Attachment HHH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH GITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 1ttp \lci miami-beach fl us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 1.t.'1-'19.. TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City mission DATE: September 22,1999 Ii FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: Request for proval to Award a Contract to Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. in the Amount of $390,045.70, Pursuant to Bid No. 102-98/99 for the Rehabilitation of Lummus Park. RECOMMENDATION Award the contract. FUNDING $390,045,70 Funding is available from the Parks Bond Budget Account Number 370.2169.067357 BACKGROUND This Invitation to Bid was issued on August 11, 1999, with an opening date of September 10, 1999. Eighty-five (85) notices were mailed, resulting in requests for ten (10) sets of plans and specifications and the receipt of four (4) responsive bids. " The Base Bid includes supplying all labor, materials, equipment and supervision necessary for the improvements to Lummus Park including landscape improvements, additional irrigation, paving and park furniture, Alternate No.1 consists ofthe furnishing and installation of Maypan Coconut Palms in lieu of Green Malayan Coconut Palms. The Contractor shall be substantially completed with the work within eighty (80) calendar days after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and complete and ready for final payment within ninety-five (95) calendar days after the date of the Notice to Proceed. ANAL YSIS The City's consultant for this project, Bermello & Ajamil & Partners/Curtis & Rogers Design Studio has reviewed the bids received and recommends award (letter attached) to the low bidder, Vila & Son Landscaping Corp including Alternate No.1. FUNDI AGENDA ITEM c..2E. DATE.3.2'2..'14 Manage 15 Bid No. 102-98/99 September 22, 1999 Page Two BID T ABVLA TrON Vendor Base Bid Alternate No.1 Total Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. $357,681.70 $32,364.00 $390,045.70 Recio & Associates, Inc. $413,274.60 $10,503.00 $423,777.60 Capricorn Construction Corp. $469,000.00 $15,175.92 $484,175.92 Tenusa, Inc. $560,342.11 $100,550.00 $660,892.11 CONCLUSION This contract should be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. \ ~~~ S&~J~p)r ~. (. u . r t S + << 0 G E R S I D ! SiC N S T U D I 0 0:;' - I N C I " If tI " , /1 /' ! I "1,, b; rf t l (f 1 I' I I I I I Q G G R A N n I A V f N U E SUI T E l 0 1 I COCONUT :::. R 0 V E I I lOR : D .. 3 J I 3 I IfLEPHONF. 305 itA? 17/A I f A C. ~ I Mil [ 305 A4 S ,?IUG I cUilog@be\holJlh ncl LIC 1(. (~CO:l2A 1 12'd Septei-.-,be( 10, 1999 IV\r. Michel Mo,gli0fe City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Re: Lummus Park - Bid. No. 102-98/99 Bid Review Dear Michel: We attended the bid opening for the above project. The City received a total of 4 bids. We have reviewed the bids and confirm that Vila & Son Landscaping Corporaiion is the low bidder with a total base bid of $ 357,681,70. We have worked with Vila & Son in the past on various City of Miami Beach projects and feel extremely confident of their ability to perform the work on time and of the quality requested, They are familiar with the park, having installed previous bond improvements for it, which gives me great confidence in their knowledge and performance. We also recommend that you purchase Bid Alternate No.1. the provision of Maypan Coconut Palms in lieu of Green Malayan's, These palms are more robust and would be more compatible with the existing Jamaica Tall's in the park. This would be an increased price of $ 32, 364.00, This would put the total bid at $388,045.70, I recommend that the City of Miami Beach award this contract to Vila & Son Landscaping, I look forward to continuing to serve you on this project and others. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, O-:.-d O-L\ ~ Aida M. Curtis Principal 88v6-Svv-SOE SC:l3S0C:l '8 SIl.C:ln:J 17 d1v:10 61 E1 das After Action September 22, 1999 DRAFT NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION City of Miami Beach C2E Commission Memorandum No. 669-99 Request for Approval to A ward a Contract to Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. in the Amount of $390,045.70, Pursuant to Bid No. 102-98/99 for the Rehabilitation of Lummus Park. Funding: Parks Bond Budget Account. Administration Recommendation: Approve the award. (Parks and Recreation & Public Works) ACTION: A ward authorized. Kevin Smith and Julio Grave de Peralta to handle. Commissioner Liebman requested to see the existing plans. C2F Commission Memorandum No. 670-99 Request for Approval to Award a Purchase Order to Solo Printing, Inc. in the Amount of $11,780, Pursuant to Bid No. 106-98/99 for the Design and Printing of the City of Miami Beach Annual Report. Funding: Police Confiscated Funds. Administration Recommendation: Approve the award. (Police Department) ACTION: Award authorized. Michael Rath to issue Purchase Order. Chief Barreto to handle. C4 - Commission Committee Assie:nments C4A Referral to the Planning Board - Grant a Zoning Variance to Allow for the Development ofthe Eleven Oceanfront Lots in Altos del Mar Area at 50-Feet in Width. Recommendation: Refer the matter. (Requested by Commissioner Simon Cruz) ACTION: Referred. Jorge Gomez to place on Planning Board agenda. 6