
74. October 6, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution, Authorizing, by
517ths Vote, the Waiver of Formal Competitive Bidding and Award ofa Contract to
Kendall Sprinkler Service, Inc., in the Amount of $15,875.99, to Complete the
Installation of the Irrigation Systems for the Group "A" Parks Bond Project (Palm
Island, Crespi, La Gorce and Stillwater Parks). (See Attachment III, item C7L).
75. October 6,1999, Status Report to City Commission via LTC 198.1999 reported on
additional swimming lanes for Flamingo Pool. The City Administration initiated the
following actions: (1) suspended work on the pool project until funding sources were
identified, (2) included $400,000 in the proposed General Obligation Bond to be
presented to voters on November 2, 1999, and (3) submitted a request for $400,000
to the Safe Neighborhood Parks Oversight Committee on September 12, 1999.
Subsequently, the Safe Neighborhood Parks Oversignt Committee stated that the City
of Miami Beach should request a matching grant for $200,000. The City applied for
$200,000 on November 15, 1999 and was awarded $100,000 on December 6, 1999.
(See Attachment JJJ).
76. October 20,1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Accepting Donation
from the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., in the Amount of$1O,850 (Comprised of
$5,870 in Cash and an In-kind Contribution Valued at $4,980 in Plants and Other
Materials) for the Purpose of Establishing a Coastal Maritime Hammock in Pine Tree
Park, as Designated in the Parks Improvement General Obligation Bond Program;
Further Appropriating the $5,870 Cash Donation to the Pine Tree Park Improvement
Program, and Amending the Contract with Vila & Son Landscaping, Corp. Pursuant
to Bid No. 63-98/99 for the Rehabilitation of Pine Tree Park by the Amount of
$5,780, for the Purchase and Installation of28 Large Native Trees to be Planted as a
Component of this Donation. (See Attachment KKK, item C7L).
77. October 20, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Authorizing the City
Manager to Submit a Grant Application for Funding in the Amount of $400,00 from
the Miami-Dade County's Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program Interest Earnings
for the Purpose of Renovating Flamingo Pool; Appropriating the grant, if Approved
and Accepted by the City, in the Work Order for the Flamingo Park Renovation
Projects; and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary
Documents Related to this Application. The City was awarded $100,000 from the
Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program. (See Attachment LLL, item C7N).
78. December 15, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Retroactively
Aproving the Issuance of a Change Order, in the Amount of $24,840.45 and
Authorizing the Issuance ofa Second Change Order, in the Amount of$38,475, to
Vila & Son Landscaping Corporation, Pursuant to Standing Order No, 12866 for the
Completion of the Improvements to Lummus Park. (See Attachment MMM, item
79. January 12,2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing
the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with
Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., to Provide ArchitecturallEngineering Services for Six (6)
Park Projects, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and Approved by the Mayor and
City Commission; Said Amendment Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 7% (from
Previously Approved Rate of 7.2%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of
$472,936 (Comprised of $442,936 for the Additional Architectural/Engineering Services
Necessary to Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond
Program), and an Amount Not to Exceed $30,000 for Surveying, Testing and Other
Reimbursable Expenses, with Funding Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated
Fund Balance, to be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. (See
Attachment NNN, item C7P).
80. January 12,2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing
the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with Carr,
Smith, Corradino, to Provide ArchitecturallEngineering Services for Three (3) Park Projects,
as Pr:oposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and Approved by the Mayor and City
Commission; Said Amendment Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 9% (from Previously
Approved Rate of 10%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of $153,937
(Comprised of $131 ,937 for the Additional ArchitecturallEngineering Services Necessary
to Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program), and an
Amount Not to Exceed $22,000 for Surveying, Testing and Other Reimbursable Expenses,
with Funding Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, to be
Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. (See Attachment 000,
item C7Q).
81. January 12, 2000, the City the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement
with REG Architects, inc., to Provide ArchitecturallEngineering Services for Ten (10) Park
Projects, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and Approved by the Mayor and City
Commission; Said Amendment Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 7.5% (from
Previously Approved Rate of 8%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of
$191,252 (Comprised of $166,252 for the Additional Architectural/Engineering Services
Necessary to Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond
Program), and an Amount Not to Exceed $25,000 for Surveying, Testing and Other
Reimbursable Expenses, with Funding Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated
Fund Balance, to be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. (See
Attachment PPP, item C7R).
82. January 12, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing
the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Memorandum of Agreement between Barry
University's Academy for Better Communities and the City of Miami Beach, Florida for the
Purpose of Establishing a Partnership to Enhance the Well-Being of Families and Youth in
the North Beach Area by Contributing Funding to Construct the North Beach Youth Center,
Providing Recreational and Cultural Activities and Social Services to Families and Children
in North Beach; and Appropriating $260,000 from the Barry University's Housing and
Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC)
Program to the North Shore Park Bond Project Work Order to Be Expended on the
Construction of the North Shore Youth Center. (See Attachment QQQ, itemC7Y).
83. January 12,2000, the Administration Presented a Status Report of the North Shore Park and
Youth Center Project. (See Attachment RRR, item R9Fl),
84, January 26, 2000, the City Commission Approved an Ordinance as Amended on First
Reading Amending Chapter 2, Article VI, Entitled "Procurement", by Creating Division 5,
Entitled "Debarment", Sections 2-397 through 2-406 of the Code of the City of Miami
Beach, Florida, Providing for Debarment of Contractors from City Work; Severability;
Codification; Repealer; and an Effective Date. (See Attachment SSS, item R5J).