Attachment PPP CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: Odalys Mon FROM: Robert Parcher/!w,'- ~J iCp City Clerk DATE: January 25,2000 SUBJECT: Agreements Enclosed are three agreements with REG Architects, Inc., for the signature of the appropriate official. After obtaining the applicable signature, please return the documents to the City Clerk's Office, to the attention of Mercy Williams. Subsequently, a fully executed copy will be forwaraed to you for your files in addition to a copy of the resolution authorizing said agreements (Resolution No. 2000-23450, 1/12/2000, C-7-R). Thank you. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23450 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAt'\11 BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT WITH REG ARCHITECTS, INC., TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR TEN (10) PARK PROJECTS, AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAt'\' AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION; ESTABLISHING A REDUCED OVERALL FEE OF 7.5% (FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RATE OF 8.0%) OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIATING THE AJ.'\tIOUNT OF S191,252 (COMPRISED OF 5166,252 FOR THE ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS, AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLlGA nON BOND PROGRA1vI), Ai~D A.l'i AMOUNT ;\OT TO EXCEED $25,000 FOR SURVEYING, TESTING AND OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WITH FUNDING A V AILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. WHEREAS, on July 16, 1997, the Mayor and City Commission approved a Professional Services Agreement with the firm of REG Architects, Inc. (the Agreement), for the architectural design and development of construction documents for various parks included in the City's $15 Million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission approved the schematic plans for these park facilities, pursuant to the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, REG Architects, Inc. prepared preliminary cost estimates; developed a draft construction schedule, and the Administration was authorized to proceed with construction documents; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds (the Bonds); and WHEREAS, included in the $92 Million \vas $24,830,000 for parks and beaches; and WHEREAS, ten (10) of the eleven (1 I) projects currently under contract \vith REG Architects, Inc. are included in the parks and beaches program; and WHEREAS, these projects include Crespi: Fainvay; Stillwater; Tatum: LaGorce: Fisher: Muss; Island View; South Shore Community Center; and Palm Island Park; Washington A venue Park is not addressed because it is fully funded from another source; and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for these parks under the Bonds include. but are not limited to, new decorative perimeter fencing, security and sports lighting, sport courts and multi- purpose recreation room; and WHEREAS, these improvements were determined as a combined result of work originally identified in the Parks Master Plan as necessary, but not funded in the initial $ I 5 Million Parks Improvement Bond Program; and WHEREAS, REG Architects, Inc. currently has approved projects, totaling $2,451,566 in construction, and approved architectural/engineering fees of $209,863, (representing an 8% of construction cost fee); and WHEREAS, the new construction dollars recommended to be added to the Agreement is $2,563,299, for a new total of$5,014,865; and WHEREAS, in response to the request for a lower fee percentage, REG Architects, Inc. has agreed to an overall fee of 7.5%; and WHEREAS, the new fee total is $376,115, rather than the original fee of5401,189, which equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of $25,074; and WHEREAS, REG Architects, Inc. has requested an amount not to exceed $10,000 for reimbursables, that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices, and $15,000, for additional surveys and testing, if needed, and paid only with supporting invoices; and WHEREAS, accordingly the Administration recommends a Third Amendment to the REG Architects' contract be approved by the Mayor and City Commission and executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the current Agreement with REG Architects, Inc., to provide ArchitecturallEngineering Services for ten (10) Parks projects, as proposed in the Parks Master Plan and approved by the Mayor and Commission; establishing a reduced overall fee of7.5% (from the previously approved rate of8.0%) of construction cost; appropriating the amount of 5 191 ,252 (comprised of $166,252 for additional architectural/engineering services necessary to complete the parks, as specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program), and an amount not to exceed S25,000 for surveying, testing and other reimbursable expenses with funding available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, to be reimbursed from the future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. PASSED and ADOPTED this 12th day of January, 2000. , ~VlI MAYOR ATTEST: l~ /7 j Zr1~'tIA J- a,{ ctl.-L^'. CITY CLERK A?FROVED AI; TO FOP.A" & LA.NGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION T:IAGENDA\2000VAN 1200ICONSENT\REGAG99 RES 1tI~ C Attorney ~ A TT ACHMENT A January 5, 1999 1:45 p.m. BERMELLO, AJAMIL& PARTNERS, INC. (7.0% Fee) Park Previously Approved Previously Approved Total Const. Dollars Difference A&E Fee Const. Dollars Basic A&E fees Including GO Bond 1999 Lummus $ 840,242 $ 1,797,242 $ 957,000 North Shore $3,972,181 $ 6.297, iSl 52,325,000 N.Shore Open Space $1,743,000 $ 2,008,500 $ 265,500 Pinetree $ 215,569 $ 294,069 $ 78,500 Parks Maint. Yard $ 324, 106 5 839,700 5 515,594 S, Pointe Park $ 913,034 5 2,680,034 51.767,000 TOTAL $8,00&,132 $531.235 $13,916,726 .$ 5,90&,594 $442,936 * TIF Funding CARR SMITH CORRADINO (9% Fee) Flamingo Normandy Isle Scott Rakow Youth Clr TOTAL *$87,000 from SNPB 52,288,075 $2,126,875 $2,852,774 $ 4,781,075* .$ 2,376,875 $ 2,980,274 $2,493,000* .$ 250,000 $ ] 27,500 $ 2,870,500 $131,937 $7,267,724 $780,503 $10,138,224 Crespi Fairway Stillwater Tatum LaGorce Fisher Muss Island View S, Shore Comm. Ctr. Palm Island Washington REG ARCHITECTS (7.5% Fee) S 210,048 $ 891,]88 S 300,266 .$ 245,683 $ 91,808 $ 92,347 $ 176,387 $ 199,747 .$ 0,00 $ 244,092 5 0.00 S 345,048 5],108,688 $ 444,266 $ 380,683 $ ] 34,30& $ 227,347 $ 241,387 $ 334,747 $1,185,000 S 309,092 $ 304,299* TOTAL S2,45 1 ,566 .Comprised ofTfF and SNPB Funding $209,863 $5,014,865 S ] 35,000 S 217,500 $ 144,000 $ 135,000 .$ 42,500 $ 135,000 $ 65,000 $ 135.000 $1,]85,000 .$ 65.000 .$ 304,299* .$ 2,563,299 S [66,252 PROJECTS RECOMMENDED TO BE INCLUDED IN THE AGREEMENT AMMENDMENT WITH REG ARCHITECTS. INC. PARKS and BEACHES Crespi Park Project Description: New restroom, renovate basketball court, park fu,nls~i~gs, playground, landscaping and irrigation 1999 GO Bond components include new basketball court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fenc:ng, Status: Funding sources: 5210,048 from the Parks Bond; and 5150,000 from t~e 1999 GO Bond for a total of 5360,048, Park renovations completed on June 1999 as part of the 515 1\l1illion Parks Bond, Total project cost 5210,048, Improvements completed included new res::-ooms, renovation of basketball court, playground, park furnishings, landscaping and irrigation, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, basketball court and security lighting and a multi-purpose room 1999 GO Bond Funding: $150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract. April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract. construction July-November 2000, Estimated costs include: construction budget S 135,000, NE fees 510,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,200, Stillwater Park Project Description: New recreation building, renovation of basketball court, playground, limited security lighting, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Status: Park renovations completed on June 1999 as part of the 515 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost $300,266. Improvements completed included a new recreation building, renovated basketball court, site furnishings, new playground, landscaping and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond propcsed irr.provements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, enhanced security lighting and court lighting, 1999 GO Bend Funding: $160,000, Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, March 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, May 2000 bidding and award or contract, Construction June-September 2000. Estimated costs include: construction budget 5144,000, NE fees of S 11 ,500 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,500. Tatum Park Project Description: New building, basketball court renovations, landscaping and irrigation, limited security lighting and entry gate, 1999 GO Bond components include court and security ligh ting a,'ld perimeter aluminum picket fencing, Status: Park renovations to be completed in December 1999 as part of the 515 Million Parks Bond. Total project cost 5245,683, Improvements included a new recreation building, refurbished basketball court, landscaping, limited security lighting and irrigation, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, additional security lighting and court lighting. 1999 GO Bond Funding: 5150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with I-(cG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to con-:plete the park as described aGave, Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2COO completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting precess, June 2000 bicding and aware of contract. construction July-November 2000. Estimated costs include constructicn budget S 135,000, AlE fees 510,800 (8% of constructicn budget) and estimated cost of pern-::tting, testing and administration $4,200, Fairway Park Project Description: Addition of penmeter alUminum picket fencing Status: Construction documents 90% complete for improvements ur,der the S 15 Mil Parks Bcnd, Estimated construction cost for this phase is 5791,188, Current improvements include a new recreation building, basketball and tennis courts renovations, bail field lighting, a new playground, site furnishings, landscaping and irr:gation, ,A,dditional 1999 GO Bond procosed improveme" ts include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fenc:ng, addlti:::nal sport court and securit'J lighting and a multi- purpose room, 1999 GO Bond Funding: 5250,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction July 2000-January 2001, Estimated costs include: construction budget 5217,500, AlE fees 517,400 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permiting, testing and admi~istrarion $15,100. Fisher Park Project Description: Addition of enhanced security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencir.g, Status: Park renovations completed on 10/99 as part of the 515 Mil Parks Bond, Total project cost 599,347. Completed improvements include a new playground, landscaping, site furnishings, pedestrian walkways, limited security lighting and irrigation, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, enhanced security lighting, a shade pavilion and parking pavers. New Bond Funding: S 150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above, Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract. construction 7/00 - 11/00, Estimated costs include: construction budget 5135,000, NE fees S 1 0,800 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 54,200, La Gorce Project Description: Completed improl/ements pedestrian walkways, landscaping and irrigation lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing inc:uded a new playground, security lighting 1999 GO Bond compone~ts inciude security Status: Park renovations completed on 6/99 as part of the 515 Million Parks Bond, Total project cost S91,808, Improvements completed were a new playground, landscaping, security lighting, pedestriar. walkways and irrigation. 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing, a shade pavilion, enhanced security lighting and parking pavers 1999 GO Bond Funding: S50,000 Recommendation: Authorize the ACiT1i~;::,~,aticn to amend the centract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specificaticns to complete the park as cescr/bee above, Timetable: December 19S9 amend REG's contract, April 2000 completion of cons~n.:ction documents and specifications and permitting prccess, June 2000 bidding and award of c::::ntract, construction 7/00 - 11/00, Estimated costs Include. constr<.;ction budget $42,500. AlE fees 53.400 (8% of c::::nstructlon budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration S.::, 10C Muss Park Project Description: Renovate recreation building, playgrcund, landscape and irrigation, 1999 GO Bend components include additional playground equipment, perimeter aluminum picket fe~c:ng, and security lighting Status: Construction documents 90% complete for improvements under the S 15 ,\lillion Parks Bend Total prOject cost S176,387, Current Imoroveme:Jts conSist of renovation of rec.eatlon tulicins, additional playground equipment, landscaping and irrigation 1999 GO Bond proposed imprcver:le'1ts to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing and enhanced security lighting, 1999 GO Bond Funding: $75,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above, Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, April 2000 completion of construction documents and specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, construction 7/00 - 11/00, Estimated costs include construction budget 565,000, AlE fees 55,200 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration $4,800, South Shore Community Center Project Description: Renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, with new landscaping, irrigation, signage, and playground, Status: This project was originally included in the group of parks awarded to REG Architects cut was subsequently put on hold due to lack of funding 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements include renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, new landscaping, irrigation, signage and playground. 1999 GO Bond Funding: 51,350,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans and specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG's contract, 7/00 completion of construction documents, specifications and permitting process, 9/00 bidding and award of contract, construction 10/00 _ 9/01. Estimated costs include: construction budget 51,200,000, AlE fees S96,000 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 554,000. Island View Park Project Description: Playground surface. landscaping, irrigation and site furnishings 1999 GO Bc~j components include security lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and shade pavilion, Status: Park renovations completed on 10/99 as part of the 515 Million Parks Bond, Total project cost $199,747, Improvements completed included playground enhancements, park furnls~lngs, landscaping and irrigation, 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include decorative perimeter aluminum picket fencing. additional security lighting and a shade pavilion, 1999 GO Bond Funding 5150,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architec:s to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG'S contract. Ar:;r:1 2000 ccmoletlon cf construction documents & specifications and permitting process. JL;ne 2000 bidding and award of contract. construct.)n 7/00 . 11/00, Estimated cos;s include constrL'ct:on budget S 135,000. AlE fees 510,800 (8% of construction bUdget) and estimated cost of pe:ml~jng. testing and acministratlon $4,200, Palm Island Project Description: Repair existing shade pavilion. new basketball court. new playground equipment, accessible routes 1999 GO Bond compcnents include court and security lighting. and refurbishment of tennis courts, Status: Park renovations completed on 6/99 as part of :he S 15 Million Parks ::Iond Total project cost S244,092, Improvements completed included re:lovaticr,s to existing shade pa'/llion. new:::layground. new basketball court, landscaping, irrrgation, park fur:l;shings and pedestrian walkways 1999 GO Bond proposed improvements to include socrt court lighting, additiona. securit; lighting, ana refurbishment of tennis courts. 1999 GO Bond Funding. S75,000 Recommendation: Authorize the Administration to amend the contract with REG Architects to prepare plans & specifications to complete the park as described above. Timetable: December 1999 amend REG contract, April 2000 completion of constructicn documents & specifications and permitting process, June 2000 bidding and award of contract, constrL;ction 7/00 - 11/00. Estimated costs include: construction bL;dget S65,OOO, NE fees S5,200 (8% of construction budget) and estimated cost of permitting, testing and administration 54,800, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\Id,miami-beach,n.us -= COMMISSION MEMOR-\NDUM NO. 2..q -00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy W City Manager DATE: January 12,2000 FROM: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT WITH REG ARCHITECTS, INC., TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL /ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR TEN (10) PARK PROJECTS AS PROPOSED IN THE CITY'S PARKS MASTER PLAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A REVISED OVERALL FEE OF 7.5% FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED RATE OF 8.0% OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIATING THE AMOUNT OF S191,252 COMPRISED OF $166,252 FOR THE ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM, AND Al'l' Al\'IOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 FOR SURVEYING, TESTING AND OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WITH FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANAL YSIS: On July 16, 1997, the City Commission approved a professional services agreement with the firm of REG Architects, Inc" for the design services, construction and bidding documents, construction observation, project administration, scheduling and cost estimating necessary for the reconstruction/renovations of Crespi, Fairway. Stillwater. Tatum, LaGorce. Fisher, Muss. Island View, South Shore Community Center, Palm Island and W ashin~ton Parks. The rate of 8% of the . ~ construction cost of each project was negotiated as a fee for the above referenced professional services. Additionally, a "not to exceed" reimbursable amount of $1 0,000 was agreed upon to be paid based on actual invoices. The professional services agreement with REG Architects, Inc., also anticipated the possibility of additional funding and included a section that permitted the addition of work to this firm. FUNDING 1PROVED I AGENDA ITEM DATE Cl~ / -1"2.-0D On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate 592 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds. Included in the $92 Million was $24,830,000 for Parks and Beaches. Ten (10) of the eleven (11) projects currently included in the REG Architects, Inc., are also included in the Parks and Beaches program. These include Crespi, Fainvay, Stillwater, Tatum, LaGorce, Fisher, Muss, Island View, South Shore Community Center and Palm Island Parks. Washington A venue Park in not addressed because it is fully funded from another source. The improvements proposed for these parks under the $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds include new decorative perimeter fencing, security and sports lighting, sport courts and multi-purpDse recreation rooms. These improvements were determined as a combined result of work originally identified in the Parks Master Plan as necessary but not funded in the initial $ I 5 million Parks Improvement Bond program and community input obtained during the recent neighborhoods meetings process held prior to the November voter approval. On November 17, 1999, the City Commission referred the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to a joint meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee. the Neighborhoods Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee. This referral included a recommendation that agreements currently in effect with the three firms responsible for the professional architectural! engineering services for the parks be amended to enable the process to proceed efficiently both in terms of time and resources. Please see the attached copy of the parks improvements recommended to be included in the REG, Architects, Inc. amended agreement as they were referred to the joint meeting held on November 17, 1999. On December 8, 1999, a joint meeting of the Neighborhoods Committee, Finance and Cityv;ide Projects Committee and the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee was held. A presentation was made by the Administration setting forth the concept of amending the existing professional services agreements with each of the firms currently working on park projects, An extensive discussion transpired concerning the benefits of such an action, the past performance of each firm, the amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and the possibility of the firms to handle the additional workload. The final recommendation of the Committees was to amend the contracts subject to renegotiated lower fees. On December 15, 1999, the City Commission unanimously accepted this report. City staff met with representatives of REG Architects, Inc., to discuss a lower fee schedule and are pleased to report REG has agreed to adjust their percentage for their entire professional services agreement including both the work already completed, that in progress and the new work to be done. REG Architects, Inc., currently has approved proj ects totaling $2,451,566 in construction and approved architectural/engineering fees of $209,863, an 8% fee. The new construction dollars recommended to be added to the REG Architects, Inc., agreement is $2,563,299 for a new grand total of $5,014,865. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage REG Architects, Inc., has agreed to an overall fee of 7.5% for their total agreement of $5,014,865. The new fee total at 7.5% is $376,115 rather than the 8% fee of $401 ,189, which equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of$25,074. Additionally, for the new work REG Architects, Inc., has requested an amount not to exceed $10,000 for reimbursables that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices and $15,000 for additional surveys and testing if needed and paid only with supporting invoices. As a point of information the result of this negotiation process was reported to the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee at its January lO, 2000 meeting. Approval of this Resolution will enable the parks projects currently undenvay to be proceed expeditiously in a fiscally prudent manner. L~;gM Attachment T:\AGENDA \2GaO\JAN 1200\CONSEN1\REGAG99 ,MEM A~IENDMENT No.2 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND REG ARCHITECTS, INC. ARCHITECTURALIENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE ADDITIONAL SER\'lCES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PARKS MASTER PLAN BOND PROGRA.M SITES This AMENDMENt NO.2, dated as of ,2000, to that certain Agreement, dated July 16, 1997, by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORlDA (City) and REG ARCHITECTS, INC. (Consultant) for the Parks Master Plan Bond Program Sites. WHEREAS, the Agreement provides for the provision of architectural/engineering services for eleven (11) Parks Projects included in the Parks Master Plan Bond Program; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the foregoing Amendment No.2 be executed for the additional architecturaL'engineering services necessary to complete the Projects, as specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program. 1. ABOVE RECITALS The above reci~s are true and correct and incorporated as a part of this Amendment No.2. 2. MODIFICATION The Agreement is amended to add those additional services, as specified in Exhibit A and Attachment A-I, respectively, both attached hereto anq incorporated herein. 3. OTHER PROVISIONS All other provisions of the Agreement, as amended, are unchanged. 4, RATIFICATION The City and Consultant ratify the terms of the Agreement, as modified by this Amendment No.2. Page 1 of2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this Amendment No.2 to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officials as of the date first set forth above. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH By MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORh\ & lANGUAGE 8. FOR EXeC: UTION CITY CLERK M~ t!rl"/W Den. CONSULTANT REG ARCIDTECTS, INC. By PRESIDENT Print Name ATTEST: (Secretary) Print Name EXHIBIT A Additional Scope of Work: Consultant shall provide Additional Serv"ices with regard to design; construction and bidding documents; construction observation; project administration; scheduling and cost estimating, necessary for the additional construction dollars approved under the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program for reconstruction/renovation of Crespi; FaiIWay; Stillwater; Tatum; La Gorce; Fisher; Muss; Island View; South Shore Community Center; Palm Island; and Washington Parks (See also Attachment A), Fee: Consultant herein agrees to lower Consultant's Fee Schedule, as set forth in the Agreement, and to include the Additional Services competed herein, to 7.5% of the total Construction Cost, estimated at $5,014,865. Reimbursable Expenses: The City herein authorizes Consultant an additional $10,000 for Reimbursable Expenses that will be paid only on the cost of actual invoices, and $15,000 for additional surveys and testing, if needed and paid only with supporting invoices. After Action January 12. 2000 City of \liaffil B<::ach C7R Commission Memorandum No. 29-00 A R-::solution .\uthorizil,g [11.: ~,1aJor and Cit:, C!.:r:( to L.:ec~te an .l..mendment to ~!'c Cun.:at A.zrccmcnt viith RIG ,\rchitects. Inc.. to Provide Ar-::l1ik-::tUfclLTn!!ine-::rir,l Services 1'01 T eu ( 10) - - - . . PJrk Projects J3 Prvpvs.::d in tl1.:: City'] Parks .\[~13kr Plan Jlid i.l"pprG\ed c: tl1.:: .\b:Gr al,d Ctty Corrunission Ltabli3hil,g a Rc,is.::d O\e,all fe-:: 0f7.':?~ from the Pre,iou3ly .\pp[o',e..i RJt.:: 0f8.Cn;) of Con3tldctiol1 Cost .\pprGpriating th.:: Amount of $191.:2':2 C0rnpr:sed of $166.:252 1'01 tIn:: Addition;)l Architectural,' engineering Se, .-i.:e3 ~';Cc.::s3J:r.' to Comp!.:!.: th.: Par:o ;)3 Specified iI, tin:: 1999 General Obligation BOI,d Plaglan,. and ;)n Aluount ~~ot to L(ced S'"'5.000 1'01 Sur,'e:iu~. T.:sting Jnd Oth.::r RcinJmrsab!.: [xp':ldes ,;ith fUbding .\vailab!.: from tl1.: Cit/s Cen.:ral fLd,d l'ndesignated fund Balanc.: to be R.:imbUlsd from t1,.: futur-:: C.:n-::[,ll Obligation (G.O.) Bond I:sSLK. (Rc3oluti6n to be Stlbmittcd) (Submitted via Supplemental Agenda) A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the rvIayor and City Clerk Execute an Amendment the Current Agreement with REG Architects. Inc.. Provide Architectural/Engineering Services for Ten (10) Park Projects. as Proposed in the City's Parks J\.Iaster Plan and Approved by the J\;layor and City Commission; Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 7.5% (from the Previously Approved Rate of 8.0%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of $191.252 (Comprised of $166,252 for the Additional Architectural/Engineering Services Necessary to Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program). and an Amount Not to Exceed S25,000 for Surveying. Testing and Other Reimbursable Expenses \vith Funding Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, to be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks and Recreation) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23450 adopted. Kevin Smith to handle. C7S Commission Memorandum No. 30-00 A Resolution Calling a Public Hearing for Wednesdav. Januarv 26. 2000. at 11 :00 a.m.. regarding the ..... "- .. . ..., ......-- Proposed Uses of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Police Department) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23451 adopted. R. Parcher to notice. Judy Hoanshelt to place on January 26th Commission agenda. 18