Attachment NNN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: Odalys Mon j .If) FROM: Robert Parcher Auu- ~v K City Clerk DA TE: January 25, 2000 SUBJECT: Agreements Enclosed are three agreements with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., for the signature of the appropriate official. After obtaining the applicable signature, please return the documents to the City Clerk's Office, to the attention of Mercy Williams. Subsequently, a fully executed copy will be forwarded to you for your files in addition to a copy of the resolution authorizing said agreements (Resolution No. 2000-23448, 1/12/2000, C-7-P). Thank you. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23448 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT WITH BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC.,TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SIX (6) PARK PROJECTS, AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION; ESTABLISHING A REDUCED OVERALL FEE OF 7% (FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RATE OF 7.2%) OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIA TING THE AMOUNT OF $472,936 (COMPRISED OF $442,936 FOR THE ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURALIENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS, AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM), AND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000 FOR SURVEYING, TESTING AND OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES, WITH FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNA TED FUND BALANCE, TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. WHEREAS, on July 16, 1997, the Mayor and City Commission approved a Professional Services Agreement with the firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., (the Agreement) for the architectural design and development of construction documents for various parks included in the City's $15 Million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved the schematic plans for these park facilities, pursuant to the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc, prepared preliminary cost estimates; developed a draft construction schedule, and the Administration was authorized to proceed with construction docwnents; and WHEREAS, On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds (the Bonds); and WHEREAS, included in the $92 Million was $24,830,000 for parks and beaches; and WHEREAS, six (6) projects currently under contract with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. are included in the parks and beaches program; and WHEREAS, these projects include South Pointe Park; North Shore Park; Lummus Park; North Shore Open Space Park; Pinetree Park; and the Parks Maintenance Facility; and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for these parks under the Bonds include, but are not limited to, the expansion of the North Beach Youth Center to include a second floor, new decorative perimeter fencing, security and sports lighting, sport courts renovations and multi-purpose recreation room; and WHEREAS, these improvements were determined as a combined result of work originally identified in the Parks Master Plan as necessary, but not funded in the initial $15 Million Parks Improvement Bond Program; and WHEREAS, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. currently has approved projects, totaling $8,008,132 in construction, and approved architectural/engineering fees of $531 ,235, (representing a 7.2% of construction cost fee); and WHEREAS, the new construction dollars recommended to be added to the Agreement is $5,908,594, for a new total of$13,916,726; and WHEREAS, in response to the request for a lower fee percentage, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. has agreed to an overall fee of 7.0%; and WHEREAS, the new fee total is $974,171, rather than the original fee of $1 ,002,004, which equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of$27,833; and WHEREAS, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. has also agreed to continue the overall program management of the projects to their completion, at no cost to the City, an estimated value of $20,000 per year, for the next three years; and WHEREAS, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. has requested an amount not to exceed $15,000 for reimbursables, accordingly that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices, and $15,000, for additional surveys and testing, if needed, and paid only with supporting invoices; and WHEREAS, accordingly the Administration recommends a Third Amendment to the Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. contract be approved by the Mayor and City Commission and executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the current Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. to provide Architectural /Engineering Services for six (6) Parks projects, as proposed in the Parks Master Plan and approved by the Mayor and Commission; establishing a reduced overall fee of7.0% (from the previously approved rate of 7.2%) of construction cost; appropriating the amount of $472,936 (comprised of $442,936 for additional architectural/engineering services necessary to complete the parks, as specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program), and an amount not to exceed $30,000 for surveying, testing and other reimbursable expenses with funding available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, to be reimbursed from the future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. ATTEST: o ,1) Lt.H'L6lt! IIO..A(b, 1 . CITY CLERK PASSED and ADOPTED this 12th day of January, 2000. ~ tiyt APPROVED AS iO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTtON T:\AGENDA \2000IJAN 1200\CONSENTlB&AG99,RES /lIt..~ ~ A TT ACHMENT A January 5, 1999 1:45 p.m. BERMELLO, AJAMIL& PARTNERS, INC. (7.0% Fee) Park Previously Approved Previously Approved Total Canst. Dollars Difference A&E Fee Canst. Dollars Basic A&E fees Including GO Bond 1999 Lummus $ 840,242 $ 1,797,242 $ 957,000 North Shore $3,972, I 81 S 6,297,181 $2,325,000 N.Shore Open Space $1,743,000 $ 2,008,500 $ 265,500 Pinerree $ 215,569 $ 294,069 $ 78,500 Parks Maint. Yard $ 324,106 S 839,700 $ 515,594 S. Pointe Park $ 913,034 $ 2,680,034 $1,767,000 TOTAL $8,008,132 $531,235 $13,916,726 $ 5,908,594 $442,936 * TIF Funding Flamingo Normandy Isle Scott Rakow Youth Crr CARR SMITH CORRADINO (9% Fee) $2,288,075 $2,126,875 $2,852,774 $ 4,781,075* $ 2,376,875 $ 2,980,274 $2,493,000* $ 250,000 $ 127,500 TOTAL *$87,000 from SNPB $7,267,724 5780,503 SI0,138,224 $ 2,870,500 $131,937 REG ARCHITECTS (7.5% Fee) Crespi $ 210,048 $ 345,048 $ 135,000 Fairway $ 891,188 $1,108,688 $ 217,500 Stillwater $ 300,266 $ 444,266 $ 144,000 Tatum $ 245,683 $ 380,683 $ 135,000 LaGorce S 91,808 $ 134,308 $ 42,500 Fisher $ 92,347 $ 227,347 $ 135,000 Muss $ 176,387 $ 241,387 $ 65,000 Island View $ 199,747 $ 334,747 $ 135,000 S. Shore Comm. Crr. $ 0.00 $1,185,000 $1,185,000 Palm Island $ 244,092 $ 309,092 S 65,000 Washington $ 0.00 $ 304,299* $ 304,299* TOTAL $2,451,566 $209,863 $5,014,865 $ 2,563,299 $166,252 *Comprised ofTIF and SNPB Funding PROJECTS RECOMMENDED TO BE INCLUDED IN THE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH BERMELLO. AJAMIL & PARTNERS. INC. PARKS and BEACHES North Shore Open Space Park Project Description: New Recreation/ Nature Center, new restrooms, lighting, site furnishings, landscaping and irrigation, funded by the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Park Bond. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include expanded Nature Center, additional beach plantings, security lighting, fencing, and provides for expansion into Altos del Mar (see new project entitled Altos del Mar Park), Expansion includes the conversion to passive park of ele'len continuous lots in Altos del Mar, renovate or move historic structures. provide infrastructure, and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th 51. Status: Preliminary study/schematic design phase Proposed improvements funded by the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhoods Parks Bond include a new recreation/nature center, new restrooms, lighting, landscaping and irrigation, current construction budget $1,743,000 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include an expansion to the nature center, Recommendation: Authorize the administration to amend the contract with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. 1999 GO Bond Funding: $300,000 Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello, Ajamil and Partners contract, completion of designs and present to Design Review Board May 2000, complete construction documents, specifications and permitting process December 2000, bidding and award of contract January 2001, construction February-October 2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget $272,500, AlE fees $19,620 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $7,880. North Shore Park and Youth Center Project Description: New recreation center, tennis courts, renovate bandshell, renovate ball fields, lighting, landscaping and irrigation, accessible playground. 1999 GO Bond components include baseball field lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and $1,000,000 for Youth Center, Status: Construction documents for first phase 90% complete. Current improvements in this phase include a new recreation building, new tennis center and tennis courts, ball field improvements, security and court lighting, landscape and irrigation and an accessible playground at an estimated project cost of $3,972,181.1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include the addition of a second floor to the Youth Center, enhanced baseball field lighting, community center renovations, restroom renovations, improved parking, Additional landscaping and decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, Funoing sources are: $1,350,000 from the 1999 GO Bond; $1,000,000 from the HUD Section 108 Loan; $259,000 from Barry University Grant for a total of new funding in the amount of $2,609,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B & A Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, obtain Design Review Board approval December 1999 completion of construction documents. bid specifications and permitting process January - April 2000, bidding and award of contract May-July 2000, construction of project September 2000-2001. Estimated costs include: construction budget S2,325,000, NE fees $167,400 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $1116,600 Note: Due to federal funding form the HUD and Barry University Grant, the project will be subject to Davis-Bacon wages and any other applicable guidelines, Lummus Park Project Description: Renovate restroom, re~:::'\late serpentine sidewalk, new playground equipment, landscape, and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include additional landscaping, and widening of the sidewalks on the east side of Ocean :Jrive, Status: Park currently undergoing renovations as part of the 515 Mil Parks Bond, Current improvements include enhancements to restrooms, serpentine sidewalk, site furnishings, new playgrounds. landscaping & irrigation, Total project cost 5840,242, Additionally, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include additional landscaping and widening of the sidewalks east of Ocean Drive, 1999 GO Bond Funding: S 1,100,000, Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above, Timetable: December 1999 amend B&A contract. 5/00 Develop schematic plans and obtain Design Review Board/Historic Preservation Board approval, June 2000- 8/00 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, 1 C/OO bidding and award of contract, 11/00 _ 6/01 construction, Estimated costs include: construction budget 5957,000. AlE fees 568,904 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $74,096, Pinetree Project Description: Parking lot, landscape. irrigation, pedestrian walkways, 1999 GO Bond components include security lighting, additional landscaping, and site furnishings Status: Park currently undergoing renovations as part of the $15 Mil Parks Bond. current improvements include a parking lot. landscaping, irrigation, fixtures and pedestrian walkways, Total project cost $220,978. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include Additional landscaping, security lighting and site furnishings, New Bond Funding: $90,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above, Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, 2/00 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, April 2000 bidding and award of contract, 5/00 - 8/00 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $78,500, AlE fees $5,652 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $5,848, South Pointe Park Project Description: Improvements to South Pointe Park, Status: Initial planning phase to complete improvements proposed under the $15 Million Parks Bond in progress. Total project cost $913,034, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements currently under consideration include the redesign of the park entrance, selected landscaping, irrigation and reconfiguration of parking lot. Additional proposed improvements include comprehensive master plan, landscaping, irrigation, dune modifications, park furnishings, signage, pedestrian paving, new playground, enhanced security lighting and a new recreation building. New Bond Funding $2,000,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with B&A Architects to implement the master planning process and prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend Bermello and Ajamil contract, April 2000 complete updated master planning/community input process, June 2000 Develop schematic plans and obtain Design Review Board approval, January 2001 completion of construction documents & specifications and permitting process, April 2001 bidding and award of contract, 6/01 - 3/02 construction. Estimated costs include: construction budget $1,775,000, AlE fees $127,800 (7.2% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $97,200. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORNE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fI.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. '2. 7 -DO TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager DATE: January 12,2000 FROM: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT WITH BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC.,TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR SIX (6) PARK PROJECTS AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A REVISED OVERALL FEE OF 7% FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RATE OF 7.2% OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIATING THE AMOUNT OF $472,936 COMPRISED OF $442,936 FOR THE ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM, AND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000 FOR SURVEYING, TESTING AND OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WITH FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNA TED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. ADMINISTRA nON RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANAL YSIS: On July 16, 1997, the City Commission approved a professional services agreement with thc firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners for the design services, construction and bidding documents, construction observation, project administration, scheduling and cost estimating necessary for the reconstruction/renovations of South Pointe Park, North Shore Park, Lummus Park, North Shore Open Space Park, Pinetree Park and the Parks Maintenance Facility. The rate of7.2% of the construction cost of each project was negotiated as a fee for the above referenced professional services. Additionally, a "not to exceed" reimbursable amount of $15,000 was agreed upon to be paid based on actual invoices. The professional services agreement entered into with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners also anticipated the possibility of additional funding and included a section that permitted the addition of work to this firm. Budget AGENDA ITEM c..l P DATE '-/2.-00 On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds. Included in the $92 Million was $24,830,000 for Parks and Beaches. Six (6) projects currently under contract with Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc. are included in. the Parks and Beaches program. These include South Pointe Park, North Shore Park, Lummus Park, North Shore Open Space Park, Pinetree Park and the Parks Maintenance Facility. The improvements proposed for these parks under the $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds include but are not limited to the expansion of the North Beach Youth Center to include a second floor, new decorative perimeter fencing, security and sports lighting, sport courts renovations and multi-purpose recreation rooms. These improvements were determined as a combined result of work originally identified in the Parks Master Plan as necessary but not funded in the initial $15 million Parks Improvement Bond program and community input obtained during the recent neighborhoods meetings process held prior to the November 1999 voter approval. On November 17, 1999, the City Commission referred the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to ajoint meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee. This referral included a recommendation that professional services agreements currently in effect with the three finns responsible for the design, planning and construction of the parks included in the master plan be amended to enable the process to be completed. Please see the attached copy of the parks improvements recommended to be included in Bennello, Ajamil and Partners, Inco's amended agreement as they were referred to the joint meeting held on November 17, 1999. On December 8, 1999, a joint meeting of the Neighborhoods Committee, Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee was held. A presentation was made by the Administration setting forth the concept of amending the existing professional services agreements with each of the finns currently working on park projects. An extensive discussion transpired concerning the benefits of such an action, the past perfonnance of each finn, the amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and the possibility of the firms to handle the additional workload. The final recommendation of the Committees was to amend the contacts subject to renegotiation to lower fees. On December 15, 1999, the City Commission unanimously accepted this report. City staff met with representatives of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., to discuss a lower fee schedule and are pleased to report that they have agreed to adjust the percentage for their entire professional services agreement for work already completed, in progress and the new work to be done. Bennello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., currently has approved projects totaling $8,008,132 in construction and approved architectural/engineering fees of $531 ,235, a 7.2% fee. The new construction dollars recommended to be added to the Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., agreement is $5,908,594 for a new grand total of $13,916,726. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., AlE fee is currently 7.2% of the construction cost. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., has agreed to an overall fee of 7.0% for their total agreement. The new fee total at 7% is $974,171 rather than the 7.2% fee of $1,002,004 which equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of $27,833. Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., has also agreed to continue the overall program management of the projects to their completion, at no cost to the City. This is an estimated value of approximately $20,000 per year for the next three years, Additionally, Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., has requested an amount not to exceed $15,000 for reimbursables that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices and $15,000 for additional surveys and testing, if needed and paid only with supporting invoices. As a point of information the result of this negotiation process was reported to the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee at its January 10, 2000 meeting. Approval of this Resolution will enable the parks projects currently underway to be proceed expeditiously in a fiscally prudent manner and ensure they are completed as planned. LU~~ T.\AGENDA \2000VAN 1200ICONSEN1iB& AG99MEM AMENDMENT No.3 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC. ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE ADDITIONAL SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS MASTER PLAN BOND PROGRAM SITES This AMENDMENT NO.3, dated as of ,2000, to that certain Agreement, dated July 16, 1997, by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORlDA (City) and BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC. (Consultant) for the Parks Master Plan Bond Program Sites. WHEREAS, the Agreement provides for the provision of architectural/engineering services for six (6) Parks Projects included in the Parks Master Plan Bond Program; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the foregoing Amendment No.3 be executed for the additional architectural/engineering services necessary to complete the Projects, as specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program. I. ABOVE RECITALS The above recittls are true and correct and incorporated as a part of this Amendment No.3. 2. MODIFICATION The Agreement is amended to add those additional services, as specified in Exhibit A and Attachment A-I, respectively, both attached hereto anq incorporated herein. 3. OTHER PROVISIONS All other provisions of the Agreement, as amended, are unchanged, 4. RATIFICATION The City and Consultant ratify the terms of the Agreement, as modified by this Amendment No. 3. Page I of2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this Amendment No.3 to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officials as of the date first set forth above. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH By MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORt~ & LANGUAGE & FOR EXeCUTION CITY CLERK ~~ CONSULTANT BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS,INC. By PRESIDENT Print Name ATTEST: (Secretary) Print Name EXHIBIT A Additional Scope of Work: Consultant shall provide Additional Services with regard to design; construction and bidding documents; construction observation; project administration; scheduling and cost estimating, necessary for the additional construction dollars approved under the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program for reconstruction/renovation of Lummus; North Shore; North Shore Open Space; Pinetree; and South Pointe Parks; and the Parks Maintenance Yard (See also Attachment A). Consultant, also agrees to continue the overall program management of the projects to their completion, at no cost to the City, This is an estimated value of$20,000 per year for the next three years. Fee: The City and Consultant herein agree to lower Consultant's Fee Schedule, as set forth in the Agreement, and to include the Additional Services competed herein, to 7% of the total Construction Cost, estimated at $13,916,726. Reimbursable Expenses: The City herein authorizes Consultant an additional $15,000 for Reimbursable Expenses, that will . be paid only on the cost of actual invoices, and $15,000 for additional surveys and testing, if needed, and paid only with supporting invoices. After Action January 12, 2000 City of Miami Beach C7P Commission Memorandum No. 27-00 A Rc~olution Authorizing thc Ma) or and Cit) Clerk to Execute an Amcndmcnt to the CUficnt Agreement \Jvith Dermdlo Aja:mil & Partncr~, Inc., to Pro'v'ide Architectural/Engineering Services f'Or Six (6) PMk Project~ a~ Prol'03cd in the City'~ Parb Master Plan and Appro'ved b) thi:: Mayor and City Commis~ion E~tablishing a Re v'i~cd 0 verall Fcc of 7% from the Pre viousl)' Appro vcd Rate of 7.2% of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of$472,936 Comprised of$442,9~6 for the Additional Arehitcetural/Engineering Services Necesstl:I)' to COl'uplcte the Parks as Speeified in the 1999 General Obligation Dond Program, and an Amount Not to L(eeed $::; 0,000 for Sun e) ing, Tcsting and Other Reimbursable Expenses 'vvith Funding A'.;ailable from the City's General Fund Undesignatcd Fund Dal8:f1ce to be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G.O.) Dond Issue. (Resolution to be Stlbnlitted) (Submitted via Supplemental Agenda) A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk Execute an Amendment the Current Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., Provide Architectural/Engineering Services for Six (6) Park Projects, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and Approved by the Mayor and City Commission; Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 7% (from the Previously Approved Rate of 7.2%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of $472,936 (Comprised of$442,936 for the Additional Architectural/Engineering Services Necessary Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program), and an Amount Not Exceed $30,000 for Surveying, Testing and Other Reimbursable Expenses, with Funding Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G,O.) Bond Issue, Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution, (Parks and Recreation) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23448 adopted. Kevin Smith to handle. 16