Attachment RRR 81TY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 lttr'" ^i.miami-beach, fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. _l 00-00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Lawrence A. Le~ City lVlanager DATE: January 26, 2000 SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT OF THE NORTH SHORE PARK AND YOUTH CENTER PROJECT ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends the Mayor and Members of the City Commission review the following status report on the North Shore Park and Youth Center project and advise if there are further questions, comments or concerns. ANALYSIS: At the October 7, 1998 Commission meeting agenda item R8C- A Status Report and Request For Direction on the Purposed Youth Center at North Shore Park was discussed by the Commission. As indicated in the attached copy of the item, there were three (3) options as to how to proceed submitted for the Commission's consideration. These included: 1) constructing the youth center with $1.7 million that was available at the time; 2) proceeding with the design development of the park and youth center assuming the funding of approximately $1 million would be secured at a future date; 3) placing the project on hold until the additional $1 million was identified to complete the youth center. The Commission ultimately approved Option # 2 which authorized the Administration to proceed with the design development of the North Shore Park and Youth Center assuming the additional funding of approximately $1 million would be secured at a later date. The Administration has complied with the Commission's directive and has proceeded with design development schematic plans for the second floor of the youth center, approved by the Design Review Board on 12/14/99. Funding necessary for the second floor of the Youth Center as well as other improvements was included in the 99 General Obligation Bond approved by the electorate on November 2, 1999. At the January 12,2000 Commission meeting, an amendment to the professional services agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., to proceed with the preparation of constructionlbid documents was approved. The following is a projected timetable for the North Shore Park and Youth Center program: . Completion of construction drawings January - April 2000 . Plan review, bidding and pernlitting process April - June 2000 . Commission award of bid June - July 2000 . Construction July 2000 - July 2001 AGENDA ITEM~ DATE 1-2~-Oo 401 At this time, the estimated CONSTRUCTION FUNDS currently dedicated to the North Shore Park project include: . $15 Million Parks Improvement Bond (Allocated) 99/00 General Obligation Bond Program (Un allocated) HUD Section 108 Loan (U nallocated) Barry University Grant (Un allocated) S3,972,181 1,203,052 891,140 230.808 . . . TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION FUNDING: $6.297.181 As indicated above there is currently $3,972,181 allocated for the construction of the North Shore Park and Youth Center program. On 1/12/2000 the Mayor and Members of the City Commission approved the execution ofa Memorandum of Agreement between Barry University's Academy for Better Communities and the City of Miami Beach to provide recreational and cultural activities and social services to families and children in North Beach, and appropriating $260,000 from Barry University's Housing and Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) Program to the North Shore Park bond project work order to be expended on the construction of the North Beach Youth Center. It is anticipated that the HUD Section 108 funding \vill be available in the spring of 2000 (as a result of seeking approval of the $1 million amended EDI grant), and the 99 General Obligation Bond funding in April of 2000. The anticipated improvements to be completed with the unallocated $2,325,000 include the second floor of the youth center, enhanced baseball field(s) lighting, community center renovations, improved parking, ballfield restroom renovations, additional landscaping and aluminum picket fencing. Attached for your information is a comprehensive history of the action steps taken to accomplish the tasks necessary to move this project forward since the October 7, 1998 Commission directive was gIven. LL~~ ~ T:\AGENDA \2000\JAN2600\REGULAR\NSP& YC.MEM 402 . 'C I T Y 0 F M I A M I B E A C H f _ '\.- -'-N'--:\'--=~-l\?-''''''\fl==''-~ ~'~_'_,' _......_,- 'IJ""'""'""":"""\I' uA,r f 1 -,..,.... C.....,N" =N I j'..... .....:.; ~ 1=. , L..,.'I"""; ',- =. lW"j/""" _____.......,,' '-_r-'..I__rI .;...;. ,..;.= .,.J'~;:''.\~;, rr::;;r.'l;-;~ a c~. ~. L:S ~ I ~ I . , ] ~ J J J - ~ CO}DnSSIO!'i :>IE}IOR.i.:';Dl';\1 :\0. (,::q r -g 8 TO: M:JVor !'ie:se:J O. K.3sdin and DA. TE: Ocrober 7,1993 \le:;':bers of the Cirv ColIl1Sission ~ergjO Rocri/jf:gez k/ Ciry ;\-bn;)ger )'<// . A STA TC-' R&PORT ASD REQUEST FOR DIRECTIO:'{ 0:'-.- THE PROPOSED YOUTH CE::\TER A T ~'ORTH SHORE PARK. FR O."y j; S'CBJECT: AD;\ID"TSTR..\ TIO~~ RECO!'vI!'VfE;YDA TIOS It is requeste::: that the Mayor ",""1d 1'vJembe;:s of the Cit? COIT'.:.Jnission :e'l,'ie\v the st2.!US report ~"1d provide direction to 6e Adlninisrr2.tion as to ho\',; to proceed "-,,,-jrh tle proposed Youth Cente::- 2.t NorJ: Shore P2Ik. BACKGROl.0iT> On May 20, 1998, w.1e Ivfayor and City COIT.u-::ission approved schematic plans for t~e base bids 2..:'1d ' , . . b' ~ . "" , B .. .).,... ^' '" , ., C2.se 2-1c.Uc1ge:s lor e3.cn .!:'2.rKS onc proJect, <L'1C 2.U!.:..onzea L'1e r.G.:..:.LL.'1lSD:'2.!lon to proceec \'Y"1t1 COf'.5rr'Llction QocU.:.'TIems and bid specifications for 6.e park projects \vith a fe','; exceptions. One of !be exceDtions was to postDone L1e reswfacing of tbe b2SketbaIl caurTS ar:d to identify 2.dditional - ... .. - ... funding to consuuct a larf:er recreation center (Youth Cemer) wi6 a g'YT.!:l.:'13.SiU.:.-::. - - _.r At the July 1, 1998 City COI:'.:.Inission meeting, funding in t:e arnou.m of S 1,192,583 from SOUL1 Pointe Park and \Vasl-illlgton Avenue Park was recllocated from the S 15 Million Gener-d Oblig2.tiOZl Parks Imorovements Bond PrO!IT2m to other proiects in t1e bond orO!IT2..:"TI. Of tbs allocation. ..I, -.... J .. _ . 5900,000 was aPFopriated to North Shore Park in addition to the S800,000 in the original construction budget for a Youth Ceme: es!iInated to cost 52.7 million. The CU,Tent fi.lIlding available to construCt the Nor...1:1 Beach Youth Cer1ter is 51.7 million; thus, the project is curremly short 51 million. The Mavor <L,d r:;embers oft':e Ci,,' Corrunissian L'1en requeSled Commissioner Jose Srni:h to -,-,-ork - - . \vitl-J t:e Aciuunis:r2.tian o':er the sumrne: to iderltifv Doremial sources of f~ciin2: far the addition2.l . . - S I million needed to fully fuI1d the Youth Cemer facilir::. 359 403 A:\'AL y'SIS .:. ~ d:re::ed'bv t.:e Ci,y' COI7'~Tissior:. t1:e AcL7::msC:-2.::on i::i:ia:ed the f.Jl1owir:z a:::o::s ir: a.-: e:zo:-: ~ .... .... - .. ',":~ !";..::..... ~ ";.: "",,:-::1':;l ~:~('" rl"""";.... ...~.::. N,'i~~ S~(*\-.::lo D....~;_ "Y~'i~H;'" C.:l>-'~.::k"" lO h..._rJ.i.J......... c.c.c... :"J,O.i..'-o'" l unc:.~j,...:;:, l..:.l. r.............. ......... ..1 U....i.l. _ .l. ..:-........ _ L.- ~....... ........_......d. p-O..... -o,..{ .......,...; ... 1-. ;-.=.....;.... -~I"""!'l->S- ~....~ -F,-,c";i'C' s'~"'" o~...o ~\/!":)~;-DI -:.,:.=., L-''""'I'1--,.- ('-"o~~i~~;nr.::.... - L_.U2.1_--, c..:"," s~Um":::... '" '.:-:'-: ~ LV. ..~' -:"== >~p "L _. ":__,.. ~'-~ ~~:_. '-' l...J."-:-_~..v..~. G' 'f~""'-(j'T- 1. n.::a .:.irt.,........,'.....T-...---10- '-"!_- ""-=-Q~ ....O-'~..':""'Ia C1ocji"!' ~~~7"- C:>--~r'="""',r.:':l- \\<'::1 !y.....""'v:..:>. Lv . .-U.,.,.::>L-''''L. l" '""'.:> v~_" ",,'>.,".== . __~'_' "...1 1..1,..J.'..__,V..~. \ f l' ~ :--:....Q t .c~.;Il...,~;..::.. pot.=t.~"';~1 .;;~.. c.;.....~ C:;Ol~""""'OS PO",:l.~-;~J -F~~"':;-,- S,....,l~r!".;:li.s .0',;::);....("':' !y.argo lS 01.;",-_ 0 I...'-l} ."'-'-. lCU"} "".6 _ '--'..~ , L,-..L.~: .cu.'____= ,-._.~ ~""= e'.alt:.2.red ir:clude Ll:e suor::ission of 2. gram reques;: LO t.c~e S2.fe ~;e:g::::or::.occ Parks Bond Pws::c.rr:: 2. L"'le i:em allocation airedy fror:: the COtS;:::" s budge;:; a.-:d 2.Ssista.'1ce a: th.e S cz,e .~'1:' I t,-'\ ;,-;~ ~:.c.. T"\o+~ -1.~1 :;l-~r~pr:~-r.:. c-"'~- So..,r.....Qs .1-,~. ~1,.;11 as....=S.1.':'1 "~.:a c'-":"""",~l~~;.....~ o;...~~ 1~ ,e, V ,,-,~:1,""/ l-' l~:1l -. ~.:.J.u U ,"'-~ :"<:.:..L 1..:..:'-. Ll"~C vq 1 ,:H'.. Ll.~ v_.,.~.~,.U," ,l:.~ ~-orlb Shore Park Youth Ce:1te:-. Joe FomaI:a, Chair:nan of~'-:e Ncrul: Be::.cn Task Force, sent'2. correspo2cer:ce ro :\fia.-ni- Dade Coum? COlTh:nissione: Bruno B2J.'7eiro requesting L~at Mi2.:L1i-Daae County SUppOIT this project from any avail:::.ble courlty source. A request was se:lt from tI:.e AdmirDSLr2.rion to the St2.te of Florid:::. seeking fina.':ci2.l assist2.I1Ce \\itL'l the restoration ofNorlJ. Snore Ope:1 Space Park. It was Lie Ac:!.D;rDsrration's position t~2.t if ftmding to assist 1.'1 L1e restoration of the park \vas available, a porrion of tLie S2.1 million cUl7emly dedicated to tbis f2.cility from Lt:e S2.fe Neighborhood Parks Bond ProgT2J.L1 could the:1 be reallocated to furlher the goal of t.l-J.e 52.7 million for ~':e NorJ1 Shore Park Y oU~l Cente:. At tbis time, nO\veyer the above referenced efforc.5 to obtain additional fLlnding have r:O! resulted in additional fu'"'!ciing. Fl.l1-,-~e:, due to l1e potential subs~ami2.l exp2..l"1Sion and revisions to the recreation buildinz currently desirned for No~J:. Shore Park, tl1e Desi2J:l Revie\',; Board has olaced ~1e a::;oroval -- oil _ _...... of the Dark's desi!m on hold until a more comDrehensive Dlan. includinz a Drese::tation of the .. - ....... -... proposed YOU'Ll center, is made. Until such time as tb.e issue of the size, design and footprint of the }'ourn center is resolved the reyiewlapproval process for No~J1 Shore Park is or: hold. The Administration is requesting the City Commission's direction on this rnati:er 2.."1d offers the follo......ing options for cOfl..side:ation: 1. Proceed 'I,;:,ith t1e design of the Noru1 Shore Park Y OUu1 Cemer based on the available ftmding of approxim2tely 51.7 million. Thjs allocation will provide a.l indoor gymr:2SiU:.'"Tl facility adjacent to the origin2.11y proposed facility v;ith a construction budget or approximately 5800,000. 7 Proceed wit:1 t1e design development of North Shore Park ar:d Y outb Center, :::,ssu!71ing Lle additiomd funding of approximately S 1 million .,\ill be secured at a future date. The scnem2.!ic plans could be developed !O pe~r the addition of facilities '..vhen and iffuture fu.nding is available. It should be noted ulat the projected cost to design the addition;::l components trJough ,he schema;:!c phase is 2.DDrOxiulatelv 510,800. TIDS \..-culd be eXDended from the current allocaTion ofS1.7 . ..." . willi on. 360 404 i I I J J ~ II - II .... .~ -- III - ~ ~J .4 .~. II .i 5 ~~ ...~ .~ !) - I - - , r Mai:lt.2.ln a hold or: t..':e ]:reject cesign \.vhiie contir:.~ing to seek additional fmcir:.g to complete the yo~!.h ceme:-. It c~r ag2.i:: be s::resse::i tha:::o CCr:1por:.em of'G.1e cesig'l call proceed ,^,irho~! the revie",; ofrne Desig:: Revie'.v Boc:d 2.z:d they have reqt:esred a ccr.:Dlere D12l1 for the D2.:'k be 5ho\.'.71 at L1e tiI:1e of the oresenta:ior:.. Given the ...... ... conscrai.ZJ.ts by the Design Re'lie'.;; Bo~j l},is option \.vo:..:iC pm the e:J:ire ?\'or,,,h Shore 0-:1 i... p- . "'.0- n' oj'a' w..,...j:i s'"u,,'l-. .;~Q ~C' .;....:>> ~I"di'l'c'-al' ~ i 0 m;lIro':'1 :c:: l'C~~~7';-l~.-1 :::::-"!r ,,2.[.,- .0Je~, " h.. '-'~." ~.'H'- '-' w.... ""~ .l '., _,. '"... ,. ,._.......~~ '"-'._ secured. CONCL TJSION It is :ecuested that the ;vIa'lor a..'1d Membe:-s of the Cilv Commission revie'.v lhe Slams reron a.:.ci ... ... .- 4 "rovide direction to L1e Adrninist:"ation as to hay; to proceed vI,lIb. the eXDa.'1sicr:. of the ~-Oru.1 Shore ~ .... Park Youth Center. Tne AdrninistTation reCOITll11ends we proceed V.iL'1 option 2. Tnis option \\'ould Dwvicie the Cirv schematic desi2JlS for a full vouth cente: includins: L.1e ll.;.,-""1mdd $1 million which ~ould be developed iIl phases if a.'1d when t~e funding becomes ;','ailable. Should rhis oprion be approved by the COIT'.u'11ission, the Administration can proceed v..,ith the fu!1ded S 1.7 Dillion phase J:'.1.. . 01 Ule proJect. SR~/KSl1rdV T:\.'\G ENDA \OCTOi9S\.R..EGUU._l\:N SP,SV. 361 405 NORTH SHORE PARK AND YOUTH CENTER PROGRESS SUMMARY Since the approval from the Commission to proceed the Administration has moved forward to complete the schematic plans for the second floor and has aggressively pursued the additional funding of approximately $1 million necessary to design and construct the second floor of the North Shore Park Youth Center. To this end the following actions have transpired: · January 25,1999 - Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. submitted the revised plansfor North Shore Park to tlte Planning Department to continue the design review process that was initiated at the July 14, 1998 DRB meeting. At the 7/14/98 meeting, the issue of the possible expansion of the Youth Center was discussed. The Board would not permit the project to proceed until the schematics showed the complete option of the envisioned Center and this direction was not given until the October 7, 1998 City Commission meeting. The anticipated date of presentation to the Design Review Board was March 9,1999. However, due to the significant change in the scope 0/ the project, it has been determined that a new application/or review had to be submitted/or the North Shore Park project. · April 28, 1999 - The City Commission Approved a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager, or His Designee, to Submit an Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for a Section 108 Loan, in the Amount of $4,000,000, and an Economic Development Initiative Grant, in the Amount 0/ $1,000,000 for Street Improvements on Normandy Isle and Public Facilities Improvements/or the North Shore Youth Center; Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to Execute Any and All Agreements Related to the Loan and the Grant, If Awarded; and Appropriating Said Loan and Grant Funds, If Awarded. · May 26, 1999 - The City Commission Approved a Resolution Supporting a Partnership with Barry University and the Miami Beach Housing Authority for a Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Hispanic Servicing Institutions Assisting Communities in Order to Fund a Youth Center Proposed for North Beach Area, A grant/or $400,000 was awarded, a/which, 65% o/theftmding must support a "bricks and mortar" building program/or the North Beach Youth Center. · May 26,1999 - the City Commission Approved a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Issue a Certificate of Consistency with the City's Consolidated Plan to Barry University School of Social \Vork Academy for Better Communities to Utilize Grant Funds Provided Directly by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Through the Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities Grant Program, To Provide Construction Funds anti Funding/or Recreational Services/or the North Beach Youth Center. · July 7, 1999 - The City Commission Approved a Resolution Appropriating Funds, in the amount of$960,961, Generated as Interest Earnings from the $15 Million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program for the Period of October 1997 Thru January 1999; Said Appropriation to Fully Fund the Cost of the Base Bid Projects and Budget Estimates Approved by the Commission on May 20, 1998, which Included the Projected Interest to be Earned. $96,985 was allocated/or Nortlz Shore Park. , 406 · July 7, 1999 - The City Commission Approved a Resolution Directing the Administration to Maintain the Section 108 Loan Application Approved Pursuant to Resolution No. 99- 23147, To Apply to Public Improvements in the North Beach Target Areas of the City of Miami Beach. NOTE: This included $1 million for the design and construction of the North Shore Youth Center. · September 14, 1999 - The City Commission Approved a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Submit 2 Grant Applications, for $100,000 Per Application, to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation ami Parks, for the Purpose of Funding a Portion of the Renovations oftlte Ball Fields and the Tennis Courts at North Shore Park, and the Tennis Courts at Flamingo Park, to be Matched with $100,000 from the Funding for Each Application, as Recommended in the Approved $15 Million General Obligation Bond Program to Renovate and Rebuild Parks and Recreation Facilities within the Parks System in Miami Beach; Further Appropriating the Grants, if A warded by the City, in the Work Orders for the North Shore Park and Flamingo Park General Obligation Bond Program Renovation Projects; and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary Documents Related to the Applications. · September 14, 1999 - The City Commission Approved 3 Resolutions Calling for a Special Election to be Held on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 for the Purpose of Submitting to the Electorate of the City of Miami Beach 3 Questions Asking Whether the City Shall be Authorized to Issue General Obligation Bonds not Exceeding (1) $9,720,000; (2) $57,915,000; and (3) $24,120,000 in Principal Amount Payable from Unlimited Ad Valorem Taxation, Bearing Interest at Rates Determined at the Time(s) of Sale Thereof, Not Exceeding the Maximum Legal Interest Rate at Such Time(s) to Renovate, Expand and Improve Fire Stations and Related Facilities Located in the City and Acquire and Equip Fire Trucks; to Improve Neighborhood Infrastructure in the City, Consisting of Streetscapes and Traffic Calming Measures, Shoreline Stabilization and Related Maintenance Facilities; To Improve Recreational Facilities and Equipment, Access, Security and Related Maintenance Facilities and Equipment for Parks and Beaches Located in the City; and Providing an Effective Date. NOTE: Included in the Parks and Beaches Bond was a total of $1,350, 000 for North Sltore Park and Youth Center. It was anticipated that $1 million would be allocated to address the unfunded costs of the secondjloor of the Youth Center. · November 2,1999 - The Electorate of the City of Miami Beach approved the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds not Exceeding (1) $9,720,000; (2) $57,915,000; and (3) $24,120,000 in Principal Amount Payable from Unlimited Ad Valorem Taxation. Included in tlte Parks and Beaches Bond was a total of $1,350, 000 for North Shore Park and Youth Center. It was anticipated that $1 million would be allocated to address the unfunded costs of the secondjloor of the Youth Center. · December 8, 1999- The Joint Meeting of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhood Committee, G.O. Bond Oversight Committee was held. A presentation was made by the Administration concerning amending the existing professional agreements with each architectural firm currently working on parks projects. (Including Bermello. Ajamil and Partners. Inc.. for North Shore Park and Youth Center) An extensive discussion transpired concerning the benefits of such an action, the past performance of each firm, the 407 amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and the possibility of the firms to handle additional workload. The final recommendation of the Committees was to amend the contracts subject to renegotiation to lower fees. · December 14, 1999 - The Desigll Review Board Approved the Second Floor Design for North Shore Youth Center. · December 15, 1999 - The City Commission Accepted the Report from the December 8, 1999 Joint Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhood Committee and G.O. Bond Oversight Committee. This report included the recommendation of the Committees to amend the existing professional agreements with each architectural firm currently working on parks projects. Oncluding Bermello. Ajamil and Partners. Inc.. for North Shore Park and Youth Center) subject to renegotiation to lower fees. · January 12, 2000 - The City Conmlission approved a resolution authorizing the execution of an amendment to the current agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., to provide architectural/engineering services for six (6) parks projects, including North Shore Park and Youth Center, as proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and approved by the Mayor and City Commission establishing a revised overall fee of7% from the previously approved rate of 7.2% of construction cost; appropriated the amount of $472,936 comprised of $442,936 for the additional architectural/engineering services necessary to complete the parks as specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program, and an amount not to exceed $30,000 for surveying, testing and other reimbursable expenses with funding available for the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to be reimbursed form the future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. · January 12,2000 - The City Commission approved a resolution authorizing and approving the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Agreement between Barry University's Academy for Better Communities and the City of Miami Beach for the purpose of establishing a partnership to enhance the well-being of families and youth in the North Beach area by contributing funding to construct the North Shore Youth Center, providing recreational and cultural activities and social services to families and children in North Beach. and appropriating $260,000 from Barry University's Housing and Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) Program to the North Shore Park bond project work order to be expended on the construction of the North Shore Youth Center. LL/JG/KS/OM T:\AGENDA \2000\JAN2600\REGULAR\NSP& YC.MEM 408