Attachment XX 'I! ..... - RESOLUTION NO. ~ '1- c;(318 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA SUPPORTING A PARTNERSHIP WITH BARRY UNIVERSITY AND THE MIAMI BEACH HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR A GRANT FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HISPANIC SERVICING INSTITUTIONS ASSISTING COMMUNITIES (HSIAC) IN ORDER TO FUND A YOUTH CENTER PROPOSED FOR THE NORTH BEACH AREA OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. WHEREAS, an Hispanic Servicing Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) grant must be generated by a university which meets the statutory defInition of an H.S.I. in Title V of the 1998 amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965, and the grant must be written to support a partnership with a community which receives CDBG funding; and WHEREAS, the partnership must demonstrate a history of working together; and WHEREAS, funds are available under an HSIAC grant of $400,000 for 24 months; and WHEREAS, at least 65% of the funding must support a "bricks and mortar" building project with the potential that other joint projects could follow in subsequent years; and WHEREAS, Barry University is an eligible H.S.I. and seeks to partner with the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Housing Authority to seek an HSIAC grant; and WHEREAS, there has been a history of cooperation between the City ofMiarni Beach and Barry University for four years, the last three in the North Beach area; and WHEREAS, the grant funding would be targeted for a Youth Center proposed for North Beach, and will include money for building the Center, and recreational and social services which Barry University would provide. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the City of Miami Beach hereby supports a partnership with Bany University and the Miami Beach Housing Authority in order to seek an HSIAC grant in order to fund a Youth Center, and recreational and social services associated therewith, to be located in the North Beach area of the City of Miami Beach. I J PASSED and ADOPTED TillS day of 1999. ATTEST: APPSU)VFD AS TO J FORM & LANGUAGE' & FOR EXecUTION , /1il!l~ 5ftdhl.'. Attorney ~, MAYOR CITY CLERK F:\A TTO,TtJRl'oiRESos\8AJU!.YUNV.ORN 246 -- ..... OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ~: IS.~kf#;I~~~ON CITY OF MIAMI BEACH SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER JOSE SMITII COMMISSIONE SUBJECT: BARRY TO: GRANT PARTNERSHIP FROM: DATE: 05/19/99 Recently, Joe Fontana, Michael Thompson, Kevin Smith, and I had a meeting with Jacqueline Mondros, Associate Dean/Director of Bany University, regarding a grant partnership for the North Beach Youth Center. Attached is a letter from Dean Mondros, which summarizes the discussion that took place. Based upon this discussion, I feel confident that a partnership with Bany University will assist in securing funding for the capital and operational costS associated with the facility. In addition, it is my understanding that the City could further benefit from expanding the partnership to encompass a program whereby Bany University would use the Y oum. Center as a training site for their students. University students would be able to partner with the City to complete their internships not only in Social Work, but in disciplines such as Education, Physical ~ucatio.q and Recreation, Fine Arts, and Horticulture to name a few. Due to the time coIlSt!'aints associated with the grant application, please have legal prepare a resolution supporting this partnership with Bany University and place it on the May 26 City Commission agenda. , Additionally, please assign a staff person to act as a liaison with the University and develop an agreement to suit the needs of the City. Agenda Item ~ 1 I Date 5- 2i.o- 9~ ,t'/.') 243 1 i ,I i ...~ Barry University Schooi of Social Work 11300 NORTHEAST SEem '. MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA . : /".; !""". .--/ : i ,/'''' . . - ',wi I~:. ~. :.: {Oirect Number (30: 99 /-fA Y I 0 PN 3: ~2in Campus (30! t: ,~ V (~.~. ";.. ..... '.. . ,; U,,/. ':'\-'.'~I""' 1Io,.J\".. :1 J .,", :;y '." '. "'---.. Academy for Better Communities May 9, 1999 Commissioner Jose Smith City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Commissioner Smith. I am writing to thank you for our meeting last week in reference to a partnership grant for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) grant This letter serves as a swnmary of our discussion: · The HSIAC grant must be generated by a university which meets the statutory definition of an as.I. in Title V of the 1998 amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965. The grant must be written to support a partnership with a community which receives CDBG funding. The partnership must demonstrate a history of working together. The funds available under the grant are $400,000 for 24 months. At least 65% of the funding must support a "bricks and mortar" building project Other joint projects could follow in subsequent years. · Barry University is an eligible RSJ. and seeks to partner with the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Housing Authority to seek an HSIAC grant We can demonstrate a history of cooperation, as our Miami Beach Social Service team has been working on Miami Beach for four years, the last three in the North Beach area We have a long relationship with MBHA and Biscayne Elementary. · The grant funding would be targeted for the Youth Center proposed for North Beach, and include money for building the Center and recreational and social services which Barry would provide. The Ellen Whiteside M~nell School of Social Work '. A Catholic Tn""'"""'";on,,,1 Tl...;..__~:_. N' t C I I , t t j I t 1 f I "k.. \. , " \ --- .: · Academy staff agrees to write the grant, to provide social service and recreational faculty and students to the Youth Center, and to serve as fiscal agent, as called for by the grant. We propose to help you identify other grants and program opportunities for youth who will use the Center. · We ask that City of Miami Beach identify a staff person as a liaison on this project, help us identify relevant statistical information, provide a letter of commitment and docmnentation of funding that has already been dedicated to building the Youth Center, and provide office space in the Youth Center for our social service faculty and students who will work with the youth once it is built. We ask that as a Miami Beach City Commissioner, you initiate the process to have the City Commission pass a resolution to support this partnership. Because the grant must be received in Washington by June 9, we will need the resolution fairly quickly to begin work on the grant. If the City Commission decides not to pursue this opportunity, please let me know as soon as possible. Many thanks for your help in this matter. If I can answer any questions, or be of any other assistance, please feel free to contact me at 305-899-3908/09. I very much look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, a q ine B. Moneiros, D.S.W. so late DeanlDirector cc: Mayor Neisen Kasdin Mr. Joe Fontana Mr. Michael Thompson Mr. Kevin Smith 245 After Action May 26, 1999 City of Miami Beach R7I Memorandum from Commissioner Jose Smith A Resolution Supporting a Partnership with Barry University and the Miami Beach Housing Authority for a Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Hispanic Servicing Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) in Order to Fund a Youth Center Proposed for the North Beach Area of the City of Miami Beach. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Requested by Commissioner Jose Smith) ACTION: Resolution No. 99-23182 adopted. Motion made by Vice-Mayor Gottlieb; seconded by Commissioner Cruz; voice vote: 5-0; absent: Commissioners Shapiro and Smith. Janet Gavarrete to handle. Resolution No. 99-23183 adopted. Motion made by Vice-Mayor Gottlieb approving and authorizing the City Manager to issue a Certification of Consistency with the City I S Consolidated Plan to Barry University School of Social Work Academy for Better Communities to Utilize Grant funds; seconded by Commissioner Liebman; voice vote: 5-0; absent: Commissioners Shapiro and Smith. Christina Cuervo to handle. R9 - New Business and Commission Requests R9A Commission Memorandum No. 378-99 Board and Committee Appointments for the Meeting of May 26, 1999. (City Clerk's Office) ACTION: The following appointments were made: Marine Authority' Keith Hartley Barbara Patchen term expires term expires 12/31/2000 12/31/2000 City Commission City Commission Golf Advisory Committee: Dr. David Russin term expires 12/31/2000 City Commission Community Relations Board: Rabbi Dudai term expires 12/31/2000 Commissioner Smith R. Parcher to notify appointees and notify City Commission of appointments which need to be made. Commissioner Liebman requested that a time certain be scheduled in the A.M. for appointments on June 9th. 19