Attachment CCC 'e I TY OF MIAMI BEACH I CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us - , I I, I COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mmission DATE: July 7,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $960,961, GENERATED AS INTEREST EARNINGS FROM THE $15 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGA TION PARKS IMPROVEMENTS BOND PROGRAM FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1997 THRU JANUARY 1999; SAID APPROPRIATION TO FULLY FUND THE COST OF THE BASE BID PROJECTS AND BUDGET ESTIMATES APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION ON MAY 20, 1998, WHICH INCLUDED THE PROJECTED INTEREST TO BE EARNED. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND: On May 8, 1998, the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhoods Committee held a joint meeting to review the status of the parks improvements in process under the $15 million Parks Bond and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, and to comprehensively evaluate the proposed projects and budget estimates presented by the Administration. The information distributed at the May 8, 1998 meeting included a complete set of schematic designs and preliminary cost estimates for each program. Also incorporated in the information discussed was a Base Bid Budget Summary that indicated revenues for the entire program, including the anticipated bond interest of $600,000 in the revenue projections (As a point of information, the amount has now increased to $960,961 as a result of another year's interest earnings). It was the recommendation of the Joint Committee members to proceed with the complete base bid program for all parks as proposed, with the exception of two issues that related to the basketball court at North Shore Park and the swimming pool at Normandy Park. (Both items were subsequently resolved at the May 20, 1998 City Commission meeting). This recommendation was forwarded to the full City Commission for discussion and approval on May 20, 1998. AGENDA ITEM R'lI 337 DATE~ - On May 20, 1998, the City Commission accepted the recommendation of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhoods Committee and approved the base bids and budgets for each project included in the General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program and authorized the Administration to proceed with the designs and bid specifications for these projects. Subsequently, the City Commission also approved a revised/expanded ice rink of approximately 65' x 124' to be constructed at the Scott Rakow Youth Center and instructed the Administration to identify the additional funds necessary to construct the approved rink. ANAL YSIS: The total previously approved and appropriated within the Parks General Obligation Program is $14,737,760. The additional $960,961 in earned interest must be appropriated to ensure the progress of the Parks General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond" Program as planned. To accomplish the projects previously approved by the Commission this interest must be appropriated to the following projects: Pine Tree Park Fisher Park Lummus Park Normandy Isle Muss Park Parks Maintenance Yard Fairway Park Flamingo Park Island View Park North Shore Park Tatum Park Scott Rakow Youth Ctr Architectural fees TOTAL CONCLUSION: Adopt the Resolution. sAS/OMleb~ T:\AGENDA \1999'JUL0799\REGULAR\GOBINT,MEM 338 $ 62,500 6,926 30,518 63,587 12,301 24,306 38,413 94,731 14,981 96,985 18,426 431,787 65.500 $960,961 i"" 'r" ;:"" I J .f J J , I J J I , J Ir1 ~ { , RESOLUTIONNO. qtf". ~3~~3 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $960,961, GENERATED AS INTEREST EARNINGS FROM THE $15 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION PARKS IMPROVEMENTS BOND PROGRAM FOR THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1997 THRU JANUARY 1999; SAID APPROPRIATION WILL FULLY FUND THE COST OF THE BASE BID PROJECTS AND BUDGET ESTIMATES APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION ON MAY 20, 1998, WHICH INCLUDED THE PROJECTED INTEREST TO BE EARNED. WHEREAS, on May 8, 1998, a status update and comprehensive evaluation of the proposed projects and budget estimates included in the $15 million Parks Improvements Bond Program and the Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond Programs were presented to the members of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhoods Committee at a joint meeting; and WHEREAS, information distributed at the May 8, 1998 meeting included a complete set of schematic designs and preliminary cost estimates for each program included anticipated bond interest of $600,000 in the revenue projections; and WHEREAS, it was the recommendation of the Joint Committees members to proceed with the base bids plans and budget estimates for all parks as proposed; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission endorsed the recommendation of the Joint Committees by approving the base bids plans and budgets for each parks project, and authorized the Administration to proceed with the designs and bid specifications; and WHEREAS, for the period of October, 1997 to January, 1999, the $15 million General Parks Obligation Bond Program has earned interest in the amount of $960,961; and . WHEREAS, to accomplish the projects as previously approved by the City Commission, this interest must be appropriated to the following projects: PineTree Park $ 62,500 Flamingo Park 94,731 Fisher Park 6,926 Island View Park 14,981 Lummus Park 30,518 North Shore Park 96,985 Normandy Isle 63,587 Tatum Park 18,426 Muss Park 12,301 S. Rakow 431,787 Parks Maint. Yard 24,306 Architects fees 65.500 Fairway Park 38,413 TOTAL $960,961 339 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission authorize the appropriation of funds in the amount of $960,961, generated as interest earnings from the $15,000,000 General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program for the period of October 1997 thru January 1999; said appropriation will fully fund the cost of base bid projects and budget estimates approved by the City Commission on May 20, 1998, which included the projected interest to be earned. PASSED and ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 1999. ATTEST: CITY CLERK T:\AGENDA \l999\JUL0799\REGULAR\GOBINT,RES 340 MAYOR APPROVED PS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~:j city A ,~ ~!I t1 Dale Ii j I I I After Action July 7, 1999 City of Miami Beach R7I Commission Memorandum No. 509-99 A Resolution Appropriating Funds, in the Amount of $960,961, Generated as Interest Earnings from the $15 Million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program for the Period of October 1997 through January 1999; Said Appropriation Will Fully Fund the Cost of the Base Bid Projects and Budget Estimates Approved by the City Commission on May 20, 1998, which Included the Projected Interest to be Earned. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks and Recreation Department) ACTION: Resolution No. 99-23243 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Cruz; voice vote: 5-0; absent: Vice-Mayor Shapiro and Commissioner Gottlieb. Kevin Smith and Patricia Walker to handle. R7J Commission Memorandum No. 510-99 A Resolution Granting a Revocable Permit to Bernard Mollod, as Owner of the Days Inn-North Beach, Located at 7450 Ocean Terrace, for the Construction of a Portion of a Handicap Access Ramp with Railing within the Adjacent City Right-of-Way; and Further Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Revocable Permit Agreement. 2:00 p.m. Public Hearin~ Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Public Works) (Scheduled on 6/23/99) ACTION: Public hearing held. Resolution No. 99-23244 adopted as amended. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman to accept Administration recommendation liB"; seconded by Commissioner Smith with the request that the owner landscape the area to the satisfaction of Planning Department; voice vote: 6-0; absent: Commissioner Gottlieb. Jorge Gomez and Julio Grave de Peralta to handle. HANDOUT: Photo of the Days Inn property. 17