Attachment SSS OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ~ cf J1Umm. ~t'Ilt'A F L o R o A MURR~ Y H. DUBBIN City Attorney -~h !.t'(~(-s:\ " ~),,1 ; .. \ I""ot",aun.; a ^ I, q \~~~-::,~-;, ~ COMMISSION MEMOR.\.NDUM NO. gee - DO Telephone: Telecopy: (305) 673-7470 (305) 673-7002 DATE: JANUARY 26,2000 TO: MA YOR NEISEN KASDIN MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION MURRAY DUBBINA,J ~ CITY ATTOR1~EY IWI FROM: LA\VRENCE A. LEVY CITY MANAGER FIRST READING SUBJECT: ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAlVII BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, ENTITLED "PROCUREME~l", BY CREATING DIVISION 5, ENTITLED "DEBARMENT" , SECTIONS 2-397 THROUGH 2-406 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR DEBARMENT OF CONTR.\.CTORS FROM CITY \VORK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION; REPEALER; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The City Attorney's Office has drafted the above-referenced Debarment Ordinance as requested and sponsored herein by Commissioner David Dermer. The attached Ordinance is thus ready for City Commission review. RJA\.:"w F"A TTO\_~GUR\RESOS\"fE~fOS\DEBAMfNT,ORD Attachment Agenda Item R 5 S Date J - 2J. " ~O 0 1700 Convention Center Drive -- FourtltHoor -- Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, ENTITLED "PROCUREMENT", BY CREATING DIvlSION 5, ENTITLED "DEBARMENT" , SECTIONS 2-397 THROUGH 2-406 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ~nAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR DEBARt\'IENT OF CONTRACTORS FROM CITY WORK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION; REPEALER; AND A.'I" EFFECTIVE DATE. NO\V THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIl\'ED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1\-1IA1\'O BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Miami Beach City Code, Chapter 2, entitled "Administration", Article VI, entitled "Procurement", is hereby amended by adding the following Division 5, entitled "Debarment of Contractors from City Work" reading as follows: Division 5. Debarment of contractors from City work. Section 2-397 Purvose of debarment. W The City shall solicit offers from. award contracts to. and consent to subcontractors with responsible contractors only. To effectuate this policy. the debarment of contractors from City work may be undertaken. (Q} The serious nature of debarment requires that this sanction be imposed only when it is in the public interest for the City's protection. and not for purposes of punishment. Debarment shall be imposed in accordance with the procedures containeq in this ordinance. Section 2-398 Definitions. W A lliate. us'ne c ncems r anizati ns lobbvi ts or other individuals are affiliates of each other if. directly or indirectly. (1) either one controls or has the power to control the other. or Oi) a third party controls or has the power to control both. Indicia of control include. but are not limited to, interlocking management or ownership. identity of interests among family members. shared facilities and equipment. common use of emplovees. or a business entitv organized by a debarred entitv., individual. or affiliate following debarment of a contractor that has the same or similar management. Qvmership. or principal employees as the contractor that was debarred or suspended. 156 (b} Civil ;ud~ment means a iudgment or findin~ of a civil offense bv any court of competent iurisdiction. W Contractor means any individual or other legal entity that: ill Directlv or indirectlv (e. goo through an affiliate). submits offers for or is awarded. or reasonablv mav be expected to submit offers for or be awarded. a Citv contract. or ill Conducts business. or reasonabl\.' ma\.' be expected to conduct business. with the City as an agent representative or subcontractor of another contractor. @ Conviction means a iudgment or conviction of a criminal offense. be it a felonv or misdemeanor. by anv court of competent iurisdiction. whether entered upon a verdict or a plea. and includes a convictions entered upon a plea of nolo contendere. W Debarment means action taken bv the Debarment Committee to exclude a contractor (and. in limited instances specified in this ordinance, a bidder or proposer) from Citv contracting and City approved subcontracting for a reasonable. soecified period as provided in subsection (i) below: a contractor so excluded is debarred. ill Debarment Committee means a group of seven (7) individual members. each appointed bv the individual Citv, Commissioners. to evaluate and. if warranted, to Impose debarment. {g} Indictment means indictment for a criminal offense. An information or other filing bv competent authority charging a criminal offense shall be given the same effect as an indictment. {h). Legal oroceeding means anv civil iudicial proceeding to which the City is a partv or anv criminal proceeding. The term includes appeals from such proceedings. 2 157 ill List Qf debarred contractors means a list compiled. maintained and distributed bv the City's Procurement Office. containing the names of contractors debarred under the procedures of this ordinance. ill Preponderance of the evidence means proof bv information that. compared with that opoosing it. leads to the conclusion that the fact at issue is more probablv true than not. Section 2-399 List of debarred contractors. ill The City's Procurement Office, as the agencv charged "vith the implementation of this ordinance. shall: ill Compile and maintain a current. consolidated list (List) of all contractors debarred bv Citv departments. Such list shall be public record and shall be available for public inspection and dissemination: ill Periodicallv revise and distribute the List and issue supplements. ifnecessarv. to all departments. to the office of the City Manager. and to the Mavor and City Commissioners; and ill Included in the List shall be the name and telephone number of the Citv official responsible for its maintenance and distribution. (b} The List shall indicate: ill The names and addresses of all contractors debarred. In alphabetical order: ill The name ofthe department that recommends initiation of the debarment action~ ill The cause for the debarment action. as is further described herein. or other statutorY or regulatorY authoritv: ill The effect of the debarment action: ill The termination date for each listing: (Q) The contractor's certificate of competencv or license number, when applicable; 3 158 ill The person through whom the contractor is qualified. when applicable: 00 The name and telephone number of the ooint of contact in the department recommending the debarment action. W The City's Procurement Office shall: ill In accordance with internal retention procedures. maintain records relating the each debarment; ill Establish procedures to provide for the effective use of the List. including internal distribution thereof. to ensure that departments do not solicit offers from. av/ard contracts to, or consent to subcontractors ",lith contractors on the List and ill Respond to inquiries concerning listed contractors and coordinate such responses with the department that recommended the action. Section 2-400 Effects of debarment. W Debarred contractors are excluded from receiving contracts. and departments sh I not licit ffe s fi 0 award co tract t r co ent to ubcontracts with these contractors. unless the City Manager detennines that an emergencv exists iustifying such action. and obtains approval from the Mavor and City Commission. which aporoval shall be given bv Sl7ths vote of the Citv Commission at a regularlv scheduled Citv Commission meeting. Debarred contractors are also excluded from conducting business with the City as agents. reoresentatives. subcontractors or partners of other contractors. ili} Debarred contractors are excluded from acting as individual sureties. Section 2-401 Continuation of current contracts. Worn encin on the effi ctive date of this ordinance all ro osed Citv contracts. as \vell as Reauest for Proposals (RFP). Request for Qualifications RF . Re uests for Letters of Interest LI' or bids i sued bv the City. shall incorporate this ordinance and specify that debarment ma'.' constitute grounds for termination of the contract. as well as disqualification from consideration on anv RFP. RFQ. RFLL or bid. (Q} The debarn1ent shall take effect in accordance with the notice provided bv the it Mana er ursuant to ubsection 2-405 h below exce t that if a Citv department has contracts or subcontracts in existence at the time the contractor was debarred. the debarment period may commence upon the 4 159 conclusion of the contract subject to aporoval of same bv Sl7ths vote of the J\fayor and Citv Commission at a regularlv scheduled meeting. ill City departments mav not renew or otherwise extend the duration of current contracts. or consent to subcontracts with debarred contractors. unless the City Manager determines that an emergency exists iustifving the rene\va] or extension or for an approved extension due to delay or time extension for reason bevon th contractor's control and such acti n is a oroved v 517ths vote of the j\favor and Citv Commission at a regularlv scheduled meeting", @ TO further work shall e awarded to a debarred contractor in connection \vith a c ntinuinO' contract where the \'lork is divided imo se arate discrete g;roUDS and the Citv's refusa! or denial of further \\Cork under the contract will not result in a breach of such contract. Section 2-402 Restrictions on subcontractinf. W \Vhen a de arred contractor i r osed as a subcontractor for any subcontract subject to Citv approval. the department shall not consent to subcontracts \\lith such contractors unless the Citv Manalier determines that an emergencv exists iustifying such consent. and the Mavor and City Commission approves such decision. bv Sl7ths vote. at a regular!v scheduled meeting. .Qi} hall no be res onsible for any increases in ro' ect co ts or other expenses incurred bv a contractor as a result of rejection of orooosed subcontractors pursuant to subsection 2-402(a) above. provided the subcontractor was debarred prior to bid openinl? or opening of oroposals, where the contract was awarded bv the Cin.' pursuant to an RFP. RFQ. RFLI. or bid. Section 2-403 Debarment. W he D bannent Committee mav in th"" ubIic interest de af a contractor for anv of the causes listed in this ordinance. using the procedures outlined belo\v. The existence of a cause for debarment. hmvever. does not necessarilv require that the contractor be debarred; the seriousness of the contractor's acts or omissions and any mitigating factors should be considered in makim: anv debarment decision. 5 160 (Q} Debarment constitutes debarment of all officers. directors. shareholders o\\-11ing or controlling- twenty-five (25) percent or more of the stock. partners, divisions or other organizational elements of the debarred contractor, unless the debarred decision is limited bv its terms to specific divisions. organizational elements. or commodities. The Debarment Committee's decision includes anv existing aftiliates of the contractor. if thev are (i) specifically named and (ii) given written notice of the proposed debarment and an opportunity to respond. Future affiliates of the contractor are subject to the Debarment Committee's decision. W A contractor's debarment shall be effective throughout Citv government. Section 2-404 Causes for debarment. W The Debarment Committee shall debar a contractor for a conviction or civil judgment: ill For commission of a fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtainin~, attempting to obtain. performing. or making a claim upon a public contract or subcontract or a contract or subcontract funded in \vhole or in part with public funds; ill For violation of federal or State antitrust statutes relating to the submission of offers: ill For cow.mission of embezzlement. theft forgerY. briberv. falsification or destruction of records. making false statements. or receiving stolen propertv; ill Which makes the Citv the prevailing pam' in a legal proceeding. and a court determines that the lawsuit between the contractor and the City \vas frivolous or filed in bad faith. (Q} The Committee mav debar a contractor. (and, in limited instances set forth hereinbelow. a bidder or proposer) based UDon a preponderance of the evidence, for: 6 161 ill Violation of the terms of a Citv contract or subcontract. or a contract or subcontract funded in whole or in part bv Citv funds. such as failure to perform in accordance \\ith the terms of one (1) or more contracts as certified bv the Citv department administering the contract: or the failure to perform. or unsatisfactorilv perform in accord2J1ce \'lith the terms of one (1) or more contracts, as ce:1ified bv an independent registered architect. engineer. or general contractor. ill Violation of a City ordinance or administrative order which lists debarment as a potential penal tv. ill Anv other cause which affects the responsibility of a City contractor or subcontractor in performing Citv work. Section 2-405 Debarment Drocedures. W Requests for the debarment of contractors shall be made in \vTiting to the Office of the City Manager. Upon receipt of a request for debarment the City Manager shall transmit the request to the Mavor and Citv Commission at a regularIv scheduled meeting. The Mavor and Citv Commission shall transmit the request to a person or oersons who shall be char~ed bv the City Commission with the dutv of promptly investigatin~ and preparing a \.\TItten report(sl concerning the proposed debarment. including the cause and grounds for debarment as set forth in this ordinance. (Q} Upon completion of the aforestated written report. the Citv Manager shall forward said report to the Debarment Committee. The City's Procurement Office shall act as staff to the Debarment Committee and. with the assistance of the Citv department which preoared the report. present evidence and argument to the Debarment Committee. W Notice of proposal to debar. \Vithin ten (j 0) working davs of the Debarment Committee having received the request for debarment. the Citv's Procurement Office, on behalf of the Debarment Committee, shall issuer a notice of proDosed debarment advising the contractor and anv specificallv named affiliates. bv certified mail. return receipt requested. or personal service. containing the followinQ' information: ill That debarment is being considered: 7 162 ill The reasons and causes for the proposed debarment in terms sufficient to put the contractor on notice of the conduct or transaction( s) upon which it is based: ill That a hearing shall be conducted before the Debarment Committee on a date and time not less than thirtv (30) davs after service of the notice. The notice shall also advise the contractor that it may be represented bv an attomev. mav present documentary evidence and verbal testimonv. and mav cross-examine evidence and testimonv presented against it. ill The notice shall also describe the effect of the issuance of the notice of proposed debarment and of the potential effect of an actual debarment. @ No later than seven (7) working days prior to the scheduled hearing date. the contractor must furnish the Citv's Procurement Office a list of the defenses the contractor intends to present at the hearing. If the contractor fails to submit the list in VvTiting. at least seven (7) working davs prior to the hearing. or fails to seek an extension oftime within which to do so. the contractor shaH have \vaived the opportunity to be heard at the hearing. The Debarment Committee has the right to grant or denv an extension of time. and its decision mav only be reviewed upon an abuse of discretion standard. W Hearsav evidence shaH be admissible at the hearing but shall not form the sole basis for initiating a debannent procedure nor the sole basis of anv detennination of debarment. The hearing shall be transcribed, taped or otherwise recorded bv use of a court renorter. at the election of the Committee and at the expense of the City. Conies of the hearing tape or transcript shall be furnished at the expense and request of the requesting party. ill Debarment Committee's decision. In actions based upon a conviction or iudgment. or in which there is no genuine disDute over material facts. the Debannent Committee shall make a decision on the basis of all the undisputed. material information in the administrative record. including anv undisputed. material submissions made bv the contractor. Where actions are based on disDuted evidence. the Debarment Committee shall decide what weight to attach to evidence of record. iudge the credibility of witnesses, and base its decision on the preponderance of the evidence standard. The Debarment Committee shall be the sole trier of fact. The Committee's decision shall be made within ten (l0) working davs after conclusion of the hearing. unless the Debannent Committee extends this period for good cause. 8 163 (gj The Committee's decision shall be in writing and shall inciude the Committee's factual findings. the principal causes of debarment as enumerated in this ordinance. identification of the contractor and all affiliates affected bv the decision. and the specific term. including duration. of the debarment imposed. (.h} Notice of Debarment Committee's decision. ill If the Debarment Committee decides to imnose debarment. the City Manager shall give the contractor and anv affiliates involved \.witten notice bv certified mail. return receipt requested, or hand deliverv. within ten (10) working davs of the decision. specitving the reasons for debarment and including a COD\' of the Committee's \VTItten decision: stating the period of debarment. including effective dates: and advising that the debarment is effective throughout the Citv departments. ill If debarment is not imposed. the City Manager shall notifv the contractor and anv affiliates involved. bv certified mail. return receipt requested. or personal service. within ten (10) working davs of the decision. ill All decisions of the Debarment Committee shall be final and shall be effective on the date the notice is signed bv the (it\' Manager. Decisions of the Debarment Committee are subject to review bv the Appellate Division of the Circuit Court. A debarred cont:-actor mav seek a stav of the debarment decision in accordance \\;th the Florida Rules of ApoeUate Procedure. Section 2-406 Period Qf debarment. W The period of debarment imposed shall be within the sole discretion of the Debarment Committee. Debarment shall be for a oeriod commensurate with the seriousness of the cause(st and. where applicable. within the guidelines set forth below. but in no event shall exceed five (5) vears. ill.} The following guidelines in the period of debarment shall aoolv exce t \vhere miti atincy or acrcyravatincy circumstances Tustifv deviation: ill For commission of an offense as described in subsection 2- 404(a)(1): five (5) vears. 9 164 ill For commission of an offense as described in subsection 2- 404(a)(2): five (5) vears. ill F or commission of an offense as described in subsection 2- 404(a)(3): five (5) vears. ill For commission of an offense as described in subsection 2- 404(a)(S): two (2) to five (S) vears. ill For commission of an offense as described in subsections 2- 404(b)(1) or (2): two (2) to five (5) vears. ill F or commission of an offense as described in subsection 2- 404(b)(3): two (2) to five (5) years. 01 The Debarment Committee may. in its sole discretion. reduce the period of debarment upon the contractor's written request for reasons such as: ill Newlv discovered material evidence: ill Reversal of the conviction or civil judgment upon which the debarment was based: ill Bona fide chan~e in o\\'TI.ership or management; ill Elimination of other causes for which the debarment was imposed: or ill Other reasons the Debarment Committee deems appropriate. @ The debarment contractor's V\Titten request shall contain the reasons for requesting a reduction in the debarment period. The City's Procurement Office. with the assistance of the affected depart~ent, shall have thirty (30) davs from receipt of such request to sub _it a written response thereto. The decision of the Debarment Committee regarding a request made under this subsection is final and non- appealable. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. 10 165 SECTION 3. CODIFICA TION~ It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 4. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and 'the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the day of ,2000. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ,2000. ATTEST: ~1A YOR CITY CLERK RJAIkw(F:\A ITOIAGUR\'U!SOS\OEBARMl>'T.ORO) APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGU~~E & FOR E'AECUTiON 4t{t1!/Jtf= V;t.ClO 11 166 After Action January 26, 2000 City of Miami Beach R5J City Attorney City Commission Memorandum No. 86-00 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article VI, Entitled "Procurement", by Creating Division 5, Entitled "Debarment", Sections 2-397 through 2-406 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Providing for Debarment of Contractors from City Work; Providing for Severability; Codification; Repealer; and an Effective Date. First Readinl! Recommendation: Approve the Ordinance on first reading and schedule a public hearing for second and final reading. (Requested by Commissioner David Dermer) ACTION: Ordinance approved on first reading as amended. Motion made by Commissioner Dermer; seconded by Commissioner Bower; ballot vote: 5-0; absent: Mayor Kasdin and Commissioner Liebman. Second reading and public hearing scheduled for February 9th at 11 :00 a.m. R. Parcher to publish notice. Judy Hoanshelt to place on agenda. Raul Aguila to incorporate amendments. Amendments: I) 2-398(a) line 5 "but not limited to, a fiduciary relation which results from the manifestation of consent by one individual to another that the other shall act on his behalf and subject to his control, and consent by the other so to act; interlocking management". 2) 2-398(f) "Each appointed by the Mavor and individual city commissioners". 3) 2-398(j)" Preponderance of the evidence Greater weig:ht of the evidence". 4) 2-403(b) delete last sentence: "Future affiliates of the contractor are subject to the debarment committee's decision." 5) 2-404(b)(3) delete (3) "Any other cause which affects the responsibility of a city contractor or subcontractor in performing city work.". 6) 2-406(b)(4) "Subsection 2-404(a)(~):". 7) 2-406( d) delete last sentence. "The decision of the Debarment Committee regarding a request made under this subsection is final and non-appealable". City Clerk's Note: Raul's copy of the amended ordinance. 18