Attachment QQQ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: Kevin Smith FROM: Robert Parcher 4i t," -' }~ -) IYJ- ?1Cl> City Clerk . DATE: January 25,2000 SUBJECT: Agreements Enclosed are three agreements with Barry University's Academy for Better Communities, for the signature of the appropriate official. After obtaining the applicable signature, please return the documents to the City Clerk's Office, to the attention of Mercy Williams. Subsequently, a fully executed copy will be forwarded to you for your files in addition to a copy of the resolution authorizing said agreements (Resolution No. 2000-23457,1/12/2000, C-7-Y). Thank you. RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23457 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN BARRY UNIVERSITY'S ACADEMY FOR BETTER COMMUNITIES AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PARTNERSHIP TO ENHANCE THE WELL-BEING OF FAMILIES AND YOUTH IN THE NORTH BEACH AREA BY CONTRIBUTING FUNDING TO CONSTRUCT THE NORTH BEACH YOUTH CENTER, PROVIDING RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND SOCIAL SERVICES TO FAMILIES AND CHILDREN IN NORTH BEACH; AND APPROPRIATING $260,000 FROM THE BARRY UNIVERSITY'S HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT'S HISPANIC SERVING INSTITUTIONS ASSISTING COMMUNITIES (HSIAC) PROGRAM TO THE NORTH SHORE PARK BOND PROJECT WORK ORDER TO BE EXPENDED ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BEACH YOUTH CENTER. WHEREAS, in the spring of 1999, representatives of Barry University's Academy for Better Communities met with Commissioner Jose Smith, concerned citizens and the Administration to discuss a grant partnership for the North Beach Youth Center; and WHEREAS, as a result of this meeting, Commissioner Smith requested that the Administration place an item on the May 26, 1999 City Commission meeting agenda supporting a partnership with Barry University and the Miami Beach Housing Authority for a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) in order to fund a youth center in the North Beach area; and WHEREAS, at the May 26, 1999 City Commission meeting a Resolution was approved that authorized the City Manager to issue a Certification of Consistency with the City's Consolidated Plan to Barry University School ofSociaI Work Academy for Better Communities to utilize grant funds provided directly by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting CommWlities Grant Program, to provide construction funds and funds for recreational services for the North Beach Youth Center; and WHEREAS, in September of 1999, the City was notified that Barry University's Academy for Better Communities had been awarded a grant, in the amount of$399,999, under the Housing; and Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) program, WHEREAS, the grant award condition stipulated that at least 65% ($260,000) of the funding must support a "bricks and mortar" building project and the project designated was the North Shore Youth Center; and WHEREAS, to proceed with the implementation of this partnership plan, to better serve the North Beach community, and receive funding, in the amount of$260,000, to assist in completing the construction of the North Beach Youth Center the attached Memorandum of Agreement must be executed. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DUL Y RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby authorize and approve the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the attached Memorandum of Agreement between Barry University's Academy for Better Communities and the City of Miami Beach for the purpose of establishing a partnership to enhance the well-being of families and youth in the North Beach area, by contributing funding to construct the North Beach Youth Center, providing recreational and cultural activities and social services to families and children in North Beach, and appropriating $260,000 from Barry University's Housing and Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) Program to the North Shore Park Bond Project Work Order to be expended on the construction of the North Beach Youth Center. PASSED and ADOPTED this 12th day of January, 2000. 1Jt MAYOR ATTEST: i11~rfaccL CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION T:\AGENDA \2000\JAN 1200\REGULAR\BARYGT,RES Af~ ~~OO ~ Barry University 11300 NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE MIAMI SHORES. FLORIDA 33161-6695 School of Social Work Direct Number (305) 899-3900 Main Campus (305) 899-3000 99 DEe 10 PH 4: 22 " Academy for Better CommunitiejJF~'iLt Ms. Janet Gavrette Assistant City Manager Office of the City Manager City of Miami Beach City Hall- 4th floor 1700 Convention Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Ms. Gavrette, As promised, I am attaching a proposed Memorandum of Agreement between Barry University's Academy for Better Communities and City of Miami Beach. Please review it and have it placed on an upcoming ~mission meeting agenda. I assume this will not happen until January, but the sooner, the better. Please let me know how I might be helpful in facilitating the signing of the Agreement. We look forward to along and productive relationship with the City and its youth. My best wishes for a happy holiday season. cc: Mayor Niessen Kasdin, Mayor, City of Miami Beach Commissioner Jose Smith, City of Miami Beach Mr. Timothy Czemiec, VP of Business and Finance, Barry University Mr. Neil McGuffin, Executive Director MBHA The Ellen Whiteside McDonnell School of Social Work A Catholic International University ~IEl\'IORANDlfl\'[ OF AGREENIENT The partnership between City of Miami Beach, Miami Beach Housing Authority, and Barry University's Academy for Better Communities was established in May of 1999. The partnership was awarded funding by the Oftice of University Partnership, Hispanic Serving Institutions, at Housing and Urban Development in November, 1999, The purpose of the partnership is to enhance the well-being of families and children in the northern areas of Miami Beach by: I) construction of a Youth Center, 2) providing out- of-school cultural and recreational activities, and 3) providing social services to families and children at area schools and in family homes. The project period is January I, 2000 through December 3 i , 200 I. As required by the terms of the grant, the Academy for Better Communities at Barry University School of Social Work will serve as lead agency and fiscal agent for the partnership project. Therefore, this Agreement, entered into this January I, 2000, between the Academy for Better Communities at Barry University School of Social Work, hereinafter referred to as the Academy and the City of Miami Beach, hereinafter referred to as the City, agree as follows: Barry University's Academy for Better Communities wiIi: t. Hire a project manager, 2. Plan and execute two community family educational events throughout the duration of the project in cooperation with City of Miami Beach staff. 3. IdentifY faculty and students to develop and execute three different weekiy after-school cultural and/or recreational projects for Miami Beach children for the "Center without Walls" until the Youth Center construction is completed 4. Identify facuity and students to design and execute at least five weekly cultural and/or recreational activities to be held in the Youth Center, once it is constructed; 5, Provide a social service team to offer individual, group, and family c()unseling to 500 persons (children and family members) during the project's duration with special emphasis on school and Housing Authority referred families. Counseling is to be done at local schools and in the clients' homes. 6. Locate an office in the Youth Center after construction that will house Barry staff who carry out Youth programming. 7. Provide all program and financial reports to HUD as required in the HUD contract 8, Report progress on the project to the City of Miami Beach including measurable outcomes, problems encountered, and revised plans and/or deadlines on the following dates: June 15, 2000; December 15,2001; June 15,2001; and December 15,2001, and 9, Provide appropriate funding with the context of the HUn Office of University Partnerships Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities grant, and reimburse the City of Miami Beach for the amount of $260,000 as designated in the grant agreement. The City of Miami Beach will: 1. Provide a timeline for completion of construction including design development, bidding, contract award, and construction benchmarks tor the Youth Center. 2. Provide copies of permitted construction plans for the Youth Center. 3. Provide copies of any change orders which cause permitted design alterations to the plans. 4. Provide full funding for the full construction of the Youth Center, 5. Provide the Academy with reports on progress on construction including measurable outcomes, problems encountered, and revised plans and/or deadlines, and progress payments made on the following dates: June] 5, 2000; December ]5,2001; June 15,2001; and December 15,2001. 6. Present request for reimbursement to the Barry University Academy for Better Communities at 50% completion and 100% completion of Youth Center with supporting documentation. Terms of Agreement: I. The period of this contract is from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2001 , 2. Either party can terminate the contract for non-compliance after thirty (30) days written notice to the non-complying party specifying the failure to comply with the provisions of this agreement, provided that such non compliance is not corrected within said 30 day period. 3. Either party can terminate the contract without cause after ninety (90) days written notice to the other party specifying the reason for termination. Signed Signed Title Title Barry University School of Social Work City of Miami Beach Date Date APPAOYEDASTO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~ K;;oo CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cI.mlaml-beach,f1.u8 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 3 V ..00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager DATE: January 12, 2000 FROM: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN BARRY UNIVERSITY'S ACADEMY FOR BETTER COMMUNITIES AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A P ARTNERSIDP TO ENHANCE THE WELL-BEING OF FAMILIES AND YOUTH IN THE NORTH BEACH AREA BY CONTRIBUTING FUNDING TO CONSTRUCT THE NORTH BEACH YOUTH CENTER, PROVIDING RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND SOCIAL SERVICES TO FAMILIES AND CHILDREN IN NORTH BEACH; AND APPROPRIATING $260,000 FROM THE BARRY UNIVERSITY'S HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT'S HISP ANIC SERVING INSTITUTIONS ASSISTING COMMUNITIES (HSIAC) PROGRAM TO THE NORTH SHORE PARK BOND PROJECT WORK ORDER TO BE EXPENDED ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH BEACH YOUTH CENTER. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: In the spring of 1999, representatives of Barry University's Academy for Better Communities met with Commissioner Jose Smith, concerned citizens and the Administration to discuss a grant partnership for the North Beach Youth Center. As a result of this meeting Commissioner Smith requested the Administration place an item on the May 26, 1999 Commission agenda supporting a partnership with Barry University and the Miami Beach Housing Authority for a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) in order to secure additional funding for a youth center in the North Beach area. AGENDA ITEM~ DATE l-12 ,,00 Additionally, at the May 26, 1999 meeting, a Resolution was approved that authorized the City Manager to issue a Certification of Consistency with the City's Consolidated Plan to Barry University School of Social Work Academy for Better Communities to utilize grant funds provided directly by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities grant program, to provide construction funds and assistance with recreational and community services for the North Beach Youth Center from Barry University. In September of 1999, the City was notified that Barry University's Academy for Better Communities had been awarded a grant in the amount of $399,999 under the Housing and Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) program. A grant award condition stipulated that at least 65% ($260,000) of the funding must support a "bricks and mortar" building project and the project designated was the North Shore Youth Center. In order to proceed with the implementation ofthis partnership plan to better serve the North Beach community and receive funding in the amount of $260,000 to assist in completing the construction of the North Beach Youth Center, the attached Memorandum of Agreement must be executed. The approval of this Resolution will enable this much needed program to proceed with its implementation. LAL~/~ Attachment T:\AGENDA \2000\1 AN 1200\REGULAR\BAR VGT.COM