Attachment LLL .~~! ,'fro CO~~ION ~NJE~R~ J".. ~EA~. b,R~~" , httP:\\C\.mlaml-beaCh.n.US ~ - I , , , I I - I I I I I I , I I , COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO.IIL{ - 9~ TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdi and Members of the City C mmission DATE: October 20, 1999 SUBJECf: A RESOLUT ON OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION FOR FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $400,000, FROM THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY'S SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BOND PROGRAM INTEREST EARNINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENOVATING FLAMINGO POOL; APPROPRIATING THE GRANT, IF APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY, IN THE WORK ORDER FOR THE FLAMINGO PARK RENOVATION PROJECT; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THIS APPLICATION. FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND: The citizens of Miami-Dade County authorized the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of financing capital improvement programs for certain parks, beaches, natural areas and recreation facilities. As a result of this, the bonds have generated interest and these funds are available for municipalities and other agencies for capital improvement projects. ANALYSIS: On September 17, 1999, the City Commission instructed the Administration to submit a request to the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Oversight Committee seeking $400,000 for the expansion of the Flamingo Pool to include four (4) additional swim lanes. The Administration, through the Parks and Recreation Department will submit the application as directed on or before November 15, 1999. It is anticipated that a funding determination will be made by the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Oversight Committee at its meeting scheduled for December 6, 1999. CONCLUSION: Adopt the Resolution. S~/KtOM/eb T:\AGENDA\1999\OCTI099\REGULAR\SNPBFLAM MEM AGENDA ITEM C 1 rJ DATE -10 - 1..0 -Oft 189 - A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Submit a Grant Application for Funding in the Amount of $400,000, from the Miami-Dade County's Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program Interest Earnings for the Purpose of Renovating Flamingo Pool; and Appropriating the Grant, if Approved and Accepted by the City, in the Work Order for the Flamingo Park Renovation Project; and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary Documents Related to this Application. .. (Resolution in Legal - To be Submitted) 190 I ,I ,t 1 I I I I I I l!- , 1 After Action October 20, 1999 City of Miami Beach C7M Commission Memorandum No. 773-99 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Submit a Grant Application to the United States Golf Association Foundation for the Purpose of Funding the Renovation of the Par 3 Golf Course to Develop, Enhance and Expose the Game of Golf to Juniors, the Disabled and the Economically Disadvantaged; Further Appropriating the Grant Funds, if Approved and Accepted by the City, in a Work Order to be Established; and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute all Necessary Documents Related to the Application. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks and Recreation) ACTION: Resolution No. 99-23360 adopted. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Kevin Smith to handle. C7N Commission Memorandum No. 774-99 A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Submit a Grant Application for Funding in the Amount of $400,000, from the Miami-Dade County's Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program Interest Earnings for the Purpose of Renovating Flamingo Pool; and Appropriating the Grant, if Approved and Accepted by the City, in the Work Order for the Flamingo Park Renovation Project; and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary Documents Related to this Application. (Resolution in Legal - To be Submitted) Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks and Recreation) ACTION: Resolution No. 99-23361 adopted. Kevin Smith to handle. Commissioner Liebman requested that work begin immediately at North Shore Park since there are delays at Flamingo Park. Kevin Smith to handle. 13 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION FOR FUNDING, IN THE AMOUNT OF $400,000, FROM THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY'S SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BOND PROGRAM INTEREST EARNINGS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENOVATING FLAMINGO PARK POOL; APPROPRIATING THE GRANT, IF APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY, IN THE WORK ORDER FOR THE FLAMINGO P ARK RENOVATION PROJECT; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THIS APPLICATION. WHEREAS, the citizens of Miami-Dade County authorized the issuance of general obligation bonds (the Bonds), for the purpose of financing capital improvement programs for certain parks, beaches, natural areas and recreation facilities; and WHEREAS, to implement and give effect to the bond program, Miami-Dade County enacted Ordinance No. 96-115, the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance (the Ordinance); and WHEREAS, said Bonds have generated interest dollars which are available for municipalities and other agencies to apply for capital improvement projects; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to improve the quality of life, to benefit property values, to promote prevention of juvenile crime by providing positive recreation opportunities, and to improve the recreation facilities of youth, adult, and senior citizens in the City through the improvement of our parks and natural areas; and WHEREAS, at the meeting of September 17, 1999, the Mayor and City Commission directed the Administration to submit a funding request, in the amount of $400,000, to the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Oversight Committee for four additional swim lanes; and WHEREAS, these funds will be used to complete the proposed Flamingo Park Pool renovation, including the additional swim lanes, as directed; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms ofthe Ordinance, the passage of this Resolution, and the acts contemplated by this Resolution, are conditions to obtaining a grant. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to prepare an application for a grant for the Flamingo Park Pool Project, in the amount of $400,000, and in connection with such application, to execute such Grant Agreement and other contracts and documents; to expend Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond funds received for the purposes described in the funding request; to execute any necessary amendments to the Grant application and contracts; and take such other acts as may be necessary to bind the City of Miami Beach and accomplish the intent of this Resolution. f . -~. ..,. i' ~"l - ", Section 2. The City of Miami Beach shall complete the Flamingo Park Pool Project in accordance with the terms of the Grant Agreement, the Ordinance, and the administrative rules authorized by the Citizen's Oversight Committee (the "Committee") to implement the Ordinance. If the total cost of a project exceeds the value allocated in the Grant, then the City of Miami Beach will provide any supplemental funds required to complete the project. Section 3. In the event that supplemental funds are necessary for completion of the Project, as of the point in time that it is known the supplemental funds are needed, the City of Miami Beach will demonstrate that such supplemental funds have been committed to the project prior to and as a condition of disbursement or further disbursement of Grant funds. The requirement for the City of Miami Beach to provide any supplemental funds required to complete the project may, at the sole discretion of the Committee, be modified in whole or in part by a reduction in scope of work consistent with the Ordinance. Section 4. The City Miami Beach recognizes and directs that any beach, park, or other public facility acquired, developed, rehabilitated or restored with Bond funds, including this project, shall be open and accessible to the public without discrimination as to race, color, gender, age, religion, belief, residence, natural origin, marital status or disability. Section 5. To the extent allowed by law, the City of Miami Beach shall commit any and all funds which may be required to operate, maintain and provide programming at this project upon its completion. Section 6. No substitution in capital project funding by the City of Miami Beach shall occur as a result of the grant for which the City of Miami Beach is applying. PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day of October, 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK F:\RCP A \$ALL \KEVIN\COMM. 99\SNPBFLAM.RES