Attachment JJJ CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us L.T.C. No. 198-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION -.-:; October 6, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members ;;JOf the City; Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez ,. City Manager SUBJECT: STATUS OF ADDITIONAL SWIM LANES FOR FLAMINGO POOL This is in response to the direction given by the City Commission at the September 17, 1999 meeting, concerning the above referenced subject. Specifically, the City Commission directed the Administration to take the following actions: · Review the current proposal for Flamingo Park pool to include an additional four swim lanes. · Include the cost of this enhancement, approximately $400,000, in the proposed General Obligation Bond to be presented to the voting residents on November 2, 1999. · Submit a proposal to the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program requesting an additional $400,000 for the Flamingo Park pool project and develop a third alternative to finance the cost of the swimming pool expansion. · Suggested that in the interim time period, the planning and design process for the additional four lanes be started. · Proceed with the Normandy Isle Park pool as originally presented. In response to these directives, the Administration has initiated the following actions: · Suspended all work on this park bond project until possible alternatives for funding sources are explored. . Included the additional $400,000 in the proposed General Obligation Bond to be presented to the voting residents on November 2, 1999. . Submitted a request to the Safe Neighborhood Parks Oversight Committee on September 12, 1999 (see attached copy). The Oversight Committee met on September 27, 1999 to discuss the distribution of approximately $3.75 million available in current and future interest earnings. Included in this discussion was the City's Flamingo Pool request. In addition to the City's request for $400,000 for the Flamingo Pool, there were requests from Miami-Dade County presented by County Manager Merrett Stierheim, seeking $3 million for the purchase of the Miami Circle, the City of Miami seeking $235,000 per year for a three (3) year period to hire additional professional staff to assist in the implementation of their Safe Neighborhood Park Bond funded programs, as well as a request from Shake-A-Leg sailing program for the Disabled asking for $300,000 to complete the construction of their facility located in the City of Miami's Virrick Gym. Kevin Smith presented the City's request, explained the need for the additional lanes, as expressed by citizens of Miami Beach, and showed the Oversight Committee full color renderings of the Flamingo Pool and another depicting the additional four (4) lanes. Additionally, Mr. Peter Luria, a resident and swimmer at the Flamingo Pool addressed the Committee expressing the need for the additional four (4) lanes and the interest of the community to see this addition take place. When considering the City of Miami Beach's request, the Chairman stated that the City of Miami Beach had a valid need but also has resources, so if the Committee supported funding the City, it should be for $200,000 as a challenge to the City Commission to match the award with the remaining $200,000 needed to construct the four (4) additional lanes. Following the presentations, the Oversight Committee deliberated briefly and voted to award Miami-Dade County $3 million for the Miami Circle and the City of Miami $235,000 to hire staff for a one year period. The Committee also stated the continuation for year two of the funding was contingent upon Miami's performance in the first year. After allocating $3,235,000 of the estimated $3,750,000 available, the Committee Chairman made a statement that although the Shake-A-Leg and City of Miami Beach projects were worthwhile, it is very important that the Oversight Committee keep in mind the need to be fair and equitable to all potential organizations that might also wish to submit an application for additional funding and to ensure the Committee's process and creditability is maintained, the remaining two requests should be deferred until a notice is sent out to the over sixty (60) eligible organizations and municipalities advising them of the available funding. The Committee voted to support this action. Accordingly, the Safe Neighborhood Parks Program office will be mailing notices of the grant application process to all potential applicants on October 8, 1999. The applications will be due on November 15, 1999, and the allocations deliberations held at the Safe Neighborhood Parks Oversight Committee meeting of December 6, 1999. It is currently estimated that there will be a maximum of $750,000 available to fund all the requests for support. The City of Miami Beach will submit an application seeking $400,000 for the additional lanes. . The Administration met with representatives of the swimmers group who initiated the request for additional lanes on October 1,1999. Input for expanding the pool and modifying the plan to better meet the needs of both competitive and recreational swimmers was the focus of the discussion. A consensus was reached that if funding is available, an additional four (4) lanes would be added and will include starter blocks and backstroke flags. It was also agreed upon that the inclusion of a water cooling system would be studied. It was clearly understood that no architectural design work will be done until such time as funds are identified for the additions and a final direction is determined. . The Normandy Isle Pool project is progressing as planned and the bids will be issued upon the completion of the permitting process. . If the additional funds are not identified via the General Obligation Bond or the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program by December 6, 1999, the Administration will bring this item back to the City Commission for further discussion and direction. We will keep you apprised of progress in this matter and should you have questions or concerns, please advise. SR/~Ks/eb c: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Kevin Smith, Director, Parks and Recreation Julio Grave de Peralta, Director, Public Works Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator Michel Maglorie, Projects Manager M:\$CMB\TEMP\FLGOPOOL.L TC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ =' CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 3313!:! = ~ = OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 September 10, 1999 Hank Adorno, Esq. Chairman Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Oversight Committee III NW 1st Street, Suite #1740 Miami, FL 33128-1974 Dear Mr. Adorno: The City of Miami Beach was initially awarded $1 Million dollars from the Safe Neighborhoods Park Bond for pool renovations at various City facilities. The City then requested that the entire $1 Mil be allocated to the Flamingo Pool Facility in order to simplify the accounting process, with the understanding that the other pools would be done with funds from our City's ovm $15 Mil Parks General Obligation Bond. As of August 12, 1999, the new multi-use recreational pool for Flamingo Park is 100% designed and the project is ready to be bid. In completing this process, the City has received additional input from the community, requesting that four additional s\Virnming lanes be added to the current pool design. The Administration requested that the architect for the project (Corradino) provide new cost estimates, incorporating the request of the citizens. (Please see attached cost estimates.) This additional work will cost approximately $400,000. In order to construct tile pool facility now being requested by the citizens of Miami Beach, it is . formally requested that the Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond Oversight Board allocate an additional amount of $400,000 to complete this project. To date, the City has only received $100,000 in interest dollars for playground equipment at several parks. It is requested that you please bring this matter to the Board's attention at the September 14, 1999 meeting. Please excuse me for not personally presenting this matter to the Board, but unfortunately, I have a conflict due to the fact that our City Commission meeting is scheduled for the same day. At the request of the Mayor and Members of the City Commission, a discussion item related to this issue has been scheduled at this September 14th meeting. ... --,-- .';": Thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter. We look forward to a positive response from the Board. gio Rodriguez City Manager ~l\ 5 c: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Janet Gavarette, Assistant City Manager ,Kevin Smith;: Director, Parks"&' Recreation Dept. 'Odalys !\1;il, Special Projects Coordinator SR~KS:OD:eb F:IRCl' A \SAll IODIFLAMPOOL.ADR --,--_. . City of Miami Beach "FlAMINGO POOL Re: MODIFICATIONS- ADDITIONAL A / E SERVICES September 3, 1999 Corradino No. 1979 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services shall consist of modifying the currently approved design and contract documents for the above-referenced project to include an additional 2 (two) or 4 (four) lanes to the proposed lap pool. Expansion of the lap pool and pool deck will require substantial modifications to the overall park site plans and pool facility plans..as outlined below. The effort associated with the re-submittal of design plans to the Design Review Board may be required and is included os a separate item. REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS 1. OVERALL PARK A. ARCHITECTURAL 1. Overall Pork Site plan 2. New basketball court floor plan B. CIVIL 1. Demolition plan 2. Site Geometry plan 3. Paving, Grading and Drainage 4. Drainage Calculations C. LANDSCAPE 1. Planting plans and details 2. Irrigation Plan 2. POOL FAClLlTf A ARCHITEGURAL 1. Pool Facility overall plan 2. Building floor plans 3. Enlarged detailed floor plans 4. Building Elevations. 5. Building Sections 6. Signage Plan B. CIVIL 1. Pool Deck Drainage C. STRUCTURAL 1. Pool deck and framing plan 2. Ground floorframing plan 3. Roof framing plan 4. Building Sections -..--,'.' .. - ---.--" City of Miami Beach FLAMINGO POOL: MODIFICATIONS - COMPARATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE September 3, 1999 Corradino No. 1979 PHASE: CURRENT SCHEDULE MODIFIED SCHEDULE City of Miami Beach {CMB) issue NTP TO CORRADINO for Pool Modifications Sept. 14, 1999 CORRADINO Submit Revised Design Plans for City Staff Review & Approval Sept.28, 1999 100 % Consfrudion Documents Submittal for City Staff and Permit Review Nov. 76, 7999 eMB issue Staff / Permit Review comments Nov. 30, 1999 CORRADINO complete incorporating City Staff and Permit Review Comments Dec. 14, 1999 Commence Bidding Sept 19,1999 Dec. 20, 1999 Bids Due Oct 19,1999 Jan.26, 2000 Bids Analysis and recommendation Od 25, 1999 Feb. 2, 2000 Contractor Selection /Commission Approval/Execute Contract Nov 15,1999 Feb. 16, 2000 Construction Start (7 months) Nov 23,1999 Feb. 24, 2000 Construction Finish June 23,2000 Sept. 25, 2000 Proiect Close-out July 23, 2000 Od. 25, 2000 Note: The above schedule is based CMB Planning stoff granting Administrative Approval for modifications to the Pr;Jol Facility as required for additional lanes in the lop pool. In the event that submission of revised design plans are required for ORB submittal, we estimate the preparation of the design documents and the submission / approval process for the ORB to be approximately 10 weeks. This would affect the overall Modified Schedule and the revised project close-out dote would become December 8, 2000. J:\ I 979\F/amingo\Word\CMB FlAlv1/NGOMODIF/CATJON SCHEDUlE.doc City of Miami Beach . FLAMINGO POOL: MODIFICATIONS COMPARISON September 3, 1999 Corradino No. .1979 ITEM 4 LANES (PROPOSED) 6 LAN ES a LAN E LAP POOL AREA I 2458 S.F. I 3058 S.F. /4558 S.F. LAP POOL VOLUME I 93,600 GAL /138,128 GAL /179,492 GAL LAP POOL SIZE I 35 FT X 75FT I 49fTX 75 fT I 63 FT X 75 FT POOL DECK AREA /16,000 S.f. 17,792 S.f. /19,548 S.F. I BATHING lOAD /52 PERSONS 76 PERSONS /99 PERSONS (LAP POOL ONLY) COMBINED BATHING lOAD 99 PERSONS 1123 PERSONS 1146 PERSONS (ACTlYlrt POOL AND LAP) FILTER RATE I 260 GPM I 384 GPM /489 GPM ESTIMATED COST OF ITEMS AFFECTED BY MODIFICATION LAP POOL & RELATED EQUIP. Sl72,060.00(PROPOSED) + 73,500.00 + 147,000.00 POOL DECK SLAB + 7,250.00 + 14,500.00 POOL DECK PILES +9,300.00 + 18,600.00 PERIMETER POOL DECK FENCING + 1,900.00 +3,800.00 POOL PUMP ROOM + 15,000.00 + 15,000.00 (ADD APPROX. 150 SF) PLUMBING: + 18,500.00 +2,100.00 ADD POOL DECK DRAINS AND WATER aoSET AT WOMEMS RESTROOM ElEaR/CAl: +3,000.00 +6,000.00 ADD POOL DECK LIGHTING LANDSCAPE / IRRIGATION + 1 0,000.00 + 1 0,000.00 BASKETBAll COURT DEMOLITION +8,000.00 +8,000.00 NEW BASKETBALL COURT + 19,500.00 + 19,500.00 INQUDES NEW FENCE, POSTS,CONe. & STRJPPING. DRAINAGE STRuaURES I +2,500.00 +3,500.00 INQUDES ADOITIONAl FRENCH DRAINS SU BTOTAl I +$168,450.00 +$248,000.00 I, OVERHEAD / PROFIT (15 %) I +$25,268.00 +$37,200.00 CONTlNGENa (10%) I +$16,845.00 +$24,800.00 TOTAL ADDITIONAL CONSTRumON +$210,563.00 +$310.000.00 COSTS FOR ITEMS AFFEaED BY MODIFICATIONS -TOTAL ADDITIONAL AlE, AQUATIC +$57,160.00 +$57,160.00 SPECIALIST FEES & REIMB. EXPENSES I r *TOTAL ADDITIONAL PROJECT COST +.$267,723.00 +$367,160.00 I . ADD $14,630.00 FOR ORB PRESENTATION IF REQUIRED J:\ I 979\Flomingo\Word\ll'lAMINOG COST>>W.YsIIS ADO WlES lA.doc D. ELECTRICAL 1. Lighting Plan 2. Power Plan 3. Electrical Panels E. PLUMBING 1. Plumbing Plan 2, ,Plumbing Riser F. POOL ENGINEERING 1. Pool Location Plan 2. Pool Layout Plan 3. Pool Piping Plan 4. Pool Piling Plan 5. Swimming Pool Sections 6. Pool Equipment Plan Note: Revised calculations will be required and sholl be included for 01/ items listed above. FEE ESTIMATE The fee break-down for the scope of additional work os outlined above for either on additional 2(two) or 4 (four) lanes to the lop pool is os follows: A. BASIC ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Construction Documents through re-permitting: 1. . ARCHITECTURE... .................................................................................. .....$ 19,800.00 2. CIVIL ENGINEERING............. ..... ............... ........ ....... .............. ......................$ 4,860.00 3, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING.................................................................... ..... $ 3,500.00 4. MECHANICAL & ElECTRICAL ENGINEERINIG..................................................... $ 3,800.00 5. lANDSCAPE. .................................................................................... .........$ 3.400.00 SUBTOTAL....... $ 35,360.00 B. SPECIALIST ADDITIONAL SERVICES (Aquatic Pool Consultant): Construction Documents through re permitting including HRS. 1. AQUATIC SPECIALIST ENGINEERING............................................................ . $ 130400.00 C. COST ESTIMATING.... .......................... ......... ..................................... ............$ 2.000.00 D. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (COMPLETED).............. ~............................................. $ 1 0400.00 TOTAL............... $ 52,160.00 E. REIMBU RSABLES.. ............................... ....... ........ ......... ....... ................ ..... .................. .$5,000.00 Reimbursable expenses sholl include those items required to produce the scope of work above: Pg2 _,._._._.r. F. PRESENTATilON TO THEDESIGN REVIEW BOARD (IF REQUIRED).............................$74,630.00 Deliverables Corradino will provide a submittal package to the City of Miami Beach, composed of 15 copies of the following: COMPLETED APPLICATION SURVEY DESIGN DOCUMENTS Site Plan , Floor Plans Elevations Section Contextual Elevation Landscape Plan Electrical Site Plan CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVE COLOR PHOTOS OF SURROUNDING AREA TABULATION OF ZONING DATA BUILDING DEPARTMENT RELATED INFORJv4.ATION MAJlING lABELS /INFORJv4.ATlON The total fee for the scope of work described above is a lump sum of $14,630.00. The following is a breakdown of this estimate which is based on 1 (one) presentation to the City of Miami Beach Design Review Boord: . I. MEETINGS (3 total @ $240.00).............................................................. ........... ...... .........$ 720.00 In an effort t9 gain consensus with the City of Miami Beach, Carr Smith shall conduct a minimum 3 meetings with various entities, including the City of Miami Beach Planning Department staff. II. PRODUCTION OF THE SUBMITTAL PACI<AGE...................................................................$8,270.00 The production of the materia/listed above in "de/iverables" which included redesign of the pool deck and affected structures includin. typical building sections and building elevations if requested by the Tom Mooney of the City of Miami. This includes the effort of architects, designers, landscape architect, civil engineer, structural engineer and electrical engineer. w _._~--r" . . III. PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD.................... ........ ....................... .....................................$5, 140.00 A PRODUCTION OF GRAPHIC PRESENTATION MATERlAL..........................................$3,600.00 Special presentation material will need to be produced for presentation to the board: This includes but is not limited to color boards, perspectives, and rendered plans and elevations. B. REPRESENTATION BEFORE THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH..........................................$1,540.00 A tot.al of 1 visit before the board by 2 representatives from CORRADINO, (5.5 man-hours each) is expected to be provided in order to gain approval from the City of Miami Beach. TV. REIMBURSABLES............ ........................... ........................................................................... $500.00 Reimbursable expenses shall include those items required to produce the scope of work above: photographic material, presentation boards as well as reproduction of said items, and couriers. J:\ 1979\Flomingo\WordVFlA}.,i/NOGOPOOLMOOfFlCAT10NS AOOSYCS.doc Pg 4 -. -. -.....-