Attachment AAA I Ie I T Y 0 F M I A M I B E A C H t, -j"bol.. 17~g C~~I\lIl;~JTI0N CI;;~J1 1;;1< 01<1"11; ~41^~41 iilll;^CH "'boORIO" UUII !\Ue.\\8I.FRIBffll 8S8 .11.1:15 lO I I COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members ofthe City Co mission DATE: June 23, 1999 I FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager I SUBJECT: Request for proval to Award a Contract to Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. in the Amount of $220,977.75, Pursuant to Bid No. 63-98/99 for the Rehabilitation of Pinetree Park. I I RECOMMENDATION A ward the contract. I FUNDING I $220,977.75 Funding is available from the Parks Bond Budget Account Number 370.2165.069358 I BACKGROUND 1 This lnvitationto Bid was issued on May 5, 1999, with an opening date of June 7, 1999. A Pre-Bid Conference was held on May 24, 1999. Two-hundred and ninety-seven (297) notices were mailed, resulting in requests for twelve (12) sets of plans and specifications and the receipt of four (4) responsive bids. I The Base Bid includes supplying all labor, materials, equipment and supervision necessary for the improvements to Pinetree Park including landscape improvements, irrigation, parking lot, bollards, and signage wall. Alternate No.1 includes a picket fence enclosure for the irrigation pump and controller. I I The Contractor shall be substantially completed with the work within ninety (90) calendar days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and complete and ready for [mal payment within one-hundred and twenty (120) calendar days after the date of the Notice to Proceed. 1 ANALYSIS The City's consultant for this project, Bermello & Ajamil & Partners/Curtis & Rogers Design Studio has reviewed the bids received and recommends award (letter attached) to the low bidder, Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. FUNDING APPROVED AGENDA ITEM Q~c.. to"'~3- '}~ DATE ~ Bid No. 63-98/99 June 23, 1999 Page Two BID TABULATION Vendor Base Bid Alternate #1 Total Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. $217,477.75 $3,500.00 $220,977.75 Coast to Coast by Levi, Inc. $225,028.66 $2,050.00 $227,078.66 Regosa Engineering, Inc. $265,944.00 $1,600.00 $267,544.00 Aaraya Construction & Design, Inc. $272,278.00 $2,400.00 $274,678.00 CONCLUSION This contract should be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. SJt~~~ 8 B n I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t l ~, -- ~Ul' ~~ ~~J~ ~~.~~ ,-,".D, rHr<;".::J 6. r;;Ct...r;;CHI !UN I-'.~~ ;IJ ~~ U . T I .~ . o (', f' ~ S ( 5 I G N T " D I 0 N C " -, "'." "I f r ; rrlri (_' t' I;' r" .2 .. a ') G~^l\:l) I 1\" ~ N \, f 5UITt Jl:ll Co 0 c: 0 N \J T G R 0 v E. , I () . I l) A 3 :! ' J J TElEPHONl 305 ~~").1,)7~ 1^~~lMlli 305.~~S <l"U ''''ogOb.II"",tb ...1 lie. ~,cr,II"...(,'.1 Mr. Kevi Smith City of M ami Beach 1700 Co vention Center Drive Miami B ch, fl 33 t 39 Re: Pi etree Park - Bid_ No. 63-98199 Bi Review On Man ay, June -r we attended the bid openning for the above project. The City rece ed 0 to1cl of 4 bids. and one "'no bid". We have reYiewed the bids and confinn that Vilo & Son landscaping Corporation is. the low dder with a total base bid of $ 21 7,4 77.75. We have worked wjth Vira & Son in ih past on various Oiy of Miami Beach projects and feel extremely confiden of their ability to perform the work on time and of the qualiiy requested. They hav recentlv installed an irrigation system, similar to the one specified, which gives me great confidence in their knowledge and performance. We also ecommend that you purdlase Bid Alternate No. 1 - the fenced enclosure for the i .gation system for on additional S 3500.00. This is Q vital element to secure 1 irrigotion control system. The total bid award would then be $ 220,97 .75. nd 1hat fhe Oty of Miami Beach award this contrad to Vila & Son iog. I look forward io continuing to serve you on this project and others. II me if you hove any questions. ~~~. Aido M. urtis Principe 9 After Action June 23, 1999 City of Miami Beach C2B Commission Memorandum No. 443-99 Request for Approval to Award a One-Year Contract to Best's Maintenance & Janitorial Service, Inc. in the Estimated Annual Amount of$129,108, Pursuant to Bid No. 58-98/99 for Providing Janitorial Services for the City of Miami Beach Parking Garages. Funding: Parking Department Budget Account. Administration Recommendation: Approve the award. (Parking Department) ACTION: A ward authorized. Jackie Gonzalez to handle. C2C Commission Memorandum No. 444-99 Request for Approval to Award a Contract to Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. in the Amount of $220,977.75, Pursuant to Bid No. 63-98/99 for the Rehabilitation of Pine tree Park. Funding: Parks Bond Budget Account. Administration Recommendation: Approve the award. (Parks and Recreation) (Deferred from 6/9/99) ACTION: Award authorized. Kevin Smith to handle. C2D Commission Memorandum No. 445-99 Request for Approval to Award a Purchase Order to Dictaphone Corporation, in the Amount of $63,609.53 Pursuant to State of Florida Contract No. 725-630-97-1 for the Purchase of a Logging Recorder System and a Management Workstation for the 911 Center of the Police Department. Funding: Police Department Budget Accounts. Administration Recommendation: Approve the award. (Police Department) ACTION: Award authorized. Michael Rath to issue Purchase Order. Chief Barreto to handle. C2E Commission Memorandum No. 446-99 Request for Approval to Award a Purchase Order to 1. C. White Inc., in the Amount of $25,637.52 Pursuant to State of Florida Contract No. 425-001-98-1 and Miami-Dade County Contract No. 1072-1/00 for the Purchase of Furniture for the Police Department. Funding: Police Department Confiscated Funds Budget Account. Administration Recommendation: Approve the award. (Police Department) ACTION: A ward authorized. Michael Rath to issue Purchase Order. Chief Barreto to handle. 5