Attachment KKK ( t1 Yo, CO'?vE~'ON ~N~E~R~ J"MI ~EA~. ~OSA ~'39 :\\ci.m iami-beach. fl. us ~ -~~ ;. - - - - - - , , 1 - I , t t - , , COMMISSION MEMORANDUM No-:llZ--CJ / TO: Mayor Neisen o. Kasdin and Members of the City mmission DATE: October 20,1999 FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager . SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM THE TROPICAL AUDUBON SOCIETY, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,850, (COMPRISED OF $5,870 IN CASH AND AN IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION VALUED AT $4,980 IN PLANTS AND OTHER MATERIALS) FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A COASTAL MARITIME HAMMOCK IN PINE TREE PARK, AS DESIGNATED IN THE PARKS IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM; FURTHER APPROPRIATING THE $5,870 CASH DONATION TO THE PINE TREE PARK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, AND AMENDING THE CONTRACT WITH VILA AND SON LANDSCAPING CORP. PURSUANT TO BID NO. 63-98/99 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF PINE TREE PARK BY THE AMOUNT OF $5,780, FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF TWENTY-EIGHT (28) LARGE NATIVE TREES TO BE PLANTED AS A COMPONENT OF THIS DONATION. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND: In early 1999, Mr. Gary Hunt, a member of the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., sent correspondence to the City generously offering to donate grant funds in the amount' of $10,850 awarded to the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., to the City for the purchase and installation of plant materials at Pine Tree Park. It was the Tropical Audubon Society's vision to establish a coastal maritime hammock designed in accordance with the City's Master Plan for Pine Tree Park. At the time of the offer, the Parks Administration was in the process of developing the design and construction documents for the renovations to be included in the Pine Tree Park General Obligation Bond improvements. AGENDA ITEM C 7 L DATE-1() -w-'t9 161 Based on meetings and discussions between the City and Mr. Hunt, it was agreed the City would include the large native trees that Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., wanted to purchase as an add alternative for the bid specifications being developed for Pine Tree Park. The bid for the rehabilitation of Pine Tree Park (No. 63-98/99) was issued and awarded by the City Commission on June 23, 1999, to the lowest responsive bidder, Vila and Son Landscaping Corp., in the amount of $220,977.75. Also included in Vila and Son's bid was a quote of $5,780 responding to Add Alternative Number Four - New plantings. ANAL YSIS: This generous donation will enhance the City's ability to further restore Pine Tree Park's native coastal hammock area where species such as Gumbo Limbo, Sea Grape and Mahogany once thrived. The Parks & Recreation Department's staff and the consultants for Pine Tree Park have worked with Mr. Hunt and the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc. to incorporate this donation in the proposed renovation plan for the park and, when completed, it will serve as a welcomed natural respite for our residents, tourists and day guests. Additionally, as indicated in the attached copy of the correspondence from Mr. Don Chinchona and Mr. Gary Hunt of the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., this is the initial phase of what could become a very significant hammock project involving the members from various horticultural and environmental groups throughout Miami-Dade County. The amendment of the contract with Vila & Son Landscaping Corp., will permit the planting of the larger trees as a component of the current construction program and ensure that they are of the specified quality, and properly installed and warranted. CONCLUSION: Adopt the Resolution. \1'>. ~ S~G/KS/eb T:\AGENDA \1999\OCT2099\REGULAR\PINETREE M 162 I I , 1 , I I I I I , I I I I t I , 'J RESOLUTION NO. q q - ,;{ 33 T 1- A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM THE TROPICAL AUDUBON SOCIETY, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,850, COMPRISED OF $5,870 IN CASH AND AN IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION, VALUED AT $4,980, IN PLANTS AND OTHER MATERIALS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A COASTAL MARITIME HAMMOCK IN PINETREE PARK, AS DESIGNATED IN THE PARKS IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM; FURTHER APPROPRIATING THE $5,870 CASH DONATION TO THE PINETREE PARK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM; AND AMENDING THE CONTRACT WITH VILA AND SON LANDSCAPING CORP., PURSUANT TO BID NO. 63-98/99 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF PINETREE PARK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,780, FOR THE PURCHASE AND INST ALLA TION OF TWENTY-EIGHT (28) LARGE NATIVE TREES, TO BE PLANTED AS A COMPONENT OF THIS DONATION. WHEREAS, the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., generously offered the City a donation of $1 0,850 (comprised of $5,870 in cash, and $4,980 in plants and other materials), to purchase and install plant materials at Pinetree Park to establish a coastal maritime hammock; and WHEREAS, this donation will enhance the City's ability to further restore Pinetree Park's native coastal hammock area, where species such as Gumbo Limbo, Sea Grape and Mahogany once thrived; and WHEREAS, there is $5,870 in cash being donated for the purchase and installation of twenty-eight (28) large native trees, to be planted as a component of the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc.'s proposal; and WHEREAS, the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., agreed that the City would include the large native trees tha~ Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., wanted to purchase as an add alternative for the bid specitications being developed for Pinetree Park; and WHEREAS, the bid for the rehabilitation of Pinetree Park (Bid No. 63-98/99) was issued and awarded by the Mayor and City Commission on June 23, 1999, to the lowest responsive bidder, Vila and Son Landscaping Corp., in the amount of $220,977.75; included in Vila and Son's bid was a quote of $5,780 responding to Add Alternative Number Four-New plantings; and WHEREAS, amending of the contract with Vila & Son Landscaping Corp. by $5,780 will permit the planting of the larger trees as a component of the current construction program and ensure they are of the specified quality, properly installed and warranted. 163 - NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein accept a donation from the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., in the amount of $10,580, comprised of $5,780 in cash and an in-kind contribution valued at $4,980 in plant$ and other materials, for the purpose of establishing a coastal maritime hammock in Pinetree Park, as designated in thc Parks Improvements General Obligation Bond Program; further appropriating the $5,780 cash donation to the Pinetree Park General Obligation Bond Program; and amcnding the contract with Vila and Son Landscaping Corp., pursuant to Bid No. 63-98/99 for the Rehabilitation of Pine tree Park, in the amount of$5,780, for the purchase and installation of twenty-eight (28) large native trees to be planted as a component of this donation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of October, 1999. .. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION F:\RCP A\$ALL\Kr:V!N\COMM 99\PINETREE.RES ~JU ANor~' . . ..' 1-?A 'i f<1!} D~t.!l 164 € ",', ~; If t~ I.....:........ ..~.. ~: :~ ~.l.i.'. .p; ~li1,\ -- - TROPICAL AUDUBON SOCI~ INC. 5530 Sunset Dr., Miami, FL 33143 Phone (305) 666.5111 · Fax (305) 667-9343 ''THE VOICE OF CONSERVATION IN SOUTH FLORIDA. , ," September 20, 1999 Sergio Rodriguez City Manager City of Miami Beach Dear Mr. Rodriguez, Tropical Audubon Society has received a 1998-1999 grant from The Department of Environmental Resources (DERM), Miami-Dade County, to establish a coastal maritime hammock in The City of Miami Beach's Pine Tree Park. John Oldenburg and Aida Curtis, of the Miami Beach Parks Department, were consulted with as the grant was being written and Kevin Smith provided input after receipt of the grant. The purpose of the project is five-fold: (1) To reintroduce the plant species that would have naturally occurred along Indian Creek; (2) To provide food and cover that will attract migratory birds as well as birds living year round on Miami Beach; (3) To provide educational information for visitors and residents that will broaden understanding of native coastal hammocks and encourage interest in the use of natives for home landscaping; (4) To create a landscaped buffer around the police dog run and add distinction to Pine Tree Park's existing plantings; (5) To promote awareness of the shared botanical heritage of Florida, Cuba, and the Caribbean, thereby creating pride of stewardship and community towards the park. The grant, totaling $10,850.00, provides for the purchase of plants and materials to establish a coastal maritime hammock. This includes twenty-eight (28) large, field grown trees and 120 smaller container trees and shrubs--all plants native to Miami Beach. It will also include delivery of the trees to the park site. Permanent identification/ information tags, in English and Spanish, (approximately 6"x8") will be provided for each plant species. AdditionaIIy, a "self-guided tour" brochure in English and Spanish will be designed to describe the significance of the plants in the hammock planting. This will be made available to park visitors. ~fembers of Tropical Audubon, Miami-Dade County Parks Department, The Kampong, Fairchild Tropical Garden, South Florida Native Plant Society, American Forests, TREEmendous Miami, as well as other interested community members, have volunteered to plant the trees. These are experienced planters who have been plantip.g trees in similar projects throughout Miami-Dade County for many years. 165 ~ ~ J recycled paper . Page Two In consultations with Mr. Smith, it has been arranged to have the City of Miami Beach bid-out the purchase of the 28 large trees as part of the ongoing construction project as they would require the use of heavy equipment to install. The bill for these trees, $5,870.00, would be submitted to and reinbursed by Tropical Audubon Society. The 120 container plants would be planted by the volunteers mentioned above who will also mulch and stake all 148 trees as needed. Mulch will be provided by the City of Miami Beach and placed to Mr. Smith's specifications to facilitate mowing of adjacent grassy areas. In addition, our group will stake, fertilize, prune dead branches, and maintain the trees to establishment. If any plant dies, it will be removed by us. We will continue to work with Mr. Smith to set a time for planting that will be'most advantageous for the project. Upon completion of the planting, the project will be given by The Tropical Audubon Society to The City of Miami Beach. Future grants will be available to augment the project and could include the planting of additional a.fl.d replacement trees. Tropical Audubon Society is committed to working with The City of Miami Beach in expanding the project into the future if this venture proves mutually beneficial. Please do not hesitate to call me at 305-674-9403 if you have any questions or need additional information. We look forward to collaborating with you on this significant project for Miami Beach. Sin/1YI ~o;Jnquina Executive Director .-- TROPICAL AUDUBON SOCIETY, INC. "THE VOICE OF CONSERVATION IN SOUTH FLORIDA. . ." 166 ,'; -i j I ,~ I After Action October 20, 1999 City of Miami Beach C7K Commission Memorandum No. 771-99 A Resolution Declaring a Citywide Parking Emergency for the Millennium Weekend of December 30 and 31, 1999, Allowing for the Use of Vacant Surface Lots Citywide; Further Authorizing the City Manager to Extend the Emergency for Additional Dates Associated with the Millennium Weekend. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parking Department) ACTION: Resolution not adopted. Jackie Gonzalez to handle. Commissioner Dermer requested a report on the number of New Year's celebrations which will be held in the City. The events need to be analyzed to determine the number of people attending and the amount of Sanitation and Public Safety Service which will be needed. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, James Quinlan, and Jackie Gonzalez to handle. Vice-Mayor Shapiro requested that South Beach lot sites #1 and #2 and North Beach lot sites #1 and #2 be eliminated. He also stated that allowing the use of vacant surface lots citywide must not set a precedent. Administration to report back at the November 17th meeting with an amended list of recommended parking areas, the hours of operations, and what security will be available at each site. Jackie Gonzalez to handle. C7L Commission Memorandum No. 772-99 A Resolution Accepting a Donation from the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc., in the Amount of $10,850, (Comprised of$5,870 in Cash, and an In-Kind Contribution Valued at $4,980 in Plants and Other Materials for the Purpose of Establishing a Coastal Maritime Hammock in Pine Tree Park, as Designated in the Parks Improvements General Obligation Bond Program; Further Appropriating the $5,870 Cash Donation to the Pine Tree Park Improvement Program, and Amending the Contact with Vila and Son Landscaping Corp. Pursuant to Bid No. 63-98/99 for the Rehabilitation of Pine Tree Park by the Amount of$5,780, for the Purchase and Installation of Twenty-Eight (28) Large Native Trees to Be Planted as a Component of this Donation. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks and Recreation) ACTION: Resolution No. 99-23377 adopted. Kevin Smith to handle. 12