Attachment EEE . ~ . II II . . . 11 I I - I I , , I I , c.i "..-:; of; U *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** -. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: SERGIO RODRIGUEZ CITY MANAGER ~ NANCY LIEBMAN COMMISSIONER . JULY 15, 1999 FROM: DATE: RE: ISLAND VIEW PARK Please place on the July 21 Agenda a discussion and review of the construction of a basketball court on the above referenced park. Please provide information as to how a basketball court was planned for the park and documentation indicating that the court was a request of the neighborhood citizens. See the attached letter from the neighbors. NL/ml Attachment ( .:... . " , ,,-) Agenda Item RCff-j J - 2..) - CJg Date 573 _......al~ ~ ----- . cflUMet YTaWOla 99 JUL I 5 PH 2: ~~ Condominiums. Townhomes and Yacht Club July 15, 1999 Commissioner Nancy Lieberman City Of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beac~ FL 33139 Dear, Commissioner Lieberman: It has been brought to our attention that a basketball court is going to be built adjacent to Sunset Harbour South Condominiums. We strongly urge you to reconsider this decision. We would like you to place this matter on the agenda for your next commission meeting. We feel that a basketball facility at this location would not be appropriate for this quiet community. Thank you for your time and consideration in this very important matter. Respectfully, .J-9~ Sam Janowitz, Property Manager Sunset Harbour North Condominium Association Sunset Harbour North Condominium Association. Inc. 574 1900 Sunset Harbour Drive . Miami Beach. FL 33139 . 305-538-9004 . F;n ~nc;-c;,<p_7 701 I I l I I I I I I I I I I J I ~.. . - I ~ /l//Ille/ ,warIH~llr South Condominium Association, Inc. 99 JUL t SPM 2: 44 I I I I I I I l I July 15, 1999 Commissioner Nancy Lieberman City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Commissioner Lieberman: It has been brought to our attention that a basketball court is going to be built adjacent to Sunset Harbour South Condominium. We strongly urge you to reconsider this decision. We would like you to place this matter on the agenda for your next commission meeting. We feel that a basketball facility at this location would not be appropriate for this quiet community. Thank you for your time and consideration in this very important matter. ose Perez Property Manager Sunset Harbour South Condominium Association, Inc. 1800 Sunset Harbour Drive. Miami Beach, FI533139 . (305) 532-6639 . Fax: (305) 532-7266 ...J 7/21/99 Commission Agenda Item R-9H OVERVIEW OF ACTIONS LEADING TO A BASKETBALL COURT IN ISLAND VIEW PARK During the development of the Master Plan for the Parks Improvement Program prepared by Bermello.Ajamil & Partners. Inc., and Curtis + Rogers Design Studio Inc., in conjunction with the Parks Advisory Board, and the Administration (1995-1996) numerous community, staff and administration meetings as well as a number of presentations to the Commission, in excess of 70 in total. Additionally, a random survey of 3rd, 6th and lOth grade students was conducted to determine recreational interests. Input from the community at these meeting included a request for additional recreational facilities, including basketball courts. The results of the random surveys also rated basketball as one of the top priorities in the community. More specifically for the Mid-District basketball was listed as the most popular activity by 61 % of the children surveyed. As a result, Island View was one ofthe several sites were recommended for basketball throughout the City. In the Mid-Beach District Island View Park was recommended as a site for a basketball court because the only other venue which provides outdoor basketball in this district is Muss Park. In preparing the recommendations for the Master Plan the following sites were considered: Pine Tree Park was determined to be a passive park therefore not adequate for this type of activity. La Gorce was not large enough to house a basketball court and Fisher Park was classified as a mini-park not suitable for this type of activity. Based on the established need for additional basketball courts in the Mid-Beach District and the parks available for consideration in conjunction with the expressed interest of the community for this recreational activity, Island View was selected to receive a single court. Additionally, keep in mind that our Master Plan was created and adopted before the Harbor Island Project was developed. Therefore, these residents were not participants in the public meetings. The Island View Park program, including a basketball court was presented and approved by the City Commission on no less than five (5) separate instances: * * September 8, 1994 (R-7-B) - Resolution approving the GOB Election June 19, 1996, (R-7-A) Commission adopted the Parks Master Plan, including a Basketball Court at Island View Park. May 8, 1998, a joint meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committees reviewed and passed a motion that the Administration proceed with the base bid program for all parks, as presented, including a new high-school regulation basketball court in Island View Park, and forwarded this recommendation to the full Commission on May 20, 1998. May 20,1998, (R-6 D)The full Commission adopted the motion and recommendation of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committees and authorized the Administration to proceed with the base bid program for all parks, as presented, including a new high-school regulation basketball court in Island View Park. April 18, 1999, (C-2H) Commission approved an Award of contract to Regosa Engineering for the Group B Parks improvements. This group included Island View Park with a basketball court included in the construction costs. * * * It should be noted that the court being constructed does not include lighting. If the decision to stop the construction of the basketball court is made please note: * The cost of the basketball court is $11,000, approximately 43% of the court work has been constructed at a cost of$ 4,794. If the construction of the basketball court is stopped today the City would received a credit of $6,206. To restore the site to its condition as open green space, including compaction and fill, new top soil, new sod and irrigation would cost an estimated $9,066, resulting in an additional cost to the City of $2,860. * * After Action July 21,1999 City of Miami Beach R9G Discussion regarding the Problem of LaBkam Lanham Act, the Federal Anti-Dilution Act. (Requested by Commissioner Nancy Liebman) ACTION: Commissioner Liebman presented the item and stated that Federal law is now challenging the city's ability to protect its architectural integrity and is impacting upon the criteria used when Art Deco District was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979 and cited two cases, the Tiffany and Fairmont Hotels, as recently being sued under this Federal legislation. Vice-Mayor Shapiro requested that the issue be brought to the City's lobbyist in Washington D.C. Commissioner Smith encouraged that the City's lobbyist find a way to create an exemption for historic districts from enactment of this law. Motion made by Commissioner Dermer to have a resolution drafted for the next Commission Meeting directing the City's Federal Lobbyist, Jorden, Burt, Berenson & Johnson, LLP of Washington, D.C. , to lobby this effort at the federal level; seconded by Commissioner Liebman; voice vote: 5-0; absent: Mayor Kasdin and Commissioner Gottlieb. Christina Cuervo to handle. Judy Hoanshelt to place on September 14th agenda. R9H Discussion and Review of the Construction of a Basketball Court on Island View Park (Requested by Commissioner Nancy Liebman) ACTION: Commissioner Liebman presented the item to the Commission and made a motion to stop the installation of the basketball court at the park and to turn it back into a grassy area; and to reinstall the children's playground; seconded by Commissioner Cruz; voice vote: 5-0; absent: Mayor Kasdin and Commissioner Gottlieb. Kevin Smith to handle. HANDOUT: Petitions Sunset Harbour Community - re: opposed to the construction of a basketball facility on the park grounds adjacent to Sunset Harbour South Condominium. End of Re2:ular Agenda 36